Let Professional Exam

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1. When John sorts his collection card games into groups of 3, 4, 5, or 8, there is always
one card left. What is the smallest number of cards John can have?
a. 80 b.120 c.65 d.121
2. m m m
The product of (x - 1) (x2 + x + 1).
a. x3m + 1 b.x3m – 1 c.x3m + xm + 1 d.x3m – xm + 1
3. Evaluate 3x – 2 [x – (2x + 1) ].
a. 3x – 2 b.5x + 2 c.3x + 2 d.5x – 2
4. 3 2
Which is the factor of ƒ(x) = 2x + x – 2x – 1.
a. x–2 b.2x + 3 c.x + 1 d.2x – 1
5. Simply 3− √3
3+ √3 3 − √3 3− √3 3+ √3
a. b. c. d.
2 2 6 6
6. Evaluate √27 − √12 − √3
a. 0 b. 2√3 c. 3√3 d. - √3
7. The value of 64 . 2/3

a. 1/8 b.¼ c.16 d.1/16

8. Simplify 2-1. 3-1 (2-1 + 3-1).
a. 5/6 b.5/36 c.36/5 d. 6/5
9. The inverse function of y =
a. y = ½ (3x – 2) b. y = ½ (3x + 2) c.y = ½ (3x + 1) d.y = ½ (3x -1)
2 4
10. What term will make x + 16y a perfect square trinomial?
a. 8x2y b.8x2y2 c.4xy2 d.8xy2
4 3 2
11. Find the zeroes of ƒ(x) = x – x -4x + 4x.
a. 0, 1, 2, -2 b. 0, -1, 2, -2 c.1, -1, 2, -2 d.0, 0, 1, -2
12. The equation with roots 2, 0 and i .
a. x4 - 2x3 + x2 – 2x b. x4 + 2x3 + x2 – 2x c.x4 - 2x3 - x2 – 2x d.x4 - 2x3 + x2 + 2x
13. Mr. Reyes can dig a ditch in 6 days and Mr. Roxas in 8 days. In how many days both men
together dig the bitch?
a. 20/7 b.24/7 c.14 d.7
14. One third of a certain number exceeds 12 by as much as 100 exceeds the number. What
is the number?
a. 64 b.84 c.60 d.80
15. Mr. James recieved an inheritance of § 8,500,000. A part of this money he invested in a
mortgage paying 6% interest. The rest of it he invested in the bonds paying 5% interest.
The annual income from the 2nd investment was twice as much as from the first. How
much was invested in the mortgage?
a. P 6,000,000 b.P 2,000,000 c.P 2,500,000 d.P 6,500,000
16. Find the slope of the line 3x – 4y = 12.
a. ¾ b.-3/4 c.4/3 d.-4/3
17. If water is to be added to 40 quarts of milk containing 45 of butter fat so as to produce a
mixture containing 3% butter fat. How many quarts of water must be added?
a. 13 2/3 b. 13 c.13 1/3 d.12

18. Ann is two thirds as old as her sisiter. Twenty years from now, she will be seven eights
as old. How old is Ann?
a. 12 b.10 c.9 d.8
19. The first term of arithmetic progression in which the 4th term is 4 and the 7th term is -
a. 16 b.12 c.8 d.10
20. In the series 2/3, 2, 6, . . . ., which term is 486?
a. 6th term b.7th term c.8th term d.5th term
21. Find two nos. Such that if 3 is subtratcted from each of them they will be in the ratio 2:1,
while if 5 is added to each of them they will be in the ratio 4:3.
a. 10,6 b.12, 8 c.11,8 d.11,7
𝑒 𝑑𝑥
22. Find the term in the expansion ∫1 𝑥
a. 0 b.1 c.e d.-1
23. How many different committees of 4 each can be chosen from a class of 15 members?
a. 4 b.365 c.60 d.32, 760
24. Find to the nearest feet the height of a flagpole which cast a shadow 44.8 ft. Long when
the angle of elevation of the sun was 360.
a. 36 ft. b.32 ft. c.34 ft. d.35 ft.
25. A ladder 30 ft. Long leans againts a wall, with its foot 8 ft. From the wall. Find to the
nearest degree which the ladder makes with the level ground.
a. 700 b.600 c.650 d.750
26. Solve for x : 3x(x+4) = 1
a. x = 0, x = 4 b.x = 4, x = 4 c.x = 0, x = -4 d.x = 1, x = 4
27. If log3 x = 2 and log2 y = 1, what is x ? y

