7GS. Circulating Osteocrin Stimulates Bone Growth by Limiting C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Clearance

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Circulating osteocrin stimulates bone growth by limiting C-type

natriuretic peptide clearance

Yugo Kanai, … , Naoki Mochizuki, Nobuya Inagaki
J Clin Invest. 2017;127(11):4136-4147. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI94912.

Research Article Bone Biology Endocrinology

Although peptides are safe and useful as therapeutics, they are often easily degraded or metabolized. Dampening the
clearance system for peptide ligands is a promising strategy for increasing the efficacy of peptide therapies. Natriuretic
peptide receptor B (NPR-B) and its naturally occurring ligand, C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), are potent stimulators of
endochondral bone growth, and activating the CNP/NPR-B system is expected to be a powerful strategy for treating
impaired skeletal growth. CNP is cleared by natriuretic peptide clearance receptor (NPR-C); therefore, we investigated
the effect of reducing the rate of CNP clearance on skeletal growth by limiting the interaction between CNP and NPR-C.
Specifically, we generated transgenic mice with increased circulating levels of osteocrin (OSTN) protein, a natural NPR-C
ligand without natriuretic activity, and observed a dose-dependent skeletal overgrowth phenotype in these animals.
Skeletal overgrowth in OSTN-transgenic mice was diminished in either CNP- or NPR-C–depleted backgrounds,
confirming that CNP and NPR-C are indispensable for the bone growth–stimulating effect of OSTN. Interestingly, double-
transgenic mice of CNP and OSTN had even higher levels of circulating CNP and additional increases in bone length, as
compared with mice with elevated CNP alone. Together, these results support OSTN administration as an adjuvant agent
for CNP therapy and provide a potential therapeutic approach for diseases with impaired skeletal growth.

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RESEARCH ARTICLE The Journal of Clinical Investigation  

Circulating osteocrin stimulates bone growth by

limiting C-type natriuretic peptide clearance
Yugo Kanai,1 Akihiro Yasoda,1 Keita P. Mori,2 Haruko Watanabe-Takano,3 Chiaki Nagai-Okatani,4 Yui Yamashita,1 Keisho Hirota,1
Yohei Ueda,1 Ichiro Yamauchi,1 Eri Kondo,1 Shigeki Yamanaka,5 Yoriko Sakane,1 Kazumasa Nakao,5 Toshihito Fujii,1
Hideki Yokoi,2,6 Naoto Minamino,4 Masashi Mukoyama,6,7 Naoki Mochizuki,3,6 and Nobuya Inagaki1
Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, and 2Department of Nephrology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan. 3Department of Cell Biology and 4Department of

Molecular Pharmacology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka, Japan. 5Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto,
Japan. 6Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development-Core Research for Evolutionary Medical Science and Technology (AMED-CREST), National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute,
Osaka, Japan. 7Department of Nephrology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto, Japan.

Although peptides are safe and useful as therapeutics, they are often easily degraded or metabolized. Dampening the
clearance system for peptide ligands is a promising strategy for increasing the efficacy of peptide therapies. Natriuretic
peptide receptor B (NPR-B) and its naturally occurring ligand, C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), are potent stimulators of
endochondral bone growth, and activating the CNP/NPR-B system is expected to be a powerful strategy for treating impaired
skeletal growth. CNP is cleared by natriuretic peptide clearance receptor (NPR-C); therefore, we investigated the effect of
reducing the rate of CNP clearance on skeletal growth by limiting the interaction between CNP and NPR-C. Specifically, we
generated transgenic mice with increased circulating levels of osteocrin (OSTN) protein, a natural NPR-C ligand without
natriuretic activity, and observed a dose-dependent skeletal overgrowth phenotype in these animals. Skeletal overgrowth in
OSTN-transgenic mice was diminished in either CNP- or NPR-C–depleted backgrounds, confirming that CNP and NPR-C are
indispensable for the bone growth–stimulating effect of OSTN. Interestingly, double-transgenic mice of CNP and OSTN had
even higher levels of circulating CNP and additional increases in bone length, as compared with mice with elevated CNP alone.
Together, these results support OSTN administration as an adjuvant agent for CNP therapy and provide a potential therapeutic
approach for diseases with impaired skeletal growth.

Introduction mutations of NPR-B not only in murine models (7, 8) but also in the
Most bones in mammals are formed through endochondral ossi- human disorder acromesomelic dysplasia type Maroteaux (9, 10)
fication, in that cartilaginous anlage is formed first and is sub- cause impaired skeletal growth. In addition, heterozygous loss-of-
sequently replaced by calcified bone tissue (1). Although many function mutations of NPR-B have been reported to cause short
signaling pathways, including Indian hedgehog/parathyroid stature and mild skeletal defects (11–15), and recently heterozy-
hormone–related protein (PTHrP), fibroblast growth factor, b gous loss-of-function mutations of CNP have also been shown to
one morphogenetic protein, Sry (sex determining region Y)-box cause similar skeletal defects to those of NPR-B (16). Furthermore,
9 (SOX9), and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) sig- a recent case series showed that gain-of-function mutations in
naling, have been shown to be engaged in the process of endo- NPR-B cause a skeletal overgrowth phenotype (17, 18), demonstrat-
chondral ossification (2), few factors are known to stimulate ing the ability of CNP/NPR-B signaling to stimulate bone growth in
bone growth. C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a member of the humans. On the other hand, natriuretic peptide clearance receptor
natriuretic peptide family, is a rare factor that has the potential (NPR-C), which lacks the intracellular domain of the receptor, is
to stimulate endochondral ossification and elongate bones, as thought to be engaged in clearing natriuretic peptide ligands.
evidenced by the skeletal phenotypes of transgenic and knock- In humans, impaired skeletal growth is caused by disturbance of
out mice (3–5). So far, 2 receptors for CNP have been identified endochondral ossification and occurs in various conditions, includ-
(6). One is a subtype of membranous guanylyl cyclase, natriuretic ing skeletal dysplasia, a large and heterogeneous group of inherited
peptide receptor B (NPR-B), which is a biologically active recep- skeletal disorders (19). Based on the specific effects of CNP/NPR-B
tor that mediates signaling by producing intracellular cGMP, a signaling on bone growth, CNP or its analogs could have clinical
second messenger. In fact, NPR-B and CNP are both expressed in implications for patients with impaired skeletal growth. A clinical
the cartilaginous growth plate, and homozygous loss-of-function trial of a CNP analog, vosoritide, for treatment of achondropla-
sia, one form of physeal skeletal dysplasia, is currently under way
(ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02055157). However, as is often the case
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.
Submitted: May 9, 2017; Accepted: August 29, 2017.
with peptide hormones, CNP-like proteins are easily degraded or
Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2017;127(11):4136–4147. metabolized by subcutaneous neutral endopeptidase or other fac-
https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI94912. tors, including the clearance receptor NPR-C. As a novel strategy

