Meirelles & Matthews-Cascon, 2005

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sm69n2199 22/5/05 19:25 Página 199

SCI. MAR., 69 (2): 199-204 SCIENTIA MARINA 2005

Spawn and larval development of Pleuroploca

aurantiaca (Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda:
Fasciolariidae) from northeast Brazil*


Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca, Mestrado em Engenharia de Pesca, Universidade Federal do Ceará,
Campus do Pici, 60455-970, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Departamento de Biologia, Laboratório de Malacologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus do Pici,
60455-970, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

SUMMARY: Spawn and larval development stages of Pleuroploca aurantiaca from northeast Brazil are described. The
reproductive period lasted from August to December, with a peak in November. Spawn masses were composed of 29 ± 3
vase-shaped capsules which measured 9 ± 1 mm (n = 30) in length and 4.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) in width. The exit plug was
located on the apical area and measured 2.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) in diameter. Each capsule had 353 ± 59 (n = 10) eggs that
measured 240 ± 1 µm (n = 15) in diameter. On the tenth day, the intracapsular veliger stage was observed. The intracapsu-
lar pediveliger stage was observed on the twenty first day, when the individuals had a functional foot and a reduced velum.
Hatching occurred on the thirtieth day, when the early juvenile measured 3 to 5 mm in length and there was no remaining
velum. Only 1% of the eggs developed to the hatching stage. The rest were nurse eggs used by embryos as a food resource.
Pleuroploca aurantiaca has an intracapsular metamorphosis development type.

Keywords: reproduction, development, Mollusca, Fasciolariidae, Pleuroploca, Pleuroploca aurantiaca.

DAE) DEL NE DE BRASIL. – Se describe la puesta y los estadios de desarrollo larvario de Pleuroploca aurantiaca del NE de
Brasil. El período reproductivo se extiende desde agosto a diciembre, con un pico en noviembre. Las masas de puesta están
formadas por 29 ± 3 cápsulas en forma de vaso de 9 ± 1 mm de longitud (n = 30) y 4.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) de anchura. El
orificio de salida está localizado en el área apical y mide 2. 5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) de diámetro. Cada cápsula tiene 353 ± 59
(n = 10) huevos de 240 ± 1 ?m (n = 15) de diámetro. El estadio veliger intracapsular fue observado al décimo día. El esta-
dio pediveliger intracapsular fue observado al vigésimo primer día, cuando los individuos ya tienen un pie funcional y un
velum reducido. La eclosión tuvo lugar el día 30 y los primeros juveniles midieron entre 3 y 5 mm de longitud. No se obser-
varon restos de velo. Sólo un 1% del total de huevos se desarrollaron hasta el estadio de eclosión. El resto fueron usados por
los embriones como fuente de alimento. P. aurantiaca presenta un tipo de desarrollo metamórfico intracapsular.

Palabras clave: reproducción, desarrollo, Mollusca, Fasciolariidae, Pleuroploca, Pleuroploca aurantiaca.

INTRODUCTION nus Rafinesque, 1815; Latirus Montfort, 1810;

Leucozonia Gray, 1847; Metula H. and A. Adams,
The gastropod family Fasciolariidae is repre- 1853 and Pleuroploca Fischer, 1884 (Matthews-
sented by seven genera in Brazil: Colubraria Schu- Cascon et al., 1989; Rios, 1994). According to
macher, 1817; Fasciolaria Lamarck, 1799; Fusi- Matthews-Cascon et al. (1989), all fasciolariid
species are predators that usually prey on other
*Received February 11, 2004. Accepted July 19, 2004. gastropods and bivalves.


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Pleuroploca species generally complete their only reported Pleuroploca species that hatches as
development within an egg capsule (with no a veliger larva.
planktonic stage), with the embryo ingesting Pleuroploca aurantiaca is common in the West
nurse eggs and hatching as crawling juveniles Indies and Brazil (Rios, 1994), living upon coral and
(D’Asaro, 1970a, 1970b, 1986, 2000; Milos- rocks with calcareous algae in shallow waters
lavich and Penchaszadeh, 1997). Pleuroploca (Matthews-Cascon et al., 1989). In this work, the
trapezium (Linnaeus, 1758) cited by Gohar and spawn mass and larval development of P. aurantia-
Eisawy (1967) as Fasciolaria audouini, is the ca are described.

FIG. 1. – Pleuroploca aurantiaca: individual and egg mass. A. Pleuroploca aurantiaca adult individual (shell length: 75.4 mm). B. Egg mass
on beach rock (scale bar: 15 mm). C. Egg mass detail (scale bar: 10 mm). D. Egg capsules, 9 mm in length and 4.5 mm in width. E. Detail
of the exit-plug (scale bar: 2 mm).


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MATERIAL AND METHODS TABLE 1. – Developmental time of Pleuroploca aurantiaca.