a. 81 b.512 c.6 d.9

28. The LCM of 2 counting nos. Is 42 and their GCF IS 7. If one of them is 14, what is the
other no. ?
a. 15 b.21 c.14 d.42
29. What is 1350 in radians?
a. 5𝜋/ 8 b.3𝜋/ 4 c.2𝜋/ 3 d.5𝜋/ 3
30. What is the gradient of the line that passes through the points (-1, 2) and (1, -4).
a. 2 b.3 c.-3 d.-2
31. Equivalent of sec x – tan x. 2

a. cos2 x + sin2 x b.cos2 x - sin2 x c.0 d.-1

𝜋 𝜋 𝜋
32. Evaluate (sin 11 6 ) (cos 3 ) (tan 3 4 )
a. – ¼ b. -4 c. 4 d. ¼
33. If tan O = 5/8 and sin O > 0, what is cos O?
5 8 5 8
a. b. c. - d. -
√89 √89 √89 √89
34. If sin A = 3/5, sin B = 15/ 17 and A 𝜖 O l and B 𝜖 O ll. Find the value of sin (A + B).
a. – 36/85 b. 13/85 c. 36/85 d. -13/85
35. From no. 34, what is tan (A – B)?
a. 36/85 b.– 36/85 c.84/13 d.– 84/13

𝑠𝑖𝑛3𝑥 3𝑥
36. Simplify sin 𝑥 − cos cos 𝑥
a. sin 2x – cos 2x b. 2 c. -2 d. sin 2x + cos 2x
37. If the pts. ( -2, 0), ( -2, 3) and ( 4, 3) are connected to each other, what kind of triangle is
a. Equilateral b.Right c.Obtuse d.Isosceles
38. Which of the ff. is/are TRUE of all acute angles?
I. Cos O tan O = sin O
II. Sin2 O = 1 – cos2 O
III. ( sec O) (cot O) = 2csc 2O
a. I and II b.II only c.II and III d.I, II and III
39. Simplify 10 2log5

a. 20 b.100 c.32 d.25

3 2
40. Simplify log√100 – log(0.01)
a. 14/3 b.-14/3 c.-4 d.4
41. Find the equation of the line through ( 1, -1 ) and parallel to x – 2y = 6.
a. y = ½ (x + 3) b.x – 2y = -3 c.x + 2y = 3 d.y = ½ (x – 3)
42. Find the equation of the line through (0 , 2) and perpendicular to y = 3x – 1
a. y = ½ (x – 3) b.y = 1/3 (x – 6) c.y = -1/3 (6 - x) d.y = -1/3 (x – 6)
43. Find the slope of the line 4x + 5y = 10
a. 4/5 b.-4/5 c.5/4 d.-5/4
44. Find the equation of the line with x – intercept 2 and y – intercept -1
a. x + 2y = 2 b.x – 2y = 2 c.y + 2x = 2 d.y – 2x = 2
45. Find the equation of the line through ( ½ , ½ ) with gradient -1
a. x = 2 + y b.x + y = -2 c.x = 1 – y d. x – y = 2
46. The distance between points ( 3, -2 ) and ( -2, 3 )
a. 5 b.2√5 c.5√2 d.50
47. The distance of the line 3x – y = 6 from point ( 1 , 1 )
2 5
a. 5 √10 b.2√10 c.5√10 d. 2 √10
48. The distance of the line y = 3x + 4 from the origin.
a. 5 √10 b.√10 c.5√10 d.2√10
49. The distance between the lines y = 4x – 5 and y = 4x + 5
5 10
a. b.√17 c.0 d.
√17 √17
50. The polar form of y = x + 1
1 1
a. 𝑟 = sin 𝑂 + cos 𝑂 b. 𝑟 = sin 𝑂+cos 𝑂 c.𝑟 = sin 𝑂 − cos 𝑂 d. 𝑟 = sin 𝑂− cos 𝑂
51. The rectangular form of the equation r = 5
a. x2 + y2 = 5 b. x2 + y2 = 25 c. x + y = 5 d. x + y = 25
52. Where will the line 3x + 12y = 24 cut the y - axis?
a. at y = -2 b. at y = 2 c.at x = -2 d.at x = 2
53. The center of the circle ( x + 1 ) + y = 4
a. ( -1 , 0 ) b. ( 1 , 0 ) c.( 2 , 0 ) d. ( -2 , 0 )
54. The radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y + 2 = 0

