ASCE 2020 - Strengthening of In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Capacity of Thin Clay Masonry Infills Using Textile and Fiber-Reinforced Mortar
ASCE 2020 - Strengthening of In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Capacity of Thin Clay Masonry Infills Using Textile and Fiber-Reinforced Mortar
ASCE 2020 - Strengthening of In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Capacity of Thin Clay Masonry Infills Using Textile and Fiber-Reinforced Mortar
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the experimental results obtained by combined in-plane/out-of-plane (IP/OOP) tests carried
out on reinforced concrete (RC) frames infilled with thin clay masonry walls. After preliminary characterization tests on building materials,
combined IP/OOP tests on eight full-scale, one-bay, one-story infilled RC frames were carried out. Three external strengthening solutions
were investigated considering three types of lime-based plasters, reinforced by means of dispersed fibers and/or bidirectional basalt meshes,
applied on both sides of each wall. The experimental results of the tested frames are presented, discussed, and compared to evaluate the per-
formance and the effectiveness of each strengthening solution. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0001067. © 2020 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Clay masonry infills; Textile-reinforced mortars (TRM); Fiber-reinforced mortars (FRM); Experimental tests;
Combined in-plane/out-of-plane behavior; Infilled RC frames.
The basalt mesh (used in the FB and RBB solutions) is supplied Table 1 summarizes the specimens and the type of test that was
in 1 m-wide rolls; it was embedded into the plaster layer with a ver- carried out. For each type of strengthening solution, one specimen
tical strip arrangement and an overlap width of 20 cm, without was directly (without previous in-plane damage) tested out-of-plane,
adopting any anchoring device to the RC frame besides the helicoi- by monotonic loading on eight points. Other three specimens were
dal bars in the RBB solution. These helicoidal bars were dry in- in-plane tested imposing incremental cyclic displacements at the
stalled, with an inclination of 45° and a penetration depth in the frame top beam, until 1.2% drift, and only after this IP damaging,
beam of about 5 cm. After inserting the bars into the beam, they they were tested out-of-plane until collapse. The same test procedure
are bent to be embedded into the second plaster layer. Compared was applied, only for strengthening type FB and RBB, also on spec-
with the use of traditional bars, helicoidal bars are more convenient, imens tested until 0.5% drift.
as they do not have to be grouted. The name of the specimens in Table 1 is given by the type of
These bars act only as further restraints, avoiding the rigid rota- strengthening solution (F, FB, and RBB) and by the maximum in-
tion of the infill panel and thus allowing a better activation of the plane drift θmax to which the sample was cyclically tested before the
resistant OOP mechanism (vertical arching and/or vertical bend- out-of-plane monotonic test.
ing). These bars were used in the RBB reinforcement only, which
being applied on an existing (poor) plaster layer, is the one that
needs the greater aid to improve the OOP capacity of the masonry Material Characterization
panel, as well as to reduce its IP damage. In the other solutions (F
and FB), which were applied on the masonry and column surface Flexural and compression tests on plaster specimens and on ma-
directly, it was decided to rely on the new plaster adherence sonry assemblages were performed to characterize the mechanical
only. In this case, the main aim was to check whether the reduced properties of the masonry substrate and of the strengthening mate-
time- and cost-consuming strengthening solutions F and FB could rials. Other common tests, such as compression tests on clay units,
still increase the OOP capacity of the infill walls, although not sig- were not carried out, as the same units had already been tested dur-
nificantly improving the fragile OOP collapse mode. ing a previous experimental campaign (Valluzzi et al. 2014).
Fig. 3. (a) Flexural; (b) compressive; and (c) elastic modulus characterization tests on plaster specimens.
The preparation of the samples and the test procedures were in ac- Table 2. Mechanical properties of plasters (CoV in brackets)
cordance to specific standard requirements.
