Ecological Entomology - 2020 - Zuev - Different Groups of Ground Dwelling Spiders Share Similar Trophic Niches in Temperate

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Ecological Entomology (2020), 45, 1346–1356 DOI: 10.1111/een.


Different groups of ground-dwelling spiders share

similar trophic niches in temperate forests
A N D R E Y Z U E V, 1 K E R S T I N H E I D E M A N N, 2
V L A D I S L A V L E O N O V, 1 I N A S C H A E F E R, 2 S T E F A N S C H E U, 2,3
A N D R E I T A N A S E V I T C H, 1 A L E X E I T I U N O V, 1
S E R G E Y T S U R I K O V 1 and A N T O N P O T A P O V 1,2 1 A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology
and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2 J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, University
of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany and 3 Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use, Göttingen, Germany

Abstract. 1. Generalistic interactions between predator and prey may vary with
ecosystem type, predator traits, and prey traits, but the interplay of these factors has
not been assessed in ground food webs.
2. We investigated trophic interactions of ground-dwelling spiders across eight
forests in European Russia associated with body size, hunting strategy, microhabitat
specialization, potential prey type, potential prey population density, and forest type
(coniferous vs. broadleaved). We analyzed 128 individual spiders, including juveniles,
all identified to the family level with two complementary methods: molecular gut content
analysis, and stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen.
3. The results suggest that feeding frequency of spiders is affected by predator body
size and by selection of certain prey type. Stable isotope analysis showed similar trophic
niches among spider families, varying moderately with forest type. Larger spiders had
higher Δ13 C values than smaller ones, but similar Δ15 N values, suggesting that different
size classes of spiders belong to different food chains. Results based on stable isotope and
molecular gut content analyses were weakly linked, indicating them targeting different
trophic niche dimensions.
4. At least for the group-level interactions, family identity and hunting strategy of
predator has little predictive power while predator body size and prey traits affected
trophic niche dimensions calling for future studies in this direction. Large spiders
feed more and rely on different basal resources than small spiders, suggesting that
including small species and juveniles provides a more comprehensive picture of food
web organization.
Key words. Araneae, gut content, soil food web, stable isotopes, trophic niche.

Introduction species and widespread omnivory (Digel et al., 2014; Eitzinger

et al., 2018c). Empirical studies investigating the feeding pref-
Predator–prey interactions shape species diversity, ecosys- erences of ground generalist predators are needed.
tem functioning, and stability by connecting species in food Mechanisms behind predator–prey interactions may be
webs (Pimm et al., 1991; Brose et al., 2017). On the forest related to body size of predator and prey, behavioural traits,
floor, invertebrate predators such as spiders control the abun-
and population density, that together shape trophic interactions
dance of herbivores and detritivores, coupling brown and
(Loreau, 2010; Rooney & McCann, 2012; Brose et al., 2019).
green food webs (Scheu, 2002; Wise, 2004; Kersch-Becker
Body sizes of predator and prey are recognised to drive
et al., 2018). Describing and predicting predator–prey interac-
tions in soil food webs is challenging due to the high diversity of predator–prey interactions across biomes (Brose et al., 2019),
but the same mechanism responsible for size-structured interac-
Correspondence: Andrey G. Zuev, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071, tions may result in different food-web architecture, depending
Russia. E-mail: [email protected] on the type of primary producers (Potapov et al., 2019b), and

