B2 End of Year Test Standard

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1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. There is 3 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
one mistake in each sentence. the verbs given.

1 Harry asked me what am I going to do after school. A: Hi, Carrie. I (1) ……………………… (not see) you since your
birthday. What have you been doing?
B: I wish I (2) ……………………… (be able to) chat to you
2 I needn’t have answered all the sections in the exam, before, but everything happened really quickly. After
so I chose A and B but not C. the party, we went on a surprise holiday to New York!

A: Wow! That’s amazing!
B: Yes. Apparently, Dad (3) ……………………… (try) to find
3 The second film in the series wasn’t that interesting as somewhere to take us for ages. It was my birthday
the first. present. He was browsing through some last-minute
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. holiday deals online and found one for New York. So
we went!
4 J K Rowling is thought to write another Harry Potter
A: Some birthday present! I expect I (4) ………………………
book, but this was later found to be untrue.
(go) for a meal in town for my birthday! Have you been
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. back long?
B: No, just two hours! I (5) ……………………… (hope) to see
5 The website I found it last night helps you to find out
Mr Brown to give him my project which I finished in
more about holiday jobs for teenagers.
New York. He’s teaching this afternoon, isn’t he?
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. A: Yes, but I don’t think he’s going to be happy. You
/5 should (6) ……………………… (hand in) that project last
week. I told him you were probably ill.
2 Complete the text with these words. There are B: Well, there’s nothing I can do about it now. And New
three extra options. York was too good an opportunity to miss.

as • been • best • like • most • was A: Did you remember (7) ……………………… (do) your

which • who assignment for media studies as well?

B: Yes. That was easy. I did that in New York as well.
James Martin has (1) ……………………… involved in I (8) ……………………… (research) my article all the time
film-making since his early teens. He was initially I was there and then I wrote it up on the plane home.
interested in photography and he was encouraged by his A: That must (9) ……………………… (be) interesting.
father, (2) ……………………… gave him an expensive camera B: Yes, it was. I really enjoyed (10) ……………………… (write)
for his eleventh birthday. James mastered the skill of taking it. But I must hurry and try to catch Mr Brown. See you
both artistically and technically pleasing photographs and later.
went on to win several local competitions. Although he had
/ 10
never shown any interest in film-making, he
(3) ……………………… asked to help a friend who was making a Total / 20
short film as a college assignment. He knew about James’
expertise with a camera. James showed real talent and
discovered that he loved taking moving pictures. He later
decided to follow the same course (4) ……………………… his
friend. Now, ten years and five Oscar® nominations later,
James has proved to be one of the (5) ………………………
talented film-makers of his generation.


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4 Complete the text with these words and phrases. 6 Complete the text with the correct form of the
There are four extra options. words given.

