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Investigations into the Occurrence, Formation and Fate of

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Air and Water


Jinwei Zhang

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy

Approved April 2016 by the

Graduate Supervisory Committee:

Pierre Herckes, Co-Chair

Paul Westerhoff, Co-Chair
Matthew Fraser
Everett Shock


May 2016

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen, has been

found in clouds and fogs at concentration up to 500 ng/L and in drinking water as

disinfection by-product. NDMA exposure to the general public is not well understood

because of knowledge gaps in terms of occurrence, formation and fate both in air and

water. The goal of this dissertation was to contribute to closing these knowledge gaps

on potential human NDMA exposure through contributions to atmospheric

measurements and fate as well as aqueous formation processes.

Novel, sensitive methods of measuring NDMA in air were developed based on

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) coupled to Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The two measuring techniques were

evaluated in laboratory experiments. SPE-GC-MS was applicable in ambient air

sampling and NDMA in ambient air was found in the 0.1-13.0 ng/m3 range.

NDMA photolysis, the main degradation atmospheric pathway, was studied in

the atmospheric aqueous phase. Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) was found to

have more impact than inorganic species on NDMA photolysis by competing with

NDMA for photons and therefore could substantially increase the NDMA lifetime in

the atmosphere. The optical properties of atmospheric WSOC were investigated in

aerosol, fog and cloud samples and showed WSOC from atmospheric aerosols has a

higher mass absorption efficiency (MAE) than organic matter in fog and cloud water,

resulting from a different composition, especially in regards of volatile species, that are

not very absorbing but abundant in fogs and clouds.

NDMA formation kinetics during chloramination were studied in aqueous

samples including wastewater, surface water and ground water, at two monochloramine

concentrations. A simple second order NDMA formation model was developed using
measured NDMA and monochloramine concentrations at select reaction times. The

model fitted the NDMA formation well (R2 >0.88) in all water matrices. The proposed

model was then optimized and applied to fit the data of NDMA formation from natural

organic matter (NOM) and model precursors in previously studies. By determining the

rate constants, the model was able to describe the effect of water conditions such as

DOC and pH on NDMA formation.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisors, Dr Pierre Herckes and

Dr Paul Westerhoff, for their support and guidance on my science projects as well as

life. Without their help I would not have been able to accomplish and achieve my

goals. I really appreciate their encouragement, criticism and inspiration. I would also

like to acknowledge my supervisory committee members, Dr Matthew Fraser and Dr

Everett Shock as well as Dr Hilairy Hartnett and Dr Timothy Steimle for all of their

advice and assistance with my dissertation projects.

I would like to acknowledge all of my labmates and friends in Herckes and

Westerhoff Groups at ASU: David Hanigan, Youliang Wang, Jershon Eagar, Aurelie

Marcotte, Sarah Frey, Denise Napolitono, Christy Rose, Taka Nosaka, Samantha

Donovan, Jun Wang and Fariya Sharif. I would like to thank all of the Arizona State

University School of Molecular Science staff for their hard work and help. I would like

to thank all my other friends in Arizona and other states in United States

At last, I want to say thank you to my parents and sister, who have provided

much support, encouragement and understanding. I want to thank my wonderful wife,

Chengyu, for her support and love in the past ten years.



LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... ix


1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................1

1.1 N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Occurrence .............................1

1.2 NDMA in Atmosphere....................................................................3

1.3 NDMA in Drinking Water ..............................................................6

1.4 Rationale and Objectives ..............................................................13

2 NDMA MEASUREMENT IN AIR ..................................................................16

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................16

2.2 Materials and Methods ..................................................................19

2.2.1 Chemicals and Materials ................................................19

2.2.2 NDMA Gas Sampling Test ............................................19

2.2.3 Positive and Negative Artifact Formation Test .............20

2.2.4 Ambient Air Sampling ...................................................21

2.2.5 Extraction and Analysis of NDMA................................21

2.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................23

2.3.1 Evaluation of SPME as Sampling Medium ...................23

2.3.2 SPE Sampling Tests .......................................................25

2.3.3 Positive Artifact Formation Test ....................................28

2.3.4 Negative Artifact Formation Test ..................................29

2.3.5 Ambient SPE Results .....................................................30


2.4 Conclusions ...................................................................................31



3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................33

3.2 Experimental and Analytical Methods..........................................36

3.2.1 Sample Collection ..........................................................36

3.2.2 Sample Preparation ........................................................36

3.2.3 Sample Analysis.............................................................37

3.2.4 Photolysis Set-up ...........................................................38

3.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................39

3.3.1 WSOC Effect on NDMA Photolysis .............................39

3.3.2 Wavelength Dependence of Light Absorption ..............41

3.3.3 WSOC in Aerosol and Fog/Cloud .................................44

3.3.4 MAE of WSOC ..............................................................45

3.3.5 Influence of Relative Humidity (RH) of MAE ..............48

3.4 Conclusions ...................................................................................49


EFFLUENTS AND SURFACE WATERS .......................................................51

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................51

4.2 Experimental and Analytical Methods..........................................53

4.2.1 Source Waters ................................................................53

4.2.2 Reagents .........................................................................54

4.2.3 Chloramination Experiments .........................................54

4.2.4 NDMA Analysis ............................................................55


4.2.5 Other Analyses ...............................................................56

4.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................56

4.3.1 NDMA Formation Kinetics in Wastewaters ..................56

4.3.2 NDMA Formation Kinetics Surface Waters ..................59

4.3.3 Model Fitting of NDMA Kinetics..................................62

4.3.4 Monochloramine Exposure ............................................67

4.4 Conclusions ...................................................................................70

4.5 Acknowledgements .......................................................................71




5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................72

5.2 Model Description ........................................................................76

5.2.1 NDMA Formation Model ..............................................76

5.2.2 Monochloramine Degradation .......................................79

5.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................80

5.3.1 Modeling of NDMA Formation in NOM ......................80

5.3.2 Modeling of NDMA Formation from Model Compounds


5.3.3 Modeling of NDMA Formation of Pharmaceutical

Compounds in the Presence of NOM .....................................87

5.4 Summary and Conclusions ...........................................................91

5.5 Acknowledgements .......................................................................91



KINETICS MODEL ..........................................................................................92

6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................92

6.2 Experimental and Analytical Methods .........................................96

6.3 Results and Discussion ................................................................97

6.3.1 Role of Dichloramine in NDMA Formation .................97 Enhancement of Dichloramine ......................97 Suppression of Dichloramine .........................98

6.3.2 Influence of Dissolved Oxygen ..................................100

6.3.3 Effect of Buffer System ..............................................101

6.4 Conclusions ................................................................................104

7 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK ......................................................................106

7.1 Summary .....................................................................................106

7.2 Suggestions of Future Research ..................................................109

REFERENCES .........................................................................................................111


A CHAPTER 3 SAMPLE INFORMATION ..............................................125

B SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR CHAPTER 4 .............................129


Table Page

2.1 SPE Collection Efficiency Tests .....................................................................26

2.2 Sampling Parameters in This Work Compared to Thermalsob/N Sorbent

Method ............................................................................................................28

2.3 Measurement of NDMA in Gas Phase ...........................................................31

3.1 Half-lives of NDMA in DI Water and WSOC at Different WSOC

Concentrations ...............................................................................................40

4.1 Water Quality, Treatment and NDMA Formed in Source Waters .................65

5.1 Chloramine Decomposition Kinetics and Associated Rate Constants (Ozekin

et al., 1996) .....................................................................................................78

5.2 Optimized NDMA Formation Rate Constant and Monochloramine

Decomposition Rate Constants in NOM under Various Reaction Conditions.

(Data from Chen and Valentine, 2006). R2 is Correlation Coefficient between

Model and Observation. Notes: Experiments were Conducted at pH 7 with

Variable Cl/N Ratios (and Ammonia Concentrations): a 0.7 (0.07 mM NH3);

b 0.3 (0.17 mM NH3); c 0.10 (0.5 mM NH3) ...................................................81

5.3 Optimized Rate Constant kapp for Model Compounds under Various Reaction

Conditions. (NDMA data from Selbes, 2014) ...............................................87

5.4 Optimized Rate Constant kapp for Model Compounds in Different Water

Matrices with Varied TOC. (NDMA Data from Shen and Andrews, 2011b)



Figure Page

1.1 Structure of NDMA ..........................................................................................1

1.2 UV-Vis Absorbance of Nitrosamines in Water and Solar Simulator Spectra

(Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007) ..........................................................................5

1.3 NDMA Formation Pathway of DMA and (a) Monochloramine (Choi and

Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak, 2002a) and (b) Dichloramine (Schreiber

and Mtich, 2006b) ...........................................................................................10

1.4 NDMA Formation Pathway of Amine Precursors and Chloramines (Selbes, et

al., 2013) .........................................................................................................11

2.1 Set-up of SPE and SPME Sampling Test ......................................................20

2.2 GC-MS Responses of NDMA Absorbed on SPME Fibers at Different

Sampling Times. a: CAR/PDMS Fiber Coating b: PDMS/DVB Fiber Coating


3.1 Image of Irradiation Setup with the Water Chiller, Irradiation Flask, Lamp,

Filters, and Power Source ..............................................................................39

3.2 UV-Vis Absorbance of WSOC with 1 mg/L Nitrate and 1.4 mgC/L Dissolved

Organic Carbon (a), 1 mg/L Nitrate (b) and the Dissolved Organic

Components (a-b)............................................................................................41

3.3 AAE for WSOC from Aerosol and Fog/Cloud Samples ...............................42

3.4 Correlation of Absorbance at 365 nm vs. WSOC for Aerosol Extracts and

Fog/Cloud Samples ........................................................................................45

3.5 MAE Values of WSOC and Fog/Cloud Samples ..........................................46

Figure Page

3.6 Temporal Variations of WSOC MAE and RH in Aerosol Extracts

from Bakersfield, CA ......................................................................................49

4.1 (A) Monochloramine (NH2Cl) Decay Kinetics in WW1 for Two Initial

Monochloramine Doses. (B) NDMA Formation Observed (symbols) and

Fitted by Equation 2&3 (lines). Error Bars Represent One Standard Deviation

(n = 3) for Select Time Points. (pH = 8.2, Temperature = 23 ± 1 °C) ............58

4.2 NDMA Formation Observed (symbols) and Fitted by Equation 2&3 (line) in

SW at Two Initial Monochloramine Doses. Error Bars Represent One

Standard Deviation (n = 3) for Select Time Points. (pH = 8.0, 23 ± 1 °C) ....60

4.3 NDMA Formation Observed (symbols) and Fitted by Equations 2&3 (line) in

GW at Two Initial Monochloramine Doses. (pH = 8.0, 23 ± 1 °C) ...............61

4.4 Linear Correlation between Model Predictions and Observations of NDMA

Concentrations in all Waters. Data from all Reaction Time Periods are

Included ..........................................................................................................66

4.5 Plots of P/P0 versus Monochloramine Exposure for Water Samples (a) WW1,

(b) WW4, (c) GW1, (d) SW1. L = Lower, H = Higher, Represent Samples

with Lower or Higher NH2Cl Concentrations ...............................................69

5.1 NDMA Formation Pathways as Proposed in the Literature: (1) Choi and

Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak, 2002a. (2) Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b. (3)

Selbes et al. 2013. ...........................................................................................75

5.2 Model Prediction of NDMA Formation and Monochloramine Decay at

Various pH in Surface Water. (Symbols: Observation Data, Lines: Model

Predictions. Data from Chen and Valentine, 2006) ........................................81

Figure Page

5.3 Model Prediction of NDMA Formation and Monochloramine Decay at

Various Ammonia Concentrations (Cl/N ratio) in Surface Water. (Symbols:

Observation Data, Lines: Model Predictions, pH=7. Data from Chen and

Valentine, 2006) ..............................................................................................82

5.4 NDMA Formation from Model Precursor Compound Data (Symbols), Model

Fitting (Lines) in FP Tests (NH2Cl 1.4mM, pH=7.5), SDS Conditions (NH2Cl

0.04mM, pH=7.5) and SDS Conditions with Excess Ammonia. (NDMA Data

from Selbes, 2014) ..........................................................................................86

5.5 NDMA Formation from Pharmaceutical Compounds under SDS Condition

(MQ Water, NH2Cl=0.035mM, pH=7), Data (Symbols) and Model Fitting

(Lines). (NDMA Data from Shen and Andrews, 2011b)................................88

5.6 NDMA Formation of Amine Precursors in River Water (SDS, pH=7,

TOC=6mg/L) and Modeling of NDMA Formation without Lag-time, Data

(Symbols) and Model Fitting (Lines) (NDMA Data from Shen and Andrews,

2011b) .............................................................................................................90

6.1 Theoretical Breakpoint Curve (USEPA, 1999) ..............................................93

6.2 Distribution Diagram for Chloramines with pH (Palin, 1950; USEPA, 1999)


6.3 NDMA Formation Kinetics of Wastewater Effluents with and without Excess

NH4+ in Chloramine Stock Solution................................................................98

6.4 NHCl2/NH2Cl Ratio with and without Excess NH4+ in Nano Pure Water at

pH=7 ...............................................................................................................99

Figure Page

6.5 NDMA Formation Observed at Varying Dissolved O2 Concentrations

(Symbols) and Fitted by Equations 4-1&4-2 (Lines) in WW5 at Same Initial

Monochloramine Dose (20 mgCl2/L). Error Bars Represent One Standard

Deviation (n=3) for Select Time Points. (pH = 8.0, 23 ± 1°C ) ....................100

6.6 Monochloramine (NH2Cl) Decay Kinetics at Two Dissolved O2 Levels ....101

6.7 (a) NDMA Formation from Model Precursors (pH=8); (b) NDMA Formation

in Buffered (pH=8) Wastewater and Surface Water; (c) NDMA Formation in

Buffered Wastewater with Buffer Concentration from 0.1 mM to 100 mM




1.1 N-Nitrosodimethylamine Occurrence

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a compound with nitroso- (NO-) group

bonded to the nitrogen (N) atom in dimethylamine (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1: Structure of NDMA

It is a member of the N-nitrosamine family which comprises potential

carcinogenic compounds. NDMA was of particular research focus in the nitrosamine

family, since it is the most widely detected nitrosamine in water with high toxicity

(Krasner et al., 2013). NDMA has been detected in all environmental compartments

including air, soil and water (ATSDR, 1999). It was initially recognized as

decomposition by-product of hydrazine-based compounds used in the rocket fuel

industry (Brubaker et al., 1985; Lunn et al., 1991; Lunn and Sansone 1994). It can also

be formed in many industrial processes such as those occurring in amine, tanneries,

rubber, pesticide and other amine related chemical plants (Fajen et al. 1979;

Spiegelhalder and Preussmann, 1981, 1983; Stefan and Bolton, 2002). NDMA is also

found in a variety of foodstuffs such as cured meat (e.g. sausage, bacon), fish products,

dairy and cheese products, and alcoholic beverages (Tricker and Preussmann, 1991). It

originates from reactions of nitrosating agents (e.g. nitrite, nitrogen oxide) and amines

contained in the food products. NDMA was also identified in indoor environments with

active tobacco smoking (Brunnemann and Hoffmann, 1978; Ruhl et al., 1980).

Additionally NDMA can be formed naturally as a result of chemical and biological

processes (Ayanaba and Alexander, 1974; WHO, 2002a). In recent years NDMA has

been found in drinking water as a disinfection byproduct from water chlorination or

chloramination. (Mitch et al., 2003; Krasner et al., 2013).

There is evidence of nitrosamine carcinogenicity in experimental animals,

especially NDMA (IARC 1987; Afonso Perera 2006). Although there is no direct

evidence that exposures causes cancer in humans, exposure to N-nitroso compounds

from food, environment and in-vivo formation in human body have been associated

with higher risk of cancer (Fajen et al. 1979; Bartsch and Spiegelhalder 1996; Mirvish

1995; Straif et al, 2000; WHO, 2002b). NDMA can enter the human body by ingestion,

inhalation and through dermal exposure. Ingestion occurs when people eat and drink

food and water that contains NDMA. Inhalation exposure is mainly related to polluted

air and particulate matter in the atmosphere. Dermal exposure could happen when skin

gets in contact with rubber-made things, detergent or water that contains NDMA.

However, it was calculated that daily dermal exposure during shower from water is

only 0.04% of ingestion of same water (OEHHA, 2006). While NDMA may be avoided

in foodstuffs by choosing not to eat certain foods, it is not possible to avoid air

inhalation and drinking water.

With increasing evidence of nitrosamines’ toxicity, USEPA may soon set

regulatory determinations of NDMA and other nitrosamines in water and air. Currently

USEPA has included nitrosamines in the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 2

(UCMR 2) (USEPA, 2005) and the Contaminant Candidate List 3 (CCL3) (USEPA,

2009). For NDMA in the air, the USEPA has calculated a residential air screening level

of 0.07 ng/m3 (exposure of 24 h/day in 26 years) and an industrial air screening level

of 0.88 ng/m3 (exposure of 1h/day in 25 years) at a target cancer risk (TR) of one in

one million (10-6) (USEPA, 2015). USEPA’s Integrated Risk Information System
(IRIS) database indicates that a drinking water concentration of 0.7 ng/L is associated

with 10-6 lifetime cancer risk. Local government has taken actions to regulate NDMA

in drinking water. For example, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard

Assessment (OEHHA) set a public health goal at 3 ng/L for NDMA and California’s

Department of Public Health (CDPH) has set 10 ng/L notification for nitrosamines

including NDMA in drinking water

1.2 NDMA in Atmosphere

Since the 1970s, NDMA has been reported in the air in industrial and urban

locations. Most of the high NDMA concentrations measured were found to be

associated with industrial processes. The highest gas phase NDMA concentrations (130

µg/m3) ever reported were found in indoor work places in the rubber industry

(Spiegelhalder and Preussmann, 1981). Fine et al. (1976) reported 36 µg/m3 near the

Food Manufacturing Corporation (FMC) facility, where NDMA was used as

intermediate to manufacture unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH). NDMA was

also detected in polluted ambient air in concentrations up to 0.8 µg/m3 near a

dimethylamine (DMA) manufacturer (Fine et al., 1976). Occurrence of NDMA in high

concentrations in indoor environment always relates to environmental tobacco smoke

(ETS). Previous studies have reported NDMA concentrations up to 2-37 ng/m3 in a

closed office with smokers (Stehlik et al., 1982; Mahanama and Daisey, 1996). All the

NDMA concentrations reported before were orders of magnitude higher than the

USEPA suggested screening level of NDMA, mostly because they were measured in

highly polluted /industrial areas or indoor environments. Due to its low vapor pressure

(2.7mm Hg at 20 °C) NDMA, is more likely to exist in gas phase than to absorb to

particulate matter (Baisautova, 2008). However, nitrosamines, including NDMA, have

also been detected in particulate matter. Total nitrosamines concentrations were

measured at 5.2 ng/m3 in urban airborne PM2.5 samples in U.K (Farren et al., 2015).

Nitrosamines up to 161.4 ng/m3 in PM2.5 and 53.90 ng/m3 in PM2.5-10 were monitored

during winter time in Zongulda, Turkey (Akyüz and Ata, 2013).

Airborne NDMA can be from direct emission through industrial processes or

generated through atmospheric processes. NDMA can be produced by nitrosation of

alkylamines. In the dark, nitrosating agents such as nitrous acid (HONO) formed from

reaction of nitrous oxides (e.g. NOx) and water vapor react with gas phase alkylamines

such as DMA to form NDMA (Hanst et al., 1977).

𝑁𝑂 + 𝑁𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 → 2𝐻𝑂𝑁𝑂 Equation 1-1

(C𝐻3 )2 𝑁𝐻 + 𝐻𝑂𝑁𝑂 → (C𝐻3 )2 𝑁𝑁𝑂 + 𝐻2 𝑂 Equation 1-2

However, later studies found that nitrosamines degrade rapidly in sunlight by

direct photolysis or by reacting with atmospheric oxidants such as ozone or OH radical

(Tuazon et al., 1984). The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of NDMA shows two

absorption bands at ~230nm and ~330 nm relating to π → π* and n → π* transitions,

respectively (Figure 1.2) (Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007). Absorption at 230 nm is not in

the range of natural sunlight in the atmosphere, but NDMA absorption around 330nm

overlaps with sunlight and is responsible for the direct photolysis of NDMA. In the gas

phase, NDMA gets photolyzed quickly with a half-life of 5min (Tuazon et al., 1984).

NDMA in pure deionized water undergoes a similarly fast photolysis with half-lives of

3-18 min depending on irradiation intensity (Stefan and Bolton, 2002; Plumlee and

Reinhard, 2007; Hutchings et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2010). The short half-lives of

NDMA in air and water suggest that it is not persistent in the environment.

Figure 1.2: UV-Vis absorbance of nitrosamines in water and solar simulator spectra
(Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007)

Recently NDMA was detected at high concentrations (up to 497 ng/L) in

atmospheric droplets (clouds and fogs) (Herckes et al., 2007; Hutchings et al., 2010).

In the Hutchings et al. (2010) study, it was suggested from model calculations that the

NDMA in droplets was not from the in-cloud nitrosating reaction between DMA and

nitrite due to the low formation yields (~1%). The source of NDMA in clouds and fogs

is probably from gas phase formation of NDMA and partitioning of gas phase NDMA

into aqueous phase because of the high water solubility of NDMA. In lab experiments

the NDMA photolysis rate was significantly reduced in the presence of organic carbon

(DOC = 2.0 mgC/L) and nitrite (1 mg/L). The lack of NDMA photolysis was attributed

to light-shielding by nitrite as it competes with NDMA for sunlight photons near 330

nm (Stefan and Bolton, 2002). The WSOC may also affect photolysis of NDMA since

previous research showed there is a reduction of NDMA photolysis with increasing

DOC in surface water matrices (Stefan and Bolton, 2002; Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007;

Chen et al., 2010). Due to such possible light-shielding effect in droplets, the high

concentrations of NDMA in fogs may result from NDMA formation in gas phase,

accumulation in the droplets in the dark and persistence with little photolysis in droplets

during ‘day’ time.

