A Theory of ICOs

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A Theory of ICOs:

Diversification, Agency, and Information Asymmetry

Jiri Chod and Evgeny Lyandres∗

July 18, 2018


We develop a theory of financing of entrepreneurial ventures via an initial coin offering

(ICO). Pre-selling a venture’s output by issuing tokens allows the entrepreneur to transfer part

of the venture risk to diversified investors without diluting her control rights. Issuing tokens,

however, leads to an agency conflict between the entrepreneur and investors that is unique to

ICO financing and manifests itself in underinvestment. We characterize conditions under which

an ICO dominates traditional venture capital financing. Overall, our model suggests that an

ICO can be a viable financing alternative for some entrepreneurial ventures. An implication is

that while regulating ICOs is desirable, banning them outright is not.

Keywords: ICO, crypto tokens, venture capital, agency, information asymmetry.

JEL code: G32

Chod: Carroll School of Management, Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467,
[email protected]; Lyandres: Questrom School of Business, Boston University, 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
02215, [email protected]; We thank Hugo Benedetti, Will Cong, Thomas Chemmanur, Denis Gromb, and seminar
participants at the University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
and Sun Yat Sen University Finance Conference.
1. Introduction

As a result of developments in the blockchain technology, a new form of financing – initial coin

offering (ICO) – has emerged, whereby an entrepreneurial venture obtains funds from investors in

exchange for crypto tokens that are the sole means of payment for the venture’s future products

or services.1 For example, in the largest ICO of 2017, Filecoin raised about $250 million by selling

around 8% of the total supply of 2 billion FIL tokens, which are to be used for payments on

its decentralized data storage network. So far, over 2,000 entrepreneurial ventures have sought

financing via an ICO. The size of the ICO market has grown exponentially over the last two years.

Based on various estimates, ICOs generated $2-4 billion in 2017 and $7-12 billion in the first six

months of 2018, compared with about $100 million in 2016.2 The majority of ICOs up to this day

raised between $10 and $50 million each (e.g., Zetsche et al. (2018) and Lyandres, Palazzo and

Rabetti (2018)).

Oft-cited advantages of ICOs over traditional financing methods include low transaction costs

due to technological ease of creating customized tokens using existing blockchain platforms; global

investor outreach; and the ability to combine financing with building a customer base. On the

flip side, a notorious feature of the ICO market is the extent of information asymmetry between

entrepreneurs and investors.3 Entrepreneurial ventures attempting to raise funds via an ICO are

typically very young, and many are in the pre-R&D stage. The main source of information for

potential investors is the “white paper,” describing with varying levels of detail the venture’s

technological and financial projections, sometimes complemented by a venture’s blog. In the absence

of appropriate regulation, high information asymmetry could turn the ICO market into a market

for lemons.

Various jurisdictions have adopted a wide range of approaches to ICO regulation, from banning
While the popular press as well as academic literature frequently use the terms “crypto token” and “crypto
coin” interchangeably, there is an important difference. The purpose of a coin is to serve as a medium of exchange
(currency), whereas a token typically represents the right to a certain (future) product or service and is the sole
means using which that product or service can be obtained.
See www.icowatchlist.com, www.coinschedule.com, www.icodata.io, and www.coindesk.com.
Other risks associated with investing in crypto tokens include potential vulnerability of smart contracts that
ensure token property rights (e.g., a leakage of $50 million worth of DAO tokens in June 2016) and inadvertent
participation in illegal activities, such as money laundering and tax evasion.

them altogether, e.g., China and South Korea, to imposing relatively loose regulatory standards,

e.g., Singapore and Switzerland (e.g., Kaal (2018)). In the United States, the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) seems to be moving in the direction of regulating ICOs as financial

security offerings, as recently stated by the SEC Chairman: “the structures of initial coin offerings

that I have seen promoted involve the offer and sale of securities and directly implicate the securities

registration requirements and other investor protection provisions of our federal securities laws.”4

In this paper, we develop a theory of ICOs that identifies several determinants of optimal ICO

structure and the choice between ICO and conventional equity-based financing. In doing so, we

presume adequate regulation preventing the ICO market from becoming a market for lemons is in

place. We take the perspective of a risk-averse entrepreneur who has an idea of an entrepreneurial

venture but lacks capital to finance it. To highlight the key distinctions between the economics of

ICO financing and those of traditional equity financing, such as venture capital (VC), we first

consider a parsimonious “base-case” model with fully diversified investors, no systematic risk,

full information, and a Gaussian payoff distribution. In this setting, we identify the following

fundamental tradeoff between the two sources of financing.

On the one hand, unlike traditional VC financing, an ICO allows the entrepreneur to keep some

of the capital raised in cash. This feature of an ICO is similar to the secondary component of

an equity issue in that it allows a risk-averse entrepreneur to transfer part of the venture risk to

diversified investors. Unlike selling equity, however, transferring risk to investors by retaining part

of the ICO proceeds does not dilute the entrepreneur’s control rights.

On the other hand, the entrepreneur’s ability to choose the investment level after securing

the financing creates an agency conflict between the entrepreneur and the ICO investors. When

choosing the investment level, the entrepreneur bears the full marginal cost of investment, but

internalizes only part of the marginal investment payoff that corresponds to the proportion of

tokens retained by the entrepreneur. Unlike underinvestment associated with risky debt (Myers

1977), underinvestment under ICO financing arises even in the absence of failure risk because the

entrepreneur bears the full investment cost but only part of the investment payoff in all states of
Public statement on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings by SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, from December
11, 2017; https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/statement-clayton-2017-12-11

the world. Finally, note that this agency problem arises uniquely under ICO financing because

tokens, unlike equity, represent claims to the venture’s revenues rather than profits.

The benefit of diversification and the cost of underinvestment associated with the option to

retain part of the ICO proceeds result in a trade-off that is absent in equity financing. In particular,

it is distinct from the well-known trade-off between concentrated ownership, which increases the

returns to monitoring and advising, and dispersed ownership, which has the benefit of diversification

(e.g., Bolton and Von Thudden (1998) and Maug (1998)). Under the stylized assumptions of our

base-case model, the underinvestment cost of an ICO always dominates its diversification benefit,

and venture capital emerges as the preferred source of financing. To examine the choice between

ICO and venture capital in more realistic settings, we generalize the base-case model by relaxing

several of its assumptions.

Under-diversified VC investors. In practice, VC investors, general partners in particular, tend

to have a large portion of their wealth invested in a limited number of ventures and, as a result,

require a return that reflects the venture risk and their own risk aversion. In contrast, tokens

are an easily divisible asset, allowing virtually perfect diversification. To recognize this distinction

between tokens and venture capital, we continue to assume dispersed and fully diversified token

investors, but we assume that venture capital is provided by a risk-averse and under-diversified

investor. We show that in this case, ICO is the preferred source of financing when the volatility of

the venture payoff is sufficiently high. High volatility favors ICO financing because it increases the

value of the entrepreneur’s option to retain cash, and also because it increases the return required

by the under-diversified VC investor. This leads to the first prediction of our model: ICO financing

is expected to be more prevalent for ventures with highly uncertain payoffs.

Systematic risk. As the next step, we introduce systematic risk, and examine the differential

effects of systematic and idiosyncratic components of the venture risk on the relative benefits of

ICO financing. We show that ICO dominates VC financing when the idiosyncratic component of

venture risk is high enough. Because systematic risk has a unique equilibrium price, it affects the

entrepreneur and investors in the same way, regardless of their diversification or risk aversion. This

means that the entrepreneur’s option to transfer risk to investors by retaining part of the ICO

proceeds in cash is valuable only insofar as the risk is idiosyncratic. Similarly, an under-diversified

VC investor requires a higher return than fully diversified ICO investors only to the extent that

the venture risk is idiosyncratic. In other words, both aforementioned benefits of ICO financing

are tied to the idiosyncratic component of the venture risk. The second prediction of our model is

therefore the following: ICO financing is expected to be more prevalent for ventures with a larger

proportion of idiosyncratic risk.

Information Asymmetry. One of the salient features of the ICO market is considerable informa-

tion asymmetry between entrepreneurs and investors. Unlike VCs, who tend to perform thorough

due diligence, ICO investors need to rely mainly on the contents of the white paper and the terms

of the ICO when making their investment decisions. Although it is likely that the tighter regulation

that is being considered will reduce the extent of information asymmetry in the ICO market, VCs

are likely to be always better informed than potential ICO investors. To recognize this distinct fea-

ture of ICOs, we further extend our model by assuming that there are two types of entrepreneurial

ventures, high quality and low quality. Whereas entrepreneurs and VC investors are informed

about the venture type, ICO investors are not. As a result, entrepreneurs with high-quality ven-

tures (“high types”) seeking ICO financing have incentive to signal their type to investors, whereas

entrepreneurs with low-quality ventures (“low types”) have incentive to imitate.

