A Comparative Analysis of Optimization Techniques

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A Comparative Analysis of Optimization Techniques

Article in International Journal of Computer Applications · December 2015

DOI: 10.5120/ijca2015907399


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015

A Comparative Analysis of Optimization Techniques

Kanika Tyagi Kirti Tyagi
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engg.
Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India Ghaziabad, India

ABSTRACT which need the same functionality, a programmer need

Regression testing is an inescapable and very expensive task not to write the same code multiple times.
to be performed, often in a resource and time constrained  Interoperability: Components have the ability to
environment. The goal is to minimize the time spent in the communicate, execute and exchange data among
process of testing by reduction in the number of test cases to themselves without any need of knowing about
be used. Thus various techniques are being used for test case underlying structure of the system.
optimization, to select the less indistinguishable test cases
while providing the best possible fault coverage. This paper  Upgradable: The application can be upgraded easily if a
presents a comparative analysis of the different test case new component has been introduced during the life of
optimization techniques. There are various optimization the application.
techniques available for the context. This review explains
about the different optimization techniques on the basis of  Time and cost effective: As in CBS, code for a
their evolution, methodology, performance and applications. component can be used again and again in similar type
of applications. This makes it a time and cost efficient
Keywords approach.
Optimization techniques, evolution, applications, regression In this paper, a critical review of different test case
testing. optimization techniques is represented. Different techniques
are compared with each other based on their evolution,
1. INTRODUCTION methodology, performance and applications.
Software maintenance is defined as activity performed on a
software product which includes enhancements, 2. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
optimization, error corrections, and deletion of inoperative This section covers the comparative analysis of different
functionalities. Regression testing is conducted during optimization techniques based on the parameters like:
maintenance phase of Software Development Life Cycle and Evolution, Methodology, Performance and Applications.
it is defined as “ the process of re-testing the modified
components of the software and ensuring that no new errors Evolution: It covers the evolution of the techniques all
have been encountered in previously tested code”[1]. through their lifetime. It includes the growth of the technique
from its development.
The approach for performing regression testing is to again
execute the test cases. Test cases are set of conditions under Methodology: It describes the way in which the algorithm
which a tester will determine whether an application or its works and identifies the methods used in it. It shows how a
features are functioning as it was originally established to do. result is to be calculated.
Regression testing is an expensive activity, running all test Performance: This section covers the overall performance
cases requires large amount of time and cost. So, it is of the techniques. It also covers how performance may be
required to optimize test cases to reduce the efforts and cost. achieved by improvements in the technique and
Optimization tends to provide the best output with the least hybridization with other techniques.
investments [2]. The goal of optimization techniques for test Applications: Application is defined as the utility of a
cases is to minimize the number of test cases without technique, technology or a system. It covers where these
affecting the fault coverage of the testing process. techniques may be applied to give a better result.
Component Based System (CBS) is the emerging technology
in last few years. It is a more generalized approach for
2.1.Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
software development. CBS are mainly developed using Algorithm
reusable components and Commercial-On-The-Shelf Artificial Bee Colony Optimization (ABC) is an optimization
components [3]. Due to this, CBSs are developed with technique which provides a search procedure based on
minimum engineering efforts and resource costs and time. population, where artificial bees modify the food positions
CBS provide a new approach to construct, design and [29]. The colony of bees is comprised of three classes of
implement software applications. Software applications are bees (1) employed bees, (2) onlookers and (3) scouts. A
foregathered from variety of components that may be written possible solution to the problem is represented by the
in different languages and may run on different platforms. position of food source and the nectar amount corresponds to
That is, components are heterogeneous. the fitness or efficiency of the solution.
There are various advantages of using CBS for developing Evolution: Artificial Bee Colony Optimization algorithm
applications. Some of them are listed below: was developed by Karaboga in year 2005, inspired from
foraging and waggle dance behaviour of honey bee colonies
 Reusability: A code designed for a particular [4]. Since 2005 various modifications have been done in bee
functionality may be used in a number of applications colony algorithm which are given in the Table 1.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015