Most recently NDMA and other nitrosamines have been of growing concern

with development of amine-based CO2 capture technologies (Sorensen et al., 2015).

NDMA, N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) and N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) at

concentrations ranging between 5 and 47 ng/m3 were detected in an amine-based CO2

capture pilot plant in Maasvlakte, Netherlands (da Silva et al., 2013). In post

combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) plants, amines are used as solvents to capture and

store CO2 to decrease the CO2 emissions. Nitrosamines can be formed as amine

degradation products though reactions with NOx in the flue gas (Masuda et al., 2000;

Reynolds et al., 2012). The amines in emission gas could also react with nitrosating

agents (e.g. NOx) present in atmosphere from various combustion sources to form

nitrosamines. Such reactions will generally follow mechanisms similar to the pathway

in Equations 1-1&1-2. The NDMA formed in the air would probably partition into

cloud droplets and end up in soil or surface water by precipitation if not photolyzed.

1.3 NDMA in Drinking Water

NDMA was found in drinking water wells near a rocket engine testing facility

using unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH)-based rocket fuel in Sacramento

County, CA in 1998 (Mitch et al., 2003). In 2002, two drinking water production wells

impacted by aquifer recharge wastewater suspended operations due to the presence of

NDMA (DHS, 2002).

NDMA can be formed during drinking water treatment by several processes

including ozonaton, chlorination, catalytic formation and chloramination (Krasner et

al., 2013). Ozonation of DMA has been reported to only form NDMA at low yields
(<0.02%) at acidic or basic pH (Andrzejewski et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2009).

Ozonation of certain industrial amine precursors containing hydrazine (e.g. UDMH) or

sulfamide functional groups, forms NDMA with more than 50% yield, resulting in more

than 10 ng/L NDMA formation in drinking water (Schmidt and Bruch, 2008; Von

Gunten et al., 2010). However, research on ozonation suggested its importance on

NDMA formation in drinking water is restricted to source waters with certain


Chlorination of nitrite in the presence of NDMA precursors can also lead to

NDMA formation. Choi and Valentine (2003) reported such formation starting with the

formation a dinitrogen tetraoxide (N2O4) intermediate from nitrite acidification. The

intermediate then forms NO* which will nitrosate the amine precursor (e.g. DMA). The

pathway is of little importance in drinking water due to the low formation yields and

low concentrations of nitrite in drinking water (Shah et al., 2012). However, NDMA

formed by nitrosation may be enhanced four-fold during breakpoint chlorination if

breakpoint chlorination is conducted to achieve a significant free chlorine residual in

the presence of nitrite (Schreiber and Mitch, 2007).

Activated carbon can catalyze the formation of NDMA from secondary amines.

Reactive nitrogen species formed on surface of activated carbon react with a secondary

amine like DMA and form NDMA at low yields (<0.3%) (Padhye et al., 2011). With

the low concentrations of DMA in drinking water, the pathway is considered unlikely

to be important (Mitch and Sedlak, 2004; Krasner et al., 2013).

Compared to chlorination or ozonation, most studies have found that NDMA formation

is mainly associated with chloramination (Choi and Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak,

2002a; Krasner et al., 2013). In drinking water treatment chloramines, instead of

chlorine, are used as disinfectant to limit the formation of trihalomethanes (THM)

during chlorination (Mitch et al., 2003). Chloramines have been used increasingly in

drinking water systems and the population using drinking water containing chloramines

has increased from 17% in 2007 to 22% in 2010 in United States (Li, 2011). NDMA

detections in high concentrations in treated drinking water (67 ng/L) and in higher

concentrations in distribution systems (up to 180 ng/L) are associated with

chloramination (Charrois et al., 2004). Russel et al (2012) reported 35% of samples

from water systems using chloramine and only 3% of samples from those using chlorine

presented detectable levels of NDMA. All samples that had NDMA concentrations

higher than 50 ng/L, were from systems with the highest fraction of chloramine use

(Russel et al., 2012). Plants using chloramine with longer hydraulic contact times in

plant and distribution system (e.g., 12–18 hr) tend to form more NDMA in the water

system than plants using chloramine for shorter (e.g., 0.5–2 hr) contact times (Krasner

et al., 2012).

The precursors of NDMA are from three main sources: wastewater treatment

effluent, natural organic matter (NOM) and in-plant treatment chemicals. Wastewater

has been identified as the most important precursor source producing 300-1300 ng/L

NDMA in chloramination (Mitch and Sedlak, 2004). NOM can be precursor for NDMA

when nitrogen in organic matter reacts with chloramines. Water treatment chemicals

also showed the potential for NDMA formation. For example, coagulation polymers

such as polyamine or polyDADMAC, used in drinking water treatment to facilitate

coagulation before filtration, degrade and release NDMA precursors in chlorination,

leading to higher NDMA formation potential (FP) (Najm and Trussell, 2001; Kohut

and Andrews, 2003; Bolto, 2005; Park et al., 2009).

Amines containing DMA functional group are expected as the precursors of

NDMA in chloramination (Kemper et al., 2010). Extensive studies have reported

NDMA formation from various amine precursors by chloramination. Nitrosamines

formed from primary amines decay quickly and are not stable (Ridd, 1961). DMA, the

secondary amine precursor of NDMA, has been studied a lot as the model precursor of

NDMA (Mitch and Sedlak, 2002a; Choi and Valentine, 2003; Andrzejewski et al.,

2008) due to its occurrence in natural waters. Mitch and Sedlak (2002a) and Choi and

Valentine (2002) proposed a NDMA formation pathway where unprotonated DMA

undergoes a nucleophilic substitution reaction with monochloramine. The formed

UDMH intermediate is then oxidized by monochloramine to form NDMA (Figure

1.3a). It was later found that NDMA formation yield in chloramination of UDMH is at

least two orders of magnitude lower than that in chloramination of DMA; and the

formation rate was also much slower in chloramination of UDMH (Schreiber and

Mitch, 2006b). Besides monochloramine, the importance of dichloramine and

dissolved oxygen was then discovered. It was observed that dichloramine which forms

via monochloramine disproportionation coexists with monochloramine and

significantly enhances NDMA formation even at trace levels comparted to

monochloramine. A new reaction pathway involving dichloramine and dissolved

oxygen was then proposed (Figure 1.3b).

Figure 1.3: NDMA formation pathway of DMA and (a) monochloramine (Choi and
Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak, 2002a) and (b) dichloramine (Schreiber and Mitch,

In this pathway dichloramine reacts to form NDMA via the formation of a Cl-

UDMH intermediate and the intermediate is then oxidized by dissolved oxygen in water

to produce NDMA (Figure 1.3b). Some tertiary amines, such as trimethylamine (TMA),

can also act as a significant NDMA precursor in chloramination (Mitch and Schreiber,

2008). In the presence of chlorine or chloramine, TMA can decay quantitatively to

release DMA that forms NDMA in chloramination via the reaction in Figure 1.3b.

However, with the low NDMA yield and low alkylamine (DMA or TMA)

concentrations, NDMA formed via this pathway is insufficient to explain any

substantial NDMA formation.

A lot of research has focused on identifying NDMA precursors, especially

pharmaceuticals and personal care products, in wastewater. Some other tertiary amines

with NDMA yields higher than DMA were found. For example, ranitidine, the active

component in Zantac, a medication to decrease stomach acid production, forms NDMA

at yields between 60-90% (Le Roux, 2011; Shen and Andrews, 2011a, b). In a more

recent study, another pharmaceutical precursor, methadone, was also identified as an

important NDMA precursor in wastewater or surface water (Hanigan et al., 2015).

NDMA yields from methadone ranged from 23%-70% depending on chloramine dose.

In one wastewater sample, up to ~60% of NDMA formation was likely from

methadone. These high formation yields indicate that such tertiary amines do not form

NDMA through formation of a DMA intermediate, suggesting a completely different

reaction pathway. Selbes et al (2013) studied NDMA formation from 21 selected

amines (10 aliphatic and 11 aromatic) and they suggested that the NDMA formation

mechanism starts with a nucleophilic attack of the DMA functional group on the

nitrogen in chloramines (Figure 1.4). Through this pathway amines with electron

withdrawing groups next to DMA functional groups react preferentially with

monochloramine while amines with electron donating groups react preferentially with

dichloramine. The NDMA formation yields are associated with the structure of the

leaving group in the amine precursors. Most amine precursors could react with both

dichloramine and monochloramine but at different yields or rates. Therefore, the

formation of NDMA is likely a combination of reactions between both chloramine

species and amine precursors at varying yields and rates.

Figure 1.4: NDMA formation pathway of amine precursors and chloramines (Selbes,
et al., 2013).

NDMA formation during chloramination could be affected by lots of factors

besides the precursor amines structure and stability. Chloramine speciation may be the

most important factor. Reactions between chlorine and ammonia form chloramines.

The speciation of chloramines depends on pH, chlorine to ammonia ratio. In general,

monochloramine formation is dominant at pH higher than 8 with 5:1 or less Cl2:N mass

ratio. Chloramine chemistry is detailed in Chapter 6. In general, dichloramine would

start to form as pH decrease and Cl2:N increase. The pH also has an impact on the amine

precursor. For example, the maximum NDMA formation from precursors such as DMA

or ranitidine were observed between 7 and 8 (Mitch and Sedlak, 2002b; Kim and

Clevenger, 2007; Shen and Andrews, 2013a). It was suggested that at pH lower than 7

there are less non-protonated amines to undergo the nucleophilic substitution on

chloramines; and at higher pH, there is lower dichloramine formation resulting in lower

NDMA production. However, due to the fact that NDMA formation is not limited to

only one chloramine species, the pH effect on NDMA would vary with precursors and

their reactivity to chloramines. Chloramine dose and contact times are important

factors. Experiments have shown higher NDMA concentrations with higher chloramine

doses (Sacher et al., 2008) or longer contact times in drinking water distribution

systems (Russell et al., 2012).

NDMA formation kinetics of some amine precursors have been investigated.

Schreiber and Mitch (2006) suggested the rate of NDMA formation from DMA and

dichloramines are associated with DMA, dichloramine and dissolved oxygen

concentrations. Le Roux et al. (2012) reported the ranitidine decomposition in

chloramination follows a first order kinetics and a second-order reaction kinetics was

assumed for NDMA formation from ranitidine and monochloramine. However, the

NDMA formation was not found related to decomposition of ranitidine. Shen and

Andrews (2011b) applied the concept of dose-response curves to model NDMA

formation kinetics. The developed model fitted NDMA formation from four

pharmaceuticals (e.g. ranitidine) in surface water very well, but it did not provide

information of the formation mechanisms. Although wastewater effluents are thought

as the major source of NDMA precursors, no kinetics research has ever been conducted

in wastewater due to the complexity of precursor types and various NDMA formation


1.4 Rationale and Objectives

NDMA toxicity, occurrence and formation have been widely studied over

several decades now, in food, air and water. Despite all this work, NDMA exposure of

the general public is still not well understood because of knowledge gaps in terms of

occurrence, formation and fate, both in air and water. This work aims to contribute to

closing these knowledge gaps on NDMA exposure through contributions to

atmospheric measurements and fate as well as aqueous formation processes, by using

experimental as well as modeling approaches.

With the re-emerging concern of potential NDMA exposure in air, as a result of

carbon sequestration efforts, novel, sensitive but cheap methods of measuring gas phase

NDMA concentrations are required. Analytical methods based on Solid Phase

Extraction (SPE) and Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) coupled with Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) were developed and evaluated in

Chapter 2 of this thesis. Typical analytical methods in previous studies were not able

to measure NDMA in ambient air at ng/m3 concentration or were expensive and

logistically challenging to perform. We have therefore developed SPE and SPME based

methods successfully used in determining NDMA in other matrices such as drinking

water or foodstuffs to the determination of NDMA in air. The SPE method was then

applied in field sampling and NDMA were measured in ambient air. The new methods

will provide us with more easy and economical ways to measure NDMA at in gas phase

and help to investigate NDMA formation, transportation and health risk in the

The fate of atmospheric NDMA is strongly linked to its photolysis, which is the

main atmospheric sink of the compound together with cloud processing. The fate of

NDMA in fogs and clouds remains not well understood because of the potential

“screening effect” resulting from the competition of photons from other cloud

constituents like ions and organic matter. Any such screening effect will delay

atmospheric photodegradation, potentially enhancing lifetimes by orders of magnitude.

In Chapter 3 NDMA photolysis experiments were conducted in the presence of

inorganic ions and dissolved organic carbon in atmosphere relevant concentrations. The

results show substantial reduction in photolysis rates, largely due to organic

compounds. An extensive characterization of the water soluble organic carbon was then

performed to show that the optical properties like mass absorption coefficient (MAE)

and absorption angstrom exponents (AAE) change by atmospheric sample type

(aerosol, fog, cloud) and by location or particle size. The results suggest that the

absorptivity of water soluble organic matters in aerosol more than that in atmospheric

aqueous phases (fog, cloud) and is dependent on sources of aerosol particles.

Besides the air we were also interested in the aqueous formation during water

treatment, in particular chloramination. Until now very little research has been

performed on NDMA formation kinetics in complex water sources. In Chapter 4

NDMA formation kinetics during chloramination were explored in surface and

wastewater effluents. Two doses of chloramines were used to simulate FP conditions

and simulated distribution system (SDS) conditions. A second order reaction model of

NDMA formation from monochloramine and precursors was developed based on

kinetics data of NDMA formation and monochloramine decomposition during

chloramination. The model fits NDMA formation well (R2 > 0.88) in all source waters;

and rate constants were in a narrow range (0.01–0.09 M-1s-1) for different waters.
In Chapter 5 the NDMA formation kinetics model developed in Chapter 4 was

applied to NDMA formation data from the literature including different water sources

and model compounds. The kinetic model parameters were optimized and the resulting

model performances are discussed. The model fitted NDMA formation from model

compounds and surface water under a variety of reaction conditions. The rate constants

were able to describe how water conditions such as DOC and pH affect the NDMA

formation kinetics.

The developed model in Chapter 4&5 needs to be further developed. It only

takes monochloramine into account as the oxidant while dichloramine have shown

influence on the NDMA formation kinetics. In Chapter 6 some more experiments were

designed and conducted to further develop the kinetic model of NDMA formation.

Parameters such as dissolved oxygen, chloramine speciation and buffer solution were

included in this part.

Finally Chapter 7 summarizes the findings of this work and provides an

suggestions for future follow up work.



2.1 Introduction

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is classified by the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) as a probable human carcinogen (U.S.EPA, 2002). NDMA

has been of great concern since it was discovered at up to 130 µg/m3 and 36 µg/m3in

industrial and ambient air respectively in the 1970s (Fine et al., 1976a, b; Walker et al.,

1978). These concentrations of NDMA were monitored primarily in industrial areas

(such as rubber, leather and rocket fuel production) and around sources of nitrosamine

precursors. NDMA and tobacco-specific nitrosamines were then detected in indoor

environments with active tobacco smoking (Brunnemann et al., 1977; Stehlik et al.,

1982; Mahanama and Daisey, 1996). At that time substantial research on occurrence in

air and resulting human exposure was performed.

In recent years NDMA in ambient has received renewed interest for several

reasons. First, recent studies have detected NDMA in concentrations up to 500 ng/L in

fogs and clouds (Herckes et al., 2007; Hutchings et al., 2010), due to the high water

solubility of nitrosamines and hence a concentration of these species in atmospheric

droplets. Although NDMA is very easily photolyzed in the gas phase (Tuazon et al.,

1984), it can be formed in nighttime air as the result of the atmospheric reaction of

dimethylamine with nitrogen oxides (Hanst et al., 1977) and the subsequent partitioning

into the cloud droplets appears to contribute most of the NDMA in fogs and clouds

(Hutchings et al., 2010). In addition, model calculations have shown that NDMA may

remain in air for more than 4 hours even past sunrise. This led to an emerging concern

for the development of carbon sequestration and storage. In fact, in the process of

amine-based CO2 sequestration, where in post-combustion, the amines from the

absorber and NOx from the flue gas are jointly emitted, have high potential to from

nitrosamines in air (Strazisar et al., 2003; Nielsen et al., 2012). NDMA was also

reported in particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 at ng/m3 level (Akyüz and Ata, 2013;

Farren et al., 2015). U.S.EPA has calculated a residential air screening level of 0.07

ng/m3 (exposure of 24 h/day in 25 years) and an industrial air screening level of 0.88

ng/m3 (exposure of 1h/day in 25 years) at target cancer risk of 10-6 (U.S.EPA 2015).

Hence, monitoring NDMA in air is crucial with the reemerging concern about NDMA

in the air.

Techniques of sampling or monitoring NDMA as well as other nitrosamines in

air have been developed over the past few decades. Among them are wet sampling

techniques using cold traps and wet traps such as KOH (Spiegelhalder and Preussmann,

1983; Mahanama and Daisey, 1996) ; however, these labor intensive wet trap

techniques had sample recovery problems (Mahanama and Daisey, 1996) and the

preparation of aqueous traps was challenging in field settings. Then sampling cartridges

containing various dry sorbents (e.g. silica gel) were developed to collect NDMA from

the gas phase (Rounbehler et al., 1980; Spiegelhalder and Preussmann, 1983). Still

some limitations persisted such as the need for a nitrosation inhibitor to prevent

nitrosamine formation during sampling or the possibility of sample breakthrough.

Thermosorb/N, designed and developed specifically for Nitrosamine sampling, was

found to be the only sorbent free of artifact formation (Rounbehler et al., 1980).

Thermosorb/N cartridges with Gas Chromatography-Thermal Energy Analyzer (GC-

TEA) or Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) have been applied in

standard nitrosamines monitoring methods such as those by the Occupational Safety &

Health Administration (OSHA) or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Health (NIOSH) with a detection limit at µg/m3 levels (OSHA, 1981; NIOSH, 1994).
In the recent studies the detection limit of nitrosamine was reported less than 0.1ng/m3

by using thermosorb/N and GC-TEA (Tønnesen et al., 2011). The low detection limit

was achieved using a specifically constructed multi-line sampling device and very large

volume (>100 m3) air sample which is substantially larger than the validated sample

volume of thermosorb/N as sorbent, causing unknown sample breakthrough. It was still

not practical for NDMA or nitrosamine measurement in ambient air at low


Besides the offline measuring techniques, real time or online methods

measuring nitrosamine in air directly by using instruments such as GC-MS (Agilent,

2012), Proton-Transfer-Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS)

(Karl et al., 2013) and selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) (Langford

et al., 2015)were also developed. Lacking extraction and concentration prior to

injection, these methods are quite limited because of their high detection limits,

typically at ~µg/m3 level.

In recent years however, NDMA also became an emerging contaminant in

drinking water due to its formation as disinfection byproducts during chloramination.

Numerous methods were developed to monitor NDMA and other nitrosamines in

aqueous samples. Solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled with GC-MS was one of the

most widely used method determining NDMA in wastewater and drinking water

(Munch and Bassett, 2004; Hanigan et al., 2012; Selbes et al., 2013). Solid phase

microextraction (SPME) with GC-MS or GC-TEA were also employed for measuring

nitrosamines in aqueous and food matrices (Andrade et al., 2005; Grebel et al., 2006;

Pérez et al., 2008; Hung et al., 2010).

In the present work we are evaluating the use of commercial SPME or SPE

cartridges for atmopheric monitoring of NDMA. Laboratory experiments were

performed to evaluate the use of SPE cartridges and SPME fibers in the measurement

of gas phase NDMA. Positive and negative artifact formation was investigated for the

more sensitive SPE method and the optimized method was applied to determine NDMA

and other nitrosamines in ambient samples.

2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1. Chemicals and Materials

NDMA (solution in methanol, 5000 mg/L), EPA 8270 nitrosamine mix (solution

in methanol, 2000 μg/L) and dimethylamine (DMA) (solution in methanol, 2.0 M) were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). N-nitrosodimethylamine-d6 (NDMA-

d6) (1 g/L in methylene chloride (DCM)) was purchased from Cambridge Isotopes

(Andover, MA). All the above stock solutions were then diluted to desired

concentrations using DCM (Optima Grade, Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). All

standards were stored in a freezer prior to use. Aqueous NDMA solutions were prepared

by dissolving NDMA into >18 MΩ cm deionized water (Milli-Q, Millipore) to desired

concentrations. Anhydrous sodium sulfate was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.

Louis, MO). Nitric oxide gas (>99.5%) was purchased from Praxair (Bethlehem, PA)

and diluted to desired concentrations with lab air at 22 ± 1°C.

2.2.2. NDMA Gas Sampling Test

To test the NDMA sampling approaches, a simple laboratory-made setup was

used as detailed in Figure 2-1. Continuous airflow containing gas phase NDMA was

generated by pumping air through an aqueous NDMA solution of known concentration

in a 250 mL gas washing bottle. In the SPE sampling tests, a continuous gas flow went

through two successive coconut charcoal SPE cartridges (2 g/6 mL, Supelco, Bellefonte,

PA). The second cartridge was used to test for possible breakthrough. During the entire

sampling, SPE cartridges were wrapped with Aluminum foil to prevent photolysis of

collected NDMA.

A similar set-up was used for SPME testing. The air containing NDMA passed

through an SPME gas sampling bulb (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) at a constant

flowrate as shown in Figure 2.1. A manual SPME holder was employed in extraction

and desorption of all the samples. Two different fibers, an 85 μm carboxen/

polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) and a 65 μm

polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) were evaluated. All SPE and

SPME tests were carried out at 22 ± 1 °C in the laboratory.

