Cerebrovascular Autoregulation in Pediatric Moyamoya Disease

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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Cerebrovascular autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya

Jennifer K. Lee1, Monica Williams1, Jacky M. Jennings2, Jessica L. Jamrogowicz3, Abby C. Larson3,
Lori C. Jordan4, Eugenie S. Heitmiller1, Charles W. Hogue3 & Edward S. Ahn5
1 Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Division of Pediatric Anesthesia, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
2 The Bloomberg School of Public Health and The Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
3 Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
4 Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
5 Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Keywords Summary
pediatric; neurosurgery; moyamoya;
cerebrovascular; autoregulation Background: Moyamoya syndrome carries a high risk of cerebral ischemia,
and impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation may play a critical role. Autore-
Correspondence gulation indices derived from near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) may clarify
Jennifer K. Lee, Division of Pediatric hemodynamic goals that conform to the limits of autoregulation.
Anesthesia, Department of Anesthesiology
Objectives: The aims of this pilot study were to determine whether the
and Critical Care Medicine, Charlotte R.
NIRS-derived indices could identify blood pressure ranges that optimize
Bloomberg Children’s Center, Johns
Hopkins University, 1800 Orleans Street, autoregulation and whether autoregulatory function differs between
Room 6321, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA anatomic sides in patients with unilateral vasculopathy.
Email: [email protected] Methods: Pediatric patients undergoing indirect surgical revascularization
for moyamoya were enrolled sequentially. NIRS-derived autoregulation indi-
Section Editor: Andrew Davidson ces, the cerebral oximetry index (COx) and the hemoglobin volume index
(HVx), were calculated intraoperatively and postoperatively to measure aut-
Accepted 29 January 2013
oregulatory function. The 5-mmHg ranges of optimal mean arterial blood
doi:10.1111/pan.12140 pressure (MAPOPT) with best autoregulation and the lower limit of autoregu-
lation (LLA) were identified.
Results: Of seven enrolled patients (aged 2–16 years), six had intraoperative
and postoperative autoregulation monitoring and one had only intraopera-
tive monitoring. Intraoperative MAPOPT was identified in six (86%) of seven
patients with median values of 60–80 mmHg. Intraoperative LLA was identi-
fied in three (43%) patients with median values of 55–65 mmHg. Postopera-
tive MAPOPT was identified in six (100%) of six patients with median values
of 70–90 mmHg. Patients with unilateral disease had higher intraoperative
HVx (P = 0.012) on side vasculopathy.
Conclusions: NIRS-derived indices may identify hemodynamic goals that
optimize autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya.

vascular network (3,4). The disorder is more common in

females than in males (5). Patients with moyamoya are
Moyamoya disease, a rare disorder that predominantly at high risk of perioperative cerebral ischemic events (6)
affects Asians (1) and Asian-Americans (2), and moya- or hyperperfusion injury (7) with surgical revasculariza-
moya syndrome involve progressive steno-occlusive tion. One factor that may be critical to this increased
changes in the internal carotid arteries and main risk is the propensity toward altered cerebral blood flow
branches with compensatory formation of a fine (CBF) autoregulation (6,8,9). Cerebrovascular

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Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2013) 547–556
Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya J.K. Lee et al.

