Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Towards Soft Electronics

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Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15

REVIEW Open Access

Carbon nanotubes and graphene towards soft

Sang Hoon Chae1,2 and Young Hee Lee1,2*

Although silicon technology has been the main driving force for miniaturizing device dimensions to improve cost
and performance, the current application of Si to soft electronics (flexible and stretchable electronics) is limited due
to material rigidity. As a result, various prospective materials have been proposed to overcome the rigidity of
conventional Si technology. In particular, nano-carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene are
promising due to outstanding elastic properties as well as an excellent combination of electronic, optoelectronic, and
thermal properties compared to conventional rigid silicon. The uniqueness of these nano-carbon materials has opened
new possibilities for soft electronics, which is another technological trend in the market. This review covers the recent
progress of soft electronics research based on CNTs and graphene. We discuss the strategies for soft electronics with
nano-carbon materials and their preparation methods (growth and transfer techniques) to devices as well as the
electrical characteristics of transparent conducting films (transparency and sheet resistance) and device performances
in field effect transistor (FET) (structure, carrier type, on/off ratio, and mobility). In addition to discussing state of the art
performance metrics, we also attempt to clarify trade-off issues and methods to control the trade-off on/off versus
mobility). We further demonstrate accomplishments of the CNT network in flexible integrated circuits on plastic
substrates that have attractive characteristics. A future research direction is also proposed to overcome current
technological obstacles necessary to realize commercially feasible soft electronics.
Keywords: Carbon nanotube; Graphene; Nano-carbon; Soft electronics; Flexible; Stretchable; Transparent
conducting film; Thin film transistor

1 Introduction the investigation of new materials which are bendable,

Since the invention of the transistor, the semiconductor twistable, flexible and stretchable. Toward the basic re-
industry has affected nearly every aspect of our daily life quirement of replacing traditional rigid silicon electronics
[1,2]. One main stream technological trend of the silicon by new materials, structure engineering, such as structures
industry is scaling down the device sizes. For instance, in “wavy” layouts and the open mesh geometry have also
the gate length has been reduced down to ~20 nm under been investigated to achieve stretchability [4–6].
current optical lithography technique, and the count of Figure 1 shows the development of materials for achiev-
transistors in a commercially available CPU numbers more ing soft electronics from traditional rigid chips. Amorph-
than 5 billion [3]. In spite of the tremendous progress of ous silicon (a-Si), low temperature polycrystalline silicon
miniaturized silicon technology, further development to soft (p-Si), semiconducting metal oxides, nanowires, and or-
electronics is still limited by the rigidity of the materials ganic semiconductors are promising candidates for flexible
themselves. Electronic devices on flexible and stretchable electronics from a materials perspective, but several chal-
substrates, defined as soft electronics, are contrasted to lenges must be overcome prior to their practical use. a-Si is
traditional rigid chips using conventional silicon and metals. low-cost and is applicable for large-area displays, but suf-
The strategies for developing soft electronics are driven by fers from poor mobility and flexibility [7]. Low temperature
p-Si has the advantage of relatively high mobility but has
* Correspondence: [email protected] low uniformity and processability [8]. Metal oxides are
Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute for Basic
Science (IBS), Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea costly due to the shortage of rare earth elements and
Department of Energy Science, Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan display poor environmental stability. Polymers have
University (SKKU), Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea

© 2014 Chae and Lee; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 2 of 26

Figure 1 Classification of materials from rigid to soft. Conventional Si-based materials need to be replaced by new materials to realize soft
(flexible/stretchable) electronics. With good electrical and mechanical properties, materials such as a-Si, organic polymer, nanowires, and
nano-carbon materials are good candidates for next-generation soft applications.

substantial bendability, but have poor mobility and chem- shows various types of carbon-based materials - fullerene,
ical stability. CNT, graphene, graphite, graphene oxide (GO), and
Nano-carbons such as one-dimensional carbon nano- diamond.
tubes (CNTs) and two-dimensional graphene layers have The extraordinary electrical, physical, and chemical
been widely studied to open a new technology platform properties of CNTs and graphene have been attractive
based on flexible electronics requiring high transmit- since their discoveries. Both materials exhibit outstanding
tance, bendability, and high mobility [9–12]. Figure 2 carrier mobility, which is attractive for applications to

Figure 2 Carbon-based nanomaterials. Nano-carbon materials including 0D fullerene, 1D CNT, 2D graphene, 3D graphite, 3D graphene oxide,
and 3D diamond are demonstrated.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 3 of 26

electronic devices. The carrier mobility in semiconducting levels) and morphology (length, area, dimension, and
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) has been thickness). This section describes some of the most suc-
shown to be as high as ~80,000 cm2 V−1 s−1 [13], while cessful methods for synthesis of nano-carbon materials.
the mobility of exfoliated graphene ranges from
~100,000 cm2 V−1 s−1 [14] on insulating substrates to 2.1.1 Carbon nanotubes
230,000 cm2 V−1 s−1 in suspended structures [15]. These The CNT synthesis techniques aim to provide control
ultra-high mobility values suggest that these materials over the tube density, spatial distribution, length, and
have the potential to outperform established materials for orientation. Controlling the tube diameter and ratio of
next-generation high-speed electronics. The electric semiconducting to metallic SWCNTs have been a critical
current capacity for both CNTs and graphene are reported issue for electrical applications [22,23]. The conventional
above 109 A cm−2 [16,17]. At room temperature, CNTs growth methods for large-scale CNTs include arc dis-
exhibit a thermal conductivity up to 3,500 W m−1 K−1 charge, laser ablation, and chemical vapor deposition
[18], and graphene has a value of 5,300 W m−1 K−1 [19] (CVD) [24–28]. While CNTs grown by arc discharge
with a high transmittance of nearly 97% [20]. In addition and laser ablation usually have fewer structural defects
to high flexibility and stretchability, both materials also than those produced by CVD techniques, the CVD
have superb mechanical strength (Young's modulus of 1.0 method is intrinsically scalable for realistic applications
TPa and tensile strength of 130 GPa) [21]. For these due to its low setup cost, high production yield, and ease
reasons, CNTs and graphene are regarded as the most of scale-up. Moreover, long average tube lengths can be
promising materials to realize next-generation electronics. obtained from CVD method, which lead to generally
The purpose of this article is to summarize the recent better electrical properties in CNTs. The challenge to
progresses of both CNTs and graphene in soft electron- control alignment and geometry of SWCNTs is miti-
ics, and furthermore, to provide guidance for future gated by the CVD method as well. As a one-dimensional
nano-carbon research by clarifying feasible approaches material, the as-grown CNTs have various geometries, as
which will most likely lead to soft applications. We first shown in Figure 3.
discuss several successful attempts to synthesize CNTs Individual CNTs are horizontally grown on the substrate
and graphene. Variations in transfer techniques for both by CVD, as shown in Figure 3a. Horizontally aligned
materials are discussed thoroughly. For the use of CNTs SWCNTs can be grown using stable and laminar gas flow,
and graphene for transparent conducting films (TCFs), which can be determined by the Reynolds number, which
the characteristics of TCFs using both nano-carbon depends on volumetric flow rate, viscosity of gases, and
materials are compared in depth, together with ITO. the hydraulic diameter of the quartz tube [29,30]. Both the
Furthermore, various types of field-effect devices using buoyancy effect induced by gas temperature and gas flow
different forms of CNT FETs such as single CNT FET, stability play a dominant role in preparing batch-scale
random network CNT FET, aligned CNT FET, and SWCNT arrays [31]. In Figure 3b shows scanning electron
different forms of graphene FETs such as single layer microscopy (SEM) images of an aligned SWCNT film
graphene (SLG), bilayer graphene (BLG), and graphene grown from Fe catalyst patterned into narrow stripes
nanoribbon (GNR) are compared. Moreover, the specific oriented perpendicular to the growth direction on quartz
FET device performances related to material preparation [32]. The CVD process on ST-cut quartz wafers using
and fabrication techniques are also discussed. Finally, the patterned stripes of Fe catalyst leads to the highest levels
logic level, flexibility, and stretchability of devices with a of alignment and density of CNTs. Linear alignment of in-
combination of graphene and CNTs along with their dividual SWCNTs was achieved with an average diameter
utilizations in logic circuits are further discussed. The sys- of ~1 nm, and a density approaching ~10 SWCNT/μm.
tematic deep analyses of the device properties of graphene Figure 3c shows that vertically stacked CNT films can
and CNTs highlight excellent opportunities for future flex- stand on a SiO2 substrate. The CVD growth was carried
ible electronics. We conclude with a brief perspective on out on various catalysts, including Fe nano-particles and
the research directions of soft electronics in future. metal thin films (Fe, Al/Fe, Al2O3/Co) on Si wafers,
quartz, and metal foils to synthesize CNT forest [33,34].
2 Review Depending on the collection time, the thickness of CNT
2.1 Material preparations films can be changed from micrometers to a few centi-
The preparation techniques for CNTs and graphene are meters [35]. Highly-stacked nanotube structures were
the most important fundamental research areas providing successfully fabricated on wafer-scale substrates with
realistic applications. From the discovery of CNTs and different thicknesses, which are robust for numerous
graphene, diverse work has been done to improve the applications as a conducting film [36,37]. Efficient field
quality of the materials (crystallinity and uniformity) and emission has been demonstrated where the screening of
to control other parameters (chirality, density, and doping the field emission current is determined by the ratio of
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 4 of 26

