Life in Makkah

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Life in Makkah

● Birth
● Holy Prophet (SAW) was born on Monday 12th of
Rabi-ul-Awwal (April 570)
● His father Hz Abdullah passed away before his birth.
● His grandfather Abdul –Muttalib named him
Muhammad whereas his mother called him Ahmed.

● It was a general custom among established families of
Arabs to send their children away to Bedouin nurses
so that they would grow up in healthy and free
environment and acquire the pure Arabic dialect.
● Holy Prophet (SAW) was given in charge of Hz
Halima Saadia, Who loved him as her own son.
● At the age of six Hz Halime brought him back to his
mother who took him to yasrib to visit the grave of
her husband Abdullah and also to meet her relatives.
● During her return journey Hz Amna passed away and
was buried at Abwa.

● Hz Abdul-Muttalib looked after him till Holy Prophet
turned Eight when he passed away.
● Then his uncle Hz Abu Talib took over the
responsibility of his nephew.
● Holy Prophet (SAW)did not get any formal education.
● He was loved by people for his sweet and peaceful

Trade journey to Syria

● When Holy Prophet was 12 years old, he went with his
uncle Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria.
● A Christian monk Bahira recognized Holy Prophet as
Future Messenger ,he asked his uncle to take him
back to Makkah so that Jews might recognize him and
harm him.

Harb -ul- Fijar

● There was no central organization among Arab tribes
and they used to fight with each other under slight
provocation for several years.
● Holy Prophet (SAW) was 15 years old when a
sacrilegious war known as Battle of Fijar broke out
between Quraish and Qais tribes in the fair of Ukaz
● Holy Prophet(SAW) did not play any direct role in the
war, he only collected the arrows thrown by the
enemies and handed them over to his uncle.
● This experience also helped him later in his life ,as
military leader of Muslims in Madina

● It was peace treaty signed by prominent tribes of Makkah.
● It was drafted to defend the cause of the weak, the poor
and the orphan.
● It was called Half-ul- fazul as the dignitaries who
participated had the title of Fazul in their names.
● The Holy Prophet was an active participant of the pledge .
In later years he said ,” I was present in the House of
Abdullah bin Judan(at Half-ul-fazul),I would not exchange
my participation in it for a herd of red camels. And if now
in Islam, I were summoned unto it , I would gladly
respond.” This shows his peace loving nature.

The Truthful (As-Sadiq),The

Trustworthy (Al-Amin)
Holy Prophet(SAW) did not depend on anyone for his
livelihood. In his early life he tended sheep and
camels. When he grew up ,he started a trading
business which was considered a very honourable
profession at that time.
He was extremely honest and fair in his dealings. He
was called As-Sadiq(The truthful) and Al- Amin (The
Trustworthy).The people of Makkah used to entrust
him with their valuables for safekeeping.

Marriage With Hz Khadija (RA)

In Makkah there was a rich and respectable widow,
named Khadija (RA).She asked Holy Prophet to take
her merchandise to Syria. Her slave Maisra
accompanied Holy Prophet (SAW).On his return he
spoke highly of Holy Prophet’s honesty.
Hz Khadija (RA) was very much impressed by the
honesty of Holy Prophet (SAW) and she sent a
marriage proposal to him through a common relative
Nafeesa, Hz Abu Talib accepted her proposal on Holy
Prophet’s behalf. When they got married ,he was 25
years old whereas Hz Khadija (RA) was 40 years old.
Fixing of Black stone
● Due to heavy rain in Makkah the buiding of Kaaba
was damaged. Different tribes worked together in
constructing Kaaba.
● When the building was almost complete, there was a
dispute to reset the sacred Black Stone in place as
every tribe wanted to have the honor of fixing it
● Before it could lead to blood shed, it was decided that
whoever will enter Kaaba first in the morning would
decide what should be done.
● The first person who entered the sacred Masjid next
morning was Holy Prophet (SAW)

● The Holy Prophet (SAW) found a peaceful solution.
● He asked them to take a sheet and put Black Stone on
it and asked the chief of every tribe to hold the sheet
and raise it to the right height. Then Holy Prophet
(SAW) himself picked up the stone and set it in its
rightful position.
● This shows his democratic nature as he took care of
the sentiments of each tribe.