autoregulation maintains relatively constant CBF across The objectives of this pilot study were to determine
changes in perfusion pressure and prevents cerebral whether the NIRS-derived autoregulation indices could
ischemia from pressure-passive CBF. The blood pres- identify blood pressure ranges that optimize autoregula-
sure limits of autoregulation are unknown in pediatric tion intraoperatively and postoperatively in children
patients, and these limits may vary according to age and with moyamoya and whether autoregulatory function
disease severity. The risk of impaired autoregulation differs between anatomic sides in patients with unilateral
may be even greater in pediatric patients with moya- moyamoya. Autoregulation measures included the range
moya disease than in adults (8). The incidence of periop- of MAP with most robust autoregulation, the lower
erative ischemic complications has ranged from 5% to limit of autoregulation (LLA), and mean COx and HVx
20% in large contemporary surgical series of patients during the intraoperative and postoperative periods.
with moyamoya (6,10). Clinical monitoring methods
that reduce the risk of cerebral ischemia in patients with
moyamoya have not been identified. Intraoperative elec-
troencephalography monitoring does not predict periop- This study was approved by the Johns Hopkins Univer-
erative ischemic events in those with the disease (11). sity IRB, which waived the requirement for written
Although intraoperative CBF has been measured by informed consent. Between January 2011 and February
laser-Doppler flowmetry (12), jugular bulb oxygen satu- 2012, pediatric patients with moyamoya were sequen-
ration measurements (13), and micro-Doppler ultraso- tially enrolled for autoregulation monitoring during
nography (14), these techniques are not routinely used indirect surgical revascularization and postoperatively
in clinical practice. Improved monitoring methods and a overnight in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). All
better understanding of preventable events that contrib- patients were admitted the night before surgery and
ute to the risk of perioperative cerebral ischemia are started on 1.25–1.5 times maintenance IV hydration and
needed in this vulnerable population. continued aspirin therapy (81 mg/day), a preoperative
Continuous autoregulation monitoring could enable practice that has been described previously (20). As per
clinicians to target a blood pressure range that maxi- standard anesthesia practice at our institution, invasive
mizes autoregulatory function and avoids pressure- arterial blood pressure cannulae were placed and self-
passive CBF. Traditional techniques utilize transcranial adhesive cerebral oximetry probes (INVOS; Covidien,
Doppler and intracranial pressure (ICP) monitors Boulder, CO) were placed bilaterally on the patients’
(15,16). However, these methods are not standard dur- foreheads. A bedside, laptop computer was connected to
ing moyamoya revascularization. To address this need, the patient’s blood pressure monitor and cerebral oxi-
we developed autoregulation indices derived from cere- meter. MAP (GE Marquette, Garnerville, NY, USA)
bral near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): the cerebral and NIRS signals were synchronously sampled at
oximetry index (COx) and hemoglobin volume index 100 Hz and processed with an analog-to-digital con-
(HVx). COx represents the relationship between cerebral verter (DT9804, Data Translation, Marlboro, MA,
oximetry and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). The USA) and bedside computer using ICM+ software
theory behind COx is based on the assumption that (Cambridge Enterprises, Cambridge, UK) as previously
changes in tissue oxygen saturation are proportional to described (17–19,21–24). Artifacts in the NIRS and
changes in CBF over brief periods with steady cerebral MAP signals (e.g., arterial line flushes and arterial blood
metabolic rate (17,18). HVx represents the relationship gas sampling) were removed manually, and data com-
between relative tissue hemoglobin (rTHb, a surrogate prising <1% of the recording period were excluded as an
measure of cerebral blood volume [CBV] obtained by additional measure to remove signal artifacts (25).
NIRS) and MAP. HVx is based on the assumption that Time-integrated, 10-s mean values of MAP, cerebral
autoregulatory vasodilation and vasoconstriction pro- oximetry, and rTHb were recorded as a low-pass filter-
duce changes in CBV that are proportional to changes ing step to remove oscillations from pulse and respira-
in rTHb (19). The indices are calculated by a correlation tory frequencies. Consecutive, paired 10-s averaged
coefficient between cerebral oximetry (for COx) or rTHb values from 300-s duration were used for each index cal-
(for HVx) and MAP. When autoregulation is functional, culation, thereby incorporating 30 data points for each
cerebral oxygen saturation and rTHb are either not cor- index (24). COx was calculated with a continuous, mov-
related or negatively correlated with MAP, yielding ing Pearson’s correlation coefficient between MAP and
near-zero or negative index values. When autoregulation cerebral oximetry (17,18,22,23). HVx was similarly cal-
becomes impaired, cerebral oxygen saturation and rTHb culated with a correlation coefficient between MAP and
positively correlate with MAP, resulting in positive indi- rTHb (19,22,23). Calculations for COx and HVx were
ces (17,19) (Figure 1). updated every 10 s to incorporate MAP and cerebral