Plaster Flexural strength Compressive strength Elastic modulus
type [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [kN/mm2]
Tests on Plasters M 3.9 (23.3%) 12.8 (29.4%) 5.9 (19.7%)
F 2.6 (28.3%) 8.6 (30.4%) 7.4 (16.4%)
Plaster specimens were sampled during the construction of both the R 1.3 (16.1%) 3.6 (22.0%) 4.5 (10.6%)
masonry assemblages to be tested in compression and the infill walls
for the combined IP/OOP tests and were tested after 28 days curing,
according to EN 1015-1 (CEN 1998a) and EN 13412 (CEN 2006b). of 1.0 mm/min. As in the case of the subsequent flexural tests, one
With reference to the strengthening solutions described before, six type of specimen was built with the low-quality plaster type R and
specimens for each mortar type M (CS IV), F (CS III), and R (CS without any type of reinforcement, whereas the other two specimen
II) were tested. According to EN 1015-11/A1 (CEN 2006a), speci- types were made with strengthening types RBB and F.
mens of dimensions 160 × 40 × 40 mm3 were monotonically loaded Table 3 shows a summary of the results. As expected, the com-
with a uniform rate of 50 N/s to evaluate the flexural strength pressive strength and the elastic modulus of the specimens were not
[Fig. 3(a)]. After the failure of the sample, the two portions were significantly affected by the quality of the plaster and the presence
kept for the determination of the compressive strength [Fig. 3(b)] of the basalt mesh.
using the same testing machine of the previous flexural tests and ap- Two types of flexural tests, both having plane of failure parallel
plying a constant loading rate of 200 or 400 N/s until failure. No spe- to the bed joints, were conducted. The first type of test was carried
cific standards are available to conduct tests for the determination of out on specimens having the low-quality plaster that simulate a pre-
the mortars Young’s modulus; thus, the standard for hardened con- existing material, without any reinforcement. In this case, a bending
crete EN 12390-13 (CEN 2013) was considered. Elastic modulus test on a mortar joint was carried out, as larger specimens could have
tests were carried out on one of the three prismatic specimens of collapsed under the effect of the dead-load only. Conversely, in the
each mortar sample only, measuring on each face of the specimen case of specimens with a strengthening system applied, an ordinary
the vertical strains during several loading cycles [Fig. 3(c)]. Table 2 four-point bending test was carried out.
lists the average values of flexural strength, cubic compressive • Mortar joint bending tests: nine masonry assemblages with
strength, and elastic modulus of the tested plaster. plaster type R (CS II) and dimensions 250 × 515 × 150 mm3
[Fig. 5(a)] were tested applying the monotonic load directly
on the mortar joint. The specimens were placed on two steel
Tests on Masonry Assemblages
supports with a diameter of 40 mm, spaced by 415 mm, and a
To characterize the basic mechanical properties of the masonry third steel roller of the same geometry was located centrally
constituting the infill wall systems analyzed in this work, 12 ma- for loading the specimen [Fig. 5(b)] under displacement control
sonry specimens with a shape ratio b:h = 1:1 (dimensions 775 × (velocity rate of 0.5 mm/min). The typical failure mode oc-
780 mm2, Fig. 4) were tested in compression following the stan- curred along the mortar joint, as shown in Fig. 5(c). The average
dard EN 1052-1 (CEN 1998b). The load was applied orthogonally maximum nondimensional bending moment per meter length of
to the masonry unit holes, in displacement control, with a velocity specimens was 1.1 kN · mm/mm.
Fig. 4. Compression tests: (a) geometry with dimensions in mm; (b) test setup; and (c) failure mode.
Fig. 5. Flexural tests on mortar joints: (a) geometry with dimensions in mm; (b) test setup; and (c) failure mode.
• Four-point bending tests: four specimens of dimensions 1,300 × by means of dispersed glass fibers (F) provides significantly different
390 mm2 [Fig. 6(a)] for each type of strengthening solution results. Indeed, despite the test results may have been partly influ-
(RBB, FB, F) were tested with plane of failure parallel to the bed enced by the different test set-ups used, the obtained results reflect
joint (EN 1052-2, CEN 1999). During the application of the mono- the difference in the basic mechanical properties of the two coating
tonic load, the deflection was measured by six displacement sensors materials (see Table 2) that constitute a significant portion of the entire
[Fig. 6(b)]. Fig. 7 shows test results. In specimen type F, the col- cross section, on both the tension and compression sides of the spec-
lapse was fragile and occurred immediately after reaching peak imens. Conversely, once a reinforcing mesh is embedded into the
strength. Conversely, RBB and FB showed a more controlled col- plaster, the results obtained on RBB and FB are practically the same.
