100 Math

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Prepared by: Jerry Jake June B. Hayagan, CE, MP 7.

7. An alien bacteria culture grew from 2,500,000 seven hours ago to a. 6 c. 5

10,000,000 now. What is the percentage growth per hour? b. 7 d. 4
Instruction: Shade the box on the ANSWER SHEET corresponding to the
a. 21.901% c. 138.629% 16. A Paraboloid of radius 8 cm and depth of 12 cm is 3/5 full of water
letter of your answer.
b. 183.629% d. 29.901% and is placed in inverted position (vortex at the bottom). What is
MATHEMATICS 8. Given an angle in standard position, its terminal side passes the depth of water if it is in the upright position?
through the point (-3, 2). Find the value of the cosecant of the a. 4.41 cm c. 7.59 cm
1. What is the length of the latus rectum of the curve x2 = 20y? angle. b. 9.30 cm d. 3.86 cm
a. 5 c. 4
b. 20 d. 10 a.
√13 c.
−√ 13 17. Find the equation of the plane which passes through (0, -3, 4), (3,
1, -6) and (-2, 4, 3).
2. A 3-degree curve has an angle of intersection of 24°. What is the 2 3
a. 66x – 23y + 29z = 185
length of the cord in meters? Use chord basis 2 −3 b. 66x + 23y - 29z = -185
b. d.
a. 158.85 c. 184.81 √13 √13 c. 66x – 23y - 29z = -47
b. 163.09 d. 150 9. The radius of the moon is 1080 mi. The gravitational acceleration d. 66x + 23y + 29z = 47
3. How long will it take money to quadruple in years if it earns 7% at the moon’s surface is 0.165 times the gravitational acceleration 18. Determine the equation of the plane which is normal to the vector
compounded semi-annually? at the earth’s surface. What is the velocity of escape from the 11i + 13j – 27k and contains the point (1, 12, -4).
a. 20.1847 c. 20.1748 moon? a. 11x + 13y – 27z = 257
b. 20.1874 d. 20.1487 a. 1.4773 miles/s c. 1.7437 miles/s b. 11x + 13y – 27z = 527
4. The ratio of the volume to the lateral area of a right circular cone is b. 1.4377 miles/s d. 1.4737 miles/s c. 11x + 13y – 27z = 275
2:1. If the altitude is 15 cm, what is the ratio of the slant height to 10. Determine all possible values of x that will satisfy the equation b. 11x + 13y – 27z = 572
the radius?
|x−1| = 5 – 2x. sin x+ cos x
a. 5:2 c. 2:5
a. 2 and 3 c. 2 and 4
19. Integrate ∫ √1+sin 2 x dx
b. 5:1 d. 1:5
b. 2 and 5 d. 2 and 6 a. x2 + c c. x2/2 + c
5. Using the following notes, what is the elevation of BM14?
11. In how many minutes after 2 o’clock will the hands of the clock b. x + c d. 2x + c
STA. B.S. F.S. ELEV. extend in opposite directions for the first time? 20. What is the derivative with respect to x of (x + 1)3 – x3?
BM12 4.64 209.65 a. 43.636 c. 82.273 a. 3x + 6 c. 6x + 3
1 5.80 5.06 b. 21.818 d. 45 b. 2x + 4 d. 4x + 2
12. i is equal to _ ? 21. Using a 50-m tape that is 0.02 m too long, the measured distance
2 2.25 5.02
a. -i c. i from A to B is 160.42 m. What is the correct distance from A to B?
BM13 6.02 5.85
b. -1 d. 1 a. 160.356 c. 160.484
3 8.96 4.34
13. The number 28, x + 12, 112 form a geometric progression. What is b. 160.365 d. 160.510
4 8.06 3.22 the 10th term? 22. An isosceles triangle has two sides whose lengths are 15 cm and 17
5 9.45 3.71 a. 28672 c. 14336 cm, respectively. Determine the greatest possible perimeter of
6 12.32 2.02 b. 57344 d. 7168 this.
BM14 1.98 14. Evaluate the following determinant a. 47 c. 49

e3 x
3x | a.