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Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2013) 547–556
J.K. Lee et al. Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya

(b) 120
CBV (rTHb) MAP (mmHg)

80 119

CBV (rTHb)
60 118
116 60 70 80 90 100
Time (minutes)
MAP (mmHg)
100 (d) 165
CBV (rTHb) MAP (mmHg)


CBV (rTHb)
80 160

158 85 90 95 100
Time (minutes) MAP (mmHg)

(e) 0.6



55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
MAP (mmHg)

Figure 1 Calculation of the hemoglobin volume index (HVx) in an indicating pressure-reactive vascular reactivity with functional autore-
11-year-old girl with bilateral moyamoya (patient 2). (a,b) When mean gulation. The linear regression line is illustrated (E[Y] = 195.9–0.39X;
arterial blood pressure (MAP) was approximately 60–90 mmHg intra- 95% confidence interval for slope: 0.56, 0.21; P < 0.0001). (e)
operatively, MAP and cerebral blood volume (CBV, or the relative HVx monitoring for 8 h during surgery and postoperatively is shown.
total hemoglobin [rTHb] measured by near-infrared spectroscopy) Mean values of HVx were sorted into 5-mmHg bins of MAP. HVx
were positively correlated. This positive correlation yielded an HVx became higher when MAP was <90 mmHg, indicating that autoregu-
value of 0.46, indicating pressure-passive vascular reactivity with lation was more impaired at lower blood pressures. When MAP was
impaired autoregulation. The linear regression line is illustrated  90 mmHg, HVx decreased with improving autoregulation. Autore-
(E[Y] = 112.0 + 0.08X; 95% confidence interval for slope: 0.07, 0.10; gulation was most robust at a MAP of 95 mmHg, as indicated by the
P < 0.0001). (c,d) In the same patient, when MAP was  90 mmHg nadir in HVx. Data in panels b and d are shown with linear regression
in the postoperative period, MAP and CBV were negatively corre- lines and 95% confidence intervals. Data in panel e are shown as
lated. This negative correlation resulted in an HVx value of 0.26, means  SD.

oximetry or rTHb data from the preceding 300 s in The optimal MAP (MAPOPT) was identified as the
overlapping windows. This method resulted in 360 COx bin with the most negative COx or HVx value (nadir)
calculations and 360 HVx calculations per hour. when the graph showed increasing index values as MAP
COx and HVx are continuous variables that range deviated from this nadir (26) (Figure 1). MAPOPT repre-
from 1 to +1. When autoregulation is functional, the sents the 5-mmHg range of MAP in which autoregula-
indices are negative or near zero because MAP and CBF tion and vasoreactivity are most responsive to changes
(for COx) or MAP and CBV (for HVx) are either not in perfusion pressure. The LLA was identified as the
correlated or negatively correlated. When MAP MAP bin with COx  0.5 or HVx  0.3 when the graph
decreases below the LLA and autoregulation becomes showed increasing index values as MAP decreased (Fig-
impaired, the indices become increasingly more positive ures 2 and 3). The threshold for COx in identifying the
and approach +1 because MAP and CBF or CBV are LLA was based on a cardiopulmonary bypass study that
positively correlated. Average index values were sorted compared transcranial Doppler measurements of CBF
into 5-mmHg bins of MAP to generate bar graphs. velocity to COx (24). The HVx threshold for identifying

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Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2013) 547–556
Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya J.K. Lee et al.

(a) (b)

(c) 1.0 1.0

Right Left

COx (A.U.)
COx (A.U.)


