Thesis Nan Wang

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Removal of Organic Micropollutants by Aerobic

Activated Sludge

Thesis by

Nan Wang

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Master of Science

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

June 2013


The dissertation/thesis of Nan Wang is approved by the examination committee.

Committee Chairperson: Prof. Gary Amy

Committee Member: Prof. Peiying Hong

Committee Member: Dr. Tao Zhang



Removal of Organic Micropollutants by Aerobic Activated Sludge

Nan Wang

The study examined the removal mechanism of non-acclimated and acclimated aerobic

activated sludge for 29 target organic micropollutants (OMPs) at low concentration. The

selection of the target OMPs represents a wide range of physical-chemical properties

such as hydrophobicity, charge state as well as a diverse range of classes, including

pharmaceuticals, personal care products and household chemicals.

The removal mechanisms of OMPs include adsorption, biodegradation, hydrolysis, and

vaporization. Adsorption and biodegradation were found to be the main routes for OMPs

removal for all target OMPs. Target OMPs responded to the two dominant removal

routes in different ways: (1) complete adsorption, (2) strong biodegradation and weak

adsorption, (3) medium biodegradation and adsorption, and (4) weak sorption and weak

biodegradatio. Kinetic study showed that adsorption of atenolol, mathylparaben and

propylparaben well followed first-order model (R2: 0.939 to 0.999) with the rate

constants ranging from 0.519-7.092 h-1. For biodegradation kinetics, it was found that

benzafibrate, bisphenol A, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, caffeine and DEET

followed zero-order model (K0:1.15E-4 to 0.0142 µg/Lh-1, R2: 0.991 to 0.999), while

TCEP, naproxen, dipehydramine, oxybenzone and sulfamethoxazole followed first-order

model (K1:1.96E-4 to 0.101 h-1, R2: 0.912 to 0.996).


Inhibition by sodium azide (NaN3)and high temperature sterilization was compared, and

it was found that high temperature sterilization will damage cells and change the sludge

charge state.

For the OMPs adaptation removal study, it was found that some of OMPs effluent

concentration decreased, which may be due to the slow adaptation of the sludge or the

increase of certain bacteria culture; some increased due to chromic toxicity of the

chemicals; most of the OMPs had stable effluent concentration trend, it was explained

that some of the OMPs were too difficutl to remove while other showed strong quick


A new module combined of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and nanofiltration

membrane filtration (NF-MBR) was developed to further study the OMPs removal and to

exam the concept of compounds (CRT). The NF-MBR was proved to be a promising

bioreactor, as OMPs were rejected by NF membrane which leaded to a low OMPs

concentration in permeate water, the apparent removal rate was over 80% for most of the



I would like to thank my committee chair, Dr. Gary Amy, and my committee members,

Dr. Peiying Hong, Dr. Tao Zhang, for their guidance and support throughout the course

of this research.

I would like also thank Dr. Chunhai Wei for his patient help on the experimental design

and operation of the reactors. Thank Dr. Christiane Hoppe Jones for her helps on the

samples measurement and thesis discussion.

My appreciation also goes to my friends and colleagues and the department faculty and

staff for making my time at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology a great


Finally, my heart felt gratitude is extended to my parents for their encouragement.






TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………..……….…6

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ……………………………………………..….…….………..……10

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ..……………………………………………………………………….………..…………..11

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………………….……….……………13

Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 14

1.1 The Occurrence of Micropollutants ........................................................................ 15

1.1.2 Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Residues .......................................................... 17

1.1.3 Occurrence of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds ............................................ 19

Chapter 2. The Operation of Aerobic Activated Sludge ............................................... 20

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 20

2.2 Setup of the aerobic activated sludge rector .......................................................... 20

2.2.1 The setup of the reactor ................................................................................... 20

2.2.2 Composition of the synthetic wastewater ....................................................... 21

2.3 The operation of the reactor ................................................................................... 21

2.3.1 Sludge seeding .................................................................................................. 21


2.3.2 Operation mode ............................................................................................... 22

2.3.3 Monitoring methods......................................................................................... 22

2.3.4 Operational parameters of the bioreactor ....................................................... 25

2.3.5 Operation monitoring parameters of the bioreactor....................................... 25

2.4 Summary ................................................................................................................. 26

Chapter 3. Adsorption and Biodegradation of Organic Micropollutants by

Nonacclimated Aerobic Activated Sludge......................................................................... 27

3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 27

3.2 Materials and methods ........................................................................................... 27

3.2.1 Materials ........................................................................................................... 27

3.2.2 Adsorption and biodegradation experiments .................................................. 31

3.2.3 Sorption equilibrium time determination ........................................................ 34

3.2.4 Sorption isotherms ........................................................................................... 34

3.3 Mechanism models ................................................................................................. 34

3.3.1 Adsorption models ........................................................................................... 34

3.3.2 Adsorption kinetic models ................................................................................ 36

3.3.3 Biodegradation kinetic models ......................................................................... 36

3.4 Result and discussion .............................................................................................. 37

3.4.1 Hydrolysis and volatilization ............................................................................. 37


3.4.2 The biodegradation inhibition by NaN3 ............................................................ 37

3.5 Adsorption and biodegradation of OMPs by aerobic activated sludge .................. 39

3.5.1 Isotherms .......................................................................................................... 39

3.5.2 Difficult to remove OMPs ................................................................................. 40

3.5.3 OMPs adsorption by aerobic activated sludge ................................................. 40

3.5.4 Adsorption differences between NaN3 and high temperature sterilization

inhibition .................................................................................................................... 43

3.5.5 OMPs biodegradation by aerobic activated sludge ......................................... 44

3.6 Summary ................................................................................................................. 46

Chapter 4. The Adaptation of Removal of Organic Micropollutants by Aerobic

Activated Sludge ............................................................................................................... 50

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 50

4.2 Materials and methods ........................................................................................... 50

4.3 Results and discussion ............................................................................................. 51

4.3.2 Decreasing trend .............................................................................................. 51

4.3.3 Increasing trend ................................................................................................ 53

4.3.4 Stable trend ...................................................................................................... 54

4.4 Summary ................................................................................................................. 56


Chapter 5. Concept of Compound Retention Time in Aerobic Nanofiltration

Membrane Bioreactor ...................................................................................................... 57

5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 57

5.1 Materials and methods ........................................................................................... 58

5.1.1 Materials and devices ....................................................................................... 58

5.1.2 Methods............................................................................................................ 58

5.2 Model development ................................................................................................ 60

5.3 Results and discussion ............................................................................................. 62

Chapter 6. Conclusions and Suggestions ...................................................................... 67

6.1 Conclusions.............................................................................................................. 67

6.2 Suggestions.............................................................................................................. 68


Appendix A ………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..…74.

Appendix B ………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….….76.

Appendix A ………………………………………….………………………………………………………………..……78.

Appendix D ………………………………………….……………………………………………………..……………..86.

Appendix E ………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….…..92


Ae-MBR Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor

An-MBR Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor
b Maximum Amount of the Compound Absorbed per Sludge
C0 Initial Concentration
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L
CODsol Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L
CRT Compound Retention Time d
EPS Extracellular Organic Substances
FEEM Fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrices
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time d
K0 Zero-Order Rate Constant
K1 First-Order Rate Constant
K1 Second-Order Rate Constant
Kd Distribution Coefficient
Kf Freundlich Adsorption Coefficient
LC-OCD Liquid Chromatography – Organic Carbon detection
MBR Membrane Bioreactor
MF Micro Filtration
MLSS Mixing Liquid Suspended Solid
MQ Milli-Q Water
MWCO Molecular Weight Cut-Off Da
NF Nano Filtration
OMPs Organic Micro-Pollutant
ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential mV
q Adsorption Quantity mg/g
Q Binding Strength
RO Reverse Osmosis
SLR Sludge Loading Rate kgCOD/kgTSS
SRT Sludge Retention Time d
SV Sludge Volume
SVI Sludge Volume Index mL/gTSS
TOC Total Organci Carbon mg/L
UASB Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
VFA Volatile Fatty Acids mg/L
VLR Volume Loading Rate kgCOD/(m3d)
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

Standard Gibbs Free Adsorption Energy

Standard Adsorption Enthalpy
Standard Adsorption Entropy Change


Figure 1-1. Origin and routes of PPs[14] ............................................................................. 16

Figure 1-2. Transformation pathways of PPs (PC: parent compound, M:

figure 2-1. Applikon ez-control system ............................................................................... 21

figure 2-2. Aerobic SBR operation mode ............................................................................ 25

figure 3-1. Design of removal of OMPs test steps ............................................................... 33

figure 3-2. The removal of caffeine by aerobic activated sludge ........................................ 39

figure 3-3. The removal of atrazine by aerobic activated sludge. A total

Figure 3-4. The removal of sulfamethoxazole by aerobic activated sludge. A total removal,

B zero order simulation curve .............................................................................................. 42

Figure 3-5. The removal of propylparaben by aerobic activated sludge. A total removal, B

first-order simulation curve.................................................................................................. 44

Figure 3-6. Simulation of removal ibuprofen by aerobic activated sludge. A first-order

removal kinetics by sorption and biodegradation, B zero-order biodegradation kinetics ... 46

Figure 4-1. (A) removal trend of bisphenol A. (B)removal of bisphenol A by non-

acclimated and acclimated activated sludge ........................................................................ 52

Figure 4-2. removal trend of ibuprofen. (B)removal of ibuprofen by non-acclimated and

acclimated activated sludge ................................................................................................. 52

Figure 4-3. Removal trend of diclofenac (A) and iopromide (B) ........................................ 53

Figure 4-4. Removal trend of atenolol (A) and trimethoprim (B) ....................................... 54

Figure 4-5. Removal trend of clofibric acid (A) and benzefibrate (B) ................................ 55

Figure 4-6. Removal trend of DEET, clofibric acid, oxybenzone, sulfamethoxazole, TCEP

and dilatin............................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 5-1. Membrane separation processes overview[65] ................................................. 58

Figure 5-2. Design of the CRT test process ......................................................................... 60

Figure 5-3. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of acesulfame in NF-SB-MBR operation ................ 63

Figure 5-4. Relation between CRT and rejection rate in acefulfame .................................. 64

Figure 5-5. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of bisphenol A in NF-SB-MBR operation ............... 64

Figure 5-6. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of amtripline in NF-SB-MBR operation .................. 65

Figure 5-7. Permeate concentration of target OMPs after NF. ............................................ 66



Table 2-1. Composition of the synthetic wastewater ........................................................... 24

Table 2-2. Starting parameters for the bioreactor ................................................................ 25

Table 2-3. Operation parameters of the aerobic activated sludge bioreactor ...................... 26

Table 3-1. Summary of target organic micropollutants and their physic-chemical properties.