1346 © 2020 The Royal Entomological Society

Trophic generalism of spiders in litter 1347

body size alone cannot reliably predict trophic interactions (Tiunov, 2007; Potapov et al., 2019c). Targeting different tax-
(Nakazawa et al., 2013; Eitzinger et al., 2018c). Besides body onomic and temporal resolution, stable isotope and molecular
size, predator–prey interactions are affected by various traits of gut content analyses have been rarely applied simultaneously
predator and prey species, their phylogenetic position and habi- to understand trophic interactions in soil food webs (Günther
tat conditions (Brose et al., 2006, 2019; Brousseau et al., 2018). et al., 2014; Ferlian and Scheu, 2014).
Further, empirical studies indicated that in soil food webs pre- Here, we applied molecular analysis of the gut content and
dation may depend little on environmental characteristics, prey stable isotope analysis to examine the trophic interactions of
traits, and predator body mass, being rather taxon-specific ground-dwelling spiders, as a dominant group of invertebrate
(Eitzinger et al., 2018). predators in soil food webs. Our main objective was to evalu-
Spiders commonly are used as the model terrestrial preda- ate the role of predator traits (body size, hunting strategy, and
tors due to their high abundance and diversity in virtually any microhabitat specialization), potential prey characteristics (tax-
terrestrial ecosystem (Bristowe, 1958; Rypstra, 1984; Nyffeler onomic group of prey and prey abundance in the habitat) on the
& Benz, 1987; Nyffeler et al., 2017). In agricultural sites, spi- trophic niche of ground-dwelling spiders. We hypothesised that
ders consume a large number of pest species, primarily winged body size and hunting strategy are the main characteristics deter-
insects (Nyffeler & Sunderland, 2003; Benamú et al., 2017), mining the prey spectrum and trophic niche of spiders. Micro-
while exclusion experiments showed spiders to feed also habitat of spiders is an additional criterion bonded both with
on detritivorous insects including collembolans (Wise, 2004). hunting strategy and the presence of different prey groups. In
Thus, spiders are feeding on a wide range of prey types, addition, we compared short-term (several days) group-specific
from small soil mesofauna to large herbivore insects, with the predator–prey interactions, assessed by molecular gut content
amount of prey consumed correlating positively with prey den- analysis, with long-term (several weeks, up to individual life-
sity (Chant, 1956). time) trophic niche as indicated by the stable isotope signature
As generalist predators, spiders may feed on various prey of the same individuals. The study was performed in two tem-
in their vicinity and thus their diet can vary with habitat, or perate forest types (coniferous and broadleaved).
microhabitat. However, feeding also varies depending on par-
ticular taxonomic group of potential prey, since different prey Materials and methods
groups have different size, mobility, and defensive characteris-
tics (Nentwig, 1987). Hunting strategy could affect the diet as Sampling sites were located in two regions in European Rus-
well. For web building spiders, prey species need to be small sia: southern taiga, Tver region, and broadleaved forest zone,
for not breaking the web (Bristowe, 1958), while for striders Lipetsk region. These two types of forests are most representa-
prey needs to be rather easy to catch and handle. The webs tive for ecosystems of the temperate zone in European Russia.
of different litter-dwelling spiders are similar in structure and In each region, four forest sites were studied. The soils were
are characterised by simple and randomly structured patterns, Chernozem chernic and Phaeozem albic in broadleaved forests,
which potentially alleviates differences between spider fami- and Albeluvisol umbric in southern taiga (IUSS Working Group
lies derived from web architecture. Moreover, due to the limited WRB, 2015). More details on the sampling sites are given in
space, prey spectrum of web-building spiders in litter and soil Tables S1 and S2 and Butenko et al. (2017).
may resemble that of striders (Foelix, 2011).
Over the last decade, molecular gut content analysis has Sampling
become one of the main techniques to reconstruct trophic inter-
actions of animals at taxon-specific level (Traugott et al., 2013). Samples were taken in July 2018 within three randomly
Due to the limited detection time of DNA in the gut of consumers positioned 2 × 2 m subplots within each 10 × 10 m sampling site
(Greenstone et al., 2007), molecular gut content analysis is (total of 24 subplots and 8 sites). Spiders were collected by
restricted to detecting recent trophic interactions. Taxon-specific sieving a 50 × 50 cm area (1 from each 2 × 2 subplot) of litter
primers detect target prey DNA in consumers and in combina- through a 2-cm sieve, picked with forceps and an aspirator,
tion with frequency analysis this gives information on the rela- and put individually into vials with 96% ethanol. Vials were
tive importance of prey taxa for predator nutrition. The primers transported at +4∘ C to the laboratory within 5 h after sampling
for molecular gut content analyses are developed to detect even and stored at −20∘ C. Due to a large proportion of juveniles
small amounts of prey DNA (King et al., 2008). Trophic inter- (about 50%) and to minimise the time outside freezer, spiders
actions can be detected at different levels of taxonomic resolu- were identified to family level. This allowed us to include
tion depending on whether specific or more general primers are juveniles that are typically excluded from ecological studies,
used. In soil food webs, a range of primers at different taxo- making our study more representatives at community level.
nomic level has been developed (Günther et al., 2014; Eitzinger Identification was performed on a cooling element to prevent
et al., 2018). animals being unfrozen. In total, 128 individual spiders of 11
In contrast to molecular gut content analysis, stable isotope families were collected and identified. Spiders of individual
analysis of carbon and nitrogen integrates long-term informa- families were grouped based on their hunting strategy (web
tion on the trophic niche of consumers (Post, 2002), but pro- builders or striders) and microhabitat specialization (ground or
vides limited insight into species-specific interactions (Rick- climbing understory vegetation; Table 1).
ers et al., 2006). The method proved to be a valuable tool to To estimate the population density of potential prey, six
uncover the structure of cryptic food webs, such as those in soil randomly positioned 5-cm diameter soil cores (5 cm deep) to

© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

1348 Andrey Zuev et al.

Table 1. Number, taxonomic affinity, and ecological traits of spiders analyzed in the study.