We show that there exists a unique least-cost separating equilibrium, in which the low types

choose the first-best ICO terms, whereas the high types retain a larger portion of tokens than they

would under full information. Intuitively, the entrepreneur’s willingness to retain a larger portion

of tokens signals her expectation that these tokens will have a high value once the uncertainty

regarding the venture’s output is resolved. As the degree of information asymmetry in terms of

the difference between the two types increases, so does the low types’ incentive to imitate, and

the high types need to incur greater signaling costs to separate. As a result, some high-quality

entrepreneurs, who would prefer an ICO in a low-information-asymmetry environment, prefer VC

financing when the degree of information asymmetry is high enough. This leads to the following

prediction: In the presence of high information asymmetry, ICOs are expected to be less prevalent

and of lower quality on average.

Right-skewed payoff distribution. While analytically convenient, the normal distribution is not

an ideal description of uncertainty associated with entrepreneurial ventures, which tend to have

highly right-skewed payoff distributions with a large upside and a considerable risk of failure. To

study the effect of such asymmetry in the payoff distribution, we abandon the assumption of a

Gaussian payoff and examine numerically the effect of failure risk, while keeping the mean and

volatility of the payoff distribution fixed.

One advantage of an ICO over venture capital is that in the case of partial retention of the

ICO proceeds, the entrepreneur is guaranteed a positive payoff even if the venture ultimately fails.

Thus, we would expect an ICO to dominate the VC alternative for ventures with right-skewed payoff

distributions and a considerable risk of failure. We show that this is indeed the case. Interestingly,

under right-skewed payoff distributions, an ICO can dominate VC financing even if VC investors are

fully diversified, which is not the case under a normally distributed venture payoff. This analysis

leads to the last prediction of our model: ICO financing is expected to be more prevalent for ventures

with high risk of failure and right-skewed payoff distributions.

Our paper contributes to the emerging theoretical literature studying the economics of ICOs.

Sockin and Xiong (2018) demonstrate the benefit of crypto currencies in facilitating decentralized

trading among participants of a platform. Li and Mann (2018) show that an ICO can prevent unde-

sirable prisoner-dilemma-type equilibria arising due to strategic complementarities among platform

users and associated network externalities. They also highlight the ICO’s ability to aggregate in-

formation of heterogeneous investors. Cong, Li and Wang (2018) study valuation of crypto tokens

in the presence of both static and inter-temporal network externalities.

Sockin and Xiong (2018), Li and Mann (2018), and Cong, Li and Wang (2018) focus on platform-

type ventures and explicitly model the dual role of ICO investors as users of the platform. While the

majority of ICO-financed ventures have been platforms, ICOs are also being increasingly used to

finance non-network-based projects.5 To capture the costs and benefits of ICO financing that exist
Examples include Bananacoin, backed by environmentally friendly bananas grown in Laos, an upcoming ICO of
Intex Resources ASA, a Norwegian mining company, and a planned ICO of the Plaza Hotel in New York.

regardless of potential network or any other platform-specific effects, we consider a parsimonious

yet fairly general setting that does not require ICO investors to be eventual users of the venture’s

product/service. Instead, we highlight diversification, agency, and information asymmetry issues

specific to issuing tokens, and examine their effect on equilibrium ICO terms and the optimal choice

of financing method by an entrepreneur. In comparing ICO and VC financing, our paper is most

closely related to Catalini and Gans (2018). Unlike us, they focus on the ability of an ICO to elicit

demand information through generating buyer competition for tokens.

In light of the high degree of information asymmetry in the ICO market, there is a growing

literature discussing the optimal regulation of ICOs (e.g., Chohan (2017), Robinson (2017), Kaal

(2018), Zetsche et al. (2018)). We contribute to this literature by suggesting that an objective

of such regulation should be to reduce information asymmetry in the ICO market to a moderate

level, at which high-quality ventures are able to separate from the low-quality ones by choosing

appropriate ICO terms.

In addition, our paper is related to the literature on reward-based crowdfunding, in which

funds are also raised in exchange for the firm’s future product or service.6 Strausz (2017) studies

optimal reward-based crowdfunding design under entrepreneurial moral hazard. Babich, Marinesi

and Tsoukalas (2018) focus on complementarity between crowdfunding and venture capital. In

both these papers, participants in the crowdfunding campaign are consumers, and the benefit of

crowdfunding is elicitation of demand information, similar to Catalini and Gans (2018). In our

paper, investors are not necessarily consumers and the benefit of ICO financing stems from the

entrepreneur’s ability to transfer risk to diversified investors.

Our paper is a part of the broader literature on economic effects of the blockchain technology

(see Lee (2016) for a discussion of the potential of blockchain to upend the stock market; Yermak

(2017) for an analysis of effects of blockchains on corporate governance; Biais et al. (2018) for a

game-theoretic model of a blockchain protocol; Chod et al. (2018) for a study of the benefits of

blockchain technology in overcoming information asymmetry frictions in supply chain finance; and
A fundamental difference between ICO financing and reward-based crowdfunding is that crypto tokens can be
traded in the secondary market, so ICO investors are not necessarily the eventual users of the product. Therefore,
whereas participation in a crowdfunding campaign is essentially a consumption decision, investing in an ICO is akin
to purchasing a security with an uncertain monetary reward.

Cong and He (2018) for an examination of various competitive effects of blockchains).

Finally, as the advantage of ICO financing that we focus on is the entrepreneur’s ability to

control the venture’s cash retention and investment policy, our paper is related to the literature

on control implications of ownership structure (e.g., Zingales (1995), Burkart, Gromb and Panunzi

(1997), and Pagano and Roell (1998)), and to the literature on optimal contracting in the presence

of incomplete contracts (e.g., Aghion and Bolton (1992) and Aghion and Tirole (1994)).

2. Base-Case Model

We consider a risk-averse entrepreneur who has an idea of a risky venture, but does not have the

wealth to finance it. The focus of our analysis is on the benefits and costs of financing the venture via

an initial coin offering, i.e., by issuing tokens that represent claims to the venture’s future product

or service, compared with conventional financing. While there are various conventional ways in

which an early-stage venture can raise external funds, we use venture capital as a benchmark. 7

2.1. Model assumptions

Assumption 1 The entrepreneur is risk averse and has CARA utility

u(ω) = γ −1 − γ −1 exp (−γω) , (1)

where ω is her terminal wealth and γ is her coefficient of absolute risk-aversion.

Assumption 2 The venture involves producing Q units of output at a quadratic cost Q2 . The

output can be sold at an uncertain unit price ξ. Therefore, a capital investment of Q2 results in an

uncertain payoff Π = ξQ.

Assumption 3 The entrepreneur does not have investable funds of her own, and the venture can
Debt financing is typically not a viable option for entrepreneurial ventures lacking collateral and stable cash
flows (e.g., Berger and Udell (1998)). There are other types of equity financing besides venture capital, e.g., angel
investment. However, in terms of size, ICOs are most similar to VC financing rounds. Among 429 ICOs that occurred
between March, 2014 and January, 2018 with information available on either www.icobench.com or www.icodrops.com
or www.cryptocompare.com, the mean (median) ICO proceeds amounted to $20.3 million (12.7 million). The mean
(median) size of a VC round is $13.3 million (6 million) in the overall sample of US VC investments between 1990 and
2005, and $17.9 million (8.6 million) within a subsample of fintech firms (e.g., Cumming and Schweinbacher (2016)).
In contrast, a typical angel investment tends to be below $100,000 (e.g., Shane (2012)).

only be financed using one of two options: an ICO or venture capital that takes the form of equity.

In practice, it is common for VCs to receive convertible preferred equity in the ventures they

fund.8 We assume that the VC receives equity to highlight the tradeoffs between ICO and tradi-

tional financing in the most parsimonious way. These tradeoffs remain qualitatively intact under

VC financing with convertible securities.

Assumption 4 In the case of VC financing, the venture capitalist has full control rights over

the use of the funds contributed to the venture. In particular, these funds are invested directly in

production and no part of them is kept as cash.

The assumption of the VC having control over the venture’s investment strategy is consistent

with the large empirical literature documenting VC control rights (e.g., Gompers (1995), Lerner

(1995), and Kaplan and Stromberg (2003)) and the theoretical literature on optimal contracting

between VCs and entrepreneurs (e.g., Hellmann (1998) and Dessein (2005)). The assumption that

the funds provided by the VC are fully invested is consistent with staged financing common in

VC contracts, whereby gradual staging of capital infusions and low cash reserves aim to keep the

entrepreneur “on a tight leash” (e.g., Sahlman (1990) and Gompers (1995)).

Assumption 5 In the case of ICO financing, the entrepreneur has full control rights over the use

of the funds contributed by the ICO investors. In particular, she is allowed to invest in production

only part of the ICO proceeds and keep the rest as cash.

