Decomposing Shell Form Into Size and Shape by Geometric Morphometric Methods in Two Sympatric Ecotypes of Littorina Saxatilis

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Departamento de Bioquı´mica, Gene´tica e Inmunologı´a, Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo, Spain
(Received 19 January 2004; accepted 5 January 2005)

Two sympatric snail ecotypes (RB and SU) of Littorina saxatilis from exposed rocky shores of NW Spain
differ in many life history traits, but classical morphometric analysis has failed to reveal significant shell
shape differences between them. We used geometric morphometric methods on landmark data from
digitized shell images to study size and shape components in both ecotypes at two localities. The
results showed significant differences between ecotypes in both shell size and shape (both uniform
and non-uniform components). Allometry was also detected for some component of the local variation
in shape, although it did not explain the observed differences between ecotypes. The SU ecotype had a
relatively rounded shell shape with a big aperture, whereas the RB ecotype had higher spire and smaller
aperture. We suggest that shape differentiation is correlated with adaptive differences between ecotypes.

INTRODUCTION works have used the landmark-based geometric morphometric

approach to decompose shell form in shell size and shape in gas-
The rough periwinkle, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi 1792), is an inter- tropods (Stone, 1998; Guralnick & Kurpius, 2001). Here, we
tidal rocky shore gastropod, which is gonochoristic and under- used a similar strategy (using a different shell positioning to
goes direct development (Reid, 1996). The species has a very define the landmarks) to study a polymorphism in L. saxatilis,
low dispersal capability because of its ovoviviparity (females for which classical distance and multivariate methods have
carry a brood pouch with shelled embryos) and the low mobility failed to detect shape differentiation between ecotypes (see
of adults (Janson, 1983; Erlandsson, Rolán-Alvarez & Johannes- Johannesson et al., 1993).
son, 1998). As a consequence, the species typically shows high In Galicia (NW Spain), two ecotypes of L. saxatilis are found
genetic differentiation at local as well as at broader geographical on exposed rocky shores, adapted to different shore levels and
scales (Ward, 1990). Littorina saxatilis lives under different phys- habitats. The ridged and banded (RB) ecotype lives preferen-
ical and ecological conditions depending on tidal reach (Raf- tially on the upper shore among barnacles, while the smooth
faelli & Hawkins, 1996). Furthermore, local conditions due to and unbanded (SU) form can be found in the mussel belt on
slope of the rocky shore, wave energy, substrates and exposure the lower shore (Johannesson et al., 1993). Both ‘pure’ forms
are able to create different habitats at a scale of even a few and a variable percentage of intermediates (putative hybrids)
metres (Janson, 1983; Johannesson, Johannesson & Rolán- can be found on the mid shore, living in true sympatry
Alvarez, 1993; Reid, 1996). Therefore, this species is highly poly- (Rolán-Alvarez et al., 1999, 2004). Although the pure forms
morphic and a great number of adaptive ecotypes/morphs have mate partly assortatively on the mid shore (Rolán-Alvarez
been described (Janson, 1983; Johannesson et al., 1993; Reid, et al., 1999), there remains some gene flow between them and
1996; Wilding, Grahame & Mill, 2001). they are therefore considered conspecifics (Johannesson et al.,
Shell morphology is an extremely polymorphic trait in littor- 1993; Rolán-Alvarez, Rolán & Johannesson, 1996, Rolán-
inids (Reid, 1996), and has been extensively studied in rough Alvarez et al., 2004). However, the ecotypes differ in various
periwinkles by using distances and ratio variables in classical morphological and life history characteristics which correlate
multivariate analysis (Janson & Sundberg, 1983; Johannesson, with habitat differences (Johannesson et al., 1993; Rolán-
1986; Grahame, Mill & Brown, 1990; Mill & Grahame, 1995; Alvarez et al., 1996; Rolán-Alvarez, Johannesson & Erlandsson,
Johannesson & Johannesson, 1996; Cruz, Rolán-Alvarez & 1997; Cruz et al., 2004). For instance, RB snails are exposed to
Garcı́a, 2001). However, this strategy for measuring shell vari- changes in salinity, sun exposure (heat and desiccation stresses)
ation can confound size and shape, and the results are very sen- and predation on the higher intertidal shore, while the SU form
sitive to the particular distances and ratios chosen in the study survives in a more wave-exposed habitat on the lower shore.
(Bookstein, 1991). This happens because variation is only quan- There are conspicuous shell size and sculpture differences
tified between the endpoints of linear distance, and even then between these ecotypes (Johannesson et al., 1993; Fig. 1). Adap-
does not specify which endpoint moves relative to the other. In tive advantages have been shown for each ecotype: the larger
addition, it is well known that ratios in biometrical analysis and more-sculptured morph (RB) resists crab attacks better
have serious statistical drawbacks (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995: 17). than does the smaller and thinner-shelled morph (SU), while
The new landmark-based technique of geometric morpho- the SU morph is less affected by waves (Rolán-Alvarez et al.,
metrics involves no restriction in the direction of variation 1997; Cruz et al., 2001). Johannesson et al. (1993) used 13 shell
among the chosen landmarks and is the most effective way to measurements and principal component analysis to study shell
capture information about the shape of an organism, especially form in several populations of these two ecotypes. These
when combined with multivariate statistical procedures (Rohlf authors observed significant differences in the first principal
& Marcus, 1993; Rohlf, Loy & Corti, 1996). A few pioneering component (argued to be mainly due to size variation because
all loadings were positive and of similar magnitude), but they
Correspondence: E. Rolán-Alvarez; e-mail: [email protected] could not detect any significant difference in other principal