lapse, governed by the failure of the basalt mesh fibers along the
main tensile crack [Fig. 6(c)], which developed close to one of
the load application lines. The average value of the nondimensional In-Plane/Out-of-Plane Tests Set-Up and Procedure
bending moment per meter length was 2.7 kN · mm/mm in the case
of specimens F and 3.1 kN · mm/mm in the case of RBB and FB. The combined IP-OOP tests were conducted on full-scale, one-bay,
Table 4 summarizes the results of the flexural tests. It is evident and one-story, RC frames (Fig. 8) fully infilled with the above de-
that the use of a low-quality plaster (R) and of a plaster reinforced scribed masonry type. The choice to adopt full-scale specimens was
Fig. 6. Four-point bending tests: (a) geometry with dimensions in mm; (b) test setup; and (c) failure mode.
Fig. 7. Four-point bending test results: (a) RBB; (b) FB; and (c) F specimens.
Table 4. Flexural test results (CoV in brackets) bottom beam. An axial load of 200 kN on each column was kept
constant during the IP and OOP tests. One servo-controlled hydrau-
Specimen Dim. less bending moment [kN] Flexural strength [N/mm2]
lic actuator is placed at the height of the top beam for applying hor-
R 1.1 0.3 (30.9%) izontal IP cyclic displacements. Lastly, the loading system for the
RBB 3.1 0.9 (14.4%) OOP test is made of commercial steel profiles connected to another
FB 3.1 0.8 (5.7%) hydraulic jack. The system allows applying eight punctual forces of
F 2.7 0.7 (22.0%)
equal intensity at every third of the width and at each fifth of the
height of the masonry infill wall.
To measure IP deformations, 11 potentiometric transducers and 1
made to avoid any scaling effect due to the relative stiffness ratio of magnetostrictive transducer were installed on the RC frame. In partic-
the RC frame and infill wall in the scaled specimens and the real ular, the magnetostrictive transducer was anchored to the top beam to
situation. The specimens were designed following the criteria de- measure the horizontal displacements applied to the specimens and to
scribed in da Porto et al. (2013), and their main characteristics retroactivate the horizontal actuator. In addition, to measure global
are shortly reported. The infill wall dimensions were 4.15 × OOP deflections, four potentiometric transducers and nine draw
2.65 mm2 (length × height) and the RC frame was designed as wire sensors were installed on the infill walls, and two potentiometric
part of the ground level frame of a regular three-story typical Italian transducers were installed on the top beam for control purposes.
residential building (class of use II) with columns spaced 4.5 m by Fig. 8 shows the position of the sensors for the measurement of IP/
4.5 m and 3.0 m high storys. The frame was designed in a high duc- OOP deformations. Load cells were also applied on each actuator
tility class (class “A” according to MIT 2008), considering a peak stem to measure forces and to retroactivate vertical and OOP loading
ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.25g. Concrete frame cross sections actuators. Fig. 9 shows some details of the IP/OOP test set-up.
were designed to respect the hierarchy of strength. The test procedure adopted was quasi-static. For IP tests, the
The experimental set-up consisted of two servo-controlled hy- displacement history shown in Fig. 10(a) was applied (with a max-
draulic actuators placed over the beam-column nodes for applying imum stroke speed of less than 0.5 mm/s), which consists of cyclic
vertical loads. The load is transferred to the columns through a self- displacements of increasing amplitude that are repeated three times
locking device, hinged to a reaction steel beam at the top of the ac- for each amplitude; the target displacements were defined based on
tuator and connected by ball-and-socket joints to the RC frame the following interstory drifts: ±0.1%; ±0.2%; ±0.3%; ±0.4%;
Fig. 9. Experimental setup: (a) actuators for vertical loading; (b) actuator for IP horizontal displacements; and (c) OOP thrusting system.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. IP test protocols adopted for (a) infilled frames; and (b) bare frames.