Family Ind. southern taiga Ind. broadleaved forest Microhabitat specialization Hunting strategy

Linyphiidae 46 10 Ground Web builders

Theridiidae 22 5 Ground / climbing the vegetation Web builders
Lycosidae 14 3 Ground Striders
Thomisidae 3 5 Ground / climbing the vegetation Striders
Hahniidae 4 0 Ground Web builders
Salticidae 3 0 Ground / climbing the vegetation Striders
Liocranidae 1 0 Ground / climbing the vegetation Striders
Tetragnathidae 1 0 Ground / climbing the vegetation Web builders
Clubionidae 0 3 Ground / climbing the vegetation Striders
Dictynidae 0 1 Ground / climbing the vegetation Web builders
Phrurolithidae 0 1 Ground Striders

Microhabitat specialization and hunting strategy were assigned according to Nentwig (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987), Nentwig and Wissel (1986) and Nyffeler
and Benz (1987). The most abundant families are marked in bold; spiders of the other families were bulked and analyzed together as “other families”.

extract mesofauna and three randomly positioned 20 × 20 soil an initial denaturation step of 10 min at 95 ∘ C followed by
samples (5 cm deep) to extract macrofauna were taken from each 35 cycles of 95 ∘ C for 30 s, the respective annealing temperature
subplot. Animals were extracted using Tullgren funnels with (see Table 2) for 30 s and 72 ∘ C for 45 s, and a final extension
filament lamps for 2 weeks, and sorted into six target taxonomic stage of 72 ∘ C for 3 min. Presence or absence of prey DNA after
groups under a dissecting microscope (Table 2). In addition, one PCR was verified using the capillary electrophoresis QIAxcel
mixed sample of soil and litter was taken from each subplot for Advanced (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany).
stable isotope analysis, dried at 55 ∘ C for 2 days and kept dry
until the analysis.
Stable isotope analysis
Sample preparation All materials for stable isotope analysis were dried at 55 ∘ C
for 24 h. Samples of soil, litter, and spiders >600 μg dry
Frozen ethanol-stored spiders were weighed individually with
weight were milled using a ball mill prior to the analysis
the precision of 1 μg using Mettler Toledo MX5 electronic
(MM 200, Retsch, Germany) and a subsample was wrapped
scales (Mettler Toledo, USA) to estimate living body mass. Wet
into tin capsules. Smaller samples were analysed as a whole.
weight (μg) henceforth is reported as body size. Subsequently,
Stable isotope composition was measured using a Thermo Delta
the opisthosoma (abdomen) of spiders was separated from the
V Plus IRMS coupled to a Flash 1112 Elemental Analyser
prosoma (front part with legs). The opisthosoma was used for
(Thermo, USA). Stable isotope composition is reported as per
molecular gut content analyses; the prosoma was used for stable
mil (‰) using the delta notation: dX = [(Rsample /Rstandard )-1],
isotope analysis.
where X is 15 N or 13 C and R is the corresponding ratio of
N/14 N or 13 C/12 C. Atmospheric nitrogen and VPDB carbon
Molecular gut content analysis were used as standards for nitrogen and carbon, respectively. An
internal laboratory standard (casein in the large and acetanilide
To extract DNA, samples were incubated in 75 μl of lysis
in the small samples) was run every five samples. Measurement
buffer (DNAdvance Genomic DNA Isolation Kit, Beckman
errors did not exceed ±0.15 ‰ for 𝛿 13 C and 𝛿 15 N. The 𝛿 13 C
Coulter, Krefeld, Germany) at 37 ∘ C for 20 min, then a 2 μl
and 𝛿 15 N values of litter and soil varied across the studied
aliquot of chitinase (1 mg ml−1 , Sigma-Aldrich, Taufkirchen,
regions and sampling plots (Table S2). Thus, we calibrated
Germany) was added and samples were incubated at 37 ∘ C
𝛿 13 C and 𝛿 15 N values of spiders to those of the respective
for 30 min. Chitinase was thermally deactivated at 55 ∘ C for
local leaf litter: ΔX = dXspider – (dXlocal litter - dXlitter, overall average ).
10 min. After that, 4 μl of proteinase K (20 mM μl−1 , Beckman
Litter-calibrated Δ13 C and Δ15 N values reflect basal resources
Coulter, Inc., USA) was added with the subsequent incubation
on a shaker for 3 h and quick-spin centrifugation. The super- and trophic level, respectively (Potapov et al., 2019c).
natant was used for DNA extraction in accordance with the stan-
dard protocol for Agencourt DNAdvance Genomic DNA Isola- Statistical analysis
tion Kit.
Extracted DNA was amplified for each spider individual using Statistical analysis was performed in R 3.6.1 (R Core
six group-specific primers (Table 2). The reaction mix of 25 μl Team, 2019) with the R Studio interface (RStudio, Inc., Boston,
volume comprised 1.25 μl forward primer, 1.25 μl reverse primer Massachusetts). Rarefaction tests were performed for each plot
(100 pmol μl−1 ), 1 μl MgCl2 (15 mM, Genaxxon, Ulm, Ger- separately for prey density and gut content (Fig. S4) analy-
many), 2 μl BSA (3%), 12.5 μl HotStarTaq (Genaxxon, Ulm, ses (vegan package, Oksanen & Simpson, 2009) and showed
Germany), 6 μl HPLC H2 O (Sigma-Aldrich, Taufkirchen, Ger- that our molecular gut content data are representative for the
many) + 1 μl template DNA. Thermal cycle parameters included studied field sites. To inspect for effects of potential prey

