Fedda Phys 311

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Science and Art

Department of Physical Sciences
Second Semester 2006-2007

Course Information
Course Title Classical mechanics I
Course Number Phys 311
Prerequisites Phys 101, phys 211
Course Website
Instructor Dr. Fedda Alzoubi
Office Location PH3L1
Office Phone 23508
Office Hours 1:30 - 2:10 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
E-mail [email protected]
Teaching Assistant
Course Description

Text Book
Title Classical Dynamics for particles and systems
Author(s) J. B. Marion and S. T. Thornton
Publisher Saunders College Publishing
Year 1995
Edition 4th edition
Book Website
References Mechanics by K. R. Symon, 3rd edition
Analytical Mechanics by G. R. Flowers and G. L. Cassiday, 5 th edition

Assessment Policy
Assessment Type Expected Due Date Weight
First Exam 19/3/2007 25%
Second Exam 23/4/2007 25%
Final Exam TB A 40%
Assignments HWs & quizes 10%

Course Objectives Weights

1. To develop some mathematical skills such as vector calculus and matrices 10%
2. To apply Newtonian mechanics in solving single particle problems using Newton 30%
second law as well as the energy concept and to distinguish between conservative
and non-conservative systems
3. To calculate the gravitational potential, force and field between different mass 10%
4. To study the two body central force problem by writing the equations of motion and 20%
discussing the planetary motion- Kepler's problem as an example of the two body
problem. To explore the role of conservation theorems in solving mechanics
problems. Also discussing the Orbital dynamics and stability of circular orbits
5. To discuss the dynamics of system of particles by introducing the concept of the 30%
center of mass. Investigating the linear and angular momentum as well as the
energy of system of particles. Studying the possible types of collisions between
particles and introducing the concept of the scattering cross section.

Teaching & Learning Methods

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Objective(s) Reference(s)
1 - Add, multiply, differentiate, Chapter 1 and Handouts
and integrate vectors.
- Write the velocity and
acceleration in different
coordinate systems.
- Construct rotation
- List the formal properties
of rotation matrices.
2 - Write the equation of Chapter 2 and Handouts
motion for single particle
subjected to forces that are
functions of time, position,
or velocity.
- Use the energy concept to
solve problems.
- Differentiate between
conservative and non-
conservative systems.
- To mention the limitations
of Newtonian mechanics.
3 - Calculate the gravitational Chapter 5 and Handouts
potential, force and field for
different mass distributions.
- Realize the importance of
the potential concept.
4 - Reduce the two body Chapter 8 and Handouts
problem into one body
- Write the equations of
motion of the two body
- Discuss the orbits in
central field qualitatively as
well as quantitatively.
- Discuss the stability of
5 - Write the position, velocity, Chapter 9 and Handouts
and acceleration of the
center of mass.
- Express the linear and
angular momentum as well
as the energy of systems in
terms of the center of mass
- Calculate velocities of
particles after collisions.
- Calculate the cross

Useful Resources
The Internet
The Library

Course Content
Week Topics Chapter in Text (handouts)

1+2 Concept of a scalar, Coordinate

transformations, Properties of rotation
matrices, Scalar and vector products,
unit vectors, Differentiation of vectors
with respect to a scalar, Velocity and
acceleration in different coordinate
systems, Angular velocity, Gradient
operator, Integration of vectors.
3+4 Newton's laws, Frames of reference, The
equation of motion for a particle,
Conservations theorems, Energy,
Limitations of Newtonian mechanics
5+6 Gravitational potential, Line of force and
Equipotential surfaces, When is the 5
potential concept is useful
7-10 Reduced mass, Conservations
theorems, Equations of motion, Orbits in
central field, Centrifugal energy and
Effective potential, Planetary motion-
Kepler's problem, Orbital dynamics,
Stability of circular orbits.
11-16 Center of mass, Linear momentum of
the system, Angular momentum of the
System, Energy of the system, Elastic
collisions of two particles, kinematics of 9
elastic collisions, Inelastic collision,
Cross section, Rutherford Scattering
Additional Notes


Graded Exams

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