Cpar Q1 Week4
Cpar Q1 Week4
Cpar Q1 Week4
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions.
Explains Filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to contemporary arts:
C. Learning Identify and examine the works of Filipino artists in contemporary art.
Competencies/Objectives Evaluate the impact of Filipino artists on contemporary art.
Analyze the social and cultural significance of Filipino artists' works.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Today's lesson will be a continuation of
our discussion on contemporary
Philippine arts from the regions. In our
Today's lesson will focus on the works of previous lesson, we explored and Today, we will be discussing the social
1. Reviewing previous lesson or contemporary Filipino artists in various analyzed different contemporary art and cultural significance of Filipino Review and recall the topics discussed
presenting the new lesson art forms such as painting, sculpture, and forms and identified and examined the artists' works in contemporary Philippine ready for the assessment.
installation art. works of Filipino artists in contemporary arts from the regions.
art. Today, we will focus on evaluating
the impact of Filipino artists on
contemporary art.
By the end of this lesson, you should be
able to evaluate the impact of Filipino At the end of the lesson, the students
By the end of this lesson, students should
2. Establishing the purpose of the artists on contemporary art and should be able to analyze the social and
be able to identify and examine the works
lesson appreciate their contribution to the cultural significance of Filipino artists'
of Filipino artists in contemporary art.
development of Philippine contemporary works.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Showcase different works of Filipino We will look at the works of prominent Show visual aids or images of
the new lesson artists in contemporary art such as: Filipino artists such as Ronald Ventura, contemporary Filipino artworks and
Painting: "A Family" by Ronald Marina Cruz, and Nona Garcia, and ask the students to describe the
Ventura, "May Pagasa" by Elmer examine how their work has impacted elements present in each artwork.
Borlongan contemporary art in the Philippines. Provide a brief historical and cultural
Sculpture: "Kuto" by Leeroy New,
"Karma" by Eugene Jarque
Installation Art: "Shoe Tree" by Dex background of each artwork.
Fernandez, "Postcards from
Elsewhere" by Mark Salvatus
Define contemporary art and its Discuss the social and cultural
significance in the Philippine art themes present in each artwork.
We will discuss the different ways that
scene Identify the cultural and social issues
Filipino artists have influenced
4. Discussing new concepts and Identify the different contemporary portrayed in each artwork.
contemporary art, such as introducing
practicing new skills #1 art forms Analyze the visual elements and
new themes and concepts, using different
Examine the elements of art present mediums, and exploring new techniques. techniques used in each artwork and
in the works of Filipino artists in how they contribute to the overall
contemporary art message of the piece.
Analyze the meaning and message Discuss the significance of each
behind the works of Filipino artists artwork in relation to Philippine
We will also discuss how Filipino artists
in contemporary art contemporary art.
have contributed to the development of
5. Discussing new concepts and Compare and contrast the works of Discuss how each artwork reflects
contemporary art in the Philippines, such
practicing new skills #2 Filipino artists with those of other the Filipino identity and culture.
as creating new trends and movements
cultures Analyze the impact of the artwork on
and inspiring younger artists.
Reflect on the role of art in the the community and society as a
society whole.
For the developing mastery part of the
lesson, we will have a group activity.
Divide the class into groups and
You will be divided into small groups
Activity: In groups, students will choose assign each group a different artwork
and given a specific Filipino artist to
one work of Filipino artist and analyze its to analyze.
research. Your task is to create a
6. Developing Mastery meaning, message, and significance in Each group will present their
presentation that evaluates the impact of
the Philippine art scene. They will analysis to the class and provide
the artist on contemporary art in the
present their analysis in front of the class. their interpretation of the social and
Philippines. You should include
cultural significance of the artwork.
examples of their work and how it has
influenced other artists and movements.
Discuss how the students can apply
Discuss the practical applications of art The impact of Filipino artists on their knowledge and skills in
appreciation in daily living, such as the contemporary art is not limited to the art analyzing contemporary artworks in
7. Finding practical applications of importance of critical thinking and world. It can also inspire us to think their daily lives.
concepts and skills in daily living analysis in decision-making, as well as outside the box and be innovative in our Encourage the students to visit
the role of art in promoting social daily lives, whether it be in our careers, museums, galleries, and exhibitions
awareness and cultural appreciation. hobbies, or personal pursuits. to expand their knowledge and
appreciation of contemporary art.
8. Generalizing and abstractions Encourage students to reflect on how We will discuss the general importance Ask the students to provide their
about the lesson their understanding and appreciation of of recognizing the impact of Filipino general observations on the social
Filipino art has been expanded by the artists on contemporary art and how it and cultural themes present in
lesson, and how they can apply this contributes to the recognition of contemporary Filipino artworks.
knowledge to appreciate and analyze Philippine culture and identity in the Discuss how these themes relate to
other art forms. global art scene. their personal experiences and the
wider society.
The teacher will provide a quiz to assess
the learnings of the students. Make sure
9. Evaluating Learning
that the quiz includes all the topics
discussed for the whole week.
As additional activities for application or
remediation, you can create your artwork
Research on the life and works of a inspired by a specific Filipino artist, or Encourage the students to create their
10. Additional Activities for
Filipino artist and create a visual you can visit a local art gallery and own artworks that reflect their cultural
Application or Remediation
presentation about their art journey. identify the works of Filipino artists and and social identities.
evaluate their impact on contemporary