.............................................................................................................................................. 29

Table 3-2. Batch experiment design .................................................................................... 33

Table 3-3. OMPs spiking ..................................................................................................... 34

Table 3-4. COD changes between 0h and 168h in the adsorption and biodegradation

experiment............................................................................................................................ 38

Table 3-5. First-order adsorption kinetics rate constants of target OMPs ........................... 44

Table 3-6. Zero-order biodegradation kinetics model parameters ....................................... 45

Table 3-7. First –order biodegradation kinetics model parameters ..................................... 46

Table 3-8. OMPs removal rate comparison between literature and the study ..................... 48

Table 4-1. The removal trend of effluent concentration ...................................................... 51


Chapter 1. Introduction

In the recent decades, organic micropollutants contamination in water treatment has

attracted great concerns [1] [2]. Traditional water treatment processes were not designed

for the micropollutants removal, although some reports have demonstrated that some

types of pharmaceuticals can be eliminated by conventional wastewater treatment unit,

such as activated sludge. These chemicals are usually at low concentration (ng/L-µg/L) [3,

4], but they cannot be negligible as they may still course serious effect on human health

and the environment. Many PPCPs possess acute toxicities similar to industrial

chemicals, exhibit chronic toxicity ,and exhibit ecotoxic effects principally through

endocrine disruption [5]. Concern is also mounting that low level contamination by

certain PPCPs may contribute to the spread of antibacterial resistance [6]. To date, more

than 80 different compounds have been detected in surface and ground water worldwide.

The disposal of unused medication via the toilet seems to be of minor importance but

many of the pharmaceuticals applied in human medical care are not completely

eliminated in the human body [2]. These micropollutants are usually released into the

aquatic environment by effluents from municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs), and

investigations have shown that these substances are often not eliminated during waste

water treatment and also not biodegraded in the environment [2, 7, 8]. The low

concentrations at which they occur in WWTPs make them difficult to remove.

Mechanisms behind their treatment include biodegradation, abiotic transformations and

sorption to biomass or suspended solid [9, 10]. Among these, sorption processes and

biodegradation contribute the most to the micropollutants removal. However, for an

efficient and complete removal of micropollutants, biotransformation or advanced


oxidation processes will be the most effective removal strategy. Although advanced

oxidation processes require more capital and operation costs, they are able to oxidize

many organic micropollutants, and either eliminate them completely or make them

biodegradable. Since most of the wastewater treatment processes are based on

biodegradation, optimizing the conditions could be a more feasible pathway [11].

1.1 The Occurrence of Micropollutants

Effluents of municipal WWTPs have been identified as a major source of emerging

micropollutant [12], hormones, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs).

People in private households are either dumping drugs in normal metabolism routes or

dispose expired drugs into the toilets [7, 12]. Sometimes, hospital wastewater can

contribute to the load due to unregular operations. Some organic micropollutants such

EDCs and PPCPs are not biodegradable in the WWTPs, and the domestic sewage will be

then disposed into the natural environment. Another route for the discharge of

micropollutants is by the usage of green fertilizer. When manure is used, it is very likely

that the veterinary pharmaceuticals been introduced into the rivers and groundwater by

runoff. The other source from agriculture is from the usage of pesticides, which has long

been known. Point –source discharges by pharmaceutical plants are also released into the

rivers, which is always a serious problem for the local ecology. Leakage from landfills

can also contaminate waters, as some of landfills are not secure landfill [13]. ‎Figure 1-1

shows the typical origin routes of pharmaceutical products, and ‎Figure 1-2 shows

transformation pathways of PPs.


Figure 1-1. Origin and routes of PPs[14]

Some investigations have been carried out in Austria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, England,

Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the U.S., and more than

80 compounds, pharmaceuticals and several drug metabolites have been detected in the

aquatic environment [2, 15].


Figure 1-2. Transformation pathways of PPs (PC: parent compound, M: Metabolite(s), TP:
Transformation Product(s), WWTP: Waste water Treatment Plant; DWT: Drinking

1.1.2 Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Residues

In the recent reports, many researchers have found new environmental effects of the

PPCPs. However, because of the lack of assessment of complete data, it is difficult for

researchers to fully understand the environmental effects of most PPCPs, and no one

knows whether the relatively low concentrations found for PPCPs produce adverse

effects on biota or whether the toxicity of complex mixtures might be totally different

from that of individual compound [7, 16, 17]. Thus, we need more research and

investigations on the effects and occurrence of micropollutants as well as reducing their

generation and disposal into the environment. Fortunately, there are many research

institutes and government agencies that are intensively working on the topic. The EU and

the U.S. have launched research projects like EU’s Repharmawater and Poseidon and U.S.

EPA projects [18, 19].

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed in human medical care but

often they are sold at higher quantities as over the counter (OTC) drugs. In Germany, the

total quantities of acetaminophen (ASA) sold per year have been estimated at over 500

tons [20, 21]. Other analgesics such as diclofenac or ibuprofen are sold in Germany at an

annual amount of about 75 and 180 tons respectively [21]. The concentration of ASA is

rather low in the sewage effluents and surface water. Ternes et al. [8] found that the

highest concentrations of salicylic, ortho-hydroxypippuric acid and gentisic acid in

sewage influents are 54, 6.8 and 4.6 µg/L, respectively, and all of these three compounds

were efficiently removed by municipal STPs. Another pain killer, acetaminophen is also

easily degraded and removed by STPs, and seldom has acetaminophen been detected [22].

Several researches have been done to investigate the occurrence of antibacterial drugs in

STPs and surface waters [23, 24]. Macrolide antibiotics (clarithromycin, dehydro-

erythromycin [metabolite of erythromycin], roxithromycin, lincomycin), sulfonamides

(sulfamethoxazole, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethazine, and sulfathiazole),

fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and enrofloxacin), chloramphenicol, tylosin

and trimethoprim have been found up to the low µg/l-level in sewage and surface water

samples [15]. Penicillin and tetracyclines were not detected which was explained that

penicillin are easily hydrolyzed and tetracyclines readily precipitated with cations such as

calcium and accumulate in sewage sludge or sediments [25, 26]. However, antibiotics are

detected at high concentration in hospital wastewater and primary and tertiary wastewater

effluents [27].

The data collected above indicate that some PhACs are originated from municipal

WWTPs as they cannot be completely eliminated. Most of them are at low level

concentration up to µg/L in municipal sewage and surface water. New methods to detect

the PhACs are being developed to better understand their occurrence.

1.1.3 Occurrence of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds

Some pharmaceuticals have been found to be EDCs, and it has long been known that

EDCs can cause unpredictable side effects especially in central nervous system [28] and

hormone systems. Thus, the concern of the occurrence of EDCs is rapidly increasing.

Generally, EDCs are classified as estrogenic, androgenic and thyroidal [29]. EDCs have

been detected by several cities at wide ranges of concentration. The removal efficiency of

different operation units is not clear, but most removal seems to be done within the

activated sludge process. The removal efficiency of activated sludge is better than that of

a trickling filter due to the faster rate of aerobic biodegradation.


Chapter 2. The Operation of Aerobic Activated Sludge

2.1 Introduction

The conventional activated sludge (CAS) process is the mostly widely used wastewater

treatment system in the world; therefore, the study of the removal organic micropollutants

(OMPs) by CAS is of vital importance. In this study, conventional aerobic activated sludge

wastewater treatment was chosen for the sludge operation, and followed a classical

sequencing batch reactor mode. In order to get the non-acclimated activated sludge,

synthetic wastewater without any OMPs content was used as influent. After 2 weeks of

operation, the effluent water reached equilibrium, and the reactor was kept operating for

about 6 months. All of the parameters of the effluent reached steady state after two weeks.

The sludge could be used for the studying of OMPs removal by non-acclimated aerobic

activated sludge.

2.2 Setup of the aerobic activated sludge rector

2.2.1 The setup of the reactor

The Applikon ez-control system, which is shown in ‎Figure 2-1, was used as the reactor for

the culture of non-acclimated activated sludge. Parameters like temperature, pH, DO, ORP

could be controlled or monitored by the system, and influent and effluent were also control

by the built-in pump. The sludge container was made of double glazing glass with a total

volume of 2.4 L, the temperature could be controlled by circulating water in the glass

interlayer. All of the pipes were covered with aluminum foil to inhibit the growth of algae.

Figure 2-1. Applikon ez-control system

2.2.2 Composition of the synthetic wastewater

The composition of the synthetic wastewater was chosen according to Nopens et al.[30].

All the chemicals are purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, which are listed in ‎Table 2-1. The

theoretical COD was 439.47 mg/L, the measured COD was around 380-410mg/L. The

possible reason for the low value was the loss of large molecules after filtration of the

synthetic wastewater samples.

2.3 The operation of the reactor

2.3.1 Sludge seeding

The seeding sludge was taken from the Jeddah wastewater plant, and was filtered through

100 µm sieve.

2.3.2 Operation mode

The operation of the reactor followed a classical sequencing batch reactor mode, which is

shown in ‎Figure 2-2.

Fill mode: 1L synthetic waste water was filled into the reactor through the pipe, and the

flow rate was 2L/h, and the filling time was 30 mins, after filling, the water reached the

highest level as the F/M value.

React mode: Immediately after filling, the valve of pure oxygen was open, and oxygen

was bubbled into the reactor under a pressure of 0.01 bar for two hours. DO was 75-81%

under constant temperature of 20℃. Meanwhile, the built-in stirring started at the speed of

200 rpm.

Settle mode: The settling time was 2 hours, while the stirrer and aeration was stopped.

Draw mode: Effluent rate was also 2L/h and draw for 30 mins, the effluent was collected

for further investigation.