Figure 3 Various methods of CNT film preparation. a, CVD-grown aligned individual SWCNTs on SiO2 substrate using stable and laminar gas
flow. b, Aligned array of CNTs on ST-cut quartz with narrow strip pattern of Fe catalyst. Reproduced with permission [32]. Copyright 2007, Nature
Publishing Group. c, Array of vertically aligned MWCNTs on Fe/Al/SiO2 substrate. d, Random network SWCNTs prepared by spray of CNT solution
(left) and CVD-grown on SiO2 substrate (right). e, Yarning of vertically aligned MWCNT film.

the interlayer spacing to CNT length [38,39]. Figure 3d little as 2% of the diameter of a human hair, making them
shows SEM images of random network geometry CNTs. ideal as an artificial muscle actuator or artificial muscle,
The network geometry can be achieved easily by print- and for storing energy as part of a fiber supercapacitor or
ing SWCNTs from a solution suspension [40,41]. Solu- battery. MWCNT fibers could also replace rigid metal
tion methods such as spray, filtering, dip-coating, and wires in electronic textiles, such as in heated blankets,
ink-jet printing have been commonly used for random where the rigidity of the metal wires can be uncomfort-
network type CNT films [42–46]. One serious drawback able. Replacing wires with conducting fibers can also
of the solution approach is the bundling of individual provide radio or microwave absorption, electrostatic
CNTs. This degrades the performance of transparent discharge protection, other types of textile heating, or for
conducting films (sheet resistance vs transmittance) and simple wiring applications such as headphones where
transistors (on/off ratio vs mobility) [47]. Random flexibility is important [37,54].
network CNT films prepared directly from CVD or arc
discharge can also produce CNT networks and improve 2.1.2 Graphene
the device performance [48,49]. The bundling of CNTs Since graphene was first electrically isolated from graph-
can be avoided and rather clean CNTs can be retained ite using a mechanical exfoliation method, many efforts
through the CVD method without worrying about the have been studied to synthesize thin graphene films such
addition of additives that are used in solution approach as the CVD method, reduction of graphene oxide (GO),
[41]. By controlling the concentration of catalysts of epitaxial growth on SiC, and chemical molecular assem-
Fe/Co/Mo, the density of CNTs can be modified, due to bly method.
increased surface area, pore volume, and catalytic activity As shown in Figure 4a, the mechanical exfoliation
[50]. Nevertheless, realizing large-area with good uni- technique offers high quality but small flakes of gra-
formity is still challenging with the CVD method. phene. Tape was used as the micromechanical cleavage
Owing to their strength, toughness, capabilities of layer to detach graphene samples from graphite. The ex-
mechanical energy damping, and resistance to knot- foliation method was followed by the identification and
induced failure, yarns made from vertically aligned films selection of monolayers by using an optical microscopy,
of MWCNTs are promising multifunctional materials scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force
[51–53]. Figure 3e shows an example of the yarning microscopy (AFM) [55,56]. However, the practical use of
process for a vertically aligned MWCNT film. A beneficial such a graphene for electronics applications is limited by
feature of these yarns is the diameter, which can be as the tiny size of the exfoliated graphene films, despite
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 5 of 26

Figure 4 Various methods of graphene synthesis. a, Exfoliated graphene (monolayer, bilayer, and other thick layer) obtained by taping from
graphite. b, Graphene flake is grown on Cu foil by CVD. c, Schematic procedure to generate high quality graphene powder obtained from
reduced graphite oxide and the electron diffraction pattern. Adapted with permission [73]. d, Images of monolayer graphene on 6H–SiC(0001) for
explaining epitaxial growth of graphene. Reproduced with permission [74]. Copyright 2009, Nature Publishing Group.

their high crystallinity. The preparation of graphene generated by ultraviolet irradiation [61] and sodium
using the CVD method has been reported for the feas- chloride solution [62]. Graphene can be also prepared by
ible use of graphene [57–59]. Figure 4b shows that the a liquid-phase exfoliation or reduction of GO, which has
graphene flake was grown on Cu foil under an atmos- advantages in quantity, yield and cost [63–67]. Large
pheric CVD system. The CVD approach is attractive quantities of GO can be prepared by the traditional
because it allows fabrication over large-area, and expan- Brodie and Hummer method, although these methods
sion of the applicability of graphene to flexible or can be slightly modified to improve the quality of GO
stretchable devices. Although quality and size of gra- [68–71]. Several reducing agents have been used to
phene keep improving, field effect mobilities of devices achieve reduced GO [72]. Although these methods are
using CVD graphene exhibit still lower values compared advantageous for mass production, the complete removal
to those of devices with exfoliated or epitaxial graphene. of epoxy and hydroxyl groups and defect generation are
Yet, the presence of defects such as point defects, grain an unsolved problem at the present time, unlike the high
boundaries, and wrinkles is unavoidable in the CVD quality pristine graphene. A simple thermal exfoliation
process [60]. Grain boundaries and defects reduce the followed by high temperature annealing up to 1500°C in
conductivity of the film and therefore it is highly desired vacuum provides a route of obtaining better quality gra-
to remove them during growth. Observations and con- phene powder (Figure 4c) [73]. This graphene powder
trolling such defects are key research topics in the CVD method is challenging but certainly advantageous for
method. Atomic rearrangement at graphene grain conducting film and electrode applications. The fabrica-
boundaries has been observed using transmission elec- tion of graphene using the epitaxial growth of graphene
tron microscopy (TEM) and scanning tunneling micros- directly on rigid insulating silicon carbide (SiC) wafers has
copy (STM). Recent works use optical microscopy to been also reported (Figure 4d) [74]. A carbon-included
observe the grain boundaries realized by selectively oxi- material like SiC is used as a substrate for graphene
dizing the underlying copper foil through graphene grain preparation with high temperature annealing (around
boundaries functionalized with –O and –OH radicals 1,500°C) [75]. Graphene obtained with epitaxial growth
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 6 of 26