a. 1 b.3 c.0 d.2

55. The equation of a circle with radius 2 and center at ( -1 , 3 )
a. (x -1)2 + (y + 3)2 = 4 b.(x +1)2 + (y - 3)2 = 2 c. (x +1)2 + (y - 3)2 = 4 d. (x -1)2 + (y - 3)2 = 4
56. The equation of circle with center at ( 1 , 2 ) and tangent to x + y = 1
a. (x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 = 2 c.(x + 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 2
b. (x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 = √2 d. (x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 = 4
57. The center of the circle 4x2 + 4y2 – 4x – 16y + 1 = 0
1 1
a. ( 2, -2) b. (2 , 2) c. (2 , −2) d.( -2, 2)
58. The parabola x = 4(y – 1)2 opens?
a. Left b. Right c. Upward d.Downward
59. The vertex of the parabola x – 2x – 2y +1 = 0
a. (0, -1) b. (-1, 0) c.(0, 1) d.(1 , 0)
60. Find the equation of the line whose y – intercept -2 and the slope 2.
a. x + 2y = -2 b. 2x + y = 2 c. x + 2y = 2 d. 2x - y = 2
61. One end of a line segment is (1, -2). If the midpoint of the segment is (4, 3), find the
coordinate of the other endpoint of the segment.
a. ( 6 , 7 ) b. ( 6 , 9 ) c.( 7 , 8 ) d. ( 5 , 8 )
62. The equation of the line through (3, -1) and parallel to the line through (1 , 2) and (2, 1)
a. x + y = 2 b. 2x - y = 2 c. x - 2y = 2 d. x + y = -2
63. The length of the latus rectum of the parabola x – 4x – 8y + 4 = 0
a. 6 b. 8 c.2 d. 4
64. 4x2 – y2 = 8 is a ________.
a. Circle b. Hyperbola c. Parabola d. Ellipse
2 2
65. The center of the ellipse 4x + y – 8x = 0
a. (0 , 1) b. (0 , -1) c. (1 , 0) d.(-1 , 0)
66. Two lines that intersect at right angles are called _________.
a. Intersecting Lines b.Perpendicular lines c.Vertcal lines d. Parallel Lines
67. What is the equation of the normal line to the urve y = x2 + 2x – 1 at a point (1 , 2)
a. 4y = -x + 9 b. 4y = -x – 9 c.y = 4x – 2 d.y = 4x + 2
68. Which of the following is 5 units from the point (4 , 4)?
a. (0 , -1) b. ( 0 , 7 ) c.( 1 , 4) d.( 0 , 5 )
69. Find the equation of the line tangent to the curve y = x + 4x – 2
a. 6y = x – 3 b. 6y = x + 3 c. y = 6x + 3 d. y = 6x - 3
70. Which of the following is the example of the general equation of a line?
a. x2 + 4y – 4 = 0 b. x + 8 = 0 c. y2 = 9 d. x = 2y
71. The following are true about slope, except
a. One, if the line is vertical
b. Equal to tangent of inclination
c. Difference of two ordinate divided by difference of two abscissa
d. Zero, if the line is horizontal
72. What is the y-intercept of a line: 2y = 3x + 4
a. 3 b. 4 c.8 d.2
73. If the slope of a line is one and passing through the origin, what is its general equation?