Figure 2.1: Set-up of SPE and SPME sampling test

2.2.3 Positive and Negative Artifact Formation Tests

One potential artifact during NDMA collection onto SPE cartridges is NDMA

formation through reactions between dimethylamine (DMA) already sorbed onto the

cartridge and nitric oxides (NOx). To test the potential impact of this artifact, SPE

cartridges were loaded with DMA passing a DMA solution over the cartridge followed

by drying the cartridge with nitrogen gas for 30 minutes. Then laboratory air mixed

with NOx at concentrations ranging from 0 to 30 ppb was passed through the pretreated

SPE cartridges. For each sample, NOx containing air was passed through cartridges for

0.5-8 h at 3.7 L/min. Control experiments without preload DMA and /or NO x were

operated under similar experimental conditions.

A negative artifact could occur if NDMA sorbed to the SPE cartridges degrades

during sampling, e.g. is oxidized or photolyzed. This negative artifact was evaluated by

passing ambient dry air with high oxidant concentrations through SPE cartridges which

were preloaded with NDMA. Sampling times ranged from 5 minutes to 1 hour. All

these negative artifact tests were performed on the roof of Life Science Building in

Arizona State University Tempe campus and in sunny afternoons between 2 PM and 4

PM in summer when oxidants such as ozone and OH radical were at their highest

concentrations and no detectable gas phase NDMA were found.

2.2.4 Ambient Air Sampling

Ambient air samples were collected at the Tempe campus of Arizona State

University, in Western Norway and in Bakersfield, California. The weather during

sampling was clear with no rain or fogs. Air samples were acquired using a laboratory-

built gas sampler consisting of an air pump that was operated at 5- 8 L/min drawing

ambient air through a coconut charcoal SPE cartridge. The flowrates were monitored

at the beginning and the end of the sampling period. The cartridges were wrapped in

aluminum foil during the collection and then kept frozen after collection until analysis.

2.2.5. Extraction and Analysis of NDMA

Prior to extraction, all SPE cartridges were spiked with 100 μL NDMA-d6 at

1ppm as internal standard. Nitrosamines and NDMA-d6 were then eluted from SPE

cartridges with 30 mL of DCM. After extraction, the DCM extracts were treated with

anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove water residual and then concentrated under stream

of Ultra High Purity (UHP) nitrogen gas to 250 μL. The final extracts were stored in

amber vials in freezer prior to GC/MS analysis.

The sample extracts were analyzed using an Agilent 6890N/5973 inert GC/MS

operated in positive chemical ionization mode with ammonia as the reagent gas

(Charrois et al., 2004). In brief, the chromatographic column used was an Agilent DB-

1701P (30 m × 0.250 mm × 0.25 μm)( Santa Clara, CA) and followed a pulsed splitless

injection (initial pulse 15 psi for 45 s and then 10 psi) set at 250°C with a reduced

diameter SPME inlet linear (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The helium carrier gas

was initially pulsed at 1.9 mL/min for 45 s and then reduced to 1.3 mL/min for the rest

of the run. The oven temperature was initially 40°C for 3 min followed by an increase

to 80 at 4°C /min, and a final temperature increase to 120 at 20°C/min when NDMA

were tested. The column interface temperature was set at 200°C. The mass selective

detector was set to analyze for mass-to-charge 92 (NDMA + NH4+) and 98 (NDMA-d6

+ NH4+). The GCMS was calibrated with a series of authentic standards and

quantification was performed against the NDMA-d6 internal standard.

In SPME tests, each fiber was conditioned in the GC inlet at 250°C to remove

any contaminants for 5 minutes and cooled down to room temperature prior to sampling.

SPME fibers were exposed in a gas sampling bulb where laboratory air containing

NDMA passed through. After a defined amount of exposure the fiber was retracted into

the needle and immediately injected into the heated injection port at 250°C for 5

minutes using the same GC-MS method described above. Blank air samples were also

tested to determine the possible contamination from the laboratory air.

2.3 Results and Discussion

2.3.1. Evaluation of SPME as Sampling Medium

Two SPME fibers, an 85 μm CAR/PDMS fiber and a 65 μm PDMS/DVB fiber,

were examined for gas phase NDMA measurements. A variety of SPME fibers were

developed and applied to measure N-nitosamines in water and food matrices in previous

studies (Andrade et al., 2005; Grebel et al., 2006). These two fibers were selected

because they were more widely used with more N-nitrosamines extraction compared to

other fiber coatings such as polyacrylate (PA) and carbowax/divinylbenzene


Sorption of NDMA on a SPME fiber is an equilibrium process, the fiber

equilibration times were tested from 30 minutes to 9 hours for both SPME fiber coatings

at different NDMA concentrations. Figure 2.2a and 2.2b show the effect of time on the

NDMA recoveries on two SPME fibers respectively. For the CAR/PDMS fiber, the

response area of NDMA kept increasing with time even after 9 hours (Figure 2.2a)

suggesting that equilibrium was not yet reached. Previous studies reported shorter

equilibrium time (4 h) of NDMA extraction in headspace of water by CAR/PDMS fiber

at 65 °C, possibly due to the change of absorptivity at different temperatures. In contrast,

equilibrium was reached within 30 minutes at tested concentrations for PDMS/DVB

fiber (Figure 2.2b). Previous studies measuring NDMA in beer reported 200h as

equilibrium time for the same SPME fiber. It is possibly because of the competition or

interference of other more volatile compounds from beer.

NDMA gas phase concentrations were calculated from aqueous concentrations

and Henry’s constant derived from our measurements. For the same NDMA

concentration in air (9 μg/m3) for all extraction time periods the NDMA signals and

hence adsorbed NDMA in the CAR/PDMS fiber were more than one order of

magnitude higher than that in the PDMS/DVB fiber. It agreed with previous findings

that CAR/PDMS fiber outperformed the PDMS/DVB fiber in terms of NDMA recovery

(Grebel et al., 2006; Ventanas and Ruiz, 2006). CAR and DVB are both porous solids

which enhance the sorption. Pore size distribution is different. CAR had a higher

proportion of micropores (<20 Å) than the DVB (Lestremau et al., 2001), making it

more efficient to extract low molecular weight polar compounds such as NDMA.


18µg/m3 NDMA
4 9 µg/m3 NDMA
GCMS response *10 6

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (hour)


GCMS response *10 4

1 9 µg/m NDMA
4.5 µg/m NDMA
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Time (hour)
Figure 2.2: GC-MS responses of NDMA absorbed on SPME fibers at different
sampling times, a: CAR/PDMS fiber coating, b: PDMS/DVB fiber coating

Linear regression analysis of adsorbed NDMA at three concentration levels was

performed for both SPME fiber coatings by plotting the calibration curves of obtained

mass spectrum response area versus the gas phase concentration of NDMA. Extraction

time of 30 minutes was chosen for both SPME fibers. Though the CAR/PDMS had

longer equilibrium time, it still could be used in NDMA analysis by using non-

equilibrium extraction at a selected extraction time (Grebel et al., 2006). The correlation

coefficients were 0.97 and 0.81 for PDMS/DVB and CAR/PDMS fibers respectively,

showing better performance of PDMS/DVB in quantitative analysis than the

CAR/PDMS. The poorer linearity of CAR/PDMS could be due to the low

reproducibility caused by CAR coating (Popp and Paschke, 1997) and non-equilibrium

regime. The influence of the air flowrate was also tested by varying the sampling flow

through the gas sampling bulb from 0.1 L/min to 1L/min (PDMS/DVB fiber) in 30mins

sampling intervals. The amounts of NDMA detected were very stable with a low

standard deviation (4.9%, n = 4).

The achieved detection limits, which was calculated as concentrations which

signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio equals 3, were 8 ng/m3 and 0.5 ng/m3 for PDMS/DVB fiber

and CAR/PDMS fiber, respectively. The detection limit was not sensitive enough to

detected NDMA at levels lower than 1 ng/m3. However the SPME sampling method

might be suitable in NDMA measurements in industrial environments where NDMA

concentrations far above 10 ng/m3 were reported.

2.3.2. SPE sampling tests

In a first stage, the sampling efficiency of commercial SPE cartridges was tested.

No NDMA was detected in the third cartridge when three cartridges were used in series,

even at high gas phase NDMA concentrations (16 µg/m3) and/or high flowrates (6

L/min). Two consecutive cartridges were used in tests to quantify breakthrough and
physical losses by re-volatilization of sorbed material. The collection efficiency was

defined as the amount of NDMA collected in the first cartridge divided by the amount

of NDMA in both cartridges. The collection efficiency and breakthrough were

evaluated in two ways. First is to pump the air containing NDMA through the cartridges.

Flowrate ranged from 0.3 L/min to 5.8 L/min. The NDMA concentration were changed

from 16 µg/m3 to 3 ng/m3. Laboratory air only was also tested with NDMA

concentration of 0.8 ng/m3. As shown in Table 2-1, the SPE cartridge had collection

efficiencies higher than 90% in most tests. NDMA concentrations and flowrates

showed no effect on the collection efficiency. Second is pumping the air through the

two cartridges after spiking 100 ng NDMA on the upstream cartridges. The cartridges

were dried with laboratory air for 30 minutes at 5.8L/min. After 30 minutes drying, the

downstream cartridge was connected to collect the breakthrough or the physical losses

from the first cartridge. No detectable NDMA was found in the second cartridges after

the cartridges were dried.

Table 2.1. SPE collection efficiency tests

Flowrate NDMA Conc. Collection
L/min ng/m3 Efficiency

0.3-1.3 1800-16000 93-99

2 159 92
3.7 18-130 82-93
5.8 3-6 95
5.81 0.8 98
5.82 100
1. Lab air only
2. NDMA preloaded
Based on our experiment, the Henry's law constant of NDMA, determined using

the calculated gas and aqueous phases concentrations of NDMA was 5.3 ± 0.4 × 10-7

atm×m3/mol at 22°C. With huge variance of flowrates (0.1-6 L/min) and NDMA

concentrations (3-16000 ng/m3) the calculated Henry's law constant only change with

a small variance (< 10%). Previous studies reported several different Henry’s law

constant at different temperatures (Mirvish et al., 1976; Haruta et al., 2011). At 22°C,

Henry’s law constant determined in our experiments was twice of the reported Henry's

constant (2.63 × 10-7 atm×m3/mol at 20°C) which was estimated by using vapor

pressure and water solubility data (Mirvish et al., 1976). The difference was not

substantial considering the fact that the tests in this work were in a dynamic aqueous-

gas system and were at a higher temperature. The Henry's law constant in our dynamic

experiment conditions can be used to determine NDMA gas phase concentrations when

NDMA water phase concentrations are known. For NDMA, the sensitivity of the

analytical detection method, which was estimated as 3 times of the background noise,

was 0.04 pg/injection. For an air sample of 0.1 m3 (~30 min at 3L/min), the detection

limit of the overall method was 0.06ng/m3. With larger sampling volumes e.g. 2 m3

obtained by extending sampling time or increasing flowrate the detection limit can be

as low as 0.003 ng/m3. With such a low detection limit, small sample volume and simple

set-up sampling instrument, the SPE sampling method with the following GCMS

analysis presented in this work is more applicable than all previous methods in NDMA

measurement in ambient air.

Table 2.2: Sampling parameters in this work compared to Thermosorb/N sorbent
SPME GCMS SPE Thermosorb/N
Sample time (h) >0.5 0.5 0.5-8 167
Sample Volume (m ) 3 - - 0.1-2 20
Detection limit (ng/m ) ~1 8 0.003 0.01
Sample breakthrough - - <10% unknown
Flowrate (L/min) - 0.1-1 0.3-6 2
Nielsen et al., 2012

2.3.3 Positive Artifact Formation Test

The sources of atmospheric NDMA are not only direct emissions of NDMA by

industrial processes but also nitrosation of atmospheric amines (Hanst et al., 1977).

These nitrosating reactions could possibly occur on the surface of the collection

cartridges during sampling if sorbed amines react with a nitrosating reagent (i.e. NOx),

leading to a positive artifact formation. The latter was a concern as it was reported that

commercial activated carbon could catalyze the formation of reactive nitrogen specious

(e.g. NO) from oxygen and nitrogen in the reactive sites on the activated carbon

surfaces (Padhye et al., 2011). Therefore the possible formation of NDMA from the

reactions between Dimethylamine (DMA) and such NOx during the sampling process

was explored. One nanomole DMA in DCM solution was spiked onto the cartridges,

simulating maximum DMA in 0.1 m3 ambient air (Ge et al., 2011). Pure NO was diluted

in lab air to 30 ppbv which was similar to the upper limit of NOx concentrations in

ambient conditions. After pumping the NOx/air mixture through the cartridges, the

cartridges were extracted following the SPE procedures.

No NDMA was detected on the DMA preloaded cartridges. Only at

substantially higher DMA (1µM) loadings, NDMA was detected. The overall NDMA

formation yield (NDMA formed/DMA spiked) was 0.15% when lab air with no NO x

passed the cartridges. The formation yield increases to 0.24% in the presence of air

containing 30 ppbv NOx. Previous studies reported the similar NDMA formation yields

0.05% -0.29% in air-dried activated carbon particles from preloaded DMA (Padhye et

al., 2011). In actual ambient air (~pmol/m3) the DMA concentrations are orders of

magnitudes lower than those in our experiments (nmol/m3) (Ge et al., 2011). While

NDMA can and will form by nitrosation of amines on the cartridge during sampling,

the resulting artifact is negligible compared to typical ambient concentrations. This is

even more true as the DMA collected in real air samples would be much less than we

used in lab test due to the fact that sampling was a continuous process but total amount

of DMA was loaded in SPE cartridges in the beginning.

2.3.4 Negative Artifact Formation Test

Negative artifact formation by losses of sorbed NDMA could also be possible

during sampling. While physical losses and hence breakthrough, were discussed above

(section 2.3.2), chemical loss mechanisms are also possible. In particular direct

photolysis of NDMA is possible and is the major loss mechanism for NDMA in the gas

phase (Hutchings et al., 2010). However during SPE sampling, photolysis could be

easily prevented by wrapping cartridges in aluminum foil.

Other than photolysis, atmospheric reactions between NDMA and oxidants

such as ozone or hydroxyl radicals could possibly lead to NDMA sampling losses

(Tuazon et al., 1984). Therefore, the possible oxidation of NDMA was investigated by

loading NDMA on a cartridge and passing ambient air through the cartridge. No

significant loss of the preloaded 2 ng NDMA was observed after 2 hours of sampling

at 6 L/min. This is not unexpected as reported gas phase reaction rates of NDMA

reaction with O3 and OH· (< 1.0 × 10-20 and 3.0× 10-12 cm3/molecule/s) and the upper
limits of O3 and OH· concentration (2× 1012 cm-3 and 1× 106 cm-3) the half-life of

NDMA was more than 3 months and 2.5 days in presence of O 3 and OH· respectively.

Therefor the effect of such oxidation processes on NDMA sampling appears negligible.

2.3.5 Ambient SPE Results

With a lower detection limit, the SPE sampling method was applied to determine

NDMA in ambient air samples. NDMA concentrations observed at different sites are

summarized in Table 2.3. All NDMA concentrations in our observations were orders

of magnitude lower than in previous studies in 1970s & 1980s (40-36,000 ng/m3) which

mostly focused on the heavily polluted industrial indoor environments and urban areas

clearly impacted by or adjacent to such industries (Fine et al., 1976b; Spiegelhalder and

Preussmann, 1983). However, NDMA concentrations measured at all sampling sites

are higher than the 0.07 ng/m3 residential air screening concentration at 10 -6 lifetime

cancer risk level by EPA.

In Tempe (AZ) NDMA was detected in relatively low concentrations, ranging from

0.4-0.7 ng/m3. There are no nitrosamine or amine related industries in the vicinity. The

low humidity in Tempe can be another reason for low concentrations of NDMA since

NDMA formation in air from nitrosation is preferable during nighttime when the air is

humid (Hanst et al., 1977). Air samples from Norway showed a similar but lower

concentration of NDMA in air (0.1-0.3 ng/m3). In other studies measuring NDMA at

similar locations no NDMA or nitrosamine was found (Nielsen et al., 2012). However,

NDMA found in this work agreed with the expected NDMA concentration range (0.02-

0.1 ng/m3) based on DMA concentrations monitored (0- 31 ng/m3) and potential

NDMA formation yield (~ 0.3%) in other studies.

The highest NDMA concentrations (5.9 -13.0 ng/m3) in our studies were found in

Bakersfield, CA. There are several possible explanations. Bakersfield is located in the

Central Valley in California where NOx and humidity are relatively high and there is

higher probability of amine precursors because of the presence of large feedlots.

Table 2.3: Measurement of NDMA in gas phase

Location NDMA Ref Scenario
Tempe, AZ 0.4-0.7 This work ambient outdoor
Bakersfield, CA 5.9-13.0 This work ambient outdoor
Mongstad,Norway 0.1-0.3 This work area around the Mongstad
(2012-2013) refinery
Fresno, CA 8.4 (Hutchings et al., ambient outdoor
(2010) 2010)
Mongstad, Norway ND (Nielsen et al., 2012) area around the Mongstad
(2011) refinery
Linz, Austria 10-40 (Spiegelhalder and ambient outdoor
(1987) Preussmann, 1986)
Los Angeles, CA 30-1000 (Gordon , 2012) Industrial sites
Baltimore, MD 400-32000 (Fine et al., 1976b) Industrial sites

It is noteworthy that in the air samples from Bakersfield, CA, other nitrosamines

including nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA) and nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) were also

detected. Both NDBA and NDEA had similar concentrations to NDMA in all air

samples from Bakersfield. However their concentrations must be considered estimates

since laboratory tests, such as collection efficiency or artifact formation has not been


2.4 Conclusions

In this work, SPME and SPE techniques with following GCMS analysis were

evaluated as sampling method measuring gas phase NDMA in ambient air. SPME-

GCMS method was tested using PDMS/DVB and CAR/PDMS fibers. SPME sampling

is not a favorable method to determine NDMA air concentrations due to the high
detection limits (> 1 ng/m3). However, SPME method had its own advantages over

other methods. It is solvent free, environmentally friendly and labor efficient. SPME

technique could still be used to monitor high NDMA concentration especially for high

NDMA concentration in indoor environment. The developed SPE-GCMS method is

shown to be favorable for the analysis of NDMA in air in many aspects. The simple

set-up and small sample volume needed in this method make it easy and economical

for outside ambient sampling. The high collection efficiency and small

positive/negative potential artifacts make it applicable in various sampling conditions.

The detection limit for NDMA with this method was less than 0.003 ng/m3, lower than

the EPA risk level (0.07 ng/m3) and previous methods.

By using SPE-GCMS method, NDMA was found in all ambient samples in a

rather small range (0.1-13.0 ng/m3) among different locations. Presence of other

nitrosamines was also detected. Further evaluation will be needed on SPE or SPME

sampling performances of other nitrosamines.




3.1 Introduction

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about nitrosamine

compounds, especially nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), due to their carcinogenicity.

They have been widely found not only in drinking water (Mitch et al., 2003) but also

in the atmospheric waters like fogs and clouds (Herckes et al., 2007). A recent study

discussed the enrichment of nitrosamines in fogs and clouds and emphasized on the fact

that while nitrosamine photolyze readily, they will concentrate in fog and cloud droplets

especially at night time (Hutchings et al., 2010) and might persist into the daytime. Post

combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) plants are currently using amines (e.g.

monoethanolamine, piperazine) as solvent to capture and store CO 2, leading to emission

of amines and their degradation products (Rochelle, 2009; da Silva et al., 2013a; da

Silva and Booth, 2013). Nitrosamines are of concern for PCCC because they can form

from their corresponding amines and NOx which are in flue gas or in ambient air

(Veltman et al., 2010; Reynolds et al., 2012; da Silva et al., 2013b). Several

nitrosamines including NDMA, N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) and N-

nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) have been observed at concentrations ranging from 5 to 47

ng/m3 in emission from a PCCC pilot plant (da Silva et al., 2013b).

It was reported that the main source of NDMA in fogs and clouds is not in cloud

nitrosation of amines to NDMA (Hutchings et al., 2010). With a low Henry’s constant

(2.63 × 10-7 atm m3/mol) (Mitch et al., 2003), NDMA formed in the gas phase will

partition into the atmospheric aqueous phase and accumulate. However, it does not

explain by itself NDMA’s occurrence in clouds and fogs at high concentrations since

NDMA has been reported to be highly photoreactive in aqueous solution with half-lives

ranging from 3-18 min depending on experimental conditions (e.g. irradiation intensity)

(Stefan and Bolton, 2002; Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007; Hutchings et al., 2010). The

organic matter in a wastewater matrix was found to have limited impact on NDMA

photolysis by decreasing photolysis rate by 20%-70% (Chen et al., 2010). Still no

studies exist on NDMA photolysis in atmospherically relevant matrices (fog, clouds)

or the organic matter in the atmosphere could have stronger impact on NDMA

photolysis than waste water organic matter and substantially change NDMA lifetime in

the atmosphere.

Atmospheric aerosols are an important part in radiative forcing of climate.

Among atmospheric aerosols, carbonaceous aerosol are a significant fraction and

carbonaceous material can be divided into elemental or black carbon (EC or BC) and

organic carbon (OC). It was thought that EC mainly absorb light whereas OC scatters

radiation in the atmosphere (Hallquist et al., 2009). Several recent studies found organic

species also absorb solar radiation effectively (Andreae and Gelencser, 2006), and

organic species can contribute up to 50% of the light absorption (Kirchstetter et al.,

2004), especially in the UV-vis range. Up to 70 % of atmospheric OC is water soluble

organic carbon (WSOC) (Jeffrezo et al., 2005; Feng et al., 2006; Park and Cho, 2011).