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Trophic generalism of spiders in litter 1349

Table 2. List of group-specific primers used for amplification of prey DNA in the gut of spiders.

Target taxon Primer name Sequence 5′ –3′ Size (bp) Ta (∘ C) Reference

Collembola (COI) Col3F GGACGATYTTRTTRGTTCG 272 62 Kuusk & Agusti, 2008; Eitzinger &
Traugott, 2011; Pompanon et al., 2012
Lumbricidae (12S) 185F TGTGTACTGCCGTCGTAAGCA 225–236 62 Harper et al., 2005; Eitzinger & Traugott,
2011; Pompanon et al., 2012
Diptera (18S) DIP S16 CACTTGCTTCTTAAATRGACAAATT 198 62 Eitzinger et al., 2011; Eitzinger &
Traugott, 2013
Oribatida (18S) ORI S14 GCGCGCTACACTGAAGTG 299 68
Staphylinidae (18S) STA S6 TGCGGTTAAAAAGCTCGTAGTC 152 65

group identity, potential prey density, forest type, spider family, correlations between 𝛿 15 N or 𝛿 13 C values in spider tissues and
spider body size (wet weight), spider hunting type, and spider specific prey group DNA detection (cor.test in stats). Both
microhabitat specialization on the detection of any prey DNA, observed and posterior isotopic niches of spiders were also
we used generalised linear mixed-effect models with binomial compared using the package SIBER (Jackson et al., 2011),
distribution and sampling site as random effect (lme4 package, allowing to quantify the isotopic niches overlap between the
Bates et al., 2015). The same set of factors without prey traits, two studied regions. Data were visualised using the packages
but with additional factors ‘sum of predator groups positive bipartite (Dormann et al., 2008) and ggplot2 (Wickham, 2011).
amplifications’ (a sum of positive amplifications for Gamasina P = 0.05 was taken as the threshold of significance.
and Staphylinidae calculated for each individual spider) and
‘sum of decomposer groups positive amplifications’ (a sum of
positive amplifications for Collembola, Oribatida, Diptera and Results
Lumbricidae calculated for each individual spider) were used to
explain separately Δ13 C and Δ15 N values in spiders. In the latter Molecular gut content analysis
case, linear mixed-effect models were used (Gaussian distribu-
tion) with the design as above for both values. Due to the large In total, we obtained 17% positive PCRs among 768
number of factors and collinearity among them (family, hunting predator–prey pair tests from 128 individual spiders. The
strategy and microhabitat specialization of spiders), in each case selected model (Table S3) explaining the positive prey DNA
we tested a series of models (Tables S3 and S4) and choose the amplifications included prey group (F 5 = 2.49, P = 0.0200),
most parsimonious one based on Akaike information criterion spider body size (F 1 = 7.73, P = 0.0055), and spider family
(AIC). In total, we tested 16 models for gut content analysis (F 4 = 1.49, P = 0.1481), with the first two factors significantly
and 34 models for stable isotopes. All models first included key affecting the probability of DNA detection. Across all spider
factors, such as body weight, prey group, and spider family and individuals, body size correlated positively with the number of
subsequently more factors were added. Factors and interactions positive amplifications. This was evident for most of the prey
that decreased AIC were included in further models. The full list groups (Collembola, Oribatida, Diptera, and Staphylinidae),
of the models tested is given in Tables S3 and S4. Significance whereas Lumbricidae DNA was amplified more frequently
of factors in the selected model was tested using Anova in the in small spiders (Fig. 1). Lumbricidae also was the most
car package in R (Type II Wald chi-square tests). commonly detected prey (19.5% of the investigated spiders;
The effect of spider family, spider body size, hunting strategy, n = 128), followed by Staphylinidae and Diptera (14.8% and
microhabitat specialization, and forest type on the diet compo- 14.1%, respectively; n = 128). DNA of small-sized prey groups
sition (combination of the positive prey DNA amplifications) with high population densities, such as Collembola, Gamasina,
of spiders was inspected using MANOVA (manova in dplyr, and Oribatida were present in 10.1%, 8.6%, and 6.2% of the
Wickham et al., 2015). Prior to the analysis, binomial data investigated spiders (n = 128), respectively.
were transformed to continuous data using two-dimensional Diet composition of spiders also varied among families and
non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS; metaMDS in forest types, but the differences were not statistically significant
vegan; Oksanen et al., 2019) and three derived NMDS axes (Table S3). As a trend, there were more positive amplifications
were used as the response variables. For the analysis, only for Diptera and Oribatida in broadleaved forest and Staphylin-
spiders with at least one positive DNA amplification were idae and Gamasina in southern taiga. Diptera and Staphylinidae
included. Comparison of the results between stable isotope and were detected in virtually all families of spiders in both forest
molecular gut content analyses was done by pairwise Spearman types. Linyphiidae and Lycosidae tended to be more generalistic

© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

1350 Andrey Zuev et al.

Collembola Gamasina Oribatida




Probability of detection


Diptera Lumbricidae Staphylinidae






−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
Spider wet weight, log10(g)

Fig 1. Probability of detection of different prey groups depending on spider body size. The upper panel represents mesofauna and the lower one shows
macrofauna. Linear regression lines show the probability of detection and 95% confidence intervals. Points symbolize negative (0%) or positive (100%)
amplifications. Points are jittered to avoid overlap.

in southern taiga compared to broadleaved forest (but the num- being significant in the model, all spiders in which decomposer
ber of analysed spiders was smaller in the latter forest type), (Oribatida, Collembola, Lumbricidae) DNA was detected in
while prey amplification in Theridiidae and Thomisidae of both the gut, were on average enriched in 15 N by 2.3 ‰ compared
forest types was similar (Fig. 2). The only marginally signifi- to those without decomposer DNA in the gut. Spiders from
cant effect was detected for spider microhabitat specialization southern taiga were slightly enriched in 15 N compared to those
(F 2 = 3.0, P = 0.0574), reflecting that ground spiders tended to from broadleaved forest (mean Δ15 N values of 5.8‰ and 3.9‰
feed on a wider spectrum of prey and especially to feed more on respectively), but the difference was not significant (Fig. S1).
Staphylinidae than spiders climbing the understory vegetation The analysis of isotopic niches using the standard ellipse
(Fig. 3). method (Fig. S2) as well as posterior ellipses (Fig. S3) suggest
that isotopic niches of spider families largely overlap. However,
Stable isotope analysis isotopic niches of spider families were shifted in the different
study regions. The percentage of pairwise overlap of standard
The selected model for Δ13 C showed a clear effect of body ellipses varied between 21.83% and 2.19% and that for posterior
size, microhabitat specialization, and family of spiders on iso- ellipses between 38.89% and 8.57% being higher in Linyphiidae
topic composition, with the effect of spider family varying with and Theridiidae and lower in Lycosidae and Thomisidae (Table
forest type (Table 3, Fig. S1). Striders of the families Lycosi- S8). The isotopic niches of spiders in broadleaved forest were
dae and Thomisidae were enriched in 13 C by 0.6% and 1.8 ‰ more compact and nested within those in southern taiga.
in broadleaved forest compared to southern taiga, respectively.
Larger spiders were enriched in 13 C by 1.0 ‰ compared to
smaller ones (Fig. 4). Further, striders were enriched in 13 C by Correlation between methods
0.6 ‰ compared to web builders.
The selected model for Δ15 N included forest type and the High Δ13 C values were associated with more positive ampli-
sum of positive amplifications for nonpredaceous prey group fications of Oribatida, but the correlation was not significant.
as two factors, both were nonsignificant. Also, 𝛿 15 N and spider In most of the other groups, the correlation between Δ13 C val-
body size did not significantly correlate (Fig. 4). Theridiidae ues and positive amplifications was slightly negative (Table S5).
and Lycosidae tended to be enriched in 15 N compared to other Low Δ15 N values were associated with more positive amplifica-
families, but the difference was not significant. Web builders did tions of Collembola (R = −0.177, P = 0.046); in other cases, the
not differ in Δ15 N from striders. Despite none of these factors correlation was not significant. The trend was driven by the two

© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

Trophic generalism of spiders in litter 1351

Fig 2. The food-web matrix for different groups of prey detected in guts of spiders of different families. The intensity of grey color reflects the
probability of detection. White squares show no detection. Numbers in brackets are the total number of individuals analyzed in each family. Prey
density in the litter is given as decimal logarithm.