Journal of Molluscan Studies (2005) 71: 313– 318 doi:10.1093/mollus/eyi037

# The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Studies on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reserved.

LM5 is at the end of the suture; LM6 is the most external pos-
ition in the external part of the outer lip; LM7 is the lowest
point at the base; LM8 and LM9 show the internal and external
border, respectively, of the columella on a perpendicular line to
the axis from LM6; LM11 is the most external point in the last
whorl at the left profile of the shell; LM10 is the profile point
between LM7 and LM11 closest to LM5; and finally LM12 is
on the left border of the profile of the shell where the last
whorl starts to curve (Fig. 1). These points do not necessarily
represent homologous landmarks from a developmental point
of view in different specimens, although they allow us to
capture and decompose, objectively and repeatably, shell size
and shape in this species. In fact, only LM1, 2, 4 and 5 are
type I landmarks (the most preferred type), while LM3, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are type III landmarks, following Bookstein’s
(1991) classification. Furthermore, we made a pilot experiment
Figure 1. Specimens representative of both ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis: repeating capture of the shell image in the same specimen 20
the RB is ridged and banded (right) and the SU is smooth and unbanded times and obtaining the 12 landmarks for each replicate. The
(left). The landmarks (1–12) used in the morphological study to describe mean error of landmark coordinates obtained in this pilot exper-
shell size and shape are indicated on both drawings. iment was 0.15 mm (about 0.9% of the measurements relative to
the size). We could also calculate the errors of the shape vari-
components. Apparently, however, ‘the SU ecotype had less ables analysing these 20 repeated measurements together with
pronounced aperture lips, thinner shells, and higher whorls the whole experimental data. The errors of shape variables
than the other morph’ (Johannesson et al., 1993: 1777). The inef- should be expected to be smaller a priori (see below), because
ficacy in detecting shape differences in their study could be under the geometric morphometric approach some of the
caused by the analytical shortcomings of the geometric proper- errors caused by shell rotation are corrected (Bookstein, 1991;
ties of distance variables and of standard multivariate analyses. see below).
To check this possibility, we studied shell size and shape in For each specimen, centroid size (estimating the specimen
these two ecotypes at two localities using landmarks and size) and uniform (affine) and non-uniform (non-affine) com-
geometric morphometric methods. Our results show that these ponents of shell shape were obtained. Centroid size is the
ecotypes differ in shell size as well as in the first uniform and square root of the sum of squared distances of landmarks to
non-uniform (first relative warp sensu Rohlf et al., 1996) com- their centroid (the average x and y coordinate points) of the
ponents of shell shape. These results confirm the advantages of landmark configuration (Bookstein, 1991). The uniform trans-
using landmark techniques and geometric morphometric formation is wholly linear, i.e. a kind of transformation that
methods to study shell size and shape in littorinids. The potential leaves the set of parallel lines parallel. Any landmark rearrange-
causes of the observed differences in shell shape are discussed in ment has some component of this sort, and some local com-