Methodology: ABC inhibits the behaviour of natural ants 2.2.Particle Swarm Intelligence
which is based on the random behaviour of ants as they
wander randomly to find path [5]. ABC aims at generating Optimization
the optimal number of test cases with fewer amounts of time Particle Swarm Intelligence Optimization (PSO) simulates
and resources. Bees tend to find out the food sources with swarming behaviour observed in herds of animals, flocks of
higher nectar amount. Depending on the experiences of birds etc., where social sharing of information takes place
themselves and their nest mates Employed and Onlookers and individuals gain from the discoveries and experiences of
bees select food sources [6]. other companions while searching for food. System is
initialized with a random population, known as particles.
Performance: ABC is a simple approach, yet it deals with During optimization particles explore a D-dimensional
complex problems efficiently. This technique uses fewer space. Each particle maintains its own current position,
parameters as compared to other search algorithms [7]. It is current velocity and best position so far [16].The iterative
efficient to hybridize ABC with other techniques to increase update of rules leads to a stochastic manipulation of
its performance. Some hybridized ABC are GABC [8], velocities.
CABC [9], P-DABC [10], hybrid ABC [11], ABC with
neural networks [12] and many more. Evolution: Kennedy and Eberhart introduced a heuristic
global optimization method known as PSO in year 1995 in a
Applications: There are many applications of ABC research paper named “Particle Swarm Optimization” [17].
algorithm to real world and benchmark optimization Since then, various modifications and improvements are
problems. It was applied to integer programming problems done. Some of them are listed in Table 2.
[13], Travelling Salesman problem [14], Bio- Informatics
applications [15], scheduling applications, clustering, image Methodology: PSO is a global optimization algorithm which
processing and many more. deals with problems which tends to find the best solution as a

Table 1: Evolution of ABC Algorithm

Year Author Name of algorithm Problem constrained

2007 Karaboga et al. Modified artificial bee colony optimization (MABC) Constrained optimization

2009 P.W.Tsai et al. Interactive artificial bee colony optimization (IABC) Numerical optimization

2010 M. Sonmez. Artificial bee colony with adaptive penalty function (ABC-AP) Weight of truss structures

2010 A. Aderhold et al. ABCgBest and ABCgBestDist Benchmark functions

2011 N. Taspnar Partial transmit sequences (PTSs) based on ABC (ABC-PTS) Peak-to-average power

2011 M. El-Abd. ABC with the concept of opposition number based optimization Black box optimization

2014 Deepak Rai et al. Honey bee mating optimization algorithm (HBMO) Test case optimization

point in a D-dimensional space. In PSO, particles fly in the Applications: PSO have a vast range of applications. It
respective problem space by following the current optimum may be applied to optimize multi-objective problems [20],
flying particles. Each of the particle keeps a track of its T-way software testing [21], mini-max problems [22],
position in terms of coordinates in the problem space which image classification, job shop scheduling, artificial neural
are contributes to the best solution so far. Particles then networks, gesture recognition and many more.
move in solution space and they are evaluated after each
iteration through some fitness functions. 2.3.Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm:
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is an intuitive algorithm
Performance: PSO is a population based algorithm based influenced by the behaviour of natural ants. Ants are blind
on the cooperation of each particle. The convergence ability and have the tendency to find the shortest path from their
of PSO is faster than of other optimization techniques [18]. initial position to the food source. Pheromone, the chemical
It requires fewer parameters for the calculation of used for unintended communication between ants helps to
optimizing value. Number of particles may be decreased to search the shortest path.
increase the performance [19]. It may be hybridized to
further increase its performance. Evolution: In year 1991, Ant System was first proposed by

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015

Marco Dorigo in his doctoral thesis. Afterwards, some Performance: ACO has the ability to find optimal solution
improvements were made into Ant System as the in less computational time. The performance of ACO may
introduction of Elitist ants [23], the ranking of ants [24]. be improved by introducing approaches like modification of
One of the major developments is the description of ACO transition rule, parallel ACO [26]. It may be hybridized
metahueristic in year 1999 [25]. Other modifications and with other techniques for better results.
variations of ACO are given in the Table 3.
Applications: The first combinatorial problem solved using
Methodology: Ant Colony Algorithm is inspired from the ACO was Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) in 1991 by
behaviour of natural ants. Ants resolve their problems by Dorigo in his Phd dissertation. The nest two applications of
collaborating with each other using pheromone. Ants place ACO were the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) [27]
pheromone on the ground while walking and each ant and Job Shop Scheduling [28] 1994. Then it was applied to
follow a direction where pheromone intensity is high. When network routing applications [29], vehicle routing problems
an ant recognizes an obstacle in the path it changes the [30], sequential ordering, graph colouring problems and
direction and tries to find new shortest path. design of algorithms for knowledge representation
Table 2: Evolution of PSO Algorithm
Year Author Name of algorithm Problem constrained

