Activity Aids

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DEFINITIONS: The field trip may be defined as an educational procedure by which student studies first hand objects and materials in their natural environment. VALUES OF FIELD TRIPS They furnish first hand information to supplement and to enrich the class room instruction. They correlate and blend school life with the out side world providing direct touch with persons and with community situations. They develop a better understanding of etiological factors of disease condition They provide actual source material for study ADVANTAGES Entertains the learner Sharpens the observation skills Motivates the learner Learning in real situation

DISADVANTAGES Requires more time Student may not have sufficient background to learn from the situation Transportaion is another problem


COMPUTER is an electronic equipment which can store information and data which can be retrived from it as and when required. COMPUTER ASSISSTED INSTRUCTIONS When the computer is used as an aid of teaching the method of instruction used is called computer assisted instruction ADVANTAGES Used for handling a large body of students A student cannot cheat during testing It provides multi dimensional learning It works as an aid in independent a study High storage capacity Testing of each individual can be done It can individual classroom instruction

DISADVANTAGES It lacks human emotional factors Computers are very costly Artistic competence of students take back seat It can produce more mental and physical fatigue It does not help in developing language proficiency

DEFINITIONS : Demonstration is the method of teaching by exhibition and explanation combined to illustrate a procedure or experiments. TYPES Bed side Laboratory BED SIDE PLANNING TECHNIQUE done by teacher CONDUCTING DEMONSTRATION done in three phases through introduction, demonstration and post demonstration discussion LABORATORY DEMONSTRATION The various steps involved are: o Preparation where objectives are prepared o Work period where tools for the equipment and place of conduct o Evaluation where group discussion

ADVANTAGES Observational learning is possible Activates several senses Correlates theory and practice Opportunity to evaluate students knowledge of practice Clarifies the under lying principles

DISADVANTAGES Number of students is limited Keep the students in passive situation Does not allow individual pacing High cost in personnel and time

DEFINITION : Programmed learning is a method of self instruction where by the learner proceeds through instructional material in short steps at her own pace receiving immediate knowledge of the correctness of his answers. Three essential features of SKINNERS programmed instruction are : A oriented sequence of items The students response Provision for immediate response ADVANTAGES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Improves the logic discipline Inspires the student in creativity and judgement Improves the quality of education Emotional and social problem have been eliminated Immediate reinforcement is possible

DISADVANTAGES Limited to very specific objectives Primarily elicit over responding but little thinking Not able to store all information for future Teacher student relationship is completely lost

Laboratory method is a planned learning activity dealing with original or raw data in the solution of the problems. Laboratory method is a procedure involving first hand experiments- with primary source materials, through which the students can acquire psychomotor as well as mental skills.

VALUES FOR STUDENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. To use the problem solving approach To translate theory into practice To develop, to test and to apply principles To learn methods of procedures

FOR TEACHER 1. 2. 3. 4. To observe the students in action To assess the students worth To correct students mistakes To guide students in promising directions


INTRODUCTORY PHASE: Involves establishment of objectives and a plan of work TEACHER PREPARATION:Discuss objectives or plan of work with the students by means of class discussion STUDENT PREPARATION: For orientation and motivation achieved through proper instructionand guidence

THE WORK PERIOD: Supervised study activity in which the student is involved in a first hand experience designed to achieve particular objectives by solving problems.

CUMULATIVE ACTIVITIES: After the lab work, the class should meet together for discussion of common problems for the organization of findings, for the presentation of the results of individual or group problem solving activities.

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