the light of the existing knowledge related to this polymorphism. ponent (Rohlf & Bookstein, 2003). Thus, the uniform
components account for shell variation at a global scale (all
landmarks simultaneously), while the local components express
variation in the vicinity of different landmarks. The first
MATERIAL AND METHODS uniform component (U1) holds the vertical coordinate fixed
Specimens of both ecotypes from upper (RB) and lower shore and allows the horizontal coordinate to shift (expressing
(SU) areas (20 m apart) were obtained during June 2003 at Sil- changes at the horizontal scale), while the second component
leiro and La Cetarea (25 km apart). At each sampling site all (U2) holds the horizontal coordinate fixed and allows the verti-
snails within an area of 1 m2 were captured and taken to the lab- cal coordinate to shift (expressing changes at the vertical scale)
oratory, where they were placed on a surface in rows and (Rohlf & Bookstein, 2003). On the other hand, non-uniform
columns and numbered. In each sample 15 specimens were ran- components describe local shape deformations from a reference
domly chosen for morphological analysis (60 snails in total) configuration at different spatial scales. Non-uniform shape
using the random number generator from GWBASIC. The measurements were computed via relative warp analysis
specimens used were larger than 3 mm (range 3 – 11 mm) in (RWA) (Bookstein, 1991; Rohlf, 1993) and the uniform part
shell height (otherwise excluded and a new specimen chosen) of shape variation was computed using the space complement
because we were interested in comparing adults of both ecotypes. of the non-uniform component (Rohlf & Bookstein, 2003).
Specimens smaller than 3 mm are typically immature in these The estimation of shell shape components was accomplished
populations (Johannesson, Rolán-Alvarez & Ekendahl, 1995), by aligning the raw coordinates of the specimens using the Pro-
and former fitness estimation of these ecotypes in the wild have crustes generalized orthogonal method (GLS; Rohlf & Slice,
been based on snails larger than 3 mm (Rolán-Alvarez et al., 1990), which determines a reference configuration by minimiz-
1997). Shells were examined using a Leica MZ12 stereoscopic ing the sum of squared distances between homologous land-
microscope, and colour images were captured and digitized marks from different specimens. The coordinates of aligned
using a Leica digital ICA video camera and QWin Lite specimens were used for a relative warp analysis (RWA). The
version 2.2 software, always with the specimens in the same pos- RWA finds a function fitting all landmarks to the reference con-
ition (with the axis of the shell on the y-axis and the aperture in figuration. This produces the principal warps that describe
the same plane as the objective; Fig. 1). Shell variables were shape deformations of the reference configuration at different
obtained using 12 landmarks (LM) representative of the shell, spatial scales. The specimen deviations from the reference con-
as shown in Figure 1. LM1 represents the apex of the shell; figuration are called the partial warp scores. The relative
LM2 is on the right border of the profile of the shell at the end warps (RWs) are the principal components of the variation
of the upper suture of the penultimate whorl and LM4 is in among specimens in the space of the principal warps (see
the lower suture; LM3 marks the intermediate position Bookstein, 1991; Rohlf, 1993). The RWs were computed,
between LM2 and LM4 along the curvature of the whorl; excluding the uniform component, using the algorithm given