2.3.3 Monitoring methods

During the 6 month operation of the reactor, COD, TOC, pH, DO, VFA, MLSS, MLVSS,

TN, NO3-N, NH3-N, and other parameters were intensively monitored. All samples were

filtered through Whatman 0.45 µm glass fiber filter before use.

COD, VFA, TN, NO3-N, NH3-N: Hach series parameter reagents were used to measure

the above parameters. A Hach DBR 200 digital block reactor was used for digestion, and a

Hach 2800 portable spectrophotometer was used to measure the samples.


TOC: Shimadzu TOC-V WP was used for the TOC measurements.

pH: pH was measured with the built-in pH meter.

MLSS: MLSS was measured using the standard method. The filters used were Whatman

0.45 µm filters, the volume used for sludge was 10 mL and for effluent was 200 mL, the

drying temperature was 103-105℃.

m1  m0
MLSS  (1.1)


m1 was the sample and filter weight,

m2 was the weight of the filter,

V was the volume of the sample.

MLVSS: The mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) represented the population

size of bacteria within the activated sludge process. Volatile suspended solids were solids

that burn in a muffle furnace at 550°C for 3 hours, where the loss of volatile solids was

considered bacteria. The increase of MLVSS represented an increase of bacteria population.

m1  m2
MLSS  (1.2)

Where, m2 was the sample and filter weight after burning.


SVI: SVI is the sludge volume index, which was used to measure the settling character.

SVI was the volume of the MLSS over the density of the mixed liquor suspended solids.

The settling time was set to 30 minutes in this case.

volume of settled solids ( ml ) after 30 min utes

SVI  (1.3)
concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids

Table 2-1. Composition of the synthetic wastewater

Chemical compound mg/L COD mg/L N mg/L P mg/L
FeSO4∙7H2O 5.8 0 0 0
KH2PO4 23.4 0 0 3.14
MgHPO4∙3H2O 29.02 0 0 5.14
Na-Acetate 79.37 79.37 0 0
NH4Cl 12.75 0 3.52 0
Peptone 17.41 17.41 0.67 0
Urea 91.74 23.22 42.81 0
Food ingredients
Milk power 116.19 116.19 6.95 1.14
Soy oil 29.02 29.02 0 0
Starch 122 122 0 0
Yeast 52.24 52.24 6.28 0
Total 439.47 60.23 9.42
Trace metals
mg/L mg metal/L
Cr(NO3)3∙9H2O 0.77 0.1
CuCl2∙2H2O 0.536 0.2
MnSO4H2O 0.108 0.035
NiSO4∙6H2O 0.336 0.075
PbCl2 0.1 0.075
ZnCl2 0.208 0.1


2.2L 2.2L


Fill React Settle Draw

(30 mins) (3 hours) (2 hours) (30 mins)

Figure 2-2. Aerobic SBR operation mode

2.3.4 Operational parameters of the bioreactor

The starting parameters for the bioreactor are shown in ‎Table 2-2. The operation was kept

the same for about 6 months, and the bioreactor effluent was stable during the process.

Table 2-2. Starting parameters for the bioreactor

MLSS Temperature Influent COD Stirring rate DO pH
(mg/L) (℃) (mg/L) (rpm) %
1220 22±1 390-410 200 75-81 6.8-7.1

2.3.5 Operation monitoring parameters of the bioreactor

The effluent samples were taken and analyzed every few days. Paraeters are shown

in ‎Table 2-3. COD and TOC could be removed over 95%, and 80% for organic nitrogen at


Table 2-3. Operational parameters of the aerobic activated sludge bioreactor

(mg/L) (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L-N) (mg/L-N) (mg/L)
2290- 1340 79-96 13.5-86.1 2.05-14.3 11.6-61.3 1.73-22.9 35.4-53.7

2.4 Summary

The aerobic activated sludge was operated for 6 months, and the effluent was stable. No

OMPs were spiked into the synthetic wastewater, therefore, the sludge could be considered

as “non-acclimated sludge” for OMPs, and could be used for further studies.

Chapter 3. Adsorption and Biodegradation of Organic Micropollutants by

Non-acclimated Aerobic Activated Sludge

3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the removal mechanisms of 29 selected organic micropollutants (OMPs)

with different chemical and physical properties were investigated using batch reactors. The

work studied the roles of adsorption, biodegradation, hydrolysis and volatilization in the

removal of target OMPs, it was found that hydrolysis and volatilization effects could be

considered negligible, while adsorption and biodegradation played the main roles in the

process. To study the adsorption route, NaN3 was used as an inhibitor, and it was

demonstrated that it worked well as expected, as COD as observed not changed after the

NaN3 injection. The removals could be classified according to different routes: strong

adsorption, strong biodegradation, both adsorption and biodegradation.

3.2 Materials and methods

3.2.1 Materials Target organic micropollutants

We selected 29 OMPs as target for their removal in the study, and they were typical OMPs

reported in the literature. The selection considered the differences between physic-

chemical properties, like hydrophobicity, charge state, as well as their classification and


Acesulfame, atrazine, caffeine, DEET, TCEP, TCPP, TDCPP, were purchased from Fluka

(USA), amitriptyline, atenolol, benzafibrite, bisphenol A, carbamazepine, clofibric acid,


diclofenac, dilatin, diphenhydramine, gembibrozil, ibuprofen, methylparaben, oxybenzone,

trimethoprim were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (USA), and iopromide, naproxen,

propylparaben, sucralose were purchased from the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention.

Isotopes of acesulfame, carbamazepine, naproxen, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim were

purchased from Toronto Research Chemicals, isotopes of amitriptyline, atenolol, bisphenol

A, caffeine, dilatin, diphenhydramine, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, methylparaben,

propylparaben were purchased from CDN, isotopes of atrazine, ibuprofen were purchased

from Fluka, and isotopes of benzafibrate, clofibric acid, oxybenzone, primidone, TCEP

were purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories. All stock solutions were prepared in

methanol with a concentration of 1000 mg L-1, and stored at -20 ℃. ‎Table 3-1 shows

asummary of target OMPs and their physic-chemical properties, and the structures of the

target OMPs could be found in Appendix A. Other chemicals and materials

The synthetic waste water followed the recipe which was described in ‎Chapter 2. Sodium

azide, which was used to inhibit the sludge biodegradation, was purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich (USA). All of the selected OMPs have been found in municipal water treatment

plants [2, 4, 5, 31-38]. As the acclimation of sludge can influence the degradation of OMPs

at trace concentration, the sludge used had been running without OMPs for 6 months,

which can ensure the sludge was in non-acclimated stages for OMPs.

Table 3-1. Summary of target organic micropollutants and their physic-chemical properties.
Compound CAS use Formula MW K Ha logKow pKa Kdb Charge
g/mol atm•m3/mol L/kgS
e S
Acesulfame 33665-90-6 Sweetener C4H5NO4S 163.15 9.63E-009 -1.33 -c
Amitriptyline 50-48-6 Antibiotic C20H23N 277.41 6.85E-008 4.92 9.4 2686 +
Atenolol 29122-68-7 Beta-blocker C14H22N2O3 266.34 1.37E-018 0.16 9.6 35 +
Atrazine 1912-24-9 Pesticide C8H14ClN5 215.68 2.36E-009 2.61 1.7 60 N
Bezafibrate 41859-67-0 Fibrate C19H20ClNO4 361.83 2.12E-015 4.25 3.61

Bisphenol A 80-05-7 EDS (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2 228.29 1E-011 3.32 9.78 431, N

Caffeine 58-08-2 Stumulant C8H10N4O2 194.19 3.58E-011 -0.07 10.4 <30 N
Carbamazepin 298-46-4 Anticonvulsant C15H12N2O 236.28 1.08E-010 2.45 15.96 50, N
e 36
Clofibric acid 882-09-7 Fibrate ClC6H4OC(CH3)2CO2H 214.65 2.19E-008 2.57 3.18
DEET 134-62-3 Insect CH3C6H4CON(C2H5)2 191.28 2.08E-008 2.18 9.68 42 N
Diclofenac 15307-86-5 NSAID C14H11Cl2NO2 296.16 4.73E-012 4.51 4.15 <30 -
Dilantin 57-41-0 Anticonvulsants C15H12N2O2 252.28 1.02E-011 2.47 8.33 81, N, -
Diphenhydram 58-73-1 Antihistamine C17H21NO 255.36 3.7E-009 3.27 8.98
Gemfibrozil 25812-30-0 Fibrate C15H22O3 250.34 1.19E-008 4.77 4.42 45, -
Ibuprofen 15687-27-1 NSAID C13H18O2 206.29 1.5E-007 3.97 4.91 <30 -

Iopromide 73334-07-3 Contrast C18H24I3N3O8 791.12 1E-028 -2.05 10.2

Methylparaben 99-76-3 Paraben C8H8O3 152.15 2.16E-008 1.96 +
Naproxen 22204-53-1 NSAID C14H14O3 230.27 3.39E-010 3.18 4.15 <30 -

Oxybenzone 131-57-7 Sunscreens C14H12O3 228.25 1.5E-008 3.79

Primidone 125-33-7 Anticonvulsant C12H14N2O2 218.26 1.94E-010 0.91 11.50 <30 N

Propylparaben 94-13-3 Paraben C10H12O3 180.21 6.37E-009 3.04 +

Sucralose 56038-13-2 Sweetener C12H19Cl3O8 397.64 3.99E-019 -1.00

Sulfamethoxaz 723-46-6 Antibiotic C10H11N3O3S 253.28 6.42E-013 0.89 6.16 <30 N, -
TCEP 115-96-8 Flame C9H15O6P 285.49 3.29E-006 1.44 65 N
TCPP 13674-84- Flame C9H18Cl3O4P 327.57 2.02E-005 2.59
5 Retardant
TDCPP 13674-87-8 Flame C9H15Cl6O4P 430.91 7.36E-008 3.65
Trimethoprim 738-70-5 Antibiotic C14H18N4O3 290.32 2.39E-014 0.91 7.12 119, N, +
Source: b Kd from John et. al. [39], which was based on the adsorption
by CAS. c + positively charged,- negatively charged, N neutral.
30 Analytical methods

For every single sample, solid phased extraction was used to purify them, and a Dionex™
Autotrace™ 280 solid-phase extraction instrument and Oasis cartridges were applied for

the process. All samples have been spiked with 100 µg/L standard isotopes, except TCPP

and TDCPP, the method was following the EPA method 8270, and the steps were as


Activation of sorbent: conditioned cartridge with 5.0 mL of MTBE and methanol into

solvent waste and water into aqueous waste, separately;

Application of samples: loaded 50 mL into cartridge, original sample was 1.0 mL and

diluted to 50 mL;

Removal of interfering compounds: rinsed cartridge with 5.0 mL of waste into aqueous

waste, dried cartridge with 5.0 mL of methanol;

Elution of analytes: washed cartridge with 5.0 mL of methanol and 5.0 mL of 10%

methanol with MTBE separately, and collected 5.0 mL fraction into sample tube using

methanol, and 5.0 mL 10% methanol with MTBE separately.