Four egg masses of Pleuroploca aurantiaca were Stage Time of development Size (µm)
collected between September 2000 and November
2001 during low tide in the intertidal zone at Egg 0 278 ± 11 (n = 15)
Pacheco Beach (3º41’S, 38º37’W), located in Cau- Embryo 4-6 786.5 ± 23.5 (n = 20)
Intracapsular Veliger 10 2015.6 ± 231.0 (n = 18)
caia County, Ceará State, northeast Brazil. The Intracapsular Pediveliger 20-21 2432.5 ± 155.2 (n = 22)
material was maintained in an aerated, non-circulat- Prehatching 25 3105.2 ± 112.5 (n = 15)
Hatching 30 3884.5 ± 354.2 (n = 15)
ing seawater 60-litre tank at 26-28ºC and a salinity
of 35 ppt. Another P. aurantiaca egg mass was
spawned by a female in the laboratory. = 15) µm in diameter (Table 1). Only 5 to 7 eggs
Three aspects of the spawns were observed: became embryos in each capsule. The remaining
number and size of egg capsules, number and size of eggs were nurse eggs used by the embryos as a food
eggs and time of egg development to hatching. Egg resource (Fig. 2A). By the sixth day, it was possible
capsules were measured with a slide under a stereo- to see some changes in the embryos’ shape: they had
scopic microscope. The eggs were measured with an a kidney-like shape with a ciliated mouth. On the
ocular micrometer under an optical microscope. tenth day, the intracapsular veliger (Fig. 2B) stage
Development from egg to hatching was observed was observed for the first time and it was possible to
daily with a stereoscopic microscope. The terminol- see it feeding on the nurse eggs. It had a translucent
ogy used in the capsule and development description and not calcified shell and transparent and long velar
was based on that used by D’Asaro (1970a) and lobes, with two large and thin lobes with small cilia
Miloslavich and Penchaszadeh (1997). (Fig. 2C).
The egg capsules were photographed with a cam- By the twenty first day, the intracapsular pedi-
era linked to a stereoscopic microscope and the veliger stage had been registered for the first time,
hatching stage juvenile’s shell with a (SEM) when the individuals had a functional foot and
PHILLIPS XL30 scanning electron microscope. reduced velar lobes. The orange shell had a small
anterior siphonal canal. At the prehatching stage,
reached by the twenty-fifth day, the foot and shell
RESULTS had a dark orange colour, a well-developed anterior
siphonal canal and degenerated velar lobes. Five
The reproductive period of Pleuroploca auranti- days later, on the thirtieth day, we observed the
aca (Fig. 1A) at Pacheco Beach lasted from August hatching stage, when the juvenile detached the exit
to December with a peak in November. This site has aperture membrane. It had a well-calcified, light
a rocky substratum and the egg masses were found brown and smooth shell, with 1.75 to 2.0 whorls
under beach rocks (Fig. 1B). (Fig. 2D, 2E, 2F). The shell measured 3884.5 ±
The five studied Pleuroploca aurantiaca egg 354.2 (n = 15) µm in length (Table 1). The egg cap-
masses were composed of 29 ± 3 vase-shaped cap- sules that had 6 or 7 embryos showed hatching juve-
sules (Fig. 1C). Each capsule was linked by a pedun- niles with smaller shells than the ones that had 5
cle to a common basal membrane. They measured 9 embryos. The foot was dark orange and the opercu-
± 1 mm (n = 30) in length and 4.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) lum light brown and very thin. There was no
in width and showed a slightly concave side and a remaining velar lobe. Only 1% of the eggs devel-
concave apical plate. Strong horizontal lines in the oped to the hatching stage (3-5 juveniles). P. auran-
concave lateral side (from the peduncle area to the tiaca has an intracapsular metamorphosis develop-
apical ridge) and strong horizontal and vertical lines ment type (Bouchet, 1989). Table 1 shows the dura-
in the total area of the convex lateral side (some- tion of the developmental stages and embryo sizes.
times only from the apical ridge to about half the
capsule length) (Fig. 1D). The exit plug (Fig. 1E)
had a circular shape, was covered by a transparent DISCUSSION
concave membrane and was located on the apical
area. It measured 2.5 ± 0.5 mm (n = 30) in diameter. According to Bouchet (1989), the non-plank-
The number of eggs per capsule was 353 ± 59 (n totrophic development in mollusks is observed in
= 10). The eggs were pink and measured 278 ± 11 (n two different situations: when the larva hatches as a


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FIG. 2. – Development of Pleuroploca aurantiaca. A. Nurse egg (443.4 µm). B. Intracapsular veliger stage (veliger length: 2145.4 µm). C.
Detail of an intracapsular veliger, showing the transparent and long velar lobes (veliger length: 2065.6 µm). D. Pleuroploca aurantiaca early
juvenile shell (length: 3987.5 µm). E. SEM dorsal view of the protoconch (scale bar: 500 µm). F. SEM ventral view of the protoconch
(scale bar: 500 µm).

swimming non-feeding veliger and metamorphosis incorrect (Fioroni, 1982), the term intracapsular
will occur after a few hours to a few days in the metamorphosis being more suitable (Bouchet,
plankton (lecithotrophic development), and when 1989).
metamorphosis occurs before hatching (as we see in The egg capsule structure shows some variations
Pleuroploca aurantiaca), often improperly said to within the Fasciolariinae. According to Pilkington
be direct. This terminology is embryologically (1974), bulliform egg capsules with an escape aper-


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TABLE 2. – Enumeration of egg capsules, embryos, dimensions of the capsules and development type of 7 species of Pleuroploca. (IM =
intracapsular metamorphosis; ND = not determined; NE = nurse eggs; PV = planktotrophic veliger; * = uncertainty).