by Rohlf (1993). We used the scaling option a ¼ 0, which Table 2. Mean squares of the factor morph and their significance in the
weights all landmarks equally following Rohlf et al. (1996), one-way ANOVA for different shell measurements: centroid size (CS),
except for detecting allometry when we used a ¼ 1. Each RW two uniform (U1 and U2) and the six main (explaining 90% of the overall
explains a percentage of the overall local variation in decreasing variation) non-uniform estimates (RW1 to RW6) of shell shape for a ¼ 0.
order, as with principal components (Rohlf, 1993). All calcu- The mean squares for shape measurements are multiplied by 1000.
lations were performed by the program MODICOS , developed by
Measure Variance ANOVA
one of us (Carvajal-Rodrı́guez & Rodrı́guez, 2005; http://life.- The TPSRELW explained
program developed by Rohlf (1998; Silleiro La Cetarea
morph/soft-tps.html) was used to obtain the graphics.
Multiple regression analysis was used to detect allometry, testing Morph Error Morph Error
for significant relationships between any of the independent vari- (MSbetween) (MSwithin) (MSbetween) (MSwithin)
ables (all uniform and non-uniform variables of shell shape) and
CS – 213.9   2.3 435.8  3.6
the centroid size (Bookstein, 1991). The stepwise procedure was
U1 76% 47.82   0.45 10.30  0.37
used in order to avoid erroneous fitting of variables to the
regression model due to the large number of independent variables U2 20% 0.01 0.48 0.55 0.26
(20), with the 0.05 and 0.1 criteria for forward and backward selec- RW1 54% 166.45   1.39 76.61  0.79
tion, respectively (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). Differences between eco- RW2 13% 0.36 1.27 3.83 1.11
types or localities were studied by one-way ANOVA and RW3 8% 1.37 1.24 0.01 0.47
ANCOVA (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). These analyses were computed RW4 7% 0.68 0.47 4.28 0.91
with the SPSS/PC statistical package (version 12.01). RW5 5% 0.01 0.55 1.12 0.42
RW6 3% 0.58 0.38 0.84 0.19
P , 0.05, P , 0.001.
The step-wise multiple regression analysis of allometry showed Ecotype differences in size, and uniform and non-uniform
that several of the relative warps contributed significantly to components of shell shape were studied by one-way ANOVA
the regression model on the centroid size (Table 1). The presence (Table 2). Centroid size, U1 (the first uniform component)
of allometry in the main non-uniform components of shell shape and RW1 (the first non-uniform component) showed significant
made it necessary to use ANCOVA to show ecotype differences differences between ecotypes at both Silleiro and La Cetarea.
in shell shape independent of centroid size (see below). These differences between ecotypes for U1 and RW1 remained
We obtained the relative warps extracted from the matrix of significant in all cases using ANCOVA (when corrected for the
the partial-warp scores. The two uniform components (non-cor- covariable centroid size; P , 0.01). In La Cetarea, however, sig-
related; r ¼ 0.001) explained 76% (U1) and 20% (U2) of the nificant differences between ecotypes were detected for two
shell variation on a global scale. The six main relative warps further relative warps (RW4 and RW6). A similar ANOVA
(non-correlated; – 0.001  r  0.001) explained 90% of the was also performed on the rest of the relative warps (RW7 –
overall variation in the non-uniform component (Table 2). RW18) but significant ecotype differences were only detected
The errors of the former shape variables were calculated using for RW11 in La Cetarea (not shown). The distribution of speci-
the same pilot experiment described above (repeating the mens from different ecotypes and localities are plotted in
capture of the same specimen 20 times). The mean error of cen-
troid size was 0.0105 mm (about 0.08% of the measurement
relative to the centroid size), while the mean error of the
uniform component (U1 and U2; average mean
error ¼ 0.0008; SD ¼ 0.0002) and the relative warps (RW1 –
RW6; average mean error ¼ 0.0008; SD ¼ 0.0003) were very
similar, although due to the low values of their means in the
data set, they were not negligible in certain cases (representing
in average a 2.3% of the overall variation studied in those
shape variables, range 0.04% for RW1 to 7.4% for RW6).

Table 1. Allometric analysis for shell shape measurements in every com-

bination of ecotype and locality. A step-wise multiple regression analysis
for centroid size (as dependent variable) and two uniform and 18 non-
uniform measurements obtained for a ¼ 1, as independent variables, is
presented. The F test of the regression analysis (F ), the percentage of
variation explained for the independent variables (r 2), and the variables
included in the model as well as their regression coefficients (Beta) are
also shown.