4136 jci.org   Volume 127   Number 11   November 2017

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Figure 1. Generation of serum amyloid P–OSTN-transgenic (SAP-Ostn-Tg) mice. (A) Structure of the SAP-Ostn transgene. Arrowheads indicate the
recognition sites of restriction endonucleases. SAP, human SAP promoter. (B) Expression of the transgene in tissues of WT and line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg mice
analyzed by RT-PCR. Transgene expression was detected only in the liver of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (C) Gross appearance of WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg male mice at
the age of 10 weeks observed from the left side (top panel) and above (bottom panel). SAP-Ostn-Tg mice showed longer bodies, limbs, and tails than WT
mice. (D–F) Growth curves based on naso-anal length (D), naso-tail length (E), and body weight (F) of WT (open squares), line 33 SAP-Ostn-Tg (filled trian-
gles), and line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg (filled squares) male mice measured every week from the ages of 3 to 10 weeks. Body lengths of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice became
significantly larger than those of WT mice, and the body elongation of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice increased in accordance with blood OSTN levels. There was no
significant difference in body weight between the 3 groups throughout the observation period. n = 10 each. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 vs. WT mice, by 1-way
ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer test. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments (B).

for activating CNP/NPR-B signaling, we focused on modifying the Results

clearance system of CNP by NPR-C. Generation of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. To investigate the effect of
Osteocrin (OSTN), also called musclin, is a small secretory increased circulating OSTN, we generated Ostn-transgenic mice
peptide cloned from bone and muscle cDNA libraries in 2 inde- with elevated plasma levels of OSTN due to liver-specific Ostn
pendent laboratories at around the same time (20, 21). OSTN has overexpression under the control of the human serum amyloid-P
a well-conserved homology with natriuretic peptide members (SAP) component promoter (SAP-Ostn-Tg mice) (Figure 1A). We
but has no natriuretic activity. It was shown to bind NPR-C with obtained 5 lines of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and used heterozygous
high affinity and specificity, and could attenuate the clearance of transgenic mice for all of the following experiments. Quantitative
NPR-C and increase natriuretic peptide availability (22, 23). In the real-time PCR analysis of their genomic DNA revealed that among
present study, we generated transgenic mice with increased circu- these lines of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, 3 lines (lines 3, 33, and 44) had
lating levels of OSTN and examined its effects on skeletal growth. 2 copies, 1 line (line 5) had 10 copies, and the other line (line 51)
By using these transgenic mice, we elucidated the mechanism had 18 copies of the transgene. Thereafter, line 33 and line 51 were
underlying the effect of OSTN on skeletal growth relevant to CNP/ used as representatives for SAP-Ostn-Tg mice with different trans-
NPR-B signaling by an in vivo genetic approach. Furthermore, we gene copy numbers. By using reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR),
investigated the therapeutic potential of OSTN for reinforcing the we detected transgene expression only in the liver of SAP-Ostn-Tg
effect of CNP on impaired skeletal growth. mice (Figure 1B). At the age of 6 weeks, blood OSTN levels in line

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Figure 2. Skeletal phenotypes of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (A) Radiographs of the skulls, forelimbs, and hind limbs of WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice at the age of
10 weeks. SAP-Ostn-Tg mice showed skeletal overgrowth in each bone compared with WT mice. Scale bar: 2 cm. (B) Bone lengths of WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg
mice at the age of 10 weeks measured on soft x-ray films. Lengths of the skull, lumbar spine, radius, ulna, humerus, femur, and tibia were significantly
larger in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in WT mice. Width of the skull was not different between the 2 genotypes. APD, anteroposterior diameter; TD, trans-
verse diameter. n = 5 each, for each bone length in WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (C and D) Histological pictures of the growth plates of Alcian blue and H&E
staining (C) and immunohistochemical staining for type X collagen (D). Left panels show the growth plates of 10-week-old WT mice, and right panels show
those of 10-week-old SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Arrows indicate the widths of growth plates (C) and hypertrophic chondrocyte layers (D). Scale bars in C and D: 100
μm. (E and F) Width of growth plate (E) and hypertrophic zone (F) of WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice at the age of 10 weeks measured on the pictures.
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice had significantly thicker growth plates and hypertrophic chondrocyte layers than WT mice. n = 5 each. **P < 0.01, by Student’s t test.

33 were 1.2 ng/ml (average; n = 2) and those in line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg be heavier than WT mice, but there was no significant difference
mice were 52.2 ± 20.4 ng/ml (means ± SEM; n = 4), whereas those in body weight between the 3 groups throughout the observation
in WT mice (n = 4) were below the detection limit of our measure- period (Figure 1F). Female SAP-Ostn-Tg mice had identical pheno-
ment system, indicating that plasma OSTN concentrations were types to those observed for male SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, so we decid-
elevated in accordance with the copy number of the transgene. ed to use male mice for the following experiments (Supplemental
Gross appearance and growth curves of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Pic- Figure 1; supplemental material available online with this article;
tures in Figure 1C show the gross appearance of 10-week-old male https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI94912DS1). As for the line of SAP-Ostn-
WT and line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg mice observed from the left side and Tg mice, we chose to use line 51 as a representative.
from the top. SAP-Ostn-Tg mice exhibited obviously longer bodies, Skeletal phenotype of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Next, we examined the
paws, limbs, and tails than WT mice. The growth curves for male skeletal phenotype of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice at the age of 10 weeks.
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice revealed that line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were As shown by the soft x-ray picture of skulls viewed from the top,
significantly longer than WT mice from the age of 3 weeks by naso- forelimbs, and hind limbs, we observed skeletal overgrowth in
anal measurement and four weeks by naso-tail measurement. The SAP-Ostn-Tg mice compared with WT mice (Figure 2A). Measur-
increment in body and tail lengths was less pronounced in line 33 ing of each bone length on the soft x-ray film revealed that bones
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in line 51 SAP-Ostn-Tg mice throughout the formed through endochondral ossification, i.e., lumbar spine,
observation period. Line 33 SAP-Ostn-Tg mice became significantly radius, ulna, humerus, femur, and tibia, were significantly longer
longer than WT mice after 6 weeks of age both in naso-anal and in in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in WT mice. The longitudinal length of
naso-tail lengths (Figure 1, D and E). SAP-Ostn-Tg mice tended to the skull, which is mainly defined by endochondral ossification,