2001 Van Den Bergh Multi-start particle swarm optimization (MPSO) Encountering a global

2002 Van Den Bergh Guaranteed Convergence Particle Swarm Optimization Convergence to local
(GCPSO) minimum

2005 Stefan Janson and Martin Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO) Better solution
Midden Dorf

2005 Chunning Yang and Dan New Particle Swarm Optimization Better solution

2007 Hui Wang et al. Opposition based Particle Swarm Optimization (OPSO) To accelerate the

2008 Marco A. Montes Dea et al. Fully Informed Particle Swarm Optimization (FIPSO) Optimization problems

2009 George I. Evers et al. Regrouping Particle Swarm Optimization (RPSO) Premature convergence

2011 X.S. Yang, s. Fong and S. Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) Accelerate convergence

2012 R. Roy et al. Novel Particle Swarm Optimization (NPSO) Multi-Objective


2.4.Genetic Algorithm: (2) Selection, (3) Crossover and (4) Mutation. Initialization
Genetic Algorithm is an adaptive heuristic search method operator creates the initial population and assigns a fitness
based on the population genetics. It is probabilistic search function which evaluates the fitness value. The selection
method inspired from the process of natural selection and operator chooses the chromosomes from population for
reproduction. It is used to generate solutions of mating. Crossover operator is used for sharing the
optimization search problems. It belongs to the class of information between two chromosomes. Mutation operator
evolutionary algorithms which uses initialization, selection, alters one or more gene values of a chromosome from its
crossover and mutation. initial state. The process of evolution is repeated until end
condition of the problem is satisfied.
Evolution: John Holland introduced Genetic Algorithm in
his book named „Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Performance: GA is a search technique used to find the
Systems‟ in 1975 [31]. Then John Koza has used genetic exact or approximate solutions to an optimization problem.
algorithm in 1992 to evolve programs to perform certain GA exhibits “inherent parallelism” as the evaluation of
tasks. He called his method as "Genetic Programming" individuals within a population is conducted
(GP). Some improvements in GA are listed below in Table simultaneously. It generally finds the global optima in
4. complex spaces, hence GA is fast [32]. GA may be
hybridized with any other search method to achieve an
Methodology: A GA starts with a set of solutions called as optimization goal.
population. It consists of four operators: (1) Initialization,

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015

Applications: Various application areas of GA are: global

optimization problems, scheduling problems, power system
optimization problems [33], wireless adhoc networks,
stereo image processing [34], real time systems [35] etc,.
Table 3: Evolution of ACO Algorithm
Year Author Name of algorithm Problem constrained

1996 Stutzle , Hoos Max-Min Ant System (MMAS) TSP and QAP

1997 Bullnheimer, Hartl and Rank Based Ant System(AS rank) TSP

1998 Stutzle Parallelization of Ant system Combinatorial


1999 Cordon et. Al Best Worst Ant System Different instances of


2007 Chunhui Zhao Bing Qi Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Resource allocation in
network sessions

2008 Z Hu, J Zhang and Y Li Continuous Orthogonal Ant Colony Continuous optimizing

2009 Bin Y, Zhang-Zhen and Improved Ant Colony Optimization Vehicle routing
Baozhen Y

2010 Ku Ruhana and Ku Interacted Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Different instances of
Mahamud Alaa Aljanaby TSP

2012 Gupta DK, Arora Y et. Al Recursive Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Estimation of parameters
of a function

Table 4: Evolution of Genetic Algorithm

Year Author Name of algorithm Problem constrained

1993 C. M. Fonseca and P. J. Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) Optimization


1994 J. Horn et al Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm Multi-objective


1995 N. Srinivas and K. Deb Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGA) Multi-objective

2002 Gehring, H. and Bortfeldt, A. Parallel Genetic Algorithm Container loading


2002 Deb, K et al Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms II (NSGA-II) Constrained optimization


2002 Hartmann, S. Self- Adapting Genetic Algorithm Project scheduling under

constrained resources

2002 Drezner, Zvi New Genetic Algorithm Quadratic Assignment


2004 Feltl et al Improved Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Generalized Assignment


2007 Dong Hwa Kim et al Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Global optimization

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 131 – No.10, December2015

2011 Manuel Chica et al Advanced Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm time and space assembly
line balancing problem

2012 José Fernando Gonçalves, Parallel Multi Population Biased Random-Key Genetic Container loading
Mauricio G.C. Resende Algorithm problem

2014 Camila Silva de Magalhães Dynamic Nitching Genetic Algorithm docking highly flexible
et al ligands

Table 5: Modifications for Discrete Variables

Optimization Continuous Discrete Variable Discrete Variable Condition
Technique Variable with condition

 Random Key encoding

 Sigmoid Function
ABC  x   CABC(Combinatorial ABC)

 DABC(Discrete ABC)

 Sigmoid Function

 Smallest Position Value

PSO  x   Great Value Priority

 Crossover Operator

 Lagrangian Relaxation

 Lagrangian Decomposition
ACO  x   Simulated Annealing

 Cutting Edge Algorithm based on polyhedral


GA   x Not Required

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