The concentration of target OMPs were measured using Agilent Technology 1260 module

coupled with AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500 mass spectrometer (Applied Biosystems, Foster

City, CA). The LC unit consists of a degasser, a binary pump, an autosampler and an LC

column and the injection volume was 10 µL.


The operation of the LC was separated into positive and negative mode for different OMPs,

and the detailed process was as following, and the MS information can be found in the

Appendix B.

Mobile phase for ESI +: 4 mM ammonium formate in water containing 0.1% formic acid

(A) and 4mM Ammonium formate in methanol containing 0.1% formic acid (B). Flow rate

of 800 uL/min as follows: 90% A held for 0.5 min, then stepped down to 50% at 0.51 min

and decreased linearly to 5% at 8 min. It is held at 5% for 6 mins, then stepped up to 90%

A for an equilibration step of 4 min, giving a total run time of 18 mins.

Mobile phase for ESI-: 2mM ammonium acetate in water (A) and 2mM Ammonium

acetate in methanol (B). Flow rate of 800 µL/min as follows: 90% A held for 0.5 min, then

stepped down to 60% at 0.51 min and decreased linearly to 5% at 8 min. It was held at 5%

till 11 min, then decreased linearly to 90% A in 3 min followed by a 4 min equilibration

step at 90% A, resulting in a total run time of 18 mins.

3.2.2 Adsorption and biodegradation experiments

The MLSS in the bioreactor was 3000 mg/L when the batch experiment began. In the batch

test, eight 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks with 200 ml mixed liquor were run simultaneously at

20 ℃ for a week following the four treatments (reactor1, reactor2, reactor3, and reactor4)

shown in Table 3-2. The removal routes for OMPs in the activated sludge process were

considered to be biodegradtion (B), adsorption (A), volatilization (V), and hydrolysis (H).

For reactor1, a and b were duplicated reactors in which all of the removal routes will occur.

For reactor2 and reactor3, biodegradation was inhibited by NaN3 and high temperature

sterilization, respectively. For reactor4, activated sludge was not added, therefore, only

self-degradation according to hydrolysis and volatilization can occur. According to the

results and assumption, biodegradation and adsorption was based on the differences of

different reactor results as follows:

removalB  removalR1  removalR 2, R 3 (2.1)

removala A  removalR 2, R 3  removalR 4 (2.2)

All reactors were covered with aluminum foil to void possible photolysis. OMPs were

spiked with a methanol stock solution mixture containing 1 mg/mL of each OMPs, and

final OMPs concentrations in the batch reactors were 100 µg/L. The high concentration in

the stock was planed to avoid increasing the COD by methanol stock. Synthetic wastewater

as described in ‎Chapter 2, and activated sludge was taken just after the fill mode in the

bioreactors, therefore, COD was kept same as the bioreactor influent. Pure oxygen was

used for aeration with a pressure of 0.1 MPa, and DO in the batch reactors was around 80%

at 20 ℃. Stirring was supplied by magnetic stirrers at 350 rpm. Samples were taken from

the batch reactor at the following times: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144,

168h, respectively. The collected samples will be first centrifuged at 4000 G for 10 minutes,

and then filtered through 0.45µm glass fiber filter. The filter was cleaned by M.Q. water

and injected air to squeeze out the liquid. The first 1 mL filtrate was discarded, and the

following was collected in a glass centrifuge tubes. All of the samples were carried out in

duplicate, and a control sample without sludge was also prepared under the same condition

to determine if there was a loss of OMPs. The whole design sketch is shown in ‎Figure 3-1.

Table 3-2. Batch experiment design

reactor activated wastewater OMPsb 0.1% aerationd high removal
No. sludgea NaN3c temperature routes
AeR1a +e + + - + - B+A+(V+H)f
AeR1b + + + - + - B+A+(V+H)
AeR2a + + + + + - B+A+(V+H)
AeR2b + + + + + - B+A+(V+H)
AeR3a + + + + + + A+(V+H)
AeR3b + + + + + + A+(V+H)
AeR4a - + + + + - V+H
AeR4b - + + + + - V+H
a b
MLSS was 2000mg/L. OMPs stock concentration was 1000mg/L, spiking concentration
was100ug/. c NaN3 was used to inhibit the sludge biodegradation activity. d Pure Oxygen was
used for aeration, DO was around 6.4-7.3 mg/L at 20 ℃. e +indicated with or added,-indicated
without or not added. f B-biodegradatio, A-adsorption by NaN3 or high temperature sterilization
inhibition,(V+H) volatilization and hydrolysis

4000G 10 mins
0.45 µm glass fiber



R1:2000 mg/L sludge R2:2000 mg/L sludge R3:2000 mg/L R3:100µg/L OMPs
+ + autoclaved sludge +
100µg/L OMPs 100µg/L OMPs + 0.1% NaN3
+ 100µg/L OMPs
0.1% NaN3 +
0.1% NaN3

Figure 3-1. Design of removal of OMPs test steps


3.2.3 Sorption equilibrium time determination

Design of reactor2 was applied to find the sorption equilibrium time. Samples were taken

at 0, 24, 48h, respectively. OMPs concentration was checked, and the equilibrium time was


3.2.4 Sorption isotherms

Design of reactor2 was also applied in the determination of sorption isotherms after the

equilibrium time was determined (48h was set as the sorption equilibrium time). The

sorption isotherms were conducted using 1, 10, 50, and 100 ug/L OMPs. The injection

volumes of the OMPs were the same to keep same COD in each reactor, stocks with

different concentration were prepared, and the spiking volumes are shown in ‎Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. OMPs spiking

1 µg/L 5 µg/L 10 µg/L 50 µg/L 100 µg/L
Stock Concentration 0.01 mg/L 0.05 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 1 mg/L
Volume Injected 20uL 20uL 20uL 20uL 20uL

3.3 Mechanism models

3.3.1 Adsorption models

Three isotherms including the Freundlich, linear, and Langmuir isotherms were applied to

describe the sorption equilibrium. During the sorption experiments, OMPs concentration in

the liquid phase were used to determined their partitioning into the sludge as follows:

qeq 
0  Ceq 

Where qeq is the OMPs partition into the sludge, C0 is the initial concentration of OMPs,

Ceq is the residual OMPs concentration, and M is the concentration of the sludge.

Models are described as follows:

Freundlich model:

qeq  K f Ceq1/n (2.4)

Where qeq (mg/g) is the equilibrium amount OMPs that adsorbed onto the sludge, k f is

the Freundlich adsorption coefficient, Ceq is the equilibrium concentration of OMPs in the

liquid phase, and 1/n is the measurement of nonlinearity. Freundlich isotherm can be

interpreted into linear form:

log qeq  log K f  log Ceq (2.5)

Linear model:

When 1/n is 1, the Freundlich model can be described in linear form:

qeq  K d Ceq (2.6)

Where K d (L mg-1) is the distribution coefficient.

Langmuir model:

qeq  (2.7)
1  bCeq

Where Q is the binding strength, b is the maximum amount of the compound absorbed per

sludge. Langmuir model can also be transform into a linear form:

Ceq 1 Ceq
  (2.8)
qeq Qb Q

3.3.2 Adsorption kinetic models

Lagergren model which is a pseudo-first order rate equation was used to simulate the

adsorption kinetics:

 K1  qeq  q 

log  qe  qt   log qe  t (2.10)

3.3.3 Biodegradation kinetic models

Three kinetic models were applied to simulate the results for biodegradation, which were

zero-order, first-order, and second-order models.


 k0  Ct  C0  k0t (2.11)


 k1C  Ct  C0e k1t (2.12)


 k2C 2  Ct  C0 / 1  C0 k2t  (2.13)

Where, C0 (µg/L) is initial concentration of the OMPs;

Ct (µg/L) is concentration of the OMPs at time t;

K0 (µg L-1 h-1), K1 (h-1) and K2 (L µg-1 h-1) are the zero-order, first-order, second-

order rate constant separately

3.4 Result and discussion

Due to the complexity of the sludge composition, the results for the removal of OMPs by

different groups varied greatly. It was difficult to separate biodegradation and bio-

sorption[41], though NaN3 was spiked to inhibit the sludge activity.

3.4.1 Hydrolysis and volatilization

In the control groups, no obvious changes of OMPs concentration was found, therefore, the

removal by hydrolysis and volatilization was ignored in the study. This result could be

explained by the low Henry’s constants, relative high molecular weight and polarized

functional groups (‎Table 3-1 and Appendix A); several other groups also found the same

conclusion that the removal by hydrolysis and volatilization could be ignored [39, 41-44].

3.4.2 The biodegradation inhibition by NaN3

Many studies had employed NaN3 to inhibit the aerobic sludge activities by paralyzing

cytochrome oxidase so that OMPs would not be bio-decomposed, which biodegradation

would not work in the process [41, 42]. Li et al. [42] had proposed to use caffeine to exam

the inhibition ability. It was based that caffeine was easy to be degraded by microbes while

hard to be adsorbed by sludge. In their studies, caffeine was biodegraded completely within

10 hours without adsorption. Judging from our result (see ‎Figure 3-2), caffeine was not

adsorbed but the degradation was also not obvious. This was due to the differences

between the sludge rather than the weak biodegradation ability, as other target OMPs like

bisphenol A and naproxen were found to be biodegradated well. Therefore, caffeine was

not a perfect indicator in our study, and we choose COD changes as a parameter in this

case. COD of the samples taken at 0h and 168h was measured, and the result is shown

in ‎Table 3-4. The 58.6% removal in reactor1 indicated that biodegradation was occurring,

while there was not much change in other reactors. In reactor 3, the COD was much higher

than the others; this was because of the cell rupture during sterilization, which brought the

intracellular substances into the liquid phase. The results indicated that NaN3 could inhibit

the sludge in our study, as COD associated with the synthetic wastewater was easier

biodegraded by the activated sludge than OMPs, while there were not much COD changes

when NaN3 was spiked into the reactors. Therefore, the OMPs removal in reactor 2 was

chosen to calculate the biodegrdation in this study.

