Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 Health

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 7 Health
September 18, 2023

Content Standards:
The learner…demonstrates understand of holistic health and its management of health concerns, the growth
the development of adolescent and how to manage its challenges.
Learning Competencies; explain the dimension of holistic health (physical, mental/intellect, social, moral-
Analyzes the interplay among the health dimension in developing holistic health H7GD-IB-14

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the 60-minutes discussion, the student is expected to;
 Identify the five dimension of holistic health (physical, mental/intellect, social, moral-
 Perform the five dimension of holistic health through group activities.
 Show participation, cooperation and appreciation on the presentation of different
group activities. .
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic : Holistic Health
b. References : Health Grade 7 Learners pp. 6-18,
c. Materials: Visual Aid, Panel pen, speaker, pictures.
d. Values Integration : Self-awareness

III. Procedure

Teaching Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’ Subject

s activity Integratio
A. Preliminary Activities
Good morning Class! Good
1. Greetings morning
Anna, Please lead the Ma’am!
2. Prayer Prayer.

3. Organization

Before you take your seat, please pick up the pieces of paper.
(The student’s will pick
Okay! Everybody seat down , This is our class rules : up the pieces of paper
and seats.)
 Actively participate and cooperate during the class
 Raising hand and stand-up before answering the

Is that clear to everyone?

4. Checking of Attendance

Who’s absent today? None, ma’am.

Very Good!

B. Motivation

(Group Activity)

The teacher will divide the class into 5. Each group will re
arrange the given rumbled word. Group 1: will post their
1. calsiphy 1. Physical
2. naltioemo 2. Emotional
3. talmen 3. Mental
4. cialso 4. Social
5. tualripis 5. Spiritual
6. litoichs 6. Holistic
7. lethah 7. health

C. Analysis
( student will answer)
 What have you learned from our activity?

Yes, ma’am!
 Are these words or meaning familiar to you?


Presentation of objectives:

Those word has something to do with our discussion for today

because we’re going to tackled about the HOLISTICS HEALTH
and as we go along with our discussion you are expected to
attain the following.

 Identify the five dimension of holistic (The students will read

health (physical, mental/intellect, social, the objectives clear
and loud.)
 Perform the five dimension of holistic
health through group activities.
 Show participation, cooperation and
appreciation on the presentation of
different group activities.

D. Abstract
Our topic for today is about holistic health.
Holistic health has five dimensions which are physical,
mental, emotional, social, moral- spiritual health.

I have here a five task card and handouts consisting of 5

dimension, for you to give the summary of the details and
present it to the class.

Class, I will divide you into 5 groups. Each group will pick a
task card. Containing the handouts about the five (Each group will
dimension of holistic health, make a presentation and report present their assigned
it in class. task)

 (Task card
no.1) :

Great Job group 1! Let‘s give them a 5 clap and hooray!

When we say physical health means how your body

function. Our physical appearance.
We, need to eat nutritious food, exercise, drink 8 glasses of
water per days is a few ways to taking care our physical  (Task no.2 )
health. Mental

Mental health means being lifelong learner by continuously

wanting to learn new things.
So, Very Good group 2! Give them 2 claps and 2 stomp!
 (Task
Very Good group 3! Give them a 5 clap and 1 stomp! no.3) :
Emotional health refer our feelings, including liking yourself health
as well as accepting your mistakes.

For example, you want to go with your friends and your

parents did not give you a permission to go with them what will
you do?  (Task no.4):

Nice Job! Give them a mommy Dionysia clap!

So, social health refers on how you will get along with other
people.  (Task no.
5): Spiritual
So , one of the example of spiritual health is respecting
everybody ‘s faith .

Great Job! Let’s give group 5 a fireworks clap!

E. Application

The same group will pick envelop which contains the

direction of the activities that you will be doing. Class, you
have 5 minutes to prepare and 1 minutes to perform it in

Upon the presentation here is the grading rubrics:

GRADING RUBRICS (Envelop no.1)
Exemplary Satisfactory fair Physical health –
50 pts 35 pts 15 pts. create or demonstrate
Content Demonstrat With good Unclear a simple scenario of
e excellent demonstratio content having a physically
knowledge n but with few healthy body.
Presentatio Perform with Perform few Not audible (Envelop no.2 )
n creative of the output Mental health – search ESP
style/output or make a simple
Mastery There are There are few Presentatio quotes about mental
no errors. errors. n is difficult health and give a brief
Presentation presentation to explanation or opinion.
is is better understand
outstanding (Envelop no.3)
Emotional health –
make a simple
Great Job, Everyone! scenario showing of
happiness, love, peace
and contentment.

(Envelop no.4) Social

health – create a
simple dance or ENGLISH
movements through

(Envelop no. 5)
Spiritual health – make
a simple slogan about
spiritual and give a
brief explanation.
F. Generalization

Class, what have you learned from our lesson?

Yes? The five dimension of
holistic health.
 What are the five dimension of holistic health?
The five dimensions of
holistic health are
physical, mental,
emotional, social,
moral- spiritual health.

 Who want to achieve holistic health?

(Student raise their
hand )

 How will you attain holistic health?
Eating nutritious food,
Yes? doing physical
exercise, interact with
friends, open minded
and self-love.
Precisely! Great job Class!
We need all those things for us to attain our health holistically.

IV. Assessment
Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the answer
inside the box and write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

moral- spiritual

________1. Refers to the cognitive ability and skills to improve

one’s quality life.
________2. Ability to accept and cope with our own and
feelings. It involves understanding and liking yourself.
_________3. Refers to the ability to build and maintain
harmoniously and satisfying relationships. (Students will answer )
_________4. Refers to our body ability to carry daily task
without becoming tired. 1.mental health
_________5. It is about being morally and spiritually healthy, 2.emotional health
and it’s also refers to one’s faith beliefs and values health
4.physical health
V. Assignment 5. moral- spiritual
Direction: in your assignment notebook write a reflection about health
your learning in holistic health. (At least 2 paragraphs )

Prepared by:
Ma. Cynthia C. San Juan
MAPEH major/ Teacher 1 Applicant

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