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Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome:

Associated Clinical and Radiologic Findings

Jennifer E. Fugate, DO; Daniel O. Claassen, MD; Harry J. Cloft, MD, PhD; David F. Kallmes, MD;
Osman S. Kozak, MD; and Alejandro A. Rabinstein, MD

Objective: To identify and define clinical associations and radio- sia, renal disease, sepsis, and exposure to immunosuppres-
logic findings of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
sants.2-8 It has been less commonly described in the setting of
autoimmune disease.9-13 The distinctive role of autoimmune
Patients and Methods: Patients prospectively diagnosed as
having PRES from October 1, 2005, through April 30, 2009, were disease in the pathophysiology of PRES is often clouded
pooled with retrospectively identified patients admitted from by concurrent hypertension, renal disease, and/or the use of
August 1, 1999, through September 30, 2005. We performed a immunosuppressants.
detailed review of clinical information, including demographics,
presenting symptoms, medical history, and risk factors. All pa- Despite the syndrome’s name, radiographic lesions in
tients underwent computed tomography of the brain or magnetic PRES are rarely isolated to the “posterior” parieto-occipi-
resonance imaging. Findings on magnetic resonance imaging tal white matter and instead often involve the cortex, fron-
were analyzed independently by 2 neuroradiologists.
tal lobes, basal ganglia, and brainstem.14,15 No conclusive
Results: We identified 120 cases of PRES in 113 patients (mean evidence supports a clear relationship between clinical
age, 48 years). Mean peak systolic blood pressure was 199 mm
Hg (minimum-maximum, 160-268 mm Hg), and mean peak diastol- conditions and specific imaging findings of severity or lo-
ic blood pressure was 109 mm Hg (minimum-maximum, 60-144 cation of edema,16 although some studies have suggested
mm Hg). Etiologies of PRES included hypertension (n=69 [61%]), correlations such as greater vasogenic edema in normoten-
cytotoxic medications (n=21 [19%]), sepsis (n=8 [7%]), preec-
lampsia or eclampsia (n=7 [6%]), and multiple organ dysfunction sive patients5 and a trend for basal ganglia involvement in
(n=1 [1%]). Autoimmune disease was present in 51 patients patients with preeclampsia or eclampsia.16
(45%). Clinical presentations included seizures (n=84 [74%]), The underlying pathophysiology of PRES remains elu-
encephalopathy (n=32 [28%]), headache (n=29 [26%]), and vi-
sual disturbances (n=23 [20%]). In the 115 cases (109 patients) sive. Several theories have been proposed, the most widely
for which magnetic resonance imaging findings were available, accepted of which states that rapidly developing hyper-
the parieto-occipital regions were the most commonly involved tension leads to a breakdown in cerebral autoregulation,
(n=108 [94%]), followed by the frontal lobe (n=88 [77%]), tempo-
ral lobe (n=74 [64%]), and cerebellum (n=61 [53%]). Cerebellar particularly in the posterior head region (where there is a
involvement was significantly more frequent in patients with a relative lack of sympathetic innervation). Hyperperfusion
history of autoimmunity (P=.008), and patients with sepsis were ensues with protein and fluid extravasation, producing fo-
more likely to have cortical involvement (P<.001).
cal vasogenic edema.1,10,17 An alternative theory, which has
Conclusion: A substantial proportion of patients with PRES have
underlying autoimmune conditions that may support endothelial
been best characterized in preeclampsia, eclampsia, and
dysfunction as a pathophysiologic mechanism. On brain imaging, sepsis, implicates endothelial dysfunction.18,19 A third theory
the location and severity of vasogenic edema were mostly similar proposes that vasospasm with subsequent ischemia may be
for the different clinical subgroups.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85(5):427-432 Early recognition of PRES is important for timely insti-
tution of therapy, which typically consists of gradual blood
CT = computed tomography; min-max = minimum-maximum; MRI = mag- pressure control and withdrawal of potentially offending
netic resonance imaging; PRES = posterior reversible en­ceph­­­alopathy
syndrome; SE = status epilepticus
agents. Although reversible by definition, secondary com-
plications, such as status epilepticus (SE), intracranial
hemorrhage, and massive ischemic infarction, can cause

A lthough posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome

(PRES) has gained substantial recognition since its ini-
tial description by Hinchey et al1 in 1996, both its clinical
substantial morbidity and mortality.23-26

