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Holy Prophet Life

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Write about the life of the Holy Prophet up until the first revelation.

He was born in Banu Hashim lane in Makkah on Monday morning on 12th Rabi ul Awwal/ 22nd
April 571 AD. It was bit controversially reported that significant miracles accompanied his birth;
fourteen galleries of Kisra’s palace cracked and rolled down and the Magian’s sacred fire dies
The first woman who suckled him after his mother was Thuwaibah, the slave girl of Abu Lahab.
His father Abdullah died two months before his birth and mother Amna bint Wahab belonged to
the tribe of Banu Zuhra in Yathrib.
It was general custom of Arabs living in the town to send their children to nurses of Bedouin tribes
so that they might grow up in healthy surroundings and acquire the pure speech and manners.
The Holy Prophet was entrusted to Haleema from Banu Saad tribe. She observed miracles of the
Prophet about the donkey, she camel and enough rainfall. After two years she bought him back to
his mother but requested her to have him stay more with her. When he was four years of age,
Jibrael came down and ripped his chest open and took out his heart and extracted a blood-clot out
of it and said, “That was the part of Satan in thee.” Halima got scared of this incident and returned
him back to Amna.
In respect to memory of her late husband, Amna decided to visit his grave in Yathrib. She died on
the return journey of and was buried in Abwa and Umm-e-Aiman brought him back. Abdul
Muttalib, the grandfather, loved more than all other kids and ordered his uncles not to scold him
in any case. he had a special place near Kaaba where no one could sit. But Muhammad used to
play there. He died when Prophet was 8.
Then Abu Talib took the charge of his nephew in the best way and preferred him to his own
children. The Holy Quran says about it, “Didn’t he find you an orphan and He gave you shelter?”
When he was twelve years old, he went with his uncle Abu Talib on a business journey to Syria.
When they reached Basra they met a monk called Bahira (his actual name was Georges) who
readily recognized the Prophet and advised Abu Talib to return him back to Makkah.
Harb ul Fijar (sac-religious war) started between Quraish and Banu Hawazin and then many other
tribes got involved. It continued for many years and led up to considerable loss of human life. The
Holy Prophet was fifteen years old and his duty was just to collect the arrows thrown by the
enemies and give them to his uncles. His minor involvement can be justified as Quraish were on
right. It was known as sac-religious war because it was continued even in the months in which
fighting was unlawful.
At the conclusion of these wars, people felt the need for forming a truce at Makkah for
suppressing violence and injustice and vindicating the rights of weak and destitute. It is called
Truce Al-Fudoul. The messenger of Allah witnessed this league and commented on it with very
positive words: “I witnessed the confederacy in the house of Abdullah ibn Jada’n. It was more
appealing to me then herds of cattle. Even now in the period of Islam I would respond positively to
attending such a meeting if I were invited.”
At the age of 25 he went to Syria as a merchant for Khadija. She also sent her servant, Maysara,
with him to observe his dealings. On his return he praised his character and honest dealing and
she also experience maximum profits. She sent the proposal of marriage to him and they got
married. She was 40 and the Prophet was 25. When the Prophet was 35, Quraish started
rebuilding of Al Ka’aba. The work went on in harmony till the time came to put the sacred Black
Stone in its proper place. Every tribe wanted that honour, and they close to start fighting.
Luckily, Abu Umayyah Ibn Mughira said, “Let him who enters the Sanctuary first of all decide on
the point.” The Messenger of Allah entered first and asked for a mantle which he spread on the
ground and place the stone in its centre. He then asked the representatives of different clans