apply • discounts • fill in • receipts • resitting Who says young people are less (1) ………………………
revising • stubborn • tactful • work on (create) these days than they used to be? 17-year-old
Aseem has proved that we (2) ……………………… (estimate)
I’m (1) ……………………… for my exams at the moment, but as young people far too often. He has been making the
soon as they’re finished I’m going to (2) ……………………… for (3) ……………………… (lines) because he has just won a major
a job. I want to take a gap year, but I’ll need some money award as Young Engineer of the Year with a(n)
for that. I’ve seen an interesting vacancy with a travel (4) ……………………… (believe) invention. He has designed a
company, but I have to (3) ……………………… the application pair of jeans that you can play the drums on. Apparently,
form and return it by next Monday, so there isn’t much Aseem was inspired to design the jeans because he plays
time. If I get the job, I won’t be earning very much, but it will in a band and he was fed up with having to transport a
be good experience and they offer staff (4) ……………………… heavy drum kit around all the time. His special jeans
on flights and train tickets. The advert says that contain sensors that the wearer taps in different places.
qualifications are less important than personality. They When tapped in one place, you hear one drum beat and
want someone who is outgoing, assertive but also when tapped in another, you hear cymbals clashing. It’s
(5) ……………………… when it comes to dealing with the public. amazing! The only (5) ……………………… (back) at the moment
I’ve worked in a busy shop for the past couple of years, so is that you have to plug in your jeans to an energy source,
I think I can do that. I hope so anyway. but Aseem is already working on a (6) ……………………… (wire)
/5 version. He will be demonstrating his ‘drum jeans’ at a(n)
(7) ……………………… (nation) trade show along with other
5 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to inventors from all over the world. Aseem thinks it’s unlikely
complete the text. that the jeans will ever go into mass (8) ………………………
The trend for wearable technology has been growing in (produce) because there probably isn’t the demand for
recent years. There are personal monitors to measure them. However, he is hoping that his (9) ………………………
calories and exercise routines. Smart jewellery is becoming (perform) might help him to secure funding for his next
common, with tracking devices hidden in bracelets and invention. Or, failing that, that it might lead to future
watches that you wear on your (1) ………. They can tell you (10) ……………………… (employ) – either as an inventor or a
how to lose weight, sleep better or drummer!
(2) ………. For some people, it’s all about fashion and / 10
wanting the latest (3) ……… must-have. There is a serious
side to the technology, too. Medical professionals can use Total / 20
it to monitor patients remotely – to (4) ……… their blood
pressure or monitor their heart rate. The latest gadgets can
even help you to avoid anything you might be (5) ……… to.

1 A bone B throat C wrist D vein

2 A pull through B check up C keep in shape D treat
3 A sale B designer C value D bargain
4 A take B make C catch D have
5 A painful B obese C in danger D allergic


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7 Read the article about being successful. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence.

How did they make it?

What’s the key to success? We all want to know! So, we asked a couple of people who have made it to the top of their
chosen professions what they think is the secret.

Ben Salter, winner of two Olympic gold medals for running

How did I make it to the top? If I had a pound for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d be really wealthy. If I could
give a simple answer, I would be even wealthier! My success has been in athletics. People often wonder whether it is
down to my genes. Was my dad a good runner? (1) ……………………… To be honest, I think my own success has been a result of
a combination of factors. I have parents who are keen on sports and encouraged me to take up running quite early on.
I remember training regularly from about the age of six. Not because I had to, but because I loved it. (2) ………………………
However, when you start talking about success itself, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of talented
sportsmen out there, particularly runners. So why did I make it to the top over those other excellent sportsmen who
were no doubt equally as dedicated as I was? (3) ……………………… And mine was to be living in an area which had a magnificent
sports club that offered free coaching to children who showed promise. My parents could never have afforded to pay a
top coach to train me. The cost was way out of their league. As it was, I received coaching from one of the best coaches
in the country. He inspired me to push myself to the limits. (4) ……………………… Thanks, Mac!

Dave Myers, entrepreneur

You know, some people can have all the talent in the world and never really get the success they deserve. In my opinion,
to be successful, particularly in the business world, what is really required is determination and perseverance. If you’re a
young entrepreneur like I was, you have to have a goal and then really work towards it. (5) ……………………… I had a few false
starts and a number of projects that didn’t come to fruition. There were even times when I thought my business was
finished. You need to come back from a failure, fighting. That’s where the perseverance comes in. Don’t give up! In my
case, I knew very early on that I wanted to have my own online business and so, even when I was still at school, I’d get up
early and put in an hour’s work on the computer before a day’s studying. In the evening I’d be on the computer again.
School was important to me and I knew that I needed to study. But I was always thinking ‘how can I use this to help my
business?’ The business was my main focus and I used every spare minute I had. And it certainly wasn’t plain sailing.
(6) ……………………… In the end, however, all the hard work paid off and my business has done extremely well. Some people
have said that my success is down to my having a gift for spotting lucrative deals, or, as my mother maintains, the ability
to persuade anyone to do anything! But I definitely believe that in the end, what gives you that extra edge is working
hard and never losing sight of your goal.