First Revelation(Experience in cave

● From his very childhood Holy Prophet (SAW)
detested idol worship.
● He used to retire to cave Hira with a supply of dates,
water etc. There he used to meditate over the
condition of his people.
● He was 40 years old then. In 610 A.D, when he was in
deep meditation in cave Hira, angel Gabriel (AS)
appeared in human form. He asked Holy Prophet
(SAW) to read.

● Holy Prophet (SAW) replied ,”I can’t read”. Hz Jibrael
hugged him and squeezed him so tight that Holy
Prophet thought he would die of suffocation. He was
then released and the request to read was repeated.
● “I can’t read”, said Holy Prophet again. The angel
again hugged him and asked him to read.
● Holy Prophet (SAW) was of afraid of being hugged for
the the third time so he asked. ”what shall I read?”
● Then the angel recited the following verses,” Read ! In
the name of your Lord, Who created. Created man

● Of clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord
is Most Bountiful, He who taught (the use of) pen .
Taught men that what he knew not.”
● Holy Prophet recited these verses after the angel and
verses were imprinted on his mind. This was the first
revelation and the beginning of Prophet hood.
● Holy Prophet was greatly shaken by this experience.
When he came out of cave Hira , he saw angel Gibrael
in his original form. He was filling the whole horizon.
The tip of his one wing was touching the east and the
tip of other wing was touching the west.

● He came home and asked Hz Khadija to cover him
with blanket as he was shivering. He narrated the
whole incident to her. She consoled him and took him
to her cousin Warqa bin Noufal who was a christian
scholar. He confirmed that Holy Prophet was the
Messenger whose arrival has been predicted in
previous books. He also told Holy Prophet (SAW)
that he would be driven out of Makkah by his people.

Secret preaching by Holy Prophet

● After the first revelation ,the Holy Prophet did not
receive any revelation for six months. He spent this
period in restlessness and anxiety. Then one day he
saw Hz Gibrael seated on a chair between the earth
and the heavens.
● When he reached home , he was shivering and asked
Hz Khadija (RA) to cover him.
● Then he received the second revelation.
● “O thou wrapped( in a mantle!) Arise and deliver thy
warning.” The Holy Prophet(SAW) followed the
divine call and invited his relatives and friends to

erson to embrace Islam was his wife, Hz
A).HZ Abu Bakr(RA) was the first male
nter the folds of Islam. Hz Ali (RA) was only
d when he embrace Islam. Hz Zaid bin
he freed slave of Holy Prophet (SAW) was
ave to accept Islam, Hz Umme -e- Aimen
st slave girl to accept Islam.
y days the Holy Prophet preached secretly
rivate preaching continued for three years

● About forty people accepted islam
● Among them were Hz Usman,Hz Talha,Hz Zubair,Hz
Abdurl Rahman Bin Auf, Hz Ammar bin Yasir,Hz
Sumayya,Hz Abdullah bin Masood.
● The early muslims were mostly poor and a number of
them were slave

Public Preaching :
● For full three years the Holy Prophet (SAW) was
content preaching to his nearest circle of friends and
relatives. Then the new revelation brought the divine
order of open preaching
● “And O beloved ! Warn your nearest kinsmen”
● Holy Prophet (SAW) invited the nobles from Banu
Hashim and Banu Muttalib to his home twice and
declared oneness of Allah but they reacted rudely.
However Hz Abu Talib promised to protect and help

● Allah Almighty commanded him to invite general
public to Islam. “Therefore preach openly what you
are commanded and turn away from those who joined
false gods with Allah.”.”
● Holy Prophet (SAW) climbed the mountain of Suffa.
● He called aloud to the Quraish to assemble.
● “If I inform you that a big army of enemy is advancing
on the other side of the hill,would you believe me?”
● All of them said in one voice ,”Of course we will; you
are always truthful.”