0.0 0.0

–0.5 –0.5
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
MAP (mm Hg) MAP (mm Hg)

Figure 2 Patient 1 was a 16-year-old girl with unilateral moyamoya. 60 mmHg (solid arrow). An LLA was not detected on the unaffected
(a) Magnetic resonance angiography revealed right internal carotid (left) side, although COx increased as MAP decreased, suggesting
artery stenosis with attenuation of the right middle cerebral artery. (b) worsening autoregulation with lower MAP. Optimal MAP, the blood
MRI diffusion-weighted image of the brain showed an ischemic stroke pressure at which autoregulation was most functional (COx nadir),
2 months prior to revascularization surgery. (c) Mean intraoperative was at 95 mmHg (open arrows) on both sides. The fact that COx val-
values of COx were placed into 5-mmHg bins of mean arterial blood ues across blood pressures were higher overall on the affected side
pressure (MAP). On the affected side (right), COx indicated a lower than on the unaffected side suggests that autoregulation was more
limit of autoregulation (LLA, defined as COx  0.5) at the MAP bin impaired on the side with diseased vasculature. A.U., arbitrary unit.

the LLA was determined by a study in swine that com- ranges when appropriate. Differences were considered
pared laser-Doppler measurements of CBF to HVx (19). statistically significant if P < 0.05. Intraoperative
Two physicians experienced with the NIRS-derived MAP, regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2), tem-
autoregulation monitors independently interpreted the perature, and ETCO2 were analyzed as means of 1-min
autoregulation indices. intervals. Postoperative MAP and rSO2 were analyzed
The treating clinicians determined all clinical manage- as means of 3-min intervals. MAP, rSO2, ETCO2,
ment, including blood pressure and ventilator manage- temperature, PaCO2, and hemoglobin were compared
ment, laboratory measurements, and anesthetic with repeated-measures one-way ANOVA and Student–
technique. Clinicians could view the blood pressure and Newman–Keuls multiple comparison tests. In patients
cerebral oximetry readings, but they were blinded to the with unilateral moyamoya, mean COx and HVx of affected
autoregulation indices. Continuous endtidal CO2 and unaffected sides were compared by paired t-tests.
(ETCO2) and intraoperative esophageal or rectal tem-
peratures were monitored. These data were electronically
retrieved from the electronic anesthetic record
(Metavision v 5.45.58, Hanover, Germany) in intervals Seven female patients (aged 2–16 years) were enrolled.
of 1–5 min. Postoperative axillary temperatures were Intraoperative autoregulation was monitored in all
measured in hourly intervals in the PICU. Patients were patients, but postoperative monitoring was possible only
followed for ischemic events during their hospital stay in six because one patient removed her arterial blood
and for 1 month postoperatively in the outpatient setting. pressure catheter. All patients were extubated in the
Data were analyzed and graphs generated with STATA operating room, and no patient received blood transfu-
(v11.1), SIGMAPLOT (v11.2), and GRAPHPAD PRISM (v5.03, sions. The preoperative angiographic findings, Suzuki
GraphPad Software, Inc.). Data are shown as means grades of disease severity (27), and procedures are
with standard deviations or medians with interquartile described in Table 1.

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Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2013) 547–556
J.K. Lee et al. Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya

(a) (b)

(c) 1.0 Right Left

COx (A.U.)
COx (A.U.)


0.0 0.0

–0.5 –0.5
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
MAP (mm Hg) MAP (mm Hg)

Figure 3 Patient 2 was an 11-year-old girl with bilateral moyamoya. optimal MAP was 95 mmHg on the right and 85 mmHg on the left
(a) Cerebral angiography showed occlusion of the terminal right and (open arrows). Left-sided COx indicated an LLA at 60 mmHg (solid
left internal carotid arteries. (b) MRI diffusion-weighted image of the arrow), whereas an LLA could not be detected on the right. The fact
brain showed preoperative strokes in the right anterior cerebral that COx values were higher on the left side than on the right at all
artery, middle cerebral artery, and posterior cerebral artery blood pressures suggests that autoregulation was more impaired on
watershed distributions. (c) Mean intraoperative values of COx were the left side. COx increased as MAP decreased, suggesting that au-
placed into 5-mmHg bins of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). toregulation worsened with lower blood pressures. A.U., arbitrary
COx detected different optimal MAP values on each side. The unit.

