BSBMKG514 Assessment 2

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Assessment Task 2

Briefing Report
Local Threads Limited

Marketing plan overview

Local Threads works to make a substantial impact in Sydney and its metropolitan
areas. As a local clothing and apparel manufacturer, the firm is aiming at influencing
the local markets in the region towards the adoption of the local products. With a high
influx of foreign clothing and apparel, the firm has a major task of ensuring that it
thrives amidst very stiff competition. The marketing plan has been systematically
designed to reach all the residents of the Sydney metropolitan area (Sydneysiders).
The plan works to create an attraction of these target customers and increase its sales.
The marketing aims to provide value to the customers through high-quality products
and the provision of information to the customers to achieve transparency. The firm
also works to develop consistency in marketing to achieve a wide reach and hence
increase customer attraction. The marketing activities of the firm are aimed at
increasing sales, the brand awareness of the firm, creating a large customer base.

Marketing strategies and priority

Local Threads is working to market its products through the implementation of
various strategies. These strategies have been developed with a consideration of the
target market and the business objectives. In the marketing plan, the firm has
developed three strategies to be utilised in the marketing of its products. The
following marketing strategies will be utilised by the firm in its marketing operations
and plan implementation:
i. Direct selling (High priority)
- Creation of a marketing event
- Direct selling at the marketing event
- Direct selling at the retail store of the firm
ii. Online marketing (Medium priority)
- Collection of customer contacts
- Development of social media an email marketing content
- Email and social media contact and marketing
iii. Price cuts and gifts (Low priority)
- Selection of the products for gifts and price-cut
- Implementing the strategy to attract the customers
Marketing tactics
i. Direct selling
Considering the target market of the firm and its potential customers, the firm has
selected direct selling as the main strategy for use in marketing. Direct selling will
entail the development of an interaction between the firm's sales agents and the
customers. The firm will create a marketing event in the region where the sales
employees and the customers will interact and hence direct selling approaches will be
used. Also, the firm will have sales agents on the floor in the retail store to market the
products and convince the customers to make purchases of the products. This practice
will be done for one month. The sales agents will be replaced by only two sales
representatives on the floor of the firm. The practice will involve the following steps:
Step 1: Mobilise the customers and create a sales promotion event
Stet 2: Accrue resources for use in the event.
Step 3: Plan the event
Step 4: implement the event
Step 5: Assess and monitor the activities and benefits of the event and activity at
ii. Online selling
The firm has selected online selling as an approach to reach the customers at all times
and wherever they are. The firm will have an online appearance to market its products
and services. Online marketing will be performed by the use of the company's
website, email, marketing, and social media marketing. A combination of the three
methods will be used by Local Threads to achieve maximum reach and higher
effectiveness of this marketing strategy. Online selling is a practice that will actively
be done for one month. The firm will then perform a passive online selling for more
than five months. It will involve the following steps
Step 1: Design the advert to be used
Step 2: Send the advert online
Step 3: mobilize customers and potential customers online to see the advert
Step 4: Monitor and engage the customers or potential customers actively
iii. Price-cuts and gifts
This is where the firm will perform price discounts and offer some gifts to attract
customers. The price cuts will be selected on some commodities only. The gifts
should be properly designed to suit specific customer groups. This marketing strategy
will be done for one full month. It will involve:
Step 1: Categorising products to customers
Step 2: Deciding either the price cut/discounts to be awarded to each product group.
Step 3: Implementing the marketing strategy.
Team member roles and responsibilities
The sales team will be developed to purposefully plan, organise, take charge of
implementation, and monitor the marketing activities of the firm. the sales team will
be selected from various departments. The following are the roles and responsibilities
of the sales team
Member Roles and responsibilities
Project Team leader - Coordinate all the activities of the marketing activities
- Organise content to be propelled in various media
- Represent the project team to management.
- Liaise with the management to implement the marketing
needs of the firm.
- Plan and budget the marketing activities
Digital marketer - Plan and organise digital marketing content
- Develop the online platforms and source for customers
- Ensure that reach is achieved
- Liaise with the team members to assess the marketing
progress and effectiveness.
Customer profiler - Develop the characteristics of the customer groups of
the firm
- Develop appropriate customer reach methods
- Advise the team on the customer needs and preferences
Sales agents - Contact the customers at the store of the firm.
- Convince the customers to make purchases
- Advise the team on the mode of customer contact and
marketing methods
- Take part in marketing methods assessments
Budget controller - Works with the team to develop the marketing budget of
the activity and processes.
- Controls the budget of the marketing activities
- Works with the project team leader to quantify and
develop prices and costs.
Budget allocation for each marketing strategy/tactics
Activity/process Cost
Direct selling
Human resource costs 50,000
Clothing and attire 2,000
Training costs 6,000
Transport costs 2,000
Subtotal 60,000
Online marketing
Human resources 15,000
Computer and internet resources 3,000
Training 2,000
Subtotal 20,000
Price cuts and gifts
Subsidising finances 50,000
Selling costs 4000
Subtotal 54000
Grand Total 134,000

