Mali 2019

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Performance Comparison of Two Level Inverter

with Classical Multilevel Inverter Topologies

Rushikesh Mali Nitin Adam Akshay Satpaise
Department of Electrical Engg. Department of Electrical Engg. Department of Electrical Engg.
Walchand College of Engineering Walchand College of Engineering Walchand College of Engineering
Sangli, India Sangli, India Sangli, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Prof. Dr. A. P. Vaidya

Department of Electrical Engg.
Walchand College of Engineering
Sangli, India
[email protected]

Abstract—Since the advent of power electronic devices, inverter has high THD. The advancements in pulse-width
Inverters have become an integral part in applications like modulation techniques scales down the harmonic content
UPS, AC drives, HVDC transmission. These applications and thus gives a better output voltage waveform. The size
mainly use voltage source inverters. Voltage source inverters and cost of filter reduces due to high predominant harmonics
are classified based on the no. of levels in output voltage as two-
in PWM inverters [1]. However, high switching frequency
level inverter and multilevel inverters (diode clamped, flying
capacitor and cascaded H-bridge). This paper enlightens the caters to high switching losses, thereby the overall
performance comparison of two-level inverter using space efficiency is reduced. Further, PWM inverters are used for
vector PWM and all three classical multilevel inverters (5-level) low and medium voltage applications and cannot be used for
using phase disposition multi-carrier modulation. This high voltage applications because the voltage stresses on
comparison is based on factors like total harmonic distortion, each power electronic switch is high and switches with these
EMI, switching frequency, switching losses and the no. of high voltage ratings are either not available or are very
switching devices. The simulation of all these inverters is done costly.
in MATLAB/Simulink and the simulation results are used as a
source of comparison. Trade-off between THD and switching losses existed
Keywords— Multilevel inverter, two-level inverter, space vector
before the evolution of multilevel inverters. Multilevel
PWM, phase disposition multi-carrier modulation, total
harmonic distortion, Simulink. inverter [2]-[3] gives more than two levels in the output
voltage waveform. The advantage of MLI over PWM
I. INTRODUCTION inverters is that it can be used to reduce the harmonic
Inverters use power electronics devices to convert DC content at low switching frequencies. Thus, it reduces the
power to AC power at a particular switching frequency. switching losses and gives a near sinusoidal output. MLI
Single-phase inverter has two basic configurations i.e., half uses many power electronic devices thereby reducing the
bridge and full bridge with output voltage levels as ±Vdc/2 voltage stress on each device. Many new multilevel inverter
and ±Vdc respectively. The output frequency in both these topologies with reduced number of switches are proposed in
configurations is same as the switching frequency. The [4]-[5]. However, it is of utmost importance to understand
harmonic spectrum of output voltage consists of all odd the basic MLI topologies before proceeding to new and
harmonics with predominant third harmonic. The filter advanced topologies. The three basic topologies, also known
design for such a waveform is quite difficult as the as classical topologies of MLI are:
application may involve continuous change in output
frequency. In addition, the filter requires bulky inductors, 1) Neutral Point Clamped (NPC-MLI) or Diode
which increases the size of inverters. Clamped (DC-MLI)
2) Flying Capacitor (FC-MLI)
Three phase inverters find many industrial applications 3) Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB-MLI)
but their use is limited to increasing power quality concerns.
Three phase inverters with 1800 mode of conduction also This paper is structured as follows. Section II explains in
known as square wave inverter or six-step voltage source brief about space vector PWM along with the basic idea of
operation of two-level inverter. Section III discusses the
978-1-5386-8158-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
basic multilevel inverter topologies and their simulation in
MATLAB/Simulink. Section IV discusses different
modulation strategies for multilevel inverters. Section V
contains the simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink.
Section VI gives the comparative analysis of two-level
inverter with multilevel inverters. Section VII concludes the
proposed work. The transformation of three phases to two phases can be
done using the matrix equation 4. The space vector is
obtained using equation 5.
Two level inverter (3-phase) consists of six switches.
The switches must have bidirectional current carrying
capability along with unidirectional voltage blocking
capability. Thus, an IGBT with a parallel diode or a
MOSFET fulfills this requirement. These inverters when
employed with suitable modulation strategy can be used to
get desired sinusoidal current with less distortion. SPWM
and SVPWM are the two most popular modulation
techniques. DC bus utilization in case of SPWM is around A typical space vector diagram for a two level inverter is
78.5% while that of SVPWM is 90.7%. As a result, shown in figure 2. In all, there are eight switching states
SVPWM technique [6] is used for the switching of devices. which are divided into six active and two null states. The
This is quite a sophisticated technique with intensive active states (V1 to V6) represent the corners of the hexagon
computation and because of its superior performance; it is and the null states (V0 and V7) are present at the origin. In a
widely used in Industry. Figure 1 shows the simulation of six step inverter, each active state is held for one-sixth of the
two level inverter with SVPWM technique in fundamental time period. The reference space vector can be
MATLAB/Simulink. computed by synthesizing the two voltage vectors in a
particular sector. The time for which a particular vector is
applied can be computed by applying the volt-sec balance
[7] as given in equation 6.

