Lyrical Dance Detailed

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Grade-10 MAPEH

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, 95% of the students will be able to:
a. define Lyrical dance;
b. interpret a song through dancing; and
c. acquire awareness of the benefits we get in lyrical dance by oral recitation.

II. Content:

Topic: Lyrical dance

Reference: MAPEH 10 Angie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, and
Maria Gracia A. Fulgenato by Phoenix Publishing House, page 332-333
Materials: Laptop, Bond paper and plastic tape
Time allotted: 1 hour

Preliminary Phase
III. Procedure

A. Management of Learners

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer
“ Please all stand for our opening
“The Lord’s Prayer…”
“Our Father, Who art in heaven
hallowed, be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our trespasses; As we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us not to
temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
“ Good morning Class”

“ Good morning ma’am”

“ You may now take your seat”
“ I will check your attendance”
“ If your name is called please raise
your hand and say present”
( Students raise their hand and say present as
the teacher calls their name)
“ Please pick up the pieces of paper under
your chair” ( Students are picking up pieces of paper)

“So how’s your morning class? Is it good or

bad?” “ It was good ma’am”
b. Warm Up
Let’s dance first for us to awaken ourselves
(the students are dancing)

You may now take your seat

Are you all energized? - Yes ma’am

That’s good to know class!

So now are you ready to listen to our “ Yes, sir we are ready to learn today”

c. Review (the students raising their hands)

Class! What was our previous topic?
“Ma’am our last topic is all about the
Yes Maria! Contemporary dance”.

Yes very good! - A combination of strong techniques of

Class, what is contemporary dance? footwork with improvisations
characteristic of modern dance.

Yes! Very good

d. Motivation

Before we proceed to our discussion

proper class, let’s have a game are you familiar
- Yes ma’am!
to the game wordscapes?

Okay! - Yes, ma’am!

All you need to do is to find the words or to
form word to the given scramble letters by
using a ballpen to connect letters together and
you are going to write the answer in the empty ( Students are
box and if you’re finish the task you are going counting off)
to post it on the board and shout “your group
number! Is that clear? ( Students are in their group and start finding
the words)

“Please count off from 1to 4.”

( Students start posting their work on the
“You may now go to your group and work board)
silently. I will only give you 2 minutes to find
the words ”
“Time is up! Your 2 minutes is over. All Ma’am, Lyrical Dance
output must paste on the board”

So class, what word did you formed? “

“Yes, that’s correct!

So our topic for today is all about Lyrical

B. Presentation of the lesson

At the end of the lesson, 95% of the
 Presentation of the objectives
students will be able to:
“ Okay class before we proceed, I want a. define lyrical dance;
you to read first our objectives for today” b. interpret a song through dancing; and
c. acquire a healthy lifestyle to be physically fit
in lyrical dance by oral recitation.

“Thank you very much! I hope that you

will listen today so that we will attain our
objectives.” - Ma’am, lyrical dance is a combination
of ballet, jazz and contemporary dance.
a. Discussion

Before we go deeper to our topic let us first

define what is Lyrical dance?
- Ma’am the dancers are like narrating a
story in every movement that they do.
Yes, so lyrical dance is connected to ballet,
jazz and contemporary but it differs of the
motions that interpret music.

What is the style of a lyrical dance?

Yes exactly!
- Ma’am I think is to express the
emotions of the song through
As a dancer of this dance should express their
emotions with passion in accordance to the
chosen song.

Class, what do you think is the goal of this

(the students watch video presentation).
Yes very good!

So I have here a video presentation, kindly

watch carefully. Ma’am, I think lyrical is very soft and
flowy while contemporary can be soft and then
suddenly super sharp. In contemporary there
From the video presentation earlier what do are not many rules, and lyrical has many of
you think is the difference between ballet's rules, but not as strict.
contemporary dance and lyrical dance?

Yes very good!

The following are the tips in preparing a lyrical

dance presentation:

 Do some stretching exercise before the

 Find a safe open safe. It is advisable to
look for a soft-surface area as you
 Choose a song with a deep meaning to
encourage strong movements.
 Before attempting to dance, listen to the
music several times to feel every word
in the song.
 Feel the music and allow your body to
dance freely and explore your

C. Application/Activity
- Yes ma’am!
“So at this moment, we will have an
activity, same group. You need to perform a
lyrical dance in 1 minute with music, it (Each group do their practice).
depends upon you on what type of music but it
should be emotional. I will give you 10
minutes to practice. Is that clear? Group 1 are presenting their lyrical dance
So I will give the rubrics for your performance Group 2 are presenting their lyrical dance
and kindly write at back of paper the members presentation.
of the group. Okay you may start now. Group 3 are presenting their lyrical dance
Time is up! Group4 are presenting their lyrical dance

Let’s clap our hands for your excellent - Ma’am, lyrical dance is a combination
presentation. of ballet, jazz and contemporary dance.
As what I observed you really exert effort in
your dance presentation.

D. Generalization
As a short recap, again what is lyrical dance?
- Ma’am, Lyrical is very soft and flowy
while contemporary can be soft and
then suddenly super sharp. In
Very good! contemporary there are not many rules,
and lyrical has many of ballet's rules,
What is the difference between contemporary but not as strict.
dance and lyrical dance?

- Ma’am for me, we can improve

condition of our heart and lungs and
improved muscle tone and strength.

- Ma’am for me, it can develop

E. Valuing better coordination, agility and flexibilit
Class, what are the benefits we get in dancing y

Very good! Who else?

1. What is the main goal lyrical dance in

Yes! Very good class!
the presentation?
a. Express gratitude
IV. Evaluation
b. Express emotions
I hope you listen attentively to our
c. Express guilt
discussion earlier. At the back portion of your d. Express fear
paper kindly answer this. 2. Which is one of the steps in preparing
lyrical presentation?
a. Choose a song with a deep meaning.
b. Practice in a small area.
c. Do not feel the music.
d. Directly dance without having
stretching exercise. .

3. Which is a combination of ballet, jazz

and contemporary dance?
a. Modern dance
b. Cheerleading
c. Lyrical dance
d. Contemporary dance
4. Which requires intense feeling to
convey message of the dance in what
a. Facial expressions and body action
b. Communication
c. Aesthetic movements
d. Stunts
5. What is the first step in preparing
lyrical presentation?
a. Choose a song with a nonsense
b. Practice in a small area.
c. Do not feel the music.
d. Do some stretching exercises before the

V. Assignment

For your assignment in a ½ crosswise Yes Ma’am!

you’re going to write a reaction paper about a
video of a lyrical dance competition. Is that
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
VI. Closing Prayer
now, and ever shall be, world without end.
“Okay class! Let us now pray. In the name
of the Father, the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Glory be…..
Goodbye ma’am!

Goodbye students!

Expression Dancers Dancers Dancers demonstrate
and demonstrate demonstrate appropriate expressions
Performance appropriate appropriate and lacked energy in
expressions and expressions and performance
performed with performed with
full effort enough effort
Musical Movement has a Movements have a Generally with a beat,
timing great timing with good timing with but many timing
music, including music but only a mistakes.
tempo changes few mistakes.
and pauses.
Focus/stage Completely focus Good focus but Fair-loses focused on
presence and connects to there’s 1 or 2 mistakes.
the audience. members who are
not focus.
Teamwork All group All group members There are some who
members are are participated and participated and the
participated and give enough to have others are not.
give their full a good performance
effort to have a

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