is highly crystalline, thus is intensely studied to fabricate the cathode with a constant current supply. At the
transistors that operate at high frequencies [76,77]. negatively charged cathode, H2 gas is produced by a water
Wafer-scale graphene can be produced by epitaxial reduction reaction, and the PMMA/graphene layer de-
growth on SiC, but those graphenes are not suitable for taches from Pt substrate due to the H2 bubbles at the
practical purposes because it is hard to detach graphene interface between the PMMA/graphene and Pt substrate.
from the SiC substrate. Although a solid source molecu- Damage of the mother-substrate is reduced considerably,
lar beam epitaxy method was also reported to fabricate and the substrate can be used repeatedly for the next
graphene directly on Si(111), the high cost of molecular CVD growth. In addition, the transferred graphene is free
beam epitaxy will likely prevent the method from being of metal particles, which are commonly found in graphene
commercially viable [78]. transferred by the metal etching process. Figure 5c explains
the “clean-lifting transfer (CLT)” method, which uses
2.1.3 Transfer methods electrostatic forces to transfer graphene onto target
Most CVD approaches for synthesizing CNTs and gra- substrates, and doesn’t use a PMMA adhesive layer [85].
phene require high temperatures which prevent direct An electrostatic generator (SIMCO, 18 kV) was placed at
growth of nano-carbon materials on plastic and other soft a distance of one inch away from the substrate, then the
target substrates. CNTs and graphene located on a catalytic discharge process occurred via the electrostatic generator,
substrate need to be transferred onto a target substrate. followed by a pressing process to enable more uniform
Transferring graphene from the metal substrates onto attachment between graphene and substrate. After the
desired substrates without degrading the quality of gra- Cu foil was etched, the remaining graphene film on the
phene is the critical step to use CVD-grown graphene for target substrate was rinsed with deionized water to
most practical applications. remove the residual etchant. The methods described so
Wet etching processes are commonly used to detach far are a rather simple transfer process that does not take
as-grown materials from the mother substrates using account of positioning. There is an interesting transfer
chemical solutions. FeCl3 or (NH4)2S2O8 are often used method for aligning 2D flakes to a desired location. In
for removing Cu, and NaOH or KOH for sapphire order to fabricate stacked graphene on BN devices, a
[79,80]. The most popular binder to hold graphene dur- few-micro-size flakes of graphene and BN should be posi-
ing wet etching is poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), tioned at a desired location (Figure 5d) [86]. Graphene
but this process unavoidably damages and contaminates was exfoliated separately onto a polymer stack consisting
the graphene layer with residuals, and is not desirable of a water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and a PMMA
for scale-up fabrication. The dry printing (or stamping) layer. When dipped into water, PVA was dissolved and
technique uses polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp to the graphene/PMMA layer was detached from substrate
transfer SWCNTs and graphene films from the growth and was floated on the surface of water bath. The PMMA
substrates such as SiO2/Si and metal films, still has membrane was securely adhered to a holder, which has a
problems with mechanical damage [81]. The roll to roll tiny hole to identify the top flake onto the PMMA layer
(R2R) lamination process can produce a large-area gra- during the aligned transfer process. The holder was
phene film on flexible substrates [82,83]. The R2R transfer clamped on the arm of a micro-positioner and then
technique uses a thermal release layer as a temporary sup- mounted on an optical microscope. The graphene was
port and enables the continuous production of graphene precisely aligned to the target BN flake by using the
film on 44 inch-scale flexible substrates. The synthesized microscope to locate the position and the two (PMMA/
graphene with Cu foil was laminated with the assistance graphene and BN) brought into contact. The demand for
of an adhesive layer, poly(ethylene co-vinyl acetate, EVA) stacked layered structures has been growing [87–90]. A
with vinyl acetate (VA) as a supporting layer, to plastic better strategy for transfer in a large-area without dam-
film, followed by Cu etching, as shown in Figure 5a [82]. ages and residues on graphene is required for profound
The transferred graphene film has appropriate uniformity study.
with a resistance deviation of less than 10%. However, the
graphene surface is still contaminated by organic adhesive 2.2 Carbon-based elements
from the thermal release tape using this transfer approach, Common electronic devices require conducting, semicon-
which may fairly degrade the electrical properties of the ducting, and insulating materials. For conducting elements,
film. Undesired mechanical defects also can be caused by several conducting polymers such as polyacetylene, poly-
this R2R transfer on graphene film. A bubbling method pyrrole, polythiophene, polyaniline, and poly(3,4-ethylene-
for transferring graphene films to target substrates is non- dioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) have
destructive not only to graphene but also to the mother- been investigated for future applications to replace con-
substrate (Figure 5b) [84]. The PMMA/graphene/Pt(or ventional rigid conducting and semiconducting mate-
Cu, Ni) was dipped into NaOH solution and was used as rials [91,92]. However, these polymers have a relatively
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Figure 5 Various transfer methods of graphene. a, Schematic demonstration of Roll-to-Roll lamination transfer using a thermal release layer.
Adapted with permission [82]. b, Schematic and photography images of bubbling process. The PMMA/graphene/Pt was dipped into NaOH
solution with a constant current supply. Reproduced with permission [84]. Copyright 2012, Nature Publishing Group. c, “Clean-lifting transfer
(CLT)” method, which uses electrostatic forces to transfer graphene. Adapted with permission [85]. d, Aligned transfer for placing graphene and
BN to a desired location. Reproduced with permission [86]. Copyright 2010, Nature Publishing Group.

low electrical conductance and poor stability, compared During the past few years, much effort has been given
with metal electrodes [93]. a-Si, p-Si, semiconducting in synthesizing CNT films as a conducting element
metal oxides, nanowires, and organic semiconductors are [44,97–99]. Such CNT films have many applications in-
promising candidates for the active channel, but several cluding flexible and stretchable transparent loudspeakers
challenges - including rigidity and electrical performance [100], electrodes for LEDs, [101] lithium-ion batteries
issues - must be overcome prior to practical uses. CNTs [102], and touch panels [103]. Figure 6a shows a prac-
and graphene electrodes can be an alternative not only to tical touch panel assembled by directly yarning vertically
conducting electrodes but also to a semiconducting aligned CNTs. Although the idea of utilizing CNT films
channel. as conducting materials is simple, controlling density,
average tube length, tube diameter and mixture of me-
2.2.1 Conducting electrodes tallic and semiconducting CNTs is still challenging. Even
Electrical conducting materials would have potential for with optimized growth conditions, one serious drawback
consumer applications, such as soft displays, energy is the relatively high sheet resistance compared to that
generators, and human bio-devices. In such applications, of conventional ITO [104]. Highly flexible, transparent,
metal oxides such as IZO and ITO are the most widely and conducting SWCNT films are one of the recent
used materials [94–96]. However, they have several limi- emerging technologies [105–107]. The pristine SWCNT
tations: i) They are costly and a predicted shortage of TCF have a reported 360 Ω/sq sheet resistance at trans-
indium is a concern, and ii) fracture strain less than 1% mittance of 90% [43]. This sheet resistance could be
limits the mechanical ability of flexible devices. Nano- dramatically improved by chemical doping treatments.
carbon materials can overcome many of these limitations Once such method using nitric acid removes the
and open a new technology platform due to their out- remaining surfactant from the CNT network and can
standing electronic, optoelectronic, thermal, and mechan- lower the sheet resistance to a 150 Ω/sq at transmit-
ical properties. Here, we describe nano-carbon materials tance of 90% [108]. Further doping with Au3+ ions has
as conductive electrodes and the development of TCF also been shown to reduce sheet resistance to 110 Ω/sq
using CNTs and graphene, where the aim is to replace at a transmittance of 90% [109,110]. While not surpass-
ITO for certain applications. ing the electrical performance of ITO, these films have
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Figure 6 CNTs and graphene as conducting electrodes. a, Touch screen using yarned CNT film from vertically aligned CNTs. Adapted with
permission [103]. b, Li-ion battery using CVD graphene as an electrode. Reproduced with permission [111]. Copyright 2012, American Chemical
Society. c, Comparison of the properties (bending angle vs sheet resistance, and transmittance vs sheet resistance) of CNT- and graphene-based
TCF with ITO film. Adapted with permission [47]. d, Mechanical advantage of SWCNT/graphene hybrid electrode. Reproduced with permission
[123]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society.

