SSRN Id3745136
SSRN Id3745136
SSRN Id3745136
Abstract: Choosing a career is an important step in one’s life and choosing the right career is essential to achieve success and
happiness. Many individual’s lookup to their families for guidance as to reap benefits from their experience in career selection.
They therefore have a substantial effect on their career decisions though it may vary from family to societies to cultures. This study
is based on the influence of family on career decisions of Indian students and therefore takes into account students who study or
have studied in India. In the study it has been found that family members have a positive and significant effect on the career decisions
and there is no difference in the guidance provided to children based on gender. This study will be useful to career consultants and
academicians and educational institutions to provide better guidance to the students as well as to the parents for deciding better
prospects for their children which align with their interests.
A study based on “Dynamic Influence of Family on College and Career Choices of Underrepresented Minorities in the Biomedical
Sciences”, conducted by (Slovacek, 2015) concluded with the importance of family involvement on the student academic decisions
changing from time to time during the school and college and also the financial, emotional and psychological dependency during
the college life. The results enjoyed a significant reliance of the student on its relatives. Another study conducted by (Tillman, 2015)
showed that parents affiliated to teaching field had a high degree of influence on their children's career choices as compared to
parents not having a teaching career. (Baskin, 2013) research focused on the association of peer and family belonging with career
Decision making, which were mediated by academic motivation, psychological distress. The results showed that family belonging
had significant indirect association with career decision making while the association of peer belonging with career decision making
was in-significant.
(Kakkad, 2015) did the study on “A study on the factors influencing students’ decision to study abroad”, as higher education has
been seen as a competitive sector around the globe. This kind of schooling can be obtained by the most excelling students or the
ones with strong financial support. This research was focused upon the amount of exposure offered by the family which was quite
significant upon students. (Lee, 2002) in his research examined the “Family structure and influence in family decision making”,
stated that perhaps the mothers of occupational status make a great measurable difference in influencing the adolescent’s decisions
making. The findings were in the context of the comparative resource contribution theory; where the mothers, who pursue their
profession have considerable influence and adolescents are mainly affected and dependent on their mothers’ professional status. In
a study conducted on the subject “The effect of family influence on the career choice of adolescents” by (Paloş, 2010), seeks to
understand and define the family climate impacting on adolescent career decision making. The sample size of this study was 60 and
conducted via the questionnaire and adult attachment scale where the results, picture the various variables that affect the process of
career decision making.
(James, 2015) in his study named “Factors influencing career choice among undergraduate Students in an African university context:
The Case of Agriculture Students at Makerere University, Uganda”, describes factors influencing choice of agrarian careers among
undergraduates in an African University context with specific reference to perceptions of students in the School of Agricultural
Sciences at Makerere University. The main goals were to: establish the factors which influence career choice among BSc in
Agriculture; determine students' perceptions towards farming as a career after university; and describe the services and support
available to students at the university. Findings found that students relied on their personal experiences and desires (30.2 percent)
and pressure from their parents (15.5 percent) when making choices. Contrary to extant literature, 73 percent of students said they
were willing to return to the land as farmers 27.2 percent would prefer to look for jobs. A study put forward by (LAUREN
LINDSTROM, 2007) explains the role of family in career development and post-school decisions and employment with learning
disabilities. Family process in this study includes: relationship, involvements, love and support received, aspirations, which further
resulted that interactions in family of students with learning disability influence their career decisions.
A research conducted by (Fouad, 2016) on the subject “Family Influence on Career Decision Making: Validation in India and the
United States” describes the parental effect in the Unites States and India which was being studied with the population size of total
of 136 US participants and 377 participants from India. The study supports the construct validity and different ways in which family
control both in India and United States. There was even a connection in family impact which was predicted in the following ways
with family responsibility, breach of job, work principles, occupational involvement and calling. Career counsellors use various
strategies to frame the career counselling model for various children based on the data provided by the family and various influences
regarding family background and the interest of the children. They make the family members an essential part of the career
counselling process, thereby adding them as an asset for the development of child’s future (Chope, 2002).