a. x + y +1 = 0 b. x – y – 1 = 0 c. x + y = 0 d.x – y = 0
74. What is the equation of a line passing through P1:(2, -1) and P2:( - 3, 1)
a. 2x + 5y – 9 = 0 b. 2x + 5y + 1 = 0 c. 2x + 5y – 1 = 0 d. 2x + 5y + 9 = 0
75. What are the x-intercept and y-intercept of the line: x + 2y – 10 = 0
a. x-intercept = 5, y-intercept = 10 c. x-intercept = 10, y-intercept = 5
b. x-intercept = 2, y-intercept = 10 d. x-intercept = 10, y-intercept = 2
76. Which is true about circle?
I. The fixed point is the center.
II. Locus of a point that moves at a variable distance.
III. A diameter means either a straight line through the center.
IV. The distance from the center to the circle is radius.
a. I, II & IV only b. all of the above c. I, II & III only d. I, III & IV only
77. Which of the following is the example of the general form of equation of a circle?
a. 4x2 – 8y + 16 = 0 b. 4x2 – 8y2 + 16 = 0 c. (y – 8)2 + 4x + 16 = 0 d. (y – 8) + (x – 4)2 = 0
78. What is the coordinate of the center?
a. (2, 0) b. (0, - 2) c. (- 2, 0) d.(0, 2)
79. What is its radius?
a. 16 b. 2 c. 8 d. 4
80. What is the general form of equation of a circle with center at (1, 3) and radius of 1?
a. x2 + y2 – 2x – 6y + 9 = 0 c. x2 + y2 – 2x – 6y + 11 = 0
b. x2 + y2 – 6x – 2y + 9 = 0 d. x2 + y2 – 6x – 2y + 11 = 0
81. A parabola: x = 12 (y + 2), what is the coordinate of the vertex?
a. (2, 0) b. (0, - 2) c. (- 2, 0) d. (0, 2)
2 2
82. An ellipse: 4x + 9y -36 = 0, what are the coordinate of center, V1, & V2?
a. C:(0, 0), V1:(- 2, 0), V2:(2, 0) c. C:(0, 0), V1:(- 9, 0), V2:(9, 0)
b. C:(0, 0), V1:(- 3, 0), V2:(3, 0) d. C:(0, 0), V1:(- 4, 0), V2:(4, 0)
83. What is the coordinate of the center of equation of hyperbola shown?
( x – 1) 2 _ ( y + 3) 2
16 4
a. ( - 3, 1) b. (0, 0) c. ( - 1, 3) d.( 1, 3)
84. Given a general form of hyperbola: 9 x2 – 4 y2 - 40 y – 136 = 0.
What is the coordinate of the center of hyperbola?
a. (0, 2) b. (0, - 5) c. (0, - 3) d. (0, 5)
85. 𝑓 − 24𝑥2 𝑑𝑥
a. -4x5 + C b.4x + C c. 24 x 5 + C d. 24x6
86. 𝑓 − 3 𝑑𝑥
a. 4 + C b. 3x + C c.- 3x + C d. -4x5 + C
87. 𝑓 − 6𝑥 𝑑𝑥
a. 6c + C b. 3x2 + C c. -3x d. -4x5 + C
88. 𝑓 12𝑥 𝑑𝑥2

a. 6c + C b. 3x2 + C c. 4x3 + C d. – 4x5 + C

89. 𝑓 4𝑥 -5 𝑑𝑥
a. 6c + C b. 3x2 + C c. 4x3 + C d. –x-4 + C
90. 3 . y = e2x, then y‘ =

a. 2e2x b. e2x dx c. ex dx d. e2x/2 (dx)

91. Determine the value(s), if any, at which the graph of the function has a horizontal
tangent. 𝑦 = 𝑥−6
a. 8 b. 8 and 6 c. 8 and -6 d. 6
92. Find the derivative of : y = (x3 + 3)5
a. 15x2 (x3 + 3)4 b. 14x2 (x3 + 3)4 c. 15x2 (x3 + 3)5 d. 15x2 (x3 + 3)4
93. Find y’ of y = (5x2 + 3)4
a. 40x(5x2 + 3)3 b. 40x(5x2 + 3)5 c. 40x(5x2 + 3) d. 4x(5x2 + 3)3
94. Find the tangent line of y = x2 + 2 at (3, 2)
a. y = 9x – 25 b. y = 25 – 9x c. y = -9x + 25 d. y = 25x + 9
95. A captain and co-captain for a fencing team are chosen from a hat with the names of all
11 members in the hat. Determine the probability that Lauren and Isabel are chosen as
captain and co-captain respectively.
a. 1/110 b. 1/121 c. 1/55 d. 2/121
96. The face cards of a deck are shuffled and a card is drawn. Determine the probability that
a card is diamond.
a. ¼ b. 1/66 c. 1/24 d. 1/22
97. Determine the number of ways that four objects can be chosen from a group of ten.
a. P(10, 4) b. 10!/4! c. 4C10 d. none of the above
98. The expression 14!/6!8! is equevalent to
a. P(14,6)
b. 14C8
c. the number of ways that 6 out of 14 can be arranged
d. none of the above
99. From a group of seven junior and ten senior students, determine how many committees
of six students can be chosen if all the students are senior students.
a. 210 b. 5040 c. 120 d. C(10, 6)
100. Determine the number of arrangements for the letters of the word BOXCAR.
a. 21 b. 720 c. 46 656 d. none of the above
101. Determine the number of ways that a prime minister, secretary, treasurer, and publicit
minister could be chosen from an art club of 12 members.
a. 495 b. 48 c. 11880 d. 20 736
102. Express 15 x 14 x 13 in a different manner
a. 15P13 b. 15!/2!13! c. 15!/12! d. 15P12
103. How many permutations are there in the letters of the word FIRST?
a. 6 b. 24 c. 120 d. 720
104. Find the exact value of sin 42° cos 12° – cos 42° sin 12°.
1 √2
a.1 b. 2 c. d.
2 2
105. The expression tan sec 𝑂 is equivalent to
a. b. c. d.

