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Spiral Wine Cellar

Structural Design Methodology

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1. Types of wine cellars

2. Type of loadings

3. Design approach

4. Foundation Loadings - Literature

5 Horizontal Stress in wine cellar calculations

6. Analysis and Results

7 Concrete Ring Design and Conclusions

8. TYPE OF SOIL and risks involved

9. Floor Types

10 Temporary Works

11. Calculations - Example

1. Types of wine cellars

From a structural point the wine cellar is an underground retaining structure which is
placed in the soil under ground floor level, usually within close proximity to existing
or proposed foundations of a building.

The wine cellar consists of a concrete ring and a concrete base, which forms a
structure resisting the surcharge load, water tightness is provided by butyl membrane.

Wine cellar can be installed in various depths and diameters, available types as listed

- White Cellar

o External diameter of the structure 2.5m.

o Structural ring 150mm.
o Available depths 3m, 2.75m, 2.5m, 2.25m, 2m.
o Base depth 250mm for 3m and 2.75m, 200mm for the rest.
o White finish to the precast internal units.

- Classic Wine Cellar

o External diameter of the structure 2.3m.

o Structural ring 150mm.
o Available depths 3m, 2.75m, 2.5m, 2.25m, 2m.
o Base depth 250mm for 3m and 2.75m, 200mm for the rest.
o White finish to the precast internal units.

- Essential Wine Cellar

o External diameter of the structure 2.1m.

o Structural ring 150mm.
o Available depths 2m.
o Base depth 200mm.
o White/grey finish to the precast internal units.
o Ladder type steps

- Mini Wine Cellar

o External diameter of the structure 2.1m.

o Structural ring 150mm.
o Available depths 1.35m.
o Base depth 200mm.
o White/grey finish to the precast internal units.


Cellar depth is measured from the finish floor level to the top of base slab of the

1.1 Wine cellars example– general pictures

White cellar

1.2 Wine cellars- Installation sheet – example from engineering package

1.3 Wine cellars- Installation sheet – example from engineering package

2. Type of loadings.

The surcharge loads can be caused by:

Adjacent foundations of existing or proposed buildings

The wine cellars are usually placed in the residential buildings where the footprint of
the foundations is relatively small in relation to the wine cellar diameter. This means
that in most of the cases there is going to be certain pressure from the foundations
acting onto the new underground structure.

The quick check if the cellar is subject to the foundation loads can be estimated from
45deg load spread under the footing.

In reality the resultant pressure from applied force to the surface of soil varies within
depth and distance from applied force and can be illustrated by Soil Pressure Bulbs.
Please refer to next chapter for illustration.

Surcharge loads from soil

The purpose of structural analysis of the wine cellar ring is to calculate the highest
bending moment under present surcharge loadings. The analysis shows that the
bending moment can increase when uniform loadings (soil and water) are reduced and
mainly foundation surcharge pressure is taken into account.

In the calculations we have used active pressure coefficient Ka instead of passive

pressure coefficient Ko to evaluate higher bending moment.

Surcharge live loads (vehicles etc.)

Depending on the location, the cellar can be subject to additional surcharge live loads
applied to the ground bearing slab within the area where the cellar is located.

The estimation if the vehicle load is transferred on to the cellar structure can be easily
done by 45deg load spread assumption.

Ground water pressure

In the scenario of high water table in the specific location the cellar structure can be
subject to hydrostatic water pressure acting on the cellar walls and base.

The main concern is the pressure acting on the base of the cellar which can cause
uplift of the structure; therefore the floatation check is essential and advised in every

Heave or shrinkage of cohesive soils

If the cellar is placed in the cohesive soil there could be potential risk of movement
caused by heave or shrinkage occurring around the cellar structure.

In cohesive soils the cellar should be kept independent from the floor structure.

3. Design approach

- Structure

A wine cellar is a retaining structure resisting surcharge loadings from the

foundations, soil, and surface live loads.

The circular shape of the structure with more than 2m in diameter gives huge stiffness
and moment of intetria.

The structure is cast from normal concrete reinforced with polymer fibres

- Material.