In a study conducted by (Georgia Koumoundourou, 2011), it was found that the career related decisions of males are more affected
by the parents and have lower self-evaluating capabilities which is in contrast to the females having more self-evaluating capabilities
and lower dependence on their parents. This study was conducted in Greece and can be different based on various social and
economic factors affecting the culture in a country. Family of origin plays an important role in the career development which
provides guidance to the future career of individuals in a particular race. The social and economic factors do play an important
catalyst in deciding the career path for individuals. In this study, the author has identified various family related variables and
correlates them to career development of persons from diverse backgrounds (Brown, 2004). (Bates, 2015) in his study concluded
that the influence of family and parents is up to a moderate level and may affect the career choices of an individual though there are
other factors which are non-separable and lead to various career choices.
Another study conducted by (Consoli, 2006) shows various other demographic and social factors which affect the career decision
making such as religion, gender, rules in a family, language, legal status, demographic factors, etc. which collectively stimulate the
career authentication and decision-making process leading to various paths for various individuals even with similar interests as
these factors make everyone unique. (Suzanne H. Lease, 2009) in their research study focused on if there is a difference between
the relations of maternal and paternal attachment, parenting styles, career locus of control on career decision making baked on the
gender of student. The results showed that locus of control was important for male students, thus Parents influence was lesser
towards male’s career decisions while more for female students. The study done by (cultter, 1995) shows how parents influence the
(Fulya Cenkseven-Önder, 2010) study was to study the impact on career making decisions in high-schoolers from the parenting
style and parental attachment levels. Results showed that the parents that are authoritative are more influential on the career
decisions of students than the parents who are neglectful. Also, the students who had medium attachment with parents were more
decisive than others in terms of career or life decisions. The research accomplished by (Weiqiao Fan, 2014) is based on family
intrusiveness influencing the career decision choice, while measuring the mediating effect of family orientation and personality
traits of individual. The sample was obtained from Hong Kong and USA. The significant influence of family orientation was showed
by Hong Kong sample only while the same was insignificant for USA sample as it is more liberal in nature.
(Oğuzhan Kırdök, 2018) research study focuses on the career decision making being impacted by the locus of control of the high-
schoolers. The results emphasised that students with external locus of control had difficulties with career decision making thus
required the parents support and advice while the same was not true for students with internal locus of control who were highly
decisive in career choices. (Azmat, 2013), study highlights the factors shaping career decisions Of Pakistani industry students.
Particularly, the effect of family and father employment was Concentrated. Business graduates were somehow self-sufficient, but
the effect of father's employment and heavily affected industry. The data were gathered from The Lahore Business School to study
and demonstrate the negative effect among variables Sex control, value of money over job decision-making.
5.1 Research Type
The study is conclusive in nature.
Hypothesis 1 proposes, career decision would relate positively with Family Influence. As table 6.2 Shows this positive relationship
is evident since R2 is 0.263, this R2 indicates that family influence explains 26.3% variance in the career decisions; (β = 0.787, p
< .05). Thus, H0a is rejected and H1a is fully supported.
Table 6.2 Regression Analysis result with Career decision as dependent Variable
Variables of main effect Β R2
Family Influence 0.619*** 0.263
*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P=.000.
Independent T-test reveals that there is no statistically significant difference between male (x̄= 18.10, σ= 5.81) and female
(x̄= 18.27, σ= 4.90) for Family Influence (t=0.336, P=0.737), since significance value is more than 0.05. Thus, H0a is not rejected.
Table 6.3 Descriptive statistics results related to t-test on Family Influence
Gender N Mean Standard deviation
Male 219 18.10 5.81
Female 197 18.27 4.90
Independent T-test reveals that there is no statistically significant difference between male (x̄= 17.99, σ= 6.73) and female (x̄= 17.51,
σ= 6.23) for Career Decision (t=0.726, P=0.468), since significance value is more than 0.05. Thus, H0a is not rejected.
Table 6.4 Descriptive statistics results related to t-test on Career Decision
Gender N Mean Standard deviation
Male 219 17.99 6.73
Female 197 17.51 6.23