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Figure 3. Analyses of bone microstructure by micro-CT and measurement of serum bone metabolic markers in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (A–D) Micro-CT anal-
yses of the distal metaphyses of femurs of 10-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Graphs of bone volume fraction (BV/TV) (A), trabecular number (Tb.N)
(B), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) (C), and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) (D) are shown. There were no differences in each parameter of bone microstructure
between the 2 genotypes. n = 5 and 6 for WT mice and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, respectively. (E and F) Serum osteocalcin (E) and TRAP5b (F) levels of 10-week-
old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. There were no significant differences in serum bone metabolic markers between the 2 genotypes. n = 4 each. Student’s t
test was used for statistical analysis. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments (E and F).

was significantly greater in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in WT mice, increased availability of CNP through the occupation of NPR-C by
whereas the skull width, which is defined by membranous ossifi- increased circulating OSTN. To test this hypothesis, we generated
cation, was no different between the 2 genotypes (Figure 2B). SAP-Ostn-Tg mice depleted of CNP (Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice)
Histological analysis of the growth plate of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. We and compared their growth and skeletal phenotype with those of
next investigated the histology of the growth plates of SAP-Ostn-Tg CNP-knockout mice (Nppc–/– mice). At a glance, Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-
mice. Histological images of the tibial growth plates of 10-week- Tg mice had the same appearance as Nppc–/– mice (Figure 4A). As
old mice revealed that SAP-Ostn-Tg mice had significantly thicker shown by the growth curves, there were no significant differences in
growth plates than WT mice (Figure 2, C and E). The thickness naso-anal and naso-tail lengths and body weight between Nppc–/–/
of hypertrophic chondrocyte layers, as detected by the immu- SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and Nppc–/– mice (Figure 4B and Supplemental
nochemical staining for type X collagen, was larger in SAP-Ostn- Figure 2, A and B). Furthermore, at the age of 9 weeks, the length of
Tg mice than in WT mice (Figure 2, D and F). each bone and the thickness of tibial growth plates in Nppc–/–/SAP-
Bone microstructural analysis and measurement of serum bone Ostn-Tg mice were equal to those in Nppc–/– mice (Figure 4, C–E).
metabolic markers of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Next, we evaluated bone Next, to confirm whether the skeletal overgrowth observed in
mass and bone metabolism of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. We performed SAP-Ostn-Tg mice is mediated by NPR-C, we generated SAP-Ostn-
microstructural analysis of the distal metaphyses of femurs of Tg mice depleted of NPR-C (Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice) and com-
10-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice using micro-CT. All bone pared their growth and skeletal phenotypes with those of NPR-C–
morphometric parameters, i.e., bone volume fraction, trabecular knockout mice (Npr3–/– mice). The growth curves for Npr3–/–/SAP-
thickness, trabecular number, and trabecular separation, were no Ostn-Tg mice were similar to those for Npr3–/– mice (Figure 4F and
different between the 2 genotypes (Figure 3, A–D). We then mea- Supplemental Figure 2, C and D). At the age of 10 weeks, each bone
sured serum levels of osteocalcin and TRAP5b as bone metabolic length and the thickness of tibial growth plates in Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-
markers in 10-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. There was no Tg mice were equivalent to those in Npr3–/– mice (Figure 4, G–I).
significant difference in both serum osteocalcin and TRAP5b lev- In addition, we measured plasma CNP concentrations in 6-week-
els between the 2 genotypes (Figure 3, E and F). old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. We thereby determined that SAP-
Mechanistic analyses of skeletal overgrowth in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Ostn-Tg mice had significantly higher blood CNP levels (1.31 ± 0.23
OSTN has been reported to be a selective ligand for NPR-C and pM, n = 4, P < 0.01) than WT mice (0.41 ± 0.05 pM, n = 4) (Figure 4J).
to attenuate the clearance of this receptor, resulting in an increase We analyzed Nppc (CNP), Npr3 (NPR-C), and Npr2 (NPR-B)
in natriuretic peptide availability (22, 23). Among the natriuretic mRNA expression in epiphyseal cartilage of tibiae and lumbar
peptides, CNP is known to be a strong stimulator of endochon- vertebrae of 3-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. In tibial car-
dral bone growth, so we hypothesized that the skeletal overgrowth tilage and lumbar vertebrae, there were no significant differences
phenotype observed in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice is due mainly to the in both Nppc and Npr2 mRNA expression levels between the 2

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Figure 4. Mechanistic analyses of skeletal overgrowth in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (A) Gross appearance of Nppc–/– and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Top panel
shows 9-week-old WT and Nppc–/– mice, and bottom panel shows 9-week-old WT and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (B) Growth curves of naso-anal length of
Nppc–/– (filled squares) and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg (open squares) mice measured every week from the ages of 3 to 9 weeks. n = 3 each. (C) Bone lengths of
9-week-old Nppc–/– and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 3 each, for each bone length in Nppc–/– and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (D) Histological photographs of
the tibial growth plates of Alcian blue and H&E staining of 9-week-old Nppc–/– and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Arrows indicate the widths of growth plates.
Scale bar: 100 μm. (E) The widths of the tibial growth plates of 9-week-old Nppc–/– and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 3 each. (F) Growth curves of naso-anal
length of Npr3–/– (filled triangles) and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg (open triangles) mice measured every week from the ages of 3 to 10 weeks. n = 7 each. (G) Bone
lengths of 10-week-old Npr3–/– and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 6 each, for each bone length in Npr3–/– and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (H) Histological
images of the tibial growth plates of Alcian blue and H&E staining of 10-week-old Npr3–/– and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. Arrows indicate the widths of
growth plates. Scale bar: 100 μm. (I) Widths of the tibial growth plates of 10-week-old Npr3–/– and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 3 each. (J) Plasma CNP
concentrations of 6-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 4 each. **P < 0.01, by Student’s t test.

