Body Size and Host Plant Specialization

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Journal of Tropical Ecology (1999) 15:315–328.

With 2 figures
Copyright  1999 Cambridge University Press

Body size and host plant specialization: a

relationship from a community of herbivorous
insects on Ficus from Papua New Guinea


*Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences and Biological Faculty, University

of South Bohemia, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
†Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Ancon, Panama
‡Research Associates, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA
(Accepted 20th December 1998)

ABSTRACT. The relationships between body size and host specificity were studied
in leaf-chewing and sap-sucking insect communities, including 792 species, feeding
locally on 15 species of Ficus in a lowland rain forest in Papua New Guinea. A
negative correlation between body size and host specificity, i.e., the tendency for
large species to feed on numerous Ficus hosts and those smaller to have a more
restricted host range, was found within both the sap-sucking and the leaf-chewing
community. A more detailed analysis, which divided herbivorous species into three
sap-sucking and four leaf-chewing guilds, revealed that the correlation between
body size and host specificity was caused by differences in these traits between the
guilds, while no such correlation was detected within any of the guilds. As the
changes in feeding mode, defining various guilds, were unique evolutionary events,
it is uncertain whether there is a functional relationship between feeding mode,
body size and host specificity, or whether their correlation is only coincidental. It
is suggested that, in the sap-sucking community at least, the positive body size
versus host specificity correlation is a coincidental by-product of the causal rela-
tionship between the feeding mode and both the body size and host specificity.
The causes of analogous patterns in a leaf-chewing community require further
investigation. Methodological problems in the analysis of tropical insect commu-
nities, dominated by rare species, are discussed.
KEY WORDS: Auchenorrhyncha, Coleoptera, herbivorous guilds, leaf-chewers,
Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, phloem-feeders, root-feeders, xylem-feeders,


Analyses performed on herbivorous insects have suggested, with varying

degrees of persuasion, that polyphagy might be associated with large body size
Correspondence address: Vojtech Novotny, Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Hono-
lulu, Hawaii 96817-0916, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

316 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET

(Basset 1997, Gaston 1988, Gaston & Lawton 1988, Gaston & Reavey 1989,
Lindstrom et al. 1994, Loder et al. 1998, Wasserman & Mitter 1978), but also
concluded that further study was needed to explain any functional basis of this
The correlation between body size and host plant specialization has been
well documented in regional insect faunas, but all such analyses were restricted
to Lepidoptera in temperate areas (Gaston & Reavey 1989, Lindstrom et al.
1994, Loder et al. 1998, Wasserman & Mitter 1978). Within communities, the
generality of the body size versus host specificity relationship is far from estab-
lished, as it has been addressed by only a few studies. A significant relationship
was revealed in a noctuid community from Europe (data from Rejmanek &
Spitzer 1982, analysed by Gaston 1988) and in one of the two communities of
bracken insects studied in Britain by Gaston & Lawton (1988). Basset’s (1997)
study revealed the same pattern in a tropical, arboreal community of leaf-
chewing insects, but in separate analyses of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera the
correlation was significant only in the former case.
It appears that there is a tendency for more specialized species to be smaller
than polyphages, but that it exists only in certain taxa and communities. The
paucity of data makes it difficult to specify the conditions requisite for this
relationship, and prevents any explanation of its underlying mechanisms.
Recently, Loder et al. (1998) tested several hypotheses, using the macrolepidop-
teran fauna of Britain, but were unable to find unequivocal support for any
single explanation.
Broadening the scope of the analysis from the usual Lepidoptera to include
more taxa representing diverse guilds, and altering its emphasis to the com-
munity patterns may provide further insight into this problem. Tropical com-
munities are particularly suitable for such studies since their high species rich-
ness, wide range of body sizes, and the large number of plant resources
available to them makes the analysis of any community patterns more sensit-
ive. Following this rationale, the present study explores the body size versus
host specificity relationship within various guilds of leaf-chewing and sap-
sucking insects and discusses possible explanations of its presence or absence
within each of them. It analyses a large (65 000-individual), diverse
(792-species) and, taxonomically, broadly defined sample, including externally
feeding herbivores from Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Phasmatodea,
and Hemiptera–Auchenorrhyncha, from the community on 15 species of Ficus
hosts in a lowland rain forest in New Guinea.