This assumption reflects the fact that in the majority of ICOs, token holders are not given any

meaningful control rights (e.g., Catalini and Gans (2018) and Kaal (2018)). Adhami, Giudici and

Martinazzi (2018) report that in a sample of 253 ICOs between 2014 and 2017, ICO investors could

participate in governance decisions, i.e., take part in decision polls, in only 25% of cases, and they

were given contribution rights, i.e., the opportunity to influence product/service-related decisions,

in only 16% of cases.9

Assumption 6 Tokens are perfectly divisible.

See Gompers (1997) and Kaplan and Stromberg (2003) for evidence on VC financing using convertible securities,
and Schmidt (2003) and Hellmann (2006) for models showing optimality of such financing.
Many recent white papers include explicit statements such as “the founders of Telegram will be responsible for
the efficient use of funds resulting from any sale of tokens”; “MEST token holders have no voting rights or shares
in the Monaco Estate company”; or “VENDI Coin confers no other rights in any form, included but not limited to
any ownership, distribution (including but not limited to profit), redemption, liquidation, proprietory ... or other
financial or legal rights, other than those specifically described in the White paper.”

This assumption reflects the fact that most crypto tokens can be traded in fractional amounts,

which in turn allows ICO investors to diversify venture-specific risk.

Assumption 7 The risk-free rate is normalized to zero.

To highlight the fundamental tradeoff between ICO and VC financing in a most parsimonious

and analytically convenient framework, we initially make the following additional assumptions.

Later, we will relax each of these assumptions to examine the choice between ICO and VC financing

in more realistic settings.10

Assumption 8 VC investors are dispersed and able to fully diversify venture-specific risk.

Assumption 9 The uncertainty associated with the output price ξ is entirely idiosyncratic.

Assumption 10 All parties have full information regarding the distribution of ξ.

Assumption 11 The output price is normally distributed, ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), and σ < √2 .

When ξ is normally distributed, so is the entrepreneur’s payoff, and maximizing the expected

CARA utility, Eu(ω), is equivalent to maximizing the mean-variance criterion, E(ω) − γ2 Var(ω).

Assuming a normally distributed price is reasonable only if the probability of negative realizations

is small. The condition σ < √2 prevents the pathological scenario in which Pr (ξ < 0) is so large

relative to the entrepreneur’s relative risk aversion, that her expected utility under VC financing

decreases in her share of the venture; see the proof of Lemma 1 for details.

Next, we characterize the equilibrium VC contract, which we then use as a “traditional financing

benchmark” to assess the benefits and costs of ICO financing.

2.2. VC financing

Suppose that the entrepreneur approaches a VC firm with a take-it-or-leave-it offer of a contract

that stipulates (i) the VC’s capital investment Q2 and (ii) the VC’s share of the venture payoff, or

equity stake, α. The VC accepts the offer if, and only if, it can expect to at least break even, i.e.,

αEΠ ≥ Q2 , where Π = ξQ. The entrepreneur chooses α and Q so as to maximize her expected
Because each of the following assumptions is ultimately relaxed, we indicate in each lemma and proposition which
of these assumptions it relies on.


Qvc , αvc = arg max Eu ((1 − α) Π) s.t. αEΠ ≥ Q2 . (2)


Next, we characterize the equilibrium VC contract and the mean-variance form of the entrepreneur’s

expected utility given this contract, U vc = E ((1 − αvc ) Π (Qvc )) − γ2 Var ((1 − αvc ) Π (Qvc )).

Lemma 1 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), fully diversified VC investors, no systematic risk, and full infor-

mation, the equilibrium VC contract is such that Qvc = µ2 , αvc = 12 , and U vc = µ4 1 − γσ8 .

Because for any given output level Q, the entrepreneur is better off holding a larger share of

the venture, she always chooses the smallest α that is acceptable to the VC. In other words, the

equilibrium α is such that the VC breaks even, i.e., Q2 = αEΠ. Interestingly, the equilibrium output

level satisfies

Qvc = arg max EΠ − Q2 ,


that is, VC financing results in the investment/output level that maximizes expected profit. Because

the entrepreneur does not contribute her own funds to the venture, the investment level is not

distorted by her risk aversion. Furthermore, because both the entrepreneur and the VC hold equity

claims, the investment level is not distorted by any agency conflict between the two parties.

2.3. ICO financing

Suppose that the entrepreneur legally commits to issue a certain number of tokens, and to

accept these tokens as the sole means of payment for the venture’s output.11 She then sells a

proportion α of the tokens to investors via an ICO, while retaining the rest.12 We normalize the

total number of tokens issued to one, so the terms “number of tokens” and “proportion of tokens”

are interchangeable.

Let p be the equilibrium price of a token at the initial offering. Thus, by selling α tokens, the
In our model as well as in the vast majority of ICOs to date, the entrepreneur commits to a pre-specified number
of tokens in circulation. See Catalini and Gans (2018) for a discussion of such commitment.
The average share of tokens retained by founders and/or the venture within 429 ICOs with available information
that occurred between March, 2014 and January, 2018 is 47%.

entrepreneur raises the total amount αp. Retaining control rights over the use of the ICO proceeds,

she then decides to produce Q units of output by investing Q2 in production, while keeping the

remaining αp−Q2 ≥ 0 in cash. Eventually, uncertainty regarding the unit output price ξ is resolved

and the entrepreneur sells the remaining (1 − α) tokens. These tokens as well as the tokens held

by ICO investors are purchased by consumers who redeem them for the venture’s output.

Because in equilibrium, the monetary value of total output, Π = ξQ, has to be equal to the value

of tokens outstanding, whose number is normalized to one, Π is also the future value of one token.

Thus, the entrepreneur’s revenue from selling her remaining tokens is (1 − α) Π. Finally, since the

ICO investors are fully diversified, the venture risk is entirely idiosyncratic, and the risk-free rate

is normalized to zero, the ICO price of a token must equal its expected future value in equilibrium,

i.e., p = EΠ. The sequence of events is summarized below:

1. The entrepreneur sells α tokens to investors at equilibrium price p, raising αp.

2. The entrepreneur invests Q2 in production and keeps the remaining αp − Q2 ≥ 0 in cash.

3. Uncertainty regarding the monetary value of output, Π = ξQ, is resolved.

4. The entrepreneur sells the remaining (1 − α) tokens, earning (1 − α)Π; token holders exchange

their tokens for the venture’s output.

The entrepreneur has two decisions to make. She first decides α, the number of tokens to

initially offer to investors. After selling the tokens to investors, she decides the output level Q or,

equivalently, the investment level Q2 . We consider these two decisions sequentially starting with

the latter.

When choosing the optimal output level, the entrepreneur’s capital available is αp and she

maximizes the expected utility from her terminal payoff, which is αp − Q2 + (1 − α) Π. The first

term is the amount raised through the ICO, αp, minus the production investment, Q2 . The second

term is the uncertain future value of the (1 − α) tokens retained, where Π = ξQ. Therefore, we


Qico (α) = arg max Eu αp − Q2 + (1 − α) Π s.t. Q2 ≤ αp,


where p and α are given.

The difference between the optimal investment decision under ICO in (4) and that under VC

financing in (3) is twofold. First, unlike VC financing, an ICO allows the risk-averse entrepreneur

to keep some of the capital raised in cash. As the entrepreneur retains 100% equity in the firm, this

is equivalent to the entrepreneur distributing the uninvested part of the ICO proceeds to herself

and thereby transferring some of the venture risk to diversified investors.

Second, the entrepreneur’s ability to choose the investment level after securing the financing

creates an agency conflict between her and the ICO investors. When choosing the investment level,

the entrepreneur bears the full marginal cost of investment, but internalizes only a fraction (1 − α)

of the marginal investment payoff. This leads to an underinvestment problem that is unique to ICO

financing. Notably, it is different from the underinvestment of Myers (1977), which arises in the

presence of risky debt and limited liability. In Myers (1977) underinvestment occurs because equi-

tyholders bear the full marginal cost of investment, whereas the marginal investment payoff realized

in bankruptcy states accrues to debtholders. Here, a fraction α of the marginal investment payoff

accrues to the ICO investors in each state of the world. Thus, unlike underinvestment associated

with debt, underinvestment under ICO financing arises even in the absence of uncertainty.

When choosing the fraction of tokens to sell during the ICO, the entrepreneur maximizes the

expected utility from her terminal payoff, αp − Q2 + (1 − α) Π (Q), anticipating the subsequent

investment Q = Qico (α). Because investors too anticipate the entrepreneur’s optimal investment

and price the ICO accordingly, we have p = EΠ Qico (α) . The optimal α is thus given by

αico = arg max Eu αEΠ Qico (α) + (1 − α) Π Qico (α) − Qico (α)
, (5)

where Qico (α) is given in (4). Equation (5) highlights the tradeoff in choosing the optimal α. On

the one hand, larger α allows the entrepreneur to remove uncertainty from a larger portion of the

investment payoff Π. On the other hand, larger α exacerbates the distortion of the anticipated

investment Qico (α) due to the aforementioned agency problem, which in turn affects how investors

price the ICO.