Given the analysis results in various loading scenarios it was concluded that the
required moment of resistance can be achieved with fibre reinforcement additive to
the normal concrete. The new approach had been introduced purely because of the
time and cost which could be saved on standard installation of steel bars in circular

The fibre reinforcement has been available on the European market for a few years
and has been widely used mostly in the design of ground bearing slabs, but the
product has been tested for structural applications as short beams or slabs.

For the design of the concrete structure the polymer fibres STRUX 90/40 have been
used. The polymer fibres have been used because of butyl membrane which could be
damaged if steel fibres were used instead. For the structure C30 normal concrete is
used with mix design recommended by a manufacturer.

In the case of contaminated soil it is suggested to use 70% GGBS (Ground-granulated

blast-furnace slag) instead and 30% Portland cement in the concrete mix.

- Loadings

The shape of the structure means that the cellar under uniform load from soil, water or
surface live loads becomes a compressive ring with uniform membrane stresses at
certain depths of the ring. The ring, being made of concrete can easily resist the
compression occurring from the given forces.

The design limits are given by bending moments along the perimeter of the cellar
which can be caused by variable surcharge loading from the adjacent foundations.

On top of the structural analysis the minimum sizing has to provide adequate dead
weight against uplift forces which can occur. The dead weight of the cellar consists of
the ring (150mm thick), the base slab (minimum 200mm thick) and internal concrete
blocks used as wine storage shelves.

4. Foundation Loadings - Literature

The pressure caused by the uniform load applied to the surface of soil is illustrated by
the graph below. Which shows a pressure bulbs for the vertical stress base on soil
mechanics and Boussinesq expressions (Craig’s Soil Mechanics) a similar relationship
can be derived for vertical stress.

Boussinesq expressions based on Craig’s Soil Mechanics (7th edition ) the following
equations were used in the structural analysis:

Geometrical relationship between uniform load and vertical and horizontal stress

Mathematical relationship between uniform load and vertical and horizontal stress

The following is an example from Craig’s Soil Mechanics for development of vertical
and horizontal stresses:

5. Horizontal Stress in wine cellar calculations

The above theory was used to develop the loading pattern which occurs on the surface
of circular ring in the function of depth:

For the worst case design purpose the following assumptions were introduced:

- Pressure under foundation 150kN/m2

- Minimum distance from the edge of the foundation to the face of the ring -100mm

- Width of the foundation 600mm

- Distance from the wall to centre of the cellar – 1.4m

- Foundation outstand- Bc= 0.15m

- Cellar depth 3m

- The one quarter of ring has been considered to calculate the loading on the ring

The following is an extract from Elite Designers calculations:

The following is an extract from Elite Designers calculations:

The following is an extract from Elite Designers calculations:

6. Analysis and Results

Finite element analysis was used to calculate the resulting stresses in the structure
under the varying load pattern. A 3D model of the circular structure has been created
in FEA software where appropriate parameters for geometry, materials, supports and
loadings have been assigned.

General results have been created for the different load case scenarios, from the
analysis it was concluded that the worst situation occurs when there are two parallel
walls situated on opposite sides of the cellar squeezing the ring. In the situation of
three or four walls around the cellar being located at similar distances from the centre,
the bending moment in the ring is reduced by the fact that the surrounding forces are
at approximately similar magnitude which brings the structure into compression.

The two following cases can be taken as an illustration for worst case scenarios in
most of the situations:

1. Two parallel walls (2800m apart)

a. 150kN/m2 – assumed foundation pressure

b. 1400mm – distance to the centre
c. Analysis for all types of cellars

2. Two parallel walls (2800m apart) + vehicles

a. 150kN/m2 – assumed foundation pressure

b. 1400mm – distance to the centre
c. Analysis for all types of cellars

The following Loading was included:

- Vertical stress from the foundation – as per previous pages

- Soil surcharge loads

- Hydrostatic water pressure

- Vehicles surcharge loads

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA for circular shell structure

Extract from FEM analysis from Elite Designers Calculations

FEA results and Concrete Design:

The maximum moment of resistance for the circular shape has been calculated based
on the section properties and flexural strength of concrete reinforced with Strux 90/40

The flexural strength of concrete with Strux fibres has been based on CE document:

7. Concrete Ring Design and Conclusions:

Concrete Base Design:

Design Conclusions:

- Due to the geometrical properties of the structure the surcharge forces acting on
the cellar will cause mainly compression in the ring. The bending moment which
may occur along the perimeter is minor in magnitude and any tensile stresses in
the section can be resisted by polymer fibre reinforcement Strux 90/40.