Table 3-4. COD changes between 0h and 168h in the adsorption and
biodegradation experiment
Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Reactor 3 Reactor 4
0h 168h 0h 168h 0h 168h 0h 168h

COD (mg/L) 355 147 473 484 773 710 444 446

COD removal rate (%) 58.6 -2.33 8.15 -0.450

1.2 Biodegradation

Adsorption (C/C0) 0.8




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h)

Figure 3-2. The removal of caffeine by aerobic activated sludge

3.5 Adsorption and biodegradation of OMPs by aerobic activated


3.5.1 Isotherms

It was found that many OMP like methylparaben, propylparaben, and atenolol could be

well adsorbed by activated sludge. However, it was hard to determine the isotherm due to

three reasons: OMPs like methylparaben and propylparaben were totally adsorbed within

few hours; therefore, the equilibrium sorption amount could not be decided. Other OMPs

like diclofenac, and sulfamethoxazole were continually been adsorbed by the sludge rather

than reaching equilibrium, therefore, the sorption equilibrium time we used was not

applicable in the case. Therefore, the sorption equilibrium curves will be not presented in

this study.

3.5.2 Difficult to remove OMPs

It was found that acesulfame, clofibric acid, dilatin, iopromide, primidone, sucralose, TCPP,

TDCPP and trimethoprim were not removed by aerobic activated sludge, part of results

corresponded to the result by other groups [45, 46]. It was easy to explain that there was

not much adsorption for those OMPs as they reflected negative or neutral charges, which

would be electrostatic repulsed, the result was in agreement with the Kd value in ‎Table 3-1,

as Joss et al. [47] proposed that the adsorption could be ignored when Kd was lower than

300 L/kg SS. In addition, due to the high molecular weight as well as stable structures of

the OMPs, they were hard to be biodegraded by the sludge. TCPP and TDCPP were the

typical chemicals that were difficult to remove by aerobic activated sludge as chlorine was

high in their structures. Moreover, the bacteria culture may not be adapted to certain

chemicals, as the sludge was cultured as non-acclimated sludge for OMPs.

3.5.3 OMPs adsorption by aerobic activated sludge

Typical OMPs was selected to be presented for their adsorption properties in this section,

and the information for the other OMPs can be found in the appendix.

It was found that in reactor2 that the adsorption of atrazine, sulfamethoxazole, amitriptyline,

and TCEP kept being adsorbed by sludge. For atrazion, naproxen, and TCEP, the apparent

sorption equilibrium were reached at more than one days, shown in [42] which was not in

agreement with the Lagergren model, which usually uses 3-6 hours as the equilibrium time.

The same phenomenon was observed by Yu et al. [48]. The adsorption for

sulfamethoxazole was following a zero-order model, and Kp0 was 0.00265 mgL-1h-1 (R2:

0.999). In general, the zero-order kinetics were not applicable in adsorption processes as

the adsorption should reach equilibrium at a certain time with the desorption processes.

This phenomena could be explained that the sorption process of sulfamethoxazole was a

two-step process adsorption, in the first step, the adsorption was quick which was not

related to the sulfamethoxazole concentration; and then in the second step, while the

sorption points was taken, the sorption slowed down, and finally reach equilibrium. Further

study is needed to study the process as shown in ‎Figure 3-4.


1.2 Adsorption


Adsorption (C/C0)

Biodegradation 0.9
0.4 Biod+ads


0.0 0.7
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 3-3. The removal of atrazine by aerobic activated sludge. A total removal, B adsorption curve

Adsorption Adsorption (C/C0)
Fitting curve







0.0 0.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 3-4. The removal of sulfamethoxazole by aerobic activated sludge. A total removal, B zero order
simulation curve

For OMPs like atenolol, methyparaben, and propylparaben, the complete adsorption

occurred within 8 hours. Zero order and first order kinetics was applied to simulate the

processes. Propylparaben was firstly fitted with the zero-order model, and the R2 was 0.416,

while R2 for first order model was 0.999, therefore, first-order adsorption model was

selected, as shown in ‎Figure 3-5. The analysis of the other OMPs was done with the same

method, i.e. choosing the model with higher R2 value, and the results is shown in ‎Table 3-5.

The strong adsorption of atenolol could be explained by its positive charge, as the sludge

exhibited a negative charge, the electrostatic attraction made the adsorption process

stronger than other routes. Methylparaben and propylparaben were also positively charged,

and their adsorption was found to be quicker than atenolol. The reason for this

phenomenon was their phenolic group, which may also enhance the adsorption process.

3.5.4 Adsorption differences between NaN3 and high temperature

sterilization inhibition

For the study of adsorption of OMPs by aerobic activated sludge, different inhibition

methods have been applied by different groups; among them, NaN3 and high temperature

sterilization were the most commonly used methods. The advantage of NaN3 is it will not

damage the cells, while its inhibition ability is effective for aerobic sludge. However, the

addition of NaN3 will isolate the mechanism for target compounds [49]. The advantage of

high temperature sterilization inhibition is it could guarantee the total inhibition of the

sludge, while it could break the cells which provide new sorption points, and change the

sludge charge as well. It was found that there were no more adsorption of atenolol and

atrazine after high temperature sterilization, noting that electrostatic attraction played main

role in the adsorption of atrazine, the phenomena could be explained by the change of

sludge charge. Methylparaben and propylparaben were not detected in the high temperature

sterilization experiment, which made it difficult for further analysis. For the other OMPs ,

no obvious change was found in this case.

Table 3-5. First-order adsorption kinetics rate constants of target OMPs

OMPs Kp1(h-1) R2
Atenolol 0.764 0.939
Methylparaben 0.519 0.988
Propylparaben 7.092 0.999

adsorption (C/C0)
A 1.0 B

0.8 Biodegradation
adsorption (C/C0)

adsorption (C/C0)


0.0 0.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 1 2
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 3-5. The removal of propylparaben by aerobic activated sludge. A total removal, B first-order
simulation curve

3.5.5 OMPs biodegradation by aerobic activated sludge

For most target OMPs, biodegradation was the main removal route [41, 50, 51]. Zero-order

and first-order reaction were the main removal kinetics for the experiment. The result are

shown in ‎Table 3-6 and ‎Table 3-7. Benzafibrate, bisphenol A, diclofenac, gemgibrozil,

ibuprofen, caffeine, and DEET fit the zero-order biodegradation kinetics. Ibuprofen was

completely removal by both adsorption and biodegradation, Nakada et al. [52] found the

same result. Although Yu et al. [41] gave a first-order kinetics of biodegradation/sorption

reaction (KBDS=0.88d-1, R2=0.955), and the constants we simulated was close as reported

(KBDS=0.252d-1, R2=0.953), the biodegradation curve followed zero-order kinetics, as

shown in ‎Figure 3-6. The biodegradation kinetics of sulfamethoxazole, TCEP, naproxen,

diphenhydramine, and oxybenzone followed the first-order model. The biodegradation of

naproxen was not high, which was in agreement with Nakada et al.[52]. The possible

explanation was the lower hydrophobicity (log Kow<3) of amide-type pharmaceuticals. Joss et al

[47] found that removal of selected pharmaceuticals was mainly due to biological transformation

and varied insignificantly (carbamazepine< 10%, ibuprofen>90%), which corresponded to our

result; they also proposed that when the sorption coefficient was below 300 L/kg, adsorption could

be ignored. ‎Table 3-8 showed the removal comparison between the literature and our study, and it

was found that CAS was effective for the removal of certain OMPs, however, the result varies

significantly between different groups, and few literatures have reported the mechanisms behind the

removal. Therefore, the selection of so many OMPs in different classifications was

meaningful not only in providing data, but also for the study of mechanisms of OMPs


Table 3-6. Zero-order biodegradation kinetics model parameters

OMPs K0(µg/L h-1) R2
Benzafibrate 0.0033 0.999
Bisphenol A 0.01416 0.991
Diclofenac 2.02E-4 0.999
Gemfibrozil 1.15E-4 0.999
Ibuprofen 0.00491 0.993
Caffeine 0.00713 0.991
DEET 5.41E-4 0.997

Table 3-7. First –order biodegradation kinetics model parameters

OMPs K1(h-1) R2
TCEP 1.96E-4 0.996
Naproxen 0.0101 0.912
Diphenhydramine 0.00128 0.916
Oxybenzone 0.00142 0.900
Sulfamethoxazole 3.518E-4 0.955

A B Biodegradation (C/C0)
1.0 Bio+adsorp (C/C0)
1.0 Fitting curve

Relative concentration(C/C0)
0.8 0.8
Bio+adsorp (C/C0)




0 2 4 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 3-6. Simulation of removal ibuprofen by aerobic activated sludge. A first-order removal kinetics
by sorption and biodegradation, B zero-order biodegradation kinetics

3.6 Summary

In this chapter, experiment was designed to study the removal mechanism of OMPs by

aerobic activated sludge. It was found that biodegradation and adsorption were the main

removal routes, while volatilization and hydrolysis could be ignored in the process. NaN3

proved to be an effective inhibitor for the aerobic bacteria, and the comparison between the

inhibitions by NaN3 and high temperature sterilization proved electrostatic attraction

played an important role in the adsorption process. Target OMPs responded to the two

dominant removal routes in different ways: (1) complete adsorption by atenolol,

mathylparaben and propylparaben, (2) strong biodegradation and weak adsorption by

benzafibrate, bisphenol A, diphenhydramine, ibuprofen, naproxen, and oxybenzone, (3)

medium biodegradation and adsorption by amitriptyline and sulfamethoxazole, and (4)

weak sorption and weak biodegradation by atrazine, DEET, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, TCEP,

and trimethoprim. Kinetic study showed that adsorption of atenolol, mathylparaben and

propylparaben well followed first-order model (R2: 0.939 to 0.999) with the rate constants

ranging from 0.519-7.092 h-1. For biodegradation kinetics, it was found that benzafibrate,

bisphenol A, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, caffeine and DEET followed zero-order

model (K0:1.15E-4 to 0.0142 µg/Lh-1, R2: 0.991 to 0.999), while TCEP, naproxen,

dipehydramine, oxybenzone and sulfamethoxazole followed first-order model (K1:1.96E-4

to 0.101 h-1, R2: 0.912 to 0.996).