The next lemma characterizes the equilibrium ICO structure and the corresponding mean-

variance form of the entrepreneur’s expected utility, U ico .

Lemma 2 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), no systematic risk, and full information, there exists a threshold

s < 2 such that the equilibrium ICO structure is the following:

√s , µ2
then αico = α̃, Qico = α̃µ, and U ico = α̃ + α̃2 , where α̃ is the unique root of

(a) If σ ≤ γ 2

3α + γσ 2 (1 − α)2 α − 1 = 0.
√ √
σ 2 γ+1− 2σ 2 γ+1 µ 2σ 2 γ+1−1
(b) If σ > √s , then αico = , Qico = √ 1
, and U ico = µ2 .
γ σ2 γ 2 2σ 2 γ+1 4σ 2 γ

The form of the equilibrium solution depends on the entrepreneur’s risk aversion γ and the

venture risk captured by the output price volatility σ. When risk aversion and/or volatility are

relatively low (case (a)), the entrepreneur is less concerned with offloading risk to investors, the

option to retain cash is less valuable, and underinvestment becomes the dominant consideration.

Thus, the entrepreneur sells a relatively small portion of the tokens to investors, and subsequently

invests the entire ICO proceeds in production, i.e., Q2 = αp.

If risk and/or risk aversion are high (case (b)), the entrepreneur’s incentive to retain cash is

strong, she sells a large portion of the tokens to investors, and subsequently invests only part of

the ICO proceeds in prodution, i.e., Q2 < αp. This is the case in which the potential benefit of

ICO financing – the ability to lock in part of the uncertain future revenue – materializes, albeit at

the cost of underinvestment, which rational investors price into the ICO valuation.

The equilibrium α and Q under ICO financing are illustrated and compared with the corre-

sponding quantities under equilibrium VC financing in Panels (a) and (b) of Figure 1, respectively.
In this figure, µ = 1, σ varies over the entire permissible range 0, √2γ , and γ = 8.13 The blue

lines correspond to the VC benchmark. Because under VC financing, the entrepreneur does not

contribute her own funds to the venture and the VC investors are assumed to be fully diversified,
With respect to our choice of the numerical value of γ, note that the coefficient of absolute risk aversion depends
strongly on the individual’s wealth w, whereas the coefficient of relative risk aversion, R = γ × w, appears to be
roughly constant (e.g., Rabin (2000)). Furthermore, most empirical estimates of relative risk aversion R vary between
1 and 3 (e.g., Chiappori and Paiella (2011) and the references therein). If we proxy for the entrepreneur’s wealth by
the expected value of her share of the venture under VC financing, i.e., w = (1 − αvc )EΠ (Qvc ) = 41 , our choice of
γ = 8 corresponds to R = 2, consistent with empirical estimates.

(a) , (b) Q (c) U
0.6 0.6 0.3

0.5 0.5 0.25

0.4 0.4 0.2

0.3 0.3 0.15

0.2 0.2 0.1

0.1 0.1 0.05

0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ .
< < <

Figure 1: The equilibrium α, Q, and the resulting mean-variance utility U under ICO (red) and VC financing

(blue), as a function of σ ∈ (0, 2/ γ) for µ=1 and γ=8.

neither the equilibrium investment nor the equity share required by the VC is affected by the

venture payoff volatility.

The red curves illustrate the equilibrium under ICO financing. At low levels of volatility, the

entrepreneur structures the ICO so as to commit herself to investing the entire ICO proceeds,

passing on the option to retain cash. She does so by keeping a relatively large portion of the

tokens, which in turn limits the amount of money that she is able to raise. Thus, even though

underinvestment does not arise in the sense that the entire ICO proceeds are invested, the capital

raised and the resulting investment are below those arising under VC financing. As volatility

increases, the entrepreneur needs to keep a larger portion of the tokens to maintain her commitment

and, as a result, raises less money, which in turn leads to a lower investment.

When volatility exceeds a certain threshold, √s ≈ 0.37 in the example, the entrepreneur’s

risk considerations become pre-eminent, and the option to retain cash becomes too valuable to

pass. As volatility increases, the entrepreneur sells a larger share of the tokens, which exacerbates

the agency problem, and the investment level drops precipitously as a result of risk aversion and


2.4. Equilibrium financing choice

Comparing the entrepreneur’s expected utilities under ICO and VC financing leads to the

following result.

Proposition 1 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), fully diversified VC investors, no systematic risk, and full

information, ICO is always dominated by VC financing, i.e., U vc ≥ U ico .

Proposition 1 shows that in our base-case model, the underinvestment problem trumps the

diversification benefit of retaining part of the ICO proceeds, and venture capital is the optimal

source of financing. This is also illustrated in Panel (c) of Figure 1, in which the entrepreneur’s

expected utility under VC financing exceeds that under ICO financing for any admissible volatility
σ ∈ 0, √2γ .

While the base-case model is useful for illustrating the fundamental tradeoff between the two

financing methods, it relies on several restrictive assumptions. In the next section, we relax some of

these assumptions and examine the choice between ICO and VC financing in more realistic settings.

We first examine the case of under-diversified VC investors. Second, we introduce systematic

risk. Third, we consider information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and ICO investors. Fourth

and finally, we examine the effect of asymmetric, right-skewed payoff distributions, which tend to

characterize entrepreneurial ventures seeking early-stage financing.

3. When is ICO financing optimal?

3.1. Under-diversified VC investor

In our base-case model, we assumed risk-neutral valuation of the venture by both VC and ICO

investors. This is a rather innocuous assumption in the case of ICO investors because tokens are

an easily divisible asset, allowing virtually perfect diversification. In contrast, VC investors, and

general partners of VC funds in particular, tend to be under-diversified. Since general partners

have to invest considerable time and effort in managing each venture, VC funds tend to invest in

a limited number of projects.14 As a result, VC investors are likely to require a higher expected

return, reflecting the venture risk and their own risk aversion. To recognize this distinction between

ICO and VC investors, we replace Assumption 8 of dispersed and fully diversified VC investors with
See Fulghieri and Sevilir (2009) for a model of optimal VC portfolio size, Ewens, Jones and Rhodes-Kropf
(2013) for a model of interactions between a risk-averse, under-diversified VC general partner and entrepreneurs, and
Cumming (2006) for empirical evidence on VC portfolios sizes.

the following alternative:

Assumption 8a The VC firm is wholly owned by an investor with CARA utility and the coefficient

of absolute risk aversion δ ≤ γ, who does not have any other holdings.

The assumption that the VC investor is less risk-averse than the entrepreneur captures two

empirical regularities. First, the coefficient of absolute risk aversion tends to decrease in wealth (e.g.,

Arrow (1971) and Kimball (1993)). Second, VC investors tend to be wealthier than entrepreneurs.15

The assumption that the VC investor does not have other holdings is equivalent to assuming that

the payoff of such holdings is normally distributed and independent of ξ, and is made for ease of


When approaching an under-diversified VC investor, the entrepreneur faces the same problem

as in (2) except that the VC’s participation constraint Q2 ≤ αEΠ becomes

Q2 ≤ αEΠ − Var (αΠ) , (6)

reflecting the VC’s concern with payoff volatility. The next lemma characterizes the equilibrium


Lemma 3 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), under-diversified VC investor, no systematic risk, and full in-
q √
2σ 2 δ+4−2
formation, the equilibrium VC contract is such that Qvc = µ2 2+σ
2δ , α
vc =
σ2 δ
, and
√  √ 
2 2
U vc = µ2 2σ σδ+4−2
2δ 1 − γδ 2σ δ+4−2
4 .

Comparing the entrepreneur’s expected utility when financed by an under-diversified VC with

her expected utility under ICO financing leads to the following result.

Proposition 2 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), under-diversified VC investor, no systematic risk, and full

information, ICO dominates VC financing if, and only if, the volatility of the venture’s output
Bitler, Moskowitz and Vissing-Jorgensen (2005) report the mean (median) wealth of entrepreneurs to be around
$1 million (300,000). Although we are not aware of any evidence on the wealth distribution for VC general partners,
Bottazzi, Da Rin and Hellmann (2008) report that a mean (median) VC fund manages $330 million (60 million) and
has three general partners. A back-of-the-envelope calculation using a typical 2% annual management fee implies
that the lower bound on the annual income of a mean (median) VC general partner is $2 million (400,000), suggesting
substantially larger levels of wealth than those of entrepreneurs.

price is sufficiently high, i.e., there exists σ̄ such that

U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ σ > σ̄.

Importantly, the threshold σ̄, which we characterize in the proof of the proposition, satisfies
σ̄ < √2γ . This means that there are levels of volatility within the admissible range 0, √2γ for

which ICO dominates VC financing. Furthermore, σ̄ > √s , which means that an ICO can be the

preferred financing strategy only when the entrepreneur’s option to retain part of the ICO proceeds

is “in the money.”