106. The expression (1 + cos x) (1 – cos x) is equivalent to


a. 1 b. c. d.
107. The expression cos 80º cos 70º + sin 80º sin 70º is equivalent to
a. cos 10º b. cos 150º c. sin 10º d. sin 150º

108. If and , then sin ( – b) equals

a. 72/65 b. 56/65 c. – 16/65 d. – 33/65
109. The expression sin 2A – 2 sin A is equivalent to
a.(sin A)(sin A - 2) c.(sin A)(2 cos A - 1)
b. (2 sin A)(sin A - 1) d. (2 sin A)(cos A - 1)
110. If cos  – 1 = 2 cos , then  is equal to
a. 90 b. 0 c.180 d. 30
111. In an isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is 30º and the base measures 12 cm. Find the
perimeter of the triangle to the nearest tenths.
a. 54.8 cm b. 54. 8 cm2 c. 58. 4 cm d. 58.4 cm2
112. Points A & B are on one side of a river, 100 ft apart, with C on the opposite side. The
angles A and B measure 70º and 60º respectively. What is the distance from point A to
point C, to nearest foot?
a. 113 ft b. 331 ft. c. 131 ft. d. 231 ft
113. A triangular walking course has 2 sides of 230 feet and 360 feet, and the angle between
these sides measures 38º. Find the length of the third side of the course, to the nearest
a. 282 ft b. 822 ft. c. 228 ft. d. 128 ft
114. From a boat on the lake, the angle of elevation to the top of a cliff is 35°10ʹ. If the base
of the cliff is 1671 feet from the boat, how high is the cliff?
a. 1187 ft b. 1177 ft c. 1190 ft d. 1180 ft
115. Given that α is an angle in standard position whose terminal side contains the point
(-4, -3), provide the exact value of sec α.
3 −5 −4 5
a. 4 b. 4 c. 5 d. 3
116. To find the distance between two small towns, an electronic distance measuring (EDM)
instrument is placed on a hill from which both towns are visible. If the distance from the
EDM to the towns is 4 miles and 2.5 miles and the angle between the two lines of sight is
69°, what is the distance between the towns?
a. 5.4 mi b. 5.1 mi c. 3.9 mi d. 4.3 mi
117. Find the measures of two angles, one positive and one negative that are coterminal

with 3 .
14π 2π 11π 2π 2π 14π 11π 11π
a. 3 , − 3 b. 3 , − 3 c. 3 , − 3 d. ,−
3 3
118. Supplementary angles with measures 3p + 6 and 2p - 1 degrees
a. 96° and 84° b. 126° and 54° c. 111° and 69° d. 81° and 99°
119. cos A = 7 and A in quadrant IV. Find sin A.
√45 7 √45
a. - √45 b. - c. - 2 d. -
7 2

