Spa Mediaarts Grade7 q1 Slmodule1
Spa Mediaarts Grade7 q1 Slmodule1
Spa Mediaarts Grade7 q1 Slmodule1
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Quarter 1
General History of Visual Arts in Pre-Colonial
Introductory Message
Welcome to the SPA Media Arts 7 Self-Learning Module on General History of Visual
Arts in Pre-Colonial Times
First Edition, 2020
This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely: Communication,
Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the Learner:
Welcome to the SPA Media Arts 7Self-Learning Module on General History of Visual
Arts in Pre-Colonial Times
First Edition, 2020
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an active
Posttest - This measures how much you have learned from the
entire module.
This is your self-instructional learner module in Media Arts 7. All the activities
provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand: General History of Visual
Arts in Pre-Colonial Times.
We have learned from before that “Art” is the expression of one’s feelings
through creating something out of their imagination.
In your own idea, what do you think is the message of the painting, ‘Spoliarium’?
Great idea! The Spoliarium was a symbol of our “social, moral, and political life.”
Nice insight! Spoliarium is emphasized as the violation of human rights towards the
colonizers of Spain, and Juan Luna expressed his patriotism through the painting.
Today, you will be learning about the General History of Visual Arts in Pre-Colonial
Times, as well as its significance.
The dictionary definition of art says that it is “the conscious use of skill
and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic
objects” (Merriam-Webster)
– Leo Tolstoy
Art is
the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known
discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms
suitable for human use (Frank Lloyd Wright)
Art is a part of
our culture
Art is the expression of our creative ideas and imagination. It has different
forms such as the visual arts, sculpture, music, literature, theater, films, and
other ways that artists choose as a medium for their craft.
Art is there to remind us of the values that we uphold. It makes us realize that
we may all come from different walks of life but there are some things that are
undeniably common to all of us – like love, friendship, and freedom. It reminds
us that there are more important things in life.
Philippine Arts in the Pre-Colonial Era
Historical Background
Walked dry-shod through Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and the Land of Bridges
First inhabitants
The Indonesians
First sea-immigrants
Belonged to the New Stone Age (Neolithic Period)
The Malays
Tabon Skull
The Oldest Human Fossil
Skull cap, of a “Stone Age Filipino” found inside the Tabon Cave, Palawan on May 28,
About 22,000 years old, discovered by Dr. Robert B. Fox, American Anthropologist of
the National museum.
Visual Art - are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as
ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video,
film making and architecture.
Visual Arts
The Pintados (painted ones), inhabitants of the Visayan islands as described
by the first Spaniards to set eyes upon them.
They used sharp metal instruments previously heated over fire.
The tattooing imitated the upper garment worn by the men of North Kalinga.
The women of South Kalinga painted their faces bright red.
The Angono petroglyphs is the oldest known artwork in the Philippines.
There are 127 human and animal figures engraced on the rock wall dating
back to 3000 B.C.
B. Directions: Choose the correct answer that for each statement or question
Art the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the
production of aesthetic objects.
On the other hand, Painting is often called the most important form of visual
art. It is about putting colours on a canvas or a wall. Painters express their ideas
through a mixture of colours and different brush strokes. Painting is the oldest
form of Visual Arts.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer for each question given below.
2. The _____________________ also known as the (painted ones) used shard metal
instruments usually heated by fire for tattooing.
5. C 5. B 5. A
4. A 4. C 4. D
3. C 3. A 3. C
2. B 2. B 2. B
1. C 1. B 1. C
Posttest Activity Pretest
Arellano, Datu. “Pananaw 7 : Philippine Journal of Visual Arts.” Issuu, 2010.
Published by admin View all posts by admin, Rico Abuel, Published by admin, Rico
Abuel Admin, and View all posts by admin. “Important Precolonial Philippine
Art.” Neo Tasaday, January 12, 2020.
Video/ PowerPoint Presenter
Rizal High School
School Head
MAPEH Education Program Supervisor