Challenges On Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Challenges On Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Challenges On Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Polyurethane
1. Introduction
Fused filament fabrication (FFF) has become one of the most widely used additive
manufacturing techniques, due to its ability to rapidly produce complex shapes, user-friendly
operation, cost-effectiveness, and potential environmentally friendly features (Awasthi and
Banerjee 2021). FFF is a layer-based process in which material is extruded through a nozzle in
a semi-molten state. To convert a 3D CAD model into machine code, a slicer software is used,
where various process parameters can be tuned to each material’s specific characteristics.
Besides the nozzle, an extrusion system is typically composed of a feeder, a hot end, and
cooling fans (Figure 1(a)). The feeder mechanism, which is responsible for directing the
filament into the hot end, is either mounted on the extrusion head (direct drive extrusion) or
connected to the hot end by a flexible tube that guides the filament (Bowden extrusion), as
shown in Figure 1 (b-c), respectively.
Challenges on extrusion-based additive manufacturing of thermoplastic polyurethane
M. Sardinha, L. Ferreira, T. Ramos, L. Reis, M. Fatima Vaz
In FFF, the mechanical properties of parts are significantly influenced by parameters such as
extrusion temperature, printing speed, infill type, layer thickness, and build orientation (Xu et
al. 2020). Recently, the process has found various applications across industries such as
architecture, aerospace, and the medical sector, but certain drawbacks still need to be
addressed (Altıparmak et al. 2022). Namely, components can exhibit weak interlayer strength,
low dimensional accuracy, size limitations, and poor surface quality (Wickramasinghe et al.
Classified as a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is a
multiphase block copolymer formed by rigid (diisocyanate) and flexible (polyol) domains,
which allow for rubber-like elasticity and the processability of thermoplastics (Hohimer et al.
TPU is known for its flexibility, low elastic modulus, and the ability to undergo substantial
elongation before fracture (Vidakis et al. 2021). Fused filament fabricated thermoplastic
polyurethanes (FFF-TPUs) have been proposed for applications such as cushioning, wearables,
footwear, and medical devices (Geng et al. 2023; Awasthi and Banerjee 2021). Moreover,
current developments propose to expand their utility into promising areas such as flexible
electronics (Papazetis and Vosniakos 2019), pneumatic actuators (Salem et al. 2018), and non-
pneumatic tires (Wang et al. 2020; Sardinha et al. 2022). Nevertheless, the inherent softness
of these filaments poses significant challenges in controlling their extrusion flow, and can
cause unpredictable viscoelastic deformations, which then compromise the manufacturability
of geometrically intricate structures (Mian et al. 2024; Perry et al. 2022). Commonly reported
issues of FFF-TPUs are related to material oozing and stringing effects, and solutions proposed
are related to the fine-tuning of extrusion temperature and print speed or limiting reverse
movements of the feeder motor that pull the filament away from the outlet nozzle (retraction)
(León-Calero et al. 2021; Awasthi and Banerjee 2021). Even so, parameters that promote
manufacturability often conflict with those needed for adequate mechanical integrity, and
trade-offs are often required. Notably, TPU filament materials can vary widely in composition,
making it difficult to establish consistent processing parameters for achieving reliable
mechanical properties. Moreover, available information often lacks methodology support and
there is still a lack of consensus among sources regarding some issues and potential solutions.
For instance, various research suggests extrusion temperatures for FFF-TPUs ranging from
190oC to 250oC (Arifvianto et al. 2021; Kasmi et al. 2022). This variability, coupled with the fact
that different polymer chain compositions have distinct thermal activation and dissociation
requirements, and that thermal degradation can occur between 110°C and 270°C (Zia et al.
2007), highlights the inconsistencies and emphasizes the need for further studies on the
In this study, the authors investigate how FFF process variables affect the manufacturability
of TPU parts. The experiments involve testing various combinations of machines and
materials, followed by a qualitative visual analysis to identify common issues and types of
macroscopic defects observed in FFF-TPUs. Particular attention is given to extrusion
temperature, printing speed, cooling fan speed, deposition overlap, retraction, and extrusion
flow amount. During the analysis, the authors explore parameter adjustments to optimize TPU
part production conditions, aiming at facilitating parameter pre-selection for future
mechanical characterization studies of these materials.
2. Materials and Methods
For the experiments performed in this work, two different FFF machines were used, a
Bowden-based Ultimaker S5 that uses 2.85 mm filaments, and a Prusa MK4 which is equipped
with a direct drive extrusion and uses 1.75 mm filaments. Concerning tested materials, TPU
95A from Ultimaker®, and Filaflex 95A were printed in the Ultimaker S5, and Flexfill TPU 92A
and 98A, as well as Smartfil TPU 93A were printed in the Prusa MK4. According to the 3D
printer, the slicer software used to prepare the machine files was either the Ultimaker Cura
4.11.0 or the PrusaSlicer 2.7.1. Among the tested parameters, extrusion temperature was
varied according to each material, but always between 200oC and 240oC. Printing speeds of
up to 100 mm/s were attempted, but when evaluating the effect of other process parameters,
a constant speed of 25 mm/s was used. The filament cooling was also assessed, varying the
cooling fan speed on three different levels (0%; 20% and 100%). Besides these, deposition
overlap up to 100%, and extrusion flows up to 190% were also subject to evaluation.