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among them to lift the stone altogether. When it had reached the required place, Muhammad laid
it in proper position with his own hands. This shows the messenger’s wisdom and his ability to
lead the community and to solve their issue.
‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophet hood.’ Agree or disagree, give
reasons for your answer. [4]
In my opinion his family wasn’t important to in preparing him for prophet hood for variance
reasons. First of all, we believe that prophet hood is given to the Prophets unexpectedly so we
can’t say that his family was preparing him for prophet hood. They didn’t even know that. Prophet
hood is a God gifted thing, no one prepares or works for it. It was Allah alone who kept His eye on
every moment of his messenger’s life and arranged things for him. Allah sent the angels who
purified his heart when he was a child. Allah made him fainted when his uncles removed his
garments from his body when he was a child during the construction of Kaba and when he
planned to spend a night with his friends. Allah made him sleep.
Give a brief account of Muhammad’s call to be a prophet. [10]
The Holy Prophet’s age was forty. He became fond of loneliness and solitude. He started retiring
to the cave of Hira on the Mount of Light to do mediation there.
Angel Jibrael asked him to read but he said, “I can’t read” as he was an unlettered man. Angel
hugged him tightly thrice and recited the first five verses of Surah Alaq. “Read in the name of thy
Lord who created man with a clot of blood. Read and thy the Lord is most beautiful. Who taught
man the use of pen, who taught him what he knew not.” [96: 1-5]
The Prophet felt that the verses were printed on his heart. The angel then disappeared, and the
Prophet was left behind shocked and confused. He was shivering and suffering from fever and
decided to go back home. When he was coming down from cave, he saw Jibrael sitting in a chair
and suspended between the sky and the earth. He said, “Muhammad you are the messenger of
Allah and I am Jibrael.”
He shared his experience with Khadija. She was a wise lady. She comforted him and said, “you
have never done any wrong to anyone, you are kind to others, and you help the poor. Allah will
never let you down. She took him to Waraqa Ibn Naufal who confirmed that he was given
prophet hood. He even informed him that a day will come when Makkans will force him to leave
the town.
Additional Info About above Question
Importance of Warqa bin Nuafil’s statement
When the two men met subsequently in the street, the blind old student of the Jewish and
Christian Scriptures spoke of his faith and trust: "I swear by Him in Whose hand Waraqa's life is,
Allah has chosen you to be the prophet of this people. They will call you a liar, they will persecute
you, they will banish you, they will fight against you. Oh, that I could live to those days. I would
fight for these." And he kissed him on his forehead.

Waraqa bin Nawfil:

• He was the first to explain to the Prophet (PBUH) the significance of his experience.
• He helped him realize that he had been visited by the Angel who had appeared to other
messengers before.
• This helped the Prophet (PBUH) understand the responsibilities to which he had been called.

Give an account of the way in which the Prophet started to preach Islam in the first few years after
he began to receive the revelation. [10]
The first revelation about preaching was Surah Muddassir. It says “O you wrapped in your mantle,
arise and warn! And glorify your Lord.” [74:1-3] The Prophet couldn’t start preaching openly as he

