Abnormal Psychology - Reviewer
Abnormal Psychology - Reviewer
Abnormal Psychology - Reviewer
The Neuropsychological Examination The field of health psychology is concerned with the effects
The Halstead-Reitan battery for adults is made up of of stress and other psychological factors in the development
a group of tests such as the following: and maintenance of physical problems. Health psychology is
(1) Halstead Category Test: a subspecialty within behavioral medicine. A behavioral
(2) Tactual Performance Test: medicine approach to physical illness is concerned with
(3) Rhythm Test: psychological factors that may predispose an individual to
(4) Speech Sounds Perception Test: medical problems.
(5) Finger Oscillation Task:
PTSD: posttraumatic stress disorder
attempts to provide a realistic picture of an STRESS: When we experience or perceive challenges to our
individual in interaction with his or her social physical or emotional well-being that exceed our coping
environment. resources and abilities, the psychological condition that
Assessment Interviews results is typically referred to as stress.
structured and unstructured interviews STRESSORS
by the use of rating scale – check the reliability of STRESS
the assessment COPING STRATEGIES
THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF BEHAVIOR Both kinds of stress can tax a person’s resources and coping
skills, although bad stress (distress) typically has the potential
Analogue situations
to do more damage.
---- Staged role playing
--- Self-monitoring
STRESS AND THE DSM The front line of defense in the immune system is
The relationship between stress and psychopathology is the
considered so important that the role of stress is recognized white blood cells. These leukocytes (or
in diagnostic formulations. lymphocytes) are produced in the bone marrow and
then stored in various places throughout the body,
FACTORS PREDISPOSING A PERSON TO STRESS such as the spleen and the lymph nodes.
Stress tolerance: person’s ability to withstand stress 2 IMPORTANT TYPES OF LEUKOCYTES
without becoming seriously impaired. (1) B-cell – matures in the bone marrow (produces
specific antibodies that are designed to respond
Characteristics of stressors to specific antigens
Key factors involve (2) T-cell – matures in the thymus which an
(1) the severity of the stressor important endocrine gland ( Each T-cell has
(2) its chronicity (i.e., how long it lasts) receptors on its surface that recognize one
(3) its timing specific type of antigen)
(4) how closely it affects our own lives Important Components of the IMMUNE SYSTM
(5) how expected it is response
(6) how controllable it is (1) CYTOKINESIS: small protein molecules that
serve as chemical messengers and allow
Stressors that involve the more important aspects of immune cells to communicate with each other.
a person’s life—such as the death of a loved one, a Cytokines are chemical messengers that allow the brain and
divorce, a job loss, a serious illness, or negative the immune system to communicate with each other. Some
social exchanges—tend to be highly stressful for cytokines respond to a challenge to the immune system by
most people causing an inflammatory response. Other cytokines, called
The experience of crisis / crisis: is used to refer to anti-inflammatory cytokines, dampen the response that the
times when a stressful situation threatens to exceed immune system makes when it is challenged.
or exceeds the adaptive capacities of a person or a
group. How does the body respond to stress?
• When we are stressed, the autonomic nervous system
RESILIENCE: A kind of healthy psychological and responds in a variety of ways. One consequence of stress is
physical functioning after a potentially traumatic event increased production of cortisol. High levels of this stress
STRESS AND THE STRESS RESPONSE What role does our emotional state play in our physical
The sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) system - health?
is designed to mobilize resources and prepare for a • Negative emotional states, such as being under a lot of stress
fight-or-flight response. or having low social support, can impair the functioning of
The second system involved in the stress response is the immune system and the cardiovascular system, leaving a
called the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) person more vulnerable to disease, infection, and problems
system such as
Cortisol is a good hormone to have around in an hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
emergency. • Many physical illnesses seem to be linked to chronic
It prepares the body for fight or flight. It also inhibits negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression.
the innate immune response. This means that if an Hostility is well-established as an independent risk factor for
injury does occur, the body’s inflammatory response CHD. The same is true of depression.
to it is delayed.
What mental disorders are explicitly recognized as being
BIOLOGICAL COSTS OF STRESS triggered by stress?
• The DSM-5 classifies people’s psychological problems in
The biological cost of adapting to stress is called the response to stressful situations under two general categories:
allostatic load adjustment disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder.
When we are stressed and feeling pressured, our • Several relatively common stressors (prolonged
allostatic load will be higher. unemployment, loss of a loved one through death, and marital
separation or divorce) may produce a great deal of stress and
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION psychological maladjustment, resulting in adjustment
Psychoneuroimmunology: the study of the disorder.
interaction between the nervous system and the • More intense psychological disorders in response to trauma
immune system. or excessively stressful situations (such as military combat,
Immunosuppression being held hostage, or torture) may be categorized as
posttraumatic stress disorder.
• A new diagnostic category called “Trauma- and stressor-
related disorders has been added to DSM-5. Several disorders
The immune system protects the body from such
(including PTSD) that were formally in the Anxiety
things as viruses and bacteria.
Disorders section of the DSM have been moved into this new
The Science of Psychopathology (The effect does not necessarily imply the cause)