From the Department of Neurology (J.E.F., D.O.C., A.A.R.) and Department of

spectrum and underlying pathophysiology remain poorly de- Radiology (H.J.C., D.F.K.), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; and Department of Neu-
rology, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN (O.S.K.).
fined. A clinical diagnosis of PRES includes the presence of
headache, seizures, encephalopathy, and visual disturbances, Dr Claassen is the recipient of an American Academy of Neurology Clinical
Research Fellowship.
as well as radiologic findings of focal reversible vasogenic
Individual reprints of this article are not available. Address correspondence to
edema, best seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of Alejandro A. Rabinstein, MD, Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First
the brain. The syndrome is most commonly encountered in St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 ([email protected]).
association with acute hypertension, preeclampsia or eclamp- © 2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 • 427

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Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

Our understanding of PRES is derived primarily from the analysis and is referred to as a case throughout the ar-
small retrospective studies in which the definition of the ticle. Radiologic characteristics used for statistical analysis
syndrome varies. The range of presentations and clini- included location of edema, severity of edema, cortical vs
cal associations is still being recognized. Our study aims subcortical location, and presence of hemorrhage. Clinical
to further characterize the syndrome both clinically variables included seizures at presentation, SE, hyperten-
and radiologically in an attempt to better understand its sion, and history of autoimmunity. P<.05 was considered
pathophysiology. statistically significant.

Patients and Methods Results

Patients with clinically diagnosed PRES were identified pro- Clinical Findings
spectively during admission to Saint Marys Hospital, Mayo We identified 120 cases of PRES in 113 patients (73 wom-
Clinic, Rochester, MN from October 1, 2005, through April en and 40 men). Mean ± SD age at presentation was 48±19
30, 2009. These patients were pooled with a database of years (minimum-maximum [min-max], 9-82 years). Of
retrospectively identified patients admitted from August 1, the study patients, 105 (93) were aged 18 years or older.
1999, through September 30, 2005, by means of a text-re- Primary etiologies of PRES included hypertension (n=69
trieval system that searches the final diagnosis in electronic [61%]), cytotoxic medications (n=21 [19%]), sepsis (n=8
clinic notes. The study was approved by the Mayo Clinic [7%]), thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (n=6 [5%]),
Institutional Review Board. preeclampsia or eclampsia (n=7 [6%]), and multiple organ
The presence of all 3 of the following criteria were man- dysfunction (n=1 [1%]). Seven patients (6%) had recurrent
datory for inclusion: (1) clinical history of acute neurologic PRES.
change including headache, encephalopathy, seizure, visu- Acute hypertension was present in 97 patients (86%).
al disturbance, or focal deficit; (2) brain imaging findings Of these, 45 (46% of hypertensive patients) had no known
of focal vasogenic edema; and (3) clinical or radiologic preexisting hypertension. Mean peak systolic blood pres-
proof of reversibility. Hypertension was defined as a sys- sure was 191 mm Hg (min-max, 99-268 mm Hg), and
tolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or greater or a diastolic mean peak diastolic blood pressure at presentation was
blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater. 104 mm Hg (min-max, 50-190 mm Hg). Eleven patients
Patient records were assessed for demographic data, (10%) had a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or
clinical presentation, peak systolic and diastolic blood less.
pressure measurements, comorbid and predisposing con- Mean ± SD creatinine level at presentation was 2.5±2.7
ditions, time to neuroimaging, time to follow-up imaging, mg/dL (min-max, 0.3-18.3 mg/dL; to convert to μmol/L,
and recurrence. The primary etiology of PRES was deter- multipy by 88.4). Thirty-five patients (31%) had preexist-
mined for each case on the basis of the diagnosis of the ing chronic kidney disease. Renal failure (either acute or
attending neurologist. chronic) was present in 64 patients (57%) at presentation.
The first 100 brain MRIs were reviewed independently Among these, the mean ± SD creatinine level was 3.8±2.9
by 2 neuroradiologists who were blinded to the clinical de- mg/dL (min-max, 1.4-18.3 mg/dL). Thirty-two patients
tails of the cases (H.J.C., D.F.K.). Fifteen additional MRIs (28%) had new-onset acute renal failure, 16 (14%) had
were reviewed by an experienced neurologist (A.A.R.). chronic kidney disease complicated by acute kidney injury,
Each reviewer assessed lesion location, distribution, se- and 16 (14%) had chronic renal failure determined on the
verity of signal abnormality, presence of hemorrhage, and basis of their known baseline creatinine level.
presence of restricted diffusion. Location was defined as The most common clinical presentation was seizures,
frontal lobe, parieto-occipital region, temporal lobe, basal seen in 84 patients (74%), including 20 (18%) with SE, 61
ganglia, cerebellum, brainstem, deep white matter, corti- (54%) with generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and 3 (3%)
cal zone, subcortical zone, and watershed zone. Episodes with partial seizures. Seven of these patients had a history
with multiple MRIs were analyzed for resolution of abnor- of epilepsy. Other clinical presentations included enceph-
malities. Conflicts between reviewers' assessments were alopathy (32 [28%]), headache (29 [26%]), and visual dis-
resolved by consensus. turbances (23 [20%]).
Demographic and clinical findings are reported as means Of the study patients, 47 (42%) were being treated with
± SD. Statistical comparison between clinical and radio- immunosuppressive medication. Of these patients, 9 were
logic characteristics was performed using a 2-tailed Fisher taking cyclophosphamide; 9, tacrolimus; 6, cyclosporine;
exact test or a c2 test. For patients with recurrent episodes 6, mycophenolate; 2 each, bevacizumab, rituximab, vin-
of PRES, each episode was considered independently in cristine, methotrexate, or hydroxychloroquine; and 1 each,