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knew that there will be a great opposition to His preaching of Tawhid as idol worshipping was a
common practice since centuries. The Holy Prophet started preaching with his close relatives and
friends and he got a good response. The earliest converts were Khadija, Zayd Ibn Haritha, Ali and
Abu Bakr. Then on the invitation of Abu Bakr most of the ten blessed companions accepted Islam.
Then the Prophet got another revelation of Surah Shuara, which says, “and warn your nearest
relatives.” [26:214]. On this the Holy Prophet arranged a feast and invited his tribesmen. After the
dinner he made a speech and invited them towards oneness of Allah and announced his
prophethood. Abu Lahab spoiled the gathering, and no one accepted Islam except H. Ali who
confirmed his support in his mission. He said, “I am the youngest of you, my feet may not be
strong but O Muhammad! I shall be your helper, whoever opposes you I shall fight him as mortal
enemy.” The people laughed and went away.
In the first three years the Preaching was done secretly, and forty people accepted Islam. Then
Allah revealed on him, “Expand openly what your Lord commanded turn away those who join
false gods with him.” [15:94. On this the Prophet gathered Makkans at Mount Safa and told them
that if he told them that an army was at the back of the hill would they believe him. They ass
replied that they would, as they never heard him telling any lie, but when he invited them to the
Oneness Allah and his prophet hood, they turned away. Allah then revealed Surah Lahab and
comforted the Prophet. After that there was open preaching and open opposition.
Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself during his time in Makkah after
his call to prophethood. [10]
The Holy Prophet started preaching openly in the third year of prophet hood. The Quraish then
started a well-planned opposition. First, they did verbal propaganda against the Prophet and his
book. They called Quran a manmade book “this is naught but the word of a mortal” [74:25]
“when our verses were recited to him: he says Stories of yore [68:15] “And they say this is nothing
but clear magic.”[37:15].They also made noise whenever the Prophet tried to recite Quran in
public “And those who disbelieve say: Do not listen to this Quran and make noise there in,
perhaps you may overcome.” [41:26]
They sent a delegation to Abu Talib to stop him from preaching so Abu Talib sent for the Prophet
and told him,“Spare me and yourself and put not burden on me that I can’t bear.” The Prophet
replied, “O my uncle! By God if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand on
condition that I abandon this course, until God has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would
not abandon it.” They then started physical torture of the Prophet. They hurled stones towards
him and attacked him when he tried to preach. Uqba once placed the entrails of camel on his back,
tried to strangle him, spat on his face and placed his foot on his head when he was in Sajda. Utaiba
b. Abi Lahab once mishandled him, tore his shirt and tried to spit on his face but Allah saved him.
Abu Jahl once abused him and took a stone and cracked the Prophet’s head which began to bleed.
They even tortured the Holy Prophet by calling him names, Abu Lahab’s son Utba and Utaiba
divorced Prophet’s daughters Ruqayya and Umme Kulthoom respectively on the order of their
father. They called him Abtar when his son Abdullah passed away. They also teased him when
revelations stopped saying ‘Allah has forsaken you’ the Surah Duha was revealed for his
Makkans also offered him to be the head of Makkah or to collect any amount of Gold and silver or
to get married with the most beautiful women but the Prophet declined all offers and focus on his
mission. After the Boycott, Abu Talib and Khadija passed away. The Prophet thus lost his tribal
protection and become vulnerable to Makkan’s atrocities. It made him think of other towns.
He visited Taif to preach but the response was worst. They didn’t just ridicule him but pelted him
with stones so much that his shoes were filled with blood. After the pledges of Aqaba, Quraish

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called an urgent meeting and planned to kill the Prophet. Allah informed him about their devilish
plan and ordered him to migrate to Madina. That was the end of his difficulties in Makkah.
Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makkah. [10]
The Prophet started preaching openly in the third year of prophethood. When Makkans thought
that Islam will be a threat for their religion and political positions, they launched severe
opposition to stop it. They never allowed the followers of the Prophet to practice their religion
freely. Muslims used to pray either in their houses or in the valleys of Makkah.
They forced Abu Bakr, who used to recite Quran in front of his house, to recite it in his house with
low voice as they feared that their women and children will be influenced by the Quran. The
companions used to gather in Dar e Arqam secretly to learn new revelations from the Prophet.
The families boycotted those who accepted Islam and deprived them from family properties and
demanded to abandon Islam. The ridiculed Muslims whenever they saw them. “Surely who are
guilty used to laugh at those who believe. And when they passed by them, they winked at one
another… And when they saw them they said: “Most surely they are in error.”
They even physically tortured the followers of Islam in order to harass others from acceptance of
Islam. The worst victims of their tortures were the slaves. Bilal was starved, beaten with sticks
and lashed. He was exposed to the torrid sun of Makkah, He was even dragged in the streets of
Makkah with a rope around his neck. Khabab b. al-Arat, a blacksmith, was forced to lie on the
burning coals and not allowed to move until his back was totally burnt. Lubaynah was tortured by
Umer and whenever he paused, he said: “I have not stopped beating you out of pity. I have
stopped because I am exhausted. Zunayra was another female slave. When she declared her faith
in Islam, Umar ibn al-Khattab and Abu Jahl took turns in torturing her until she became blind.
The poor companions were the next to slaves who suffered the most as as they had not tribal
support or money for their protection. Among them were Ammar b. Yasir and his parents. His
parents were killed before him but he couldn’t do anything. His mother hz Sumayya was the first
women martyr. Abdullah b. Masood went into the Kaaba and read the new chapter out aloud. A
hostile crowd of the infidels mauled him repeatedly but could not intimidate him into silence. Abu
Dharr went into the Kaaba and shouted: “There is no God but Allah; and Muhammad is his
messenger.” As expected, the infidels fell upon him, and started raining blows upon him.
Even the rich people were not safe from persecutions. Uthman’s uncle Hakam tortured him. He
was locked in the room and not given any food or drink until he fainted. Sometimes he was rolled
in a mat and fire was lit around him for suffocation. Hazrat Musa’b b. Umair was expelled from his
house and suffered too much for Islam but remained firm. Harith b. Abi Hala, the nephew and the
adopted son of Khadija was the first Muslim to be killed.
Due to these persecutions the Prophet asked them to migrate to Abyssinia for the protection of
their Iman and life. Quraysh even tried to bring them back from their but fortunately Negus
understood the reality of Islam and gave asylum to Muslims. During the Boycott of Banu Hashim
many companions also suffered like Khadija, Ali and Saad b. Abi Waqqas. During the Prophet’s
visit of Taif his companion and adopted son Zayd b. Haritha also suffered from injuries. The
greatest sacrifice of companions was their migration to Madina in which they left their homeland,
families, properties and trade just save their faith.
Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet’s message? [4]
Makkans were idol worshippers and saw their forefathers doing idol worshipping since centuries.
They considered Allah subjected to the weakness like a human that was why they believed that
angels are Allah’s daughters. They also asked whom Allah inherited the universe from. They asked
why Allah sent a human like us as His messenger when He could send angels.