All patients received anesthesia with isoflurane, opi- (29%) of seven patients (Table 3). Patients with unilat-
ates, and neuromuscular blockade. Three patients eral disease had higher intraoperative HVx (P = 0.012)
received midazolam. The patients’ intraoperative MAP and COx (P = 0.172) on the side with vasculopathy
(76  13 mmHg), right rSO2 (83  11%), and left rSO2 (Figure 4). There were no statistical differences in HVx
(86  11%) did not statistically differ as time pro- or COx between the right and left sides in patients with
gressed under anesthesia. The patients’ intraoperative bilateral disease (P = 0.883 for HVx; P = 0.743 for
temperature increased significantly with time (mean COx).
36.9  0.7°C, range 35.0°C–38.4°C for the entire intra- During the postoperative period, MAP decreased
operative period; P < 0.001), and ETCO2 was higher significantly with time (mean 80  10 mmHg, range
after induction than for the remainder of anesthesia 58–111 mmHg for the entire monitoring period;
(mean 38  3 mmHg, range 27–64 mmHg for the entire P < 0.001). There were no statistically significant
intraoperative period; P < 0.001). Intraoperative PaCO2 differences in left rSO2 (73  7%; P = 0.945). A statisti-
(mean 38  3 mmHg, range 32–44 mmHg) and hemo- cal difference was detected in the right rSO2 values over
globin levels (mean 10.5  1.6 g/dl, range 7.8–13.5 g/dl) time (75  8%; P = 0.026) because of a difference
were not statistically different among the six patients between two 3-min intervals (P < 0.001) of a total of 307
who had intraoperative laboratory measurements. intervals. Temperature in the PICU increased signifi-
Agreement on identifying MAPOPT and LLA was cantly with time (mean 37.1  0.6°C, range 35.1–39.1°C
100% between the physicians who interpreted the indi- for the entire monitoring period; P = 0.002). Postopera-
ces. Intraoperative MAPOPT was identified on at least tive MAPOPT was identified on at least one side in six
one side in six (86%) of seven patients by COx and in (100%) of six patients by both COx and HVx (Table 2).
six (86%) of seven patients by HVx (Table 2). Intraop- No patient had identifiable LLAs postoperatively.
erative LLA was identified on at least one side by COx No complications were associated with the autoregu-
in three (43%) of seven patients and by HVx in two lation monitoring. One patient (patient 2) experienced

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Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya J.K. Lee et al.

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the patients

Surgical Suzuki
Patient Age (y) Preoperative angiographic findings procedure Preoperative comorbidities grade(27)

1 16 Unilateral moyamoya with right ICA Right pial • Prior right MCA territory 2
supraclinoid stenosis. Normal left synangiosis strokes
MCA flow with collateral vessel • Trisomy 21
formation to the left ACA distribution. • Repaired
esophageal atresia
2 11 Bilateral moyamoya with occlusion of Bilateral pial • Prior strokes in 5
terminal right and left ICAs. synangiosis right ACA, MCA,
and PCA watershed
• Encephalomalacia
• Type I diabetes mellitus
3 8 Bilateral moyamoya with ICA and ACA Bilateral • Prior bilateral pial 3
terminal occlusions. This patient had encephalogaleal synangiosis
revascularization of the MCA territories synangiosis • Recurrent TIAs
from prior bilateral pial synangiosis, but in the ACA • Seizures
she had persistent ACA distribution TIAs. territory
4 2 Bilateral moyamoya with distal ICA and Bilateral pial • Prior bilateral strokes 3
basilar tip occlusions. synangiosis • Neurofibromatosis type I
• Seizures
5 5 Unilateral moyamoya with left Left pial • Neurofibromatosis type I 4
MCA occlusion. synangiosis • Asthma
6 6 Unilateral moyamoya with right ICA distal Right pial • Prior bilateral ACA–MCA 3
occlusion. Left, 2–3 mm anterior synangiosis watershed strokes
choroidal aneurysm. • Sickle cell disease
(hemoglobin SS)
• Obstructive sleep apnea
7 9 Unilateral moyamoya with left ACA, Left pial • Prior left MCA and 3
MCA, and PCA stenosis. synangiosis ACA territory strokes
• Encephalomalacia
• Type I diabetes mellitus
• Hypothyroidism