Light-absorbing aerosol organic carbon is often referred to as brown carbon (BrC) and

mostly soluble as part of the WSOC. WSOC is important because it influences the

ability of aerosols to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and the dissolution of

WSOC into clouds and fogs affects cloud chemistry. Since the absorption of WSOC is

significant in the UV-vis range (hence “brown” carbon), WSOC is expected to impact

the photochemistry of light-sensitive compounds such as NDMA, which are easily

photolyzed in atmosphere but in clouds will compete with the organic matter for


The sources of atmospheric WSOC include primary emissions including

biomass burning or fuel combustion and secondary formation from gas and particle

phase precursors (Sullivan et al., 2006; Miyazaki et al., 2006; Weber et al., 2007; Yan

et al., 2009). Many studies have investigated the light absorbing or optical properties

of WSOC or BrC in atmospheric aerosols. The wavelength-dependent absorption is

usually characterized as proportional to λ-Å. The absorption angstrom exponents

(AAE), Å, exhibits distinct variations between BC and OC and in WSOC from different

sources, locations and seasons (Kirchstetter et al., 2004; Cheng et al., 2011; Du et al.,

2014; Kirillova et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2016). The mass absorption efficiency (MAE)

of WSOC is another optical property that varies by location, season and origin

(Hecobian et al., 2010; Cheng et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011). However, limited

information is available on the influence of WSOC on cloud photochemistry.

The present work investigates the effect of WSOC and inorganic ions on

NDMA photolysis in the atmospheric aqueous phase. The optical properties of WSOC

were then investigated in atmospheric aerosol, fog and cloud droplets from different

locations and from a variety of sources including urban, rural, biomass burning and

vehicle emission. Two representative optical parameters, AAE and MAE, were

compared between aerosol and fog/cloud sample as well as among aerosol from

different sources, providing information on how the optical properties and hence the

effects of WSOC on the cloud photochemistry might vary.

3.2 Experimental and Analytical Methods

3.2.1 Sample Collection

Particulate matter samples for spectral characterization were obtained from a

number of field studies in the US, Mexico and Canada for ambient aerosol samples and

from controlled burn experiments for biomass burning source samples. Details are

provided in Appendix A.

Cloud samples were obtained from field studies in Arizona (Hutchings et al.,

2009) and Whistler, Canada (Lee et al., 2012). Fog samples were obtained from studies

in Fresno, CA and Davis, CA (Ehrenhauser et al., 2012) as well as from rural

Pennsylvania (Straub et al., 2012)

Ambient aerosol samples (PM2.5) for the photochemical experiments were

collected in Fresno (CA) during an earlier study (Ehrenhauser et al., 2012) and on the

Tempe campus of Arizona State University (ASU). More detailed site descriptions are

provided in Appendix A.

3.2.2 Sample Preparation

The water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) fraction was determined as follows.

One section of a quartz fiber for each aerosol sample (PM2.5 and PM>2.5) was extracted

under ultrasonication with 15mL deionized (DI) water (>18MΩ cm) for 30 minutes.

All water extracts of aerosol samples as well as fog and cloud water samples were

filtered through a 0.22 µm pre-fired QFF filter (Whatman, UK) using syringe filtration

in a stainless steele filterholder. Filtered aliquots were stored in a refrigerator in the

dark at 4 ºC until analysis.

NDMA solutions in prepared by diluting NDMA in 150 mL DI water and in

150 mL water soluble extracts from two aerosol samples collected in Fresno (CA) and

Tempe (AZ). Nitrate and nitrite were added into aliquots to simulate the occurrence of
NO3- and NO2- at environmentally relevant concentrations. NaOH or H2SO4 were used

to adjust the pH to desired value.

3.2.3 Sample Analysis

Nitrate and nitrite were determined by ion chromatography (Dionex IC20) using

a Dionex AG12A guard column, an AS12A separation column, and suppressed

conductivity detection. The pH value in different water matrices was determined by pH

meter (Denver Instruments) after calibration against pH 4 and 7 buffer solutions.

All photolysis tests were performed using 500 ppt NDMA solutions in batch

experiments. Each experiment used 150 mL of solution which were extracted using a

method similar to EPA method 521 and analyzed using gas chromatography- mass

spectrometry (GC/MS) after the experiment. NDMA extraction and analysis details can

be found elsewhere (Hanigan et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2016).

DOC concentrations in samples were determined using a total organic carbon

(TOC) analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-5050A) which was calibrated against potassium

hydrogen phthalate standards. The light absorption spectra of WSOC extracts or fog

and cloud samples were recorded over a wavelength range from 200 to 700 nm with

Shimadzu Multispec-1501 UV-Vis spectrometer. The absorption spectra were

characterized using the absorption angstrom exponents (AAE) and the mass absorption

efficiency (MAE). The AAE was obtained by Equation 3-1:

𝐴λ = 𝐾 ∙ λ−AAE Equation 3-1

Where Aλ is the absorbance at wavelength λ, K is a constant. AAE values were

calculated based on the linear regression fit of A λ between 300 and 600 nm on log-log


The MAE is the absorption efficiency normalized to the organic carbon

concentration. In some fields it is also referred to as the specific absorbance (SUVA)

in UV range in surface water (Chen and Westerhoff, 2010). Mass absorption efficiency

(MAE) at 365 nm was used to characterize the light absorptivity of OC in different

water extracts or fog/cloud samples. It was calculated using the following Equation 3-

2, similar to other studies (e.g. Du et al., 2014):

𝑀𝐴𝐸365 = Equation 3-2
𝑊𝑆𝑂𝐶 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

3.2.4 Photolysis Set-up

All irradiation experiments are carried out within a solar simulator set up

(Figure 3.1) consisting of a Spectra-Physics (Stratford, CT) 200-500W power supply,

a 300W ozone free Xe lamp, a water filter, an air mass 1.5 global (AM 1.5G) filter, a

manual shutter, a recirculating water chiller, and a 200mL jacketed flask. The jacketed

flask can be sealed with an O-ring and a Teflon lid which has a Suprasil quartz window

with an opening diameter of 3.2 cm. This solar simulator utilizes the AM1.5G filter to

simulate solar irradiation at a 48.2o solar zenith angle which corresponds to the solar

irradiation in the 48 contiguous states of the United States. The combination of the

300W ozone-free Xe lamp, the water filter, and the AM1.5G filter produces typically

an actinic flux of 1.07×1016 photons cm-2s-1 for this solar simulator. The actinic flux

has been determined using 2-nitrobenzaldehyde as a chemical actinometer following

the procedures of Allen et al (2000) and the actinic flux will be re-verified regularly.

This actinic flux is comparable to the actinic flux at the Earth’s surface in Phoenix,

Arizona at noon during winter which is 1.31×1016 photons cm-2s-1 (Finlayson-Pitts and

Pitts, 1999).

Figure 3.1: Image of irradiation setup with the water chiller, irradiation flask, lamp,
filters, and power source

3.3 Results and Discussion

3.3.1 WSOC effect on NDMA photolysis

NDMA photolysis rates have been characterized in select matrices like surface

water (Chen et al., 2010) in which organic matter could potentially decrease the

photolysis rates of NDMA. Due to limited sample of fog and clouds, water extracts

of aerosol samples were used as surrogate of atmospheric organic matter. We

investigated the impact of WSOC from ambient aerosol samples described in section

3.2.2. WSOC showed dramatic effects on the photolysis rates. Even at moderate

WSOC concentrations of 7-9 mgC/L, well within the range of many cloud and fog

observations (Herckes et al., 2013), the photolysis rates are decreased by a factor of

2-3 resulting in double to triple lifetimes (Table 3.1). At the higher end of the WSOC

concentrations, the photolysis was completely suppressed in our tests.

Table 3.1: Half-lives of NDMA in various matrices and at different WSOC

WSOC Half-life t1/2 (min)

Nanopure Water 0 14.2

9.3 37.3
Tempe, AZ 16.0 66.6
23.4 --1
7.5 39.9
Fresno, CA
20.4 117
1. No degradation was observed in 120 min.
Possible interferences including pH and inorganic ions (NO3-, NO2-) were also

investigated. No effect of pH was observed during 2 h photolysis in NDMA solution at

pH from 1.2 to 6.8 which covers a wide range of cloud and fog pH observations

(Herckes et al., 2013). These observations are contrary to previous studies which saw a

pH effect on NDMA photolysis (Plumlee and Reinhard, 2007).

Nitrite and nitrate are common components of fogs and clouds. It was suggested

that both species could affect NDMA photolysis since they have similar absorbance

around 300nm as NDMA which mainly absorbs at 330nm (e.g. Plumlee and Reinhard,

2007; Hutchings et al., 2010). Our results show that at high end of environmentally

relevant concentrations (2000 µeq/L and 100 µeq/L for nitrate and nitrite respectively)

these inorganic species could result in an increased atmospheric lifetime of NDMA

(relative to its aqueous phase photolysis) of 30~50%. However in a more typical

concentration range for nitrate and nitrite, as in clean to moderately polluted clouds and

fogs, the effect would only be in the 10-20% range. Therefore WSOC likely has the

strongest impact on NDMA photochemistry in atmospheric aqueous phase.

3.3.2 Wavelength Dependence of Light Absorption

The absorption spectra of aerosol extracts and fog/cloud filtered samples were

measured between 200nm and 700nm. Figure 3.2 shows the UV-Vis spectra of aerosol

extracts which have 1 mg/L nitrate and nitrate standards at 1 mg/L. Nitrate has strong

absorbance at wavelength < 250 nm and contributes up to 50% of the total absorbance

at 200 nm in WSOC. However, absorbance of nitrate is negligible at wavelengths > 250

nm in the presence of WSOC. The majority of the absorbance was from the organic

components in WSOC.


a, Aerosol Extract with 1mg/L Nitrate

b, 1 mg/L Nitrate
OC (a-b)
Absorbance cm-1





200 300 400 500 600
Wavelength nm

Figure 3.2: UV-Vis absorbance of WSOC with 1 mg/L nitrate and 1.4 mgC/L dissolved
organic carbon (a), 1 mg/L nitrate (b) and the dissolved organic components (a-b).

The wavelength dependence of light absorption was investigated using the AAE

calculated between 300 nm to 600 nm. In most samples, signals below 300 nm had

interference of inorganic species and therefore were not included. The AAE of aerosol,

fog and cloud samples were shown in Figure 3.3.

Fog and Cloud, 300-600nm
Fog and Cloud, 300-400nm

Davis, CA
Monterrey, Mexico
Bakersfield, CA
Whislter, BC
Biomass burning
Prescribed burn
Port O'Connor, TX
Big Bend, TX
South Padre Island, TX
Galveston, TX
Tunnel JQ, Brazil
Tunnel RA, Brazil
Parking Lot
Parking Lot unfiltered

Northen China (Kirillova et al., 2014)

Beijing, China, summer (Cheng et al., 2011)
Beijing, China, winter (Cheng et al., 2011)
Seoul, Korea (Kim et al., 2016)
Los Angeles, CA (Zhang et al., 2013)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 3.3: AAE for WSOC from aerosol and fog/cloud samples

The AAE of unfiltered and filtered aerosol water extracts from the emission

impacted aerosols were compared (Parking Lot & Parking Lot unfiltered in Figure 3-

3). AAE in unfiltered extracts (1.64 ± 0.22) were substantially lower than filtered

extracts (3.57 ± 0.44). It was reported the AAE for BC is close to 1, while AAE of

organic matter is larger than 1 (Bond, 2001; Kirchstetter et al., 2004). The soot in

unfiltered extracts might have lowered the AAE of the light-absorbing organic matter.

In addition, absorption in unfiltered extract does not follow the Equation 3-1 well with

lower log-log regression R2 (0.81) than filtered extracts (0.99). In this work, the AAE
of all WSOC extracts varied between 2.52 and 6.45 with average of 3.78 ± 0.84. The

linear fit of the log(λ) and logA(λ) showed good correlations, with R2 > 0.92 except the

samples from Bakersfield, CA. For the fog and cloud sample, AAE were between 2.02

and 5.12 with an average 3.69 ± 1.04. This is the first attempt ever characterizing the

absorptivity of dissolved organic carbon by AAE in fog and cloud samples.

The cloud and fogs samples show a wider range of AAE compared to aerosol

WSOC although there are fewer samples and lower R2 values (0.22-0.98) were

observed in some fog/cloud samples, suggesting different organic components between

aerosol and fog/cloud and among fog/clouds samples from different locations as well.

Additionally, it was found for fog/cloud that the AAE calculated between 300 nm and

400 nm (7.46 ± 2.13) are substantially different from above AAEs above 400 nm. The

AAE suggests that chromophores absorb mainly below 400 nm in fog/cloud water.

However, in aerosol extracts a similar trend of AAE was not observed.

The AAE observed in aerosol extracts were lower than what was reported using

similar extraction methods in previous studies. For example, the AAE was calculated

to be 7.23 ± 1.58 and 7.2-7.5 for WSOC in aerosol from Seoul and Beijing respectively

(Cheng et al., 2011; Du et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2016). AAE values close to 7 were

reported for water extracts collected in Los Angeles and the southeastern United States

(Hecobian et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2013). It was suggested based on AAE values in

previous studies that BrC are mainly from biomass burning and SOA formed from

anthropogenic precursors since biomass burning humic-like substances (HULIS) and

SOA have similar AAE (~ 7) (Hoffer et al., 2006; Bones et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2016).

However, in our study, the biomass burning aerosols showed a much lower AAE than

(3.81 ± 0.62) than previous studies (Figure 3.3). Auto emission impacted aerosol

samples, parking structure (3.21 ± 0.10), Tunnel JQ (4.05) and Tunnel RA (3.07) have
similar AAE values with other samples collected in urban (e.g. ASU or Monterrey) or

rural areas (e.g. Higley or Davis).

Previous studies saw a seasonality in AAE values, in particular higher AAE

values in summer compared to other seasons which was mainly attributed to the

enhanced formation of SOA and strong photochemistry during summer time (Du et al.,

2014; Kim et al., 2016). A similar seasonal pattern of AAE was not observed in our

study in Arizona. AAE of aerosols in warmer months (Apr-Sep, 3.77 ± 0.47, n = 9) are

in similar to those during the other months (Oct-Mar, 3.31 ± 0.93, n = 10). Despite the

small difference of aerosol extracts AAE from varied sources such as biomass burning

or vehicle emission, the narrow range of AAE values suggested that the composition of

chromophores or the BrC components in aerosols might be similar.

3.3.3 WSOC in Aerosol and Fog/Cloud

In this study, absorption at 365 nm was used as an indicator of WSOC light

absorptivity and screening effect of WSOC. Strong correlations were observed between

A365 and WSOC for all aerosols extracts (r = 0.81, p < 0.01, Figure 3.4), indicating the

mass normalized light absorptivity of WSOC is similar despite possibly different

WSOC composition and sources.

In fog and cloud samples, A365 did not correlate with WSOC as well as in aerosol

extracts (r = 0.72, p < 0.01, Figure 3.4), suggesting a larger variation of WSOC

composition by sample location or source. In addition, in the whole range of WSOC,

fog and clouds had lower absorption than WSOC extracts. This is consistent with what

is known about the composition of fog and clouds organic matter in previous studies.

In fog and cloud a substantial fraction (~24%) of organic matter are small molecular

weight acids such as formic and acetic acids (Herckes et al., 2013). These small volatile

organics (e.g. formic and acetic acids) have very low absorptivity at 365 nm. While
they are abundant in fogs and clouds, they are not commonly found in aerosol WSOC

due to their high volatility. Hence we observe a kind of ‘dilution’ effect where a strong

contribution of weakly absorbing species lowers the A365 of WSOC in fogs and clouds.

Thus the screening effect on photolysis of NDMA in fog and clouds caused by WSOC

might be lower than that in the simulated aerosols.


Absorbance m-1

y = 0.9315x - 0.2845
R² = 0.6519

y = 0.2197x - 0.0016
R² = 0.4819
0 5 10 15 20
DOC (mgC/L)

Figure 3.4: Correlation of Absorbance at 365 nm vs. WSOC for aerosol extracts and
fog/cloud samples

3.3.4 MAE of WSOC

An extensive set of WSOC and fog/cloud samples was characterized optically

and the MAE at 365nm was calculated by Equation 3-2. Figure 3.5 summarizes MAE

values for WSOC from aerosol and fog/cloud samples collected in various

environments and locations.

Figure 3.5: MAE values of WSOC and fog/cloud samples

WSOC from locations except Whistler, BC exhibit higher MAE than cloud/fog

samples. The lower MAE in cloud/fog samples were possibly due to the presence of

small volatile organics in cloud/fog as discussed in section 3.3.3. For WSOC, MAE in

Whistler aerosol samples was substantially lower than all the other aerosol samples

collected elsewhere. These samples were collected in a remote area on Whistler

Mountain where SOA formation from biogenic VOCs is dominant and organics in those

samples have smaller fraction of anthropogenic contribution than other samples.

Previous studies reported a higher MAE of WSOC during summer in Los Angeles

where SOA formation is dominant by anthropogenic VOCs than Atlanta where SOA

are mainly from biogenic VOCs (Brown et al., 2007; Muller et al., 2008; Zhang et al.,

2011). It was also confirmed by chamber experiments that SOA produced from
biogenic VOCs were less light-absorbing than that produced from anthropogenic VOCs

(Nakayama et al., 2010; Zhong and Jan., 2011). This was consistent with the observed

differences in MAE between fogs and clouds. The MAE values in fog samples (0.32 ±

0.10 m2/gC) were higher than those in cloud samples (0.17 ± 0.14 m2/gC). It may be

because the fog samples were collected in lower altitude locations that were more

influenced by anthropogenic compounds which have higher absorptivity. Cloud

samples were all sampled at mountain sites which were more remote and which

experienced a stronger impact of biogenic sources, showing lower MAE than fog

samples collected in polluted urban areas.

For the other aerosol samples, MAE values also varied by sample locations and

sources. WSOC in aerosol collected in Galveston showed highest MAE (4.86 ± 0.75

m2/gC) (Figure 3.5). The high absorbing OC could come from the heavy polluted

emission from many refinery and petrochemical plants in Galveston. High MAE values

of WSOC were also found in samples associated with vehicle emissions. The MAE of

samples collected in Tunnel JQ, Brazil and Tunnel RA, Brazil are 2.31 m2/gC and 3.06

m2/gC (Figure 3.5), respectively. Although there is only one sample from each location,

the two tunnel samples exhibited highest MAE values amongst all samples. The Tunnel

JQ sample were more associated with gasohol or ethanol fueled light duty vehicles

emission while the Tunnel RA sample were more related to diesel-fueled heavy duty

vehicles emission. The difference of MAE between these two samples might suggest

the different absorptivity of chromophores from the two emission types. WSOC of

parking lot samples have a lower MAE (1.36 ± 0.30 m2/gC) than the tunnel samples,

possibly due to the less intensive traffic activity in parking lot. However, parking lot

aerosol samples still have higher MAE than urban or rural samples (e.g. ASU or

Higley). The high MAE values of WSOC from mobile emission were consistent with
previous studies. For example, it was reported by Hecobian et al. (2010) that the

absorptivity of WSOC was substantially higher in morning rush hour than the rest of

the day, suggesting high absorptivity might be associated with primary vehicles

emission. Du et al. (2014) also reported high MAE (2.89 m2/gC) of WSOC from

primary emission sources.

For urban or rural aerosol samples including ASU, Higley, Davis and Monterrey

in this study, WSOC exhibited MAE values similar to that of biomass burning and

prescribed burning samples. It was reported that the biomass burning is one of the major

sources of the WSOC in aerosols (Hecobian et al., 2010; Cheng et al., 2011; Du et al.,


A seasonal pattern of MAE values was observed in many studies in East Asia

and the United States. MAE in Seoul were 1.02 and 0.28 m2/gC for winter and summer,

respectively (Kim et al., 2016). Observations in Beijing (Cheng et al., 2011; Du et al.,

2014) and southeastern United States (Hecobian et al., 2010) showed similar seasonal

variations. It was suggested that the higher MAE was linked to more biomass burning

in winter than in summer. However, in our study no such seasonal pattern was observed

in aerosol samples collected on ASU’s campus. The reasons could be that there is less

of a difference between SOA in the summer than in the winter month which is

consistent with annual data on PM2.5 in the region.

3.3.5 Influence of Relative Humidity (RH) on MAE

Some studies suggest that haze or cloud processing cloud lead to the formation

of more light absorbing carbon (Ervens et al., 2011). This hypothesis was investigated

with a temporal dataset form aerosol samples collected in Bakersfield, CA during a

high RH period. MAE values were calculated in 330 nm where NDMA got photolyzed.

It is known that water vapor plays important role in formation organic aerosols.
Previous study reported that the ratio of WSOC between particle phase and gas phase

increased with RH when RH was above ~60% (Hennigan et al., 2009). The uptake of

liquid water by particles probably would enhance the partitioning of small volatile

organic acids, leading to a decrease in MAE of WSOC in general. It was consistent

with the absorptivity of WSOC change in Bakersfield sample. As shown in Figure 3.6,

MAE changes seem to track the RH change during our sampling. The MAE values

increased following the decrease of the average RH and they decreases when RH was


100 RH 2
90 MAE 1.8
80 1.6
Relative Humidity (%)

70 1.4
60 1.2

50 1
40 0.8
30 0.6
20 0.4
10 0.2
0 0

Figure 3.6: Temporal variations of WSOC MAE and RH in aerosol extracts from
Bakersfield, CA

3.4 Conclusions

The screening effect of WSOC from atmospheric aerosols on NDMA photolysis

and optical properties of WSOC from aerosol extracts and atmospheric aqueous phases

(cloud/fog) were investigated. It was found that WSOC had more effect than inorganic

species on NDMA photolysis. The organic matter screening effect observed was
substantial and even under moderate DOC concentrations for fogs and clouds, the

lifetimes were increased 2 to 3 fold.

