Clinial Nutrition

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Faculty of Medicine- Mansoura University

(A) Administrative information
(1) Programme Clinial Nutrition Medicine
Title & Code CNMED400
(2) Final Professional Diploma
(3) Department Internal medicine dept, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University
(s) (in collaboration with Nutrition medicine dept, University of Lubeck ,
(4) Coordinators Head of internal medicine dept , and program director Prof Tarek Gouda
Prof Omayma Saleh, Prof internal medicine and endocrinology , faculty of
medicine , Mansoura University.
Prof Maha Maher, Prof internal medicine and gastroenterology,faculty of
medicine, Mansoura University.
Dr Noha Abdel salam, Assist Prof of internal medicine, rheumatology and
immunology, faculty of medicine, Mansoura University
(5) External Prof Chritian Sina, Head of nutrition medicine institute, University of
evaluator (s) Lubeck, Germany
Dr Martin Smolich , University of Lubeck, Germany
(6) Date of
approval by 11 / 2021

(7) Date of last
approval of 2021
by Faculty

(B) Professional information

(1) Programme Aims:
The broad aims of the Programme are as follows:
 To acquire sufficient knowledge of the practice of clinical nutrition including
basic science, fundamentals of nutrition practice in health and disease as well
as advanced medical nutrition therapy in different conditions.
 To gain intellectual and practical skills for competent, safe and evidence based
practice of clinical nutrition including diagnosis, prevention and treatment of
 To acquire the attitude of self integrity, ethics and proper communication with
colleagues and patients as well as life long learning.

(2) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

On successful completion of the programme, the candidate will be able to:
A- Knowledge and Understanding:
A1. describe types , chemistry and metabolism of nutrients.
A2. recall the phyiology of digestion and absorption and metablism of nutrirents.
A3. describe psychology of food intake.
A4. mention the relation between immunology and pharmacology and nutrition.
A5. describe community nutrition food safety, and applied research in the field of nutrition.
A6. describe food drug interactions.
A7. describe community nutrition food safety, and applied research in the field of nutrition.
A8, illustrate the nutrition care process including nutritional assessment.
A9. describe the energy balance and meal planning
A10. search, outline and adapt clinical practice guidelines related to clinical nutrition.

A11. recognize nutrition misinformation and misperception.
A12. describe nutrients cycle in the body system.
A13. outline the process of anabolism and catabolism.
A14. describe the relation between nutrition and disease prevention.
A15. discuss normal reproductive physiology.
A16.. recognize importance of food safety and Hygiene.
A17.. recall the nutrition in different age groups as well as pregnancy and lactation.
A18. describe food groups, dietary pyramid as well as exchange lists.
A19. explain nutrition and dietetics in practice
A20..describe indications, contra indications and complications of enteral and parenteral
A21. explain the concept of medical nutrition therapy.
A22. describe medical nutrition therapy goals and application.
A23. mention dietary reference intake and guidelines.
A24.mention basis of medical nutrition therapy in gastrointestinal , hepatic , renal , pulmonary,
neurologic and psychiatric states.
A25.describe dietary recommendations in diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome,
hypertension and cancer.
A26. define malnutrition problems.
A27. define Dietary guidelines and food pyramid.
A28. explain the concept of nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition.

B. Intellectual skills :
B1. differentiate levels of interventions for disease prevention.
B2..complete and present problem solving skills for correct unhealthy dietary habits.
B3. explain nutrition surveillance program delivered by MOHP.
B4. differentiate between survey and surveillance.
B5. relate physiologic changes of aging to nutrient and energy requirements.
B6. estimate and manage diet and drug interactions.
B7. calculate the energy requirements at different age groups
B8. apply history taking skills to assess the nutritional status of the subjects
B9 assess the need for nutritional support for patients in acute and chronic conditions
B10. integrate the knowledge of basic science to formulate a nutrition plan in health and disease
B11. use exchange lists to formulate a diet plan for patients
B12.. estimate Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
B13. calculate the formulas needed for enteral and parenteral nutrition
B14. interpret the lab and radiology reports for patients to assess their condition.
B15. analyze results of patients’ investigations

B16. integrate the findings of the history taking, examination and investigations to prescribe a
nutrition plan.
B17.explain methods of assessment of nutritional status.
B18.explain Timing of meals during, pre & post competitive sports.