the advantage of better mechanical stability and are and uniformity but also better environmental stability
fabricated from a more ubiquitous chemical element, compared to topmost layer doping. The optimized LbL-
carbon. Figure 6b shows an example that graphene can doped four-layer graphene shows a sheet resistance of
be used as electrodes to study Li ion diffusion through 54 Ω/sq and a transmittance of 85% (at 550 nm) with a
graphite in lithium-ion batteries [111]. Together with robust bending stability. The performance of the gra-
CNTs, graphene is attractive as a conducting film phene conducting films need to be further tuned and
[112,113], due to a large theoretically-predicted conduct- improved to meet different requirements of practical
ivity and good chemical stability. In particular, a scalable flexible products [118,119]. Both CNTs and graphene
CVD process to produce large sheets of graphene with TCFs have a remarkable spectral response in the UV
high transmittance and robust adhesion to plastic poly- region, compared to the poor response of ITO films, as
mers opens the possibility of using graphene in numerous shown in Figure 6c [47]. While ITO shows a rapid in-
applications in soft electronics. Still the improvement of crease in the sheet resistance due to cracking of the film
sheet resistance of the film is an important issue for con- as the bending angle increases, SWCNTs and graphene
ducting films. Similar to CNT films, the chemical doping films show almost no significant change in the sheet re-
approach has been widely studied for conductivity im- sistance. One drawback of the CNT TCF film is that the
provement in graphene films [114–116]. A new approach performance strongly relies on the dispersion of CNTs
of layer-by-layer (LbL) doping to improve the conductivity in solution. In graphene case, the bottleneck process is
of transparent graphene films has been proposed [117]. the transfer process, which often involves wrinkles and
Each layer was transferred to a polyethylene terephthalate crack formation. Compared to a two-dimensional gra-
(PET) substrate followed by AuCl3 doping. This approach phene film, the SWCNT/graphene hybrid electrode is
demonstrates not only improvement of sheet resistance interesting due to its enhanced mechanical properties
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 9 of 26

[120–122]. The SWCNT/graphene hybrid electrode studies, it has also been demonstrated that the saturated
showed a 36% resistance change at a 50% strain, as shown on-current level can be simply determined from the
in Figure 6d [123]. The resistance change is remarkably work function difference between the CNT and metal or
smaller than found in ITO electrodes (i.e., 2000% at 5% Schottky barrier height formed at the junction, as shown
strain) and even in a few layers of graphene (i.e., 200% at in Figure 7a [135]. For fabricating this transistor, e-beam
30% strain). This superb stretching performance results lithography is used to pattern the electrodes to desired
from the use of graphene and SWCNT network. A positions, but has limitations for realistic multi-array
continuous and robust contact can be formed between the transistors. An alternative easy fabrication method with-
SWCNT network and the graphene electrode even out e-beam lithography is required for large-scale integra-
with graphene layer cracks under strain. This one- and tion for practical electronic device applications. Although
two-dimensional material combination could well provide isolated SWCNTs are not relevant to future applications
CNTs and graphene as an appropriate soft and transpar- at their current stage, numerous works show that the
ent electrode. Table 1 summarizes the transmittance and aligned arrays of SWCNTs or random networks can serve
sheet resistance of various films. It seems that doping is as an active channel component. Figure 7b shows FETs
very necessary to reduce sheet resistance. It is also noted with aligned arrays of SWCNTs. The use of dense aligned
that the CNT/graphene hybrid may improve the sheet arrays of linear SWCNTs was used as an effective semi-
resistance. This will be a future research direction. conducting channel suitable for integration into transis-
tors and other classes of electronic devices [32]. The tubes
2.2.2 Active channel – CNT and graphene FETs were parallel to one another to better than 0.1 degree. The
Miniaturization is the most important issue not only to average CNT density can be as high as 10 SWCNT/μm,
increase device integration density but also to improve and the film provides good device-level performance char-
FET performance for complicated operations. Semicon- acteristics with mobility of ~1,000 cm2 V−1 s−1 [136,137].
ducting Si technology has given great contributions to Figure 7c shows an array of FETs with random network
society, but now faces scaling which involves heat and SWCNTs that were synthesized on a catalyst (0.01 M of
power consumption issues due to the fundamental limi- ferrocene) array by using a plasma-enhanced chemical
tations of Si. Atomic-thick nano-carbon materials might vapor deposition (PECVD) method at low temperature
satisfy the scaling issue and give great benefits with com- (450°C) [138]. SWCNTs network was placed between the
bination of electrical/mechanical/optical advantages. As source and drain electrodes and played a role of active
an active channel component, SWCNTs and graphene channel path. This random network type morphology has
have been studied for fabricating FETs and p − n junc- the potential applicability from CNT thin film transistors
tions to demonstrate their potential to outperform estab- (TFTs) to large-scale flexible electronics due to its good
lished materials for next-generation electronics [125–128]. uniformity and processability over a large-area, which is
Here, we discuss extensively the advantages and chal- alternative to conventional organic or other classes of
lenges of such nano-carbon materials for the use of FETs semiconductors for integrated circuitry applications
and furthermore their adaptability to silicon technology. [126,139]. However, the gate modulation is degraded due
Figure 7 shows that various kinds of FETs using nano- to the inclusion of some metallic CNTs in the channel.
carbon materials-based active channel. Diverse geom- Strategies to reduce metallic CNTs in the channel will be
etries of FETs based on semiconducting SWCNTs have discussed in the next Section 3.2.1. Figure 7d shows an
been the subject of intensive research [129–131]. An in- example of graphene channel FETs on a flexible plastic
dividual SWCNT FET shows favorable device character- substrate [140]. In graphene, the charge carriers in the
istics such as large on-off ratio (>105), at room- two-dimensional (2D) channel can change from electrons
temperature operation [132–134]. With single CNT to holes subject to electrostatic gate with a minimum

Table 1 Performance comparisons for TCFs based on graphene and carbon nanotubes
Material Preparation method Transmittance Sheet resistance Flexibility Stretchability
(% at 300 Ω/sq (Ω/sq at 90%
sheet resistance) transmittance)
Random network CNTs [108] Spray & AuCl3 doping 95.7 110 O O
Yarning CNTs [103] Laser trimming & Metal deposition 91 208 O O
CVD Graphene [117] Layer-by-layer doping 97 108 O O
CNT-Graphene hybrid [123] Solid-phase layer-stacking 70 735 O O
Metal-Graphene hybrid [124] Metal grid & Graphene transfer - 20 O O
ITO [104] Sputtering 91 80 Poor -
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 10 of 26

Figure 7 Morphologies and characteristics of CNTs and graphene FETs. a, Single CNT transistors with different metal electrodes (Pd, Hf, Cr,
and Ti). Reproduced with permission [135]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society. b, Electrical performance, SEM images, and optical
microscopy images of flexible TFTs using aligned CNTs array. Reproduced with permission [32]. Copyright 2007, Nature Publishing Group. c, Array
of FETs with random network SWCNTs. Reproduced with permission [138]. Copyright 2009, American Chemical Society. d, Flexible graphene
transistor with ion gel dielectric. Reproduced with permission [140]. Copyright 2010, American Chemical Society.

density (or Dirac) point characterizing the transition approaches will be discussed for increasing the on/off
[127,141–143]. The experimental graphene FETs have ratio in graphene transistors.
extremely large mobility compared to SWCNT FETs, One method to obtain high on/off ratio involves elec-
while on/off ratio is as low as ~10 due to zero band gap. trical thinning of the thick MWCNTs and CNT bundles,
Despite low on/off ratio, high transconductances and as shown in Figure 8a [147]. The electrical thinning
current saturation are achieved, making graphene devices process involves sweeping the drain voltage from 0 V to
suited for analogue applications [144]. negative values while holding the gate voltage at a just
above the threshold. Multiple sweeps with increasing Performance control – on/off ratio control voltage eventually eliminate metallic CNT channels or
One of the key issues in high-performance TFTs is high thin nanotubes (or bundles) to increase on/off ratio
on/off ratio for efficient switching behavior. In the case [32,148]. After this procedure the off-state current in the
of a CNT channel, the as-grown CNT network usually devices is reduced to values consistent with semicon-
contains both semiconducting and metallic CNTs [145]. ducting CNTs alone. A striping technique was used to
These metallic CNT paths reduce the on/off ratio of the cut metallic CNT paths [123,149]. Figure 8b shows the
transistor [146]. Since controlling the ratio of semicon- schematic image and SEM image of a region of the ran-
ducting to metallic CNTs leads to a trade-off between dom network SWCNT channel. By inserting the cutting
on/off ratio and charge carrier mobility of a transistor, line perpendicular to the channel length direction, the
engineering the proper parameter is important in terms metallic CNTs can be terminated and the on/off ratio
of the type of applications. In the case of zero band gap increases. The critically important role of the cutting
graphene, opening the band gap is a big challenge in the width in determining the electrical characteristics can be
way of achieving a higher on/off ratio in transistors quantified. For cutting widths of 5 mm, the etched lines
[127]. Here, we introduce several strategies for increas- increase the on/off ratio by up to four orders of magni-
ing the on/off ratio of a transistor. In CNTs, electrical tude, while reducing the transconductance by only 40%.
thinning and selective channel cutting, and separation It is now possible to obtain uniform CNT thin films
approaches are described below. BLG and nanoribbon with only semiconducting behavior by the techniques of
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 11 of 26