10 x

b. 48

d. 50

6. If the area of the triangle with vertices (5, 2), (x, 4) and (0, -3) is
b. e d. e Given are the equation 3x – 2y + 6z = 0 and x + 2y – 2z = 8.
15. Determine the sum of the expression
12.5. What is the value of x?
a. 10 c. 9 3 3 3 23. Determine the point of intersection of these equations along the yz
3+ + + +… plane.
b. 11 d. 12 2 4 8
a. (4, 3, 8) c. (4, 0, 2) 33. A regular triangular pyramid has an altitude of 9 m and a volume of A 3 m curve strip around and above the base of hemispherical dome is
b. (0, 6, 2) d. (6, 1, 3) 187.06 cu.m. What is the base edge in m? to be covered with one coat of water proofing compound. Radius of the
24. Determine the angle of between these equations. a. 10 c. 11 dome is 7.5 m.
a. 148.15 c. 106.33 b. 12 d. 25
41. Calculate the area to be covered by the water proofing compound.
b. 42.07 d. 51.75 34. Determine the moment of inertia of the area bounded by the curve
a. 144.67 m2 c. 141.37 m2
x2 = 4y, the line x – 4 = 0 and the x – axis, with respect to the y-axis. 2
SITUATION b. 109.45 m d. 137.63 m2
a. 51.2 c. 52.1
b. 25.1 d. 21.5
The geometric mean of two numbers is equal to 20 and the arithmetic
mean is equal to 20.5. 35. Sand is pouring from a spout at the rate of 25 cc/sec. it forms a
cone whose height is 1/3 the radius of its base. At what rate in 42. Calculate the number of gallons of compound used if one gallon
25. What is the smallest number? cm/sec is the height increasing when the cone is 50 cm high? can cover 130 ft2.
a. 12 c. 14 a. 0.000214 c. 0.000489 a. 11.97 gal c. 11.71 gal
b. 10 d. 16 b. 0.000567 d. 0.000354 b. 9.06 gal d. 11.40 gal

26. What is the biggest number? 3 4 3 43. Calculate the volume that will be left if the portion of the dome
36. The expression 36
a. 31 c. 29 that has no water proofing compound will be removed.
b. 25
27. What is the harmonic mean?
d. 27 a. √ x 72
c. √x a. 708.7 m3 c.
b. 393.5 m d.3
381.7 m3
490.0 m3
a. 19.51 c. 16.98
b. √x
12 36
d. x
44. A polygon having 44 diagonals.
b. 18.44 d. 15.12 37. Two conical tanks (both inverted) have their vertices connected by a. Dodecagon c. Undecagon
28. Marvin can paint the roof of a house in 1 hour. Anusayo who is a a short horizontal pipe. One tank, initially full of water, has an b. Decagon d. Nonagon
slow worker can do the same job in 2 hours. But Tiya Pising a super altitude of 6 m and diameter base of 7 m. The other tank, initially
lazy woman can do the job in 3 hours. If the three of them work empty, has an altitude of 9 m and a diameter base of 8 m. if the SITUATION
together to do the same painting job, how long will it take for them water is allowed to flow through the connecting pipe, find the level
Engineer Pogi wants to determine the height of the tower by observing
to finish the job? to which the water will ultimately rise in the empty tank. Neglect
a vertical angle at a certain point A. He then moves a horizontal
a. 11/6 c. 6/11 the water in the pipe.
distance of 60 m towards the tower at point B, at the same vertical
b. 5/6 d. 6/5 a. 6.233 c. 5.151 plane with the tower and observes the vertical angle of the tower to be
29. The angles of a given quadrilateral have ratio 2:3:6:7. The greatest b. 3.671 d. 4.678 double that of the first. Pogs resume by moving further towards the
angle is most probably? 38. How many terms of the progression 3, 5, 7, 9 … must be taken in tower at C at the same vertical plane with the tower at distance of 20 m
a. 40 c. 60 order that their sum will be 2600? and observes that the vertical angle of the tower is compliment of the
b. 120 d. 140 a. 40 c. 50 first angle. Assume that the different points of observations and the
30. Solve for x in the equation 3x2 – 4x + 4 = 0. b. 30 d. 60 base of the tower lies on the same horizontal plane.
a. -2i and 2i/3 c. 2i and -2i/3 39. A right circular cone has a base radius of x and an altitude of 3x.
45. Determine the distance of the tower from C horizontally.
b. 2i and 2i/3 d. -2i and -2i/3 What is its slant height?
a. 17.5 m c. 20.0 m
31. In the parabola x = 4y, an equilateral triangle is inscribed with one a. 3.16x c. 2.14x
b. 26.1 m d. 34.8 m
vertex at the origin. Find the length of each side of the triangle. b. 1.12x d. 0.5x
46. Determine the height of the tower.
a. 12.85 c. 11.84 40. What is the radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 6y = 0?
a. 38.45 m c. 46.84 m
b. 10.83 d. 13.86 a. 9 c. 3
b. 44.72 m d. 24.49 m
32. The corners of a cubical block touch the closed spherical shell that b. 4 d. 16
47. Determine the angle of elevation of the tower at B.
encloses it. The volume of the box is 27,000 cc. What volume in cc,
SITUATION a. 51.32° c. 39.85°
inside the shell is not occupied by the block?
b. 24.09° d. 48.19°
a. 12,863 cc c. 169,011 cc
b. 560,671 cc d. 46,459 cc
[ ]
48. If A = 3 + i and B = -2 -3i, find A + B. √ x−2 = √ x + 2 2 3 −4
a. 1 + 2i c. -1 – 2i
A= 3 −1 −2
b. 1 – 2i d. -1 + 2i a. 9/4 (valid root)
49. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic progression 29, 16, 3, …
4 −7 −6
b. 4/9 (extraneous root)
a. -283 c. -309 c. 9/4 (extraneous root)
b. -296 d. -322 d. 4/9 (valid root) a. 80 c. 82
50. A 75 m by 75 m lot is to be divided into 9 equal square sections. 56. The surviving fraction, f, of a radioactive isotope is given by b. 81 d. 83
The elevations, in meters, of the ground surface at each corner of −0.0005 t 63. Determine the product of matrix C