Study area and insect sampling

The study area was situated in the lowlands of the Madang Province in
Papua New Guinea, extending from the coast to the slopes of the Adelbert Mts
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 317

and bounded by Gogol and Sempi rivers. Fieldwork was concentrated in prim-
ary and secondary lowland forests near Baitabag, Ohu and Mis villages, and in
a coastal area near Riwo village (145°41-8′E, 5°08-14′S, c. 0–200 m). The aver-
age annual rainfall in the Madang area is 3558 mm, with a moderately dry
season from July to September, mean air temperature is 26.5 °C and varies
little throughout the year (McAlpine et al. 1983).
Among a conservative 48 species of Ficus, occurring in the area of the study (G.
Weiblen, pers. comm.), 15 locally abundant species (F. bernaysii King, F. botryocarpa
Miq., F. conocephalifolia Ridley, F. copiosa Steud., F. dammaropsis Diels, F. hispidioides
S. Moore, F. microcarpa L., F. nodosa Tejsm. & Binn., F. phaeosyce Lauterb. & K.
Schum., F. pungens Reinw. ex Bl., F. septica Burm. f., F. tinctoria G. Forst., F. trachy-
pison K. Schum., F. variegata Bl., and F. wassa Roxb.) were selected for the study of
their insect fauna (see Basset et al. 1997 for details). All externally feeding leaf-
chewing herbivores (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Phasmatodea)
and all adults of sap-sucking Hemiptera–Auchenorrhyncha were collected. The
insects were sampled from the foliage of the Ficus trees individually, by hand or
by the use of an aspirator. They were collected during c. 500 person-days of
fieldwork by five collecting teams with usually three people per team. Insect col-
lecting continued from July 1994 to March 1996 for leaf-chewing insects and from
July 1995 to June 1996 for those sap-sucking. Sampling effort was recorded as the
time spent searching the foliage of each of the Ficus species for insects, which
was approximately proportional to the leaf area examined. Sampling effort was
identical for all Ficus species studied.
In the laboratory, all leaf-chewing insects were provided with fresh foliage
of the Ficus species they were collected from and kept on it until they fed or
died. Only the individuals that fed were considered in the analyses, to exclude
transient species from the samples. Caterpillars were reared to adults when-
ever possible. All sap-sucking insects collected from the foliage were retained
in the analyses since there were no simple feeding tests for sap-sucking insects,
which could be performed in laboratory conditions on excised leaves.
All insects were assigned to morphospecies on the basis of their external
morphology; the morphology of male genitalia was used for some leaf-chewing
and all sap-sucking species. In critical groups, which included most of the
Typhlocybinae as well as several species complexes in other taxa, all specimens
were routinely dissected and assigned to morphospecies using characters on
genitalia. The assignment of morphospecies was later verified by specialist tax-
onomists and voucher specimens deposited in Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

Definition of guilds
Leaf-chewing insects were classified in the following guilds: (i) species with
wood-boring larvae and foliage-feeding adults, which included all species of
Cerambycidae and one species of Buprestidae (larval wood-borers thereafter);
(ii) species with root-feeding larvae and foliage-feeding adults, which included
all species of Curculionidae and most of the Chrysomelidae (larval
318 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET

root-feeders); (iii) species with larvae feeding on the foliage and adults feeding
on various plant resources other than leaves, or not feeding on alive plants,
which included all Lepidoptera (larval leaf-chewers); (iv) species with both
larvae and adults feeding on leaves, which included all Orthoptera and Phas-
matodea and some species of Chrysomelidae, particularly the Galerucinae
Atysa and Sastra (life-long leaf-chewers). Sampling, as well as subsequent estim-
ates of host specificity and body size, concerned only stages feeding on foliage.
The Auchenorrhyncha is probably paraphyletic (Sorensen et al. 1995) so that
the two component, monophyletic taxa, the Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomor-
pha, were analysed separately. The Fulgoromorpha are all phloem-feeders.
Within the Cicadomorpha, the following three guilds were recognized (see Nov-
otny & Wilson 1997, for details): (i) mesophyll cell-feeders: Cicadellidae:
Typhlocybinae; (ii) xylem-feeders: Cercopoidea, Cicadoidea, Cicadellidae:
Cicadellini (sensu Hamilton 1983; Cicadellinae sensu Young 1968) and Mileewini
(their position is uncertain; they were treated as xylem-feeders, based on the
present field observations); (iii) phloem-feeders: the remaining Cicadomorpha.
Only adults were collected and analysed in sap-sucking groups.
As in almost any other study, the above guilds are in fact ‘taxon-guilds’ (sensu
Simberloff & Dayan 1991), i.e. groups of species defined both by their food
resource and phylogenetical lineage (taxon), as certain taxa of leaf-chewers
(e.g., molluscs) and sap-suckers (e.g., Sternorrhyncha) were not studied.

Estimation of body size and host specificity

In both leaf-chewing and sap-sucking insects, body length (excluding wings,
any processes and ovipositor) and thorax width was measured. Only adults were
measured in Auchenorrhyncha, Coleoptera, Orthoptera and Phasmatodea, and
only caterpillars were measured in Lepidoptera. For both leaf-chewing and
sap-sucking insects, the body length multiplied by body width was used as an
index of the species’ body size.
In leaf-chewing insects, average body length was estimated from 10 measure-
ments whenever possible, but only the largest available measurement was used
for caterpillars, in order to approach the size of the last instar. Body width to
length ratio was measured on a macro-photograph of a single specimen and
multiplied by the average body length to estimate body width. All measure-
ments were performed on dry, mounted specimens; only caterpillars were
measured when alive.
In sap-sucking insects, body length and width of two males and two females
were measured whenever possible, and the average was calculated from these
measurements. Alcohol-preserved material was used for measurements.
The host specificity of each species was quantified as the variance of its
distribution among the 15 Ficus species. Lloyd’s index
Sx2 −X̄
L= +1,
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 319

where Sx2 and X̄ are variance and mean of the sample, was used as the host
specificity parameter. This index is considered to be the best way of standard-
ization of variance with respect to the mean (see Lepš 1993 for its detailed
evaluation). Its value is minimum for an equitable distribution (i.e., indiscrim-
inate polyphagy) and is increasing with increasing host specificity. Many species
were too rare to derive any sensible estimates of their host specificity. Since
the species’ host specificity was measured as its distribution among 15 host
trees, all species collected as less than 15 individuals were excluded from the
analyses of host specificity.
The species abundance, host specificity and body size had positively-skewed
distributions, which were difficult to normalize. Therefore, the Spearman’s cor-
relation (rs) and Kruskal–Wallis test were used in the analysis. The relation-
ship between host specificity and body size was also fitted by the locally
weighted regression scatter-plot smoothing (LOWESS; the tension 0.5 was
used; Cleveland 1979) which, unlike the standard regression, can be used to
explore non-linear trends in the data.


The sampling effort amounted to the total of 370 h and 6831 tree-inspections
for the leaf-chewing and to 316 h and 4573 tree-inspections for the sap-sucking
insects (it is estimated that the actual number of individual Ficus trees sampled
was > 1000 in both groups). The combined samples from all the 15 species of
Ficus were used for the analysis. They consisted of confirmed feeding records
for 13 193 individuals from 348 species of leaf-chewing insects and distribution
records for 52 079 individuals from 444 species of sap-sucking insects.
Many species were rare in the samples, so that the exclusion of species col-
lected as less than 15 individuals reduced the number of species from 348 to
92 in the leaf-chewing insects, from 200 to 78 in the Cicadomorpha, and from
244 to 98 in the Fulgoromorpha. In the reduced data set, the Lloyd’s index of
host specificity was tested for dependence on the species abundance (i.e., the
sample size). There was no significant abundance versus host specificity cor-
relation in any of the eight guilds analysed (|rs| < 0.2 and P > 0.05 in all