C. Professional/practical skills:
C1. write a detailed history for the patients.
C1. examine patients for assessment of their state of nutrition.
C2. measure the anthropometric values needed for nutrtional assessment of patients.
C3. prescribe a meal plan for the paients according to their medical conditions.
C4.order needed investigations for the patients
C5, write a medical report or referral letter when required

D- Communication & Transferable skills

1.master communication, consultation and counselling skills

2. appreciate partnership between doctor and patient.

3. be able to work effectively as a team leader , and be willing to consult colleagues

when appropriate. able to conduct self-audit and respond to positively to criticism .

5. demonstrate appropriate professional values and attitudes with healthy individuals and
patients. including empathy; trust worthiness; respect for the dignity, privacy and rights
of patients; and equity of care provision.

6. use information technology as a tool for audit & quality control

7. identify his own strengths, weakness and learning needs and be prepared to
continuous medical education and life long learning.
8- manage time and workload effectively

c. Academic standards:
a- External reference points/benchmarks are selected to confirm the
appropriateness of the objectives, ILOs and structure of assessment of the
programme: University of Lubeck , Germany

d. Curriculum structure and contents:
4.a- Duration of the programme : 4 semesters
4.b- programme structure:
Candidates should fulfill a total of 40 credit hours
●4.b.1: Number of credit hours:
First part (First semester ): Basic science course including 4 modules
(6 credit hours)
Second part (second, third and fourth semesters): Clinical nutrition course
3 main modules ( 34 credit hours)
Theoretical and clinical teaching: 27 credit hours
Clinical and field training- logbook activities : 7 credit hours
●Programme courses:
First part: a- Compulsory courses: 6 credit hours

Course Title Course Code Credit


Basic Science course related to clinical nutrition CNMED410bs
(1)CNMED404, (2)CNMED403,
(3)CNMED418, (4) CNMED406;CNMED422
Module (1) Biochemistry (Chemistry and metabolism 2
of macro and micronutrients)

Module (2 )Physiology of metabolism, endocrinology , 1

renal and GIT physiology .
Module (3)Public health related to nutrition and 2
community nutrition. Nutrition epidemiology ,
Module (4)Pharmaco-nutrition, Drug- food interactions 1
Foods as drugs, Psychology of eating behavior

Second part:
a- Compulsory courses :
Course Title Course Credit hours
TheoreticaClinicalSelf Total
l directed
Clinical nutrition course CNMED410

Module (A) CNMED410 (A)

Fundamentals of clinical nutrition 9
A1:Nutrition care process 2
Nutritional assessment
A2:Nutritional planning, tools of a healthy diet 2
Food groups- food pyramid -Energy balance
Exchange lists
A3: Nutrition and life cycle and in geriatrics 1
A4: Nutrition interventions: 2
Enteral nutrition in a clinical setting
A 5: Nutrition interventions:
Parenteral nutrition in a clinical setting 2

Module (B): CNMED410 ( B) 9

Medical nutritional therapy I:
B1:Nutrition in ICU (Critical care nutrition) 2
Nutrition in pulmonary disease (COPD)
Nutrition in cardiovascular disease(HTN,IHD,CHF)
B2:Nutrition support in GIT , 3
liver and pancreatic diseases
B3: Nutrition in renal diseaseBB 2
B4: Nutrition in neurologic and rheumatologic 1
B5:Nutrition in sports 1
Module C: CNMED410 (C) 9
Medical nutritional therapy II
C1:Nutrition in diabetes, metabolic syndrome 3
C2:Nutrition in obesity 3
C3:Immune nutrition &Nutrition in hematological & 1
oncologic conditions
C4:Malnutrition and eating disorders 1
C5:Nutrigenomics & personalized nutrition 1

e. Programme admission requirements:
● General requirements:
According to Bylaws of the faculty .
The applicant must be a medical graduate.

f. Regulations for progression and programme completion:

Formative assessment throuout the program is carried out through the logbook
activities, assignments and quiz (without marks)
The summative assessment includes :
First part Assessment: ( At the end of the first semester,)
End of semester exams. MCQ exam for each module and represent 40% of written
exam. A written exam for the whole course in 2 papers.
Second part assessment:
Semester exams : (MCQs) after completion of the modules at the second , third
and fourth semesters and the cumulative marks will represent 40% of the marks
of the Final exam.
Final exam: (written and clinical ) 24 months after registration , after fulfillment
of the training (attendance and fulfilment of at least 70 % of course ).

g. Evaluation of Programme's intended learning outcomes (ILOs):

Evaluator Tools* Sample size
Internal evaluator (s) COMMUNICATION, E_MAIL

External Evaluator (s) , CO COMMUNICATION, E_MAIL

Christian Sina
Prof and head of nutrition medicine dept

Stakeholder (s)

We certify that all information required to deliver this programme is contained in the above
specification and will be implemented. All course specification for this programme are in
Program director: Head of internal medicine dept : Prof Tarek Gouda Signature & date:
Programme coordinators:
Prof Omayma Saleh
Prof Maha Maher
Dr Noha Abdel Salam
Name: Prof Ashraf Shouma Signature & date:

Faculty of Medicine- Mansoura University
(A) Administrative information

(1) Programme offering the course: Postgraduate Professional Diploma program of

clinical nutrition

(2) Department offering the Internal medicine dept, Faculty of Medicine,

programme: Mansoura University.
in collaboration with nutrition medicine dept ,
Lubeck University , Germany.

(3) Department responsible for Public health and community medicine,

teaching the course: Medical Biochemistry , Medical Physiology , Clinical
Pharmacology .,and psychiatry departments in
collaboration with internal medicine dept., Faculty of
medicine , Mansoura University.
(4) Part of the programme: First part (First semester)

(5) Date of approval by the 11/ 2021

Department`s council

(6) Date of last approval of

specification by Faculty council
(7) Course title: Basic science course for clinical nutrition diploma
(8) Course code: Course code: CNMED410bs
(9) Total teaching hours:

(B) Professional information
(1) Course Aims:
The broad aims of the course are as follows:

Acquire scientific basis in nutrition,including:

Chemistry and metabolism of nutrients, Public health and community nutrition,
Physiology of digestion, absorption, metabolism and renal physiology,
Psychology of eating behaviour, and pharmaconutrition.

(2) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

On successful completion of the course, the candidate will be able to:
A- Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of the course students will be able to:

1. describe types , chemistry and metabolism of nutrients.
A2. recall the phyiology of digestion and absorption and metablism of nutrirents.
A3. describe psychology of food intake.
A4. mention the relation between immunology and pharmacology and nutrition.
A5. describe community nutrition food safety, and applied research in the field of nutrition.
A6. describe food drug interactions.
A7. search, outline and adapt clinical practice guidelines related to clinical nutrition.
A8. recognize nutrition misinformation and misperception.
A9. describe nutrients cycle in the body system.
A10. outline the process of anabolism and catabolism.
A11. describe the relation between nutrition and disease prevention.
A12. discuss normal reproductive physiology.
A13. recognize importance of food safety and Hygiene.

B- Intellectual skills:

At the end of the course students will be able to:

B1. integrate the knowledge of basic science to formulate a nutrition plan in health and
disease conditions.
B2. differentiate levels of interventions for disease prevention.
B3, estimate Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).
B4..complete and present problem solving skills for correct unhealthy dietary habits.
B5. explain nutrition surveillance program delivered by MOHP.
B6. differentiate between survey and surveillance.
B7. complete and present problem solving skills for correct unhealthy dietary habits
B8. relate physiologic changes of aging to nutrient and energy requirements.
B9.estimate and manage diet and drug interactions.