A That’s where I think luck comes into play. E Quite honestly, I can say that without him, I would
B There were many times when things went wrong and I never have made it right to the top.
was tempted to change track. F Or is it because I started training at a young age?
C Being good at something isn’t enough on its own. G That’s what they gave me – a love for the sport, and
D It’s not easy because you have to take chances and that was very important.
there are a lot of disappointments along the way.

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8 Read the article again and choose the best Use of English
answers, A, B or C.
9 Complete the second sentence so it means the
1 Ben Salter implies that being able to explain his same as the first, using the word given. Do not
success change the word given. Use between two and five
A has made him wealthy. words.
B is not complicated.
1 I have never seen such a beautiful painting before.
C is no easy matter.
2 He puts his success down to
This ……………………… I have ever seen.
A loving his sport.
2 Nobody finished their assignment before Tom.
B various components.
C hereditary factors.
Tom was ……………………… assignment.
3 When he compares himself to other sportsmen he
3 I’ll cook dinner if you do the washing-up.
knows that
A he is more committed.
I’ll cook dinner ……………………… the washing-up.
B he didn’t have the same advantages.
4 Gary said he was very sorry that he forgot to pick you
C he has been fortunate.
up at the station.
4 Dave Myers believes that success in business requires
A talent.
Gary ……………………… pick you up at the station.
B strength of will.
5 It’s a good idea for you to leave before the rush hour to
C many objectives.
avoid the traffic.
5 From a young age, he understood
A what his ambition was.
You ……………………… the rush hour to avoid the traffic.
B the importance of getting up early.
6 The recipe was very complicated and I couldn’t follow it.
C that school was not so important.
6 He believes his particular talent is for
It was ……………………… I couldn’t follow it.
A identifying opportunities.
7 How long did it take you to make your film?
B hard work.
C getting people to do what he wants.
Can you tell me ……………………… to make your film?
/6 8 I regret not studying abroad.
Total / 12
I ……………………… abroad.


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10 Listen to part of a radio programme. Are these 11 Listen again and complete the sentences with
statements True (T) or False (F)? one word in each gap.
1 The food expert, Mark Pearson, is new to the 1 The Red Imp restaurant has introduced an innovative
radio programme. T/F way of ……………………… .
2 He is reviewing a restaurant that uses
2 There is a device above your ……………………… which
special technology in its food preparation. T/F
3 Mark Pearson is used to reading menus that projects the menu onto the table.
are quite complicated to understand. T/F 3 When you want to order, you ……………………… on a
4 The Red Imp restaurant doesn’t have any picture of your chosen meal.
waiters to serve food to the customers. T/F 4 The menu screen also offers you the chance to change
5 In Mark’s opinion, the food at this new your ……………………… so it has a different background.
restaurant is good value for money. T/F
5 The price of a meal is reasonable and won’t cost
/5 a ……………………… .


Total / 10

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12 Read the notice from an international student magazine and write your article.

Articles wanted!
What is the most useful piece of technology that you own? Tell us about the
one gadget that you really couldn’t live without.
Send us your articles now!

You should: Use some of these phrases:

• include an introduction. • Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Lastly, ...
• think of one main point. • Nevertheless, ... / Although ... / Whereas ...
• think of one or two additional points. • Furthermore, ... / Moreover, ...
• write a conclusion. • Therefore, ... / And so ... / Consequently, ...
• As far as I’m concerned, ... / In my opinion, ... /
Personally, ...

Write 220–250 words.
















/ 10

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13 Work with a partner. Discuss this statement.

The government should introduce stricter controls on the information that can be posted on the Internet.

Use some of these phrases:

• Do you see what I mean? / Are you following me?
• What I mean is ... / What I meant was ...
• Yes, that’s exactly what I mean/meant.
• No, that’s not quite what I mean/meant.
• Are you saying that ...? / If I understand you correctly, ...
• What do you mean when you say ...?
• Sorry, I’m not with you. / I don’t understand what you’re getting at.

/ 10

Total / 90

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