CC101 Chapter 1

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Computer literacy describes a level of general knowledge and proficiency one has with
computers and related technologies, such as software, hardware, operating systems, and typing
skills. While computer literacy usually refers to the ability to run and navigate applications, it
may also include understanding and writing the code used in computer programming.

Three-Pronged Definition of Computer Literacy

 Awareness - As you study about computers, you will become aware of their importance,
their versatility, and their pervasiveness in our society.
 Knowledge - You will learn what computers are and how they work. This requires learning
some technical jargon, but do not worry - no one expects you to become a computer expert.
 Interaction - There is no better way to understand computers than through interacting with
one. So being computer literate also means being able to use a computer for some simple

Why is computer literacy important?

The ability to operate a computer opens up a number of job opportunities, helps one stay up to
date, is an affordable method of communication, promotes professionalism, helps with
enhanced record keeping, and makes transactions easier. Due to the widespread adoption of
computers in almost all organizations and businesses, it is essentially impossible to go through
life without coming into contact with one.
1. Job Opportunities - Since computers are employed in almost every workplace,
companies will undoubtedly favor individuals who are familiar with them over those who
are not.
2. Better Connectivity - Regardless of where you live or what you do, the Internet gives
you the chance to connect with others who are interested in what you are producing or
3. Improves Professionalism - A computer user is probably more organized than
someone who doesn't use one.
4. Productivity and Efficiency - Understanding computers enhances output, workflow,
and the environment at work. Resources may be used more efficiently since workers can
produce more in less time.


Computer- A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored
in its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules,
produce information (output), and store the information for future use. A powerful tool that can
be used as basis for decision making.

3 Fundamental Characteristics of Computer

1. Speed - The main aim of any computer is going to be to make things quicker than they
would be for us to do manually. If we can do something on a computer which is going to
be quicker than doing it any other way then we are going to be saving a lot of time and
we can get many more things done.
2. Reliability - Computers are extremely reliable. Of course, you might not think this from
some of the stories you may have seen in the press about “computer errors”. However,
most errors supposedly made by computers are really human errors.
3. Storage Capacity - Computers can store vast amounts of data. Today's computers have
increased storage capacity compared to earlier days. Besides, we also have the option
to store data in secondary devices such as external drives, floppies, etc. These
secondary devices can be kept separate from the computer or attached to other
By Products:
Productivity - When computers move into business offices, managers expect increased
productivity as workers learn to use computers to do their jobs better and faster. Furthermore,
jobs such as punching holes in metal or monitoring water levels can be more efficiently
controlled by computers.
Decision Making - To make decisions, managers need to take into account financial,
geographical, and logistical factors. The computer helps decision-makers sort things out and
make better choices.
Cost Reduction - Finally, because it improves productivity and aids decision-making, the
computer helps us hold down the costs of labor, energy, and paperwork. As a result, computers
help reduce the costs of goods and services in our economy.


Computers are used in so many fields. It is impossible to use a product or service that doesn’t
utilize a computer.

Bank and Financials - A computer keeps track of the deposits and withdrawals made in each
account. It also trades stocks and commodities.


 ATM - When you make a withdrawal from an ATM, you are using a computer.
 Digital currency - When depositing money in a bank, it is stored as a digital record. A
computer keeps track of how much money is in your account.
 Trading - Stocks and commodities are traded using computers. In fact, today there are
even thousands of computers using advanced algorithms that handle trading without
needing humans.

Business - Most money earned and spent in business is done using a computer. Grocery
stores use cash registers, which is a computers to complete transactions. Many businesses
assign their employees computers to be used in their transactions and records.


 Register - If the business deals with selling goods to a consumer (e.g., a grocery store),
a cash register, which is a computer, is used to complete transactions.
 Worker’s computer - Many businesses assign each employee a computer that allows
them to produce work and solve problems for the company.
 Server - If the business uses computers, connects to the Internet, or handles e-mail and
files, a server is used to help manage everything.

Communication - Today computers are used in order to communicate with other people
around the world. Social networking sites have taken communication a step further than email
due to their ability to instantly communicate life and status updates. Smartphones are also
invented for a much faster and easier way of communication.


 Smartphone - If you have a smartphone, you have a computer in your pocket.

 E-mail - More electronic mail (e-mail) is sent today than postal mail (snail mail), and
computers handle all creation and distribution of that e-mail.
 VoIP - All voice over IP communication (VoIP) is handled and done by computers.
 Computer-assisted speech - Those who are disabled or cannot speak can use a
computer to help them communicate. For example, Stephen Hawking uses a computer
to communicated.
 Voice recognition - Any phone or another system that uses voice recognition is using a
computer to translate what is heard into text or other data that can be understood by the

Defense and Military - Many technologies (e.g., GPS and the Internet) were initially created or
started with a defense-related purpose. Today, computers are still an important aspect of the
defense industry.


 Encryption - Secure communication is vital in the defense industry and computers are
used to encrypt communications that should remain secret.
 GPS - Using computers with GPS allows the military to track people and equipment and
is still used today.
 Computer-aided flight - Many of today's jets and other aircraft require computers to fly
and operate.
 Drones - A drone is either autonomous or remotely driven and uses computers to

Education - Computers are used to track students' scores, identify struggling students, and are
used on making grades, lessons, and quizzes. There are also subjects that are related to
computer use such as ICT.