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They were class conscious people who didn’t treat their slaves and poor as humans and Islam is a
religion of equality. Many of vices which were very common were not allowed in Islam such as
infanticides, looting others property, immodest activities etc. There was enmity between Banu
Hashim, but the rulers of Makkah were from the tribe of Banu Umayya. Makkah was a trade place
in the days of pilgrimage. And if they accept Islam and people would not come and they would
suffer financial loss. The donations from the pilgrims and tribes of Arabia would stop.
Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinia . [10]
Quraysh turned every stone in keeping the people away from accepting Islam. They were brutally
tortured those /who embraced Islam and they had cross all limits in persecuting them. The Holy
Prophet advised his companions to migrate to Abyssinia because its ruler Negus was Christian and
was known for his kindness and justice. First batch was of 11 men and 4 women. Uthman b. Affan
and his wife Ruqayyah migrated in this batch. It was led by Uthman b. Mazoon. Second batch was
of 82 men and 12 women including Hz Jafar son of Hz Aboo Talib. They migrated in 616.
The Makkans sent a delegation to the Christian King, Negus, which asked the king to send the
Muslims back. The delegation was led by Amr b. Aas. Amr gave gifts to the king and courtiers and
said that some people are hiding in their country who are believing in a self-made prophet. They
had left Abrahamic faith and didn’t accept Christianity. Negus, being just, called Muslims to say
something in their defense. H. Jaffar made a speech which impressed the King who asked him to
recite the Quran [Speech is given in Book]
Jaffar chose to recite Surah Maryam [19:1-36] which talks about the birth of John and Jesus. This
showed his wisdom as he chose very relevant verses. Negus remarked: “By God! Gospel and
Quran are the lights of same lamp.” The king was impressed and understood that the Quran was
Allah’s book. He himself was a very knowledgeable person.
The next day Makkan leaders again went to the King and told him, “The Muslims don’t believe in
the divinity of Jesus and have different ideas about the Christian doctrines.” On this Jaffar said:
“The messenger of Allah taught us that Jesus is a servant of Allah and His Messenger, His spirit and
His word breathed into Virgin Mary.” The king was impressed. He said: “Isa (a.s) himself does not
say anything beyond that. Go and live in peace. If anybody ill-treats you he will have to pay
healthy for it.” He asked Makkans to leave his kingdom and promised Muslim’s safety under his
Why did the people of Makka pursue those Muslims who migrated to Abyssina? [4]
They considered Muslims a threat for their religion as Islam is monotheistic faith and they
believed in polytheistic faith. If Islam would spread idol worshipping will be abandoned. They also
thought they have no control over Islam outside Arabia. They wanted to crush Islam within
Makkah. Other people couldn’t accept Islam as they would not fear tortures in case of migration.
They feared that Muslims can take help from the Christian king and attack Makkah in future. They
also considered Muslims a threat for their reputation as Muslims condemned their beliefs and
Can the migration to Abyssinia be compared to the migration of some Muslim today? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]
In my opinion their migration was much different than the migration of Muslims today in many
ways. Muslims around the world are facing persecution, such as in Syria, and are migrating to
other countries like Jordan and Turkey, where they are being allowed to live in freedom. However,
it is not like migration to Abyssinia as the current migrants usually live in refugee camps where
resources are limited.
The migration to Abyssinia was done for purely religious purpose as they couldn’t practice the
religion openly. Today Muslims migrate just for safety of their lives as the wars make their lives