120. Solve the right triangle given a = 2.7 cm, b = 1.3 cm, C = 90°
a. A = 64.3°, B = 25.7°, c = 3.0 cm c. A = 59.8°, B = 30.2°, c = 3.0 cm
b. A = 28.8°, B = 61.2°, c = 4.0 cm d. A = 25.7°, B = 64.3°, c = 3.0 cm
121. Solve the triangle, if possible, given B = 24.4°, C = 102.9 °, b = 38.62
a. A = 50.7°, a = 93.13 , c = 76.37 c. A = 50.7°, a = 91.13 , c = 74.37
b. A = 52.7°, a = 74.37 , c = 91.13 d. A = 52.7°, a = 76.37 , c = 93.13
122. Given: a = 11, b = 12, and c = 17
a. = 84.8°, = 49.9°, = 45.3°
b. = 44.7°, = 40.1°, = 95.2°
c. = 84.8°, = 45.3°, = 49.9°
d. = 40.1°, = 44.7°, = 95.2°

123. Identify the expression that completes the equation so that it is an identity.

a. b. c. d.

124. Which of the following expressions doesn’t have constant?

a. 4x + 5 b. 2x -5m c. x - 4 d. None of the above
125. Which of the following expressions has a simplified form of 4x6?
a. (2x3)2 b. (4x3)2 c. 2(2x2)3 d. (4x)
126. The product of 2x + 3 and ________ is 8x3 + 27.
a. 4x2 + 6x + 9 c. 4x2 - 6x + 9
b. 4x2 + 12x + 9 d. 4x2 - 12x + 9

127. Which of the following properties applies to the following processes;

4x – 1 = x -7
4x – x = -7 +1
3x = -6
x = -2
a. Addition and multiplication property c. Addition property only
b. Multiplication property only d. Symmetric Property
128. Which of the following equations will have a solution of 4?
1) 4x + 5 = 3x + 1 3) x – 5 = 5x -9
2) 2x-3 = x+1 4) x + 1 = -3
a.Nos. 1, 2 and 3 only c. nos. 2 and 3 only
b.Nos. 1 and 2 only d. All of the above
3 0
129. What is the value of (2 + 5 ) +3 ?-1 -2

a. 1/9 b. 2/9 c. 9 d. 1
130. Which is true about the inequality 2x > 5x + 6?
a. The inequality is linear. c. The inequality belongs to two variables’.
b. The inequality is true if x is 5. d. All of the above.
131. Martha spent 3/12 of her allowance on food and shopping. What fraction of her
allowance had she left?

a. 25% b. 75% c. 1/4 d. All of the above

132. What should be the index of the radical expression 64 so that the root will be 4?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. None of the Above
133. Francis is 2 years old than Jojo. In 8 years, Jojo will be 4/3 as old as Francis now. How
old is Francis five years from now?
a. 16 b. 18 c. 23 d. None of the above
134. GEOMETRY came from the two Greek words ‘Geo’ and ‘Metria’. ‘Geo” means ____.
a. Universe b. Society c. Earth d. Planets
135. He is the father of GEOMETRY.
a. Rene Descartes b. Euclid c. Pythagoras d. Aristotle
136. Two angles are congruent, and if they are complementary, what would be the measure
of each angle?
a. 900 b. 1800 c. 450 d. None of the above
137. Which is a perpendicular bisector in the figure given?

.O midpoint of SN


a. SN b. FT c. TA d. All of the above

1 3 b
For nos. 5-6 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 c
11 12 13 14

137. What is the measure of angle 4 if angle 8 measures 70 0?

a.200 b. 700 c. 1200 d. None of the above
138.The measure of angle 5 is ______ if angles 9 and 8 measure 550 and 650 respectively.
a. 1250 b. 1150 c. 350 d. 600

a M N
For nos. 7-8 ●A ●B

139. Which point belongs to the interior region?

a. B b. M c. N d. All of the above
140. The following figures are polygons except ________.

a. b. c. d. All of the above

141. The following statements are true except _________.

a. The measure of each angle in an equilateral triangle is 600
b. The acute angles of a right triangle are complementary.
c. A triangle has at most one right angle and obtuse angle.
d. A triangle having a right angle is always a right triangle.
142. Given the figure below, the remote interior angles of angle 5 are _______.
1 3

9 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
a. angles 6 and 4 b. angles 6 and 7 c. angles 4 and 7 d. all of the above

143. What is the height of a triangle if the area is 78cm2 and the base is 12cm?
a. 12cm b. 13cm c. 39cm2 d. None of the

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