Leaf-chewing insects
Body size increased in the sequence larval root-feeders = larval leaf-chewers
< larval wood-borers = life-long leaf-chewers (Table 1). The relative differ-
ences in body size remained the same in the reduced data set, but the signific-
ance of differences involving larval leaf-chewers changed (Table 1, Figure 1a).
The guilds differed also in their host specificity. On average, the larval wood-
borers and life-long leaf-chewers were less specialized than the other two guilds
(see Table 1 for the significance of all pair-wise differences).
320 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET



Figure 1. Body size and host specificity of the (a) leaf-chewing and (b) sap-sucking guilds. The median for
body size (body length * width; stippled bars) and host specificity (Lloyd’s index; open bars) is given for
each guild: larval root-feeders, larval leaf-chewers, larval wood-borers, life-long leaf-chewers, mesophyll-cell,
phloem- and xylem-feeders.

Table 1. Differences among guilds of leaf-chewing insects in abundance, body size and host specificity. The
median and the range for 50% of cases around the median (in brackets) are reported; values followed by
different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05, Dunn’s pair-wise comparisons; Kruskal–Wallis test
significant, P < 0.001, in all cases).

Variable Data Larval Larval Larval Life-long

set root-feeders leaf-chewers wood-borers leaf-chewers
Abundance complete 6a 3a 1a 5.5 a
(1–42) (1–15) (1–7) (2–13)
Body size complete 12.3 a 27.5 a 65.4 b 119.2 b
(6.5–20.8) (2.8–56.6) (38.3–130.9) (66.4–198.3)
Body size reduced 15.8 a 40.7 b 66.4 bc 97.0 c
(10.6–23.8) (27.5–73.1) (30.9–89.6) (47.2–169.1)
Host specificity reduced 3.4 ab 4.8 a 1.2 c 1.8 bc
(2.3–5.3) (2.6–8.0) (1.1–1.50) (1.5—2.5)
S complete 72 138 73 66
S reduced 29 37 11 15
Abundance: the number of individuals per species; body size: body length * width, in mm2; host specificity:
Lloyd’s index; S: number of species; reduced data set: species collected as n M 15 individuals.
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 321

The correlation between body size and host specificity was negative and sig-
nificant for the leaf-chewing insects as a whole (rs = −0.357, P < 0.01, n = 92
species; Figure 2a), but it was not significant within any of the guilds (Table
2). The overall correlation between body size and host specificity remained
significant when abundance of the species was used as a covariable (Pearson’s
r = −0.347, P < 0.01).
There was a weak, but significant, positive correlation between body size and
abundance in the whole data set on leaf-chewers, mostly caused by a strong
correlation within the larval leaf-chewing guild (Table 3).

Sap-sucking insects
In Cicadomorpha, the body size increased in the sequence mesophyll-feeders
< phloem-feeders < xylem-feeders; the xylem-feeding species were also more
abundant than the species from the other two guilds (Table 4). In the reduced
data set, these patterns were not detectable; instead, only the mesophyll-
feeders were significantly smaller and more host specific than the other two
guilds (Table 4, Figure 1b).
The correlation between body size and host specificity was negative and
highly significant for the Cicadomorpha as a whole (rs = −0.572, P < 0.001, n =
78 species; Figure 2b), but it was not significant within any of the three guilds
(Table 2). The correlation between body size and host specificity was negative
and significant also in the Fulgoromorpha (rs = −0.281, P < 0.01, n = 98 species;
Figure 2c). The body size versus host specificity correlations for both Cicado-
morpha and Fulgoromorpha remained significant when abundance was used as
a covariable (Pearson’s r = −0.584 and −0.257, respectively; P < 0.05).
The correlation between body size and abundance was negative and signif-
icant in the xylem-feeders, positive, but marginally not significant, in the
phloem-feeders and non-existent in the mesophyll-feeders (Table 3).