Fig. 1. Two-level inverter with SVPWM Technique

A. Space Vector PWM

The space vector concept is derived from the theory of
rotating magnetic field of three-phase induction motor. The
three phases can be transformed to two phases in the
stationary α-β frame. The resultant of these two phases can
be called a rotating vector with fixed magnitude and
frequency. This rotating vector is used for modulating the
inverter output. Considering the operation of inverter as
balanced three-phase, the voltage of each phase is given in
equations 1, 2 and 3.
Fig. 2. Space Vector diagram with switching states
III. CLASSICAL MULTILEVEL INVERTER TOPOLOGIES instead of diodes. Also, it does not require all the switches to
Multilevel inverters have found their way for high be conducting in a consecutive series as in case with the
voltage and high power industrial applications. These can be DC-MLI. A 5-level FC-MLI as shown in figure 5, requires a
interfaced with renewable energy sources thereby catering to total of 4 DC link capacitors per leg which are used for
high power applications. In the following subsections, the energy storage and 6 flying capacitors per leg to provide
three basic topologies are briefly introduced. multilevel voltage ability to the inverter. The flying
capacitors in one phase are independent from those of other
A. Diode Clamped or Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel phases. All the capacitors have a voltage of Vdc/4. The
Inverter [DC-MLI or NPC-MLI] topology is named as such because the voltage of the flying
Diode clamped multilevel inverter provides multiple capacitor floats with respect to Earth's potential. A new and
voltage levels at the output. The three phases are connected better topology for FC-MLI is explained in [8]. Another
to the series bank of capacitors which in turn is connected in advantage of FC-MLI is that there are multiple switching
parallel with the DC voltage source. The original invention methods to produce a particular voltage level and thus it is
was carried out to derive 3-level inverter from 2-level flexible for voltage synthesis. The output voltage levels are
inverter, thereby using 4 switches/leg and clamping diodes similar to DC-MLI i.e., ±Vdc/2, ±Vdc/4 and 0.
between middle two switches. The concept further extended
to any no. of levels by increasing series capacitors and
switches. [7] explains the working of diode clamped MLI
using PWM scheme.

Fig. 5. One Leg of Flying Capacitor MLI

C. Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter [CHB-MLI]

Fig. 4. One Leg of Diode Clamped or Neutral Point Clamped MLI Cascaded H-Bridge MLI as shown in figure 6, consists
of series connected single phase full bridge inverters per
phase. Each full bridge inverter requires a separate DC
A 5-level multilevel inverter as shown in figure 4, voltage source and can produce 3 output voltage levels.
incorporates 4 DC link capacitors connected in series When two bridges are connected in series, together they can
clamped at midpoint with 8 switches per leg to provide 5 produce 5 voltage levels. The voltage sharing capability is
distinct voltage levels, where 4 capacitors contribute to 4 automatic as independent sources are used. Hence, CHB-
levels and additional level obtained is neutral point of DC MLI is used preferably for high power applications. Thus,
bus. So, this terminology is also called neutral point the levels of cascaded H-Bridge MLI [9] can be easily
clamped inverter. The voltage across each capacitor is increased by cascading more number of full bridge inverters
Vdc/4. Thus, the output voltage levels are ±Vdc/2, ±Vdc/4 in series. If the voltage source in each bridge has the same
and 0. magnitude then they are called as symmetric CHB-MLI
whereas if the magnitude is different, then they are called as
B. Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter [FC-MLI] asymmetric CHB-MLI. Asymmetric CHB-MLI are often
This topology is similar to DC-MLI. The only difference used to get better THD. The output voltage levels are
is that here the capacitors are used to clamp the voltage ±2Vdc, ±Vdc and 0.
Fig. 7. Phase Disposition Multi-Carrier PWM