Figure 8 Various methods of improving on/off ratio of FET based on CNTs and graphene. a, Thinning of MWCNTs and CNT bundles by
applying bias. Reproduced with permission [147]. Copyright 2001, American Association for the Advancement of Science. b, Schematic and
SEM image of a region of the random network SWCNT channel. A striping technique was used to cut metallic CNT paths. Reproduced with
permission [149]. Copyright 2008, Nature Publishing Group. c, Separation of semiconducting CNTs and metallic CNTs by density-gradient method.
Reproduced with permission [153]. Copyright 2006, Nature Publishing Group. d, BLG transistor with top and bottom gate to open band gap.
Applying perpendicular field from bottom gate, band gap of the BLG can opened up to 250 meV. Reproduced with permission [157]. Copyright
2009, Nature Publishing Group. e, Graphene nanoribbons with a width below 10 nm were obtained by upzipping CNTs. By narrowing the width
of graphene to a few nanometers, a quantum confinement effect of carriers happens to open the band gap. Reproduced with permission [162].
Copyright 2009, Nature Publishing Group.

semiconducting/metallic CNT separation in solution electron–hole inversion symmetry [154–156]. Experimen-

[150–152]. The purification processes produce separated tally, it has been reported that an optical bandgap of ∼
CNTs in solution of the same chirality, diameter, length 250 meV is possible. The effective electrical gap is smaller
and semiconducting/metallic type. A self-sorting method than the reported optical gap, typically due to the presence
to achieve a chirality separated CNT thin film by of disorder and sample imhomogeneities. Even so, large im-
controlling surface chemistry and a further large-scale provements in on/off ratios and the existence of an insulat-
demonstration was reported in Figure 8c [153]. The ing state at charge neutrality have been observed (Figure 8d)
representative techniques are density gradient ultracen- [157]. In these dual-gate BLG transistors, on/off ratios
trifugation (DGU) and gel chromatography, which can of ∼ 100 and ~2000 at room temperature and 20 K have
produce >99% semiconducting CNTs and continue to been reported, respectively [158]. BLG is disadvanta-
improve. Despite the quite low productivity, yield, and geous compared to graphene monolayer since acoustic-
high process cost, this DGU technique appears to be the phonon scattering is increased strongly, optical-phonon
most promising method to prepare semiconducting scattering is reduced, and a parabolic band dispersion
CNT materials [153]. The gel chromatography separ- near the band edge reduces carrier mobility compared
ation method, much simpler than DGU method, is based with monolayer graphene [159]. Moreover, the band
on the strength of the structure-dependent interaction structure of BLG can be modified, with a larger bandgap
of CNTs with an allyl dextran-based gel [152]. TFTs possible by applying a combination of strain (along z
based on such separated CNTs also provide high on/off axis) and an electrical field. However, this approach is
ratio. BLG has a unique dispersion relationship whereby unfeasible with current technology. A new strategy de-
application of a strong transverse electric field breaks monstrated that benzyl viologen (BV) as an electron-
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 12 of 26

donating group and bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide In order to have n-type conversion and p-type en-
(TFSI) as an electron-withdrawing group are conjugated hancement behavior in CNTs under ambient conditions,
on the top and bottom sides of bilayer graphene to open various chemical doping strategies have been investi-
the band gap [160,161]. This compensation doping in- gated [171–179]. The choice of chemical dopant is com-
duces a high local electric field in the bilayer, but has the plicated by the fact that the redox potential of CNTs is
limitation of weak field-effect due to a large disorder strongly diameter-dependent, as shown in Figure 9a
potential. The graphene nanoribbon (GNR) strategy is [108]. The values in parentheses indicate the chiral index
to ideally introduce a quantum confinement effect of of the SWCNTs and the reduction potentials of dopants
carriers to open the band gap by narrowing the width (BV, NADH, DDQ, NOBF4, and AuCl3) are also indi-
of graphene to a nanometer scale. In reality, this cated as dotted lines. As shown in Figure 9a, the Au3+
strategy is limited by fabrication procedures. Instead of ion has the large reduction potential of 1.50 V, which
confinement-induced gap, this leads to a coulomb block- acts as p-type doping in CNTs. BV has an oxidation
ade effect that is strongly enhanced for dimensions below potential of −1.1 V, which implies that BV can act as an
20 nm. Graphene nanoribbons with a width below 10 nm n-type dopants. BV donates electrons to the empty con-
can be obtained by upzipping CNTs (Figure 8e) [162] and duction band of semiconducting CNTs [180]. The right
by solution-phase stripping from bulk graphite [163]. The panel of Figure 9a shows an example of n-type CNT
GNR transistors exhibited an on-off ratio of ∼ 107 at room transistor by precisely positioning BV with inkjet printing
temperature [162–165]. Similar to the GNR method, gra- on CNTs channel region [181]. Using β-nicotinamide
phene with a nanomesh structure can open up a band gap adenine dinucleotide (reduced dipotassium salt, NADH), a
and shows an on/off ratio of >102 in a large sheet of gra- type conversion in CNTs is also demonstrated distinctly
phene [166,167]. However, these GNR and graphene [182]. A reduction potential of tetrafluorotetracyano-
nanomesh transistors have poor on-state conductivity and p-quinodimethane (F4TCNQ) in the range of 0.1 V to
cannot be used for high-speed devices unless a new 0.2 V makes it an electron extractor and p-type dopant
method is found due to reduce scattering at the edges. [183]. For graphene, it has been demonstrated that the
The band gap of graphene can be modulated by work function of CVD graphene can be modulated up
chemical and physical doping processes. Band gaps of to 1.1 eV with BV doping [184]. Similarly, other work
boron- and nitrogen-doped graphene transistors showed showed GO doping with Au allowed control of the work
an on/off ratio of >100 [168,169]. It also has been reported function [185]. For BLG, surface chemical doping in
that by patterned adsorption of atomic H onto the gra- BLG can be utilized to induce a vertical displacement
phene surface, surface absorption can induce a band gap field. Interestingly, tunable Dirac points can be ration-
in graphene of at least 450 meV around the Fermi level ally controlled by the amount of BV doping, providing
[170]. Yet, again the degradation of mobility due to sp3 complementary inverter circuits [186]. Figure 9b shows
hybridization with atomic H makes this approach a simple way to control polarity by just annealing the p-
impractical. CNT FET in vacuum, converting it to an n-CNT FET
[187]. One of the reasons for having p-character in
CNT FETs is due to the interaction with O2 physisorbs Performance Control – Polarity Control Although on the CNT surface [148,188,189]. Originally a p-type
CNTs and graphene intrinsically have an ambipolar CNT FET was converted to n-type after annealing
transport property, both show p-type behavior under process for removing O2 molecules [187]. It has been
ambient conditions due to contacts, doping by oxidizing shown that the type conversion of CNT FETs could be
acids, or doping by the adsorption of atmospheric oxy- possible by electrostatic doping using a charge-trap
gen molecules and/or moisture. It is important to control layer between the gate electrode and CNT channel
the carrier type of nano-carbon transistors for applying [190,191]. Figure 9c shows the transfer characteristics of
“complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) p-type and n-type CNT FETs converted using an Au
technology” because high noise immunity and low static floating gate. At high negative gate bias range, positive
power consumption are critical issues in the modern charges are trapped in the trap layer, and the threshold
semiconductor industry. Therefore, it is desired to control voltage is shifted in the negative bias direction. Therefore,
the major carrier types of CNTs and graphene FETs by the FETs show n-type characteristics in relatively small
chemical and/or nonchemical doping methods. Here, we gate voltage sweep range. On the contrary, when high
introduce several polarity control methods to modify the positive gate bias is initially applied, which traps the
majority carriers in CNT- and graphene-based transistors negative charges, the FETs show p-type characteristics in
such as chemical doping, oxygen doping, electrostatic a relatively small gate voltage sweep range. Figure 9d
doping, trap charge-induced doping, and metal work func- shows the electrical performance of an initially p-type
tion engineering. characteristic as it is gradually changed to n-type via
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 13 of 26