][ ]
f =e . For what value of t will the surviving percentage be
7 12
the square section are as follows: 7%? 1 4 3
a. 531.825 c. 531.815 C= 11 8
5 2 6
b. 531.851 d. 531.852 9 10
z=3+ 4 i ?
[ 111 136 ] [ 111 136 ]
57. What is the exponential form of the complex number
A = 19.60 E = 20.70 I = 22.90 M = 18.80
78 74 74 78
e 0.927i
e 5i a. c.
a. z= c. z=
5 0.927
[ 136 111 ]
78 74
[ 7874 111
136 ]
B = 17.30 F = 21.50 J = 24.20 N = 25.20
b. z=0.927 e d. z=5 e 0.927 i b. d.
C = 22.10 G = 16.50 K = 23.60 O = 16.40 3 x−2
58. Evaluate: lim ( ¿ )¿ 64. Versine of 30 degrees
D = 25.00 H = 19.40 L = 19.70 P = 13.00 x→ ∞ 4 x+3 a. 1.13397 c. 1.13937
a. 4/3 c. -3/2 b. 0.13397 d. 0.13937
Find the volume to be excavated if the ground surface to be b. -2/3 d. ¾ 65. Coversine of 25 degrees
elevated to elevation 5 m. 59. The general term of the sequence {A}? a. 0.57738 c. 2.57738
9 27 81 b. 1.57738 d. 3.57738
a. 88,593.75 m3 c. 92,088.11 m3 { A }={3 , , , , …} 66. Haversine of 60 degrees
b. 82,175.49 m3 d. 97,363.20 m3 2 6 24
a. 1 c. 3/4
3n c.
3n b. ½ d. 1/4
51. Which of the following is correct?
3 n! n 67. Exsecant of 70 degrees
a. W in lbf = (m in lbm) X (g in ft/s2) a. 0.9238 c. 2.9238
b. W in lbf = (m in lbm) X (gc in lbm-sec2/ lbf-ft ) b.
3n d.
3 n
b. 1.9238 d. 3.9238
c. W in lbf = (m in slugs) X (g in ft/s2) n! n! 68. What is the hydraulic radius of a 6 in inside diameter pipe filled to
d. W in lbf = (m in slugs) X (gc in lbm-sec2/ lbf-ft ) 60. Find the 8th term in the sequence: a depth of 2 in?
52. A 10 kg block is raised vertically 3m. What is the change in { A }={1 , 2, 4 , 8 ,17 , 36 , … } a. 1.12 in c. 1.19 in
potential energy? b. 1.5 in d. 1.22 in
a. 72 c. 134
a. 293.4 J c. 292.4 J
b. 62 d. 126 69. What is the minimum distance b/w the line y=2 x +3 and the
b. 294.2 J d. 294.3 J
61. What is the cofactor corresponding to the -3 entry in the following origin (0,0)?
53. How many Mega Joules are there in 1 kW-hr?
matrix? 3