±0.5%; ±0.6%; ±0.8%; ±1.0%; ±1.2%. At the end of the IP test, Fig. 12. The hysteresis loops were not completely symmetrical
the specimens were brought back to null horizontal displacement due to a nonsymmetrical damage on the reverse loading cycles.
and then the OOP test was performed by applying a monotonic in- However, for the strengthening type RBB (and FB), for which
cremental force until the collapse of the infill. At the end of the two specimens were tested at different maximum drift levels, it
OOP test, the infill walls were completely removed and the bare can be seen that the initial part of the two tests gives comparable
frames (BF) were tested in-plane [see Fig. 10(b)]; it was thus pos- results, demonstrating the reliability and repeatability of the tests.
sible to evaluate the contribution of the RC frame to the global IP Fig. 12 shows the force–displacement envelope curves associ-
response of the infilled specimens. ated with the three loading cycles. As can be seen, the execution
of three loading cycles per each displacement level allows charac-
terizing the initial response of the specimen after damage accumu-
Combined IP/OOP Test Results lation and allows checking how stable the specimen response is at
each target displacement. Indeed, damage accumulation decreases
rapidly as the number of cycles increases at the same drift level, be-
In-Plane Tests coming negligible after the third cycle. For this reason, some results
Fig. 11 shows the crack patterns and some detailed pictures of the (e.g., the load–drift envelope curves of the infill walls) are given on
observed damage at the end of the IP tests. The data acquired dur- the third cycle, in order to conservatively take into account the in-
ing the tests were used to obtain the hysteresis loops shown by elastic cyclical response of a structure during an earthquake.
The choice of having closer target displacements in the drift range the IP behavior of the infill wall as the difference between the
from 0% to 0.6%, where the panel undergoes the various limit force–displacement envelope curve of the infilled frame and that
states and quickly changes its stiffness, allowed to obtain accurate of the bare frame [Fig. 13(b)]. Fig. 13 shows that the bare frame re-
force–displacement curves in the most significant test phases, while sponse is almost linear in the range of analyzed displacements,
maintaining reasonable testing times. which means that the frame is not significantly affected by the pre-
Fig. 13(a) shows the hysteresis loops and envelope curve ob- vious test carried out on the infilled frame. This is reasonable con-
tained from the test of a bare frame. This test was performed sidering that the frame was designed in high ductility class for a
after testing the associated infilled frame, and allowed to derive PGA of 0.25g (hence, with severe reinforcement details), and tested
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. (a) IP hysteresis loops of bare frame; and (b) infill wall contribution: subtraction of bare frame from infilled frame.
(a) (b)
Fig. 14. IP tests (all specimens): (a) load-drift envelope curves; and (b) stiffness degradation.
up to relatively low levels of drift, at which no significant damage of the infill, due to increasing IP displacements. Figs. 15 and 16
was visible. The obtained results can be thus considered reliable. show the comparison of the FRM/TRM solutions in terms of, re-
The IP performance of the investigated FRM/TRM solutions spectively, equivalent viscous damping ratio (ξ) and energy dissipa-
can therefore be compared in terms of load–drift envelope curves tion capacity (Ehyst/Einp) of the infill walls per loading cycle. The
and stiffness degradation (Fig. 14), equivalent viscous damping equivalent damping ratio is obtained with the simplified method
ratio and energy dissipation capacity (Figs. 15 and 16), and global proposed by Jacobsen (in 1930), i.e., as: ξ = Ehyst/(4πEsto), where
parameters at maximum and ultimate capacity (Table 5). Con- Ehyst = energy dissipated per-cycle and Esto = elastic energy stored
versely, since the adopted external reinforcement systems tend to at the peak displacement. In particular, Ehyst is calculated as the sum
hide the internal portion of the infill walls, and thus do not allow of the products between the imposed displacement increments and
appreciating the evolution of damage, the analysis of crack patterns the related measured loads (for the whole cycle). Instead, Einp is
was carried out at the end of the IP tests only (Fig. 11) and was not the input energy, i.e., the total energy provided to the specimen dur-
given as a function of the drift level. Further considerations and ob- ing the test, and it is obtained with the same procedure as Ehyst but is
servations were then made possible by comparing all specimens limited to positive products only. Table 5 summarizes the following
with a reference unreinforced infill wall (URM), which was tested results: maximum IP capacity Fmax, drift θFmax at peak strength, in-
in a previous experimental campaign (da Porto et al. 2015). The fill damping ratio ξ and energy dissipation capacity Ehyst/Einp at
URM panel was geometrically identical to this research samples maximum strength, ultimate force Fult evaluated as a 20% decrease
and it was realized using the same type of masonry units. The ex- of Fmax and related drift θFult, and the maximum stiffness Kmax.