 Internet - Connecting a student to the Internet gives him or her access to an endless
supply of knowledge. As mentioned later, the Internet would not be possible without
 Learning - Computers can also be used to help design and create a more visual
learning experience for students. Using electronic whiteboards with computers can also
benefit a student by giving them a more hands-on experience.
 Writing - Although reports can still be done using pen, pencil, or even a typewriter, a
computer makes it much easier to write, format, save, share, and print reports.
 Keep records - Computers are used to track students scores, identify struggling
students, and are used to create a final report.
 Testing - Computers can assist students and teachers with the testing process by
stepping the student through a series of questions and keep track of the results.
 Distance learning - is made productive and effective through internet and video-based
 Researchers - have massive usage of these computers in their work from the starting
to till the end of their scholarly work.

Internet - Without computers, the Internet would not exist. Below are a few examples of
computers are used to help run the Internet.

 DNS - When you type in a URL like, a DNS must

translate it into an IP address, which helps your computer to communicate with the
 Web server - Every web page requires a web server or computer capable of receiving
and sending requests when someone wants to view a web page.
 Programs - A computer is also needed to run scripts and programs. For example,
a search engine, shopping cart, or forum are all examples of programs that need a

 Services - Other services like e-mail, FTP, and SSH also require a computer or
are daemons on the web server
Health and Medicine - Computers play a great role in hospitals. It is where patient records
were kept. It is also used for XRays, Laboratory Examinations, and for ultrasound purposes.
Most of the medical information can now be digitized from the prescription to reports.

 Medical records - More and more medical records are being digitally stored. Storing
these files digitally allow for quick access and transfer of medical information so doctors
can know your history.
 Monitoring - Computers help with monitoring a patient and can alert staff in the case of
an emergency.
 Research - A lot of the medical research that is done today is computer assisted.
Without the assistance of a computer, it would either not be possible or take so much
longer that it wouldn't be viable.
 Diagnosis - Computers can assist in the diagnosis of a patient, from gathering a
patient's history and conditions to comparing that information against a database of
existing information.
 Surgery - Although most surgery is still done with humans, it is becoming more practical
and accessible for computer robot-assisted surgery. After being programmed, these
robots can make surgery more accurate, faster, and less prone to human errors.

Transportation - Computers also play an important part in transportation. The examples are
Cars, GPS, Traffic Lights, Airplanes, Public Transportation, Self-Driving Cars.

 Cars - Most may not realize it, but all modern cars today have multiple computers that
help control and manage the vehicle.
 Traffic lights - The traffic lights that help control traffic are all run by computers.
 GPS - Cars that include a GPS mapping system have computers for display and
calculating routes.
 Airplanes - The airplanes that help transport millions of people and goods every year
are filled with computers that help control the plane.
 Public transportation - Train, bus, subway, and all forms of public transportation are
highly dependent on computers to manage traffic flow, monitor operation, and handle
 Self-driving cars - Although relatively new, self-driving cars are becoming increasingly
popular and rely on a computer to make all decisions on how to drive.

Multimedia - Computers are now the major entertainers and the primary pass time machines.
We can use computers for playing games, watching movies, listening to music, drawing

 Editing - Once a movie, video, song, or audio track is created a computer can edit that
media instead of having to manually make cuts to the film or audio track.
 CGI - Computer animation and CGI has become a norm in big budget films. To create
these effects computers and sometimes server farms are used.
 Manipulation - Computers can be used to manipulate pictures, video, and audio. For
example, someone could use Adobe Photoshop to add or remove elements from an
 Recording and playback - Computers can also be used to assist in the recording of
audio tracks and then selectively playback each audio track.
 Creation - Computers can also be used to help in creating new multimedia content. For
example, creating 3D animation, 3D model, or a techno audio track can be done on a
computer. After creating a 3D model, a 3D printer could also be used to build a product.
 TV, DVD, media players - Today's Smart TVs, DVD players, DVRs, etc., contain simple
computing circuitry to connect the device to the Internet, run apps, and more.
Robotics - The industry of robotics is exploding and computers once again play an important
role in controlling robots. Below are some examples of how computers help control robotic

 Control - Computers are what help control robotics. For example, without a computer,
an assembly robotic arm would not know where to place a part, what speed to operate,
or if a problem has occurred.
 Learning - Computers can take the input given by a robot and take that information to
help learn and adapt to new conditions.

Simulations - Some problems are so complex that it would be impossible for humans to
calculate or would take too long to calculate. Computers are used to help solve these complex
problems in a timely fashion. The use of a computer to represent the dynamic responses of one
system by the behaviour of another system modeled after it.

 Weather prediction - Earth has an extremely complex weather system, and computers
are used to gather all of the variables and create weather reports.
 Product simulations - Before some products go into development, computers simulate
how they would work in the real world. By creating a simulation, a company or
government agency can make adjustments before the product goes into development.
 Big data simulation - With cheap data storage companies can now store a massive
amount of data. With this big data, a computer can be used to find unknown patterns.


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