genotypes. On the other hand, the Npr3 mRNA expression level in the age of 10 weeks showed that SAP-Nppc-Tg mice and SAP-
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice tended to be higher in tibial cartilage and was Ostn-Tg mice were obviously longer than WT mice, and SAP-
significantly higher in lumbar vertebrae than that in WT mice (Fig- Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were longer than both SAP-Nppc-Tg and
ure 5 and Supplemental Figure 3). SAP-Ostn-Tg mice (Figure 6A).
Additive effect of CNP and OSTN on the skeletal growth in double- The growth curves showed that SAP-Nppc-Tg mice became
transgenic mice. We previously reported that CNP-transgenic mice significantly longer than WT mice from the age of 5 weeks in naso-
with an increased circulating CNP under the control of the SAP anal length and 6 weeks in naso-tail length. SAP-Ostn-Tg mice
promoter (SAP-Nppc-Tg mice) exhibit a prominent skeletal over- were significantly longer than SAP-Nppc-Tg mice at earlier ages
growth phenotype (5). To investigate whether OSTN could aug- (5–6 weeks in naso-anal length and 3–9 weeks in naso-tail length),
ment this effect of CNP, we generated double-transgenic mice but the differences became trivial and eventually diminished from
with increased circulating CNP levels as well as OSTN by crossing the age of 7 weeks in naso-anal length and 10 weeks in naso-tail
SAP-Nppc-Tg mice with SAP-Ostn-Tg mice (SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP- length. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were significantly longer
Ostn-Tg mice). Photographs of the gross appearance of mice at than SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, in terms of both naso-anal and naso-tail

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation   RESEARCH ARTICLE

Figure 5. mRNA expression of

genes in WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice
at 3 weeks of age. mRNA expression
of Nppc (CNP), Npr3 (NPR-C), and
Npr2 (NPR-B) in epiphyseal cartilage
of tibiae and lumbar vertebrae of
3-week-old WT and SAP-Ostn-Tg
mice. Target gene mRNA expression
levels were assessed by quantitative
RT-PCR. Data were normalized to
hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribo-
syl transferase (Hprt) mRNA levels.
n = 5 each in the analysis of tibial
cartilage; n = 4 each in the analysis
of lumbar vertebrae. *P < 0.05, by
Student’s t test. Data are repre-
sentative of at least 2 independent

length from the age of 6 weeks (Figure 6, B and C). There were no mice (Figure 6, E and G). The thickness of hypertrophic chondro-
significant differences in body weight among these 4 genotypes cyte layers positive for type X collagen immunostaining was signifi-
throughout the observation period (Supplemental Figure 4). cantly greater in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice than in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and
Measurement of bone lengths on soft x-ray films at the age even greater in SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice (Figure 6, F and H).
of 10 weeks revealed that the skull, lumbar spine, radius, ulna, Next, we measured plasma CNP concentrations of 6-week-
humerus, femur, and tibia were significantly longer in SAP-Nppc- old mice and found no significant difference in plasma CNP lev-
Tg mice than in WT mice. Moreover, those same bones, except the els between SAP-Ostn-Tg and SAP-Nppc-Tg mice (1.31 ± 0.23 pM
skull, were significantly longer in SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and 1.79 ± 0.12 pM, n = 4 each). We also found that SAP-Nppc-
than in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice. The skull length of SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP- Tg /SAP-Ostn-Tg mice had significantly higher blood CNP lev-
Ostn-Tg mice tended to be greater than that of SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, els (4.25 ± 0.82 pM, n = 4, P < 0.01) than SAP-Ostn-Tg and SAP-
but the difference was not significant. Each bone in the extremi- Nppc-Tg mice (Figure 6I).
ties, i.e., radius, ulna, humerus, femur, and tibia, was significantly There were some differences in the growth rates or body
longer in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice than in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, whereas proportions between SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and SAP-Nppc-Tg mice
there were no differences in skull and lumbar spine lengths despite their comparable plasma CNP concentrations at 6 weeks
between the 2 genotypes. Skull widths were no different between of age. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying these differences,
the 4 genotypes (Figure 6D and Table 1). we analyzed Nppc, Npr3, and Npr2 mRNA expressions in epiph-
Histological analysis of the tibial growth plates of 10-week- yseal cartilage of tibiae, lumbar vertebrae, and blood vessels of
old mice showed that SAP-Nppc-Tg mice had significantly thicker 3- and 6-week-old WT mice. In tibial cartilage, the Nppc mRNA
growth plates than SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn- expression level in 3-week-old mice tended to be higher than that
Tg mice had significantly thicker growth plates than SAP-Nppc-Tg in 6-week-old mice, while the Npr3 mRNA expression level of

Table 1. Statistical differences in the length of each bone between WT, SAP-Ostn-Tg, SAP-Nppc-Tg, and SAP-Ostn-Tg/SAP-Nppc-Tg mice

Cranium Lumbar Radius Ulna Humerus Femur Tibia

SAP-Nppc-Tg vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg NS NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.05 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
SAP-Ostn-Tg vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg NS NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
SAP-Ostn-Tg vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg NS NS NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
WT vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg P < 0.01 NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
WT vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg P < 0.05 NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
WT vs. SAP-Ostn-Tg P < 0.05 NS P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01 P < 0.01
Significance was determined by 1-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer test. APD, anteroposterior diameter; TD, transverse diameter.

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Figure 6. Additive effect of CNP and OSTN on the skeletal growth in double-transgenic mice. (A) Gross appearance of 10-week-old WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg,
SAP-Ostn-Tg, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were longer than SAP-Nppc-Tg and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. (B and C)
Growth curves based on naso-anal (B) and naso-tail length (C) of WT (open triangles), SAP-Nppc-Tg (filled triangles), SAP-Ostn-Tg (open squares), and
SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg (filled squares) mice measured every week from the ages of 3 to 10 weeks. n = 6, 6, 6, and 7 in WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, SAP-Ostn-Tg,
and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, respectively. †P < 0.05, ††P < 0.01 vs. SAP-Ostn-Tg mice; ‡P < 0.05, ‡‡P < 0.01 vs. SAP-Nppc-Tg mice; §P < 0.05,
P < 0.01 vs. WT mice. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer test was used for statistical analysis. (D) Bone lengths of 10-week-old WT, SAP-
Nppc-Tg, SAP-Ostn-Tg, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. n = 6, 6, 6, and 7 in WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, SAP-Ostn-Tg, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice,
respectively. Statistical differences between genotypes are summarized in Table 1. (E and F) Histological pictures of the growth plates of 10-week-old mice.
Alcian blue and H&E staining (E) and immunohistochemical staining for type X collagen (F) are shown. Arrows indicate the widths of growth plates (E) and
hypertrophic chondrocyte layers (F). Scale bars in E and F: 100 μm. (G and H) Widths of growth plates (G) and hypertrophic zone (H) of 10-week-old mice.
n = 6, 6, 6, and 7 in WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, SAP-Ostn-Tg, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, respectively. (I) Plasma CNP concentrations in 6-week-old SAP-
Ostn-Tg, SAP-Nppc-Tg, and SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. There was no significant difference in plasma CNP levels between SAP-Ostn-Tg and
SAP-Nppc-Tg mice. SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice had significantly higher blood CNP levels than SAP-Ostn-Tg and SAP-Nppc-Tg mice. n = 4 each.
**P < 0.01, by 1-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer test.