● Then he said,” I ask you to declare that there is no god
but Allah.’
● The people became angry, Abu Lahab, one of the
uncles of Holy Prophet (SAW) said, ”May God destroy
you !did you invite us for this.”
● After this all of them dispersed.
● The Holy Prophet now started to address the people
in public and private gatherings and on routes to
which were used by pilgrims to the Holy city.

Reasons for opposition

● Islam taught worship of One Supreme God and
condemned idol worhip .The Quraish were addicted
to the worship of idols. Thus they opposed Islam as
they did not want to leave idol worship nor believe in
the hereafter.
● Islam preaches equality and brotherhood. It negates
the distinction between the rich and the poor. It was
against the social norms and traditions ,they practiced
and believed in. Thus they started violent struggle to
save their social position.

● Quraish indulged in all kinds of sinful acts. Islam
condemned these evil practices which angered Quraish.
● The rise of Islam was a threat to political authority of
Quraish. They sensed the Holy Prophet as an emerging
new political leader so it was necessary to stop the rapid
spread of Islam.
● Islam was a threat to economic interests of Quraish. They
were the custodian of Holy Kabah. The annual pilgrimage
brought economic benefits to people .Their trade caravans
enjoyed immunity as the robbers and dacoits did not
harm them. The rise of Islam would result in their
economic downfall as their economic benefits were
connected to idol worship.

Persecution of Holy Prophet (SAW)

● The teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were a
death blow to the old customs of Quraish and it was
taken as an insult to their so called religion and old
ways of their forefathers.
● They adopted every method to terrorize and create
hurdles for the Holy Prophet (SAW)
● They laid thorns and rubbish in his way, made fun of
him when he offered prayers and they spread rumours
about being a poet or a wizard or insane.
● His two daughters were divorced by the sons of Abu

● When he did not stop his mission, the Makkans
approached his uncle to stop him from preaching
Islam. Holy Prophet (SAW) replied, ”I will not stop
even if they place sun on my right hand and moon on
my left hand.”
● After this ,the Quraish chiefs increased the
persecution against Holy Prophet (SAW). Once he
was prostrating in Kaaba ,Abu Jahl put the dirty
entrails of camel on his back and Hz Fatima (RA)
removed it from his back.

● Uqbah bin Abi Mui’t put his sheet of cloth round the
neck of Holy Prophet (SAW) and tried to strangle
● Abu Lahab used to throw stone at him and redicule
● Abu Lahab’s wife Umme Jameel used to tie bundle of
thorns with ropes of twisted palm leaf fibre and
strewn them on the path of Holy Prophet (SAW) to
cause him physical injury. Allah says in Sura Lahab
“He will burn in a fire of blazing flame and his wife as
wel the carrier of firewood. Around her neck is a rope
of twisted fibre.”

● When the second son of Holy Prophet (SAW) passed
away ,Abu Jahl started calling him Abtar(the man cut
off ,with no male off spring.)
● Allah Almighty revealed Sura Kausar to console him.
● His tribe was forced to leave Makkah and live in a
gorge Shab –e- Abi Talib for three years where they
suffered hunger, thirst and severity of the weather.
● After this boycott Holy Prophet (SAW) lost his two
beloved people ,Hz Abu Talib and Hz Khadija (RA).

Persecution of Early converts

● Early converts were tortured to dissuade them from
their faith. The treatment with the other Muslims was
also very bad. Once Saad bin Abi Waqas was trying to
protect the Prophet (SAW) when he was struck by a
sword. Haris Ibn Abi Hala was killed when he was
trying to protect the Prophet (SAW). Bilal (RA) was
laid on the hot sand and rock and a heavy stone was
put on his chest by his master. Abu Bakr(RA), a man
of a high position, was beaten so severely that he was
about to die. Uthman (RA) was chained by his uncle
because he was not ready to avert.