Volatility of the venture payoff affects the choice between ICO and VC financing in two ways: (i)

Unlike VC financing, an ICO allows the entrepreneur to mitigate her risk exposure by converting

part of the uncertain future revenue into cash at fair value. This diversification benefit of ICO

financing is greatest when volatility is high. However, as shown in Proposition 1, it is never

sufficient to dominate the underinvestment problem when the benchmark is financing by a fully

diversified VC. (ii) When the VC investor himself is under-diversified, venture capital becomes less

attractive as the VC requires a higher expected return than ICO investors, and more so when

payoff volatility is high. Taken together, these two effects result in preference for ICO financing for

ventures with highly volatile payoffs.

The effect of the VC’s under-diversification is illustrated in Figure 2, which is similar to Figure

1, except that it plots the equilibrium αvc , Qvc , and U vc under different levels of the VC’s risk

aversion δ. As δ increases, the VC invests less (Panel (b)), receives a smaller share of the venture

in return (Panel (a)), and the entrepreneur is worse off (Panel (c)). Importantly, the higher the

VC’s risk aversion δ, the lower the volatility threshold above which ICO dominates VC financing,

as evident from Panel (c).

3.2. Systematic risk

In this section, in addition to allowing the VC investor to be under-diversified, we relax our

assumption that the output price uncertainty is entirely idiosyncratic. In particular, we replace

(a) , (b) Q (c) U
0.6 0.6 0.3

/ 0.5
/ 0.25

0.4 0.4 0.2


0.3 0.3 0.15

0.2 0.2 0.1

0.1 0.1 0.05

0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2/ .
< < <

Figure 2: The equilibrium α, Q, and the resulting mean-variance utility U under ICO (red) and VC financing

(blue), as a function of σ ∈ (0, 2/ γ) for µ = 1, γ = 8, and δ ∈ (0, γ).

Assumption 9 with the following alternative:

Assumption 9a The output price ξ is correlated with the return on the market portfolio, rm ∼

N (r̄m , σm ). The standard assumptions of the CAPM hold. Namely, the VC investor as well as the

entrepreneur can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate and allocate their wealth outside the venture

optimally between cash and the market portfolio.

The only feature of our model that deviates from the standard CAPM is that the entrepreneur

and the VC investor hold, in addition to the optimal combination of cash and the market portfolio,

their entire stakes in the venture.

Although we allow the entrepreneur to borrow at the risk-free rate and to invest in the market

portfolio so as to make the concept of systematic risk meaningful, we retain our initial Assumption 3

that the venture is entirely financed either by venture capital or from ICO proceeds. In other

words, we do not allow the entrepreneur to finance the venture by using her personal wealth or by


Let ρ be the correlation coefficient between ξ and rm , and let

cov(ξ, rm )
µ̂ = Eξ − r̄m 2
= µ − r̄m ρσ/σm and (7)
σ̂ 2 = 1 − ρ2 Var(ξ) = 1 − ρ2 σ 2 .

Whereas µ is the expected value of the unit revenue ξ, µ̂ denotes its CAPM valuation. Parameter

σ̂ measures the idiosyncratic volatility of ξ. Namely, if we decompose ξ = ξidio + ξsys , where ξidio

is independent of rm , whereas ξsys is perfectly correlated with rm , we can write Var(ξidio ) = σ̂ 2 .

Finally, note that ρ2 is the proportion of total risk that is systematic.

VC financing

Let y denote the VC’s investment in the market portfolio. The VC will accept the entrepreneur’s

offer to invest in the venture if, and only if,

δ  δ
max E (rm y) − Var (rm y) ≤ max E rm y + αΠ − Q2 − Var (rm y + αΠ) . (9)
y 2 y 2

The left-hand side of (9) is the VC’s mean-variance utility from the optimal investment in the market

portfolio, provided it is his only investment. The right-hand side of (9) is the VC’s mean-variance

utility if he accepts the entrepreneur’s offer to invest Q2 in the venture in exchange for a share α

of the venture payoff Π, in addition to optimally investing in the market portfolio. The optimal
r̄m r̄m
solutions to the left-hand and right-hand sides of (9) are y1 = δσm2 and y2 = δσm2 − αQρσ/σm ,

respectively. Plugging these quantities back to the respective sides of (9), the VC’s participation

constraint simplifies into

Q2 ≤ αQµ̂ − α2 Q2 σ̂ 2 . (10)

Let x denote the entrepreneur’s investment in the market portfolio. Her decision problem is

xvc , Qvc , αvc = arg max Eu ((1 − α) Π + rm x) , (11)


subject to the VC’s participation constraint (10). The next lemma characterizes the equilibrium

under VC financing.

Lemma 4 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), under-diversified VC investor, systematic risk, and full informa-
q √ 2
tion, the equilibrium VC contract is such that Q = 2 2+σ̂2 δ , α = 2σ̂σ̂δ+4−2
vc µ̂ 2 vc
, and U vc =
√ 2  √ 
µ̂2 2σ̂ δ+4−2 γ 2σ̂ 2 δ+4−2 2
2 σ̂ 2 δ
1 − δ 4 + 12 γσ 2 .

The effect of systematic risk and the opportunity to trade the market portfolio can be seen

by comparing the expressions for αvc , Qvc , and U vc in Lemma 4 with those in Lemma 3. The
1 r̄m
difference is threefold. (i) The entrepreneur’s expected utility is increased by 2 γσm2 , which is the

gain from trading the market portfolio. (ii) Output price volatility σ is replaced by idiosyncratic

volatility σ̂, which continues to affect the risk-averse entrepreneur and VC investor in the same

way, regardless of their ability to trade the market portfolio. (iii) The expected unit revenue µ is

replaced by µ̂. Because systematic risk can be hedged by trading the market portfolio, its effect

on both the entrepreneur and the VC depends on how it is priced by the market. In the CAPM

equilibrium, it alters the value of uncertain cash flow ξ from µ to µ̂.

ICO financing

According to the CAPM, the relation between the token price at the initial offering, p, and its

uncertain future value, Π, is given by

cov (Π, rm )
p = EΠ − r̄m 2
⇐⇒ p = Qµ̂. (12)

The entrepreneur’s problem post-ICO is to choose the output level Qico and the investment in

the market portfolio xico that maximize her expected utility, i.e.,

xico (α) , Qico (α) = arg max Eu αp − Q2 + (1 − α)Π + xrm s.t. Q2 ≤ αp,


where p and α are given. Without loss of generality, we focus on the scenario, in which the

constraint, Q2 ≤ αp, is not binding, i.e., the entrepreneur does not invest the entire ICO proceeds

in production.16

When choosing the optimal α, the entrepreneur maximizes her expected utility in (13), but now

she anticipates the equilibrium token price p to be determined according to (12) and the subsequent

choice of x and Q to be determined by the optimal solution to (13). The next lemma characterizes

the equilibrium under ICO financing.

This is the case when σ̂ > √sγ . When σ̂ ≤ √sγ , we obtain a boundary solution, which is analogous to the one
characterized in part (a) of Lemma 2. However, because this boundary solution is always dominated by VC financing,
assuming σ̂ > √sγ is without any loss of generality when it comes to identifying the parameter set for which an ICO
is the preferred financing strategy.

Lemma 5 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), systematic risk, and full information, the equilibrium ICO structure
√ √ 2
ico σ̂ 2 γ+1− 2σ̂ 2 γ+1 ico µ̂ √ 1 ico 2 2σ̂ γ+1−1 2
1 r̄m
is such that α = 2
σ̂ γ
, Q = 2 2
, and U = µ̂ 2
4σ̂ γ
+ 2 γσ 2
2σ̂ γ+1 m

The effects of introducing systematic risk are the same as in the case of VC financing in the

sense that the expressions in Lemma 5 are identical to those in Lemma 2(b) except that µ and σ

are replaced by µ̂ and σ̂, respectively, and the entrepreneur’s expected utility is increased by the
1 r̄m
gain from trading the market portfolio, 2 γσm2 .

Comparing the entrepreneur’s expected utilities under VC and ICO financing given in Lemmata

4 and 5, respectively, leads to the following result.

Proposition 3 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), under-diversified VC investor, systematic risk, and full infor-

mation, ICO dominates VC financing if, and only if, the proportion of systematic risk is sufficiently

low, i.e., there exists ρ̄ such that

U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ ρ2 < ρ̄2 .

When all parties have the opportunity to trade the market portfolio, systematic nature of the

venture risk favors VC financing for the following reason. Because systematic risk has a given

price determined by the CAPM equilibrium, it affects the entrepreneur and investors the same

way, regardless of their diversification or risk aversion. This has two implications. First, the

entrepreneur’s option to off-load some of the venture risk to investors by retaining part of the ICO

proceeds is valuable only to the extent that this risk is idiosyncratic. Second, an under-diversified

VC requires a higher return than fully diversified ICO investors only to the extent that the venture

risk is idiosyncratic. Therefore, the larger the systematic component of the venture risk, the less

valuable the option to retain part of the ICO proceeds, and the smaller the valuation premium of

ICO investors over the VC.