3-week-old mice was unchanged compared with that of 6-week- In addition, we measured cGMP levels of lumbar vertebrae of
old mice. In lumbar vertebrae, the Nppc mRNA expression level 3-week-old WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice. There were
of 3-week-old mice was significantly higher than that of 6-week- no significant differences in vertebral cGMP levels between the 3
old mice, and the Npr3 mRNA expression level of 3-week-old mice genotypes, but those of SAP-Nppc-Tg and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, espe-
did not differ significantly from that of 6-week-old mice. In blood cially that of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, tended to be higher than that of
vessels, the Nppc mRNA expression level was higher and the Npr3 WT mice (Figure 8).
mRNA expression level was lower in 3-week-old mice than in
6-week-old mice, but the differences were not significant. In all Discussion
the tissues examined, there were no significant differences in the In general, bioactive peptides are safe and useful remedies for treat-
Npr2 mRNA expression levels between 3-week-old and 6-week- ing diseases, but they are often easily degraded or metabolized by
old mice (Figure 7 and Supplemental Figure 5). endopeptidases or some other factors. Besides developing analogs

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Figure 7. mRNA expression of genes in WT mice at 3 and 6 weeks of age. mRNA expression of Nppc, Npr3, and Npr2 in epiphyseal cartilage of tibiae,
lumbar vertebrae, and blood vessels of 3- and 6-week-old WT mice. Data from tibial cartlilages and lumbar vertebrae were normalized to Hprt mRNA
levels. Data from blood vessels were normalized to Gapdh mRNA levels. n = 4 each. **P < 0.01, by Student’s t test. Data are representative of at least
2 independent experiments.

resistant to degradation, dampening the degradation or clearance was completely eliminated by CNP depletion clearly demonstrates
systems for peptide ligands is a promising strategy for increasing that CNP is indispensable for this effect. Third, the lack of further
the efficacy of peptide therapies. We have been engaged in trans- elongation by OSTN in NPR-C–knockout mice shows that NPR-C is
lational research concerning CNP/NPR-B signaling in impaired necessary for OSTN to exert its stimulatory effect on bone growth.
skeletal growth (4). In the case of CNP/NPR-B signaling, the endog- Because local CNP as well as NPR-B in the growth plate car-
enous ligand, CNP, is easily degraded by neutral endopeptidase or tilage is essential for endochondral bone growth as indicated by
cleared by NPR-C. As OSTN was shown to be a specific ligand for the result of impaired skeletal growth in cartilage-specific Nppc-
NPR-C (20), we examined the effect of circulating OSTN on skel- or Npr2-knockout mice (24), the OSTN-induced stimulation of
etal growth and investigated the mechanism relevant to the effect endochondral bone growth in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice is deduced to
of CNP/NPR-B signaling. Whereas Moffatt et al. suggested that be caused by increased OSTN-binding to local NPR-C in the
the stimulatory effect of OSTN on skeletal growth is the augmen- growth plate cartilage. Although we have FACS data that sug-
tation of CNP by OSTN through an in vitro biochemical approach gest the binding of OSTN to NPR-C in a chondrogenic cell line,
by showing increased levels of the second messenger cGMP in ATDC5 (Haruko Watanabe-Takano et al., unpublished obser-
chondrogenic and osteoblastic cell lines (22), we tried to elucidate vations), we could not actually prove that the elevated OSTN
the mechanism by an in vivo genetic approach using transgenic and indeed binds to NPR-C in vivo in the cartilage of SAP-Ostn-Tg
knockout mice. At first, plasma CNP concentrations were elevated mice; to show and evaluate the binding of OSTN to NPR-C in
in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, suggesting that the elongation of bones in vivo in the cartilage is technically difficult. Accordingly, we
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice is due at least in part to an increase in circulating must take into consideration that our present study does not
CNP. Second, the fact that the growth-stimulating effect of OSTN completely rule out an effect of OSTN that is independent of