Species Capsules in Embryo per Dimensions of the capsule (mm) Development Reference
the egg mass capsule Length Width type

Pleuroploca aurantiaca 29 ± 3 5-7 9±1 4.5 ± 0.5 IM Present paper

Pleuroploca filamentosa 1-24 ND 21.9 ± 0.4 6.7 ± 0.6 ND D’Asaro, 2000
Pleuroploca gigantea 34-140 44 - 61 35.0 18.5 IM D’Asaro, 1970a
Pleuroploca lignaria 8-33 ND 8-11 5 IM Barash and Zenziper, 1980
Pleuroploca lugubris ND 5-7 29.7 ± 8.1 11.0 ± 2.2 IM D’Asaro, 2000
Pleuroploca salmo 18-54 1900 (NE) 18 13 IM* D’Asaro, 1970b
Pleuroploca trapezium
Japan 32 ND 16.2 ± 1.9 6.0 ± 0.5 PV* D’Asaro, 2000
Sri Lanka 110 - 140 ND 26.6 ± 2 4.8 ± 0.2 PV* D’Asaro, 2000

ture are known for Glaphyrina. Fasciolaria and development of embryos (Amio, 1963; D’Asaro
Pleuroploca have more or less conical vasiform cap- 1970a, 1970b, 1986, 2000; Penchaszadeh and Pare-
sules tapering to a narrow stalk (D’Asaro, 2000). des, 1996 and Miloslavich and Penchaszadeh,
According to D’Asaro (2000), encapsulations pro- 1997), as we could see in the P. aurantiaca develop-
duced by Fasciolaria spp. from Australia and the ment.
western Atlantic have species-specific apical ridges We observed that embryos of P. aurantiaca use
and show a variation in the structure of the escape one of the adelphophagy mechanisms reported by
aperture, but in Pleuroploca, he observed conical Fioroni (1967). There is a rotation of the nurse eggs
capsules with simple apical ridges and distinctive by the embryos with the help of the velum. This
horizontal ridges on the sides (or without the hori- rotation, according to Fioroni (1967), detaches some
zontal ridges, resembling Latirus egg capsules). particles from the egg that enter the stomodaeum by
Pleuroploca aurantiaca has a strong suture and ciliary movements. We can see in Figure 2A that
associate ridges similar to the ones described by nurse eggs are bigger than the normal eggs. Accord-
D’Asaro (2000) for P. gigantea (Kiener, 1840) and ing to Fretter and Graham (1962), nurse eggs from
P. trapezium, but with more associations between some fasciolariids undergo cleavage resulting in a
horizontal and vertical lines. Those associations pro- group of cells with haploid nuclei.
vide a new pattern shape for the egg capsule wall of As Penchaszadeh and Paredes (1996) indicated
Pleuroploca. for Fasciolaria tulipa hollisteri, there seems to exist
Comparing the egg mass material from Pleuro- an inverse relationship between shell size at hatch-
ploca species, as we can see in Table 2, P. gigantea ing and the number of embryos per capsule for Pleu-
and P. trapezium (from Sri Lanka) have the highest roploca aurantiaca, i.e. the lower the number of
numbers of capsules in the egg mass (34 to 140 and embryos, the larger the shell size of the hatching
110 to 140 respectively). P. aurantiaca and P. juvenile. According to the same authors, this could
lugubris (Reeves, 1847) have the same number of be related to the number of nurse eggs available for
embryos (6 to 7) but the former has the smallest ingestion by an embryo.
dimensions of the capsule (L = 9.0 ± 1.0 mm and
W= 4.5 ± 0.5 mm), like P. lignaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
(L = 8 - 11 mm and W= 5 mm). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The internal capsule liquid of P. aurantiaca is
dense, as in Fasciolaria lilium hunteria (Perry. We thank Dr. Paulo Cascon for his helpful com-
1811) (D´Asaro, 1986) and Fasciolaria tulipa hol- ments on the manuscript and for providing photo-
listeri (Weisbord, 1962) (Penchaszadeh and Paredes, graphic equipment, and Daercio da Costa Magal-
1996). D´Asaro (1986) regarded this dense liquid as hães for his assistance with electron microscopy.
typical of Fasciolariidae and, according to Pen-
chaszadeh and Paredes (1996), it could be relevant
for the nourishment of the embryos. Many works on REFERENCES
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