Figure 9 Various methods of polarity control of FETs based on CNTs and graphene. a, Redox potential of nanotubes as a function of the
diameter (left). This Reproduced with permission [108]. Copyright 2010, Royal Society of Chemistry. Array of n-type CNT transistor by precisely
positioning an air-stable BV. Reproduced with permission [181]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society. b, Effect of oxygen on p-doping. I-V
curves of originally p-type CNT FET, with the nanotube capped with PMMA, have been converted to n-type. Reproduced with permission [187].
Copyright 2001, American Chemical Society. c, The type conversion of CNT FETs by trap layer-induced electrostatic doping. Adapted with
permission [190]. d, I-V characteristic of an initially p-type characteristic in SWCNT FET, gradually changed to n-type caused by increasing amounts
of K. Reproduced with permission [187]. Copyright 2001, American Chemical Society. e, Polarity control by metal (Pd and Al) work
function. Reproduced with permission [193]. Copyright 2005, American Institute of Physics.

increasing amounts of K on the nanotube [187,192]. branch due to large energy barrier for holes. Although
Potassium ions have a high oxidation potential of −0.7 V this method works to control the injection of carriers in
and act as an electron donor (n-type dopants) for CNTs. single devices, the use of different metal electrodes in high-
Logic circuits and pn junctions were fabricated by cover- density devices is commercially unreasonable and resulting
ing half of a CNT FET with PMMA and K-doping the devices still have highly variable contact properties.
exposed regions. The electrical polarity of SWCNT FETs Numerous efforts have been made to get higher on/off
can be affected by the work function of the contact metal, ratios and better control of carrier type in nano-carbon
especially by the contact barrier control for the injection transistors. In order to understand advantages and disad-
of carriers [148,175,193]. Figure 9e shows the transfer vantages for CNT and graphene FETs, a side-by-side
characteristics of CNT FETs using different metal contact comparison is required. Table 2 shows the comparison
electrodes such as Pd and Al [193]. The transfer charac- for FET performance of CNTs and graphene devices.
teristics show the presence of a p-type on-state but no CNT FET and graphene devices exhibit output perfor-
n-branch in the case of high-work function metals such mances in a different manner. Moreover, the perfor-
as Pd and Ti, ambipolar behavior in the case of Mg, and mances are distinct in different types of FET devices
n-type only behavior in the case of Ca electrodes [194]. consisting of different forms of CNTs (single CNT,
By varying the work function, the band alignment for a aligned CNT network, random CNT network) and
Mg-contacted device has efficient hole and electron in- graphene (CVD graphene, exfoliated BLG, GNR) with
jection, resulting in ambipolar characteristics. Conversely, different gate structures. Nevertheless, a clear trade-off
due to work function and surface dipole formation, CNTs behavior between on/off ratio and mobility for each
contacted by Ca electrodes have a suppressed p-type device was shown.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 14 of 26

Table 2 Device performance of various CNTs and graphene FETs

Channel Preparation method Transistor Gate Gate Carrier type On/Off Mobility
structure dielectric length (μm) ratio (cm2/Vs)
Single CNT [32] CVD on quartz Back gate SiO2 5 p-type 105 636(C)
Aligned CNTs [32] Electrical breakdown Back gate HfO2 12 p-type 2 → 10 4 (C)
570 → 200(C)
Random network CNTs [149] Channel cutting Top gate HfO2 100 p-type 10 → 104 200(C) → 80(C)
Random network CNTs [153] 97% separated CNTs Back gate SiO2 20 p-type 10 20(p)
Random network CNTs [181] Viologen doped CNTs Back gate HfO2 9 p → n-type 103 2(p)
Exfoliated graphene [141] Monolayer graphene Back gate SiO2 4 Ambipolar 10 10,000(p)
CVD grown graphene [195] Monolayer graphene Back gate SiO2 5 Ambipolar 10 1,100(p)
Exfoliated graphene [158] Bilayer graphene Dual gate SiO2 (Back) 1.6 Ambipolar 5 → 100 -
HfO2 (Top)
Graphene nanoribbon [162] 16 →6 nm nanoribbon Back gate SiO2 0.25 Ambipolar → p-type 1.5 → 100 -
p: Parallel plate Model, c: Cylindrical Model, h: Hole Mobility, e: Electron Mobility.

2.3 Flexible electronics fabricated on PEN substrates [205]. Figure 10c demon-
2.3.1 Integrated logic circuits strates flexible complementary graphene inverters prepared
Next-generation military and industrial radio-frequency on a plastic substrate by connecting two graphene transis-
(RF) surveillance systems will benefit from flexibility and tors with a coplanar gate configuration. Fabrication was
stretchability of circuits for increased resilience. A realis- achieved using only two materials: graphene and an ion
tic short- and medium-term goal for carbon electronics gel gate dielectric [206]. Unlike conventional solid state di-
is utilizing the combination of electrical, mechanical, electrics, the operation of ion-gel gated transistors is based
and optical properties of CNTs and graphene thin films on the formation of a high capacitance electric double
to replace organic semiconductors and a-Si in these layer (EDL) under an electric field. The graphene inverter
flexible/stretchable systems [196–204]. In this section, operates uniquely with two identical ambipolar transistors,
we introduce recent progress for integrating high-quality unlike complementary inverters based on separate n- and
circuits on plastic substrates. p-channel transistors. Also in contrast to typical CMOS
Figure 10a shows an integrated circuit fabricated with inverters, the output voltage did not saturate to zero or
monolayer graphene as the electrodes and a SWCNT the supply voltage (VDD) due to the zero band gap of
network for the channel [123]. Using this layout, transpa- graphene [206]. With an estimated maximum voltage gain
rent logic circuit arrays (inverters, NOR gates, and NAND of 2.6, the technology is sufficient to drive subsequent
gates) using SWCNT-channel/graphene-electrodes tran- components in logic circuits. Graphene-based frequency
sistors were fabricated with a high yield of 80%. The au- doublers and modulators on rigid substrates have been
thors connected two p-type transistors to create a PMOS reported to demonstrate the feasible usage of graphene
inverter with gain of approximately 1.4, with an operating in analogue electronics [207–211]. Figure 10d shows a
voltage range of 0–5 V. PMOS NOR and NAND logic flexible all-graphene modulator circuit for quaternary
gates were similarly constructed using three SWCNT/ digital modulations, which can encode two bits of
graphene transistors. The graphene electrode and the information per symbol [212]. A couple of transistors
SWCNT network channel are desirable not only for flex- are required for these two quaternary modulations.
ible and stretchable electronics, but also for use with invis-
ible electronics due to the high transparency of atomically 2.3.2 Other Flexible Applications
thin materials. Figure 10b shows a flexible four-bit row Applications ranging from flexible solar cells, displays,
decoder circuit using SWCNT as the channel and metal e-papers, wearable and biomedical skin-like devices open
electrodes [149]. A binary-encoded input of four data bits up new opportunities in the field of electronics. In this
is successfully decoded using this decoder circuit. Due to section, we describe applications of several flexible de-
the high mobility of the SWCNT thin films, even with vices possible with carbon electronics jsuch as sensors,
critical dimensions (100 μm) these decoder circuits can LEDs, RF devices, stimulators, and memory devices.
successfully operate in the kHz region. With such large As an example of further applications of flexible devices,
channel lengths, cheap and scalable patterning methods Figure 11a demonstrates an active-matrix backplane for
such as screen printing are possible. More complex device an artificial electronic skin (e-skin) device, capable of
structures are also easily possible such as master–slave spatial touch mapping [213]. The SWCNT TFTs are used
delay flip-flops and 21-stage ring oscillators which were for a mechanically flexible backplane with polyimide as a
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 15 of 26

Figure 10 Flexible logic circuits using CNTs and graphene. a, Transparent and flexible logic circuits (inverter, NAND, and NOR) using
graphene as electrodes and random network CNTs as the channel. Reproduced with permission [123]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical
Society. b, Flexible four-bit row decoder circuit using SWCNT channel and metal electrodes. Reproduced with permission [149]. Copyright 2008,
Nature Publishing Group. c, Flexible complementary graphene inverters prepared on plastic substrate with ion-gel gate dielectric. Reproduced
with permission [206]. Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society. d, Transparent and flexible all-graphene digital modulator for quaternary
digital modulations. Reproduced with permission [212]. Copyright 2012, Nature Publishing Group.