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Figure 8. cGMP levels in lum- SAP-Nppc-Tg mice. Most circulating CNP is thought to originate
bar vertebrae of 3-week-old
from cartilage and vessels (26). Serial expression patterns of CNP
WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, and SAP-
Ostn-Tg mice. cGMP levels in in blood vessels were identical to those in tibial cartilage and verte-
lumbar vertebrae of 3-week-old brae. So, it could be assumed that WT mice as well as SAP-Ostn-Tg
mice were measured by ELISA. mice at 3 weeks of age have higher blood CNP levels than those at 6
n = 4 each. One-way ANOVA weeks of age, although we could barely measure blood CNP levels
followed by Tukey-Kramer test
of 3-week-old mice directly because of their small size. This notion
was used for statistical analy-
sis. Data are representative of is compatible with the fact that SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were longer than
3 independent experiments. SAP-Nppc-Tg mice at early ages. Furthermore, the measurement of
each bone length at the age of 10 weeks revealed that appendicular
bones were significantly longer in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice than in SAP-
Ostn-Tg mice, whereas vertebral lengths were no different between
the 2 genotypes, indicating that a more potent effect on appendic-
NPR-C, even in spite of the result of the crossing experiment of ular bone growth was observed in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice than in SAP-
SAP-Ostn-Tg and NPR-C–knockout mice. Ostn-Tg mice, especially at later ages. This may be explained by the
As for alteration of expression in CNP, NPR-C, and NPR-B by serial changes of CNP expression levels in cartilage and by the dif-
increased OSTN in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, the NPR-C mRNA level in ference of the NPR-C expression levels between tibial cartilage and
the cartilage increased in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice compared with WT vertebrae. In SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, both axial and appendicular bones
mice. The reason is not known, but the increased occupation of would grow substantially at early ages because of a large amount
NPR-C by OSTN might upregulate the expression of NPR-C itself. of CNP in cartilage, but the rate of bone growth would decline with
On the other hand, the expression of CNP might have a tendency time in proportion to the decrease of CNP contents. On the other
to decrease in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, suggesting the existence of local hand, in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, these bones would continue to grow at
negative-feedback regulation of CNP in cartilage. Nevertheless, an accelerated pace due to constant delivery of CNP to cartilage.
the precise regulatory mechanism of the CNP/NPR-B system Moreover, the results of quantitative PCR analysis suggest that the
including OSTN/NPR-C in cartilage has not yet been fully stud- NPR-C expression level was much higher in vertebrae than in tibial
ied, and the investigation is now ongoing in our laboratory. cartilage (about 0.1 vs. 0.01, respectively, for Npr3/Hprt mRNA
Taking clinical settings into consideration, it is important that ratio, as shown in Figure 7), so the bone stimulatory effect of CNP,
OSTN exerts growth-stimulating effects on bones in a different especially in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, would be stronger in appendicular
manner from CNP in vivo. According to the results of the crossing bones than in axial bones, resulting in long limbs out of proportion
experiment involving SAP-Ostn-Tg and CNP-knockout mice in this to the body length as observed in 10-week-old mice. Collectively,
study, the stimulatory effect on bone growth in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice is increased circulating OSTN can enhance skeletal growth, especially
due to intrinsic CNP production. Although SAP-Ostn-Tg mice and that of axial bones, at early ages. On the other hand, continuously
SAP-Nppc-Tg mice were generated using the same SAP promoter increased circulating CNP stimulates appendicular bone growth
that causes their respective transgenes to be expressed just after more potently than OSTN, especially at later ages.
birth (25), there is a fundamental difference in that the stimulatory In clinical settings for the treatment of impaired skeletal growth,
effect on bone growth in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice depends on enhanced we could use OSTN and CNP for different purposes. Concerning
intrinsic CNP production, whereas that in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice is due therapeutic application for specific skeletal dysplasias, OSTN ther-
to de novo production of CNP by the transgene. apy, rather than CNP therapy, may be beneficial for the hetero­
The growth curves for SAP-Ostn-Tg and SAP-Nppc-Tg mice zygous NPR2 defects, because they mainly cause short stature with
revealed that SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were longer than SAP-Nppc-Tg mild skeletal defects in appendicular bones (12, 15). Furthermore,
mice at early ages and later became equal to SAP-Nppc-Tg mice in heterozygous NPPC defects, which have recently been identified
length, indicating that the growth-stimulating effect on axial bones and are associated with skeletal abnormalities similar to those seen
was stronger in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice at early with heterozygous NPR2 defects, could also be a good application for
ages. This suggests that CNP contents in vertebrae were larger in OSTN therapy (16). Nevertheless, the clinical phenotype of individ-
SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice at early ages. This uals with heterozygous NPR2 defects is reported to be highly vari-
estimation is supported by the result that cGMP contents, the sec- able: some have short stature, whereas others have normal stature
ond messenger of CNP/NPR-B signaling, in vertebrae of 3-week- but shortened arms (15). Accordingly, it would be hard to generalize
old SAP-Ostn-Tg mice tended to be larger than those in vertebrae which therapy, i.e., OSTN or CNP, is optimal for treating patients
of SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, and it is further supported by the result that with heterozygous NPR2 or possibly NPPC defects, and we might
CNP expression levels in vertebrae were significantly higher in have to choose pertinent therapy for each patient. As for other clini-
3-week-old mice than in 6-week-old mice, whereas NPR-C and cal features besides growth in patients with mutations in the NPR-B/
NPR-B expression levels were unchanged between 3- and 6-week- CNP/cGMP pathway, OSTN therapy would not worsen or even
old mice. Besides, the measurement of plasma CNP concentra- improve them, because OSTN therapy could restore the impaired
tions of mice at the age of 6 weeks revealed that SAP-Ostn-Tg mice signaling of this pathway in situ in the whole body. On the contrary, a
had almost equal or rather lower blood CNP levels compared with therapeutic approach that directly activates NPR-B by using CNP or
SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, although both naso-anal and naso-tail lengths its analog may achieve greater pharmacological efficacy for appen-
at that age were significantly greater in SAP-Ostn-Tg mice than in dicular bones, so it may be suitable for treating short-limbed dwarf-