ternal plaster layer was made of natural hydraulic lime without Observing the test results, the embedded fiber meshes seems to
strengthening mesh. It was cyclically IP tested up to 1.2% drift. provide a better distribution of IP damage. Indeed, specimen F.12,
Fig. 14(a) shows the force–displacement envelope curves of the the only one without reinforcing mesh, developed the first well-
infill walls, while Fig. 14(b) reports the secant stiffness degradation defined cracks along the infill–frame interface since 0.2% drift.
Fig. 15. IP tests (specimens θ = 1.2%): equivalent viscous damping ratio (ξ) per loading cycle.
Fig. 16. IP tests (specimens θ = 1.2%): energy dissipation capacity (Ehyst/Einp) per loading cycle.
Damage increased until attaining maximum drift θFmax = 1.2%, at specimens, reaching comparable peak strength at the same IP
which widespread damage with detachment of plaster portions drift level (i.e., 0.2%), although the post-peak behavior of RBB
and crushing of masonry blocks at the infill corner was observed was characterized by a more gradual strength decrease.
(see Fig. 11). The infill reached its maximum IP capacity 230 kN Indeed, in all specimens characterized by the presence of the ba-
at 0.3% drift, and its ratio of θFult/θFmax was 1.77 (Table 5). The salt mesh (RBB and FB strengthening solutions), IP damage devel-
reference unreinforced infill wall showed thin cracks and plaster oped in a completely different manner. Detachment was limited to
detachment concentrated in the upper beam–column joint area little plaster portions and the only visible cracks were at the col-
and along the infill–frame interface up to 0.5% drift. The peak umn–infill interface. The mesh could not prevent IP damage from
strength of 181 kN was achieved at 0.2% drift after which infill occurring, but it could effectively counteract masonry and plaster
strength decreased quite sharply. At 1.2% drift, the masonry corner portions from falling off the wall (see Fig. 11).
was disintegrated, and significative lateral portions collapsed Coupling basalt mesh with glass fiber plaster allowed reaching
out-of-plane (see Fig. 17). Compared with the F.12 specimen, it higher maximum strength. FB.05 and FB.12 reached their peak ca-
had more extended damage of the wall which was not prevented pacity of 273 and 259 kN at a drift of 0.3% and the average ratio of
by the external plaster with lower mechanical properties. In terms θFult/θFmax was 1.62. As expected, the lower values of Fmax were
of IP capacity, the URM infill wall behaved similarly to the RBB related to the application of the basalt mesh directly on an existing
(a) (b)
Fig. 17. Reference URM infill wall at (a) 0.3% drift; and (b) 1.2% drift.
Fig. 19. OOP failure mode: (a) F.00; (b) FB.00; and (c) RBB.00.
(a) (b)
Fig. 20. OOP failure mode: (a) FB.05; and (b) RBB.05.
Fig. 21. OOP failure mode: (a) F.12; (b) FB.12; and (c) RBB.12.
Fig. 22. OOP failure mode of URM infill wall (da Porto et al. 2015).
Table 6. Out-of-plane test results Table 6 also lists the values of OOP equivalent acceleration (aeq)
Out-of-plane capacity
reached by each infill type, calculated assuming the total mass of the
infill wall (variable between 1.6 and 1.9 t depending on FRM/TRM
Specimen Fmax [kN] δFmax [mm] aeq [g] Failure mode solution) as participating mass. The proposed values of aeq take into
F.00 90 14.6 5.7 Material ejection account the soil amplification factor S, the position of the infill along
FB.00 96 5.4 6.0 Controlled the building height H, and the interaction between infill wall and RC
RBB.00 101 12.1 5.4 Controlled frame in terms of Ta/T1 ratio, where Ta and T1 are the fundamental
FB.05 70 10.6 4.4 Controlled vibration period in the OOP direction of the infill and of the
RBB.05 68 21.5 3.6 Controlled frame, respectively. It must be taken into account that the dynamic
F.12 60 14.0 3.7 Material ejection effects associated to the real seismic action may reduce the previous
FB.12 81 13.0 5.1 Controlled
OOP strength values, obtained by means of a quasi-static test.
