Quiz 1 - Psy1301

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Quiz 1 – PSY1301 – answer key

If you want to know why you earned the grade you were given – then, compare this answer key with
‘your’ quiz answers. Each of the 10 questions was worth 10 pts.

1. Dr. Siefert – proposed in her research the concept of ‘predictive encoding’ which was imagining
a possible future event in your mind and ‘seeing’ yourself acting-out the happy positive desired
outcome. – 3 pts
She, as an introvert, ‘imagined’ herself being more outgoing and engaging with the people she
might meet. So, when she met the dry-cleaning man, she ‘engaged’ and flirted with the man
who had just flirted with her. – 3 pts
Dr. Siefert’s research indicated that there was a 50% possibility of doing the things that you had
imagined. -2 pts
We discussed in class how we might act if someone ‘flipped-us-off’ or how we might respond to
a child who spilled something. -2 pts

2. Researchers designed an experiment to test the ‘luck’ of optimists and pessimists who would be
given the same set of conditions.
Brenda, a pessimist, never saw the money or initiated a conversation.
Martin, an optimist, saw the money and initiated a conversation.
The conclusion was that ‘luck’ is more of a state-of-mind. – 4 pts
To get your mind ready you should follow these 4 steps: - 6 pts
-Prepare your mind and your future for the type of ‘luck’ you want – ‘predictive encoding’
-Give chance a chance – by trying new things, going to new places, having a more outgoing and
venturesome personality.
-Relax – breathe, do relaxation exercises, calm your life through meditation or spiritual
reflections, don’t take everything so seriously, try to have some fun
-Expand your network of friends, be friendly, meet new people, initiate conversations

3. Benefits of optimism – you could have listed a least 10 things – 10 pts

4. Reciprocal Determinism – as noted in class, your body and mind are ‘wired’ together. What you
do with your face and body directly influences (ie., determines) how your mind thinks. And what
you think, and what you put into your mind – determines how your body acts. Each drives the
other – so the impact is ‘reciprocal’. -5 pts
Examples: -5 pts - facial feedback – smiles create happier thoughts.
Hands – positive and negative hand gestures drive reading comprehension
Body position – walking and sitting characteristics cue your brain to receive or reject info
Reading – reading about nice people – makes you nicer
High Fructose Corn Syrup can not be processed by your body in large quantities.
Your LIVER transforms the fructose into a fat called a triglyceride.
Some stays in your liver making it disfunctional.
Most goes into the blood-steam causing blood pressure to go up and
Signaling the pancreas to produce more insulin to handle this problem
Overtime, the tissues become resistant to the insulin
This creates metabolic syndrome
That ultimately leads to Type II Diabetes, obesity, and heart problem, and depression.
-7 pts
This sugar is dangerous because we are not aware that we are eating it.
We eat it because it is in all processed foods.
We will eat 22.7 spoon-fulls of sugar today unknowingly. – 3 pts

6. Selective Attention – means that the brain can only CONSCIOUSLY process ONE THING at a time.
Like a flashlight beam that can only shine on one thing at a time. – 4 pts
In the Cell-Phone article – participants were instructed to drive 8 miles down the road and take
a certain exit. Of those talking to a passenger, 88% successfully made the exit. Of those who
were talking on a cell-phone, only 50% made the exit. Conclusion – you can’t drive and talk on
the phone at the same time. – 3 pts
In the Gorilla article – participants were required to count the number of times that a basketball
was passed. In the middle of the game, either a person carrying an umbrella or dressed-up as a
gorilla walked through the middle of the game. Overall, 46% of the participants missed the
unexpected event. If you were a participant required to watch how many times the White team
passed the ball – 73% missed the unexpected event. – 3 pts

7. When watching TV
a. There is a left to right switch in the brain
b. This causes the immediate release of endorphins – which is like giving yourself a ‘feel
good’ cookie - so like a form of ‘positive reinforcement’ you are training yourself to
become addicted to TV
c. The neo-cortex (Frontal Lobe)turns off because there is no chaotic disequilibrium – that
you can really only get when your brain is trying to solve a problem – as in reading,
writing, and any mental ‘calcul’ –
d. Image processing drops into the lower brain – limbic system, unconscious emotional
processing – sometimes known as the ‘reptile’ brain since it reacts to stimulus without
thinking – fight or flight
e. At this point you can’t tell the difference between reality and fabricated images (since
your logic processor – the neocortex – is off)
f. You end up with an irrational, emotional, unconscious ‘culture of fear’, violence and
racism. – 8 pts
Watching TV also produces hunger hormones – ghrenlin – so you get hungry and eat
and get fat watching TV… this further leads to laziness, low self-esteem and depression.
– 2 pts
8. We sleep because.. (2 pts each)
a. We evolved (evolution) as the species that was protected by sleep. Walking around at
night, most humanoids died – they were eaten, fell off cliffs, or fell out of trees.
b. Recuperation – sleep allows the body time to recharge the immune system, repair
damaged cells, and clean house (ie., get rid of free radicals)
c. Memory – sleep gives the hippocampus time to file away memories so you can have
access to the data the following day.
d. Creativity – gives the brain time to solve problems while we dream.
e. Sleep gives the pituitary gland time to regulate the body’s growth process.
9. What happens if we don’t get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
You should have listed about 10 things that the text discussed – 10 pts
I was a little disappointed by the lack of effort that many of you showed, especially when you
were given the chance to have an OPEN book quiz.

10. Anger management – 2 pts each

a. NO Catharsis - no mental or physical rants! Don’t swear or yell, hit or throw anything –
because you will just be ‘pouring gas on the fire’ and causing your body to release
adrenaline in preparation for ‘fight or flight’. Don’t slap the monkey.
b. So…. Just WAIT – count to 10 – eat a banana
c. Or leave the room – put some distance between you and the thing that made you angry.
d. Distraction – go do something else so you can think about something else – go play an
instrument, go running, any physical sport will release endorphins, take a hike, go plant
a garden,etc.
e. Talk it over with a friend – learn how to talk about your feelings and how you feel and
Finally – just forgive the person and move on.

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