428 Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 •

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a Clinic Proceedings.
Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

5-fluorouracil, sirolimus, thalidomide, gemcitabine, pacli- Table 1. Frequency of Locations Affected by Vasogenic Edema
in PRES in 115 Cases (109 Patients)
taxel, carboplatin, sorafenib, infliximab, or hydroxyurea. With Brain MRI Performed
A history of autoimmune disease was present in 51
Location No. (%) of cases
patients (45%), of whom three-fourths were women. Au-
toimmune diseases in these patients included thrombotic Parieto-occipital lobes 108 (94)
Frontal lobe 88 (77)
thrombocytopenic purpura (14 [27%]), systemic lupus ery- Temporal lobe 74 (64)
thematosus (9 [18%]), hypothyroidism (5 [10%]), sclero- Cerebellum 61 (53)
derma (3 [6%]), Crohn disease (3 [6%]), ulcerative colitis Basal ganglia 39 (34)
Brainstem 31 (27)
and/or primary sclerosing cholangitis (2 [4%]), rheumatoid Subcortical 114 (99)
arthritis (2 [4%]), diabetes mellitus type 1 (2 [4%]), and 1 Cortical 12 (10)
patient each (2%) with Grave disease, Hashimoto thyroidi- Deep white matter 46 (40)
tis, antiphospholipid syndrome, antiglomerular basement MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PRES = posterior reversible enceph-
membrane antibody disease, autoimmune hepatitis, polyar- alopathy syndrome.
teritis nodosa, thromboangiitis obliterans, polyglandular
autoimmune syndrome, Sjögren syndrome, granulomatous and unilateral in 1 case. Restricted diffusion was present in
interstitial nephritis, and neuromyelitis optica. 30 cases (26%), and hemorrhage was present in 10 (9%).
Contrast enhancement was evident in 16 (15% of overall
Radiologic Findings population and 21% of those given contrast medium).
All 120 cases had initial neuroimaging with either MRI or When analyzed according to clinical subgroups, imag-
computed tomography (CT) of the head. Magnetic reso- ing characteristics, including lesion location and severity,
nance imaging was available for 115 of 120 cases. Mean were largely similar (Table 2). Representative images dem-
time to MRI from clinical presentation was 2 days (min- onstrating severity of edema are seen in Figure 1. Only 2
max, 1-11 days). (11%) of the 19 patients with SE had cortical involvement,
The most commonly involved location was the parieto- and only slightly over half (10 [53%]) had deep white mat-
occipital brain region, which was seen in 108 (94%) of the ter involvement. There was limited correlation with severity
115 cases. This was followed by the frontal lobe in 88 cases of edema for patients with SE, with 8 (42%) demonstrat-
(77%), the temporal lobe in 74 (64%), the cerebellum in 61 ing mild edema and 11 (58%) showing moderate to severe
(53%), the basal ganglia in 39 (34%), and the brainstem in edema. The parieto-occipital region was involved in almost
31 (27%) (Table 1). Of the cases, 114 (99%) had subcor- all of these patients (18 [95%]). Similarly, most patients with
tical involvement and 12 (10%) had cortical involvement. seizures of any type showed no cortical involvement (76
Lesions were located in the deep white matter in 46 cases [88%]). Involvement of the classic parieto-occipital brain re-
(40%), showed an external watershed pattern in 50 (43%), gion was noted in 51 (59%) of the 86 patients with seizures.
and showed an internal watershed pattern in 6 (5%). Lesions Of 54 patients with autoimmune disease, 35 (65%) had
were asymmetric in nearly half of the cases (n=55 [48%]) cerebellar involvement (Figure 2), a statistically signifi-