Fig. 6. One Leg of Cascaded H-Bridge MLI

The simulation results are carried out for the same RL
IV. MODULATION STRATEGIES FOR MULTILEVEL load with R=10 Ω and L=100 mH. The switching frequency
INVERTER for two level inverter is 10 KHz, and for MLI it is 5 KHz.
The modulation strategy should have a provision to A. Output phase Voltage and phase Current Waveforms
regulate the output voltage with better quality waveform and
minimum harmonics. Since, single carrier PWM can be used Figure 8(a,b), 9(a,b), 10(a,b) and 11(a,b) shows the phase
to produce only two voltage levels, it has high harmonic voltage and current waveforms of each topology.
content and thus a distorted output. To overcome this
drawback, multi-carrier PWM is used to produce multiple
levels at the output. Multi-carrier modulation [10]-[11] can
be used at power as well as high switching frequencies.
Sinusoidal multi-carrier based high frequency modulation is
used in this paper owing to the fact that the output has low
distortion factor and harmonics. Sinusoidal wave is used as a
modulating wave.
An n-level multilevel inverter requires (n-1) carrier
waves. Depending on the phase relationships between these
carrier waves, the modulation technique can be further
subdivided as:
1) Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD):-
Every alternate carrier wave is 180 degrees out of
2) Phase Opposition Disposition (POD):- Carrier
waves above zero reference are in phase and in 180 Fig. 8(a). Phase voltage of Two-level Inverter
degrees out of phase with the carrier wave below
zero reference.
3) Phase Disposition (PD):- All carrier waves are in
Phase disposition multi-carrier modulation is used for the
simulation of all multilevel inverters in this paper as shown
in figure 7. It is easy to implement and quite popular of all
the above mentioned techniques.
Fig. 8(b). Phase current of Two-level Inverter Fig. 10(a). Phase voltage of FC-MLI

.Fig. 9(a). Phase voltage of DC-MLI or NPC-MLI

Fig. 10(b). Phase current of FC-MLI

Fig. 9(b). Phase current of DC-MLI or NPC-MLI

Fig. 11(a). Phase voltage of CHB-MLI
Fig. 11(b). Phase current of CHB-MLI Fig. 14. Fourier Analysis of FC-MLI

B. FFT Analysis of Output Current

Figure 12, 13, 14 and 15 shows the Fourier analysis of

phase current for each topology.

Fig. 15. Fourier Analysis of CHB-MLI

Based on the simulation results, the comparison of two-level
inverters with multilevel inverters is given in table 1. The
comparison is done by taking into consideration the
Fig. 12. Fourier Analysis of two-level inverter simulation results.

2-level DC-MLI FC-MLI CHB-


No. of 2 2(n-1) 2(n-1) 2(n-1)

switches per

No. of DC 1 (n-1) (n-1) (n-1)/2

Bus capacitors

No. of 0 (n-1)* 0 0
Clamping (n-2)
diodes per
Fig. 13. Fourier Analysis of DC-MLI or NPC-MLI
No. of flying 0 0 (n-1)* 0
capacitors per (n-2)/2 [1] Zhenyu Yu Arefeen Mohammed Issa Panahi, “A Review of Three
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Thus, CHB-MLI proves to be the best topology with [8] N. Maheshkumar, V. Maheskumar, and M. Divya, “The new topology
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VII. CONCLUSION [9] A. Noman, A. A. Al-Shamma’A, K. Addoweesh, A. Alabduljabbar,
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This paper compares two-level inverter with basic multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter,” Energies, vol. 11, no. 4, p.
inverters. Though, MLI requires more number of switches, it 895, Nov. 2018.
is widely used in industry owing to the fact that there is less [10] B. P. McGrath and D. G. Holmes, “Multicarrier PWM strategies for
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inverter. The only problem with MLI is that as the operating
[11] V. Geetha and V. Sivachidambaranathan, “Multi carrier PWM
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Substantial research is in progress to reduce the number of International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy
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the inverter.

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