[ ]
a. 6.3 MJ c. 7.2 MJ
2 9 1 a. c. 5 √3
b. 3.6 MJ d. 2.7 MJ √5
54. A board-foot is also equal to: A= −3 4 0 b.
a. 2.359737 x 10-2 m3 7 5 9 5
b. 2.359377 x 10-3 m3 c. 3√5 d.
c. 2.359737 x 10-3 m3
a. 67 c. -76 √3
b. 76 d. -67 70. Find the angle between the lines
d. 2.359377 x 10-2 m3
62. Calculate the determinant of matrix A? y=−.577 x +2
55. Determine the value of x that satisfies the following equation. Is it
valid or extraneous root? y=0.577 x −5
a. 30 degrees c. 60 1 3 1 4 2 a. 0.96857 c. 0.98675
b. 90 d. 180 b. y x − y x +C 1 y+C 2 b. 0.96587 d. 0.96875
3 8
71. What geometric figure are described by this equation? 83. A lawn mower engine is started by pulling a cord wrapped around
1 3 1 4 2
2 2
x −10 xy + y + x+ y +1=0 c. y x + y x +C 1 y−C 2 a sheave. The sheave radius is 8 cm. The cord is wrapped around
3 8 the sheave two times. If a constant tension 90 N is maintained in
a. Circle c. ellipse
1 3 1 4 2 the cord during starting, what is the word done?
b. Parabola d. hyperbola d. y x + y x +C 1 y +C 2 a. 90.477868 J c. 90.477688 J
72. Find the derivative of the function. 3 8
b. 90.477886 J d. 90.478768 J
f ( x )=5 √ x 5 It is known that f ( x )=4 when x = 2. Find the original function.
3 77.
84. A solid disk flywheel (I =200 kg ∙ m 2) is rotating with a speed

25 x 2 /3
25 x 2 /3
∫ ( 3 x 3−7 x ) dx of 900rpm. What is the rotational kinetic energy?
6 3 3 4 7 2 a. 888.264936 kJ c. 888.264369 kJ
a. f ( x )= x + x +6 b. 888.263496 kJ d. 888.264396 kJ
25 x 2 /3 25 x 2 /3 4 2
b. d. 85. A body of mass 5 slugs falls from height of 4 ft onto a massless,
2 4 3 4 7 2
b. f ( x )= x − x −6 simply supported beam. If the beam has a lateral stiffness of 150
73. Find the derivative of the function. 4 2 lb/ft, what will be the deflection of the beam?
f ( x )=ln ¿ ¿ 3 4 7 3 a. 4.191 ft c. 4.193 ft
c. f ( x )= x − x + 6 b. 4.192 ft d. 4.194 ft
a. e x cos e x c. -e x tan e x 4 2
86. A 4500 kg ore car rolls down an incline and passes point A traveling
b. e x sin e x d. -e x sec e x 3 4 7 2
d. f ( x )= x − x + 6 at 1.2 m/s. The ore car is stopped by a spring bumper that
74. What is the equation of the plane that is tangent to the surface 4 2 compresses 0.6 m. A constant friction force of 220 N acts on the
y , z )=4 x 2+ y 2−16 z=0at point (2, 4, 2)?
defined by f ( x , 78. Find the area between the x-axis and the parabola y=x 2 in the ore car at all times. What is the spring constant?
a. 2 x+ y +2 z−4=0 interval [0,4].
a. 64/3 c. 21
b. 2 x+ y −2 z −4=0 b. 46/3 d. 12
c. 2 x+ y +2 z +4=0 79. The curve f ( x )=0.5 x over the region x = [0,4] is rotated about
d. 2 x− y +2 z −4=0 the x-axis. What is the surface of revolution?
75. Find the following integral