It was also found that WSOC from aerosol has a higher mass absorption

efficiency than organic matter from fog and cloud waters. Combining AAE and MAE

observations suggested substantially different composition in terms of chromophores

between aerosol WSOC and fog/cloud samples. AAE values were similar for aerosol

samples from various sources and locations, whereas MAE values were different by

their sources. Anthropogenic activities such as vehicle emission were associated with

high absorbing organic matters while the organic matter from biogenic sources appears

to have lower absorptivity. No seasonal or temporal patterns of MAE values were

found in our study. However, the MAE seem related to RH as the composition of

WSOC in aerosol may change with RH.

The results of light absorptivity of WSOC in aerosol and fog/cloud samples

provide more knowledge on the composition of WSOC from different samples and the

formation processes of aerosol and fog/cloud and information to modeling of photolysis

of light-sensitive species in atmosphere. More efforts should be made to investigate

the chemical speciation of light-absorbing organic constituents in aerosol and

fog/clouds for more sample sources with more samples.




4.1 Introduction

Occurrence studies and potential carcinogenicity of N-nitrosamines (NAs) in

drinking water are leading the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(USEPA) and some Canadian Provinces to set health standards and regulatory

determinations for individual or groups of NAs. Over the past decades, NAs have

emerged as a large scale concern because water utilities have increasingly relied upon

chloramines for residual disinfection to meet trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic

acid (HAA) regulations (Krasner et al., 2013). Six NAs were included in Unregulated

Contaminant Monitoring Rule 2 (UCMR2), and five of those were then included on the

third Contaminant Candidate List (CCL3) (USPEA, 2009). N-nitrosodimethylamine

(NDMA) was the most commonly detected NA in UCMR2 (34% of chloraminated

drinking waters) with detections of four other NAs being rare (<1% of samples) and

typically occurring in samples with high NDMA concentration (Russell et al., 2012).

NAs, including NDMA, are classified as probable human carcinogens in water at low

ng/L levels associated with a 10-6 lifetime cancer risk (USEPA, 2015). Based on this

assessment, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

(OEHHA) set a public health goal at 3 ng/L for NDMA (OEHHA, 2006) and

California’s Department of Public Health (CDPH) has set 10 ng/L notification for three

nitrosamines (CDPH, 2013). Because of their potential to cause cancer, the USEPA

may soon make a regulatory determination for NAs.

A recent review indicates that most studies have found that NDMA formation

is more associated with chloramination than with chlorination (Krasner et al., 2013).
Systems using chloramines as the primary, rather than secondary, disinfectant have

high NDMA Formation Potential (FP) (i.e., >50 ng/L) in plant effluent, indicating the

potential for precursor deactivation by strong pre-oxidants such as chlorine. Since

nitrosamine formation is a kinetically slow process, plants using chloramine with long

hydraulic contact times in plant plus distribution system (e.g., 12–18 hr) tend to have

more NDMA in the effluent than those using chloramine for short (e.g., 0.5–2 hr)

contact times (Krasner et al., 2012). NDMA concentrations tend to increase throughout

chloraminated distribution systems (Krasner et al., 2012a; Krasner et al., 2012b;

Valentine et al., 2005; Krasner et al., 2009; Liang et al., 2011).

NA formation in drinking water requires an organic nitrogen-based precursor

plus an oxidant (e.g., inorganic chloramine, ozone) (Choi and Valentine, 2002; Lee et

al., 2007). Oxidation chemistry, including inorganic reactions with bromide and

ammonia (Schreiber and Mitch, 2005; Le Roux et al., 2012), is important; however,

little information is available regarding which organic precursors control the rate and

extent of NA formation in drinking water. Mechanistic studies indicate that yields of

NDMA from chloramination of most secondary and tertiary model amines are ~0–2%

but can be >80% for certain tertiary amines with -aryl functional groups (Shen and

Andrews, 2011a; Selbes et al., 2013). Wastewater-impaired source waters contain

NDMA precursors, suggesting the importance of anthropogenic constituents. Specific

precursors have not been characterized outside of a select few (Hanigan et al., 2015) in

wastewater-impaired source waters but could include either tertiary amine-based

microconstituents that form NDMA at high yield or quaternary amine-based

macroconstituents of consumer products that form NDMA at low yield.

Different NDMA formation pathways during chloramination are briefly

illustrated in Appendix B. Despite rich literature on pathways and yields of NDMA

formation using model compounds (Mitch and Sedlak, 2004; Schreiber and Mitch,

2006a; Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b; Mitch and Schreiber, 2008; Shen and Andrews,

2011b), less information exists related to the kinetics of NDMA formation in surface

and wastewaters. Many studies rely upon NDMA FP measurements which are akin to

THM-FP measurements and, while useful, lack information suitable for managing DBP

formation in complex hydraulic systems. Simulated distributed system (SDS) test

methods for NA’s have been developed, but often include a short free chlorine period

(before NH3 addition) to mimic common drinking water treatment plant (DWTP)

disinfection processes. We believe a focus on NDMA formation kinetics in raw water

samples will expand our understanding (i.e. profiling) of NDMA precursors.

The aim of this paper is to investigate NDMA formation kinetics in waters with

lower (surface waters) and higher (treated wastewater effluents) levels of NDMA

precursors. In experiments conducted with seven different waters, the decay of

monochloramine and formation of NDMA were monitored. Experimental data were fit

using a second-order reaction model. We observed similar magnitudes of the fitted

second order apparent rate constant for NDMA formation across a range of water

sources, suggesting the model represented a possible common rate limiting step that

exists in most raw waters.

4.2 Experimental and Methods

4.2.1 Source Waters

Kinetic experiments were performed in seven different waters matrices, five

wastewater effluents, one surface water, and one groundwater. Secondary wastewater

effluents were collected at local wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in the Metro

Phoenix and Nogales regions of Arizona. The surface water was collected from central

AZ surface water supplies and the groundwater was pumped from a canal in a heavily
industrial/agricultural impacted area. All water samples were filtered immediately after

sampling (10 μm, CLR 1-10 Pall Corporation, Port Washington, NY) and stored in the

dark at 4 °C for less than a week.

4.2.2 Reagents

All reagent water was >18.2 MΩ-cm and of laboratory grade (Milli-Q Millipore,

Billerica, MA). Sodium hypochlorite (5.65−6%), sodium borate, and sodium sulfite

were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Fairlawn, NJ). Ammonium chloride and

anhydrous sodium sulfate were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).

Dichloromethane (DCM) and methanol were purchased from EMD Chemical

(Gibbstown, NJ). NDMA was purchased through Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).

Deuterated NDMA (NDMA-d6) was purchased from Cambridge Isotopes (Andover,

MA) and diluted to 100 μg/L in Milli-Q water.

4.2.3 Chloramination Experiments

NDMA formation by chloramination of source waters was conducted in 500

mL sample aliquots using 1 L amber bottles. A borate buffer stock solution was

prepared by dissolving sodium borate and boric acid in water. Aliquots were buffered

at pH 8.0 - 8.2 by adding 10mM borate before chloramination. The preformed

monochloramine stock solution was prepared by adding sodium hypochlorite into a

borate buffered (10 mM, pH = 8.0 ± 0.1) ammonium chloride solution to produce a

N:Cl2 molar ratio of 1.2:1. For samples from each water source, experiments were

conducted using two monochloramine doses, a higher dose at 15–20 mg/L and a lower

dose at 5–7 mg/L to simulate FP test and SDS test conditions. After adding

monochloramine, samples were allowed to react in the dark at room temperature (23 ±

1 °C). Reaction times ranged from 0 minutes to longer than 720 hours. Residual

monochloramine was measured before quenching the residual using 5 mL of 0.5 M

ascorbic acid. All samples were spiked with 1 mL of 100 μg/L NDMA-d6 and kept in

the dark at 4 ºC until extraction and analysis.

4.2.4 NDMA Analysis

NDMA extraction and concentration procedures used in this work have been

described previously (Hanigan et al., 2012). Briefly, activated coconut charcoal solid

phase extraction (SPE) cartridges (Restek, Bellefonte, PA) were first conditioned with

DCM, methanol, and HPLC grade water. Then, 500 mL water samples with isotope

(NDMA-d6) were passed through SPE cartridges. After loading, the cartridges were

dried using ultra high purity (UHP) nitrogen gas, and 5 mL DCM was used to elute

NDMA. After being dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate powder, the extract of NDMA

in DCM was concentrated under UHP nitrogen gas to 1 mL.

The extracted samples were analyzed using an Agilent 6890N/5973 inert

GC/MS operated in positive chemical ionization mode with ammonia as the reagent

gas (Charrois et al., 2004). In brief, the chromatographic column used was an Agilent

DB-1701P (30 m × 0.250 mm × 0.25 μm) (Santa Clara, CA) and followed a pulsed

splitless injection (initial pulse 15 psi for 45 s and then 10 psi) set at 250 °C with a

reduced diameter SPME inlet liner (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The helium carrier

gas was initially pulsed at 1.9 mL/min for 45 s and then reduced to 1.3 mL/min for the

rest of the run. 4 μL of sample was injected into GC through the inlet, with oven

temperature of 40 °C held for 3 min, increased by 4 °C /min to 80 °C and increased to

120 °C at 20 °C/min. The column interface temperature was set at 200 °C. The mass

selective detector was set to analyze for mass-to-charge 92 (NDMA + NH4+) and 98

(NDMA-d6 + NH4+). The GC/MS was calibrated using a series of NDMA standards

ranging from 1 µg/L to 1 mg/L and NDMA-d6 (100 µg/L) as internal standard.
4.2.5 Other Analyses

Free chlorine and monochloramine concentrations were measured using N,N-

diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) free chlorine and Monochlor F reagents with a

Hach DR5000 spectrophotometer (Hach Company, Loveland, CO). Dissolved organic

carbon (DOC) was measured using a Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon (TOC)-VCSH

(Shimadzu America Inc., Columbia, MD). UV absorbance was measured using a

Shimadzu Multispec-150, and pH was determined with a pH meter (Model PHI410,

Beckman Counter Inc., Brea, CA). Dissolved oxygen was measured by a portable meter

(Thermo Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA)

4.3 Results and Discussion

4.3.1 NDMA Formation Kinetics in Wastewaters

Figure 4.1 shows NDMA formation and monochloramine decay kinetics in a

secondary treated wastewater with two different monochloramine doses. The pH values

remained unchanged during the reaction. Monochloramine decayed slowly over the

course of the experiment (580 hours) with a monochloramine residual remaining

throughout the duration of the experiments. NDMA formation reached a maximum

level of ~460 ng/L (~6 nM) within 120 hours at the higher monochloramine dose and

more slowly approached a lower maximum NDMA concentration ~300 ng/L (~4 nM)

at the lower monochloramine dose. In addition, at higher monochloramine doses,

NDMA formation increased faster and reached its maximum in less time. Thus, the

concentration of monochloramine is a crucial factor of the NDMA formation kinetics

via chloramination of wastewater effluents in our experiments, both

thermodynamically and kinetically. Data collected for the other wastewater effluents

showed a similar impact of monochloramine on the rate and yields of NDMA formation

(see Appendix B Figure A1-4). The maximum NDMA formation in each experiment
will be referred to as NDMAmax, and equals the molar concentrations of NDMA

precursors (P0) in the water under the specific experimental conditions before


Table 4.1 summarizes NDMAmax values for each experiment. In the wastewater

effluent samples, NDMAmax ranged from 4 to 12 nM. There was no correlation found

between NDMAmax and DOC or UV254, similar to statistical analyses presented

elsewhere (Chen and Westerhoff, 2010; Uzun et al., 2015). In all cases, higher

monochloramine doses led to 30% to >50% higher NDMA max values. This was

unexpected because even at very long reaction times there was adequate oxidant

residual present to react with NDMA precursors. Although monochloramine is the

dominant chloramine species in our test (pH = 8, N:Cl2 molar ratio 1.2:1), dichloramine,

the disproportionation product from monochloramine, was still present according to the


2NH2 Cl + H + ↔ NHCl2 + NH4 + Equation 4-1

It has been reported that dichloramine is responsible for greater NDMA

formation from NDMA precursors such as DMA (Shen and Andrews, 2011b; Schreiber

and Mitch, 2006b). Additionally, NDMA precursors were found to react preferably

with either monochloramine or dichloramine (Selbes et al., 2013; Le Roux et al., 2011).

Thus, in our experiment, even trace levels of dichloramine formed could affect the

maximum NDMA formation. At higher doses of monochloramine there would be more

dichloramine enhancing the NDMA formation and in contrast a low monochloramine

concentration solution would contain less dichloramine, resulting in less NDMA


NH2Cl =18mgCl 2/L
NH2Cl =6mgCl 2/L
NH2 Cl (mgCl2 /L)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (hour)


NDMA (ng/L)


NH2Cl=18mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=18mgCl 2/L observation
100 NH2Cl=6mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=6mgCl 2/L observation

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (hour)
Figure 4.1: (A) Monochloramine (NH2Cl) decay kinetics in WW1 for two initial
monochloramine doses. (B) NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by
equation 2&3 (lines). Error bars represent one standard deviation (n = 3) for select
time points. (pH = 8.2, Temperature = 23 ± 1 °C)

4.3.2 NDMA Formation Kinetics in Surface Waters.

Despite having DOC concentrations of similar order of magnitude, NDMAmax

values in the surface water (3.9 mgC/L) were approximately an order of magnitude

lower than in wastewater (DOC 4.6-6.2 mgC/L) (Table 1). Figure 4.2 shows that the

reaction proceeded over hundreds of hours before NDMA approached a maximum

concentration. NDMA formation was less and slower in surface water samples than in

wastewater. Monochloramine residual slowly decayed during the experiments and was

present throughout the duration of the experiments. In our test in surface water at two

monochloramine doses (Figure 4.2), the quick NDMA increase within hours possibly

indicated the fast reaction part of NDMA and the slow NDMA increase thereafter

showed a slow and rate limiting step of NDMA formation. Similar NDMA formation

kinetics tests from natural organic matter (NOM) in surface water were made by Chen

and Valentine (Chen and Valentine, 2006). These authors separated NDMA precursors

in NOM into two groups and postulated that the fast-reacting group reacts with

monochloramine within hours while the slow-reacting group reacts with HOCl over

days respectively. However, the fast-reacting group forming NDMA was not monitored

in their work due to the low time resolution. Such fractionation of NDMA precursors

remains controversial. The two kinetic parts (fast vs. slow) were not observed in the

wastewater samples (Figure 4.1, Appendix B) in similar conditions (e.g. DOC and

NH2Cl), possibly due to the difference in amine precursors between wastewater and

surface water. Similar to wastewaters, NDMA formation in surface water at high

monochloramine dose was enhanced, possibly due to presence of more dichloramine.



NDMA (ng/L)


NH2Cl=36mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=36mgCl 2/L observation
10 NH2Cl=12mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=12mgCl 2/L observation

0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (hour)

Figure 4.2: NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by equation 2&3 (line) in
SW at two initial monochloramine doses. Error bars represent one standard deviation
(n = 3) for select time points. (pH = 8.0, 23 ± 1 °C)

The groundwater had NDMAmax (15-20 ng/L) on the same order of magnitude

with, but lower than the surface water (30-50 ng/L). It is possibly because it contained

less DOC (1.78 mg/L) in groundwater. No two kinetic parts (fast vs. slow) were

observed and NDMA formation reached maximum in less than 100 hours (Figure 4.3)

at two monochloramine doses.


NDMA (ng/L)



NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L model

5 NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L observation
NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L observation

0 200 400 600 800
Time (hour)
Figure 4.3: NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by Equations 2&3 (line)
in GW at two initial monochloramine doses. (pH = 8.0, 23 ± 1 °C)

In summary, in all water samples the overall NDMA formation at high

monochloramine dose was higher than at low monochloramine dose. Wastewaters

showed higher NDMA formation (200-950 ng/L) than surface waters (30-50 ng/L) and

groundwater (15-20 ng/L). The reaction times for NDMA formation reaching its

maximum were shorter when higher monochloramine doses were applied in wastewater

and groundwater. No significant difference of such reaction times was found between

the two doses of chloramine in surface water. The differences in NDMA formation

potential are due to the various types and concentrations of precursors in the different

source waters. Precursors such as DMA, which is more reactive with dichloramine,

may explain the higher and faster NDMA formation at higher doses of

monochloramine. Recent research found that pharmaceutical compounds such as

methadone, which was found in wastewater effluents has high yields of NDMA and

could contribute to large fractions of total NDMA formed. It is possible that such high

yield precursors are also more reactive to chloramines making the NDMA formation in

wastewater relatively faster. So higher amine concentrations and higher levels of these

known high yield NDMA precursors may be responsible for a higher overall NDMA

formation in wastewater than in other water sources. Compared to the differences in

NDMA yields in source waters, the differences in kinetics or rates were rather small.

Molecular identification of NDMA precursors and NDMA formation kinetics of these

precursors are needed to improve our understanding of NDMA formation in real waters.

4.3.3 Model Fitting of NDMA Kinetics.

Three main pathways for NDMA formation have been proposed and are

summarized in the APPENDIX B. Initially we envisioned that different types of

precursors may proceed along different mechanistic pathways to produce NDMA,

involving a range of intermediates and potentially involving oxygen reactions. In tests

performed in this work, fractions of NDMA precursors with different rates were not

evident in surface water and were not observed in wastewater effluents. In addition, it

was not practical to classify NDMA precursors (nM quantities) as either having higher

or lower yields and presumably different reaction rates as they are water source specific.

Based on NDMA and monochloramine concentrations observed in our kinetic

experiments, NDMA formation was fit to Equation 4-2: for the reaction of NDMA

precursors (P) in the presence of monochloramine (NH2Cl):

= −k app [P]m [NH2 Cl]n Equation 4-2

P is the NDMA precursor concentration and kapp is a best fit rate constant. Here

we only count the ‘active’ compounds that form NDMA as NDMA precursors. So we

assume a 1:1 relationship between the disappearance of the precursor (P) and NDMA

formation (m = 1). The rate order with respect to NH2Cl (n) was calculated ~1 (n = 1.20

± 0.41) by plotting log [NDMA formation rate] vs. log [NH2Cl] in the same time period

for the same water at two NH2Cl doses. Therefore we used the second order expression

(m = n = 1, Equation 2) to fit to the data. The concentration of NDMA at any time

([NDMA(t)]) is related to the maximum amount of NDMA precursors available for

reaction in an experiment ( [P]0 = [NDMAmax] ) as follows:

[NDMA(t)] = [P]0 − [P]t Equation 4-3

where [P]t is calculated from Equation 4-2. It is noteworthy that NDMA is only one of

the byproducts of reactions between organic compounds and chloramines. [P] 0 in

Equation 4-3 refers to the precursors that would form NDMA under certain conditions

(e.g. pH = 8, known NH2Cl concentration) and was measured as NDMAmax, when

NDMA stopped increasing. NH2Cl degradation involves various reactions such as

hydrolysis and reactions with inorganic or organic species (e.g. NDMA precursors).

Monochloramine degradation was fit by measured NH2Cl concentrations at selected

time points with a first order model in which the decomposition rate of monochloramine

was specific to experimental conditions and source waters.

Although dichloramine was thought to react with precursors forming NDMA,

the model did not use dichloramine as a reactant variable. One reason is that the

measurement of dichloramine is time consuming and more complicated compared to

that of monochloramine (Lee et al., 2007). Additionally, under our experimental

conditions (pH = 8.0) the NHCl2/NH2Cl ratio would be constant because the system is

in equilibrium during the reaction time (Ozekin et al., 1996; Zhang et al., 2015). Thus

dichloramine could be represented as ratio of monochloramine and its reaction could

also be fit with our model empirically, leading to an apparent rate constant kapp.

Using this modeling approach, NDMA formation in treated wastewaters and in

surface waters was well fit with correlation coefficients (R2) greater than 0.9 in most

tests. Optimized data fits were achieved using Kintecus (Ianni, 2002). Model fits of

experimental data are shown in Figure 4.1-4.3. In wastewater effluents tests, the model

overestimated the NDMA in the beginning of the test (<50 h) at low doses of

monochloramine, showing a ‘lag period’ of NDMA formation. Such a ‘lag-period’ was

observed in previous studies of NDMA formation from pharmaceutical compounds

(e.g. ranitidine) as NDMA precursors at similar monochloramine dose (6 mg/LCl 2) in

surface waters. In work conducted by Shen and Andrews, the lag and a subsequent

initiation of NDMA formation from selected pharmaceuticals were successfully

modeled with a dose-response curve (Shen and Andrews, 2011a). The lag and the rate

constants were found correlated to TOC and SUVA values for certain pharmaceuticals.

It was suggested that there was NOM-pharmaceutical binding that inhibited the initial

NDMA formation (Shen and Andrews, 2011a). A similar lag-period was interpreted as

indicating the possible interactions of pharmaceutical compounds with wastewater

organics. A similar dose-response curve model was applied to our kinetics data. The

NDMA formation was well represented with a similar correlation coefficient than in

our kinetic model (R2 > 0.9) (Table A2 in APPENDIX B). The wastewater effluent

samples with the ‘lag-period’ were better fit with the dose-response curve model than

our proposed model. However, the rate constant k (h-1) derived from the dose-response

model showed broad variations, ranging from 0.007 h -1 to 0.175 h-1 for surface water

and wastewater respectively. No correlation was found between water quality (e.g.

TOC and SUVA) and model parameters (e.g. lag and rate constant k). The dose-

response model also did not take into account the role of monochloramine dose, which

in our kinetic experiments, impacted NDMA FP and the reaction kinetics. Finally the

dose-response model is purely descriptive and does not provide insight into the

underlying formation mechanisms, especially in complex water matrices.

