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This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency. All student submissions including any
associated checklists are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the student’s file. Student results are not to be entered onto the
Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.

Student Name Student ID

Assessor Name
Course Name Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Course Code SIT40516

Unit Name Lead and manage people Unit Code SITXHRM003


Please attach the following student evidence to this form S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Yet Satisfactory
DNS = Did Not Submit

Assessment 1  S | NYS | DNS

Assessment 2  S | NYS | DNS

Assessment 3  S | NYS | DNS

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC

C = Competent / NYC = Not Yet Competent

Student Declaration: I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and Assessor
agree to undertake assessment. I am aware of NIT’s appeals process, should the need Feedback:
arise. I also understand that I must be assessed as ‘satisfactory’ in all parts of the
assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of competency. I declare that the work
contained in this assessment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is
made. I understand that a person found responsible for academic misconduct will be
subject to disciplinary action (refer to Enrolment Acceptance Agreement).

I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained and reproduced for the
purpose of review and validation. Assessor Signature:
Student Signature: Date://

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student Management Database 

Date Initials


SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people RTOID: 45640 CRICOS: 03875B
Assessment Task 1
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
Written Test

Assessment Submission details:

1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:

 Your Name
 Your Student Id
 Your Trainer’s name
 Title of your Assessment
 Assessment Due Date
 Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.

2. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this
assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:

Body text Page setup

 Font: Times New Roman  Top: 2.54 cm

 Font size: 12 point  Bottom: 2.54 cm
 Line spacing: Double  Left: 3.17 cm
 Text style: Normal  Right: 3.17 cm
 Header: 1.25 cm
 Footer: 1.25 cm

3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following
details: In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

 Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

 Correctly address all of the submission instructions
 Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
 Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Assessment Activity 1 1|P a g e

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
© Acacia Institute
Performance objective:

You need to answer the entire questions using information given to you from class and from your course

Assessment description:

You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.

Assessment Questions:

Checkpoint 1
Question 1: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to leadership and staff are true or false?
True False
1. TH&E businesses depend on excellent staff and service provision to remain competitive True

2. Operational staff contribute less to the business performance than managers False

3. A key to creating a team environment is recognizing both team and individual True
4. Outstanding individuals are more important than teamwork for ensuring that the False
business has a competitive edge
5. Good managers are role models for their staff and will display desired behaviour True

6. If a manager complains about targets the business has set, this will have a negative True
effect on the team
Question 2: List 5 simple rules which are essential for a leader?

1. Be respectful to others and be in manners

2. A source of motivation and inspiration.
3. Demonstrate empathy for your employees, but never take their side.
4. Act honestly and in good faith.
5. We promise to meet our company's objectives

Question 3: What is the importance of trust and respect in good leadership?

The employees can express their emotions in a safe environment when they have trust. This is critical for
the organization's progress. Trust boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment. Trust increases
efficiency, resulting in better work and happier customers (Qiu et al., 2018)
Assessment Activity 1 2|P a g e
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
© Acacia Institute

Question 4: What are the principles of an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style?

Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a style of leadership in which the leader
has complete control over all decisions and is unassailable by party members. A dictatorial leader usually
bases his decisions on his own opinions and judgments, and he rarely considers the advice of his

Question 5: Provide a definition for each of the following leadership styles?

a) Participative or democratic – seek advice and suggestions from the team as well as provide feedback to the

b) Laissez-faire style – It entails presenting individuals with a practical and potential path and encouraging
them to pursue it on their own

c) Transactional leadership – It entails establishing specific goals and objectives, as well as relevant incentives
and penalties (Sousa and Rocha, 2019)

d) Transformational leadership – Transformational leadership entails providing followers with a personal


e) Situational leadership – Situational Leadership entails adapting your leadership style to the situation at

Checkpoint 2
Question 6: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to motivation are true or false?
True False

Assessment Activity 1 3|P a g e

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
© Acacia Institute
1. Most people need to be coerced to ensure that business goals are met False

2. Money is a key motivator and provides an ongoing incentive for people to do well False

3. The easiest techniques to use, such as coercion and offers of more money or rewards, True
are short-term solutions which will probably not be of any benefit in the long-term
4. Research proves that a combination of staff performance monitoring and official True
acknowledgement achieves the best results for business
5. Good leaders are born and this innate ability cannot be taught False

Question 7: Which key aspects should be considered when using monetary rewards to motivate people?

1. The salary

2. Incentives that isn’t monetary

3. Colleague relationships

4. Interaction with the leadership

5. The corporate culture

6. Possibilities for learning and development

7. Internal company processes

8. Private life

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