support substrate. The polyimide film substrate was applications, they are still promising in the analogue/RF
utilized as a honeycomb mesh structure to make the sub- applications due to their atomic-thick layout that allows
strate more robust against strain. Each pixel of pressure for shorter scaling of channel length. The combination of
sensor is actively controlled by a SWCNT TFT. The sen- high speed and flexibility is a big challenge for flexible gra-
sor sensitivity shows ∼ 30 μSkPa−1, which is three times phene RF devices [217–221]. RF devices using graphene
larger than previous NW-based sensors [214]. Figure 11b have achieved cut-off frequencies between 100–300 GHz.
shows the flexible active-matrix design with SWCNTs as Figure 11c shows the flexible solution-based graphene
the channel material. In these devices, high current drive transistors at GHz frequencies with a current gain cut-off
is needed to actively switch OLEDs [215]. Each pixel is frequency of 2.2 GHz and a power gain cut-off frequency
controlled by a SWCNT TFT that acts as a switch for an of 550 MHz [217]. Noninvasive probing and manipulation
active-matrix of OLED and pressure sensor. Alternating of biological tissue is another field where graphene is use-
current electroluminescence devices on flexible PET ful. Figure 11d reports a nonvascular surgical method to
substrates were also demonstrated based on monolayer increase cerebral blood volume using a flexible, transpar-
graphene electrodes [216]. Graphene seems to be an ideal ent, and biocompatible graphene electrical field stimulator
material for high-speed systems owing to its extremely [222]. The flexible graphene stimulator was placed onto
high carrier mobility. Despite poor switching behavior of the cortical brain without tissue damage or unnecessary
graphene transistors limits their usage in digital/logic neuronal activation. A noncontact electric field was
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 16 of 26

Figure 11 Various flexible applications using CNTs and graphene. a, Active-matrix of SWCNT TFTs for a pressure sensor device. Reproduced
with permission [213]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society. b, Flexible active-matrix design using SWCNTs as the channel material of the
TFTs in OLEDs. Reproduced with permission [215]. Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group. c, Flexible RF device using solution-based graphene.
Graphene is an ideal material for high-speed communication systems owing to its uniquely high carrier mobility. Reproduced with permission
[217]. Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society. d, Flexible, transparent, and noncytotoxic graphene electric field stimulator. Reproduced with
permission [222]. Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society. e, Transparent and flexible memory devices using SWCNT channel and graphene
electrodes. The oxygen-decorated graphene electrode revealed an initially large hysteresis in SWCNT/graphene TFT. Adapted with permission [223].

applied at a specific local blood vessel to detect effective 2.4 Stretchable electronics
cerebral blood volume increases in mouse brains using Stretchability is a key parameter in the development of
in vivo optical recordings of signal imaging. In Figure 11e, wearable devices that can be embedded into clothes and
transparent and flexible memory devices were fabricated garments or even attached directly to the skin, where
using graphene electrodes and SWCNT channel [223]. high levels of strain will be encountered. Possible appli-
The original electrical characteristics of the FET using cations include the human-friendly devices for detecting
graphene electrode without ozone treatment show small human motions, monitoring health system, and healing.
hysteresis. When the graphene gate was treated under an In addition to flexibility, all these stretchable applica-
ozone generator, oxygen atoms and graphene have bond- tions demand tolerance of large levels of strain (> > 1%)
ing as C-O-C, C = O, and C-OH, which acted as charge without fracture or significant degradation in electronic
trap sites. The FET with oxygen-decorated graphene elec- properties. The mainstream strategy to realize improved
trode exhibits large hysteresis. This hysteresis-controllable stretchability focuses on the development of stretchable
FET can act as memory device, and showed no degrad- materials including organic polymers, networks of 1-D
ation of transmittance after oxygen decoration. This result wires, and nano-carbons [227–231]. Owing to the diffi-
is noticeable, compared to Au and Al nanoparticle trap culties in developing new stretchable materials, geomet-
layers that provided an 11.4% and 25% decrease in trans- rical engineering of the structures also needs to be
mittance, respectively [224]. Flexible organic resistive addressed [6]. For example, ultrathin buckled geometries
memory devices with multilayer graphene electrodes were and pre-strained geometrically wavy materials offer
also reported [225]. Memory devices using a graphene stretchability with applied strain [232–235]. These de-
oxide film were also fabricated on flexible substrates with vices can be integrated into larger systems containing
reliable memory performance in terms of retention conventional rigid materials. In this section, we intro-
and endurance [226]. duce developed classes of material-based stretchable
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 17 of 26

devices that use CNTs and graphene thin films on buckled patterns which change the electrical properties.
elastomer substrates. Together with the good optical and electrical properties,
graphene films have excellent mechanical properties ap-
2.4.1 Stretchable conducting films plicable to stretchable electrodes. One such example con-
Loading a SWCNT random network onto an elasto- sists of few-layer CVD grown graphene films transferred
meric substrate simply affords a stretchable conducting onto elastic substrates, as shown in the left panel of
film with the ability to accommodate strains greater than Figure 12b [240]. The transferred film on an unstrained
20% [236–238]. The left panel of Figure 12a shows trans- substrate recovers its original resistance after stretching by
parent, conducting spray-deposited films of SWCNTs that ~6%. In this work, the authors also transferred the film to
can be stretched by applying strain along each axis [239]. pre-strained (12%) substrates to enhance the electromech-
This stretchable SWCNT film accommodates the stret- anical stabilities. Both longitudinal and transverse resis-
chability by up to 150% with conductivities as high as tances (Ry and Rx) were stable up to ~11% stretching with
2,200 S cm−1 at the strain of 150%. This property can be only one order of magnitude change at ~25% stretching.
utilized to construct strain sensors, with performance 3D-graphene macroscopic structures formed with a foam-
comparable to conventional metal-strain gauges. Using a like network of graphene was also developed using
nonlinear buckling process as shown in the right panel of template-directed CVD (right panel of Figure 12b) [241].
Figure 12a, ribbon arrays of CNT films can be modified The composites fabricated by this approach are a mono-
into a “wavy” layout [231]. With a pre-strain (100%) lithic 3D-graphene network, in which electrical and
method, the wavy CNT ribbon can accommodate large mechanical properties were improved by using continuous
stretching with the 4.1% resistance increases when the CVD grown graphene building blocks. The results of gra-
wavy CNT ribbon is stretched to the pre-strain stage. Ap- phene composites show stretchability over 50% with resist-
plied strains lead to a reversible deformation of these ance changes stable after the fifth cycle of stretch-release.

Figure 12 Stretchable conducting films using CNTs and graphene. a, Transparent, conducting spray-deposited films of SWCNTs that can be
rendered stretchable by applying strain along each axis (left). Reproduced with permission [239]. Copyright 2011, Nature Publishing Group. Wavy
ribbons of CNTs are embedded in elastomeric substrates to fabricate stretchable conductors (right). Adapted with permission [231]. b, Stretchable
conducting films using few-layer CVD grown graphene (left). 3D-graphene macroscopic structure with a foam-like network graphene (right).
Reproduced with permission [240,241]. Copyright 2009 and 2011, Nature Publishing Group.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 18 of 26