Strategies for monitoring marketing activities and analysing marketing

An outline of the monitoring that will occur on the implementation of the marketing
strategies/tactics and how performance will be analysed.
Marketing activities of the firm will be closely monitored to ensure that they are
effective and efficient. The firm will assess and control the activities to ensure that
they meet the company’s objectives. Local Threads will use these three methods to
assess the firm’s marketing activities:
i. Sales tracking
The firm will monitor the sales activities through sales tracking. This
involves the assessment of the sales volume of t firm as from the
implementation of the marketing activities. The percentage increase in
sales will be closely attributed to the marketing activities of the firm.
ii. Return on investment
The return on investment will be used to assess the marketing progress of
the firm. The amount invested in the marketing activities will be assessed
and compared to the returns on the activities. The firm aim a high return
on investment.
iii. Brand awareness
The firm aims to ensure that its brand is known by its customers. Brand
awareness will be measured by the firm to determine the effectiveness of
the marketing activities. The firm aims high brand awareness.
Strategies for communication and team building
The marketing team aims at having transparent and timely communication among the
team members. Local Threads understands that effective communication will aid the
team in achieving its objectives. Through proper communication, the firm will be able
to achieve teamwork and hence proper involvement leading to the achievement of the
team goals. The following strategies were put in place to ensure that the team
achieves effective communication and team-building:
i. Use of open meetings
ii. Using visual representation
iii. Using open-door policy and encouraging one-to-one communication
Marketing activities plan

Marketing activity Resources required Staff responsible When Cost Performance target/

Direct selling Human resources Lead Sales agent March 20th 2020 60,000 High sales

Online marketing Computer and internet Digital marketer March 18th 2010 20,000 Increased brand
resources awareness

Price cuts and gifts Finances Customer profiler March 19th 2020 54,000 Increased market share
Part 4
Send an email to your assessor
To: The CEO
From: Marketing Manager
Subject: The marketing activities planning
As advised, a marketing plan has been developed to boost and cater to marketing activities and
lead the firm towards the achievement of its goals.

A marketing plan which is an inscription of the business plan of the firm has been developed to
take Local Threads towards the attraction of the largest local market in Sydney. The plan works
to use three main marketing activities which are the direct selling, use of price discounts and
gifts, and use of online marketing. With the implementation of this, the firm will be able to
achieve its marketing objectives.

The marketing plan of the firm will be implemented as from 18th March 2020. The plan is meant
to operate for at least one month. The amount to be utilized will approximate to $134,000. The
team that has been developed will comprise of the budgeting controller, sales agents, digital
marketers, and the customer profilers.

Please read and assess the attached marketing plan and advise accordingly. Thank you in

Yours faithfully,
Agnes, K.
The Marketing Manager

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