ACA, anterior cerebral artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; TIA, transient ischemic

several transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) on postopera- during surgery and in all patients during postoperative
tive days 4–9. This patient had a history of preoperative recovery. Furthermore, the index measurements suggest
bilateral strokes and diabetes mellitus. Postoperatively, that autoregulation was worse on the side with vascul-
she experienced transient episodes of aphasia and dys- opathy in patients with unilateral moyamoya.
phagia, all of which were self-limited and responded to The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the
IV hydration. No patient experienced a fixed neurologic feasibility of NIRS autoregulation monitoring in pediat-
deficit during the 1-month follow-up period. ric patients with moyamoya. We are planning future
studies that will correlate the NIRS-derived indices with
transcranial Doppler measurements of CBF during
moyamoya revascularization. COx already has been
This study demonstrates that autoregulation monitoring shown to correlate with CBF velocity measurements
with the NIRS-derived COx and HVx indices can iden- obtained with transcranial Doppler during cardiopul-
tify hemodynamic goals that conform to the limits of monary bypass (21), and HVx has been shown to
autoregulation during surgical revascularization and correlate with an ICP-derived measure of vascular reac-
postoperative recovery in children with moyamoya. The tivity in patients with traumatic brain injuries (26) and
indices identified the blood pressure range with optimal with transcranial Doppler during cardiopulmonary
autoregulatory function in more than 80% of patients bypass (28). We also have demonstrated that both COx

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J.K. Lee et al. Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya

Table 2 Intraoperative and postoperative optimal mean arterial blood pressures (MAPOPT) determined by the cerebral oximetry (COx) and
hemoglobin volume (HVx) indices

Measurement side Intraoperative (n = 7) Postoperative (n = 6)

MAPOPT (mmHg; No. of patients MAPOPT (mmHg; No. of patients with

median [IQR]) with identifiable median [IQR]) identifiable MAPOPT
Bilateral disease
Right COx 70 (60, 95) 3 90 (85, 90) 2
Left COx 75 (70, 85) 3 80 (70, 85) 2
Right HVx 70 (60, 95) 3 80 (80, 85) 2
Left HVx 80 (60, 85) 3 80 (75, 85) 2
Unilateral disease
COx on diseased side 65 (60, 95) 3 80 (70, 90) 4
COx on unaffected side 60 (40, 95) 3 80 (70, 85) 4
HVx on diseased side 60 (60, 65) 2 70 (70, 80) 4
HVx on unaffected side 65 (60, 95) 3 80 (70, 85) 4

IQR, Interquartile range.

Table 3 Intraoperative mean arterial blood pressure lower limit of (a) 0.4 0.4
autoregulation (LLA) determined by the cerebral oximetry (COx) and
0.3 0.3
Mean COx (A.U.)

Mean HVx (A.U.)

hemoglobin volume (HVx) indices
0.2 0.2 *
Moyamoya Identifying
Patient Age (y) location LLA (mmHg) index 0.1 0.1

1 16 Unilateral Diseased side: 60 COx and HVx 0.0 0.0

Unaffected side: 60
2 11 Bilateral Left: 60 COx and HVx –0.1 –0.1
Unaffected Diseased Unaffected Diseased
Right: 65
5 5 Unilateral Diseased side: 55 COx
(b) 0.4 0.4
Unaffected side:
None identified 0.3 0.3
Mean COx (A.U.)

Mean HVx (A.U.)