0.0 Ground−climbing


−0.5 Lumbricidae_GC


−1 0 1

Fig 3. Non-metric multidimensional scaling based on positive amplifications of specific prey DNA in spider guts. Each point is an individual spider,
only spiders having non-zero values for gut content prey DNA amplifications were used. Ellipses show 95% confidence intervals for ground (red) and
ground-climbing (white) spiders. Pale reddish points show overlapping red and white points. [Colour figure can be viewed at].

most abundant families, Linyphiidae and Theridiidae, both web of spiders. The study combined information on short-term
builders (Table 1). predator–prey interactions (i.e., molecular gut content analysis)
with information on the long-term diet (i.e., stable isotope
Discussion analysis) in ground dwelling predators. For predator traits, we
found that (1) larger spiders had more positive amplifications
This study focused on the joint effects of predator traits and of prey DNA in the gut and higher 𝛿 13 C values than smaller
prey characteristics in two forest types on the trophic niche ones; (2) family identity moderately affected the prey spectrum

© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

1352 Andrey Zuev et al.

Table 3. ANOVA (Type II Wald chi-square tests) table for the selected models explaining isotopic composition in spiders (d13C_g12 for Δ13 C and
d15N_g17 for Δ15 N in the Table S4).

Response: Δ13 C Response: Δ15 N

Factor Chisq Df P Factor Chisq Df P

Body size 32.74 1 <0.001 Forest type 2.62 1 0.106

Microhabitat 12.32 1 <0.001 Sum of decomposer group prey 2.32 1 0.128
Spider family 22.65 4 <0.001
Forest type 0.32 1 0.570
Spider family × forest type 9.72 4 0.045

Fig 4. Relationship between body size (wet weight, μg) and stable isotope ratios (Δ13 C and Δ15 N values) in spiders.

and did not affect Δ15 N values, but Δ13 C values differed (Eichenberger et al., 2009). It was also expected that larger
among spider families; (3) hunting strategy and microhabitat spiders consume a wider range of prey of different size (Nen-
specialization provided little additional information, however, twig, 1987), resulting the increasing taxonomic variety of
ground spiders tended to feed more on Staphylinidae than those potential prey. However, testing this hypothesis requires more
climbing the vegetation. For prey characteristics, we found that specific primers for analysis of gut content DNA while only
(1) different prey groups were consumed at different frequency, group-specific primers were used in the present study. Notably,
with Lumbricidae DNA found most frequently in spider guts, we more often found prey DNA in large spiders, despite the
while (2) prey density was not related to prey detection in the predator DNA overrepresentation in comparison to the prey
gut of spiders. Forest type little affected both prey spectrum DNA in bulk body samples (Macías-Hernández et al., 2018).
(gut DNA) and stable isotope composition. There were no The positive correlation of body size with Δ13 C values may
significant correlations between the results of two methods. be an indicator of size-dependent feeding preferences of spiders.
The simultaneous consumption of several prey types usually Decomposers in “brown” food chains (for example, Collembola
does not distort the amplification results for each single prey and Oribatida) are enriched in 13 C compared to herbivorous
group (Fülöp et al., 2019), but we cannot confidently say that animals in grazing food chains (Potapov et al., 2019c). Larger
all possible positive trophic relationships were revealed con- spiders were enriched in 13 C, which may be explained by more
sidering the high rates of DNA degradation in guts (Pompozzi frequent feeding on decomposers. This suggestion was partly
et al., 2019). This is especially true for external digestive sys- supported by gut content analysis: larger spiders tended to
tem of spiders (Juen & Traugott, 2005; Sheppard et al., 2005; have more positive amplifications for Collembola and especially
Kuusk et al., 2008), where digestion time is also affected by Oribatida.
many external factors, including the amount and composition Spiders were collected and kept in ethanol, which extracts
of consumed prey. Therefore, detection rate of prey types might
C-depleted lipids and can potentially increase 𝛿 13 C values
be underestimated for small-sized spiders, due to small amount in the remaining tissue (Boecklen et al., 2011). Although the
of total DNA (Macías-Hernández et al., 2018). effect of ethanol on 𝛿 13 C values in macroarthropods is typically
small (Potapov et al., 2019c), it should be taken into account.
It can be reasonably assumed that the extraction of lipids by
Effect of body size ethanol is more efficient in smaller specimens. Thus, smaller
spiders should get more enriched in 13 C compared to larger ones,
The larger number of positive amplifications obtained for which could only weaken the pattern observed (Fig. 4). Thus, the
larger spiders correlated well with data on high feeding com- effect of alcohol preservation was not likely to affect our main
petitiveness of larger individuals of web-building Linyphiidae conclusions.

