IOQM Question Paper

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x  yz y  zx z  xy

1. Suppose positive real numbers x, y, z satisfy x + y + z = 1 and   then if

4 6 9

xy + yz + zx = and gcd m, n  1 then m + n = ____

2. Let ak  , k  1, 2,...... Find the least n such that a1  a2  .......  an  2017  ______
k 1

3. Let m and n be positive integers such that m2 + n2 = 45mn - 2021.

Find minimum possible value of m2 + n2 = _____.
4. If 5 boys and 5 girls are seated in a row. Let ‘m’ is the number of arrangement in which all boys are seated
together and ‘n’ is the number of arrangements in which exactly 4 boys are seated together and separated
from the 5th boy. Find the value of

5. If a is a positive real number such that a  2021a  1 then 45 a  a = ________

a b c 1
6. Let a, b, c be roots of the equation x 2  x 1  2023 then 2
 2 2 then m = _____
b c a m

7. Let  ABC be an isosceles triangle with A  90o . There exists a point P inside  ABC such that
PAB=PBC=PCA and AP = 10. Find the area of  ABC.
8. Suppose that a, b, c, are positive real numbers such that ab = a + b + 20, bc = b +c + 17
and ac = a + c + 41, then a + b + c = _______

 1   2   2018   2019 
Given f (x) = 2 x 3  3 x 2  x  5 let A  f   f    .......  f   f 
9.  2020   2020   2020   2020 

then sum of digit of A = ______

10. Let [r, s] denote the least common multiple of positive integers r and s. Find the number of ordered triples a,
b, c such that [a, b] = 1000, [b,c] = 2000, [c, a] = 2000 = _____

11. Let x, y, z be real numbers such that x, y  1 and x + y + z = 3. Find the maximum value of

x2 y 2 1
P 2   ______
x  y 2  4  xy  1 z 2  4 z  5

12. Find the largest non-negative integer a such that 2a divides 322018  3

13.  ABC is an acute angled triangle. CD be the altitude through C. If AB = 8 units, CD = 6 units, find the
distance between the mid-points of AD & BC.

14. Circle ‘O’ is inscribed in  ABC and has radius 1cm.  ABC is isosceles with AC = BC. When AB = 2
 
3 cm, the area of the shaded region is a   cm2. Find the value of a2 - b.
 b

15. In  ABC, AB = AC, point D lies strictly between A & C on side AC , and point E lies strictly between
A and B on side AB such that AE = ED = DE = BC. The degree measure of ABC is , where m &
n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n

16. The sequence (xi) satisfy x1  and xn + 1 = xn 2  xn for all n  1 . Determine the value of

 x1 x x 
  2  ......  1000   is G.I.F  ____
1  x1 1  x2 1  x1000 

17. If the number of arrangements of the letters of the word ‘BANANA’ in which the two Ns do not appear
adjacent to each other be M, then find the value of .

18. In  ABC, tan CAB = , and the altitude from A divides BC into segments of length 3 and 17. What is
the area of  ABC?

19. The inscribed circle of  ABC is tangent to AB at P, and its radius is 21. Given that AP = 23 and PB = 27,
find the perimeter of the triangle
20. ABCD is a square with sides 8cm. M is a point on CB such that CM = 2cm. If N is a variable point on the
diagonal DB, find the least value of CN + MN.
21. Find the number of 7 - tuples of positive integers (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) that satisfy the following system of
abc = 70
cde = 71
efg = 72

u v w 
abc     2021
 a b c 
a b c 1
22. Let a, b, c be non zero real numbers such that    
then  4   v  w
u v w 2021  43a    43b   43c  
47 47  47 

= where gcd m, n  1 then m + n = _______

23. Let the total number of ways selecting five letters from the letters of the word ‘INDEPENDENT’ is ‘n’ . Find
the value of
24. The total number of nine digit numbers that can be formed from the number
‘223355888’ by rearranging its digits such that the odd digits occupy even positions is equal to K. Now, find
the value of .

25. In  PQR, PR = 15, QR = 20 and PQ = 25. Points A & B lie on PQ , Points C & D lie on QR , and points
E and F lie on PR, with PA = QB = QC = RD = RE = PF = 5 find the area of hexagon ABCDEF.
26. Let Tn denote the number of triangles which can be formed using the vertices of a regular polygon of ‘n’ sides.
If Tn1  Tn  21, then find the value of n.

27. A palindrome number is the same either read from left to right or right to left for example 121 is a palindrome
number. Total possible 5-digit palindrome numbers can be written as 10a. Find the value of a.
28. Let P (x) be a quadratic polynomial with complex coefficients whose x2 coefficient is 1. Suppose the equation
P (P(x)) = 0 has four distinct solutions, x = 3, 4, a, b. Find the sum of all possible values of (a + b)2.

 
29. The equation x  13 x  53 x  103 
3 3 3
  1
has three distinct real solution r, s, and t for x.

Calculate the value of r 3  s 3  t 3

 x 2310 1

p ( x)  105
30. There is a poly noimial p(x) with integer coefficients such that
 x 1 x70 1 x 42 1 x30 1
holds for every o < x < 1. Find the cofficient of x 2022 in p(x) = _______


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