3. Results and Discussion
In FFF, the filament inside the heating unit of the extrusion head should be viscous to a point
that it can be continuously deposited, yet sufficiently cooled above this region so that it can
be pushed by a driving force. Achieving this delicate balance is particularly challenging when
working with flexible polymers which, in the case of the experiments performed in this work,
often resulted in nozzle clogging issues. In addition to nozzle clogging, filament entanglement-
related issues, like the example shown in Figure 2(a), are also very common. This study
supports common understanding that avoiding retraction, a standard practice for stiffer
materials, can significantly reduce print failures associated with filament entanglement and
nozzle clogging. Even without the use of retraction to withdraw material from the nozzle
outlet, excess material can still drip from it, potentially leading to over-deposition issues.
When this occurs on the outer surface of a part, the phenomenon is commonly referred to as
stringing (Figure 2(b)). The macroscopic defects observed in Figure 2(c), often referred to as
blobs, represent another common occurrence of excess filament on the outer surface of
produced parts. In the example of Figure 2(d), a tensile specimen produced with a concentric
infill pattern accumulates excess material in its narrow section, affecting the study of material
properties. Furthermore, in patter-based designs as the part in Figure 2(e), excess material
can create unintended features and may even result in a distinct pattern, difficult to
distinguish from the structure itself.
Alongside retraction, printing speed, extrusion temperature, and extrusion flow are also
deeply linked with printing defects. The top view of specimens seen in Figure 3(a-c)
demonstrates that insufficient extrusion temperature can result in thin line widths, reducing
the bonding capacity of the material. At lower temperatures, viscosity may not be adequately
reduced, making it challenging to effectively push the material out of the nozzle. This can lead
to incomplete or uneven material deposition, emphasizing the significant influence of
parameters such as temperature on TPU flow behaviour. Furthermore, despite 200°C being
reported as a suitable working condition for similar materials (Arifvianto et al. 2021; Hohimer
et al. 2017), this temperature consistently resulted in a clogged nozzle.
Figure 3(d-g) show the layers of a specimen and illustrate the effects of slight variations in
filament cooling fan speed (0-20%) and extrusion temperature (235°C to 240°C). Increasing
the filament cooling had a limited impact on promoting a defect-free surface, while reducing
the temperature noticeably decreased interlayer irregularities. This may suggest that, for
Flexfill TPU 92A printed at 240°C, the material may begin to degrade, impacting the bonding
between layers. The top view of samples in Figure 3(h-j) shows the importance of slow printing
speeds when using elastomers, which is aligned with previous literature (Kasmi et al. 2022).
Moreover, this example also shows that, under certain production conditions, excessive
filament cooling might not be beneficial for material bonding.
Figure 4: Samples of tensile specimens produced with TPU 95A in the Ultimaker S5:
(a) Representation of lack of material generating gaps between infill and walls; (b)
Amplified view of a specimen produced with overlap between infill and walls; (c)-(e)
Amplified view of equivalent samples produced with variable extrusion flow.
Due to their inherent flexibility, tall and slender structures are particularly challenging to
produce using TPUs. Figure 5(a-b) demonstrate the common occurrence of geometrical
inaccuracies caused by lateral forces imposed on the tip (current layer) of a part by the
extrusion head. In general, successful strategies for addressing the challenges of producing
tall and slender FFF-TPU structures involve increasing the contact area between parts and the
build plate and reducing printing speed and acceleration. Using anchors or additional support
structures that increase the second moment of area of parts can also be effective. Figure 5(c-
d) illustrate how the problem of wobbling encountered in test specimens was resolved by
creating a very thin grid connecting multiple specimens. The multiplications of connected
specimens stabilize the structure during fabrication, and the grid can be easily removed after
4. Conclusions
In this study, various causes for printing defects in FFF-TPUs are identified, and their
relationship to process parameters is discussed. Among the identified issues, under- and over-
extrusion are highlighted as the most common. To address this type of issue, the authors
advise using very slow and constant print speeds, along with iterating through small extrusion
temperature intervals, as temperature had a significant influence on sample quality regardless
of the material used. Additionally, considering design for manufacturing aspects such as
optimizing part positioning to minimize retraction or travel movements can significantly
reduce visible defects in FFF-TPUs.
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This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through IDMEC, under
LAETA Base Funding (, and through CEGIST
( Manuel Sardinha acknowledges FCT, for his PhD
research grant,