Multiple regression Variables in the model

r2 F Name Beta

0.83 41.4   RW1 0.769 

RW2 0.238 
RW5 20.203 
Figure 2. Individuals from different ecotypes and localities plotted for cen-

P , 0.05,  
P , 0.001. troid size and the first uniform estimate of shell shape obtained for a ¼ 0.


of the shell shape between ecotypes. Among Silleiro samples

we observed significant differences in centroid size, U1, U2
and RW1, whereas among La Cetarea samples significant differ-
ences were detected for centroid size, RW1 and RW2 (P , 0.05;
results not plotted). These differences remained significant for
RW1 in both localities, when corrected by the covariable cen-
troid size (ANCOVA; P , 0.05), indicating the robust perform-
ance of geometric morphometric techniques in this system.
The interpretation of the RW1 variation, representing local
variation, can be carried out using the interpolating function
(thin-plate splines) describing shape change in RWA, as
shown in Figure 4. The SU ecotype presented the most negative
deformations, while the RB showed the most positive ones
(Figs 3, 4). The external landmarks (LM1, LM2, LM3, LM4,
LM6, LM7, LM10, LM11 and LM12) and those that best rep-
resent the aperture (LM5, LM6, LM7 and LM8) were con-
nected by lines for an easier visualization of the meaning of
RW1 deformations in each ecotype in Figure 4. RW1 can be
described mainly as variation in the relative size and shape of
the aperture, showing the relatively bigger aperture of the SU
ecotype than the RB.

The applicability of geometric morphometric methods to the
Figure 3. Individuals from different ecotypes and localities plotted for study of gastropod shells is in its infancy. Johnston, Tobachnick
the first and second non-uniform estimates (relative warps) of shell & Bookstein (1991) claimed that landmarks should be preferen-
shape obtained for a ¼ 0. tially used along axial sculpturing (varices), only available in
some gastropods, while others (Stone, 1988; Guralnick &
Kurpius, 2001) suggested that every point between two whorls
Figure 2 by centroid size and the main uniform shell shape (U1). is an appropriate landmark. These authors, however, defined
Differences between localities within ecotypes are apparent, but their landmarks on the apical view in order to study the ontogen-
they do not compromise the clear differences observed between etic trajectory of the shell shape (see Guralnick & Kurpius,
ecotypes (Fig. 2) in agreement with statistical tests (Table 2). 2001). Here, in contrast, the landmarks are objectively located
The same trends are also observed for RW1, when plotting the on the shell profile of the frontal view, capturing the variation
overall specimens for the first (RW1) and second (RW2) non- of shell shape, but without limiting our effort to exclusively homo-
uniform (local) components of shell shape (Table 2; Fig. 3). logous (from a developmental point of view) landmarks. This
We repeated the ANOVA but using only the four type I land- parallels traditional distances and ratios used in taxonomy or
marks (LM1, LM2, LM4 and LM5) instead of 12. These four microevolutionary studies (see Janson & Sundberg, 1983;
landmarks alone were able to capture the general differences Johannesson, 1986; Grahame et al., 1990; Mill & Grahame,

Figure 4. Thin-plate spline representation, from the TPSRELW software (Rohlf, 1998) for showing the most extreme positive (as in RB; see Fig. 3) and
negative (as in SU) deformation of the landmarks for x and y axis, for a ¼ 0, in the populations studied. Some landmarks are connected by lines to
facilitate the interpretation of the differences between ecotypes (see text).


1995; Johannesson & Johannesson, 1996; Cruz et al., 2001), but comments, suggestions and discussion, and Pilar Alvariño and
using morphometric analysis of relative warps. In addition, the Nieves Santamarı́a for help during sampling. A.C.-R. also
methods used here were extremely robust to changes in the thanks F. J. Rohlf for providing help when implementing the
number of landmarks chosen, as we obtained nearly the same RWA algorithm in MODICOS . This work was funded by the
result using 12 and four points. European Commission (EVK3-CT-2001– 00048) and the Min-
Differences in size (centroid size in this study), morphology isterio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (VEM2003 – 20047 and
(presence of ridges and bands), and behaviour and life history CGL2004– 03920/BOS).
characteristics between the two sympatric ecotypes of Littorina
saxatilis have been noted throughout the literature (Johannesson
et al., 1993; Rolán-Alvarez et al., 1996, 1997; this study).
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