Origin of Metazoan Complexity Porifera As Integrated Animals
Origin of Metazoan Complexity Porifera As Integrated Animals
Origin of Metazoan Complexity Porifera As Integrated Animals
, 43:3–10 (2003)
Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Abteilung Angewandte Molekularbiologie, Universität,
Duesbergweg 6, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
SYNOPSIS. Sponges [Porifera] are the phylogenetically oldest metazoan phylum still extant today; they share
the closest relationship with the hypothetical common metazoan ancestor, the Urmetazoa. During the past
8 years cDNAs coding for proteins involved in cell-cell- and cell-tissue interaction have been cloned from
sponges, primarily from Suberites domuncula and Geodia cydonium and their functions have been studied
in vivo as well as in vitro. Also, characteristic elements of the extracellular matrix have been identified and
cloned. Those data confirmed that all metazoan phyla originate from one ancestor, the Urmetazoa. The
existence of cell adhesion molecules allowed the emergence of a colonial organism. However, for the next
higher stage in evolution, individuation, two further innovations had to be formed: the immune- and the
apoptotic system. Major defense pathways/molecules to prevent adverse effects against microbes/parasites
have been identified in sponges. Furthermore, key molecules of the apoptotic pathway(s), e.g., the pro-
apoptotic molecule comprising two death domains, the executing enzyme caspases, as well as the anti-apo-
ptotic/cell survival proteins belonging to the Bcl-2 family have been identified and cloned from sponges.
described on tissue level (see: Hildemann et al., 1979 interacting in mammalian systems, the TNF-receptor,
and 1980), it was very surprising to discover that key were only recently cloned. The first potential gene in-
molecules involved in allo/auto-immunity in sponges volved in apoptosis of sponge cells, the MA-3 gene
share high sequence and functional similarity with from S. domuncula was identified (Wagner et al.,
those molecules which had been found to control his- 1998); the corresponding mouse MA-3 cDNA is as-
torecognition in deuterostomes. Among those are the sumed to encode an apoptotic molecule (Shibahara et
molecules comprising polymorphic Ig-like domains al., 1995). Subsequently both pro- and anti-apoptotic
(present in the sponge adhesion molecules [SAMs]), proteins have been cloned from both S. domuncula and
the allograft inflammatory factor (a sponge cytokine) G. cydonium, and their functions have been analyzed
as well as the (2–5)A system (control of infection) (see to some extent.
below), whose existence had not been reported in pro-
tostomes (Gamulin et al., 2000; Müller et al., 2001a). Metazoan pro-apoptotic molecules
This fact, that sponges have molecules/pathways in As the most promising segment to screen for a pro-
common only with deuterostomes (i) strongly supports apoptotic molecule, we selected the death domain part
the monophyly of Metazoa, (ii) underscores that the which is found in the mammalian apoptosis controlling
degree of individuality of sponge species is high and proteins Fas, tumor necrosis factor-a or its receptor,
(iii) suggests that sponges might/will become model and FADD (Cleveland and Ihle, 1995); it is absent in
organisms to understand the origin of vertebrate im- the nematode (Ruvkun and Hobert, 1998). This ap-
munity and diseases connected with it. proach was successful; the molecule isolated from G.
sequence, comprises the cleavage sites for the forma- Metazoan anti-apoptotic/cell survival proteins
tion of the subunits as well as the two caspase family In addition to the activation of the apoptotic process
active sites (Fig. 3A). Functional studies indicate that through TNF/TNF-receptor further pathways have
the two forms of the sponge caspases act in G. cydon- been described in Bilateria, which include activation
ium in the apoptotic pathway. through growth factor deprivation, heat shock or bac-
terial infection (Nicholson and Thornberry, 1997), plex synthesis of spicule formation (Krasko et al.,
pathways which have also been described in sponge 2002).
systems (Wagner et al., 1998). The signal transduction At the next level of integration, the cell-matrix ad-
pathway initiated by those factors can be blocked by hesion system supports the integration of the function-
the function of molecules belonging to the Bcl-2 fam- al units of sponges. The major extracellular molecules
ily (Nicholson and Thornberry, 1997). in sponges are collagen fibrils, which interact with in-
In line with the biological evidence that in both S. tegrin receptors on the cell surface, followed by G-
domuncula and in G. cydonium apoptosis can be ini- protein and kinase-mediated signal transduction pro-
tiated by environmental stress factors, e.g., bacterial cesses (Wimmer et al., 1999).
load (Wagner et al., 1998) or cadmium (Wagner et al., Cell-cell- and cell-matrix adhesion are the basis for
1998) an intense screening for members of the Bcl-2 the COLONIAL STAGE of the metazoans and prerequisites
family was started. This effort resulted in the func- for the establishment of integrated systems. These ad-
tional analysis of the anti-apoptotic/cell survival pro- hesion systems alone are not sufficient for individua-
teins from these two sponge species (Wiens et al., tion. The stage of individuation can only be reached
2000a, b, 2001). The proof that the sponge gene prod- after the acquisition of an immune system which is
uct acts as a cell survival protein was performed by paralleled or complemented by a mechanism that elim-
transfection studies using mammalian cells. It could be inates unwanted, which accumulates during develop-
shown that mammalian cells transfected with the ment in a multicellular organism; this process is
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