(3) Course content:

The course fulfils 6 credit hours for 1 semester

The course comprises 4 modules, Course code: CNMED410bs,
(1)CNMED404, (2)CNMED403, (3)CNMED418, (4) CNMED406;CNMED422

Total Credit
teaching Hours
Subjects Lectures Clinical / seminar
/week Practical
/week /week
Basic science course for clinical nutrition - 6

Module 1: Biochemistry: 2 - 2
(Chemistry and metabolism of macro and
Carbohydrates (chemistry and metabolism)
Proteins(chemistry and metabolism)
Lipids (chemistry and metabolism)
Minerals (including trace elements )

Module 2: Physiology: 1 1
Endocrine physiology ,
Renal physiology
GIT physiology(digestion and absorption)
Module3:Public health and community 2 2
Nutrition epidemiology , Nutrition
survielllence, Dietary surveys
Nutrition research & basic statistics
Nutrition interventions
Egyptian Dietary Guidelines
Evidence based medicine
Nutrition throughout life cycle
Risky Eating Behavior
Lifestyle and Eating Habits as Determinants
of Health
Role of diet in health promotion and
disease prevention
Food hygiene
Food safety
Medical records
School nutrition
Module 4: 1 1
Pharmaco-nutrition,Psychology of eating
Drug- food interactions , Foods as drugs,
-Ca channel blockers and nutrition -Digoxin
and nutrition - Impact of Ca supplements on
patients on Digoxin – anticoagulants and
(4) Teaching methods:
1:Interactive Lectures with case studies (online lectures can be used when
2: Problem solving case scenarios and group discussion.
4:Seminars and presentation of an essay by the postgraduate students.
5. Assignments and quizzes
(5) Assessment methods:
Assessment schedule:
I. Continous assessment after completion of each module :

An MCQ exam is done at the end of each module which comprise 40% of the written
final exam.
II. Final exam :
Assessment 1: Written exam at the end of the semester for each module (For
assessment of knowledge and intellectual skills)

Other assessment without marks:

Log book for assessment of the attendance and activities throughout the course.
Formative assessments: Assignments and quizzes.(without marks).
(6) References of the course:
Lecture notes
Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process,
Food composition tables for Egypt
Internet based resources (, websites e.g. Pubmed, MDconsult , emedicine , Medscape ;
Journals ……)
(7) Facilities and resources mandatory for course completion:
Candidates and their learning are supported in a number of ways:
Presence of data show and computer facilities

Course coordinators: Professor Omayma Saleh

Prof Maha Maher
Ass Prof Dr Noha Abdel-Salam

Head of the department and program director: Professor Tarek Gouda

Date: 11/2021

Faculty of Medicine- Mansoura University
(A) Administrative information

(1) Programme offering the course: Postgraduate Professional Diploma program of

clinical nutrition

(2) Department offering the Internal medicine, in collaboration with nutrition

programme: medicine dept , Lubeck University , Germany.

(3) Department responsible for Internal medicine department, Mansoura University

teaching the course: With contribution of Nutrition medicine dept
,Lubeck university, Germany, anesthesia and chest
departments, faculty of Medicine, Mansoura
(4) Part of the programme: Second part (second, third and fourth semesters)

(5) Date of approval by the 11/ 2021

Department`s council

(6) Date of last approval of

specification by Faculty council
(7) Course title: Clinical nutrition course for nutrition diploma
(8) Course code: CNMED410
(9) Total teaching hours:

(B) Professional information
(1) Course Aims:
The broad aims of the course are as follows:
To acquire Knowledge and skills of clinical nutrition for physicians including
nutrition care process and nutrition interventions as will as advanced medical
nutrition therapy in various conditions in acute and chronic settings. Also, the
principles of nutrigenetics and personalized nutrition will be offered in this
course .

(2) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

On successful completion of the course, the candidate will be able to:
A- Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

A1, illustrate the nutrition care process including nutritional assessment.
A2. describe food drug interactions.
A3. describe the energy balance and meal planning
A4. recall the nutrition in different age groups as well as pregnancy and lactation.
A5. . identify the nutritional needs of elderly including macro and micronutrients
A5. describe food groups, dietary pyramid as well as exchange lists.
A6. explain nutrition and dietetics in practice
A7.describe indications, contra indications and complications of enteral and parenteral nutrition.
A8. explain the concept of medical nutrition therapy.
A9. describe medical nutrition therapy goals and application.
A10. mention dietary reference intake and guidelines.
A11.mention basis of medical nutrition therapy in gastrointestinal , hepatic , renal ,
pulmonary, neurologic and psychiatric states.
A12.describe dietary recommendations in diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome,
Hypertension and cancer.
A13. identify energy measurements and the individualized caloric needs
A14.describe management of malnourished and those having eating disrders
A15. outine the principles of personalised nutrition.