Table 4.1 Water quality, treatment and NDMA formed in source waters

Upon Monochloramine Addition

Sample DOC UV254 NH2Cl dose kapp
Source NDMAmax
ID (mg/L) (cm-1) (mgCl2/L pH R2
(nM) (M-1s-1)

Waste- 18 [254 μM] 6 0.04 0.99

WW1 4.6 0.12 8.2
water 6 [85 μM] 4 0.04 0.95
Waste- 20 [282 μM] 7 0.04 0.97
WW2 6.17 0.15 8.0
water 7 [99 μM] 2 0.04 0.88
Waste- 20 [282 μM] 12 0.07 0.95
WW3 5.83 0.14 8.0
water 7 [99 μM] 9 0.05 0.98
Waste- 20 [282 μM] 12 0.08 0.96
WW4 5.32 0.17 8.0
water 7 [99 μM] 8 0.08 0.92
Waste- 20 [282 μM] 8 0.08 0.97
WW5 - - 8.0
water 6 [85 μM] 5.5 0.09 0.96
36 [507 μM] 0.7 0.01 0.91
SW1 Lake 3.88 0.08 8.0
12 [169 μM] 0.4 0.02 0.91
Ground- 20 [282 μM] 0.2 0.04 0.91
GW1 1.78 0.05 8.0
water 7 [99 μM] 0.2 0.06 0.89
SW2 † River 3.4 - 3.5[50 μM] 8.0 0.3 0.09 0.96

† Data of NDMA formation and monochloramine were from Chen and Valentine,

Table 4.1 summarizes fitted kapp and R2 values for all experiments. The

magnitude of kapp values fall within a relatively narrow range of less than one order of

magnitude (0.01–0.09 M-1s-1). The goodness of fit of the model, represented by

Equation 2 and 3, was evaluated by comparing observed NDMA formation data and
model prediction in Fig 4-4. The small 95% confidence intervals suggested significant

correlation between model-predicted and observed NDMA formation. Data in Chen

and Valentine’s 2006 work on NDMA formation from NOM was also fit with our

model and the kapp (0.09 M-1s-1) was similar to that of our wastewater and surface

waters. A narrow range in kapp values was surprising given the very different precursors

expected in varying source waters and the order of magnitude differences in NDMA max

between sources.

NDMA model prediction (ng/L)

1000 R =0.98


95% confidence interval


200 95% prediction interval

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
NDMA observation (ng/L)

Figure 4.4: Linear correlation between model predictions and observations of NDMA
concentrations in all waters. Data from all reaction time periods are included.

Most mechanistic work on NDMA formation during chloramination has been

conducted with secondary amines such as DMA (Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b). It has

been suggested that during chlorination some tertiary amines could decay to secondary

amines forming NDMA upon subsequent chloramination (Mitch and Schreiber, 2008).

It was still unclear if such transformation reaction between amines or NDMA formation

from amines was a rate limiting step. The small variance of rate constants suggests that

reactions like degradation of higher order amines to secondary amine precursors, if

there any were present, are rapid compared to NDMA formation. This is in agreement

with the short half-life (<14 h) of trimethylamine (TMA) decomposing to DMA in

presence of monochloramine and indicates that amine precursor groups, including

secondary amines and tertiary amines with either low or high yields, probably have a

similar rate limiting step forming NDMA in our tests.

We propose a general reaction pathway of NDMA formation from

chloramination of NDMA precursors in treated wastewaters and surface waters.

Precursors that include anthropogenic chemicals or natural biomolecules rapidly react

with chloramines to produce intermediates. The yield of intermediates depends upon

types of precursors (e.g. secondary or tertiary amines, β-aryl amines) and

monochloramine dose. The intermediates then function as the precursors (P) and the

subsequent conversion from intermediates (P) to NDMA undergoes a second order

reaction mechanism in the presence of oxidant such as monochloramine.

4.3.4 Monochloramine Exposure.

Oxidant exposure has been used as a parameter in many oxidation reactions

(e.g. ozonation) when modeled as second order reactions in waters to investigate

reaction kinetics (Gunten, 2003, Ramseier et al., 2011). In this work NDMA formation

was modeled as second order reaction in Equation 4-2, which can be integrated

(Equation 4-4) with ∫[NH2 Cl]dt being the monochloramine exposure.

𝑙𝑛 = −𝑘𝑎𝑝𝑝 ∫[𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙]𝑑𝑡 Equation 4-4

Equation 4-4 offers another way of quantifying the apparent second order rate

constant kapp. In addition, it shows ([P]/[P]0), the relative conversion of NDMA

precursor, is related to the NH2Cl exposure. Figure 5 shows the plots of [P]/[P0] against

NH2Cl exposure for water samples at low and high NH2Cl doses. In different water

samples, the reaction required different NH2Cl exposure for the same conversion of

precursors. The rate constants varied by water sources, possibly due to the varying

precursor groups and their different reactivity with NH2Cl or NHCl2. From the previous

discussion in this work NH2Cl dose determines the NDMAmax even in the same water

sample, but does not affect the rate constants in wastewater and groundwater. The

relative change of precursors (or increase of NDMA formation) had the same kinetics

for the same water at different NH2Cl doses (Figure 4.5a-4.5c, Figure A5-7 in Appendix

B). Surface water represents an exception (Figure 4.5d). The surface water had a lower

kapp than all other waters tested. The relative change of precursors in surface water

differed with low and high dose NH2Cl, especially when NH2Cl exposure is less than

5×106 mgCl2 × min/L, possibly due to the ‘fast and slow’ reaction mechanism in surface


a b
1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
P/P 0

P/P 0
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5 0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5
NH2Cl exposure (mgCl2*min/L) NH2Cl exposure (mgCl2*min/L)

c d
1.0 GW1-L 1.0 SW1-L
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
P/P 0

P/P 0

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5 0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5
NH2Cl exposure (mgCl2*min/L) NH2Cl exposure (mgCl2*min/L)

Figure 4.5: Plots of P/P0 versus monochloramine exposure for water samples (a)
WW1, (b) WW4, (c) GW1, (d) SW1. L = lower, H = higher, represent samples with
lower or higher NH2Cl concentrations.

In finished drinking water NH2Cl concentrations (<0.06 mM) are typically

lower than those used in our test (0.09-0.51 mM). From our results, NDMA formation

reaction kinetics are dependent upon NH2Cl exposure, not NH2Cl concentrations. The

rate constants could be applied to waters with lower NH2Cl concentration and longer

contact time ranges. NH2Cl exposure and the rate constants are the key parameters for

the prediction of the transformation efficiency of NDMA precursors into NDMA. With

a measurement of NDMAmax in site-specific sample and chloramine conditions, our

proposed model provides a practical way to predict NDMA formation in drinking water

influenced by wastewater effluents and surface waters in water plants and drinking

water distribution systems.

4.5 Conclusions

NDMA formation potential and formation kinetics during chloramination were

investigated in wastewater and surface water samples. Under reaction conditions in our

experiments (pH = 8.0, NH2Cl = 0.09-0.51 mM) NDMA formation increased to its

maximum over hundreds of hours. NDMA maximum conversion was found to be

dependent on the preformed monochloramine in the water samples.

A simple second order NDMA formation model of reactions between amine

precursors and monochloramine was developed. NDMA formations were well

predicted by the model with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9 in most cases. The

modeled rate constants for different water samples were found surprisingly within a

narrow range (0.01–0.09 M-1s-1), indicating a possible rate limiting step of NDMA

formation for different amine precursor groups. With only two simple measurements

(NDMA formation potential and monochloramine exposure), our model provides a

practical way to predict NDMA concentrations in distribution system.

Our proposed model was validated at pH 8 and monochloramine doses between

0.09 mM to 0.51 mM with wastewater effluents and surface water samples. It would be

of value to extend the work further in a larger variety of water matrices and reaction

conditions such as pH, N:Cl2 ratio and dissolved oxygen level, to simulate a larger

variety of water treatment plants or distribution systems. Additionally, characterization

or profiling of the precursors of NDMA and chloramination kinetic studies of more

model precursors are needed to better understand different pools of precursors and how

they could interact or contribute to NDMA formation in different water systems.

4.5 Acknowledgements

This research was supported by the Water Research Foundation (Project 4499,

managed by Djanette Khiari), American Water Works Association Abel Wolman

Fellowship, Water Environment Federation Canham scholarship, and the Arizona State

University Fulton School of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship.





5.2 Introduction

Over the past decades, N-nitrosamines (NAs), which form as disinfection

byproducts during chlorination, in particular chloramination, have emerged as a great

concern because of an increasing use of chloramines by water utilities for residual

disinfection to meet trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) regulations

(Krasner et al., 2013). NAs were included in the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring

Rule 2 (UCMR2) and then listed on the third Contaminant Candidate List (CCL3)

(USEPA, 2009). The USEPA classifies NAs as probable human carcinogens in

drinking water at low ng/L levels associated with a 10-6 lifetime cancer risk.

California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) set a

notification level of 10ng/L for NDMA (OEHHA, 2006). Because of their high

carcinogenic potential, the USEPA may soon make a regulatory determination for NAs.

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is the most commonly investigated

nitrosamine. Most studies have found that NDMA is rather associated with

chloramination than with chlorination (Mitch et al., 2009; Boyd et al., 2011; Russell et

al., 2012). Systems with high plant effluent NDMA (i.e., >50 ng/L) typically use

chloramines as the primary rather than secondary disinfectant (Russell et al., 2012),

reflecting the potential for precursor deactivation by strong pre-oxidants such as

chlorine. Due to the long time-scale for nitrosamine formation, plants with long in-plant

chloramine contact times (e.g., 12–18 hr) tend to have higher NDMA concentrations in
the plant effluent than those with short (e.g., 0.5–2 hr) contact times (Krasner et al.,

2012). NDMA concentrations tend to increase throughout chloraminated distribution

systems (Krasner et al., 2012; Valentine et al., 2005; Krasner et al., 2009; Liang et al.,

2011; Krasner et al., 2012).

Primary amines can be nitrosated to yield primary NAs, however the latter are

unstable and decay nearly instantaneously (Ridd, 1961). Secondary amines can be

transformed to their stable NA analogues and most research focused on NDMA

formation from dimethylamine (DMA) (Mitch and Sedlak, 2002; Choi and Valentine,

2002; Schreiber and Mitch, 2006a; Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b; Shah and Mitch, 2012).

However, some studies indicated that the presence of DMA was not sufficient to

explain the NDMA formed in surface water and wastewaters (Gerecke and Sedlak,

2003; Mitch and Sedlak, 2004). Tertiary amines may also serve as nitrosamine

precursors. For example, trimethylamine (TMA) would decay instantly upon

chlorination or chloramination to release DMA and then quantitatively form NDMA

(Mitch and Schreiber, 2008). Mechanistic studies indicate that yields of NDMA from

chloramination of most secondary and tertiary amines are very low (~0–3%) but

recently a subset of tertiary amines were found to have substantially higher NDMA

yields (up to 90%) compared to previously studied precursors (Le Roux et al., 2011;

Shen and Andrews., 2011a; Shen and Andrews., 2011b). In particular, ranitidine, a

widely found amine-based pharmaceutical, forms NDMA at yields higher than 80%

(Le Roux et al., 2011; Shen and Andrews, 2011b). It was suggested that the electron

donating group (furan ring) in ranitidine favors the reaction with chloramine leading to

higher NDMA yields. The differences of NDMA formation yields among tertiary

amines revealed the importance of tertiary amine structures (N bond leaving group) on

the NDMA formation. The higher yields also suggest that tertiary amines can form
nitrosamines without proceeding through a secondary amine intermediate (Selbes et al.,


Several NDMA formation mechanisms during chloramination had been

proposed (Figure 5-1). Mechanistic studies using DMA as the model precursor found

that unprotonated DMA undergoes nucleophilic substitution with monochloramine,

yielding the unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) intermediate. This UDMH is

then oxidized by monochloramine to NDMA (Choi and Valentine, 2002; Mitch and

Sedlak, 2002). The importance of chloramine speciation and presence of dissolved

oxygen was later discovered and a second mechanism proposed ((2) in Figure 5-1).

Here, dichloramine reacts to yield NDMA via the formation of the chlorinated UDMH

intermediate (UDMH-Cl) and this UDMH-Cl is then oxidized by oxygen to produce

NDMA (Schreiber and Mitch, 2006). Based upon competition reaction kinetics, it has

been suggested that the monochloramine mechanism (1) is negligible compared to

dichloramine (2) pathway. As the molar yield of NDMA from DMA is low (i.e., <5%)

compared to that from other compounds (e.g., ranitidine), it was suspected that a third

pathway, other than through DMA, exists. Compounds such as ranitidine may follow a

different series of reactions involving nucleophilic attack of the amine group on

chloramines ((3) in Figure 5.1) (Le Roux et al., 2012). Through this pathway, NDMA

formed from ranitidine was more sensitive to monochloramine (Le Roux et al., 2011).

Suspected NDMA precursors with electron withdrawing groups may preferentially

react with monochloramine while compounds with electron donating groups react

preferentially with dichloramine (Selbes et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2014). Many suspected

precursors could react with both monochloramine and dichloramine. Therefore, NDMA

formation is likely a combination of reactions between NDMA precursors and both

chloramine species.
Figure 5.1: NDMA formation pathways as proposed in the literature: (1) Choi and
Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak, 2002. (2) Schreiber and Mitch, 2006. (3) Selbes et
al. 2013.

Despite extensive research on yields of NDMA from model compounds and in

surface water or wastewater (Mitch and Sedlak, 2004; Mitch and Schreiber, 2008; Shen

and Andrews, 2011b), less information exists related to NDMA formation kinetics in

the latter water sources. NDMA formation from DMA has been initially modeled

through UDMH and Cl-UDMH pathways ((1) and (2) in Figure 5.1) and the latter

successfully predicted NDMA formation over a range of conditions (Schreiber and

Mitch, 2006). A statistical model was proposed to predict NDMA formation kinetics

from pharmaceutical compounds such as ranitidine in various water matrices (Shen and

Andrews, 2011b). In addition, natural organic matter (NOM) was also investigated as

a source of precursors in a NDMA formation model (Chen and Valentine, 2006). No

attempt has been ever made to model NDMA formation in wastewater or wastewater-

impacted waters. The challenge for a model development lies in the multitude of

precursors and precursor types present and hence the possibility of having various

mechanisms, with distinct kinetics occurring simultaneously.

The aim of this work is to formulate and evaluate a NDMA formation kinetics

model that is applicable to different water sources and model compounds. A simple

second-order kinetic reaction model was developed for NDMA formation. In this

model, the precursor concentration, quantified as the maximum NDMA concentration

formed during chloramination under specific water conditions, and chloramine decay

were used to predict transformation of precursors to NDMA. The model was

parameterized using NDMA formation data from literature data on NOM and model

precursor compounds (i.e. ranitidine). The optimization of the kinetic model parameters

and the resulting model performance are discussed.

5.2 Model Description

5.2.1 NDMA Formation Model

As detailed in the introduction, three different pathways for NDMA formation

have been proposed (Figure 6.1). The original concept of the model was that different

types of precursors may proceed along different mechanistic pathways with different

chloramine species and the reactions may potentially involve oxygen to produce

NDMA. Such a model would classify NDMA precursors (nM quantities) as having

either higher or lower yields and presumably different reaction rates with different

chloramine species. In a first step, using data obtained from our research of NDMA

formation in wastewater, we developed a simple second-order model for the reaction

of NDMA precursors (P) in the presence of monochloramine (NH2Cl):

= −𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜 [𝑃][𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙] − 𝑘𝑑𝑖 [𝑃]𝛼[𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙] Equation 5-1a

= −(𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜 + 𝑘𝑑𝑖 𝛼)[𝑃][𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙] Equation 5-1b

= −𝑘𝑎𝑝𝑝 [𝑃][𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙] Equation 5-1c

where [NH2Cl], [NHCl2] = monochloramine or dichloramine concentration at time t

[P] = NDMA precursor concentration at time t

kmono, kdi = rate constant of NDMA formation from monochloramine or


kapp = second order rate constant of NDMA formation in our model

α = ratio of dichloramine and monochloramine

Table 5.1 shows the decomposition reactions for chloramines in water (Ozekin

et al., 1996). The relationship between monochloramine and dichloramine derives from

reactions 3, 4 and 5. Dichloramine forms via an acid catalyzed reaction from two

monochloramines, then dichloramine reacts instantaneously with monochloramine,

producing nitrogen gas. In this assumption, dichloramine occurs at a low concentration

and at steady state. Thus, the dichloramine concentrations can be represented as a

proportion (α) of monochloramine. Equation 5.1 shows the formation kinetics of

NDMA as a combination of both chloramines reactions. kmono and kdi were the rate

constants for mono- and di-chloramine reactions respectively. A new apparent rate

constant kapp was then used in Equation 1c as the best fit second-order rate constant (M-
1s-1) in terms of monochloramine and NDMA precursor. Measured monochloramine

was used in the model to represent all chloramines since it is the dominant source of

chloramines in neutral and basic conditions, and is easier to measure compared to


Table 5.1: Chloramine Decomposition Kinetics and Associated Rate Constants (Ozekin
et al., 1996)
Reaction Rate Constant
1 HOCl + NH3→ NH2Cl + H2O k1= 1.0×1010M-1h-1
2 NH2Cl + H2O → HOCl + NH3 k2=0.1h-1
3 HOCl + NH2Cl → NHCl2 + H2O k3=1.26×106 M-1h-1
4 NHCl2 + H2O→HOCl + NH2Cl k4=2.3×10-3 h-1
5 NH2Cl + NH2Cl → NHCl2 + NH3 kd*
6 NHCl2 + NH3 → NH2Cl + NH2Cl k6=2.0×108 M-1h-1
7 NH2Cl + NHCl2 →N2 + 3H+ + 3Cl- k7=55.0 M-1h-1
8 NHCl2 + H2O → NOH + 2HCl k8=6.0×105 M-1h-1
9 NOH + NHCl2 → N2 + H2O + HCl k9=1.0×108 M-1h-1
10 NOH + NH2Cl → N2 + H2O +HCl k10=3.0×107 M-1h-1
11 NH4+ → NH3 + H+ pKa=9.3
12 H2CO3 →HCO3 + H- + pKa=6.3
13 HCO3- → CO3 + H
2- + pKa=10.3
*kd= kH[H ] +kH2CO3[H2CO3] + KHCO3[HCO3 ];-

kH=2.5×107 M-2h-1
kHCO3= 800 M-2h-1
kH2CO3=40000 M-2h-1

Equation 5.1c simplifies NDMA formation kinetics in different water matrices

despite there being various reactions pathways of chloramines and probably multiple

groups of precursor species with highly variable yields (0.017% for TMA, 90% for

ranitidine) and influences of various water quality parameters on chloramine decay in

water. Currently there is no method to predict NDMA formation kinetics, and most

research has relied upon simulated distributed system (SDS) tests (NH 2Cl~2.5mg/L))

or formation potential (FP) tests (NH2Cl>100mg/L). Even model compounds such as

DMA showed variable NDMA yields (Le Roux et al., 2011; Mitch et al., 2009).

Organic compound concentrations were thought to be associated with NDMA

formation from NOM. However, there was no correlation between NDMA formation

(or precursor concentration) and UV254 or DOC in natural waters or in wastewaters

(Chen and Westerhoff, 2010). P0 is the maximum NDMA formation which is

measurable in NDMA kinetic tests. Together with the measurement of

monochloramine, the model is designed to simulate the NDMA formation processes.

The concentration of NDMA at any time ([NDMA(t)]) would be related to the

maximum amount of NDMA precursors available for reaction in an experiment ( [P] 0

= [NDMAmax] ) as follows:

[𝑁𝐷𝑀𝐴(𝑡)] = [𝑃]0 − [𝑃] Equation 5-2

where [P] NDMA precursor concentration at time t

The measured concentration of NH2Cl or an estimated simulated

monochloramine decomposition is used in the model (Chen and Valentine, 2006;

Vikesland et al., 2001). NDMA formation data at different time points were fitted to

the model using Kintecus (Ianni, 2002) and the rate constant, kapp, was optimized with

the highest correlation coefficient between experimental values and model fitting.

5.2.2 Monochloramine Degradation

Monochloramine decays over time due to hydrolysis and reaction with organic

and inorganic species (Table 5-1). Autodecomposition or hydrolysis forms other

oxidants such as free chlorine or dichloramine, which would react with DOC. Another

pathway is, in the presence of NOM, monochloramine reacting directly with organic

matter. The rate of monochloramine loss in both pathways was found to be dependent

on experimental conditions such as initial monochloramine concentration, DOC or pH

(Durik et al., 2005). It was difficult to accurately simulate monochloramine

decomposition with detailed models published in previous research because various

parameters (i.e. fast and slow reactive fractions of NOM) need to be reoptimized since

they are specific to reaction conditions. A simple first order degradation model with

respect to monochloramine is used to simulate the decay of monochloramine in the

presence of NDMA precursors (Equation 5-3). The rate constant is specific to

experiment conditions and representative for similar water qualities in general.

𝑑[𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙]
= −𝑘𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑦 [𝑁𝐻2 𝐶𝑙] Equation 5-3

5.3 Results and Discussion

5.3.1 Modeling of NDMA formation in NOM

Chen et al. modeled NDMA formation from reactions between NOM and

monochloramine (Chen and Valentine, 2006). They suggested that NOM in surface

waters could be oxidized involving two types of reactive sites of monochloramine loss.