Table 3-8. OMPs removal rate comparison between literature and the study
OMPs Literature Batch test
Biodegradation method Total method Biodegradation Total removal
removal rate removal rate removal rate rate
% % % %
Acesulfame n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Amitriptyline n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 61 88
Atenolol n.d. n.d. 33.5[53], SBR, lab scale n.d. n.d.
Atrazine n.d. n.d. ND 24
Bezafibrate 100[54] Batch 100[54] Batch 55 63
Bisphenol A 62 97
Caffeine 68 ± 10 [55] Batch 92.2[56] Batch 50 50
Carbamazepine n.d. n.d. <20[57] SBR, lab scale <5 n.d.
53.5[56] Batch
Clofibric acid 26–30[58] Lab 71.8[59] MBR, lab scale n.d. n.d.
columns 16.7, Lab columns
DEET n.d. n.d. 19.2– WWTP, full 11 24
46.2[52] scale
Diclofenac 34–38[58] Lab n.d. n.d. 51 66
30 Batch
Dilantin n.d. n.d. 76.8[56] Batch n.d. n.d.
Diphenhydramine n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 68 77
Gemfibrozil >99[48] Batch 89.6[59] MBR, lab scale 10 40
98.9[56] Batch
Ibuprofen n.d. n.d. <20[57] SBR, lab scale 63 89
96.3[60] Lab columns
98.9[56] Batch
Iopromide 86-97[61] Batch 100[60], Lab columns n.d. n.d.
85[62] 48.8[60]
33.0[56] Batch
Methyparaben n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. ~100
Naproxen 60[54],80[48] Batch 75.9[60] Lab columns 53 93
97.8[56] Batch
Oxybenzone n.d. n.d. 41[63] MBR, pilot 43 49
98.9[56] Batch
Primidone n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Propylparaben n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. ~100
Sucralose n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Sulfamethoxazole n.d. n.d. 70[63] MBR, pilot 77 ~99
and lab scale
~100[64] SBR, lab scale
77.3[56] Batch
TCEP n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. <5 38
TCPP n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
TDCPP n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Trimethoprim n.d. n.d. 23.8[56] Batch n.d. <2

Chapter 4. The Adaptation of Removal of Organic Micropollutants by

Aerobic Activated Sludge

4.1 Introduction

For many of the target OMPs, they do not always exist in wastewater. Some of the OMPs

can be classified as emerging organic micropollutants. It is important to research the

changes of removal ability of those OMPs in non-acclimated and acclimated sludge. It was

found that for some OMPs, the removal had been enhanced during the adaptation, which

showed an OMPs concentration decrease in the effluent water; for most of the OMPs, the

OMPS concentration stayed the same, which could be explained by quick adaptation or the

culturing time is too short for obvious adaptation. A noticeable result was found that some

of the OMPs showed a decrease trend of removal ability.

4.2 Materials and methods

Right after the OMPs removal mechanism experiment, 10 µg/L OMPs stock was spiked

into the synthetic wastewater every day, and the OMPs concentration was monitored. After

two months of operation, the sludge was taken, and the removal mechanism experiment

was repeated again to check if the removal rate constants were changed.

Materials were the same as described in ‎Chapter 2 and ‎Chapter 3, the operation of SBR

reactor was described in ‎Chapter 2, and the OMPs concentration measure methods and

OMPs removal mechanism experiment design was described in ‎Chapter 3.


4.3 Results and discussion

After two months of monitoring, the effluent OMPs concentration data were collected, and

the trend of the concentration changes were shown in ‎table 4-1.

table 4-1. The removal trend of effluent concentration

decrease increase stable not decided
Benzophenone Atenolol Benzafibrate Gemfibrozil Acesulfame
Bisphenol A Atrazine Caffeine Oxybenzone Sucralose
Diclofenac Carbamazepine Clofibrice Acid Primidone
Ibuprofen Trimethoprim DEET Sulfamethoxazole
Iopromide TDCPP Dilantin TCEP
Naproxen Diphenhydramine TCPP

4.3.2 Decreasing trend

A decreasing trend indicated positive adaptation of OMPs by the activated sludge.

Biodegradation played the most important role in the enhancement of the removal ability.

Bisphenol A, ibuprofen and naproxen showed quick adaptation (‎Figure 4-1and ‎Figure 4-2).

The batch test results proved this phenomenon, and it was found the removal rate was

increased. Diclofenac showed slower adaptation and the removal adaptation of iopromide

was even lower, see ‎Figure 4-3. As described in ‎Chapter 3, diclofenac showed weak

sorption and biodegradation, and iopromide was found to be a difficult to remove

compound. The results indicated that the initial removal ability was an important parameter

in the adaptation, the stronger it is, the quicker it will be adapted.


Bisphenol A
A 1.0
B non-acclimated removal curve
acclimated removal curve

non-acclimated removal curve (C/Co)


Bisphenol A (ng/mL)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (h)
Time (d)

Figure 4-1. (A) removal trend of bisphenol A. (B)removal of bisphenol A by non-acclimated and
acclimated activated sludge


A B non-acclimated removal curve

5 1.0
acclimated removal curve
non-acclimated removal curve (C/Co)

Ibuprofen (ng/mL)


0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (d) time (h)

Figure 4-2. (A) removal trend of ibuprofen. (B)removal of ibuprofen by non-acclimated and acclimated
activated sludge

Diclofenac Iopromide
10 10

8 8
Diclofenac (ng/mL)

Iopromide (ng/mL)
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d) Time (d)

Figure 4-3. Removal trend of diclofenac (A) and iopromide (B)

4.3.3 Increasing trend

Atenolol, atrazine, carbamazepine TDCPP and trimethoprim showed an increasing trend of

adaptation during the two months operation, see ‎Figure 4-4 and appendix. Note that

atenolol and trimethoprim were positively charged, and were well adsorbed by the

negatively charged sludge, they showed a low concentration in the effluent at the beginning.

The atenolol concentration kept low for about 30 days and then began to increase; this was

due to the large amount of sorption points for atenolol. Adsorption played the most

important role in the removal process (completely absorbed within 10 hours at 100 µg/L),

after the adsorption reached equilibrium, i.e., sorption points were fully occupied, no more

atenolol absorbed, and the effluent concentration began to increase. Trimethoprim


concentration showed the same trend as atenolol concentration, however, the adsorption

process was not as fast as that of atenolol, therefore, the initial concentration was not as

low as atenolol. The equilibrium concentration reached the influent concentration, which

indicated there was not biodegradaton as well.

7 Atenolol 10
A 9

5 7

Trimethoprim (ng/mL)
Atenolol (ng/mL)


2 3


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (d) Time (d)

Figure 4-4. Removal trend of atenolol (A) and trimethoprim (B)

4.3.4 Stable trend

The stable trend could be classified into two situations. It was obvious that for the difficult

to remove compounds, the effluent concentration would stay the same as the influent

concentration during the operation. clofibric acid ,gemfibrozil , primidone ,and TCPP fit

this situation, the batch removal test also proved the results, see ‎Figure 4-5. Although

benzafibrate and caffeine were found to be biodegradable compound they showed no

removal in the operation, this was probably due to the bacteria culture changes, in which

the bacteria that could remove the compounds was eliminated in the competition,

see ‎Figure 4-5. In another situation, the effluent concentration was lower than the influent

concentration, see ‎Figure 4-6. This could be explained by either a quick adaptation, which

made the decrease trend not obvious, or the removal ability stayed the same during the

operation. What’s more, it was easy to draw the conclusion that the lower the effluent

concentration, the stronger the removal ability. Therefore, the removal ability order by

activated sludge from strong to weak was DEET, diphenhydramine, oxybenzone,

sulfamethoazole, TCEP, and dilatin. The strong removal of diphenhydraming, oxybenzone,

and sulfamethoxazole was proven in ‎Chapter 3. The strong removal of DEET may be

caused by the quick adaptation.

Clofibric Acid Bezafibrate

12 10

Clofibric Acid (ng/mL)

Bezafibrate (ng/mL)


6 5


A 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d) Time (d)

Figure 4-5. Removal trend of clofibric acid (A) and benzefibrate (B)

Clofibric Acid
14 Oxybenzone
DEET (mg/L)

0 10 20 30 40
Time (d)

Figure 4-6. Removal trend of DEET, clofibric acid, oxybenzone, sulfamethoxazole, TCEP and dilatin

4.4 Summary

The adaptation trend was examined in different ways, typically: decreasing, increasing,

stable. For the decrease situation, the reason was a positive adaptation, which enhanced the

sludge removal ability, and the adaptation time was corresponded to the initial removal

ability. What is more, the increasing trend was mainly caused by strong absorption by the

sludge, once the sorption points were occupied; the compound concentration began to

increase. Finally, the stable trend occurred whether no removal or quick adaptation removal.

The lower the stable concentration was, the stronger the removal ability was.

Chapter 5. Concept of Compound Retention Time in Aerobic

Nanofiltration Membrane Bioreactor

5.1 Introduction

Membrane bioreactor (MBR), which is combined of biological treatment and membrane

separation, has got a rapid growth in both domestic and industrial wastewater treatment and

reuse in recent years due to its significant advantages over conventional activated sludge

process such as better effluent quality and less footprint.However, the microfiltration (MF)

and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane widely used in membrane bioreactor cannot reject OMPs

due to their much higher pore size or molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) than OMPs

(see ‎Figure 5-1). In order to enhance OMPs removal, nanofiltration (NF) is a promising

alternative to MF/UF in MBR as it can effectively reject the OMPs with molecular weight

over its MWCO,. A NF module was connected to the former SBR reactor to form an

aerobic nanofiltration membrane bioreactor for one month operation in this study. The

rejection of OMPs by NF would increase their retention time in the bioreactor, . Based on

the concept of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and sludge retention time (SRT), the concept

of compound retention time (CRT) for OMPs in the aerobic nanofiltration membrane

bioreactor was proposed and analyzed in this chapter.The overall performance of OMPs

removal was also discussed.