Course Description
B- Intellectual skills:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

B1. calculate the energy requirements at different age groups
B2. apply history taking skills to assess the nutritional status of the subjects
B3. assess the need for nutritional support for patients in acute and chronic conditions
B4. use exchange lists to formulate a diet plan for patients
B5. calculate the formulas needed for enteral and parenteral nutrition
B6. interpret the lab and radiology reports for patients to assess their condition.
B7. analyze results of patients’ investigations
B8. integrate the findings of the history taking, examination and investigations to prescribe
a nutrition plan.
B9.. Recognize the Food Drug Interaction spectrum especially in the elderly community, mostly
with chronic disease and on many medication.

C- Professional/practical skills
By the end of the course , the candidate will be able to:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

C1. C1.write a detailed history for the patients.
Cc2. examine patients for assessment of their state of nutrition.
C3. measure the anthropometric values needed for nutrtional assessment of patients.
C4. prescribe a meal plan for the paients according to their medical conditions.
C5order needed investigations for the patients
C6, write a medical report or referral letter when required

D- Communication & Transferable skills

1.Master communication, consultation and counselling skills

2. Appreciate partnership between doctor and patient.

3. Be able to conduct self-audit and respond to positively to criticism .

4- . Use information technology as a tool for audit & quality control

5. Identify his own strengths, weakness and learning needs and be prepared to
continuous medical education and life long learning.
6- Manage time and workload effectively
(3) Course content:
The course fulfils 27 credit hours for 3 semesters , 9 credit hours each
The course comprises 3 modules within 3 semesters , 5 chapters each module.
Second semester: Module A: Fundamentals of clinical nutrition(CNMED410 A)
Third semester :Module B: Medical nutrition therapy I (CNMED410 B)
Fourth semester: Module C: Medical nutrition therapy II (CNMED410C)
Total Credit
teaching Hours
Subjects Lectures Clinical / Seminar
/week Practical
/week /week
Module A: CNMED410(A) 9
Fundamentals of clinical nutrition:
A1: Nutrition care process 1 2 2
Nutritional assessment:
*Nutrition Screening and Assessment in
adults: SGA/MUST/Tools and Materials
A2: Diet planning and nutrition 1 2 2
calculation at a glance
Nutritional planning, tools of a healthy
diet. Food groups- food pyramid -Energy
balance . Exchange lists
A3: Nutrition and life cycle 1 1
(infants ,children , adults , pregnant .
lactating , menopausal elderly)
Nutrition in geriatrics
A4: Nutrition interventions: 1 2 2
*Enteral nutrition in a clinical setting:
Techniques and Indications;
Formulations-Naso-Gastric/ Gastrostomy-
Jejonostomy- Transition Feeding .
*Modified diets
*Adverse reactions to food

A5: Nutrition interventions: 1 2 2
*Parenteral nutrition in a clinical setting
Home nutrition
Fluid and electrolyte disorders and
significance of balance for good nutrition
ModuleB: CNMED410 (B) 9
Medical nutritional therapy I:
B6: 1 2 2
Nutrition in ICU (Critical care nutrition)
Nutrition in pulmonary disease (COPD)
Nutrition in cardiovascular disease
B 7: Nutrition support in GIT , liver and 1 2 2
pancreatic diseases
*Nutrition in upper and lower GIT diseases\
Peptic ulcer , diarhea , constipation , IBD,
*Nutrition in hepatobiliary diseases
GB, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis , liver
*Acute and chronic pancreatic diseases
*Malabsorption & Celiac disease
8 :Nutrition in renal disease 1 2 2
Nutrition in AKI
Nutrition in CKD
Nutrition and renal transplantation
Renal stones , hyperuricemia
Module 9: Nutrition in neurologic, 1 1 2
rheumatologic diseases:
Diet, Bone Metabolism and Osteoporosis
Epilepsy (ketogenic diet)
B10: Nutrition in sports 1 1

