Conversion Form - Ind

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* In case of incomplete details and signature(s), the form will be rejected.
* It is the responsibility of the applicant to understand the Trust Deed, Offering Documents and supplementals thereof which are readily available on
our website
* Where physical cer ficate(s) are issued, the cer ficates would need to be surrendered with this form.
* Please note that par al redemp on of Cer ficate(s) will not be entertained.
* Conversions can only be made from one fund to another fund and from one plan to another plan. Conversion from a fund to plan and vice versa is
not allowed.
* As per SECP regula ons and/or company policy, in case valida on is required, you will receive a call from AWTIL representa ve on the date of your Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
transac on. In case you do not respond to our call(s), your transac on may be rejected.
* Prior to making investment, Investors should read and understand the Trust Deeds, Offering Documents, Supplemental Offering Documents and
Fund Manager Reports. All of these documents are available on our website Folio No
Account Title CNIC Number - -
Name of Fund Type of Units Amount (PKR) OR Units Name of Fund

Front End Load Charged Signature Note: All applicable taxes levied by Government of Pakistan shall be charged.

Physical Cer ficate Issued No Yes, Cer ficate No.

*Please note that this redemp on can not be processed unless original Cer ficates, if issued to you are returned to us. In case the cer ficates are lost, stolen or misplaced,
please contact the Registrar/Transfer Agent at AWT Investments Limited, 2nd Floor, AWT Plaza, The Mall, Rawalpindi.
I/ We will not claim Repatria on from Pakistan of Dividends and sales proceeds of the units except as permissible under the rules of State Bank of Pakistan or Ministry of Finance,
Government of Pakistan;
I / We have read and understood the Trust Deeds, Offering Documents and/or Supplementary Offering Documents of the respec ve Fund and especially the clauses that relate to the
risks involved, together with the guidelines at the back of the form and the maximum rate of sales load charge to me / us.
I / We agree to abide by the Terms & Condi ons, Rules and Regula ons of the respec ve Fund(s); Dividend (if any) will be re-invested automa cally (Net of Tax) unless opted
I / We ra fy that the informa on provided in this form is correct;
I / We understand that investment in funds with an Equity & Bonds / Sukuks exposure carries rela vely higher risk;
I / We understand that if Conversion form is received by AWT Investments Limited and/or Distributor/Facilitator a er the cut off me, that transac on will be processed on the next
working day and that I/We would not hold AWT Investments Limited responsible for any loss consequent to such processing of Conversion form on the next working day;
I / We acknowledge and confirm that I am relying only on the informa on provided in the Trust Deeds, Offering Documents and /or Supplementary Offering Documents and I will not
rely upon any communica on, whether wri en or oral and in form, from any sales agent / distributor of AWT Investments Limited (Management Limited), which may be contrary to
the contents of this form and/or the Trust Deeds, Offering Documents and/or Supplementary Offering Documents.
I/we hereby confirm that I/we have read and understood the latest Fund Manager Report and/or Fact Sheet in case of new CIS including details of the total expense ra o of the Fund,
the management fee, selling and marke ng expenses, con ngent load, etc. and understand that the same is available and updated on the official website of AWT Investments Limited
(h ps:// from me to me.
I / We agree and consent to AWT Investments Limited disclosing the informa on contained in this form to regulatory authori es/ service providers in connec on with the asset
management services provided by AWT Investments Limited.
I / We fully informed and understand that investment in units of Mutual Fund/ CIS are not bank deposit, not guaranteed and not issued by any person. Shareholders of AMCs are not
responsible for any loss to investor resul ng from the opera ons of any CIS launched/ to be launched by AMC (in future) unless otherwise men oned.

Signatures (Principal Account Holder/Guardian) Signatures (Joint Account Holder-1) Signatures (Joint Account Holder-2) Signatures (Joint Account Holder-3)
Investment Facilitator/Distributor Details (For Office Use Only)
V. 1.1 AWTIL-04-I-02-23

Distributor/Facilitator Name Code Distributor's Stamp with

Branch Name Date and Time
Form Received By Date and Time Stamp
Form Verified By
Data Input By Data Verified By Transac on ID

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Provisional Acknowledgement Reciept

Account Title

Name of Fund Conversion Amount/Units Date

Form Received by Signature Receiving Stamp

RISK PROFILE QUESTIONS (Please ck appropriate op on)
1. Your age at the me of investment
A. Over 50 Years B. 40 - 50 Years C. 31 - 40 Years D. Under 30 Years
2. What is your Marital Status
A. Divorced/Widowed B. Married C. Single
3. How secure is your current and future Income from Sources such as Salary, Pension or Other Income Sources
A. Not Secure B. Fairly Secure C. Very Secure
4. How long have you been inves ng
A. First Time Investor B. Up to 3 Years C. More than 3 Years
5. How familiar are you with investment products
A. Not fimiliar at all B. Have li le experience C. Completely understand investment classes and factors that
may influence performance
6. What is your Qualifica on
A. Under-Graduate B. Graduate C. Post Graduate
7. Your investment horizon is
A. Short Term B. Medium Term C. Long Term
(Less than a year) (1-5 years) (More than 5 years)
8. The primary objec ve of your investment is
A. To earn regular income B. To get some income and C. To get capital growth only
and meet expenses some capital growth
9. What type of investor are you
A. Risk avoider, I don't B. Risk Neutral, I can take C. Risk seeker, I can take highest level of risk to maximize the
take risk with my money some risk to increase the overall return on my investment
overall return on my investment
QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL
*A=1, B=2,C=3 & D=4
Op ons Score Risk Level Fund Type Fund Name Sales Load%
A 9-14 Low Money Market Schemes AWT Money Market Fund Nil
AWT Islamic Income Fund 2.00
B 15-21 Moderate/ Income Schemes AWT Income Fund 1.00
Medium AWT Financial Sector Income Fund Nil
AWT Stock Fund 2.00
C 22-28 High Equity and Equity based Schemes/Plans
AWT Islamic Stock Fund 2.00


I/We understand and Agree disagree with the strategies proposed by the AWTIL's advisor to achieve My/Our investment goals.
I/We have read and understood the relevant Trust Deeds, Offering Documents (including any supplemental documents), Risk Profile table and understood associated risks.
Further, I/ We will no fy AWT Investments Limited in case of any change in My/Our informa on, risk tolerance goals or investments. I/We further declare that My/Our
financial needs may change over me and I/We shall be solely responsible for all My/Our current and future Investments, Conversions, Transfer Transac ons even if these
transac ons are not in accordance with My/Our abovemen oned risk profiling results.


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