5.1 Materials and methods

5.1.1 Materials and devices

Dow NF 90 membrane, Sartorius TE Precision Balance TE6101, Sterlitech Sepa CF II

Membrane Cell System, and all the other materials and devices were described in ‎Chapter 2

and ‎Chapter 3.

Figure 5-1. Membrane separation processes overview[65]

5.1.2 Methods

The experiment design was shown in ‎Figure 5-2. The system was combined with a

bioreactor and a membrane filtration system. As the bioreactor was running in SBR mode,

the hybrid system was named nanofiltration sequencing batch membrane bioreactor (NF-

SB-MBR). The operation of the SBR was the same as descripted in ‎Chapter 2, 4 L

synthetic wastewater with 10 µg/L OMPs was added into the reactor daily. The effluent

was collected daily and its OMPs concentration was treated as OMPs concentration in the

bioreactor, Cin (µg/L). And then, the collected effluent (4 L) from the bioreactor was

filtered by Dow NF90 membrane in Sterlitech crossflow membrane cell system. Trans-

membrane pressure (TMP) was kept at 10 bar. Permeate was collected in a tank on an

electronic balance connected to a computer for recording permeate weight with time

continuously, and thus permeate flux was calculated. The filtration process was stopped

when 2 L permeate was obtained. The NF permeate was sampled, and its OMPs

concentration was treated as permeate concentration, Cp (µg/L). The NF concentrate was

collected and used to make the synthetic wastewater. The actual daily treated wastewater

volume was 2 L, and thus the HRT was 1 d. The each OMP dosage was 40 µg/d and the

same as the previous SBR operation, which resulted in the average influent concentration

of 20 µg/L. The OMPs concentration measurement was the same as in ‎Chapter 3.



Pressure gage

Pump Effluent (Cp)

Effluent (Cin) Flowmeter


Figure 5-2. Schematic diagram of aerobic nanofiltration membrane bioreactor (The bioreactor was
running in SBR mode, SBR effluent was sampled as Cin and filtered by NF membrane in a constant-
pressure crossflow membrane cell , the permeate was collect and sampled as the final effluent (Cp),
and the concentrate was back to the SBR.)

5.2 Model development

Analogous to the definition of SRT, CRT could be defined as (5.1).

CRT  (5.1)
C p Q p  Cin Qs

Where VR is reactor volume (L), Qp is NF permeate flow (L/d), Cp is NF permeate OMP

concentration (µg/L), Qs is sludge discharge flow (L/d), Cin is the average OMP

concentration in reactor (µg/L). All the sludge was rejected by the membrane, and no waste

sludge was discharged during the operation. Therefore, (5.1) could be simplified as follow:

CinVR  Cin 
CRT    HRT (5.2)
C p Qp  C p 

NF rejection rate a was defined as as (5.3),

a  1  C p / Cin (5.3)

And overall removal rate R was

R  1  C p / 20 (5.4)

For OMPs biodegradated by the first-order kinetics, the degradation rate R1 is defined as


R1    K1Cin (5.5)

When CRT reached steady state, i.e. Cp and Cin were stable, we can assume R1 is stable in

this case, R1 can be written as (5.6)

R1 
C f  C p  (5.6)

From (5.5) and (5.6), we can deduce the first-order reaction rate under steady state,

K1 
HRT  Cin
C f  C p  (5.7)

Same method can be applied in the first-order reaction, which

R0  
 K0 
C f  C p  (5.8)

5.3 Results and discussion

For some compounds including acesulfame, caffeine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, dilatin,

gemfibrozil, iopromide and sulcralose, there were 1-3 times higher concentrations in the

bioreactor than in the feed, indicating their significant accumulation in the bioreactor due to

the effective rejection by NF membrane. These OMPs were found nearly no or very little

removal in previous study. As an example, the concentration in the bioreactor (Cin) and the

permeate (Cp), the NF rejection and the overall removal, and CRT changes of acesulfame

were shown in ‎Figure 5-3. The information of other compounds could be found in

Appendix E. It was found CRT was highly dependent on NF rejection rate. The higher the

rejection rate was the higher CRT was (‎Figure 5-4). The permeate concentration of

bisphenol A at stable time (20 days later) was lower than the influent concentration. Take

consideration of the high removal by activated sludge, it can be predicted that the removal

bisphenol A was enhance during the operation (‎Figure 5-5). Amtripline was a readily

removable compound, and the effluent concentration kept stable and low, see ‎Figure 5-6.

The high CRT (around 200d), which was caused by high rejection rate may contribute to

the removal process. ‎Figure 5-8 shows the permeate concentration of target OMPs, most of

them are under 4 µg/L except acesulfame, caffeine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, dilatin,

gemfibrozil, iopromide and sulcralose, of which the concentration in the bioreactor were

increased. The overall removal rate was over 80% for most of the OMPs. The result

indicates the NF-MBR is promising for removal of the selected compounds. Naproxen was

well biodegradable and difficult adsorbed compound, and the biodegradation followed

first-order reaction kinetic (K1=0.0101 h-1). The operational parameters of naproxen in NF-

SB-MBR are shown in ‎Figure 5-7. CRT was stable after 20 days, using (5.7) the first-order

reaction constant is 0.0704 h-1, which is much higher than the starting value. It indicates the

biodegradation was greatly enhanced during the operation. For OMPs followed zero-order

reaction, like bisphenol A and benzafibrate, CRT kept decreasing, therefore, zero-order

reaction constant was not calculated in this study. The decreasing of CRT indicates OMPs

concentration in the bioreactor was greatly decrease, as the permeate concentration was


Cin (µg/L) 60
70 Cp (µg/L) 55
CRT (d) 50
OMPs concentration (µg/L)

50 40

CRT (d)

30 25
20 15
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Figure 5-3. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of acesulfame in NF-SB-MBR operation


30 CRT
rejection rate


Rejection rate (%)

20 90
CRT (d)

15 85



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

time (d)

Figure 5-4. Relation between CRT and rejection rate in acefulfame

Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
CRT (d) 40
OMPs concentration (µg/L)

CRT (d)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Figure 5-5. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of bisphenol A in NF-SB-MBR operation


5 600
Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
4 CRT (d) 500

OMPs concentration (µg/L)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (d)

Figure 5-6. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of amtripline in NF-SB-MBR operation

Cin (µg/L)
20 60
Cp (µg/L)
18 CRT (d) 55
Naproxen concentration(µg/L)

12 35

CRT (d)
10 30

8 25
2 5
0 0
10 15 20 25 30
time (d)

Figure 5-7. Cin, Cp and CRT changes of naproxen in NF-SB-MBR operation



Effluent concentration(µg/L)
Bisphenol A
Clofibric Acid


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (d)

Figure 5-8. Permeate concentration of target OMPs after NF.


Chapter 6. Conclusions and Suggestions

6.1 Conclusions

A typical aerobic non-acclimated activated sludge was cultured by SBR mode for 6 months.

OMPs removal mechanisms were studied using the sludge by a batch test. Hydrolysis and

volatilization could be ignored in the removal process, but adsorption and biodegradation

were the main routes. For compounds like methylparaben, adsorption was the only removal

mechanism due the strong electrostatic attraction, while for compounds like bisphenol A,

biodegradation removal surpassed the adsorption removal. For most of compounds,

adsorption and biodegradation occurred simultaneously. The adsorption and biodegradation

mechanism were explained, and proper models were used to simulate the kinetics. What is

more, NaN3 was an effective inhibitor for aerobic sludge. The inhibition between NaN3 and

high temperature sterilization was compared, and NaN3 inhibition was suggested to be a

better approach in this study.

The removal of OMPs by non-acclimated and acclimated activated sludge was compared. It

was found that the bioreactor effluent OMPs concentration showed three trends: decreasing,

increasing, and stable. The decreasing trend suggested an adaptation of the sludge, the

stronger initial removal, the quicker it could reach new equilibrium. The increasing trend

was mainly caused by strong adsorption, in which the OMPs concentration was very low

before the sorption points were fully occupied. The stable trend could be classified into two

situations: no removal and quick removal. For the latter situation, the stable OMPs

concentration suggested the removal ability: low concentration indicated strong removal.

The stable concentrations were compared, and the result corresponded to the batch test


A novel NF-SB-MBR operation was proposed and operated. Several OMPs concentration

in the bioreactor were found to increase intensively, which suggested good rejection by NF

membrane. CRT was related to rejection rate, high rejection rate indicated long CRT.

6.2 Suggestions

In the adaptation test, molecular biology analysis is needed. The results will give

information of bacteria culture changes and explain the adaptation phenomena.

A batch test of the removal kinetic after the NF-SB-MBR was conducted to find if there is

enhancement of the removal ability when CRT was longer.

The adsorption mechanism was not yet fully understood. Usually, the adsorption was

related to extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), yet few studies have studied the role of

EPS in adsorption in CAS, and an EPS extraction method need to be developed and


The same study could be applied to anaerobic sludge.