● Mother of Hz Mus’ab bin Umair put him to starvation

and then expelled him from home.
● Another victim was Ammar bin yasir, a free slave of
Bani Mukhzoom. He along with his mother and
father were made to lie on burning sand and were
beaten severely. His father eventually died because of
repeated torture. His mother Summayya was also
killed by Abu Jahal
● Hz zunaira lost her eye sight when her master pierced
a hot iron rod in her eyes.

● some Muslims had to leave Makkah and they settled

in Abyssinia but the Prophet (SAW) did not go there.
During these years, Muslims could not worship in
Kaaba. They also faced a business boycott
continuously. The persecution was not only physical
but also economic. The poor Muslims were not paid
for their hard work. The rich and settled Mulims like
Abu Bakr (RA) had to face non-cooperation in trade.
For example, Makkans used to sell their goods in less
than the purchase price in order to hurt Muslim

Migration to Abbysinia
● In this situation, some Muslims came to the prophet
(saw) and discussed the situation with the Prophet
(sw). The Prophet (saw) advised them to go to
Abbysinia which is in Africa in 5th year of
Prophethood. The king of Abbysinia was Najashi
(Nagus) who was Chiristian. The Prophet (SAW) said
that he was a good natured and pious man and the
Prophet (SAW) said that he hoped Najashi would give
them protection.
● From Makkah, the traveller had to go the port of
Jiddah and from there, they were to cross Red sea to
get to Abbysinia. For Muslims, it was a long and a
risky journey but the Prophet (SAW)permitted them
to move. However the Prophet himself and some
other Muslims who were rather safe in Makkah due
to their high status, did not go. There were two
migrations to Abbysinia. In the first migration, eleven
men and four women including Hz Uthman (RA), his
wife Ruqayyah and Jafar Ibn Abi Talib (RA)migrated.
In the second migration, another group of about
eighty-three men and women migrated.

● The first group left Makkah silently in the darkness of

night. They came to the port where they were lucky
enough that two boats were ready to go to Abbysinia.
When the pagans came to know that these people had
left, they chased them but failed to catch them. In
Abbysinia, the King Nagus or Najashi gave them
protection. Very soon, a few men of Quraish went to
Nagus and demanded to return refugees.
● The purpose of the pagans was to make Najashi angry
that Muslims did not believe that Jesus was the son of

● At this, Nagus called the Muslims. Jafar Ibn Abi

Talib(ra) represented Muslims and he decided to tell
the truth. He recited Sura Maryam and told Nagus
that they were the people who used to worship stone
idols. They were uncultured who would bury their
daughters, who were cruel towards women, poor,
orphans and slaves. Killing and plundering was their
profession. In these people, there came a man
amongst themselves who led them to right way. After
hearing this Nagus said, ‘This and gospel are the light
of same candle.and refused to return refugees

Boycott of Banu Hashim (616 –

619 AD):
● · Knowing that they could not harm Muhammad (PBUH)
much as he was under the protection of his clan, Bani
Hashim, they agreed to boycott the entire clan.
● · All the clans of the Quraish agreed not to intermarry
with Banu Hashim, nor to sell or trade with them.
● · This agreement was signed and hung in the Kaaba.
● Excommunicated, the clan retired to the rock-bound
property of Abu Talib on the outskirts of Makkah called
Shi’b Abi Talib.
● · Only Abu Lahab did not join the Bani Hashim in their

● · Thus Islam’s progress came to a total standstill

during this period.
● · After three years of seeing the Bani Hashim suffer,
the rest of the Makkans were touched by their
deplorable condition.
● · Zubair bin Abi Umayya led the way to end the
boycott. When the door of Kaaba was opened, the
Quraish saw that the agreement had been eaten

The Year of Grief

In 619 AD, 10th year of Prophethood Abu Talib and
Hazrat Khadija died.
● · Hazrat Khadija died at the age of 63.
● · Muhammad (PBUH) was struck by grief. He later
said that when nobody believed in his mission, Hazrat
Khadija believed him, when he was friendless, she
befriended him and when he was helpless, she helped
● · Abu Talib’s death was a severe blow to Muhammad
(PBUH). He lost his only support amongst the hostile

