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Ee 3 Sem Electronic Devices and Circuits 2016

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(A) What are the various configurations of differential NTK/KW/15/7314

amplifier ? Also draw its diagram. 7
(B) What is the need of level shifting stage ? Also Faculty of Engineering & Technology
write the various level shifting techniques available.
Third Semester B.E. (Electrical Engg.)
(C.B.S.) Examination
10. (A) Explain : Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
(a) Constant current bias INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES
(b) Current mirror circuit. 8 (1) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(B) What is the use of swamping resistors in DIBO (2) Answer SIX questions.
differential amplifier ? 5 (3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
11. (A) Convert the following : (4) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary
with the help of neat sketches.
(i) (257.556)8 = (?)2
1. (A) Draw VI characteristics of PN-junction diode and
(ii) (7896.1225)10 = (?)1 6 explain how it depends upon temperature. 6
(iii) (111001.1010)2 = (?)1 0 (B) Draw circuit diagram of full wave rectifier and
(iv) (26AF.78C) = (?)2 . 8 hence obtain the expression for :
(B) Realize the expression : (i) Peak current
Y = ABC + AB + AC + B + AB using basic (ii) Ripple factor
gates after minimizing it. 6 (iii) Efficiency. 8
2. (A) An AC voltage of 230 V is applied to half wave
12. (A) What are the universal gates ? Why they are called
rectifier circuit through a transformer of turns
so ? 4
ratio 10 : 1. The load resistance is 1 K and diode
(B) State and prove DeMorgan’s laws. 6 internal resistance is 20 Ω . Determine dc output
(C) Develop 4 bit gray code. 4 power, efficiency and PIV. 7

MVM—47059 4 4550 MVM—47059 1 (Contd.)


(B) Explain the difference between Zener and (B) What do you mean by positive and negative
Avalanche breakdown in diodes. 4 feedback ? What are the advantages of negative
(C) Explain voltage doubler. 3 feedback ? 7
3. (A) What is the need of biasing ? Draw and explain OR
voltage divider bias method of transistor biasing. 6. (A) Draw and explain the working of class B push-
7 pull power amplifier and determine its efficiency.
(B) Draw input and output characteristics of CE
configuration and explain why CE configuration (B) For class A power amplifier the operating point
is located at IC = 250 mA and VCE = 8 V. Due to
of transistor is mostly used. 6
input signal the output collector current goes
OR between 450 mA and 40 mA. The VCE swings
4. (A) Explain with necessary circuit diagram how between 15 V and 1 V. Determine :
transistor can be used as a switch. 6 (a) The output power delivered
(B) In the circuit shown below, what should be the (b) The input power
minimum value of β such that transistor is in (c) Collector efficiency
saturation ? Assume VCE(sat) = 0.2 V, RC = 1 KΩ , (d) Power dissipated by transistor. 8
RB = 10 K Ω . 7
7. (A) What is Barkhausen criteria for sustaining
5V oscillations ? Explain. 6
0.1 mA RC (B) Explain the working of RC phase shift oscillator
with neat diagram and derive the expression for
+ its frequency of oscillation. 7
8. (A) With the help of neat diagram, explain the working
of JFET. Also draw and explain static drain
characteristics. 7
5. (A) Differentiate between class A, B, AB and C power (B) A JFET has VP = –4.5 V, I DSS = 10 mA,
amplifier. 6 ID = 2.5 mA, Determine the transconductance.
MVM—47059 2 (Contd.) MVM—47059 3 (Contd.)


Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Third Semester B.E. (Electrical Engg.)
Third Semester B.E. (Electrical Engg.) (C.B.S.) Examination
ELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS Note :— MSS says Paper-SIVIM, but not mentioned in
Note :— MSS says Paper-SIVIM, but not mentioned in Envelope. Press has followed Envelope. Please
Envelope. Press has followed Envelope. Please check.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Third Semester B.E. (Electrical Engg.)
Third Semester B.E. (Electrical Engg.) (C.B.S.) Examination
ELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS Note :— MSS says Paper-SIVIM, but not mentioned in
Note :— MSS says Paper-SIVIM, but not mentioned in Envelope. Press has followed Envelope. Please
Envelope. Press has followed Envelope. Please check.


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