Finally, recall Proposition 2 according to which venture capital dominates ICO financing when

volatility is low enough, even if it is entirely idiosyncratic. In other words, for low enough volatility,

the threshold ρ̄ equals zero.

3.3. Information asymmetry

In this section, we continue to consider an under-diversified VC investor and systematic risk,

but add more realism to the informational environment of ICO financing. One of the paramount

features of the ICO market is the notorious information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and

investors. Therefore, we replace Assumption 10 regarding full information of all parties with the

following alternative:

Assumption 10a There are two types of entrepreneurial ventures: high-quality and low-quality,

denoted by indices H and L, respectively. The two types differ only in the expected value of the

output price, in particular, ξi ∼ N µi , σ 2 for type i, with µH > µL . Each entrepreneur and VC is

informed about the venture quality, whereas ICO investors are not.

The assumption that the VC is fully informed about the venture quality reflects in a most

parsimonious form the informational advantage of VCs over ICO investors. VCs typically employ

a rigorous due diligence process when evaluating investment opportunities (e.g., Chan (1983) and

Ueda (2004)). In contrast, ICO investors tend to rely on the contents of the white paper, which in

many cases focus on the product/technology aspects of the venture while providing little information

about the initiators/backers and intended uses of the funds raised (e.g., Zetsche et al. (2018)).17

With a fully informed VC, the equilibrium under VC financing is identical to that characterized

in the previous section, with the expected output price µ replaced by µH and µL for high-quality and

low-quality ventures, respectively. In the remainder of this section, we characterize the equilibrium

ICO, and compare it with VC financing. In what follows we use the terms “high/low-quality

entrepreneur” and “high/low-quality venture” interchangeably.

ICO financing

Because the ICO valuation depends on investors’ beliefs regarding the venture’s type, high-

quality entrepreneurs have an incentive to signal their type, whereas low-quality entrepreneurs
In practice, many ICOs are preceded by a pre-ICO sale of tokens to large and sophisticated investors, including
VCs. However, most such pre-ICO token sales are executed at large discounts. In the case of Filecoin, for example,
the discount to some pre-ICO investors reached as much as 85% of the ICO price. Thus, the decision by sophisticalted
investors to participate in a pre-sale does not necessarily signal the venture’s quality and eliminate the information
asymmetry faced by ICO investors.

have an incentive to imitate. Because investors form their beliefs regarding an ICO’s quality upon

observing the fraction α of tokens that the entrepreneur offers through the ICO, this fraction is

a potential signaling device.18 The credibility of such signal relies on the entrepreneur not being

able to sell additional tokens in the secondary market right after the ICO. An immediate sale of a

significant number of tokens by the entrepreneur post-ICO, however, is unlikely as founders’ tokens

typically vest over a long period of time.19

Let β(α) be the investors’ belief regarding the type of an entrepreneur who offers fraction α of

tokens at the ICO. Following Spence (1973), we assume that the belief has a threshold structure,

i.e., 
 H if α ≤ t

β (α) = (14)

 L otherwise

where the threshold t has to be consistent with entrepreneurs’ actions and is determined endoge-

nously in equilibrium. In other words, if the proportion of tokens that an entrepreneur offers

through the ICO is lower than or equal to t, investors believe that her venture is of high quality.

Otherwise they believe that the venture is of low quality. Intuitively, the entrepreneur’s willingness

to retain a larger portion of the tokens is a signal of her expectation that these tokens will have

a high value once uncertainty regarding the output price is resolved. Note that in our model, the

entrepreneur can sell the tokens through the ICO and then after the resolution of uncertainty, but

not in-between these two events. Not allowing the entrepreneur to trade on her insider information

post ICO is critical for the signal conveyed through α to be credible.20

Let Uij (α) be the expected utility of an entrepreneur of type i who is perceived as type j

by investors, and post-IPO invests optimally in production and the market portfolio, consistent

with her true type. A separating equilibrium (SE) is characterized by the low type’s and the high

type’s optimal actions, αL and αH , respectively, and a consistent belief structure given by (14) that
This is in the spirit of DeMarzo and Duffie (1999), who consider signaling with the fraction of equity offered to
IPO investors.
In the case of Filecoin, for example, the vesting is linear over a six-year period.
This assumption is consistent with the common practice, whereby entrepreneurs’ tokens gradually vest and cannot
be sold for some time following the ICO. In addition, a large portion of tokens retained is typically earmarked for
future payments to contributors such as developers.

satisfies the following necessary and sufficient conditions:

max UHL (α) ≤ max UHH (α) , and (15)

α>t α≤t

max ULL (α) ≥ max ULH (α) . (16)

α>t α≤t

Condition (15) ensures that the high type chooses α at or below the threshold t. Condition

(16) ensures that the low type chooses α above this threshold. Because these conditions may lead

to multiple separating equilibria, we adopt the intuitive criterion refinement by Cho and Kreps

(1987), which eliminates any Pareto-dominated equilibria. We refer to any equilibria that survive

as least-cost separating equilibria (LCSE).

We continue to focus on the more interesting parameter range, in which the entrepreneur of

either type does not invest the entire ICO proceeds in production and in which an ICO can poten-

tially dominate VC financing.21 Note that under full information, it is optimal for both types to

choose αico that is characterized in Lemma 5, and to which we refer as the “first-best.”

Lemma 6 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), systematic risk, and asymmetric information, there exists a unique

least-cost separating equilibrium, in which the two types choose αL = αico and αH = t < αico , and

the investors’ belief threshold t is given by

2σ̂ γθ + 2 σ̂ 2 γ (θ − 1) σ̂ 2 γ − 2 2σ̂ 2 γ + 1 + σ̂ 2 γθ + 2

t=1−  p  , (17)
σ̂ 2 γ 4θ + 2σ̂ 2 γ + 1 − 3

where θ = µ̂2H /µ̂2L and µ̂i = µi − r̄m ρσ/σm .

In the least-cost separating equilibrium, low-quality entrepreneurs choose the first-best ICO

terms, are perceived as low types, and their ventures are valued accordingly. In contrast, high-

quality entrepreneurs retain a larger portion of tokens than they would under full information to

signal their quality to investors. Obtaining the correct valuation thus comes at a cost to them.

Parameter θ measures the difference between the two types and thereby the degree of information
21 s
Recall that under full information, this is the case when σ̂ > √ .
By continuity, it must also be the case when
σ̂ > √sγ and the difference between µH and µL is not too large.

(a) (b) Q (c) U
0.6 0.15

0.5 0.3

0.4 0.1

0.2 0.05

0 0 0
1 1.2 1.4 1 1.2 1.4 1 1.2 1.4

Figure 3: The equilibrium α, Q, and the resulting mean-variance utility U of the high-quality entrepreneur
under VC financing (blue) and the LCSE ICO (red), as a function of the degree of information asymmetry
θ ∈ (1, 1.5) for µH = 1, σ = 0.7, ρ = 0, r̄m = 0.05, σm = 0.25, and γ = δ = 8.

asymmetry.22 As this difference increases, so does the low type’s incentive to imitate. As a con-

sequence, the high type needs to retain a larger share of tokens to separate, resulting in greater

signaling costs.

The effect of the degree of information asymmetry θ on high-quality ICOs is illustrated in

Figure 3 (in red) together with the VC benchmark (in blue). Because we are examining the effect

on high-quality ventures, we fix µH and vary µL so that θ ranges between 1 and 1.5. The figure

is based on a relatively high volatility (σ = 0.7), so that in the absence of information asymmetry

(θ = 1), ICO dominates VC financing. As the degree of information asymmetry θ increases, high-

quality entrepreneurs reduce the portion of tokens they sell at the ICO to sustain separation (Panel

(a)). The larger stake in the venture retained by the entrepreneur moderates the agency problem,

while increasing the entrepreneur’s risk exposure, the net result being a moderately positive relation

between the degree of information asymmetry and investment in production (Panel (b)). Most

important, as the proportion of tokens sold at the ICO deviates further from the first best level,

the entrepreneur’s expected utility decreases, and eventually falls below the VC benchmark (Panel

(c)). We formalize this result in the following proposition.

Proposition 4 Under ξ ∼ N (µ, σ), under-diversified VC investor, systematic risk, and asymmet-

ric information, ICO dominates VC financing for high-quality ventures if, and only if, the degree
To be precise, θ is equal to the ratio of the expected utilities that the high type and the low type derive from the
venture under full information.

of information asymmetry is sufficiently low, i.e., there exists θ̄ such that

U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ θ < θ̄.