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1
and HVx correlate with laser-Doppler measurements of
cerebral red blood cell flux in a piglet model (17– 0.0 0.0
–0.1 –0.1
In patients with unilateral moyamoya, the higher Unaffected Diseased Unaffected Diseased
intraoperative HVx and COx on the side with vasculop-
athy suggest that autoregulation was worse on the Figure 4 In the four patients with unilateral moyamoya, autoregula-
affected side. The surgical procedures performed in this tory function differed during surgery between the unaffected side
and the side with vasculopathy as measured by the autoregulation
study do not provide direct revascularization, so the
indices. (a) During the intraoperative period, the cerebral oximetry
decrease in HVx and COx postoperatively cannot be (COx) and hemoglobin volume (HVx) indices (mean  SEM) were
attributed to the operation. We can surmise that autore- higher on the side with vasculopathy, suggesting more impaired
gulation during anesthesia is worse in the diseased vas- autoregulation (P = 0.172 for COx; *P = 0.012 for HVx). (b) In the
culature, but this speculation requires future studies. postoperative period, COx and HVx were similar, suggesting similar
Identifying MAPOPT with the NIRS-derived indices autoregulatory function between affected and unaffected sides
may provide a more rational target for blood pressure (P = 0.850 for COx; P = 0.612 for HVx).

management in children at risk of cerebral ischemia than

the ill-defined goal of maintaining a patient’s ‘baseline’
blood pressure. Patients with moyamoya are at high risk tension can result in graft thrombosis (29). Patients with
of ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, TIAs, and preoperative histories of TIAs already have compromised
hyperperfusion injury (7). Maintaining CBF autoregula- CBF and are at increased risk of perioperative ischemic
tion is of utmost importance. After revascularization events. Furthermore, children with moyamoya are at
procedures, hypertension can cause bleeding and hypo- higher risk of impaired autoregulation than are adults

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Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya J.K. Lee et al.