- The bending moment in the base slab of the cellar due to water pressure can be
resisted by polymer fibre reinforcement Strux 90/40.

- The main concern in the design of the cellar is the water uplift which has to be
restrained by dead weight of the concrete base and concrete ring. The concrete
structure has to be provided even if the foundations lay beyond 45deg influence

8. TYPE OF SOIL and risks involved:

1. Sand and gravel – low risk involved

Standard construction as per Spiral Cellars Ltd method statement and the
suggested excavation procedure is illustrated on the following pages.

2. Sand and gravel – high water table -– medium risk involved

High water table can cause certain difficulties during excavation and casting of
the concrete structure. It is recommended to use an experienced Contractor
who is confident and can provide adequate equipment for such conditions.
It is suggested to use lower water content in the concrete mix and use a
concrete plasticizer for better workability. It is recommended to contact local
concrete supplier for product specification.

3. Sand and gravel –BASEMENTS - high water table -– higher risk involved

For installations in basements a national guidance should be used to justify the

water uplift in the calculations. British Standards require an assumption of
0.75 depth of the basement for the water table. The weight of the cellar in
these conditions is generally not satisfactory and the basement slab has to be
used to provide adequate dead weight. The basement slab should be cast on
top of the cellar ring. The proposed or existing basement slab should be
justified by a Structural Engineer. Also, see notes in point 2.

4. Structure on Piles and Cohesive soils - high risk involved

With piled structures the main risk involves potential settlement of the cellar
positioned in non load bearing strata.

Furthermore, in cohesive soils the risk of heave and shrinkage is present.

An allowance for the possible movement has to be made. The movement of

the cellar can have an effect on the floor finishes, though it is suggested to
provide independence between the floor structure and the cellar. Trimmer
beams should be used around the hatch opening.

9. Floor types - tbc

Timber Floor -

Concrete Slab - garages

B&B floor – Suggested support

In non cohesive soils the existing B&B floor can be supported on top of a
cantilevered concrete outstand cast at the top of the ring, as per sketch below:

In cohesive soils the trimmer beams are suggested to pick up the floor to make
the floor and cellar independent.

10. Temporary Works

The following guidance should be used with care by an experienced Contractor

with whom lies the responsibility for safe installation of temporary propping and the
Wine Cellar.

Technical specification for corrugated sheets used:

- 10/3" Corrugated steel sheets - 0.9mm - 0.75x1.3m

- Moment of resistance - 0.64kNm/m
- Moment of interia 4.23cm4
- Working Stress 143 N/mm2

The steel sheets are bolted as per manufacturer’s specification.

Excavation and Propping Sequence – Stages 1-5

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used

Please refer to the following pages for details.

Sequence as follows:

1. The excavation should be done in sequence with maximum 750mm increase in

depth at one time. The excavation should be done as tight as possible to the required

2. All the steel sheets should be bolted / connected together as per manufacturer’s

3. The excavation should continue following points 1-2 to the required depth.

4. When the excavation is completed the steel shuttering should be propped with 3 x
50011 Type props as per Diagram 1, 2 prior the installation of concrete structure by
Spiral Cellar Ltd Team.

5. Any gaps between shuttering and excavation to be filled with lean mix cement

Installation – Stage 6

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used

Excavation and Propping Sequence – Stage 1-2:

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used.

Excavation and Propping Sequence – Stage 3-4:

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used.

Excavation and Propping Sequence – Stage 5:

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used.

Excavation and Propping Sequence – Stage 5:

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used.

Installation – Stage 6:

As a main Guidance the Spiral Cellars Method Statement should be used.

Temporary works - Milton RINGS

In new builds where access is not an issue and machinery can be used for excavation a
prefabricated concrete ring can be used as shuttering during excavation.
The standard concrete ring and concrete base still have to be cast to provide water
uplift resistance and unified structure for varied surcharged loads from foundations.

Calculations - Example


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