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miserable and put threats to their lives. It may be said it is not comparable migration of Muslims
now as their migration in most cases is economical migration. Many Muslims now move for work
and financial reasons, so it is not similar.
Write brief description of the following events in the Prophet’s life. [10]
i. Boycott of Banu Hashim.
ii. His attempt to preach to the people of al- Taif
In the seventh year it was decided by the leaders of Makkah to put a socio boycott of Banu
Hashim. The reason was that they were not isolating the Holy Prophet. It was complete social and
economic boycott. The Quraysh chiefs signed this document and the parchment was hung in
Kaabah in order to give it authority.
Abu Talib, leader of Banu Hashim, took the tribe outside the city to Shib-e-AbiTalib. There was no
proper supply of food and water in the valley and no shelter from hot and cold weather. Food was
smuggled sometimes, sometimes they bought it from caravans and sometimes Ali bought it from
some Makkans secretly at higher price given to him by Khadija.
Otherwise, they ate leaves or sucked boiled leather. Abu Lahab and his family was exempted and
Saad b. Abi Waqas who wasn’t from Banu Hashim lived with the Prophet. They stayed there for
three years 617-619. Despite such grim circumstances, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) never ceased inviting
non-Muslims to Islam. Finally, some leaders like Hisham, Zuhair and Mutim b. A’di played their
role to finish it. They Holy Prophet informed Abu Talib that the document was eaten by termites
except the word Allah.
Soon after the lifting of the boycott H. Khadija and Abu Talib died. This year is known as the year
of grief. (A’am ul Huzn) The persecutions increased after their death.

(ii) In the tenth year of prophethood the Holy Prophet thought that he should try to preach the
people of Taif. As Makkan’s response wasn’t good and he was insecure after Abu Talib’s death.
Taif was the closest town to Makkah (60 miles) and it was the second most important town of
Arabia. Only Zayd Ibn Haritha accompanied him.
He met the leaders Habib, Masood and Abd Yalail but they ridiculed him. They objected on his
prophethood and even ordered to stone him. It was the most difficult day of the Prophet’s life.
When the Holy Prophet was out of the town he was bleeding severely. He took shelter in a garden
of grapes owned by Utba and Shaiba. They asked their gardener Addas to give him water and
grapes. He was from Nineveh and was a follower of Jonah. When the Prophet told him about
Jonah he instantly accepted Islam.
The angel of Mountains appeared before him and said that if you order me I will destroy this town
but the Holy Prophet forgave them. “even if these people do not accept Islam, I do hope from
Allah that there will be persons from among their progeny who would worship Allah and serve His
cause.” When he was coming back to Makkah, he stopped in Valley of Nakhla for prayer. He was
reciting Quran when a group of Jin came to him and accepted Islam (46:29-31). Muti’m b. A’di
gave him security at the time of entering Makkah.
What lesson can Muslim today learn from the Prophet’s conduct in each of these incidents?
We get the lesson of patience and tolerance. They suffered a lot but never complained. They just
asked Allah for help. Quran says: “Surely Allah is with the patient” [2:153] We also get the lesson
of being firm and steadfast in religion. If the evil forces create hurdles in the way of religion, we
must not stop practicing our religion and spreading its message to others as nothing is more
important than faith. There is also a lesson to have faith in Allah. We should remember that Allah
knows our difficulties and He will definitely help us. There is also a lesson of forgiveness. Prophet
impressed his enemies with good behavior. Forgiving other is far better than revenge. We should