Visit toTaif
● Ten years had passed since Muhammad (PBUH) brought
the Message of Allah to the
● Quraish. However, they still remained adamant and
refused to change.
● · Taif is an oasis city near Makkah. At that time, it was
something of a resort for the rich
● people of Arabia, with lush gardens and lavish display of
● · Muhammad (PBUH) journeyed with Hazrat Zaid bin
Harris to Taif.
● · The rich people of Taif were too busy in their worship of
Lat to listen to Muhammad
● (PBUH). The hooligans and rabble of Taif threw
stones at Muhammad (PBUH) and so seriously
wounded him that his shoes were caked with blood.
He escaped once again from the vicious clutches of a
barbaric people.
● He took refuge in an orchard where the angel of
mountain came and asked him he would crush the
people of Taif under mountain if Holy Prophet(SAW)
allow it.Holy prophet replied,”I have been sent as
mercy to the world”

Isra wa Mairaj
● The event of Miraj took place on 27 Rajab 621 AD. It was the time when

the Prophet’s wife Khadija (ra) and uncle, Abu Talib had died, visit to Taif
had failed and the persecution of Makkans was on peak. One night the
Prophet was awoken by Jabrail (as), and from Makkah (Masjid al Haram),
he was taken to Jerusalem (Masjid Al Aqsa) on a white horse-like winged
creature (Burraq) who could run extremely fast. There he met the prophets
who came before him. He also led the prayer of these prophets. This is a
clear indication that Mohammad is the leader of all prophets and he is also
the last prophet of Allah. This event is called ‘Isra’.
‘Glory to Him who took His servant for a journey by night from the Sacred
mosque to the Farthest mosque ------From Jerusalem, he was taken to heavens. In the
heavens, he met Adam
(as), Idrees (as), Musa (as), Essa (as) and Ibrahim (as) on different levels of
heavens. They gave Mohammad (sw) respect and welcomed him as
‘brother’. Mohammad (sw) also visited and saw paradise and hell.

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● He was also shown the treatment of good and bad deeds. It means

that he saw people going through rewards given by Allah or the

punishments they suffered due to their bad deeds. It may be guessed
that these rewards and punishments were not in the paradise or hell
but they were going on in Barzakh, the place where the spirits of good
and bad people are kept. For example, he saw people harvesting their
ready green crop and they were very happy. When the harvesting was
complete, the crop was ready again, and they started the process
again. They were extremely happy. The Prophet (sw) asked Jibraeel
(as) about the event. He replied that they were the people who did
some good which continued after their deaths and they will be
rewarded for ever for this good work. In the same way, he saw

● At one point, Jibraeel (as) stopped. Here Mohammad (sw)

saw a strange huge tree from which heavenly lights were
coming out. Words are unable to describe this scene. The
point is called “Sidra tul Muntaha” which means ‘The
Remotest Lote Tree’. Jibraeel (as) refused to go beyond
this point and Mohammad (sw) alone went inside. It was
the occasion when Allah made fifty prayers obligatory
upon Muslims but when the Prophet came back, he met
Musa (as) who advised the prophet (sw) to request Allah
to reduce them and finally, five times prayers became
obligatory. According to many Hadith and a strong Hadith
from Aisha (ra), he did not see Allah.

● From heavens, he was taken back to Jersalem. From there he

came back to Makkah where his bed was still warm. On his way
back to Makkah, he saw two caravans coming towards Makkah.
Next morning he was commanded by Allah to narrate this
event to pagans of Makkah. When the Prophet did this, the
natural reaction came. They mocked the Prophet but it was
Abu Bakr (ra) who said that he believes in Mohammad
completely. It was the occasion when Abu Bakr (ra) was given
the title ‘Al Siddiq’. When the pagans asked about the proof of
his visit, Mohammad described every detail about Jerusalem
and the surroundings of Aqsa mosque. Mohammad also told
about two caravans which were travelling towards Makkah and
told about the time of their arrival which proved correct in a
short time. In spite of these signs, they did not accept the truth
of the Prophet Mohammad

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