Tle 8 Beautycare q4 m9

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TLE-Beauty Care

(Nail Care) Services 8

Quarter 4
Self-Learning Module 9
The Workplace is Cleaned
and Kept in Safe

Michael I. Gonzaga

Evelyn B. Yarin

At the end of the learning activity, the students should be able to:

1. define the meaning of 5's in a clean and safe workplace;

2. differentiate 5’s from each other; and
3. follow ways of keeping the workplace clean and safe.

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it's False. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. Sorting assigns an area for everything for straightforward access and
returning of the equipment, tools, and even documents.

_____ 2. Systematize is removing and removing unnecessary items.

_____ 3. Sweep indicates the necessity to stay the workplace clean.

_____ 4. Standardize is teaching by doing.

_____ 5. Self-discipline to take care of high standards of housekeeping workplace.

Directions: Read the questions carefully and identify what's being asked. Write
your answer on the space provided each number.

_______________ 1. metal implements after each use to avoid infection or possible

_______________ 2. after each use, wash the foot basin with a bleach solution.

_______________ 3. metal implements once a month in a pot for 10 minutes.

_______________ 4. Sterilized metal instruments in an airtight, zipper-sealed bag to
keep them from being exposed to dirt and bacteria.

_______________ 5. tools and equipment regularly to identify defectives..


The workplace is Cleaned and Kept in Safe

5S was originally developed by HIROYUKI HIRANO for a Japanese manufacturing

company. The principle of 5S is well applicable to any working environment, like a
corporation or office. 5S may be a system, a culture within a philosophical framework
that's improving day by day in Japan.

The 5S process (referred to as "5S") may be a structured process designed to

systematically realize the general organization, cleanliness, and standardization of
the workplace. An organized workplace can cause safer, more efficient, and more
productive operations. It raises the morale of workers and enhances their pride in
their work and sense of responsibility.
5S may be a systematic method for organizing work areas, maintaining rules and
standards, and maintaining the discipline needed to try to an honest job.

(5’s) Clean and Safe Workplace

1. Seiri (Sort)

 Take out and dispose of unnecessary items
 Unnecessary items are thrown away or discarded

2. Seiton (Systematize)

 Tools, equipment, and materials must be arranged in an
orderly manner to understand the only and best access
 Arrange and organize the specified items in good condition
 Assign an area for everything for straightforward access and
return of equipment, tools, and even documents.

3. Seiso (Sweep)

 Clean things even if they are not dirty. Regular cleaning
prevents things from becoming too dirty and difficult to clean
 Clean things even if they are not dirty. Regular cleaning
prevents things from becoming too dirty and difficult to clean
 Indicates the need to remain the workplace clean
4. Seiketsu (Standardize)

 Maintain high standards of housekeeping services within the
 It allows control and consistency. The essential standard of
cleanliness applies to all or any or any facilities.
 Housekeeping duties are a part of normal work routines.
 Prepare Housekeeping Standard Checklist. The checklist
should be very detailed
 Thoroughness could also be a requirement of EXCELLENCE

Tips and Warnings Tips in Preparing a Housekeeping Standard Checklist

 Keep it simple – a one-page checklist

 Follow a logical sequence
 Use bulleted enumerated points, if relevant and necessary
 Avoid making assumptions
5. Shitsuke (Self-discipline)

 Doing things spontaneously without having to be told
 “Teach by doing”
 It allows control and consistency. The essential cleaning
standard applies to all or any or any facilities.

The Manicure Table Setup

Preparing the Table
 Sanitize table and drawer.
 Place towel over the cushion.
 Place the bowl.
 Arrange metal implements an orangewood stick.
 Arrange cosmetics.
 Place disinfected abrasive and fresh emery boards.
 Attach bag for waste.
 Prepare a fresh disinfectant solution

(Material Safety Data Sheet)
 Should be available on all the products you use
 Should be kept for straightforward reference during a file or a notebook
 Can be obtained from the company that supplies the merchandise

Now, after performing treatment activity to your client, it is time for you to
undertake the next steps:

1. Eliminate waste products according to occupational health and safety

rules and regulations.
2. Sanitize and store tools, supplies, and equipment.
3. Clean and sanitize the work station for subsequent treatment activity.