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go extra mile in the way of Allah and should do mental Jihad in our capacity. We should
remember that if our goal is great than bigger obstacles will come in the way.
Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [ ‘Isra wa-mairaj] [10]
The Holy Prophet was very dishearten on the bad response of Makkans and Taif people so Allah
wanted to show him that his efforts aren’t useless but his rank is very high in the sight of Allah.
Allah also wanted to reenergize him for future through this great journey as he was constantly
facing opposition. On the 27th night of the month of Rajab, The events of Night of Journey and
Ascension took place in the twelfth year of prophet hood.
Angel Jibril woke him up and informed him about Allah’s invitation. First he took him to Hateem,
opened his heart and washed with zamzam. Then he filled it with light. Then the Prophet (pbuh)
went from Kaaba (Makkah) to Masjid al Aqsa (Jerusalem) on a Paradise animal similar to horse
called Buraq. “Glory to Allah who did take his servant from journey by night from the Sacred
Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose precincts We did bless in order that we might show him
some of our signs for He is the one who heareth and seeth (all things).” He reached Masjid al
Aqsa. There he led the prophets in a prayer of two rakaats. After that, the Prophet was brought
two bowls; one of them had wine and other had milk. He was told, “have either of them!” The
Prophet chose the milk. Jibril said to the prophet “You chose the natural one; if you had chosen
the wine, your ummah would have gone astray after you.”
Then through a beautiful ladder the Prophet was taken to the sky. He stopped by all of the layers
of the sky. He met the prophet Adam, Yahya (John), Isa, Yusuf, Idris, Harun, Musa and Ibrahim
(p.b.u. them all) respectively. After that he went to Sidra al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Extremity)
together with Jibril. Sidra alMuntaha is a tree whose root is in the sixth layer of the sky and whose
branches are over the seventh layer of the sky. Then he took the Prophet to such a high place that
the Prophet started to hear the pens writing people’s actions. The prophet (pbuh) then sat on
Rafraf (green silk). Jibril left the Prophet there.
The prophet was elevated and approached to his Lord. The Prophet (pbuh) was given three things
as a result of the encounter in Mairaj: Five daily prayers equal to the reward of 50 daily prayers.
the last two verses of the chapter al Baqara. the major sins of the people from the ummah of
Muhammad were forgiven except those who associated partners with Allah. After that the
Prophet(pbuh) was taken to the Paradise and Hell by Jibril. Then he brought them back to Masjid
Aqsa and then Makkah.
The next day Prophet informed Makkans but they made fun of him. They asked many questions to
check his truthfulness and the Prophet gave all answers correct but even then, they didn’t believe.
Abu Bakr believed him without reluctance and got the title of “al-sidddiq”
Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet himself. [4]
It shows the high rank of Holy Prophet in the sight of Allah no one reached that height where Allah
called his most beloved messenger. He led all prophets in a prayer which signifies his position
among them. He was encouraged and honoured by Allah in this way as he was giving many
sacrifices for Allah’s religion. He was refreshed through this great journey as he was giving many
sacrifices for Allah’s religion. He was refreshed through this great journey as he was suffering
persecutions and oppositions since a long time and was in need of some motivation
Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqaba and the main details in them, [10]
The Prophet and his companions suffered persecution throughout Makkan life. They were denied
religious freedom and couldn’t even pray or recite Quran openly. The boycott of Banu Hashim
proved that they were very stubborn people and will never give an opportunity to Islam to spread.
The death of Abu Talib left the Prophet unprotected. Makkans got some free hand to torture him.