Recall that under VC financing, information asymmetry does not affect ventures of either type by as-

sumption. According to Lemma 6, low-quality ventures are not affected by information asymmetry

even under ICO financing in equilibrium. Information asymmetry thus impacts only high-quality

entrepreneurs seeking ICO financing. According to Proposition 4, some high-quality entrepreneurs,

who would prefer an ICO in a low-information-asymmetry environment, prefer VC financing if the

degree of information asymmetry is high enough. Finally, recall that venture capital is in some cases

(well-diversified VC or low idiosyncratic volatility) the preferred source of financing even under full

information, i.e., the threshold θ̄ can equal one.

3.4. Right-skewed payoff distribution

Our analysis thus far has relied on a normally distributed output price and resulting venture

payoff. While analytically convenient, the normal distribution is not an ideal description of payoff

uncertainty for ventures considering ICO financing. Payoff distribution of such ventures is likely

to be highly right-skewed with a large probability of failure and a small probability of a very high

payoff.23 In this section, we examine numerically the effect of asymmetry in payoff distribution

that captures both high failure risk and right-skewness. To make the analysis as transparent as

possible, we revert to the parsimony of our base case model with fully diversified VC investors,

fully idiosyncratic volatility, and full information. At the same time, we replace Assumption 11 of

a normally distributed output price with the following alternative:

Assumption 11a The output price ξ follows the following mixture distribution:

 0

with probability φ
ξ= (18)
 X with probability 1 − φ

While it is too early to measure the distribution of ICO returns, the evidence on entrepreneurial ventures backed
by venture capital suggests a failure rate (probability of a write-off) ranging between 25% and 50% (e.g., Cumming
and MacIntosh (2003) and Laine and Torstilla (2005)).

where X is log-normally distributed.

Under this assumption, the venture either completely fails, or it is a “success” with a log-

normally distributed payoff. We examine the effect of failure risk φ on the attractiveness of ICO

financing while keeping the mean and volatility of ξ fixed. 24 This effect is shown in Figure 4, which

plots the expected utilities U ico and U vc as a function of φ ∈ (0.1, 0.5) for Eξ = 1, Var(ξ) = 1, and

varying levels of the entrepreneur’s absolute risk aversion γ.25

An advantage of ICO over VC financing is that the former enables a risk-averse entrepreneur

to obtain a positive payoff by retaining part of the ICO proceeds even if the venture ultimately

fails. Thus, we would expect ICO financing to dominate the VC alternative for ventures with

right-skewed payoff distributions that have a considerable probability mass at zero, especially if

the entrepreneur is strongly risk averse. As shown in Figure 4, a higher failure risk indeed favors

ICO financing. Namely, ICO dominates VC financing when the failure risk φ & 32% (38%, 48%)

for γ = 10 (8, 6). According to Proposition 1, under a normally distributed payoff, ICO cannot

dominate financing by a fully diversified VC. As shown in Figure 4, under a more realistic, non-

Gaussian payoff distribution, it can. Finally, note that as the venture’s expected payoff and its

volatility are kept constant, the effect of failure risk here is unrelated to Hellmann (1998), where

less able entrepreneurs, who are more likely to fail, have larger incentives to relinquish control


4. Empirical Predictions

Prediction 1 ICO financing is expected to be more prevalent for ventures with highly uncertain


This prediction, which follows directly from Proposition 2, is consistent with anecdotal evidence

and with the fact that in the relatively short period of their existence, token returns have been

substantially more volatile than equity returns, even those of small and risky technology firms.26
In particular, as we vary φ, we simultaneously vary EX and Var(X) to keep Eξ = (1 − φ) EX and Var(ξ) =
(1 − φ) φ (EX)2 + (1 − φ)Var(X) constant.
Under non-Gaussian ξ, maximizing the expected utility is not equivalent to maximizing the mean-variance crite-
rion. Therefore, unlike all previous figures, Figure 4 plots the actual expected utility rather than the mean-variance
See e.g., Earnst and Young research report on ICOs from December 2017,

(a) . = 6 (b) . = 8 (c) . = 10
0.12 0.12 0.12

0.1 0.1 0.1

0.08 0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04 0.04

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
? ? ?

Figure 4: The entrepreneur’s expected utility under equilibrium VC financing (blue) and ICO (red) as a
function of φ for Eξ = 1 and Var(ξ) = 1.

Designing an empirical test of the self selection of ventures with more uncertain projects into ICO

financing is not trivial for two reasons. First, token returns can be more volatile than equity returns

for reasons unrelated to underlying project risk. Second, the choice of financing mode may by itself

influence return volatility through its effect on the venture’s investment strategy. An alternative

interpretation of the prediction, which would be more amenable to empirical testing, is as a relation

between return or cash flow volatility in a given industry and the prevalence of ICOs in this industry.

Prediction 2 ICO financing is expected to be more prevalent for ventures with a larger proportion

of idiosyncratic risk.

This prediction follows from Proposition 3. Given the large intra-industry correlations in the

proportion of idiosyncratic volatility (e.g., Herskovic et al. (2004)), this prediction could be poten-

tially tested by examining the inter-industry variation in the prevalence of ICO financing and its

relation to the inter-industry variation in the proportion of idiosyncratic risk.

Prediction 3 In the presence of high information asymmetry, ICOs are expected to be less prevalent

and of lower quality on average.

This prediction follows from Proposition 4, which postulates that in the presence of asymmetric

information, high-quality ventures may be deterred from raising funds via an ICO due to signal-

ing costs, which are increasing with the degree of information asymmetry, i.e. with the quality

differences among ventures seeking capital. The prediction is consistent with recent concerns, ex-

pressed by regulators in many countries, that in the absence of regulation mitigating information

asymmetry, the ICO market could turn into a market for lemons. These concerns already led to

actions against ICOs believed to be fraudulent, and are likely to lead to treatment of crypto tokens

as securities, which are subject to tighter regulation.27,28

Prediction 4 ICO financing is expected to be more prevalent for ventures with high risk of failure

and right-skewed payoff distributions.

Prediction 4 follows from the numerical analysis in Section 3.4. It is consistent with ventures of

exploratory nature, aiming to use novel and unproven technologies, in early stages of development,

opting for ICO financing. Importantly, this prediction is based on an analysis that abstracts from

information asymmetry. Therefore, when designing an empirical test of this prediction, it is crucial

to disentangle the effects of high failure risk from those of information asymmetry.

5. Conclusions

We propose a model of financing of an entrepreneurial venture by issuing crypto tokens in an

initial coin offering. Our focus is on the benefits and costs of ICOs relative to traditional equity-

based financing such as venture capital. On the one hand, an ICO allows the entrepreneur to

transfer part of the venture risk to diversified investors by pre-selling part of the venture’s output.

On the other hand, issuing tokens whose value is tied to the firm’s revenue rather than profit results

in an agency conflict between the entrepreneur and investors that leads to underinvestment. We

pit these two effects against each other and identify several factors that favor ICO financing. These

include under-diversification of VC investors, large idiosyncratic component of venture risk, right-

skewness of payoff distribution, and low degree of information asymmetry between entrepreneurs

and investors.

Our model is not limited to platform-based ventures, which have been the focus of the emerging

theoretical ICO literature, but is applicable to financing of any venture via token issuance. Our
A recent example of an ICO that was halted by a court order obtained by the SEC on charges of fraud is
AriseBank, see https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-8
SEC chairman Jay Clayton already stated “I believe every ICO I’ve seen is a security” during the U.S. Senate
Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on February 6, 2018.

results suggest that an ICO can be a viable financing alternative for some, but not all entrepreneurial

ventures. An implication is that while regulating the ICO market so as to reduce information

asymmetry between entrepreneurs and investors is desirable, banning ICOs outright is not.

Our paper offers numerous empirical predictions regarding factors affecting an entrepreneur’s

decision to choose an ICO over traditional financing methods. Testing these predictions would

contribute to the emerging empirical literature examining causes and consequences of ICO financing

(e.g., Benedetti and Kostovetsky (2018), Bourveau et al. (2018), Howell, Niessner and Yermack

(2018), Lee, Li and Shin (2018), and Lyandres, Palazzo and Rabetti (2018)).


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Proof of Lemma 1: Taking advantage of the mean-variance form of the expected utility, the

entrepreneur’s problem (2) can be written as

h γ i
Qvc , αvc = arg max Var ((1 − α) Π) such that Q2 ≤ αEΠ
E ((1 − α) Π) − (19)
α∈(0,1),Q≥0 2
γσ 2
2 2
= arg max (1 − α) µQ − (1 − α) Q such that Q ≤ αµ. (20)
α∈(0,1),Q≥0 2

The corresponding Kuhn-Tucker conditions (KTC) are

γσ 2
d 2 2
(1 − α) µQ − (1 − α) Q − c (α − 1) − d (Q − αµ) = 0,
dQ 2
γσ 2
d 2 2
(1 − α) µQ − (1 − α) Q − c (α − 1) − d (Q − αµ) = 0,
dα 2
c (α − 1) = 0, d (Q − αµ) = 0,

α − 1 ≤ 0, Q − αµ ≤ 0,

α, Q, c, d ≥ 0,

which can be simplified into

(1 − α) µ − γσ 2 (1 − α)2 Q − d = 0,

−µQ + γσ 2 (1 − α) Q2 − c + µd = 0,

c (α − 1) = 0, d (Q − αµ) = 0,

α − 1 ≤ 0, Q − αµ ≤ 0,

α, Q, c, d ≥ 0.

