Second Year Examination

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Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science

Paper Code: DNYS0008
Paper Name: Pathology

Max Marks = 70 Max Time: 3 Hrs

The Question Paper has seven questions. The candidate must answer any five. All questions
carry equal mark
Question 1. Write about Course and Causes of Disease. 14 Marks
Question 2. Explain Clinical and Biological Death. 14 Marks
Question 3. Explain Reversible Cellular Changes and Accumulations 14 Marks
Question 4. Explain and Chronic Inflammation , Process of Healing 14 Marks
Question 5. Write about DIC –Disseminated Intravascular coagulation 14 Marks
Question 6. Write about Auto-Immune Diseases 14 Marks
Question 7. Write about neoplasia 14 Marks.
Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science
Paper Code: DNYS0009
Paper Name: Pranayama

Max Marks = 70 Max Time: 3 Hrs

The Question Paper has seven questions. The candidate must answer any five. All questions
carry equal mark

Question 1.Write down the benefits of pranayama 14 Marks

Question 2. Explain dirga pranayama 14 Marks
Question 3. Write about prana bandha with suitable diagram 14 Marks
Question 4. Explain Madhya Nauli, Vama Nauli, Dakshina Nauli, and Nauli Kriya. 14 Marks
Question 5. Write about nadi Shodhana 14 Marks
Question 6. Write about kabalapathy 14 Marks
Question 7. Write about sheetali pranayama 14 Marks.
Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science
Paper Code: DNYS0010
Paper Name: Human Anatomy & Physiology
Max Marks = 70 Max Time: 3 Hrs
The Question Paper has seven questions. The candidate must answer any five. All questions
carry equal mark

Question 1. Draw and illustrate the segments of spinal cord 14 Marks

Question 2. Explain the structure and functioning of Human Heart. 14 Marks
Question 3. Write about the structure and function of Endocrine glands 14 Marks
Question 4. Explain in detail about the appendicular skeletal system 14 Marks
Question 5. Write about the structural functioning of digestive system 14 Marks
Question 6. Write about the filtering mechanism of Kidneys 14 Marks
Question 7. Explain in detail about the functioning of Liver 14 Marks.
Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science
Paper Code: DNYS0011
Paper Name: Ayurvedha

Max Marks = 70 Max Time: 3 Hrs

The Question Paper has seven questions. The candidate must answer any five. All questions
carry equal mark

Question 1. Write about the principles of Ayurvedha . 14 Marks

Question 2. Write about Dincharya and Ritucharya. 14 Marks
Question 3. Write about Tridoshas 14 Marks
Question 4. Explain the principles applied in Ayurvedhic pulse diagnosis 14 Marks
Question 5. Explain the theory of panja-maha boothaas 14 Marks
Question 6. Explain Vaata,Pitta,Kapha 14 Marks
Question 7. Explain Prakruti and Vikruti 14 Marks.
Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science
Paper Code: DNYS0012
Paper Name: Panchakarma
Max Marks = 70 Max Time: 3 Hrs
The Question Paper has seven questions. The candidate must answer any five. All questions
carry equal mark

Question 1. Write about Shodana Chikitsha and Samana Chikitsha . 14 Marks

Question 2. Explain Ama and Mala in context to prabhaka and vibaka 14 Marks
Question 3. Write about the various process of Panchakarma 14 Marks
Question 4. Explain in detail about Basti Treatment 14 Marks
Question 5. Write about Bhayanga 14 Marks
Question 6. Write about Nasiyam and Dhoomapana 14 Marks
Question 7. Write about Choorna, Taila and Decoctions usage 14 Marks.
Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science
Paper Code: DNYS0013
Paper Name: Project Submission

1. Panchakarma 2. Fasting and Dieting Therapy 3. Bach Flower Remedy 4.Reflexology 5.

Acupuncture 6. Nature Cure Therapies 7.Yoga 8. Pranayama
Choose any 5 Naturopathy modalities of Treatment and prepare a project report with
Photographs, Testimonials and findings in the format given below:
1.Preface/Acknowledgement ,2. Introduction to Naturopathy 3. Index 4. Biography 5. Five
Treatment Modalities : Aim , Procedure , 6.Tabulation of Observations, 7.Photo Gallery Record,
8.Patient Testimonies, 9.Effects, Side-Effects, Adverse Effects , 10.Inferences 11. References

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