Table 2. Radiologic Features of 115 Cases (109 Patients) With PRES, Visualized With MRI, According to Clinical Subset
Moderate Parieto- Basal Brain- Sub- Asym- Hemor-
Total Mild to severe occipital Temporal Frontal ganglia CBL stem Cortical cortical metric DWI rhage Enhanced

epilepticus 19 8 (42) 11 (58) 18 (95) 14 (74) 15 (79) 6 (32) 11 (58) 5 (26) 2 (11) 19 (100) 5 (26) 4 (21) 1 (5) 2 (11)
Seizures 86 37 (43) 49 (57) 51 (59) 61 (71) 68 (79) 28 (33) 47 (55) 21 (24) 10 (12) 85 (99) 36 (42) 22 (26) 7 (8) 11 (13)
Autoimmunity 54 27 (50) 27 (50) 48 (89) 33 (61) 43 (80) 16 (30) 35 (65) 16 (30) 6 (11) 53 (98) 27 (50) 14 (26) 1 (2) 6 (11)
suppressed 49 24 (49) 25 (51) 45 (92) 29 (59) 38 (78) 15 (31) 27 (55) 10 (20) 19 (39) 48 (98) 23 (47) 14 (29) 5 (10) 7 (14)
Sepsis 19 11 (58) 8 (42) 19 (100) 9 (47) 15 (79) 6 (32) 6 (32) 3 (16) 11 (58) 19 (100) 9 (47) 7 (37) 1 (5) 1 (5)
Normotensive 11 8 (73) 3 (27) 10 (91) 4 (36) 7 (64) 3 (27) 3 (27) 0 (0) 4 (36) 10 (91) 5 (45) 1 (9) 0 (0) 1 (9)
Renal failure 66 28 (42) 38 (58) 61 (92) 41 (62) 50 (76) 22 (33) 22 (33) 20 (30) 17 (26) 65 (98) 24 (36) 20 (30) 6 (9) 7 (11)
Hypertension 66 28 (42) 38 (58) 62 (94) 43 (65) 47 (71) 23 (35) 33 (35) 20 (30) 16 (24) 66 (100) 28 (42) 18 (27) 4 (6) 11 (17)
or eclampsia 7 4 (57) 3 (43) 7 (100) 5 (71) 6 (86) 2 (29) 2 (29) 2 (29) 4 (57) 7 (100) 4 (57) 2 (29) 0 (0) 1 (14)
medications 27 13 (48) 14 (52) 26 (96) 17 (63) 20 (74) 7 (26) 7 (26) 6 (22) 7 (26) 27 (100) 14 (52) 5 (19) 1 (4) 2 (7)

Numbers indicate the number of patients affected followed by percentage in parentheses. Mild and moderate to severe describe the severity of edema.
CBL = cerebellum; DWI = diffusion-weighted imaging (indicates a positive result); MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PRES = posterior reversible
encephalopathy syndrome.

Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 • 429

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Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

Figure 1. Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic reso-

nance images depicting examples of mild (A), moderate (B), and
severe (C) vasogenic edema in posterior reversible encephalopathy

cant increase compared with those without autoimmunity

(P=.008). Half of these had mild edema and half had mod-
erate to severe edema. Asymmetry was also seen in half (27
[50%]). Immunosuppressed patients (n=49) also showed a
fairly even combination of mild (24 [49%]) and moderate
to severe (25 [51%]) edema. Figure 2. Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic reso-
A significantly higher proportion of patients with sepsis or nance images of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
active infection (n=11 [58%]) had cortical involvement (Fig- demonstrating cerebellar involvement in patients with autoimmune
disease (A and B), cortical involvement in sepsis (C and D), and
ure 2) compared with patients without infection (P<.001). atypical patterns of asymmetric involvement (E), hemorrhage (F),
All patients with sepsis (19 [100%]) had parieto-occipital brainstem involvement (G), and basal ganglia involvement (H).
involvement. Almost three-fourths of normotensive patients
had mild edema (8 [73%]), whereas only 3 (27%) had mod- [100%]) had involvement of the parieto-occipital region, and
erate to severe edema. None of these patients demonstrated all but 1 also had frontal lobe involvement.
hemorrhage. In 66 patients with hypertension as the etiol- The frequency of agreement on imaging characteris-
ogy of PRES, 38 (58%) had moderate to severe edema, and tics between 2 neuroradiologists independently reviewing
28 (42%) had mild edema. Four (6%) showed evidence of images is shown in Table 3. The most consistently agreed
hemorrhage. All patients with preeclampsia or eclampsia (7 upon characteristics were subcortical involvement and

430 Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 •

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a Clinic Proceedings.
Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