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Appendix A: The structure of target OMPs

Acesulfame Ibuprofen

Amitriptyline Iopromide

Atenolol Methyparaben

Atrazine Naproxen

Bezafibrate Oxybenzone

Bisphenol A Primidone

Caffeine Propylparaben

Carbamazepine Sucralose

Clofibric acid Sulfamethoxazole


Diclofenac TCPP

Dilantin TDCPP

Diphenhydramine Trimethoprim


Appendix B: MS parameter

ESI+ mode

Compound Retentiontime Precursor Product

(min) ion (m/z) ion (m/z)
Atenolol 3.8 267 145
Atenolol-d7 3.8 274 145
Trimethoprim 4.1 291 261
Trimethoprim-d9 4.1 300 234
Iopromide 4.2 792 300
Iopromide-d3 4.2 795 300
Caffeine 5.0 195 138
Caffeine-d9 5.0 204 144
Sulfamethoxazole 5.2 254 156
Sulfamethoxazole-d4 5.2 258 160
Diphenhydramine 6.0 256 167
Diphenhydramine-d5 6.0 261 172
Primidone 6.1 219 162
Primidone-d5 6.1 224 167
Amitriptyline 7.3 278 233
Amitriptyline-d6 7.3 284 233
Dilantin 7.6 253 182
Dilantin-d10 7.6 263 192
Carbamazepine 7.8 237 165
Carbamazepine-d10 7.8 247 210
DEET 8.6 192 119
DEET-d7 8.6 199 126
Atrazine 8.8 216 174
Atrazine-d5 8.8 221 179
TCPP 9.5 329 99
Benzophenone 9.8 183 105
Benzophenone-d10 9.8 193 110
TDCPP 10.6 432 99
Oxybenzone 10.7 229 151
Oxybenzone-d5 10.8 234 151

ESI- mode

Compound Retentiontim Precursor Product

e ion (m/z) ion (m/z)
Acesulfame 4.0 162 82
Acesulfame-d4 4.0 166 86
Sucralose 4.8 397 361
Sucralose-d6 4.8 403 ???
Methylparaben 6.0 151 92
Methylparaben-d4 6.0 155 96
Naproxen 6.5 229 169
Naproxen-d3 6.5 232 173
Ketoprofen 6.5 253 209
Clofibric acid 7.3 213 127
Clofibric acid-d4 7.3 217 131
Bisphenol A 7.7 227 212
Bisphenol A-d16 7.7 241 142
Propylparaben 7.9 179 92
Propyparaben-d4 7.9 183 96
Bezafibrate 7.9 361 275
Bezafibrate-d6 7.9 367 275
Diclofenac 8.3 294 259
Diclofenac-d4 8.3 298 217
Ibuprofen 8.6 205 159
Ibuprofen-d3 8.6 208 164
Gemfibrozil 10.4 249 121
Gemfibrozil-d6 10.4 255 121

Appendix C: Removal of target OMPs in batch aerobic activated sludge reactor

1.0 Biod+ads



0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h) Time (h)

Adsorption and biodegradation of amitriptyline by Adsorption and biodegradation of atenolol in aerobic

aerobic activated sludge activated sludge

Fitting curve 1.0




0.4 0.4 Biod+ads

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h) Time (h)

adsorption simulation curve of atenolol by aerobic removal curves of atrazine by aerobic activated sludge

activated sludge

Biodegradation 1.0
Bio+adsorp Biodegradation (C/C0)
Fitting curve

Ralative concentration(C/C0)
Relative concentrtion(C/C0)


1.0 0.8




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of benzafibrate by aerobic activated biodegradation simulation curve of benzafibrate by

sludge aerobic activated sludge

Biodegradation (C/C0)

1.2 Adsorption
Relative concentration(C/C0)

Biodegradation (C/C0)

0.8 0.8




0 10 20 30 40 50
0 20 40
Time (h)
Time (h)

removal curves of bisphenol A by aerobic activated biodegradation simulation curve of bispehnol A by

aerobic activated sludge

Biodegradation 1.1 Adsorption
Biod+ads 1.0
1.1 Bio+adsorp

Relative concentration(C/C0)
0.8 0.7

0.7 0.6

0.6 0.5

0.5 0.4
0.4 0.3
0.3 0.2
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of caffeine by aerobic activated sludge removal curves of diclofenac by aerobic activated sludge

Biodegradation (C/C0)
1.0 Adsorption(C/C0) 1.0 Fitting curve
Fitting curve 0.9
Relative concentration(C/C0)

Relative concentration(C/C0)


0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

adsorption simulation curve of diclofenac by aerobic biodegradation simulation curve of diclofenac by

activated sludge aerobic activated sludge


1.1 Biodegradation
Biod+ads Biodegradation (C/C0)
Fitting curve


0.7 0.8




0.4 0.6



0.1 0.4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of diphenhydramine by aerobic adsorption simulation curve of diphenhydramine by

activated sludge aerobic activated sludge

Adsorption Biodegradation (C/C0)

Biodegradation 1.0 Fitting curve
Relative concentration(C/C0)
Relative concentration(C/C0)



0.4 0.4


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of ibuprofen by aerobic activated biodegradation simulation curve of ibuprofen by aerobic

sludge by aerobic activated sludge activated sludge


1.0 1.0 adsorption (C/C0)

Relative concentration(C/C0)

adsorption (C/C0)
0.5 Biodegradation
Bio+adsorp 0.5



0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of methylparaben by aerobic activated adsorption simulation curve of methylparaben by

sludge by aerobic activated sludge aerobic activated sludge

1.0 Biodegradation 1.0 Biodegradation (C/C0)
Bio+adsorp Fitting curve
Relative concentration(C/C0)





0.0 0.2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of naproxen by aerobic activated biodegradation simulation curve of naproxen by aerobic

sludge by aerobic activated sludge activated sludge


Biodegradation (C/C0)

Biodegradation (C/C0)


0.4 0.6
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 50 100 150

Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of oxybenzone by aerobic activated biodegradation simulation curve of oxybenzone by

sludge by aerobic activated sludge aerobic activated sludge

adsorption (C/C0)

Relative concentration(C/C0)

adsorption (C/C0)

0.5 Biodegradation 0.5



0 20 40 0 1 2
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of propylparaben by aerobic activated adsorption simulation curve of propylparaben by aerobic

sludge by aerobic activated sludge activated sludge


1.2 Adsorption
1.0 Adsorption (C/C0)
Fitting curve







0.0 0.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)

removal curves of sulfamethoxazole by aerobic adsorption simulation curve of sulfamethoxazole by

activated sludge by aerobic activated sludge aerobic activated sludge

Biodegradation (C/C0) 1.0
Fitting curve



0.6 0.4 Biodegradation


0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (h) Time (h)

biodegradation simulation curve of sulfamethoxazole removal curves of TCEP by aerobic activated sludge by

by aerobic activated sludge Sulfamethoxazole aerobic activated sludge


Adsorption (C/C0)
Fitting curve




0 50 100 150
Time (h)

adsorption simulation curve of TCEP by aerobic

activated sludge

Appendix D: Removal trend of target OMPs in aerobic activated sludge bioreactor

14 7 Atenolol

11 5
Acesulfame (ng/mL)

Atenolol (ng/mL)

8 3


3 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of acesulfame in aerobic activated Removal trend of atenolol in aerobic activated sludge
sludge bioreactor

10 20 Benzophenone

Benzophenone (ng/mL)

Atrazine (ng/mL)


6 10


2 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of atrazine in aerobic activated sludge Removal trend of benzophenone in aerobic activated

bioreactor sludge bioreactor


Bezafibrate Bisphenol A
10 14


7 10

Bisphenol A (ng/mL)
Bezafibrate (ng/mL)


3 4


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of benzafibrate in aerobic activated Removal trend of bisphenol Ain aerobic activated

sludge bioreactor sludge bioreactor

Caffeine Carbamazepine


Carbamazepine (ng/mL)

Caffeine (ng/mL)

6 8



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of caffeine in aerobic activated sludge Removal trend of carbamazepin in aerobic activated

bioreactor sludge bioreactor


Clofibric Acid DEET

12 10

Clofibric Acid (ng/mL)

DEET (ng/mL)



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of clofibric acid in aerobic activated Removal trend of DEET in aerobic activated sludge

sludge bioreactor bioreactor

Diclofenac Dilantin

Diclofenac (ng/mL)

Dilantin (ng/mL)


4 4

2 2

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of diclofenac in aerobic activated Removal trend of dilatin in aerobic activated sludge

sludge bioreactor bioreactor


Diphenhydramine Fluoxetine
10 10

9 9

8 8
Diphenhydramine (ng/mL)

7 7

Fluoxetine (ng/mL)
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of diphenhydramine in aerobic Removal trend of fluoxetine in aerobic activated

activated sludge bioreactor sludge bioreactor

Gemfibrozil Ibuprofen

12 5

Gemfibrozil (ng/mL)

Ibuprofen (ng/mL)



2 1

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of gemfibrozil in aerobic activated Removal trend of ibuprofenin aerobic activated sludge
sludge bioreactor

Iopromide Naproxen

8 4.5

Iopromide (ng/mL)

Naproxen (ng/mL)
6 3.5





0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of iopromide in aerobic activated Removal trend of naproxen in aerobic activated sludge

sludge bioreactor bioreactor

Oxybenzone Primidone
10 12

8 10
Oxybenzone (ng/mL)

Primidone (ng/mL)




0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50

Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of oxybenzone in aerobic activated Removal trend of promidone in aerobic activated

sludge bioreactor sludge bioreactor


Sucralose Sulfamethoxazole
14 10


Sulfamethoxazole (ng/mL)
Sucralose (ng/mL)

8 6



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of sucralose in aerobic activated Removal trend of sulfamethoxazole in aerobic

sludge bioreactor activated sludge bioreactor

8 10

7 9
TCEP (ng/mL)

TCPP (ng/mL)

4 5
3 4

2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (d)
Time (d)

Removal trend of TCEP in aerobic activated sludge Removal trend of TCPP in aerobic activated sludge
bioreactor bioreactor

TDCPP Trimethoprim
10 10

9 9

8 8

Trimethoprim (ng/mL)
TDCPP (ng/mL)

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (d) Time (d)

Removal trend of TDCPP in aerobic activated sludge Removal trend of trimethoprim in aerobic activated

bioreactor sludge

Appendix E: Cin, Cp and CRT changes in NF-SB-MBR operation

Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
50 CRT (d) 30


OMPs concentration (µg/L)




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of caffeine in NF-SB-MBR operation

Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
CRT (d) 30


OMPs concentration (µg/L)








5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of clofibric acid in NF-SB-MBR operation


Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
50 CRT (d) 30



OMPs concentration (µg/L)





0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of diclofenac acid in NF-SB-MBR operation

Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
CRT (d) 60

OMPs concentration (µg/L)




10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of dilatin acid in NF-SB-MBR operation


Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
CRT (d) 45

OMPs concentratino (µg/L)

50 35


30 20


0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of gemfibrozil in NF-SB-MBR operation

Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
40 CRT (d)
OMOs concentration (µg/L)

30 25

25 20



0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of iopromide in NF-SB-MBR operation


Cin (µg/L)
Cp (µg/L)
CRT (d)

OMPs concentration (µg/L)



CRT (d)
30 20


0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time (d)

Cin, Cp and CRT changes of sulcralose in NF-SB-MBR operation

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