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It made the Prophet to think about other towns. He tried to preach in Taif but the response was
worst. They stoned him and expelled him out of their town.
In the tenth year of prophet hood after visit to Taif the Holy Prophet started to preach to visitors
and pilgrims coming to Makkah. In 620 he met six people from the tribe of Khazraj from Yathrib.
They accepted Islam because they were pre-exposed to prophethood by Jews of Yathrib.
In the 12th year 12 people came and accepted Islam and asked for a teacher, so the Holy Prophet
sent Musa’b Ibn Umair with them. Asa’d b. Zurrah took responsibility of his food and
accommodation. Prophet asked them to meet during night behind the mount so that Makkan will
not get any information about this development of Islam.
The clauses of the pledge were: to believe in Unity of Allah and prophethood and finality of Holy
Prophet. They promised to avoid immodest activities and evil deeds and they will not kill the
children and will obey the Prophet’s command. They were also asked to spread Islam in their
In 13th year 75 people came and accepted Islam they also invited the Holy Prophet to Yathrib.
Abbas, Prophet’s uncle asked them to give guarantee of his protection and then allow the Prophet
to accept their invitation.
The Prophet ordered Muslims to start migration and he waited for Allah’s permission. Makkans
got to know about Muslim’s movements. They called an urgent meeting and planned to kill the
Prophet. The Holy Quran says, “Remember how the unbeliever plotted against you to keep you in
bonds or kill you or get you out of your town. They plotted and Allah too plotted, but the best of
planner is Allah.” Allah informed him about their plans and ordered him to migrate
Additional Info About above Question
1stPledge of Aqaba / Pledge of Women
They swore:
“We will not worship anyone but one Allah, we will not steal neither will we commit adultery nor
kill our children we will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood and we will not disobey
you in any just matter.
When they had taken the pledge Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: “He who carries it out,
Allah will reward him; and who neglects anything and is afflicted in this world, it may prove
redemption for him in the Hereafter; and if the sin remains hidden from the eyes of the men and
no grief comes to him, then his affair is with Allah. He may forgive him or He may not.
2nd Pledge of Aqaba
All points of first pledge + To defend me in case I seek your help, and protect me from anything
you protect yourself, your spouses and children are protected from any danger and harm.
Importance of this Event
1. New life for Islam & the Muslims
2. Great consolation and Morale Boost for the Muslims
3. Safe haven available. 4. Migration begins
5. End of day to day persecution
6. The Muslim community can be established that can have its own laws

How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims? [4]
In the pledges the Prophet leaned hat Yathrib will be the best place for the propagation of Islam in
future. It simply led up to the migration to Yathrib which was going to be the path of success. It led
up to the establishment of the Muslim community for future generation of Muslims. In that
community Muslims will be free to practice the religion freely. In that community Muslims will be
free to practice the religion freely. The teachings of the pledges are still a source of guidance for
Muslims as they are the basics of religion. The pledges still encourage Muslims to struggle for their
religion and look for all possible ways to spread the word of Allah.

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Describe the events that led up to the Prophet Muhammad’s migration, the hijra. [10]
Since the Prophet has started preaching Makkans were constantly creating hurdles in his way.
First they did verbal propaganda by calling him mad, magician, soothsayer etc. and Quran as man-
made book, poetry and story book. They tortured the Prophet’s companions brutally especially
the slave and poor like Bilal, Khabbab and Ammar. They even tortured the Prophet physically and
mentally to deter him from focusing on his noble mission. They never gave them freedom to
practice their religion. When Muslims migrated to Abyssinia, they tries to bring them back from
there but fortunately Negus gave Muslims asylum. In boycott of Banu Hashim, they proved that
they were very stubborn people and will never give space to Islam easily.
Beside all these factors one of the major event which led up to migration was the death of Abu
Talib. With his death the Prophet lost his tribal protection as Abu Lahab was the next leader who
himself was the enemy of Islam. The Prophet became vulnerable to Makkan’s maltreatment and
he was feeling insecure in Makkah. It made him think of other towns for preaching. He first tried
in Taif, but they proved to be worse than Makkans as they stoned him and expelled him out of
On his return he focused on Pilgrims who visited Makkah for pilgrimage every year. He used to go
to every camp and invited them towards Islam. Finally in the 11th year of prophethood he came
across of 6 people of the tribe of Kazraj from Yathrib. They accepted Islam because they were pre-
exposed to prophethood by Jews of Yathrib. The Prophet taught them the basics of Islam and
asked them to spread his message in their town and bring more people next year [1st pledge of
Aqaba] In the 12th year 12 people came [2nd pledge of Aqaba] and met him in the middle of the
night behind the mount Aqaba. This time they asked for the teacher, so the Prophet sent Musa’b
Ibn Umair with them. In 13th year 75 people came and accepted Islam [3rd pledge of Aqaba].
They also invited the Prophet to Yathrib and gave him guarantee of protection and support.
So after the pledges of Aqaba the Prophet ordered his companions to migrate to Yathrib (Madina)
and he waited for Allah’s permission for himself. Makkans came to know about this development
so they immediately called a meeting to discuss the new situation which contained religious and
economic threat for them. They decided in Darul Nadwa to kill the Prophet. “Remember how the
unbeliever plotted against you to keep you in bonds or kill you or get you out of your town. They
plotted and Allah too plotted, but the best of planner is Allah.”[8;30] Allah informed about their
plan and ordered him move out of Makkah for Madina.
Explain the importance of the pledges of Aqaba to the Prophet in the period leading upto
migration. [4]
The Holy Prophet finally got a good response for which he was looking for since a long time. It
made him satisfied and confident. Muslims of Makka also became confident as now they were not
alone to support Islam. Due to the pledges Islam spread out of Makkah and became known in
Yathrib. Through pledges the Prophet learned which place is more fertile for the growth of Islam.
Due to the pledges number of Muslims increased rapidly. Pledges of Aqaba became the main
reason for the migration of Muslims to Yathrib.
Describe the main events of the Prophet’s journey from Makka to Madina. [10]
In the 13th year of prophethood; 622AD, Makkans made the plan of Prophet’s killing so Allah
commanded the Holy Prophet to migrate. “Remember how the unbeliever plotted against you to
keep you in bonds or kill you or get you out of your town. They plotted and Allah too plotted, but
the best of planner is Allah.” [8:30]. The Prophet informed Abu Bakr and he made all necessary
arrangements for the journey like two camels and a guide Abdullah b. Uraiqit. His daughter Asma
prepared the meal. The Holy Prophet asked Ali to sleep in his bed and returned the valuables to
respective owners. His house was surrounded and the Holy Prophet a handful of dust at the