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ism such as the FGFR3 chondrodysplasia group, including achon- estimated mouse Ostn gene level was normalized to Gapdh (forward:
droplasia and hypochondroplasia. TGCACCACCAACTGCTTAGC; reverse: GGATGCAGGGATGAT-
The additive effect of CNP and OSTN on the stimulation of GTTCTG) for each sample. We evaluated the copy number of Ostn
endochondral bone growth is favorable considering simultaneous in transgenic mice by dividing the PCR values from transgenic mice
administration of these 2 molecules or their respective analogs in by those from WT mice. Then the transgene copy number of each
clinical settings. It has been speculated that increased CNP levels transgenic line was defined as the number that remained after 2 was
in SAP-Nppc-Tg mice were further augmented by the decrease in subtracted from the number measured above. We used heterozygous
clearance capacity of NPR-C caused by OSTN. SAP-Ostn-Tg mice for all of the experiments.
As for a complication of OSTN or OSTN-CNP combination NPR-C–knockout (Npr3–/–) mice were a gift from Nobuyuki
therapy, we must take decreased blood pressure into consider- Takahashi (Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan). Generation
ation, due mainly to increased atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) of CNP-knockout (Nppc–/–) mice (3) and SAP-CNP–transgenic (SAP-
and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) actions (27). Although we Nppc-Tg) mice (5) was reported previously.
have yet to check the blood pressure of our transgenic mice, we To generate Nppc –/– mice carrying the SAP-Ostn transgene
believe that this problem is not very serious considering the pre- (Nppc –/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice), Nppc+/– mice were mated with SAP-
viously reported result on NPR-C–knockout mice, in that some Ostn-Tg mice (line 51), and Nppc+/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were obtained.
degrees of increase in plasma ANP levels were observed with a These mice were then mated with Nppc+/– mice. Among the resultant
slight decrease in their blood pressure (27). Nonetheless, we plan offspring, Nppc –/– mice and Nppc–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were identified
to examine the cardiovascular phenotypes, including blood pres- by PCR genotyping, and both were used in this study.
sure, of our transgenic mice in future. To generate Npr3 –/– mice carrying the SAP-Ostn transgene
In conclusion, we have elucidated the stimulatory effect of (Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice), Npr3–/– mice were mated with SAP-
circulating OSTN on bone growth and determined mechanism by Ostn-Tg mice (line 51), and Npr3+/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were obtained.
using an in vivo genetic approach in mice. Furthermore, we have These mice were then mated with Npr3 –/– mice. Among the resultant
confirmed the additive effect of OSTN and CNP on bone growth. offspring, Npr3–/– mice and Npr3–/–/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were identified
In clinical settings, we will have to perform exogenous adminis- by PCR genotyping and both were used in this study.
tration of OSTN or its analog, and the preclinical examination To generate mice carrying both SAP-Nppc and SAP-Ostn transgenes
investigating the effect of OSTN administration to model animals (SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice), male SAP-Nppc-Tg mice were mated
is now ongoing in our laboratory. with female SAP-Ostn-Tg mice (line 51). Among the resultant offspring,
double-transgenic SAP-Nppc-Tg/SAP-Ostn-Tg mice heterozygous for
Methods both SAP-Nppc and SAP-Ostn transgenes, SAP-Nppc-Tg mice, SAP-Ostn-
Animals. C57BL/6 mice used in this study were purchased from Tg mice, and WT mice were obtained and used for further experiments.
Japan SLC, Inc.. To generate Ostn-transgenic mice, a transgene All animals were housed at 23°C in a 14:10-hour light/dark cycle
was designed to express Ostn specifically in the liver under control with free access to water and standard chow.
of the human serum amyloid-P (SAP) component promoter. A 410- Transgene expression. Total RNA was isolated from liver, cartilage,
bp cDNA corresponding to mouse Ostn coding sequence (GenBank gastrocnemius muscle, brain, heart, lung, pancreas, intestine, kid-
accession no. NM_198112.2) was synthesized with an MfeI restriction ney, and testis of 6-week-old mice using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen).
site added to the 5′ end and an EcoRI restriction site to the 3′ end. This To prevent mixing with genomic DNA, cDNA was synthesized from
synthesized mouse Ostn cDNA was inserted into the EcoRI site of the total RNA using ReverTra Ace with genomic DNA Remover (Toyobo).
pSG2 vector, which was produced by subcloning of the HindIII-XhoI PCR amplification of cDNA was performed on a GeneAmp PCR Sys-
fragment from pLG1-SAP containing the SAP promoter and rab- tem 9700 (Applied Biosystems). To detect transgene expression, a for-
bit β-globin gene (28) into pBluescript vector, resulting in the SAP- ward primer was set in the untranslated sequence of pSG2 vector, and
Ostn fusion gene. Next, the NotI-XhoI fragment of the fusion gene a reverse primer was set in the mouse Ostn cDNA sequence (forward:
(SAP-Ostn transgene, 2.3 kb) was purified and microinjected into the GCTGGTTGTTGTGCTGTCTC; reverse: CCAGCTGAGAGTCTGT-
pronucleus of C57BL/6 mouse embryos using standard techniques. CAAGG). Internal control RT-PCR was performed with Gapdh.
Among delivered mice, founders were identified by PCR genotyping Quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Total RNA was isolated from epiph-
with a pair of primers to amplify the transgene sequence (forward: yseal cartilage of tibiae, lumbar vertebrae, and blood vessels of 3- and
TATTCTCCAAGTCCCTCTTTCCCC; reverse: AGAGAAGAGG- 6-week-old WT mice and from epiphyseal cartilage of tibiae and lum-
GACAGCTATGACTG). They were mated with C57BL/6 mice, and bar vertebrae of 3-week-old SAP-Ostn-Tg mice using RNeasy Mini Kit
we finally established 5 lines of SAP-Ostn-Tg mice, namely lines 3, 5, (Qiagen), and cDNA was synthesized using ReverTra Ace (Toyobo).
33, 44, and 51. The heterozygosity of the transgenic mice was main- Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was performed using SYBR Green dye
tained. In order to determine the transgene copy number in each on an Applied Biosystems 7300 Real Time PCR system. Data from
line, genomic DNA was extracted from tail tips and purified with epiphyseal cartilage of tibiae and lumbar vertebrae were normalized
phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (Wako Pure Chemical). Quan- using hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt) and
titative real-time PCR was performed on an Applied Biosystems peptidylprolyl isomerase A (Ppia) as reference genes, which were
7300 Real-Time PCR system with 1 pair of primers, designed based reported to be the most suitable genes for normalization in quantita-
on exon 3 of the mouse Ostn gene to amplify both the Ostn coding tive PCR assay in chondrocyte (29), and those from blood vessels were
region of genomic DNA and Ostn cDNA (forward: ACCCACAGC- normalized to Gapdh and actin, beta (Actb) mRNA levels. The primers
CAGAGAAGAGA; reverse: CCAGCTGAGAGTCTGTCAAGG). The used in this analysis were as follows: Nppc, forward AGCGGTCTGG-