Module C:
Medical nutritional therapy II: CNMED410(C) 9
C11: Nutrition in diabetes, 1 2 3
metabolic syndrome and Dyslipidemia
*Goal of MNT in diabetes
*Type 1 DM (The exchange lists Glycemic
control and vascular complications Carbohydrate
*Type2 DM (Weight loss ,increased activity &
weight management ,How to design a dietary 1
prescription How to promote compliance
,Carbohydrate counting )
* Definition , pathogenesis and Diagnostic criteria
of metabolic syndrome. Life style modification ,
Mediteranean diet.
* Types and diagnosis of dyslipidemia
* Dietary recommendations
C12 :Nutrition in obesity 1 2 2
*Introduction to obesity: (etiology and
natural history, age at which overweight
develops, drug –induced weight gain, neuro
endocrine obesity,
lifestyle modification, psychological
management , genetic and congenital
disorders, socioeconomic factors, viral
agents and obesity)
*Pathogenesis of obesity
* Screening and clinical evaluation of
obesity, dietary therapy for obesity.
*Drug therapy for obesity
*Surgical therapy for obesity
*Medical management for patient after
bariatric surgery
*Role of exercise in obesity
*Types of Diets& popular diets (Fad diets ,
low carb, high protein , keto diets debate)
C13: Immune nutrition &Nutrition in
hematological & oncologic conditions: 2
Nutrition and immunity 1 1 1
Nutrition in immunocompromised
Emerging issues in cancer
MNT for Nutritional Anemia and Other Blood
C14: Malnutrition and eating disorders. 1 1 1
Anorexia nervosa
Bulemia & Binge eating disorders
Cachexia & Sarcopenia

C15: Nutrigenomics & personalized 1 1
Genetic factors that modulate the
relationships between diet, health, and
disease risks, including the effects of
differences in our genetic makeup
(Nutrigenetics), the regulation of gene
expression by nutrients and dietary
patterns (Nutrigenomics), and the
interactions between diet, gut
microbiome, and human hosts

27 credit
Total teaching hours hours

(4) Teaching methods:

4.1:Interactive Lectures with case studies (online lectures can be used
when needed especially with teaching staff abroad).
4.2: Interactive bedside teaching with clinical case presentations of
difficult and interesting cases and group discussions
4.3: Problem solving case scenarios .
4.4:Seminars and presentation of assignments by the students( group study)
4.5. Workshops including international workshops (in collaboration with
the Nutrition medicine department, Lubeck University , Germany).
4.6. Clinical rotation within inpatient departments including diabetes,
gastroenterology ,hepatology , nephrology and dialysis units and critical
care units , surgical ICUs , rheumatology , haematology and oncology
units.. Also , attendance of outpatient clinics including obesity, DM ,
nutrition , dialysis ,GIT and hepatology clinics.

(5) Assessment methods:

Assessment schedule:
I. Continous assessment after completion of each module :

An MCQ exam is done each semester at the end of each module and the sum of the 3
exams equal 40% of the written final exam.
II. Final exam :
Assessment 1: Written exam , 2 papers (short essay questions and case scenarios=).
(For assessment of knowledge and intellectual skills)
Assessment 2: Clinical exam ( an OSCE exam = 200 marks) + oral exam 100 marks
(for assessment of practical and communication skills)
Other assessment without marks:
Log book for assessment of the attendance and activities throughout the course.
Assignments and quizzes (without marks).

(6) References of the course:

 Lecture notes given by tutors.
 Krause's Food &Mahan,s:Food& the Nutrition Care Process, 15th edition. L.
Kathleen Mahan MS RD CDE (Author), Janice L Raymond MS RD CD
(Author), Sylvia Escott-Stump MA RD LDN (Author) disease. 3. Oxford
textbook of Nutrition,2021.
 ASPEN Nutrition support core curriculum.In MM Gottschlich (ed)., 2007.
 Basics of clinical nutrition , Fouth edition,ESPEN,2011.
 Manual of nutritional therapeutics, Sixth edition,2015
 Oxford handbook of nutrition and dietetics, latest edition
 Food composition tables for Egypt,NNI.
 Internet based resources (, websites e.g. Pubmed, MDconsult , emedicine , medscape…

(7) Facilities and resources mandatory for course completion:

Candidates and their learning are supported in a number of ways:
Presence of data show and computer facilities, clinical placements , tutors ----

Course coordinators: Professor Omayma Saleh

Prof Maha Maher
Dr Noha Abdel Salam

Head of the department and program director Professor Tarek Gouda

Date: 11/2021

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