RBB.12 62 12.8 3.3 Controlled
βa, exp = [(a − 1)e−(b·θIP ) + 1]
2018) do not provide specific recommendations for the calculation To satisfy the ULS verification, the design lateral resistance qlat,d
of the infill out-of-plane capacity at all. In the case of unreinforced must be higher than the seismic lateral load. The lateral capacity for-
masonry infill walls, it is possible to adopt pure flexural models, as mulation provided by EN 1996-1-1 (CEN 2005) assumes a unitary
well as to evaluate the out-of-plane bending capacity, taking into factor, instead of 0.72 as in Eq. (4), entailing an overestimation of
account the infill wall self-weight at the section to be verified. Nev- the lateral capacity of about 50%. Considering the type of masonry
ertheless, one of the most consistent way to evaluate the OOP infill infills addressed in this research, it seems more reliable to apply the
wall capacity, relies on the model of wall arching between supports, formulation of Eq. (4), which is derived from pure mechanical con-
proposed in EN 1996-1-1 (CEN 2005). Starting from these consid- siderations, also according to Drysdale et al. (1999). In the follow-
erations, five models are described and compared in the following ing, the arching mechanism will be identified as Model 1.
subsections, which are: the arch model (Model 1), the
modified-arch models according to Hak et al. (2013) (Model 2)
and to FEMA-306 1999 (Model 3), the flexural model of the rein- Model 2: Arching Mechanism with Simplified
forced section (Model 4), and the flexural model with simplified Reinforcement Contribution
vertical load contribution (Model 5). The formulation provided by Model 1 does not consider the con-
tribution given by an external reinforcement to the lateral OOP
capacity. Hak et al. (2013) proposed a formulation which allow
Model 1: Out-of-Plane Arching Mechanism
to calculate the OOP capacity of strengthened thin masonry infill
The ULS verification of masonry infill panels can be carried out as- walls by adding the contribution of the external reinforcement
suming that a horizontal or vertical arch develops within the wall Mr,r to the resistant moment due to the arching mechanism Mr,a.
thickness. As demonstrated by Angel et al. (1994), it is possible to The approach is based on the simplified assumption that the neu-
rely on this mechanism when the masonry panel is built in adherence tral axis depth can be assumed equal to that used for the calcu-
to the structural elements. The resulting arching mechanism depends lation of the arching mechanism. The reinforcement resisting
on the slenderness ratio of the wall λ = hw/tw and on the masonry moment is defined in Eq. (5), where Ar and fyd are, respectively,
compressive strength fmd. The analytical model is based on a simpli- the cross-section area and the design yield strength of the verti-
fied configuration of a three-hinged arch with an arch support cal reinforcement:
footprint at the extremities and on the central hinge equal to 0.1
times the thickness of the wall tw, as shown in Fig. 25. Assuming Mr,r = 0.9 · tw · Ar · fyd (5)
that the deflection of the arch under the lateral loads may be ne-
glected, the masonry wall resistant moment Mr,a can be calculated as Expressing the resistant moment in terms of equivalent lateral
pressure per unit length of the wall Lw, the design lateral resistance
Mr,a = 0.9 · tw · fmd · 0.1 · tw = 0.09 · fmd · tw2 (3) can be calculated as
The lateral capacity qlat,d of the infill panel can be derived by as- tw tw
qlat,d = 0.72 · fmd + 7.2 Ar fyd (6)
suming the resistant moment equal to the acting moment, i.e., hw Lw h2w
Mr,a = Ms = qlat,d · h2w /8, which leads to
2 Model 3: Modified-Arch Model According to FEMA-306
qlat,d = 0.72 · fmd (4)
hw According to FEMA-306 (FEMA 1999, chapter 8), the uniform
pressure causing the infill wall OOP failure can be estimated as
(a) (b)
Fig. 26. Cross-section failure mode: (a) compressive failure of masonry; and (b) tensile failure of reinforcement.