Table 3. Frequency of Agreement Between 2 Independent with PRES, including abrupt hypertension, immunosup-
Neuroradiologists on Radiologic Characteristic on Brain MRI in
PRES for 100 Cases (93 Patients)
pressant use, infection, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and
renal disease. In addition, we found a substantial pro-
Radiologic characteristic Agreement, % of cases
portion of patients affected by underlying autoimmune
Subcortical involvement 98 and inflammatory conditions. The most common clinical
Hemorrhage 98
Enhancement 94
presentations were new-onset seizures, encephalopathy,
Parieto-occipital location 90 headache, and visual disturbances. Status epilepticus as a
Cerebellum location 90 clinical presentation of PRES was not uncommon. Brain
Brainstem location 89
Cortical involvement 89
MRIs reviewed independently by 2 neuroradiologists re-
Basal ganglia location 87 vealed the parieto-occipital head region to be the region
Frontal lobe location 83 most consistently involved, followed by the frontal lobe,
Internal watershed pattern 81
Temporal lobe location 79
temporal lobe, and cerebellum. Unexpectedly, patients
Restricted diffusion 79 with seizures and SE rarely had involvement of corti-
Deep white matter involvement 72 cal matter. Patients with autoimmune disease were more
Edema severity 63
Asymmetry 63
likely to have cerebellar involvement, and patients with
External watershed pattern 46 sepsis or active infection were more likely to have cortical
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PRES = posterior reversible encepha­
lopathy syndrome. The high percentage of patients with PRES who have
autoimmune disorders may support the theory that PRES
presence of hemorrhage (in agreement for 98% of cases is in part caused by endothelial dysfunction, a process
in each). The presence of restricted diffusion was agreed in which the host autoimmune response is essential. En-
upon in 79% of cases, and edema severity and asymmetry dothelial cells become activated and damaged by an in-
were both agreed upon in 63% of cases. flammatory cytokine response stemming from monocytes
Cerebral vascular imaging with magnetic resonance an- and lymphocytes, which can lead to leakage of fluid and
giography, CT angiography, or digital subtraction catheter protein into the interstitium.18,19 Autoimmunity has been
angiography was performed in 37 cases (32 with magnetic recently implicated in PRES in association with neuromy-
resonance angiography, 1 with CT angiography, and 4 with elitis optica spectrum disorders.27 This raises the possibil-
digital subtraction catheter angiography). Vasospasm was ity of autoimmune-mediated disruption of the endothe-
noted in 4 cases, distal vasculature pruning in 1, focal pos- lial aquaporin 4 water channels, which may predispose to
terior cerebral artery stenosis in 1, vertebral artery dissec- PRES.
tion in 1, and an incidental right internal carotid aneurysm Abrupt hypertension undoubtedly contributes to the
in 1. Findings on the remaining angiographic studies were development of PRES, and the hyperperfusion theory is
unremarkable. supported by the frequent presence of substantial hyper-
Follow-up neuroimaging was performed in 74 of 120 tension in patients with PRES and subsequent resolution
cases; the overall median time to follow-up imaging was 20 of clinical symptoms and radiologic edema with prompt
days (min-max, 1-390 days). Follow-up imaging showed treatment of hypertension. Hyperperfusion has also been
evidence of radiologic improvement in 65 cases (88%), shown radiologically on single-photon emission CT in case
with complete or near-complete resolution of abnormali- reports of patients with PRES.7,17 However, this theory is
ties in 52 (70%). Median time to follow-up imaging for not comprehensive because PRES can affect normotensive
this group was 26.5 days (min-max, 4-390 days). Thirteen patients23 and does not uniformly occur in patients with hy-
(18%) had partial resolution with a median time to follow- pertensive surges above the normal upper limits of cerebral
up imaging of 7 days (min-max, 4-30 days). Nine (12%) autoregulation.
had no change, with a median time to follow-up imaging We found no correlation between clinical characteris-
of 5 days (min-max, 1-92 days); 7 of them probably had tics and the extent of vasogenic edema seen on brain imag-
follow-up imaging too early (≤11 days from symptom on- ing in PRES. This is consistent with previous findings,16
set) and the other 2 were imaged at the time of a recurrent yet contradicts other reports suggesting that the extent of
episode of PRES. vasogenic edema may be inversely related to blood pres-
sure at the time of symptom onset.5 We also found no over-
all difference in lesion location on the basis of suspected
PRES etiology. However, we found strong associations
In this large clinical series, we found many of the classic with a history of autoimmune disease, involvement of the
etiologies and predisposing factors known to be associated cerebellum, and cortical involvement with infection. Al-

Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 • 431

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Clinical and radiologic findings in PRES

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432 Mayo Clin Proc. • May 2010;85(5):427-432 • doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0590 •

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