2.4.2 Stretchable applications the level of logic circuits include inverters, ring oscillators,
Extreme difficulties are associated with the development NOR, NAND, XOR gates, and static random access mem-
of complete sets of stretchable electronics because all el- ory (SRAM) cells. In Figure 13b, a graphene FET array on
ements of the system need to be stretched out together. a stretchable rubber substrate with ion-gel dielectric is
For instance, currently available carbon-based devices introduced [244]. Such all-graphene devices (graphene
such as TFTs usually exhibit limited flexibility and composes both the channel and electrodes) exhibit hole
stretchability owing to the use of fragile oxide dielectrics and electron mobilities of ~1188 and ~422 cm2V−1 s−1,
such as Al2O3 and SiO2. Polymer dielectrics have modest respectively with stable operation up to 5% stretching.
electrical performance despite their excellent bendability Although the stretchability of transistors is moderate,
[242]. In this section, we introduce several strategies to impressively the electrical properties were invariant
fabricate stretchable devices using CNTs and graphene. even after 1000 cycles. Figure 13c shows a new approach
Reproduced with permission [246] Copyright 2011, for preparing a wrinkled gate dielectric using a transfer
Nature Publishing Group. method to maximize the performance of the oxide with-
Figure 13a shows transparent and stretchable integra- out compromising the ability to stretch and bend [245]. A
ted circuits composed of CNTs and polymer dielectric 50 nm aluminum oxide (Al2O3) layer was deposited onto
[243]. The active channel and electrodes were all fabri- rough Cu foil using atomic layer deposition. After coating
cated from CNTs (semiconducting and metallic), with with PMMA, Cu foil was chemically etched, and the
PMMA dielectric layer and a plastic substrates. Although Al2O3 layer was then transferred as dielectric layer. This
these were fabricated on plastic substrate, thermo- transferred Al2O3 layer was wrinkled with a “wavy” struc-
pressure was used for forming dorm-shape biaxial strain. ture, which was robust under high tensile strain. The
The devices exhibit biaxial stretchability of up to 18% and resulting TFTs exhibited device-acceptable electrical

Figure 13 Stretchable applications using CNTs and graphene. a, Transparent and soft integrated circuits with random network SWCNT
channel and PMMA dielectric layer on the PEN substrate. Reproduced with permission [243]. Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group. b, Graphene
FET array on a stretchable rubber substrate with ion-gel dielectric. Reproduced with permission [244]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society.
c, Stretchable and transparent TFTs combining SWCNTs/graphene with a geometrically wrinkled Al2O3 dielectric layer. Reproduced with permission
[245]. Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group. d, Wearable and stretchable strain sensors fabricated from thin films of aligned SWCNTs. Reproduced
with permission [246]. Copyright 2011, Nature Publishing Group.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 19 of 26

performance with small gate leakage current due to detect human movement, typing, breathing and speech,
the build-in air gap between wrinkled Al2O3 and each unique applications useful for developing human-
graphene gate. The devices were stretched along the friendly and bio-integrated devices [239]. Figure 14 shows
length direction (16% strain) and along the width direction a summary of the flexible/stretchable device layouts and
(20% strain), as shown in Figure 13c. The devices were circuit levels of devices using nano-carbon, followed by
stretched and released up to a maximum of 1,000 times the demonstrations of electrical, optical and mechanical
without deterioration. Figure 13d shows a class of wear- properties.
able and stretchable devices fabricated from thin films of
aligned SWCNTs [246]. When stretched, the films frac- 3 Conclusions
ture into gaps and islands with tube bundles bridging the 3.1 Summary and prospects
gaps. This mechanism allows the films to act as strain We have reviewed the current status of CNTs and gra-
sensors with capabilities extending up to 280% strain, phene in diverse applications of soft electronics from
which is 50 times more than conventional metal strain material preparation to performance in logic circuits. Low-
gauges, with high durability (10,000 cycles at 150% strain), dimensional carbon materials exhibit superb electronic
and fast response (delay time of 14 ms). When the CNT properties and promising performance and are attractive
sensors were assembled on stockings, bandages and for future electronics. Methods for synthesizing one-
gloves to fabricate devices, the devices were able to dimensional CNT and two-dimensional graphene films, as

Figure 14 Performance comparisons between graphene and carbon nanotube logic circuits in terms of their logic level, device
characteristics, flexibility, and stretchability. a, Integrated circuits (inverter, NOR, NAND, and Decoder) with random network SWCNT channel
on flexible plastic substrates. Since this device uses metal electrodes, there is no transmittance data. Reproduced with permission [149]. Copyright
2008, Nature Publishing Group. b, Flexible integrated circuits (inverter, oscillator, NOR, NAND, and Flip-flop) with random network SWCNT channel
on the PEN substrate. Reproduced with permission [205]. Copyright 2011, Nature Publishing Group. c, Transparent and flexible logic circuits
(inverter, NOR, and NAND) using graphene as electrodes and random network SWCNTs as an active channel. Reproduced with permission [123].
Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society. d, Graphene FET array on a stretchable rubber substrate with ion-gel dielectric. Reproduced with
permission [244]. Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society. e, Transparent and soft integrated circuits (inverter, oscillator, XOR, and SRAM) with
random network SWCNT channel and PMMA dielectric layer on the PEN substrate. Reproduced with permission [243]. Copyright 2013, Nature
Publishing Group. f, Stretchable and transparent TFTs combining SWCNT/graphene with a geometrically wrinkled Al2O3 dielectric layer. Reproduced
with permission [245]. Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group.
Chae and Lee Nano Convergence 2014, 1:15 Page 20 of 26

well as procedures for device fabrication on soft substrates and quantum chemistry. Controlled synthesis and applica-
have been discussed here. Both CNTs and graphene exem- tion of monolayer materials also allows exploration into a
plify TCF properties including a high operational flexibility new class of vertical tunneling devices. Aside from carbon,
and stretchability that are not accessible with transparent other classes of graphene-like 2D materials such as
ITO electrodes. Likewise, field effect mobilities of carbon- transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials and
based transistors have reached levels unfeasible by organic boron nitride (BN), might also be promising in the field
semiconductors/a-Si. CNT FETs, whether composed of a of soft electronics when a band gap or other electrical/
single CNT, aligned CNTs, or random network CNTs, mechanical properties are required. These related en-
show high on/off ratio and mobility. Graphene FETs pro- gineering opportunities in areas with the broad range of
vide extremely high mobility but poor on/off ratio due to influential research topics provides strong motivation
zero band gap. Engineering for on/off ratio increase and for continued efforts in human-friendly soft electronics.
carrier polarity control were summarized. For applications
Competing interests
in active electronics, SWCNT and graphene transistors The authors declare no competing financial interests.
can be assembled on a variety of substrates including
flexible plastic and stretchable elastomers. Various com- Authors’ contributions
SHC and YHL contributed to this work in the manuscript preparation. Both
plex integrated circuits based on nano-carbon materials authors read and approved the final manuscript.
have been demonstrated in the literature, as well. Each
of these topics requires significant future exploration Authors’ information
Sang Hoon Chae: Sang Hoon Chae is a researcher of the Center for
in order to realize commercialized applications of the Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute of Basic Science (IBS) in
immense potential of nano-carbon in next-generation Korea. He is a Ph.D. candidate within the Department of Energy Science at
electronics. Sungkyunkwan University. He received his B.Sc. in the Department of
Semiconductor Systems Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea,
In spite of recent progress demonstrating the unique in 2010. His research interests include flexible and stretchable electronics
advantages of CNTs and graphene, the possible appli- using carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other 2D materials.
cations, social influence, addressable markets, and re- Young Hee Lee: Young Hee Lee is a Director of the Center for Integrated
Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute of Basic Science (IBS) in Korea. He is
lated economic issues will eventually decide the success a professor in the Department of Energy Science and Physics at
of these nano-carbon materials. Both have unique and Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He received his B.Sc. in physics from
superb properties which open the possibility for soft Chonbuk National University, Korea and his Ph.D. in physics from Kent State
University, USA. His research focus include fundamental studies of
electronics. Nevertheless, applications are limited by a nanomaterials and their applications to electronic and optical devices,
different set of factors. Assemblies of CNTs are practical energy harvesting, and nanobiomedical areas: transparent, flexible, and
compared to the use of individual CNTs, but require the stretchable transistors, supercapacitors, nanobatteries, hydrogen storage,
neuroscience, and cancer therapy using noncontact electrical stimulators.
positioning of the CNTs in a specific direction, with
desired density, and of desired metallicity/chirality. Acknowledgements
Methods to achieve this control are a current hot topic, This work was supported by the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and in part
but adoption of a particular method will require a high by BK-Plus through Ministry of Education, Korea. We thank David Perello
(CINAP) and Alex Patterson (MIT) for valuable discussions during the
yield for industrial utilization even in niche applications. preparation of this manuscript.
Conversely, graphene can be prepared in a large-area
format. Yet, the transfer to a desired substrate may pro- Received: 16 January 2014 Accepted: 4 March 2014

voke damage in the graphene layer and degrade device

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