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- Se formează de la adj adăugând termenul –ly: slow – slowly

Ex: He is a slow runner. – He runs slowly.

(timp daca e important)+Verb+mod+loc+timp

1. Adjective terminate în –le, înlătură –le și adaugă –ly pentru adverb: terrible – terribly;
2. Adj terminate în –ic = -ally pentru a forma adverbul:

Dramatic- dramatically; fantastic-fantastically;

3. Adj terminate în consoană+y: y=i+ly

Happy – happily; easy – easily;

4. Adj terminate în –e = -ly fără să-l piardă pe –e:

Rare- rarely; large-largely; extreme- extremely;

Excepție!!! True-truly; whole-wholly.

5. Adj terminate în –l precedate de o vocală, îl păstrează pe –l+ly:

Beautiful –beautifully; final – finally.

6. Adj terminate în –ll=y

Full – fully; dull – dully

7. Adj –ly: adv cu expresia „ In a ... way”

In a friendly way

In a lonely way

In a lovely way. Etc.

Adjectivului ”good” îi corespunde adverbul ”well”

Sunt unele adverbe care au aceeași formă și înțeles ca adjectivul:

Daily, early, fast, hard, late, monthly, easy, low, etc.

Barely, hardly și scarcely nu se folosesc cu verbe negative, când stau la începutul propoziției
verbul va sta după ele urmat de subiect. (cer inversiune)
a. Perechi adverbe care au înțeles diferit:


I went deep into the forest.

She deeply felt in love with food.

(direcție) direct – directly (deodată)

We flew direct to London.

They found themselves directly involved in that matter.

easy – easily

Take it easy.

We solved the problem easily.

 Verbele transitive nu se despart de c.d. prin adv de mod.

free – freely

I can speak freely in this country.

Full – fully

He hit me full in the face.

I was fully aware of what was happening.

Hard – hardly

I worked very hard.

He hardly goes out these days.

High – highly

The plan was flying high in the ski.

She is highly delighted at the news.

Just – justly

They have just entered the room.

She was justly blamed for the accident.

Last – lastly

He got here last. Lastly read the instruction.

Late – lately

They arrived late.

Have you seen her lately?

Most – mostly

What annoyed me most was his late arrival.

I am mostly interested in films.

Near – nearly

They have nearly finished.

Pretty – prettily

He is pretty old.

The room was prettily decorated.

Right – rightly

We will leave right after lunch.

The rightly assumed that he wouldn’t help them.

Wide – widely

He threw the ball wide.

It s widely believed that the prime minister will resign soon.

Comparația adverbelor:


- Adv + er : We get up earlier than you do.

- More + adv : He speaks English more fluently than his sister.


- The + adv + est: We get up earliest.

- The most + adv: He speaks English most fluently of all.

Comparative neregulate:

- Well - better - the best

- Badly - worse - the worst
Inversiunea adverbelor:

- Unele adverbe plasate la începutul de propoziție cer inversiunea între subiect și verb, verbul
așezându-se imediat după adverb.
1. Adverbele negative: never, seldom, hardly, scarcely ... when, no sooner ... then, under no
circumstances, on no account, little, nowhere, not until, neither, nor, rarely, etc.

Ex: Never will I help him again.

On no account must you open that door.

Little does he know about this.

2. Adverbe restrictive: only by, only now, only, then, only when, only this way, only there,
not only, etc.

Not only did she skip classes, but she also failed to hand in the project.

Only now do I understand the truth.

Only there will you find understanding.

3. După adverbe: here și there

Particule adverbiale: back, down, off, up, round, forward etc.

Here is a new article about friendship.

Up jumped the children.

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