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GATGTTAGTG and reverse CCTCCCCTCCCCAAATAATA; Npr3, tion. Anti–mouse/human OSTN rat mAb (catalog MAB2620, clone
forward TGACACCATTCGGAGAATCA and reverse TTTCACG- 311417), purchased from R&D Systems, was prepared against mouse
GTCCTCAGTAGGG; Npr2, forward GAGGCCCTGCTGTACCAAAT- prepro-OSTN (28 to 130 amino acids) and recognizes the middle
TCTA and reverse GAAGCCCACGATGTCACTGAAG; Hprt, forward regions of both mouse and human OSTN. These 2 antibodies were
GGACCTCTCGAAGTGTTGGATAC and reverse GCTCATCTTAG- used for the capture and detection antibody, respectively. The
GCTTTGTATTTGGCT; Ppia, forward CGCGTCTCCTTCGAGCT- 96-well white plates (437796, Nunc C96 White MaxiSorp Immuno-
GTTTG and reverse TGTAAAGTCACCACCCTGGCACAT; Gapdh, plate; Thermo Fisher Scientific) were coated with anti-mMUS1G2
forward TGCACCACCAACTGCTTAGC and reverse GGATGCAGG- (0.5 μg/well) in carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (pH 9.6) at room
GATGATGTTCTG; Actb, forward CATCCGTAAAGACCTCTATGC- temperature overnight. The coated plates were washed with PBS
CAAC and reverse ATGGAGCCACCGATCCACA. containing 0.05% Tween-20 and blocked with 25% BlockAce (DS
Growth curve. After mice reached 3 weeks of age, body weight and Pharma Biomedical) in PBS at room temperature for 30 minutes.
body length (naso-anal length and naso-tail length) were measured Mouse OSTN peptide (80 to 130 amino acids) (Phoenix Pharmaceu-
under anesthesia with isoflurane every week until they grew to 9 or ticals) was used as a standard. Standards and plasma samples were
10 weeks of age. applied to the coated plates and incubated at 4°C overnight. On the
Skeletal analysis. Mice were subjected to soft x-ray analysis (25 next day, after additional incubation at room temperature for 1 hour,
kV, 2.5 mA for 1 minute; Sofron type SRO-M50; Sofron), and then plates were washed and incubated with MAB26260 at room tem-
the anteroposterior and transverse diameters of the cranial bone, the perature for 1 hour. Plates were washed and incubated with alkaline
length of the lumbar spine, and the lengths of the left humerus, radius, phosphatase–conjugated donkey anti-rat antibody (catalog 712-055-
ulna, femur, and tibia of each mouse were measured on the soft x-ray 153, lot 74624; Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories) at room tem-
film. We defined the sum of the lengths of L2, L3, L4, and L5 as the perature for 1 hour. For chemiluminescence measurements, plates
length of the lumbar spine. were washed and incubated with substrates (CDP-Star Ready-To-
Histological analysis. The left tibiae of mice were fixed in 10% Use with Emerald-II; Thermo Fisher Scientific) at room temperature
formaldehyde neutral buffer solution (Nacalai Tesque). They were for 30 minutes. The chemiluminescence signal intensity of each well
decalcified with 10% EDTA, embedded in paraffin, and sliced to at 535 nm was measured by 2030 ARVO-X3 (PerkinElmer). Samples
expose the sagittal section for analyzing growth plates. Alcian blue were measured in duplicate, and the OSTN concentration was cal-
and H&E staining and immunohistochemical staining for type X colla- culated from the standard curve obtained by regression analysis of 6
gen of tibial growth plates with rat anti–type X collagen antibody (cata- known concentration samples.
log LB-0092, lot 812021; LSL Co.) were performed, and sections were For the measurement of plasma CNP levels, CNP extraction was
visualized under a Zeiss Axio Imager A1 microscope (Carl Zeiss). We carried out using Sep-Pak C18 cartridges (Waters). After loading and
subsequently measured the whole width and the width of the hyper- washing, peptides were eluted with 50% acetonitrile (Nacalai Tesque)
trophic zone of tibial growth plates using the image analysis software in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (Nacalai Tesque). Plasma CNP concentra-
AxioVision (version 4.6.3; Carl Zeiss). tions were measured using our newly developed sandwich CLEIA sys-
Bone microstructural analysis. Microstructural analysis of the distal tem against CNP-53, which has a detection limit down to 0.25 pM and
metaphyses of femurs was performed with micro-CT (SMX-100CT- no cross-reactivity with ANP, BNP, and other related peptides (Min-
SV3; Shimadzu Co.) as previously described (30). The bone volume amino et al., unpublished observations).
fraction, trabecular thickness, trabecular number, and trabecular sep- Measurement of cGMP levels. cGMP levels in lumbar vertebrae of
aration were calculated using 3D trabecular bone analysis software 3-week-old WT, SAP-Nppc-Tg, and SAP-Ostn-Tg mice were measured
(TRI/3D-BON; Ratoc System Engineering Co.). by cGMP ELISA kit (Cayman Chemical). Tissues were homogenized
Measurement of serum bone metabolic markers. Serum levels of in 5% trichloroacetic acid, and cyclic nucleotides were extracted using
osteocalcin (Alfa Aesar) and TRAP5b (Immunodiagnostic Systems) in water-saturated ether. Samples were acetylated to increase the sensi-
mice were measured by ELISA using a commercial assay kit. tivity of the assay before they were used.
Measurement of plasma OSTN and CNP levels. Mouse blood sam- Statistics. All results are expressed as the mean ± SEM. Statistical
ples were collected in microtubes containing 1 mg EDTA-2Na (Ther- analysis was performed using either 2-tailed Student’s t test or 1-way
mo Fisher Scientific) and 0.6 trypsin inhibitor units aprotinin (Wako ANOVA with the Tukey-Kramer test. Statistical significance was
Pure Chemical) for 1 ml of blood and stored on ice immediately. defined as P < 0.05.
After centrifugation at 1,500 g for 20 minutes at 4°C, plasma samples Study approval. Maintenance of the mice and all experimental
were collected and stored at –80°C until use. Plasma OSTN concen- procedures were performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines
trations were measured by sandwich chemiluminescence enzyme of Kyoto University and the United States NIH Guide for the Care and
immunoassay (CLEIA), modifying the previously reported protocol Use of Laboratory Animals (National Academies Press, 2011). This
for mouse ANP CLEIA (31). Anti–mouse OSTN C-terminus–directed study was approved by the Animal Research Committee, Graduate
antibody (anti-mMUS1G2) was raised in rabbits against immune School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
complexes conjugated to a custom-synthesized C-terminal octade-
capeptide (YGIPMDRIGRNRLSSSRG, N-tyrosinyl mouse prepro- Author contributions
osteocrin [114 to 130 amino acids]) with the keyhole limpet hemocy- YK generated and analyzed the data. YK and AY designed the
anin. This antibody specifically recognizes the C-terminal sequence experiments and wrote the manuscript. KPM and HY measured
of mouse OSTN, showing only 0.2% affinity to human OSTN and plasma OSTN concentrations of mice. CNO and N. Minamino
no cross-reactivity with ANP, BNP, or CNP at the 1/450,000 dilu- measured plasma CNP concentrations of mice. SY and KN pro­

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation   RESEARCH ARTICLE

vided CNP-knockout mice. KPM, HWT, YY, KH, YU, IY, EK, YS, TF, Address correspondence to: Akihiro Yasoda, Department of Dia-
HY, MM, N. Mochizuki, and NI contributed to the discussion and betes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Kyoto University Graduate
reviewed the manuscript. School of Medicine, 54 Shogoin, Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
606-8507, Japan. Phone: 81.75.751.3181; E-mail: ayasoda@kuhp.
Acknowledgments kyoto-u.ac.jp.
We thank Nobuyuki Takahashi for providing the NPR-C–knockout
mice. This work was supported by a Japan Society for the Promo- C. Nagai-Okatani’s present affiliation is: Biotechnology Research
tion of Science KAKENHI grant (26461381 to AY) and by Japan Institute for Drug Discovery, National Institute of Advanced
Agency for Medical Research and Development Japan Agency for Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
Medical Research and Development-Core Research for Evolu-
tionary Medical Science and Technology (AMED-CREST) grants N. Minamino’s present affiliation is: Omics Research Center,
(15652238 to HY, 13414779 to N Mochizuki). National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan.

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