2 2
which is correct when the condition 0 ≤ ɛm ≤ ɛmu is respected.
The flexural capacity can be taken as the lesser of the above cal-
culated values as
plaster, as they also occur in specimens (RBB) with low-quality Data Availability Statement
plaster, simulating the effect of a preexisting material.
• When taking into account the behavior of URM infill walls, all of Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
the previous considerations are confirmed. Indeed, at the end of study are available from the corresponding author upon reason-
the IP test, the URM specimen showed a significative damage able request.
distribution compared with the specimens of this research, espe-
cially along the infill–frame interface. In addition, compared
with the URM specimen, the strengthening solutions allowed Acknowledgments
an increase in strength (Fmax and therefore Fult) of about 30%
(F) or 50% (FB) and an increase in deformation capacity, This research activity was funded by Kerakoll S.p.A. This study
in terms of θFult, of about 50% (RBB) or 70% (F, FB); the initial has been also partly supported by a program funded by the Presi-
stiffness Kmax was also increased by about 15% (RBB, F ) or 50% dency of the Council of Ministers Department of Civil Protection
(FB). (2019–2021 DPC- ReLUIS). The experimental tests were carried
Considering the results of the OOP tests, it can be concluded that: out at the Laboratory of Structural Materials Testing of the Univer-
• The comparison among strengthened infills and the reference un- sity of Padova, Italy.
reinforced one showed a relevant increase of the OOP strength in (All photos: University of Padova and Kerakoll S.p.A., Italy.)
the first case. Indeed, all the strengthened specimens, after reach-
ing an IP drift of 1.2%, showed an OOP capacity at least 26%
higher than that of the reference unreinforced specimen. Notation
• Although the final values of OOP capacity, at each IP drift level,
do not differ significantly, it was possible to notice that the use of The following notation symbols are used in this paper:
an embedded mesh, in FB and RBB solutions, improved the OOP Ar = cross-section area of infill wall reinforcement;
response of the infill wall, preventing its possible brittle collapse. aeq = equivalent seismic acceleration;
Conversely, also taking into account the actual dynamic behavior, d = effective depth of reinforcement;
Er = Young modulus of reinforcement;
type F strengthening could yield to a more fragile collapse.
Fa = horizontal seismic force acting on a masonry infill;
• The use of anchorage bars embedded into the plaster layer and fixed Fmax = maximum resistance of infill wall;
to the upper beam (RBB specimens), although not significantly in-
Fult = ultimate resistance of infill wall, corresponding to
fluencing the OOP capacity of the infill, allowed better control of
resistance degradation of 20%;
the OOP failure mode after the peak strength. This addresses at a
fmd = design compressive strength of masonry;
combined solution (mesh + anchorage bars) as particularly promis-
fyd = design tensile strength of reinforcement;
ing for controlling the masonry infill wall OOP behavior. hw = height of infill wall;
• The experimental tests allowed evaluation of the reduction of Lw = length of infill wall;
OOP capacity due to IP damage. The strength degradation is Mr = flexural capacity of infill wall;
around 39% at 1.2% drift, and it seems to be already stabilized Mr,a = bending moment, calculated per unit length, due to
after an initial relevant strength degradation of 33% at 0.5% arching mechanism;
drift. The definitely higher strength degradation values (i.e., Mr,c = flexural capacity of the infill wall due to compressive
73% at 1.2% drift) of similar URM walls further demonstrate failure of masonry;
the effectiveness of the proposed strengthening solutions. Mr,r = bending moment, calculated per unit length, due to tensile
Lastly, some analytical models for the calculation of the OOP strength of reinforcement;
capacity of masonry infill walls were described and validated on Mr,t = flexural capacity of the infill wall due to tensile
the experimental results of IP undamaged panels: reinforcement failure;
• As expected, both the arching (Model 1) and the out-of-plane Ms = calculated acting moment per unit length of infill wall;
flexural (Model 4) mechanisms significantly underestimate the NSd = vertical load acting on the wall;
OOP infill wall capacity, with a reduction up to 61% compared pa = seismic pressure acting on infill wall surface;
with the experimental values. qa = behavior factor of infill wall;
• Other hybrid formulations which account for, in a simplified qlat,d = design lateral strength, expressed as a uniform load
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