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Trophic generalism of spiders in litter 1353

Δ15 N values generally were not affected by spider body size, than previously assumed, directly or via secondary predation.
indicating spiders of all size being at a similar trophic level. The exact mechanisms of prey capture and feeding however
This was unexpected since larger predators are usually assumed needs further investigation.
to occupy higher trophic levels (Riede et al., 2011), but fits the The numbers of positive amplifications for small-sized prey, in
concept of size compartmentalization of soil food webs where particular Diptera and Collembola, was relatively low, although
small and large organisms form parts of different trophic chains these groups are numerically abundant and usually soft-skinned
(Potapov et al., 2019a). and thus not well protected from predation. Earlier studies also
Isotopic data of spider families in this study compare well found the frequency of positive amplifications of prey DNA
with published values (Halaj et al., 2005; Okuzaki et al., 2009, in the gut of predators correlated poorly with prey density
Korobushkin et al., 2014; Goncharov et al., 2014; Table S6). (Günther et al., 2014), or with the abundance of certain groups
Spiders were enriched by 4.7–12.6‰ in 15 N and by 2.2–5.5‰ of prey (Schmidt et al., 2018). Limited feeding on small prey
in 13 C relative to leaf litter, suggesting that they occupy different may reflect that spiders prefer to capture large prey, which is
predator trophic levels in soil food webs. Lycosidae and Theridi- energetically more efficient (Brose et al., 2008).
idae were most enriched in both 13 C and 15 N, suggesting that that
these spiders are most heavily involved in intraguild predation.
Clubionidae were most depleted in 15 N potentially because they Effect of forest type
feed mainly on herbivores. Generally, however, the wide overlap
of stable isotope values among families emphasises that trophic Prey spectrum varies with habitat type and habitat type has
level omnivory is widespread in spiders. been shown to be a major determinant of the diet of spiders (Nen-
Another factor that determines prey choice of spiders is twig, 1983; Ludy, 2007). Unexpectedly, however, in our study
their hunting strategy. In particular, web building spiders are the differences in the prey spectrum of spiders between forest
assumed to be less generalistic compared to free-roaming types were relatively small, especially for web-builders. At finer
spiders (Foelix, 2011). However, we did not detect signifi- taxonomic resolution, the spectrum of prey consumed has been
cant variations in prey spectrum or stable isotope values with shown to vary with available prey spectrum (Eitzinger et al.,
hunting strategy alone or in combination with body size. This 2018). Contrasting our study, the trophic niche of centipedes,
again points at trophic generalism among spiders, leading another major predator group in forests, has been shown to
to the blurred effect of hunting strategy. We observed that vary with forest type (Ferlian et al., 2012). However, these stud-
ground-dwelling spiders were more intensively feeding on ies were based on fatty acid analysis reflecting basal resources
Staphylinidae than spiders climbing the vegetation while the rather than predator–prey interactions. Shifts in resources of
other prey groups were detected at similar frequency. Staphylin- individual spider families were also observed in our study. How-
idae are known as litter-dwellers (Gandhi et al., 2001); thus, ever, the isotopic niches may be less informative to reconstruct
they presumably are less available for spiders climbing the predator–prey interactions compared to prey DNA detection,
vegetation. The diet of web-building spiders predominantly since they reflect changes in the trophic niche of the prey, not
comprises flying prey such as Diptera (Foelix, 2011). However, only the predator itself. Overall, results of the present study
in our study the contribution of Diptera to the diet of striders suggest that the variations in forest type in the temperate zone
and web-building spiders, as indicated by detection frequency, moderately affect trophic niches of litter-dwelling predators, at
was similar (12.8% and 17.5% of tested spiders, respectively), least on the group level (Klarner et al., 2014).
suggesting that striders may feed on soil and litter living larvae
of the same groups of flying insects that are caught into by
web building spiders. Thus, along with published data (Nen- Correlation between methods
twig, 1987; Riechert & Lawrence, 1997; Foelix, 2011), our
The results of stable isotope analyses weakly correlated
results highlight that the diet between striders and web-building
with the results of molecular gut content analyses. The two
spiders overlaps widely despite the different hunting strategies
methods are integrating trophic interactions at different time
at least if they share the same habitat (i.e. leaf litter).
scales. Stable isotope composition of consumers reflect the
diet during the last weeks or months (Potapov et al., 2019c),
Effect of prey type and density whereas molecular gut content analysis reflects current trophic
interactions of the last few days (e.g. Pompozzi et al., 2019).
The relatively high detection frequency of Lumbricidae DNA In this way, the simultaneous use of stable isotope composition
in the gut of spiders was unexpected, but corresponds to ear- and molecular gut content analyses provides trophic interactions
lier reports from field observations (Nyffeler et al., 2001) and data at selected taxonomic or ecological) level. Our data show
molecular gut content analyses (Eitzinger & Traugott, 2011; that the Δ15 N values of spider tissues (trophic level) tended
Curtsdotter et al., 2019). The high rates of positive amplifica- to decrease with the number of positive amplifications of
tions at least in part may have been due to high sensitivity of Collembola (Table S7). Although Collembola belong mainly
the Lumbricidae primer used (Eitzinger & Traugott, 2011). Even to detrital food webs, many atmobiotic species (likely most
though detection frequency might be overestimated in compar- available to spiders) are feeding on nonvascular plants and are
ison to other prey taxa, the frequent detection of Lumbricidae strongly depleted in 15 N (Potapov et al., 2016). At the same
DNA in spiders, including small individuals, suggests that Lum- time, the increase in Δ13 C with the body size matches with the
bricidae may play a more important role in the diet of spiders general increase of prey detection in larger spiders, referring the

© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

1354 Andrey Zuev et al.

greater uptake from brown food chains by larger predators. Thus, Anton Potapov supervised the project design, data analyses
the two methods in combination allow more in depth insight into and manuscript preparation.
different aspects of trophic interactions in food webs (Traugott All authors contributed to the manuscript writing on different
et al., 2013; Birkhofer et al., 2017). stages.

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are openly
In this study, we simultaneously used molecular gut content and
available in Figshare at
stable isotope analyses in order to reconstruct trophic niches of
spiders in soil food webs. Our results support the assumption
that trophic generalism is widespread across spider families,
hunting strategies, and forest types. We showed that different
prey groups are consumed with different frequency, which is Supporting Information
not clearly related to their potential availability (population Additional supporting information may be found online in the
density of prey). Body size of spiders correlated with Δ13 C, but Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
not Δ15 N values, suggesting that large and small spiders may
form a part of food chains based on different basal resources. Table S1. Description of studied forests.
Both methods suggested size-related trophic differentiation in Table S2. Stable isotope composition of soil and litter in each
spiders, with larger spiders tended to receive more energy from forest.
decomposer prey, i.e. detrital channels. Overall, we showed
that in soil food webs body size affects predator enrolment Table S3. The list of candidate binomial generalized linear
in different energy channels, while spiders with different tax- models explaining the prey detection (presence/absence data) in
onomic affiliation (on family level) and ecological strategies spiders.
have similar trophic niches. Table S4. The list of candidate general linear models testing
explaining the isotopic composition of spiders.

Acknowledgements Table S5. MANOVA table on the effects of microhabitat, forest

type and body size on NMDS results for combined data of gut
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for content DNA and stable isotope analysis.
Basic Research (project 18-04-01200) and in part by the Table S6. Stable isotope composition of spiders from different
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research families: our data compared to published data.
Foundation) – project number 192626868 – SFB 990 in the
framework of the collaborative German – Indonesian research Table S7. Spearman correlations between stable isotope com-
project CRC990. Sergey Tsurikov was supported by Russian position of spider tissues and the amount of positive gut content
Foundation for Basic Research (project 18-34-00830). We are amplifications for different prey groups
grateful to Konstantin Gongalsky, Oksana Rozanova and Maxim
Table S8. The proportion of standard and posterior standard
Degtyarev who supported our work on the study sites. We thank ellipses overlap between two studied forest types (broadleaved
two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. The forest and southern taiga) for different spider families.
authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
Fig. S1. Stable isotope composition of spider individuals of
different families.
Contribution of authors Fig. S2. Stable isotope niches of spiders of different families
visualized with the use of SIBER package in R. Standard
Andrey Zuev did the data collection, stable isotope and molec-
ular gut content analyses, data analyses and manuscript prepa-
ration. Fig. S3. Stable isotope niches of spiders of different families
Kerstin Heidemann and Ina Schaefer consulted for the gut visualized with the use of SIBER package in R. Posterior
content analysis, supervised laboratory analysis and helped with Bayesian ellipses.
manuscript revision.
Fig. S4. Rarefaction test results for gut content analyses.
Sergey Tsurikov helped with the data collection and stable
isotope analyses.
Vladislav Leonov helped with the data collection and References
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© 2020 The Royal Entomological Society, Ecological Entomology, 45, 1346–1356

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