a. 2 5 π c. 4 5 π√
3 x+ 2
∫ 3 x−2 dx b. 3 √5 π
d. 5 √ 5 π
80. The curve f ( x )=x over the region x = [0,4] is rotated about the
a. 1 + ln |(3 x −2)| + C x-axis. What is the volume of revolution?
3 a. 205.8 π c. 203.8 π
4 b. 204.8 π d. 202.8 π
b. x + ln |(3 x −2)| + C a. 94.5 kN/m c. 96.5 kN/m
3 81. Find the solution to the following differential equation:
b. 95.5 kN/m d. 97.5 kN/m
4 '
y − y =2 x e
y ( 0 )=1
c. 1 + ln |(3 x +2)| + C 87. When traveling at 100km/hr, a car supplies a constant horizontal
3 a. y=e [ 2 e ( x−1 )+3 ]
x 2x
force of 50 N to the hitch of the trailer. What tractive power is
4 required for the trailer alone?
d. x + ln |(3 x +2)| + C b. y=e x [ 2 e 2 x ( x−1 )+1 ]
3 a. 1.75 hp c. 1.96 hp
y=e [ 2 e ( x−1 )+ 3 ]
x x b. 1.86 hp d. 2.06 hp
76. Find the following double integral c.
88. A man borrowed P100,000 and promised to pay after 5 months at
∬ (x 2 ¿ + y 3 x )dxdy ¿ d. y=e x [ 2 e x ( x−1 )−1 ] a simple interest of 8% per month. How much will the man pay?
1 3 1 4 2 82. A fair coin is tossed five times. What is the probability of getting at a. P150,000 c. P160,000
a. y x + y x −C 1 y+C 2 least one tail?
3 8 b. P180,000 d. P140,000
89. An investment of P200,000 for 36 days earns P3,588.00 after 97. An equipment costing P60,000 has a book value of P4,000 after 8
deducting 20% withholding tax. Find the annual rate of simple years. The depreciation is computed by using the constant
interest. percentage of the declining book value. Find the annual rate of
a. 21.36% c. 23.16% depreciation.
b. 22.42% d. 24.33% a. 27.82% c. 28.27%
90. A certain commodity is payable in 90 days but if paid in 15 days b. 22.78% d. 28.72%
there will be a 10% discount. Find the annual interest. 98. The original cost of a certain piece of equipment is P500,000. The
a. 58.89% c. 53.33% value after its useful life of 5 years is P100,000. Using double
b. 51.11% d. 56.67% declining balance method of depreciation, find its value at the end
91. Which of the following has the greatest effective annual rate of of 3 years.
interest? a. P392,000 c. 190,365.39
a. 6.30% compounded annually b. P108,000 d. 309,634.61
b. 6.25% compounded semi-annually 99. At 6%, find the capitalized cost of a bridge whose cost is P250 M
c. 6.20% compounded quarterly and life is 20 years, if the bridge must be partially rebuit at a cost of
d. 6.15% compounded monthly P100 M at the end of each 20 years.
92. The original cost of a certain place of equipment is P500,000. The a. P213.27 M c. P295.31 M
value after useful life of 5 years is P100,000. Using the straight line b. P163.27 M d. P245.31 M
method of depreciation, find its value at the end of 3 years. 100. A vertical cylinder has a circular base of radius 3.5 meters and a
a. P320,000 c. P180,000 height of 3.95 meters. It is one third full and is being filled with
b. P260,000 d. P240,000 water at a rate of 0.5 m3/sec and oil at a rate of 0.5 m3/sec. The
93. A machine costing P500,000 has a life expectancy of 5 years. Using specific gravity of oil is less than that of water. How fast is the
the sum of the year’s digits method, find its salvage value when the surface of oil is rising?
first year depreciation cost is P100,000. a. 0.013 c. 0.0065
a. P100,000 c. P150,000 b. 0.026 d. 0.0390
b. P200,000 d. P250,000
94. The original cost of a certain piece of equipment is P500,000. The
value after its useful life of 5 years is P100,000. Using the declining 99. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum bending
balance method of depreciation, find its value at the end of 3
stress in the beam?
years. a. 71.42 MPa c. 73.66 MPa
a. P190,365.39 c. P137,972.97
b. 74.12 MPa d. 76.60 MPa
b. P362,027.03 d. P309,634.61 100. Which of the following most nearly gives the average shear stress
95. An equipment was brought for P1,800,000 with a salvage value of
in the web?
P350,000 after its life of 8 years. Using the declining balance a. 21.13 MPa c. 25.62 MPa
method of depreciation, find its book value after 5 years.
b. 23.11 MPa d. 26.25 MPa
a. P1,006,274.61 c. P1,153,200.44
b. P793,725.39 d. P646,799.56
96. A machine costing P45,000 is estimated to have a salvage value of
P4,350 when retired at the end of 6 years. Depreciation cost is
computed using a constant percentage of the declining balance
a. 44.24% c. 32.25%
b. 28.38% d. 37.33%

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