Sources of bias
The differences in protocols used to estimate body size for sap-sucking and
leaf-chewing insects reflect the preferred methodologies of the first and second
author, respectively, rather than optimum solutions for respective insect
groups. More importantly, this study avoids potential bias given by the use of
wing span (used in all previous studies; see review by Loder et al. 1998) as the
index of body size in Lepidoptera, instead of the ecologically relevant size of
the last instar of the caterpillars. This convenient practice is dubious due to a
low proportion (48%) of variation in the larval size accounted for by the wing
span, reported by Gaston & Reavey (1991) and found also in the present data
(authors’ unpubl. data).
The host specificity was estimated as the local use of the 15 species of Ficus.
This approach provided much finer resolution than in other studies, where all
322 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET




Figure 2. Relationship between body size and host specificity in (a) leaf-chewing insects, (b) sap-sucking
Cicadomorpha, and (c) sap-sucking Fulgoromorpha. Log10 body size and log host specificity indices are plot-
ted and a trend-line fitted by LOWESS regression.
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 323

Table 2. Spearman’s correlation (rs) between body size and host specificity. Reduced data set; see Tables 1
and 4 for sample sizes (S).

Guild rs P
Mesophyll cell-feeders −0.300 0.11
Phloem sap-feeders −0.408 0.07
Xylem sap-feeders −0.219 0.26
Larval root-feeders −0.164 0.40
Larval leaf-chewers −0.061 0.72
Larval wood-borers −0.373 0.26
Life-long leaf-chewers −0.421 0.12

Table 3. Spearman’s correlation (rs) between body size and abundance. Complete data set; see Tables 1 and
4 for sample sizes (S).

Guild rs P
Mesophyll cell-feeders 0.036 0.75
Phloem sap-feeders 0.231 0.06
Xylem sap-feeders −0.463 >0.01
Cicadomorpha total 0.054 0.14
Larval root-feeders 0.201 0.09
Larval leaf-chewers 0.344 >0.01
Larval wood-borers −0.018 0.88
Life-long leaf-chewers −0.105 0.40
Leaf-chewers total 0.121 0.03

Table 4. Differences among guilds of sap-sucking insects in abundance, body size and host specificity. The
median and the range for 50% of cases around the median (in brackets) are reported; values followed by
different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05, Dunn’s pair-wise comparisons; Kruskal–Wallis test
significant, P < 0.001, in all cases).

Variable Data set Mesophyll Phloem Xylem

Abundance complete 6a 7a 22 b
(1–31) (1–19) (4–229)
Body size complete 1.6 a 12.0 b 23.6 c
(1.1–2.5) (5.6–23.7) (12.0–53.1)
Body size reduced 1.4 a 15.4 b 20.4 b
(1.1–2.6) (9.8–24.5) (9.5–30.3)
Host specificity reduced 4.9 a 2.1 b 1.6 b
(3.8–7.5) (1.5–5.5) (1.3–2.4)
S complete 82 69 49
S reduced 30 20 28
Abundance: the number of individuals per species; body size: body length * width, in mm2; host specificity:
Lloyd’s index; S: number of species; reduced data set: species collected as n M 15 individuals.

species feeding on congeneric plants were usually treated summarily as special-

ists (Gaston 1988, Lindstrom et al. 1994, Wasserman & Mitter 1978). However,
the host plant range of genuine polyphages, such as many acridids or aphropho-
rids, was greatly underestimated, as no information was available on their host
plants other than Ficus. Ideally, local plant use, not the published information
of the insect’s host plant ranges, should be considered (Fox & Morrow 1981),
and all plant species present in the study area should be examined.
Rarity of many species poses a serious problem for reliable estimation of
their host specificity. The minimum sample size of 15 individuals, used here,
324 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET

is a compromise between conflicting needs to describe adequately the host

range of more polyphagous species and to retain specialist species in the ana-
lysis. Obviously, 15 individuals is insufficient for the quantification of host pref-
erences of species feeding on numerous Ficus spp. A higher threshold could
however exclude many specialists which are collected from only a small propor-
tion of the host plants studied and are therefore rare in the composite sample.
Another problem, particular to sap-sucking insects, are false host records rep-
resented by non-feeding tourist individuals. In order to alleviate this bias, a
quantitative host specificity index, describing distribution of individuals among
hosts, was used, rather than the number of host plants.
The differences in the body size among the three sap-sucking guilds, found
in the original data, were distorted in the reduced data set, including only
common species. The positive abundance versus body size correlation in
phloem-feeders resulted in the over-representation of large species in the data
set restricted to abundant species, while a negative abundance versus body size
correlation produced the opposite bias in xylem-feeders. As a consequence, the
originally significant difference in body size between these two guilds disap-
peared in the reduced data set. Similarly, a positive abundance versus body
size correlation in larval leaf-chewers caused discrepancies between the com-
plete and reduced data sets for leaf-chewing insects. The higher abundance of
xylem-feeding species than those from the other two guilds led also to the
over-representation of the xylem-feeders in the reduced data set; they made
up 36% of its species, whilst there was only 25% of xylem-feeding species in
the original data. These artifacts illustrate dangers inherent in the analyses of
incomplete data, be they a result of insufficient sampling, not recording rare
species at all, or data filtering, excluding them a posteriori. Conceivably, the
reduced data could be biased also with respect to the host specificity, had there
been a correlation between this trait and the species abundance. Any such bias
cannot be quantified, since the host specificity estimates for rare species are
not available.
The positive correlations between body size and host specificity in the pre-
sent study were revealed by using species as independent data points. As such,
they can be interpreted in functional terms, viz. that large species have a
broader resource basis available in the studied community. However, this cor-
relation cannot be interpreted as a tendency for the two traits, viz. body size
and host specificity, to evolve in parallel. In order to test such a hypothesis,
evolutionarily independent changes in these traits would have to be analysed,
instead of their values possessed by individual species. There are several tech-
niques for such analysis (e.g. Brooks & McLennan, 1991) but they are not
applicable here since the significant differences, found between the guilds,
were too few for any statistical analysis. Within guilds, no relationships
between body size and host specificity were significant even when the analysis
was performed on species as independent points, i.e., with the number of
degrees of freedom greatly inflated.
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 325

Host specificity and body size: the effect of feeding mode

The community-wide tendency for larger species to feed on more species of
Ficus was a consequence of simultaneous changes in body size and host specifi-
city among guilds. In the leaf-chewers, the larval root-feeders had the smallest
body size and were relatively host-specific, while the life-long leaf-chewers had
the largest body size and were among the two less specialized guilds; in the
Cicadomorpha, the mesophyll-feeders were at the same time the most special-
ized and with the smallest body size among the three guilds.
The absence of any body size versus host specificity relationship within guilds
suggests that between-guild differences are crucial, with a particular feeding
mode being more likely associated with either large body size and low host
specificity, or vice versa. There is some evidence for causal relationships that
could generate such a pattern, at least in the Auchenorrhyncha. Their host
specificity may be influenced by the amount and diversity of secondary metabol-
ites, which is decreasing in the sequence mesophyll cells > phloem sap >
xylem sap (Mullin 1986, Raven 1983, Risebrow & Dixon 1986). The xylem-
feeders indeed tend to be polyphagous (Press & Whittaker 1993), while
phloem-, and especially mesophyll-feeding species are usually more host spe-
cific (Claridge & Wilson 1981, Cobben 1988, Wilson et al. 1994, Wood 1993). At
the same time, particular feeding modes may constrain body size of sap-sucking
insects. The mesophyll-feeders may be small because they feed by piercing and
emptying individual plant cells, and there may also be energetic constraints,
preventing the evolution of small xylem-feeders (Karban 1986, Novotny &
Wilson 1997). The xylem-feeders indeed tend to be larger and the mesophyll-
feeders smaller than the phloem-feeding Auchenorrhyncha (Novotny & Wilson
1997). Unfortunately, these hypotheses on the constraints on the body size
and host specificity associated with particular feeding mode cannot be tested
empirically. The mesophyll-feeding arose only once and the xylem-feeding
probably twice during the evolution of Auchenorrhyncha (Novotny & Wilson
1997); clearly, the evolution has not generated enough independent data points
for a thorough analysis.
In the leaf-chewing insects, there are reasons for larval wood-borers to be
large and polyphagous. In the larval stage, they feed on a nutritionally
extremely poor diet, which is often associated with large, energetically more
advantageous, body size (Mattson 1980). In their adult stage, they perform
only maturation feeding on the leaves. In many herbivorous insects, such mat-
uration feeding by adults tends to be less specific than feeding by larvae (e.g.,
Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995). However, there are no a priori reasons why the
members of the other leaf-chewing guilds should be of particular body size
and/or degree of host specificity. The interpretation of differences between
feeding guilds of the leaf-chewing insects in the body size and host specificity
is difficult for the same reasons as in the Auchenorrhyncha. Again, in the
reduced data set, each guild was heavily dominated by a single insect lineage:
326 V . N O V O T N Y A N D Y. BASSET