(8). Thus, precise blood pressure control is critical in this tionally manipulated, and purposely lowering a patient’s
population. blood pressure would be unsafe. Therefore, we suggest
Maintaining blood pressure within a range that opti- that using MAPOPT as a neuroprotective, hemodynamic
mizes autoregulation has been associated with improved goal would be more useful than trying to identify the
outcomes in adults at risk of cerebral ischemia. For LLA.
instance, minimizing the time spent below the optimal The blood pressure limits of autoregulation in pediat-
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) with maximal aut- ric patients with and without neurologic disease are
oregulatory function (CPPOPT) was associated with unknown. Methods of examining autoregulation include
improved outcomes in adults with aneurysmal subarach- monitoring during spontaneous changes in blood pres-
noid hemorrhages (30). In adults with traumatic brain sure (as in this study) or intentionally manipulating
injuries, mortality was associated with greater deviation blood pressure. Vavilala et al. (32) measured changes in
in CPP below CPPOPT, severe disability was associated CBF with transcranial Doppler during phenylephrine
with greater deviation in CPP above CPPOPT, and the infusion in healthy children under general anesthesia. If
best outcome was associated with the least deviation in a patient’s LLA was not evident during the period of
CPP from CPPOPT (31). blood pressure manipulation, the investigators used the
The ideal blood pressure range in pediatric moya- patient’s baseline MAP as the LLA. Although the inves-
moya is unknown and may vary by patient age and dis- tigators reported no differences in the LLA by age, LLA
ease severity. The general consensus among anesthesia did vary within each age group. Our measured intraop-
guidelines is to maintain CPP at or above baseline and erative LLAs of 55–65 mmHg were consistent with the
to raise the blood pressure to a high-normal range for range of LLA reported by Vavilala et al. (32). MAPOPT
revascularization techniques (29). However, ICP is not has not been studied in healthy children with spontane-
routinely monitored in this patient population, so CPP ous variation in blood pressure. In children resuscitated
cannot be calculated. Obtaining a reliable baseline blood from cardiac arrest, MAPOPT has a linear and statisti-
pressure can be difficult in pediatric patients. Thus, the cally significant relationship with age (unpublished
NIRS autoregulation indices may be useful for clarify- data). In this small pilot study, we were unable to corre-
ing neuroprotective, hemodynamic goals in this popula- late LLA and MAPOPT with age.
tion. Future studies with a larger sample size, All patients were anesthetized with isoflurane and opi-
correlation of the indices with transcranial Doppler ates. However, we did not monitor anesthetic depth. Iso-
measurements, and correlation of the autoregulation flurane impairs autoregulation in a dose-dependent
measurements with neurologic outcomes are indicated. manner (33), resulting in a narrowed blood pressure
MAPOPT and LLA were not identifiable in some range that supports autoregulation. Even though the
patients. In our study, identification of MAPOPT blood pressure limits that conform to autoregulation
required a clear nadir in COx or HVx with increasing may shift during anesthesia, CBF maintains some degree
index values as MAP deviated from this nadir, plus of pressure reactivity along the autoregulatory plateau,
independent interpretation of the index bar graphs with which permits the identification of MAPOPT during gen-
agreement between two physicians. Even with these rela- eral anesthesia with isoflurane (28). We have also dem-
tively strict criteria, COx and HVx each identified onstrated that both COx and HVx identify the LLA
MAPOPT in 86% of patients intraoperatively and in during isoflurane anesthesia as accurately as do trans-
100% of patients in the PICU. One patient who did not cranial Doppler and laser-Doppler measurements of
have an identifiable MAPOPT by COx did have an iden- CBF (22–24,28). The fact that the NIRS-derived indices
tifiable MAPOPT by HVx. Another patient did not have identified MAPOPT and LLA in this study verified the
a MAPOPT by HVx, but did have one by COx. In the sit- intraoperative utility of these monitors in pediatric
uations where MAPOPT was not identified, the require- moyamoya. Moreover, the risk of pressure-passive CBF
ment for a consistent increase in index values as MAP may increase as the vascular abnormalities become more
deviated from the nadir was not met. We used stringent severe. In this small pilot study, we were unable to correlate
criteria with this conservative approach to identify autoregulation with disease severity or Suzuki grade (27).
MAPOPT because blood pressure norms and the limits A limitation of the NIRS-derived indices is the
of autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya are unknown. restricted sampling of regional measurements from the
LLA was not identified in some patients because COx frontal cortex, which is not the site of revascularization.
or HVx did not exceed 0.5 or 0.3, respectively. It is However, because moyamoya affects the internal
possible that these patients’ blood pressures did not carotid artery terminus, both the anterior and middle
become low enough to cross the LLA. Because this was cerebral arteries on one side tend to be diseased, as seen
an observational study, blood pressure was not inten- in our series of angiographic findings (Table 1). Because

554 © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2013) 547–556
J.K. Lee et al. Autoregulation in pediatric moyamoya

NIRS monitoring is not technically feasible directly in are also indicated. This pilot study suggests that NIRS-
the surgical field, we used frontal cortex monitoring as derived measures of autoregulation could become useful
the best surrogate determination of the CBF of interest. clinical monitors to clarify neuroprotective, hemody-
We suggest that guiding blood pressure management namic goals in pediatric moyamoya.
with COx and HVx monitoring combined with good
clinical judgment is preferable to no monitoring in
Conflicts of interest
light of the risks of cerebral ischemia in this patient
population. Dr. Lee has received research support from Covidien,
Inc. (Boulder, CO). Dr. Hogue received research
funding from Somanetics and its parent company
Covidien, Inc., and he served as a consultant to
Autoregulation monitoring with the NIRS-derived indi- Covidien, Inc.
ces identified the blood pressure range with optimal aut-
oregulatory function during neurosurgery and
postoperative recovery in children with moyamoya. In
patients with unilateral moyamoya, the index measure- We would like to thank Claire Levine for her editorial
ments suggested that autoregulatory function was worse assistance. Dr. Lee was supported by an American
on the side with vasculopathy. Future validation of the Heart Association Scientist Development Grant and
indices is needed for comparison against more direct The International Anesthesia Research Society Clinical
measures of CBF. Future studies that correlate Scholars Award. Dr. Hogue was supported by research
autoregulation measurements with neurologic outcomes grant NIH R01HL092259.

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