Keeping the workplace clean and safe

1. All workstations must be well-lighted and ventilated and must maintain

good sanitary conditions.
2. The salon must be freed from rodents, pests, flies, or other similar insects.
3. Must provide continuous hot and cold water for all places.
4. The curtains and floor coverings within the salon must be washable and
kept clean.
5. All hair, using cotton, or other waste should be far away from the ground
immediately and placed during a closed container.
6. The remainder rooms must be well-sanitized and be given individual towels.
7. One must wear a washable uniform while working.
8. Each client must be given a freshly laundered towel.
9. All waste materials should be disposed of during a closed garbage bin lined
with polyethylene bins, which is durable enough to resist tearing.


I. Directions: Match the different 5’s in Column A with the illustration or symbol
in column B. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.


_____ 1. Shitsuke (Self-discipline)


______ 2. Seiketsu (Standardize)

_____ 3. Seiton (Systematize)


_____ 4. Seiso (Sweep)


_____ 5. Seiri (Sort)

II. Directions: Look at the picture provided. Check the column Yes if the item is
available in the manicure table set up and check No if not.

1 Towel wrapped pillow
2. Implements
3. Emery board
4. Alcohol
5. Cotton container
6. Finger bowl
7. Brush
8. Wet sanitizer containing implements
9. Tray with nail polishes
10. Small plastic bag


Directions: Summarize what you know about a clean and safe

workplace by writing the following:
3 Things I learned today

2 Interesting facts

1 Question I have

5’s teach us how to organize the workplace for efficiency and effectiveness according
to identification and storage of used things, area and item maintenance and upkeep
new order.

To keep the workplace clean and safe, every worker should take on the task, even if
it means keeping the workplace clean. Safety and security are an important part of
the workplace, which must be clean and kept safe.

I have learned that _______________________________________

I realized that ____________________________________________


I. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. Which of the following is not one of the steps in the 5S method?
a. set c. sweep
b. sort d. systematize

_____ 2. Which of the following would not be considered as a part of a cleaning

a. cleaning c. storing
b. recording d. tidying

_____ 3. What are the 5 phases of 5S?

a. Shine, Shop, Sort, Standardize, Sustain
b. Sustain, Sort, Standardize, Shushi mi, Shine
c. Sort, Shine, Standardize, Sushi, Sustain
d. Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Standardize, Self-discipline

_____ 4. What phase of 5S are we talking about once we regulate; the way to
properly arrange and organize necessary items?
a. self-discipline c. sweep
b. sort d. systematize

_____ 5. Which phase of 5S are you in once you clean tools, equipment, floors, etc.
a. self-discipline c. sweep
b. sort d. systematize

_____ 6. Which one is not an advantage of sweep?

a. better quality c. satisfied employees
b. customer satisfaction d. stock reduction

_____ 7. Which among the Japanese terms refers to standardizing?

a. seiri c. seiso
b. seiketsu d. shitsuke

_____ 8. Which among the Japanese terms refers to cleanliness?

a. seiri c. seiso
b. seiketsu d. shitsuke

_____ 9. Which among the Japanese terms refers to self-discipline?

a. seiri c. seiso
b. seiketsu d. shitsuke

_____ 10. Which among the Japanese terms refers to tidiness?

a. seiri c. seiso
b. seiketsu d. shitsuke


9. d
8. a
7. b
6. d
A 5. 5. b
5. inspect
F 5. C 4.
4. store F 4.
4. d
B 3.
3. boil T 3. D 2. 3. d
2. disinfect F 2. E 1. 2. c
1. sterilize F 1. 1. a

/ 10. Tray with nail polishes

/ 9. Wet sanitizer containing
/ 8. Metal brush
/ 7. Finger bath
/ 6. Cotton container
/ 5. Alcohol
/ 4. Emery board
/ 3. Steel file
/ 2. Buffer
/ 1 Towel wrapped pillow

Activity 2

Milady. Milady’s Standard Textbook of Cosmetology (Revised Edition).
Albany New York: Milady Publishing Company, 1994

Naval. Naval’s Manicuring and Pedicuring – Workbook. St. Martin Secondary

School, Hairstyling & Aesthetics 2475 Rosemary Drive, Mississauga, ON.
Revised June 2011

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning
Module in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services Exploratory Course Grade 7 /8

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education

Learning Module in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services 9

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