most of the larval root-feeders were chrysomelids, most of the life-long leaf-
chewers acridids, all the larval-feeders lepidopterans, and all the larval wood-
borers cerambycids. Interestingly, Basset et al. (1994) report differences in the
intraspecific range of body size associated with different feeding modes in the
herbivorous insects.

Host specificity and body size: the effect of body size range
An alternative explanation of the patterns found here is that the range of
body sizes, included in the analysis, is important, rather than the guilds them-
selves. It is known that other correlates of body size, such as population density,
can be detected only across a wide range of body sizes (Currie 1993). The
combined analysis of all the guilds indeed encompasses a wider range of body
sizes than the analyses of individual guilds. For example, the body size distribu-
tions of the mesophyll cell- and xylem-feeders, as well as of the larval root-
feeders and the life-long leaf-chewers, almost do not overlap. Further, a signi-
ficant correlation between body size and host specificity found in the
Fulgoromorpha supports this explanation. There, all species belong to the
same, phloem-feeding, guild, but span across a wider range of body sizes (body
length from 1.7 to 15.9 mm) than the phloem-feeders in the Cicadomorpha
(body length from 1.9 to 10.2 mm).
For similar reasons, it cannot be excluded that a significant correlation
between body size and host specificity exists even within the guilds, but could
not be detected in the restricted data set, which only was available for the
analysis. For instance, the body size index in the complete sample of the 137
lepidopteran species ranged from 1.4 to 414.6 mm2, while in the reduced
sample of 37 species, which were abundant enough to estimate their host speci-
ficity, the body size index ranged only from 5.8 to 251.4 mm2. Restricted data
sets from other guilds exhibited similarly narrowed ranges of body size. This
explanation is also supported by the fact that all seven within-guild correlations
between body size and host specificity were negative, although none of them
was significantly different from zero.
The present study found a correlation between body size and host specificity,
previously reported from some insect regional faunas and temperate commu-
nities, in a large, tropical community of insect herbivores. It demonstrated that
differences between the guilds generated such correlation. These differences
can reflect a functional relationship between feeding mode, host specificity and
body size. However, alternative explanations that they were merely coincid-
ental, or artifacts caused by different sensitivity of the analysis for data with
different ranges of body size, can not be ruled out.


We are pleased to acknowledge the help of Chris Dal, Martin Kasbal and
Keneth Sehel-Molem who assisted with most of the technical aspects of the
Body size and host plant specificity in insects 327

project. Numerous field assistants, acknowledged elsewhere, collected many of

the insect specimens. The landowners Kiatik Batet, Hais Wasel and Sam Guru
kindly allowed us to collect in Baitabag, Ohu and Mis, respectively. Larry
Orsak, Anne Borey-Kadam and the staff of the Christensen Research Institute
provided invaluable assistance with the logistics of the project. Taxonomic help
was provided by numerous specialists, acknowledged elsewhere. The manu-
script benefited from comments by Scott Miller and Neil Springate. The project
was funded by the National Science Foundation ((DEB-94-07297, DEB-96-
28840 and DEB-97-07928)), the Christensen Fund (Palo Alto, California), the
National Geographic Society (grant no. 5398-94), the Czech Academy of
Sciences (grants no. C6007501 and A6007705), the Czech Ministry of Educa-
tion (grant ES 041), the Otto Kinne Foundation and the Fulbright

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