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enemies and escaped unhurt. He was reciting a verse of Surah Yaseen: “And we have made before
them a barrier and behind them a barrier, then We have covered them over so that they do not
see.” [36:9] He left Makkah with Abu Bakr due south and stayed in cave Thawr. Announcement of
hundred camel’s prize was made by Quraish when they found him missing.
Abu Bakr entered the cave first and cleaned it and filled all the holes. On one of the holes, he
placed his foot. Abu Bakr’s foot was stung by a snake, but he didn’t move his leg as the Prophet
was sleeping and his head was in his lap. The Holy Prophet applied his saliva and the pain
vanished. Non-Muslims came close, but Allah showed a miracle and a spider made a web at
entrance and birds made a nest there. The non-believers did not bother to go inside and check.
They returned hopeless from there. The Holy Quran says: “if you help him not for Allah did indeed
help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two, when they were in the cave,
he said to his companion, ‘have no fear, Allah is with us’ [9:40]. They stayed in the cave for three
nights Asma used to bring meals, Abdullah b. Bakr brought news, Aamir b. Fuhaira brought some
milky goats and Abdullah b. Uraiqit took away the camels.
When he came out of cave Suraqa b. Malik saw him and followed him to arrest but he fell with his
horse thrice and then he accepted Islam. On the way the Prophet stopped at the camp of Umme
Ma’bad and filled her utensils with milk from a goat who never gave milk as a miracle. Then he
moved to Quba and stayed for 14 days. He stayed in the house of Kulthum b. al Hadam. Here he
gave foundation to the mosque of Quba. Ali joined him here. In the quarters of Banu Saalim when
he was on the way to Madina the first Friday prayer was offered. Then he reached Medinah and
warmly welcomed. His camel sat at the house of Abu Ayub Ansari and the Holy Prophet stayed
What was the significance of this journey for the Muslims? [4]
Religious freedom was achieved. In Makkah they couldn’t pray or recite the Quran openly but in
Madina mosque was built first to practice religion freely and there was no one to disturb them.
Number of Muslims increased as all people of Aws and Khazraj tribe accepted Islam. First Muslim
community was established, and Muslims got an identity. Now they had their own land,
government and way of living. Muslims got interactive relations with other religions like Judaism
and the Prophet also maintained relations with other states politically, so they got exposure to the
World. Many new revelations came, and the religion was perfected like fasting, zakat, laws etc.
Jihad was introduced and Muslims removed hurdles from the peaceful propagation of Islam. Due
to its importance the Islamic calendar was started from this date. So migration was truly the
turning point of Islamic history when Muslims moved from the weakness to strength and from
dependence to independence.

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