A portion of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) could react with monochloramine

rapidly within hours and the other part had a much slower reaction with free chlorine

(over days). However, their model had five parameters (i.e. fast and slow reactive

fractions of NOM) to be optimized which would vary between water sources. Here we

fitted their experimental data with our model. The monochloramine decay was modeled

as a first order reaction in Equation 5-2 and the monochloramine decay rate constants

are shown in Table 5.2. The decay rate of monochloramine increased when pH was

reduced from 9 to 7 since at low pH monochloramine would decay to dichloramine

more easily (Reaction 5, Table 5.1).

Then the NDMA formation data was fitted with our second order model (Figure

5.2). NDMA concentration at 120 h was used as NDMAmax (P0) although NDMA

formation had not reached its maximum at this time. The model fits NDMA formation

over time well at pH 7, 8 or 9. However, at pH 6 when dichloramine is more prevalent

chloramine species, the model was not able to simulate the NDMA formation because

our assumption that dichloramine is proportional to monochloramine is not valid at pH

6. NDMA formation yields appear to increase with decreasing pH from 9 to 7 due to

presence of more dichloramine at lower pH. The optimized rate constant kapp varied

within a factor of three for different pH conditions, however, no obvious correlation

was found between pH values and kapp.

Figure 5.2: Model prediction of NDMA formation and monochloramine decay at

various pH in surface water. (Symbols: observation data, lines: model predictions. Data
from Chen and Valentine, 2006

Table 5.2: Optimized NDMA formation rate constant and monochloramine

decomposition rate constants in NOM under various reaction conditions. (Data from
Chen and Valentine, 2006). R2 is correlation coefficient between model and
observation. Notes: Experiments were conducted at pH 7 with variable Cl/N ratios (and
ammonia concentrations): a 0.7 (0.07 mM NH3); b 0.3 (0.17 mM NH3); c 0.10 (0.5 mM

pH kapp M-1s-1 (R2) kdecay (h-1)

9 0.25 (0.96) 3.4E-03
8 0.09 (0.96) 4.0E-03
7 0.15a (0.95) 9.7E-03
0.12b (0.95) 4.1E-03
0.10c (0.84) 2.5E-03

Figure 5.3: Model prediction of NDMA formation and monochloramine decay at
various ammonia concentrations (Cl/N ratio) in surface water. (Symbols: observation
data, lines: model predictions, pH=7. Data from Chen and Valentine, 2006)

The NDMA formation data in surface waters with various Cl/N ratios in Chen’s

work was also fitted with our model. Both monochloramine decay and NDMA

formation were well predicted (Figure 5.3). Results showed that a decreasing Cl/N ratio

reduced monochloramine decay rates, NDMA formation rates and NDMA yields. This

was the result of dichloramine formation being favored at high Cl/N ratios (low

ammonia concentrations) according to reaction 3 in Table 5.1.

With the monochloramine degradation measurements shown in Chen’s work

(Chen and Valentine, 2006), the model successfully predicted NDMA formation over

time in surface waters from pH 7 to 9 and in conditions of Cl/N ratio from 0.1 to 0.7.

5.3.2 Modeling of NDMA formation from model compounds

In addition to NOM, model compounds such as DMA and ranitidine were also

studied in NDMA formation kinetics experiments. Selbes reported NDMA formation

from various amine precursors (Selbes, 2014). However, NDMA formation kinetics

were not discussed. Here we apply our model to the NDMA kinetics data of five

precursor compounds from Selbes’ work (Selbes, 2014). DMA and four tertiary amines

(trimethyalmine (TMA), dimethylisopropylamine (DMiPA), dimethylbenzylamine

(DMBzA) and ranitidine) were selected. These five precursors were chloraminated by
Selbes in three reaction conditions: in distilled deionized water at pH 7.5, a formation

potential (FP) test condition with 1.4mM monochloramine, and simulated distribution

system (SDS) with 0.04mM monochloramine, and SDS condition with 100 mg/L

ammonia to minimize dichloramine formation according to Reaction 3 in Table 5.1.

Monochloramine decay data was not published in Selbes’ work. The

monochloramine model simulation in NOM in Chen’s work showed that pH has a more

significant effect on monochloramine decay than DOC concentrations or Cl/N ratio. A

monochloramine decay rate of 0.007 h-1, between the rate constants at pH 7 (0.01 h -1)

and pH 8 (0.004 h-1) in Chen’s work, was used to predict monochloramine

decomposition in the deionized water. Figure 5.4 shows NDMA formation data

obtained from Selbes’ work and model fitting for precursors under various conditions

and the resulting rate constants are shown in the figure and listed in Table 5.3. The

model successfully fitted the NDMA formation kinetics for all five chemicals in most

tests. However, in SDS condition with excess ammonia, our model overestimates

NDMA formation in the first half reaction time and underestimates NDMA in the

second half period for ranitidine and DMBzA. It was the same with DMiPA in the SDS

condition test. In previous studies it was found that ranitidine and DMBzA were more

sensitive to monochloramine and DMiPA was only sensitive to dichloramine (Liu et

al., 2014). In NDMA formation from tertiary amines such as ranitidine, an intermediate

could form by nucleophilic substitution between ranitidine and monochloramine (Le

Roux et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2014). A possible explanation could be, in conditions with

high monochloramine concentrations in FP tests, this intermediate degrades quickly to

form NDMA. Therefore, the presence of intermediates could ‘delay’ the NDMA

formation and make our model overestimate NDMA formation.

Figure 5.4: NDMA formation from model precursor compound data (Symbols), model
fitting (Lines) in FP tests (NH2Cl 1.4mM, pH=7.5), SDS conditions (NH2Cl 0.04mM,
pH=7.5) and SDS conditions with excess ammonia. (NDMA data from Selbes, 2014)

Although kapp× [NH2Cl] was greater in the FP tests, indicating a faster NDMA

formation in FP conditions than in SDS conditions, the optimized rate constants (k app)

in the FP tests were less than under SDS conditions, by an order of magnitude for model

compounds. Compared to amine precursor concentrations (200 nM) in Selbes’ work,

the monochloramine concentrations (1.4 mM) were more than 5000 times the precursor

concentrations in the FP test. Thus, in the FP test, there is a substantial excess of

monochloramine present that reduced the rate constant. Rate constants kapp of ranitidine,

DMBzA and DMA are similar and that of DMiPA is much smaller. The similar k app

between ranitidine and DMA was unexpected since DMA and ranitidine have very

different yields (<3% and 80% respectively) and different proposed NDMA formation

mechanisms. In SDS conditions with excess ammonia, optimized kapp for both

ranitidine and DMBzA are less than those under SDS conditions, suggesting

dichloramine reactions may be important. The dichloramine reaction rate constant,

which is the difference between kapp between two conditions, was found to be greater

than the monochloramine rate constant.

Table 5.3: Optimized rate constant kapp for model compounds under various reaction
conditions. (NDMA data from Selbes, 2014)

Compounds NDMA kapp M-1s-1 (R2)

Yields in FP test SDS SDS+ excess
FP test % ammonia
Ranitidine ~80 0.09 (0.99) 1.2 (0.92) 0.18 (0.97)
DMBzA ~80 - 0.71 (0.92) 0.12 (0.87)
DMA 1.1 0.06 (0.98) 0.77 (0.96) -
TMA 1.7 0.02 (0.97) - -
DMiPA 83 0.01 (0.98) 0.1 (0.96) -

5.3.3 Modeling of NDMA Formation of Pharmaceutical Compounds in the

Presence of NOM

Our model was also applied to NDMA formation by amine precursors in the

presence of NOM in natural waters. Shen et al. investigated the NDMA formation

kinetics of pharmaceutical compounds in three water matrices (MQ water:

TOC=0mg/L, Lake: TOC=2mg/L, River: TOC=6mg/L) under simulated distribution

system condition (SDS, NH2Cl=0.035mM or 0.07mM) (Shen and Andrews, 2011b).

Four pharmaceutical compounds, sumatriptan, chlorphenamine, doxylamine and

ranitidine were used in the kinetic experiments. Measured monochloramine decay

concentrations over time in Shen’s work were used to model monochloramine

decomposition. Model fitting and optimized rate constants are shown in Figure 5.5 and

Table 5.4. The model in equation 1c simulates NDMA formation from ranitidine in MQ

water with a high correlation coefficient (R2>0.93) and yields an optimized rate

constant of 1.3 M-1s-1. This is similar to the rate constant (1.2 M-1s-1) in Selbes’ work
under similar reaction conditions (DDW water, SDS, NH2Cl=0.04mM) and

demonstrates that our model is applicable to predict NDMA formation from ranitidine

and monochloramine under similar reaction conditions.

However, for all four pharmaceutical precursors, the model overestimates the

NDMA formation in the first half experiment time and underestimated NDMA in the

second half. This is possibly due to the formation of an intermediate that delays the

NDMA formation, as suggested previously.

Figure 5.5: NDMA formation from pharmaceutical compounds under SDS condition
(MQ water, NH2Cl=0.035mM, pH=7), data (symbols) and model fitting (lines).
(NDMA data from Shen and Andrews, 2011b).

Table 5.4: Optimized rate constant kapp for model compounds in different water
matrices with varied TOC. (NDMA Data from Shen and Andrews, 2011b)
Compounds NDMA kapp M-1s-1 (R2)
Yields in
SDS MQ % SDS 2mg/L TOC 6mg/L TOC
ranitidine ~90 1.3 (0.93) 0.82 0.25
sumatriptan ~2 0.28 (0.86) 0.24 0.08
chlorphenamine 3 0.73 (0.90) - 0.22
doxylamine 10 0.28 (0.84) - 0.13

In Shen’s work on NDMA formation from pharmaceutical compounds in

natural waters, there was an initial lag-time when NDMA formation did not increase

for all four pharmaceutical compounds in lake and river waters. The lag-time was

longer at higher TOC concentrations. However, the lag-time could not be simulated

with our proposed model. In Shen’s work it was suggested that there was NOM-

pharmaceutical binding that inhibited the initial NDMA formation (Shen and Andrews,

2011b). In addition, dichloramine has a lower electron density on nitrogen due to two

chlorine atoms so it would be a more preferable species to interact with negatively

charged NOM. Thus in the presence of NOM, dichloramine could more easily react

with NOM compared to monochloramine and hence NDMA formation from

dichloramine would be suppressed by NOM.

To better understand how NOM affects NDMA formation rates, our proposed

model was adjusted to fit the kinetics data. As there is no NDMA formed during the

lag-time, we start the model simulation at the end of the NDMA formation lag. The lag

time was removed and the kinetics data was refitted with our model. The model fits the

experimental data better for all four pharmaceutical compounds (Figure 5.6) and the

optimized rate constants were listed in Table 5.3. The optimized second-order rate

constants kapp were found to decrease with increasing TOC concentrations. This can be

explained by a competition between NOM and model compounds to react with mono-

and/or di- chloramine. In the river water samples (TOC = 6mg/L), the optimized rate

constants kapp for the pharmaceutical model compounds were in the range of 0.08 to

0.25 M-1s-1 (Table 4) and were comparable to the rate constants (0.02 to 0.09 M-1s-1) of

NDMA formation from NOM in surface waters with similar TOC concentration (TOC

=3.4 mg/L) in Chen’s work we discussed previously. By using the lag model, we were

able to compare the rate constant of NDMA formation at different DOC concentrations

and reveal how the DOC impacted the NDMA formation kinetics.

Figure 5.6: NDMA formation of amine precursors in river water (SDS, pH=7,
TOC=6mg/L) and modeling of NDMA formation without lag-time, data (symbols) and
model fitting (lines) (NDMA data from Shen and Andrews, 2011b)

5.4 Summary and Conclusions

A model was developed and parameterized based on NDMA formation trends

observed in the literature. Results show that a second-order kinetic rate model simulates

NDMA formation from NOM and model precursors over a range of reaction conditions.

A narrow range of rate constants were obtained and appear to indicate a similar rate-

limiting reaction step among different precursors and water sources. Though the model

was not intended to reveal the relative importance of mono- or di- chloramine reactions

in NDMA formation kinetics, it is applicable to describe how water conditions such as

DOC and pH affect NDMA formation kinetics. In real water utilities, the model could

be used to predict NDMA formation by measuring the NDMA max and monochloramine.

The proposed model needs to be further evaluated using a wider range of

reaction conditions. For example, the importance of dissolved oxygen needs be

investigated since it was found to be an important factor in NDMA formation from

different amines such as DMA and ranitidine. NDMA kinetics test could be performed

in other water matrices such as wastewater effluents. In addition, further detailed

characterization of more precursors and their kinetics studies could help better

understand NDMA formation in different water sources and a more precise model could

be developed.

5.5 Acknowledgements

This research was supported by the Water Research Foundation (Project 4499,

managed by Djanette Khiari), American Water Works Association Abel Wolman

Fellowship, Water Environment Federation Canham Scholarship, and the Arizona State

University Fulton School of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship.




6.1 Introduction

In Chapter 4, I proposed a simple model on NDMA formation kinetics in varied

water matrices based on a simple second order reaction model (Equation 6-1):

= 𝑘𝑎𝑝𝑝 [Precursor][NH2 Cl] Equation 6-1

This model worked very well when applied to our experiments as well as to

literature data with correlation coefficients more than 0.9 (Chapters 4 & 5). However

this model does not take into account some of our observations as well as issues

reported in the literature including the role of dichloramines in nitrosamine formation

(Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b), the potential impact of dissolved oxygen (Schreiber and

Mitch, 2006b; Le Roux et al., 2011) as well as an impact of the nature of the buffer in

which experiments are performed.

In our experimental design and in the model monochloramine was used as the

only oxidant that chloraminates the NDMA precursors to form NDMA. This

assumption appears logical as the NDMA formation experiments were conducted at a

pH 8 and a Cl2:N mass ratio = 4.2.

Figure 6.1: Theoretical Breakpoint Curve (USEPA, 1999)

Figure 6.2: Distribution Diagram for Chloramines with pH (Palin, 1950; USEPA, 1999)

As shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2, chloramine speciation is dependent on pH and

controlled by Cl2:N ratio. Monochloramine is the dominant chloramine species under

our experimental conditions (pH = 8, Cl2:N = 4.2) and the dichloramine formation from

monochloramine is negligible.

Monochloramine is a of great advantage when aiming to develop an operational

model that uses experimentally determined parameters because monochloramine

concentrations can be measured accurately in our experiments, while the dichloramine

quantification is challenging. In previous research chloramines were measured by two

main methods. In a first approach, N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD)

colorimetry, is used to measure total chlorine, free chlorine and monochloramine. The

dichloramine concentration then can be calculated as the difference between total

chlorine- and monochloramine plus free chlorine. The detection limit of this method is

0.04 mgCl2/L, making it not applicable to measure dichloramine at trace levels

(<0.1mg/L). In a second approach monochloramine and dichloramine concentrations

can be determined by measuring UV absorbance at 245nm and 295 nm and solving

both equations using the respective molar extinction coefficients at 245nm and 295 nm

(Schreiber and Mitch, 2005).The detection limit of the second method is ~ 0.2 mgCl2/L.

Both of these methods are hence endowed with substantial uncertainties and high

detection limits.

While the model proposed in Chapter 4 considers only monochloramine, the

kinetics experiments in Chapter 4, showed that dichloramine does likely affect NDMA

formation even at pH 8 and a Cl2:N ratio of 4.2. Specifically, the final NDMA

conversion in samples with more monochloramine (18-20 mgCl2/L) is higher than that

with less monochloramine (6~7 mgCl2/L). Both monochloramine doses are in large

excess in all experiments. In our experiment conditions, dichloramine is thought at trace

level and proportional to monochloramine. Therefore, it is probably the higher

concentrations of dichloramine in samples with high monochloramine that leads to

more NDMA formation. Our model using only monochloramine worked even the

dichloramine is present in our experiments, probably because NDMA formation from

dichloramine can be expressed as ratio of monochloramine when dichloramine is at

trace levels. However, the model can most likely not be extended to other reaction

conditions when dichloramine concentrations increase with reduced pH or an increased

Cl2:N ratio. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the NDMA formation kinetics from

the reactions of both monochloramine and dichloramine (Equation 6-2) separately. It

will improve the NDMA kinetics model and make it more applicable to predict NDMA

formation in different reaction conditions (pH or Cl2:N ratio).

= 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜 [Precursor][NH2 Cl] + 𝑘𝑑𝑖 [Precursor][NHCl2 ] Equation 6-2

A different consideration to improve the model of NDMA formation kinetics,

is the potential role of dissolved oxygen in NDMA formation. In fact, it has been shown

that dissolved oxygen concentrations affect the NDMA formation from model

precursors such as DMA and ranitidine (Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b; Le Roux et al.,

2011). However, no experimental data has been reported on complex real samples like

wastewater or surface water and hence it is unknown if the amount of oxygen matters

beyond idealized laboratory studies of model precursors.

Finally, most NDMA formation studies are performed under controlled pH

conditions although different investigators use different reaction conditions, including

the pH itself. A variety of buffer systems has been applied to maintain constant pH

conditions and while the influence of pH on NDMA formation is known, no study

addressed the impact of the nature of the buffer species as it is not expected to affect

NDMA formation. However in the literature there are many instances of disagreement

in terms of NDMA formation reported for the same amine precursors (Selbes et al.,

2013) and one of the differences between studies is the nature of the buffer system.

Therefore it might be necessary to exclude the possible effect of buffer species on

NDMA formation.

In this chapter I present my attempts to assess and quantify the contribution of

dichloramine to NDMA formation by increasing dichloramine concentrations or

eliminating dichloramine altogether. I further attempted to quantify dichloramine.

Finally I investigated the effect of O2 on the nitrosamine formation as well as potential

buffer effects.

6.2 Experimental and Analytical Methods

In the experiments of NDMA formation from monochloramine and

dichloramine, the preformed monochloramine stock solution (~2000 mgCl2/L) was

prepared by adding sodium hypochlorite into buffered (10 mM, Borate pH = 8.0 or

Phosphate pH =7) ammonium chloride solution to produce a Cl2:N mass ratio of 6:1.

Chloramine stock solution was then spiked into DI water at ~5 mgCl2/L. Since

ammonium ion has huge interference on monochloramine concentrations measurement

using Monochlor F reagents with a Hach DR5000 spectrophotometer (Hach Company,

Loveland, CO). The method in our test to quantify monochloramine and dichloramine

was measuring UV absorbance using the Hach DR5000 spectrophotometer at 295 nm

and 245 nm and solving for their concentration from their extinction coefficients at both


To evaluate effect of dissolved oxygen, additional experiments were performed

with varying dissolved oxygen levels in one wastewater secondary effluent (WW5 in

Chapter 4). Dissolved oxygen concentrations were reduced from ~8 mg/L to below 0.1

mg/L by bubbling high purity argon gas into each sample for 5 minutes. Dissolved

oxygen was measured by a portable meter (Thermo Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA).

Monochloramine was added into the wastewater sample at 20 mgCl2/L.

To evaluate the effect of buffer species on NDMA formation, three buffer

solutions, borate, phosphate, and carbonate buffer solutions were made and were added

into water samples and chloramine stock solutions (pH=8, 10 mM). Water samples of

four amine precursors (methadone, ranitidine, N,N-Dimethyl-benzylamine (DMBzA),

and N,N-Dimethylisopropylamine (DMiPA) at 25 nM were made by diluting their stock

solutions into DI water. Wastewater effluent samples and surface water were sampled

and treated similarly as described in Chapter 4. Monochloramine was added into

precursor solutions, wastewater and surface water at 18 mgCl2/L. Samples for NDMA

formation were kept in dark at room temperature (23 ± 2 °C) for 72 hours until

quenching and extraction. Quenching, extraction and NDMA analysis were the same

as described in Chapter 4.

6.3 Results and Discussion

6.3.1 Role of Dichloramine in NDMA Formation

In order to assess the role of dichloramine in NDMA formation and potentially

include it in the model, the dichloramine contribution needs to be isolated from the

monochloramine contribution, which is challenging given the equilibrium and

interconversion of the two species. Two approaches were tested, 1 enhancement of

dichloramine and 2 suppression of dichloramine. Enhancement of Dichloramine

To increase the dichloramine concentration, the Cl2 to N2 ratio was changed and

a Cl2:N ratio = 6:1 was chosen based on Figure 6.1. However, at pH 8 only 10% of

dichloramine at maximum can be obtained. After 1 day aging, the ratio between

dichloramine and monochloramine increased to ~50%, similar to previous reports

(USEPA, 1999). However under these conditions the observed pH was around 2 and

total chloramine decreased to <15% (2000 mgCl2/L to 250 mgCl2/L). Hence no

controlled experiments were possible under these conditions. We suspect that the

chloramine decomposed, forming Cl2 gas, possibly in the following reactions:

NH2 Cl + H2 O → HOCl + NH3 Equation 6-3

HOCl + H + + Cl− → Cl2 + H2 O Equation 6-4

Experiments were conducted several times and showed similar results. The

attempt of changing Cl2:N ratio to increase dichloramine was not successful. Suppression of Dichloramine

Rather than increasing dichloramine, another option would be to eliminate any

dichloramine and hence isolate out the sole contribution of monochloramine. Therefore

ammonium was first used to inhibit the formation of dichloramine in order to shift the

equilibrium distribution.

2NH2 Cl + H + ↔ NHCl2 + NH4 + Equation 6-5

NH4+ (mass ratio NH3: NH2Cl = 100:4, NH2Cl = 2000mgCl2/L) was added in

preformed chloramine stock solution. The excess NH4+ lowered the pH in stock solution

from 8 to less than 7. Chloramine solutions with and without addition of NH 4+ were

used in wastewater effluent samples to form NDMA.






10 NH4+ added

5 No Excess NH4+

0 50 100 150 200 250
Time h

Figure 6.3: NDMA formation kinetics of wastewater effluents with and without excess
NH4+ in chloramine stock solution
NDMA formation was lower with an excess NH4+ than without excess NH4+

(Figure 6.3). However, as the pH could not be well controlled in this method, the lower

NDMA formation was possibly due to the decomposition of chloramine at the lower

pH which likely decreased total chloramine concentrations, therefore adding excess

NH4+ in stock solution was not a good way to inhibit dichloramine formation.

We then added NH4+ (mass ratio NH3: NH2Cl = 100:4) directly into buffered

water solution in which pH did not change in presence of NH 4+ during test. First at pH

8 an excess NH4+ was added in the water solution prior to 5 mgCl2/L chloramine. No

detectable dichloramine was found within 90 hours in both water samples with and

without excess NH4+, probably due the high detection limit of the measurement. Then

we lowered pH to 7 and dichloramine concentration was found to be 5% to 15% of

monochloramine in all water samples. As shown in Figure 6.4, excess NH 4+ does not

inhibit formation of dichloramine.

50 50
NH2Cl = 4mg/L NH2Cl = 20mg/L
40 40
add NH4+
add NH4+
NHCl2 %

NHCl2 %

30 30
No excess No excess
NH4+ NH4+
20 20

10 10

0 0
24h 72h 24h 72h

Figure 6-4: NHCl2/NH2Cl ratio with and without excess NH4+ in nano pure water at

Then ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) was used to inhibit dichloramine

formation in water at pH =7. No dichloramine was detected in samples with ammonia

within 24 hours. While samples without ammonia had about 15% of dichloramine.

However, 10mM phosphate buffer solution we used was not strong enough to buffer

the excess ammonia. The pH of water went up to 9 after ammonia was added. In

addition, after 24 hours, about 5% dichloramine was found in the water with ammonia.

Ammonia could only inhibit formation of dichloramine in limited time and the pH

could not be well controlled with addition of ammonia.

6.3.2 Influence of Dissolved Oxygen

The role of the dissolved oxygen on NDMA formation kinetics was studied in

chloramination tests in wastewater (WW5 in Chapter 4). Figure 6-5 shows the impact

of dissolved oxygen on the NDMA formation.



NDMA (ng/L)



200 High O2 level model

High O2 level observation
100 Low O2 level model
Low O2 level observation

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (hour)

Figure 6-5: NDMA formation observed at varying dissolved O2 concentrations

(symbols) and fitted by Equations 4-1&4-2 (lines) in WW5 at same initial
monochloramine dose (20 mgCl2/L). Error bars represent one standard deviation (n=3)
for select time points. (pH =8.0, 23 ± 1°C )
At two dissolved oxygen levels, the maximum NDMA formation

concentrations were achieved over a similar time period (~50 hours). But similar to

monochloramine, NDMAmax (~8.4 nM) at the higher dissolved oxygen level (8.2 ± 0.1

mg O2/L) was more than that (3.8 nM NDMAmax) formed in the presence of lower

dissolved oxygen level (less than 2.3 mg O2/L). Previous work showed a dependence

of NDMA yields on dissolved oxygen in the NDMA formation from DMA and

ranitidine although their mechanisms were thought to be different (Schreiber and Mitch,

2006b; Le Roux et al., 2011). For both precursors, NDMA formation could be

significantly reduced by decreasing dissolved oxygen. DMA and ranitidine are

sensitive to dichloramine and monochloramine respectively, and our results could not

tell if monochloramine or dichloramine was the responsible species for NDMA formed.

Monochloramine degradation was observed to be much slower in the sample with low

dissolved oxygen (Figure 6.6), indicating the interactions between chloramines and

dissolved oxygen during chloramination.


NH2Cl (mgCl2/L)


High O2 level
Low O2 level
0 50 100 150
Time (hour)

Figure 6.6: Monochloramine (NH2Cl) decay kinetics at two dissolved O2 levels

In general, dissolved oxygen behaved similarly to monochloramine in NDMA

formation kinetics. Dissolved oxygen could possibly be included in the kinetics model,

resulting in a third order reaction model.

6.3.3 Effect of buffer system

The effect of buffer species on NDMA formation was investigated. NDMA

formation potential was investigated using commonly used buffer systems such as

borate (Hanigan et al., 2012), phosphate (Selbes et al., 2013) and bicarbonate (Schreiber

and Mitch, 2006b). As shown in Figure 6.7, no effect of buffer species on NDMA

formation from the four model precursors as well as in wastewater and surface water

was observed. In addition, no effect of buffer concentration was observed. In the borate

buffer at 100 mM NDMA formation was reduced, however this was the result of a

lower pH (7 vs 8) when the borate buffer concentration increased.

Figure 6.7: (a) NDMA formation from model precursors (pH=8); (b) NDMA formation
in buffered (pH=8) wastewater and surface water; (c) NDMA formation in buffered
wastewater with buffer concentration from 0.1 mM to 100 mM.

6.4 Conclusions

In the first part of this work, experiments were designed to explore the NDMA

formations from dichloramine. However, the approaches of enhancement and

suppression of dichloramine were not successful. Dichloramine formation could only

be enhanced to 10% of monochloramine by increasing Cl2:N mass ratio to 6:1 at pH =

8. Aging of monochloramine could produce ~50% dichloramine after 24 hours in stock

solution (2000 mgCl2/L) but the chloramine concentration was reduced to less than 250

mgCl2/L in stock solution and pH decreased to ~2. Dichloramine could also be

enhanced at pH lower than 7 (Figure 6.2), but the problem is that the low pH does not

apply to the real waters such as surface water or wastewater effluents. The suppression

of dichloramine formation also turned out unsuccessful. In our experiments we did not

observe that the excess ammonium (NH4+) could inhibit the formation of dichloramine

in either chloramine stock solution and in water sample. Large excess of ammonium

(mass ratio NH3: NH2Cl = 100:4) in the stock solution will however affect the pH of

the chloramine stock solution. Ammonia was found to be able to inhibit the

dichloramine formation in water samples but the pH increase to 9 after ammonia

addition, but the dichloramine formation happened after 24 hours. Therefore, in our

preliminary tests neither ammonium nor ammonia was able to suppress the

dichloramine formation under controlled pH conditions.

Another challenge in exploring NDMA formation from dichloramine is

dichloramine measurements. The current two methods as described in section 6.1, due

to their high detection limits, are not able to quantify the dichloramine concentration or

monitor the change of dichloramine concentrations over time in water samples where

monochloramine concentrations are <5 mgCl2/L and at pH >7. The measurement of

dichloramine could be interfered by species in water samples. In the Hach method, the
ammonium could affect the chloramine measurement. Organic matter would

significantly influence the measurement of monochloramine and dichloramine in the

UV method. To model the NDMA formation from dichloramine it would be necessary

to develop a more sensitive method that can measure dichloramine at concentrations

lower than 0.1 mgCl2/L and free from interferences.

In the last part of this chapter, we found that NDMA formation was not

influenced by buffer species or buffer concentrations. Dissolved oxygen showed a

substantial impact on NDMA formation in the wastewater effluents. NDMA formation

is higher in the presence of more dissolved oxygen. Future experiments are needed to

reveal the role of dissolved oxygen in the NDMA formation yields and kinetics.



This chapter will summarize the main findings of this thesis and provide suggestions

for further study.

7.1 Summary

Chapter 2- N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Measurements in Air

 Analytical methods based on SPME and SPE coupled with GC-MS were

developed for NDMA measurement in air.

 PDMS/DVB and CAR/PDMS fibers were tested for the SPME method.

PDMS/DVB showed a short equilibrium time of 30 mins while the CAR/PDMS

fiber could not reach equilibrium even after 9 hours. SPME sampling is possible

but leads to high detection limits (~ 1 ng/m3 and 8 ng/m3 for CAR/PDMS and

PDMS/DVB, respectively) which might allow for high exposure monitoring but

is too high for ambient monitoring.

 The SPE sampling method using commercially available coconut charcoal

cartridges allows for low detections limit of 0.003ng/m3 for a 2 m3 air sample.

The collection efficiency of SPE cartridges is more than 90% with negligible

breakthrough or physical losses. It is free of positive or negative artifact

formation under typical ambient sampling conditions.

 The SPE method was applied to ambient sampling in various environments and

NDMA was found in all field samples at concentrations between 0.1 and 13.0

ng/m3, higher than EPA’s suggested screening level of NDMA in ambient air

of 0.07 ng/m3.

Chapter 3- Optical Properties of Water Soluble Organic Carbon (WSOC) in

Atmospheric Aerosols and Fog/Cloud Waters

 WSOC has a stronger impact on NDMA photolysis than inorganic species such

as nitrate or nitrite. The screening effect from organic matter can increase the

lifetime of NDMA by 2 to 3 fold under typical fog and cloud conditions.

 WSOC from atmospheric aerosols has a higher mass absorption efficiency

(MAE) than organic matter in fog and cloud water, resulting from a different

composition, especially in regards of volatile species, that are not very

absorbing but abundant in fogs and clouds..

 The mass absorption efficiency of WSOC varied by locations and particulate

matter source. WSOC associated with vehicle emissions showed higher

absorption than WSOC from biomass burning or other biogenic sources.

 In some instances the MAE of WSOC seems to be related to changes of ambient

relative humidity, possibly indicating reactions in wet aerosols.

Chapter 4- N-Nitrosamine Formation Kinetics in Wastewater Effluents and Surface


 NDMA formation increased to its maximum over hundreds of hours. NDMA

maximum formations were observed in the range of 100 -1000 ng/L and 15-50

ng/L for wastewater and surface waters, respectively.

 NDMA formation is dependent on monochloramine concentrations.

 A simple model based on a second order reaction between monochloramine and

NDMA precursors was developed to fit NDMA formation. NDMA formation

was well predicted by the model with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9.

 The model fitted rate constants were in range of 0.01-0.09 M-1s-1 for different

water samples, indicating formation of similar intermediates and a similar rate

limiting step of NDMA formation for different amine precursors.

 With the measurement of NDMA formation and monochloramine exposure, the

proposed model could be applied to predict NDMA concentrations in water

treatment and distribution systems.

Chapter 5- Modeling NDMA Formation Kinetics during Chloramination of Model

Compounds and Surface Waters Impacted by Wastewater Discharges

 NDMA formation data from the literature, including natural organic matter

(NOM) and model precursors, were successfully fitted with the second order

model over a variety of reaction conditions.

 NDMA formation rate constants were able to describe how water conditions

such as pH and DOC impact NDMA formation kinetics.

 The model simulations revealed the relative importance of mono- or di-

chloramine reactions in NDMA formation.

 Precursors with different NDMA formation yields were found to have similar

rate constants to form NDMA in the same reaction conditions, suggesting a

similar rate-limit step among different precursors.

Chapter 6- Investigations on Improving the NDMA Formation Model

 Dichloramine formation could be enhanced to 10% of monochloramine by

increasing Cl2:N mass ratio to 6:1.

 Dichloramine formation could not suppressed by NH4+. Ammonia could inhibit

the dichloramine formation for a limited time (less than 24h), but ammonia will

change pH of the reaction system.

 Dissolved oxygen showed a substantial impact on NDMA formation and could

possibly be included in the kinetics model.

 No effect of buffer species or concentrations was observed for NDMA


7.2 Suggestions of Future Research

For NDMA measurement in air, the SPME method has not been used in ambient

sampling due to its high detection limit. However, the SPME with GC-MS could still

be applied to measure NDMA in locations such as indoor area, especially with tobacco

smoking activities, so further testing to evaluate such applications could be interesting.

Not only NDMA but also other nitrosamines are present in air. Therefore,

further evaluation of SPE and SPME sampling performance in monitoring other

nitrosamines is needed. In addition, gas-particle partitioning of nitrosamines needs to

be investigated as emerging studies showed that there are nitrosamines in particulate


WSOC from particulate matter has shown to impact NDMA photolysis and it is

found to have different absorptivity from organic matter in fog and cloud. It will be

interesting to explore what other species could be impacted by such ‘screening’ effect

of organic matter and the extent of this effect. Additionally, it remains unknown how

the organic matter influence the indirect photolysis by scavenging or generating

radicals which will react with the species we are interested, such as nitrosamines.

Although in this work the developed second order reaction model fitted NDMA

formation data well in our experiments and in literature data, additional NDMA kinetics

work is needed, especially for those precursors that have been recently identified, such

as methadone or coagulation polymers. The kinetics model needs to be further

developed as we have identified possible impacts of dichloramine and dissolved

oxygen, which might limit the conditions under which the model remains valid.

The measurement of dichloramine is challenging due to the high detection limit

using current methods. To explore the NDMA formation from dichloramine at trace

level in water treatment or distribution systems a more sensitive method needs to be


Finally, the hypothesis of the formation of a common intermediate in

nitrosamine formation from different precursors needs to be investigated.


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Table A1: Sample information of aerosol and fog/cloud water

Aerosol Location particle Reference

050612 LSA pm>2.5 Tempe AZ Life Sciences PM>2.5
050912 LSA pm>2.5 A Wing
LSA 120416 pm>2.5
LSA 120420 pm>2.5
LSA QF FINE 022709 PM2.5
LSA QF FINE 020309
ASU 032205 10 Campus
ASU 030205 01 Weather
ASU 03262008 Life Sciences
ASU 03312008 A Wing
120512 LSA pm2.5
120509LSA pm2.5
120506 LSA pm2.5
asu05/18/02 01
LS 092309 qf pm2.5
LS 101209 qf pm2.5
LS 11.10.09 qf 2.5
LS 11.03.09 qf 2.5
FL-HZ 030808 PM10 Higley AZ PM10
FL-HZ 020708 PM10
FL-HZ 040508 PM10
FL-HZ 020708 PM2.5 PM2.5
FL-HZ 040508PM2.5
FL-HZ 030808 PM2.5
FL-GT051907 PM2.5 Galveston
FL-BBTX 090206 Big Bend
PM2.5 TX
FL-SPTX 051807 South Padre
PM2.5 Island TX
FL-PCTX 051907 Port
PM2.5 O'Connor
G ALASKAN DUFF FLAME Biomass PM2.5 Carrico et
CEAMPTHUS experiment burning al.,2010
E ASIAN RICE in Missoula
01082011DavisQFF Davis, CA UC Davis PM2.5 Ehrenhauser
pm2.5 campus et al., 2012
01202011 DAVIS QFF
01072011 DAVIS QFF
WMAT 112807 mav ig AZ (white prescribed PM2.5 Robinson et
2007Q1G1A mountain burn al., 2011
WMAT 112907 Apache
FC PM2.5 062502 GE Fort CSU PM2.5
T8B1 Collins, CO Christman
FC TSP 062502GE Field TSP
TYL 05042010 PM>2.5 Tempe, AZ parking garage PM>2.5 Benn et al.,
TYL 05062010 PM>2.5 2012
TYL05102010pm2.5 PM2.5
TYL05712010 pm2.5
rn0725 Whistler, Raven's Nest PM2.5 Lee et al.,
rn0718 BC Raven's Nest 2012
pieJQ São Paulo, Tunnel LDVs PM2.5 Brito et al.,
pieTR Brazil Tunnel HDVs 2013
Monterrey Aerosol
2011/5/28 day Monterrey, Monterrey PM2.5 Mancilla et
2011/5/28 night Mexico Metropolitan al., 2015
2011/5/30 day Area
2011/5/30 night
2011/6/1 day
2011/6/1 night
2011/6/3 day
2011/6/3 night
2011/6/5 day
2011/6/5 night
2011/6/9 day
2011/6/9 night
2011/6/11 day
2011/6/11 night
Bakersfield Aerosol
2013/1/19 Bakersfield, PM2.5
2013/1/20 CA

SU 092009 Selinsgrove fog Straub et
SU103107 ,PA al., 2012
DAA 011511P3 Davis, CA UC Davis Ehrenhauser
DAA 011711P1 campus et al., 2012
XL CASCC F010910P3 Fresno, CA CSU Fresno
XL CASCC F010910P2 cmapus

ELDEN 080205 2 OF 2 Mt. Elden, cloud Hutchings
AZ et al., 2009
ELDEN 091207 Mt. Elden,
RN0705P1 Whistler, Raven's Nest Lee et al.,
RN0621P1 BC 2012



Text A1: NDMA formation pathways in chloramination. NAs could be formed

from primary amines through a nitrosation pathway, these NAs are not stable and decay

rapidly (Ridd, 1961).1 Secondary amines which form stable secondary NAs have been

studied in greater detail (Choi and Valentine, 2002; Mitch and Sedlak, 2002; Schreiber

and Mitch, 2006a; Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b; Shah and Mitch, 2012). Tertiary amines

were also found to be important precursors. Some tertiary amines (e.g. trimethylamine

(TMA)) decay nearly instantaneously and quantitatively in presence of chlorine to

release a secondary amine which forms the nitrosamine upon chloramination (Mitch

and Schreiber, 2008). Mechanistic studies found that nitrosamine yields from most

secondary amines and tertiary amines are similar (i.e., ~0-2%). Some other tertiary

position to the dimethylamine (DMA) nitrogen such as a benzyl functional group, or

those alkyl substituents containing branched alkyl groups next to the nitrogen of DMA)

have much higher yields of NDMA in chloramination (Le Roux et al., 2012; Shen and

Andrews., 2011a; Shen and Andrews., 2011b). In particular, ranitidine, a widely used

amine-based pharmaceutical, forms NDMA at yields higher than 80%. It suggests that

these tertiary amines form nitrosamines through different pathways.

NDMA is thought to be produced in chloraminated drinking waters through

three pathways. Two pathways assume unprotonated DMA undergoes nucleophilic

substitution with either mono- or di-chloramine, yielding unsymmetrical

dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) (NH2Cl) in or chlorinated UDMH intermediate (Cl-

UDMH) (NHCl2) (Choi and Valentine, 2002; Schreiber and Mitch, 2006b). UDMH is

then oxidized by monochloramine to produce NDMA or Cl-UDMH is oxidized by

oxygen to produce NDMA. Based upon competition kinetics, it has been suggested that

monochloramine pathway is negligible compared with dichloramine pathway. The

importance of the two reaction mechanisms remains debated, with dichloramine

producing NDMA concentrations orders of magnitude higher than monochloramine

when reacted with amine-containing model compounds (Shah and Mitch, 2012).

However, research on suspected NDMA precursors found that compounds with

electron withdrawing groups react preferentially with monochloramine while

compounds with electron donating groups react preferentially with dichloramine. 11 As

the molar yield of NDMA from DMA is low (i.e., <5%), it was suspected that a third

pathway, not through DMA, existed. Recently it was shown that compounds such as

ranitidine follow a different series of reactions involving nucleophilic attack of the

amine group in organic amines. Further reaction involving dissolved O 2 allows for the

direct formation of NDMA and a resulting sister carbocation (Le Roux et al., 2012).

When the requisite -aryl tertiary amine is present on a parent compound, molar yields

of NDMA are always in excess of 20% (Selbes, 2013). Other NDMA-forming

compounds typically have molar conversion of <5% and therefore -aryl tertiary amine

containing compounds are thought to be of great importance.



NDMA (ng/L)

NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L model

400 NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L observation
NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L observation



0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (hour)

Figure A1. NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by Equations 2&3 (line)
in WW2 at two initial monochloramine doses. (pH=8.0, 23 ± 1°C)


NDMA (ng/L)


NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L observation
200 NH2Cl=7mgCl2/L model
NH2Cl=7mgCl2/L observation

0 200 400 600 800
Time (hour)

Figure A2. NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by Equations 4-2&4-3
(line) in WW3 at two initial monochloramine doses. (pH=8.0, 23 ± 1°C)


NDMA (ng/L)


NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L observation
200 NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=7mgCl 2/L observation

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (hour)

Figure A3. NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by Equations 4-2&4-3
(line) in WW4 at two initial monochloramine doses. (pH=8.0, 23 ± 1°C)



NDMA (ng/L)



200 NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L model

NH2Cl=20mgCl 2/L observation
NH2Cl=6mgCl 2/L model
NH2Cl=6mgCl 2/L observation

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (hour)

Figure A4. NDMA formation observed (symbols) and fitted by Equations 4-2&4-3
(line) in WW5 at two initial monochloramine doses. (pH=8.0, 23 ± 1°C)



P/P 0




0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5

NH2Cl exporsure (mgCl2*min/L)

Figure A5: Plots of P/P0 verses monochloramine exposure for water samples WW2,
L=lower, H=higher, represent samples with lower or higher NH2Cl concentration.


P/P 0




0.0 5.0e+4 1.0e+5 1.5e+5 2.0e+5 2.5e+5 3.0e+5

NH2Cl exporsure (mgCl2*min/L)

Figure A6: Plots of P/P0 verses monochloramine exposure for water samples WW3,
L=lower, H=higher, represent samples with lower or higher NH2Cl concentration.


P/P 0




0 5e+4 1e+5 2e+5 2e+5 3e+5 3e+5

NH2Cl exporsure (mgCl2*min/L)

Figure A7: Plots of P/P0 verses monochloramine exposure for water samples WW5,
L=lower, H=higher, represent samples with lower or higher NH2Cl concentration.

Table A2: Dose-response curve model parameters

Sample Upon Monochloramine Addition

Monochloramine pH NDMAmax
dose (mgCl2/L) (nM) [ng/L] k(h-1) R2

WW1 18 8.2 6 [450] 0.03 0.99

6 4 [280] 0.02 0.91
WW2 20 8 7 [520] 0.05 0.98
7 2 [200] 0.01 0.96
WW3 20 8 12[920] 0.17 0.97
7 9[620] 0.02 0.96
WW4 20 8 12[920] 0.13 0.99
7 8[580] 0.03 0.98
WW5 20 8 8[600] 0.18 0.99
6 5.5[380] 0.04 0.98
SW1 36 8 0.7[53] 0.01 0.98
12 0.4[35] 0.01 0.93
GW1 20 8 0.2[16] 0.04 0.93
7 0.2[11] 0.07 0.95


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