It is straightforward to show that c 6= 0 cannot be a part of any optimal solution. Thus we have

two cases.
Case 1: If c = 0 and d 6= 0, the KTC become α = 12 , Q = 2, and γσ 2 < 4, which also directly
vc µ2 γσ 2
leads to U = 4 1 − 8 .

Case 2: If c = 0 and d = 0, the KTC become Q = γσ 2 (1−α)
, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and 1 − γσ 2 (1 − α) α ≤ 0,

which has a solution only if γσ 2 ≥ 4. At this solution, the derivative of the entrepreneur’s objective

in (20) w.r.t. α is zero. Because this objective is concave in α, the entrepreneur would be worse off

holding with a larger share of the firm.

Proof of Lemma 2: Using the mean-variance form of the expected utility, the entrepreneur’s

choice of optimal Q in (4) and optimal α in (5) can be written, respectively, as

h γ i
Qico (α) = arg max αp − Q2 + (1 − α) µQ − (1 − α)2 Q2 σ 2 such that Q2 ≤ αp, (21)
Q≥0 2
2 γ 2 i
and αico = arg max µQico (α) − Qico (α) − (1 − α)2 Qico (α) σ 2 ,

α∈(0,1) 2

where p = µQico (α) . The unconstrained optimum of (21) is

(1 − α) µ
Q̄ = . (23)
2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ 2

√ √
If Q̄ ≤ αp, this solution is feasible and Qico = Q̄; otherwise Qico = αp. Thus, problem (22) can

be written as

h γ i
αico = arg max µQ − Q2 − (1 − α)2 Q2 σ 2 , where
α∈(0,1) 2

(1−α)µ (1−α)µ √
if ≤ αp

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2 2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2
Q = ,
 √αp

if (1−α)µ

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2

and where p = µQ. Because the investors’ anticipation of Q must be consistent with the firm’s

actual investment, we have

 q
(1−α)µ (1−α)µ (1−α)µ
if ≤ αµ 2+γ(1−α)

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2 2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2 2 2
Q= .
 √αµQ

if (1−α)µ

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2

Therefore, 
(1−α)µ (1−α)
if ≤α

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2 2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2
Q= .

 αµ (1−α)
if 2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2

The discriminant of the cubic equation 2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2
= α is ∆ = −8 γσ 2 + 9γσ 2 − 108 γσ 2 < 0,

and thus the equation has exactly one real root. Let α̃ be this root. It follows that

if α ≥ α̃,

2+γ(1−α)2 σ 2
Q= .

 αµ otherwise

Case 1: α ≥ α̃. Plugging (23) into (22), we obtain

µ2 1 − α2
ᾱ = arg max .
α∈(0,1) 2 2 + (1 − α)2 γσ 2

The objective is unimodal and its solution is

σ 2 γ + 1 − 2σ 2 γ + 1
ᾱ = ∈ (0, 1) .

(1−ᾱ) 5 3

This solution satisfies ᾱ ≥ α̃ iff 2+γ(1−ᾱ)2 σ 2
≤ ᾱ iff σ 2 γ ≥ 16 + 16 17. Thus, there are two subcases.
5 3

Subcase 1a: If σ 2 γ ≥ 16 + 1617, the optimal α such that α ≥ α̃ is ᾱ.
5 3

Subcase 1b: If σ 2 γ < 16 + 16 17, the optimal α such that α ≥ α̃ is α̃.

Case 2: α < α̃. Plugging αµ for Q in (22), we obtain

h   γ 2 i
α̂ = arg max µ2 α − α2 − α − α2 σ 2 .
α∈(0,1) 2

There are two subcases.

1 1
Subcase 2a: If γσ 2 ≤ 4, the objective is unimodal and α̂ = 2. However, because 2 > α̃, the

optimal α such that α ≤ α̃ is α̃.

n q 2 q 2 o
Subcase 2b: If γσ 2 > 4, the objective is bimodal and α̂ ∈ 12 − σ4σγ−4 2γ , 1
2 + σ γ−4
4σ 2 γ
. However,
q 2
because 21 − σ4σγ−42 γ > α̃, the optimal α such that α ≤ α̃ is α̃.

5 3

To sum up Case 2, the optimal α such that α ≤ α̃ is always α̃. Therefore, if σ 2 γ ≥ 16 + 16 17,
√ √ √
σ 2 γ+1− 2σ 2 γ+1 2σ 2 γ+1−1
then αico = σ2 γ
, Qico = µ2 √ 12 , and U ico = µ2 4σ 2γ . If σ 2 γ < 16 5 3
+ 16 17,
2σ γ+1
q √
then αico = α̃, Qico = α̃µ, and U ico = µ2 α̃ + α̃2 . If we let s = 5 3

16 + 16 17 < 2, the result


µ2 γσ 2
Proof of Proposition 1: According to Lemma 1, VC financing results in U vc = 4 1− 8 .

According to Lemma 2, the solution under ICO financing depends on the value of γσ 2 . However, it

follows from the proof of this lemma that the solution in part (a) corresponds to the case in which

the unconstrained optimal investment exceeds the ICO proceeds, and the constraint Q2 ≤ αp is

binding. If we relax this constraint (by allowing the entrepreneur to borrow at the risk-free rate),

the optimal solution will have the same functional form as the one in part (b). Thus, the solution

2σ 2 γ+1−1
in part (b) is an upper bound on the optimal solution for any γσ 2 , i.e., U ico ≤ µ2 4σ 2 γ
. Thus,

to show that U vc ≥ U ico , it is enough to show that

µ2 γσ 2 2σ 2 γ + 1 − 1
1− ≥µ , (24)
4 8 4σ 2 γ

which is clearly true.

Proof of Lemma 3: Using Π = ξQ, the entrepreneur’s problem is

γσ 2
Q ,α vc
= arg max (1 − α) µQ − (1 − α)2 Q2 such that Q2 ≤ αQµ − α2 Q2 σ 2 . (25)
Q,α 2 2

The assumption of normal ξ requires that we impose some restrictions on model parameters.

Namely, we require that at the optimal solution, (i) the entrepreneur’s objective is decreasing

in α, i.e., γσ 2 (1 − α) Q < µ, and (ii) the VC’s objective (the RHS of his participation constraint)

is increasing in α, i.e., δσ 2 αQ < µ. We assume for now that these inequalities hold at the optimum,

and later verify that that is indeed the case as long as γσ 2 < 4. Conditions (i) and (ii) imply

that the VC’s participation constraint must be binding at the optimal solution and, therefore,
Qvc (α) = 1+ 2δ α2 σ 2
. The entrepreneur’s problem (25) then becomes

 !2 
αµ γσ 2 µα
αvc = arg max (1 − α) µ δ 2 2
− (1 − α)2 . (26)
α 1 + 2α σ 2 1 + 2δ α2 σ 2

The first-order optimality condition for (26) is

γσ 2 (1 − α) α
2 − δα2 σ 2 − 4α

1− = 0. (27)
1 + 2δ α2 σ 2

Condition (i) above and the fact that Qvc (α) = 1+ 2δ α2 σ 2
together imply that at the optimal solution,
γσ 2 (1−α)α
1− 1+ 2δ α2 σ 2
> 0. Thus, the optimality condition (27) becomes 2 − δα2 σ 2 − 4α = 0. Using some

algebra, we can obtain the expressions for αvc , Qvc , and U vc given in Lemma 3. Finally, it is

straightforward to verify that if γσ 2 < 4, conditions (i) and (ii) are satisfied at αvc and Qvc .

Proof of Proposition 2: Let z ≡ σ 2 γ ∈ (0, 4) and let ψ ≡ δ/γ ∈ (0, 1]. We know from Lemma 3
√  √ 
that U vc = µ2 2zψ+4−2
zψ 1 − 2zψ+4−2
4ψ . We also know from Lemma 2 and its proof that U ico =
√ √ √
µ2 2z+1−1
4z if z ≥ 5
16 + 3
16 17 and U ico < µ2 2z+1−1 otherwise. Therefore, if we define

√ √  √ 
2z + 1 − 1 2zψ + 4 − 2 2zψ + 4 − 2
Xψ (z) = − 1− , (28)
4 2ψ 4ψ

we have
5 3

Xψ (z) < 0 ⇐⇒ U ico < U vc if z ≥ 16 + 16 17, and
5 3

Xψ (z) < 0 =⇒ U ico < U vc if z < 16 + 16 17.

The equation Xψ (z) = 0 has exactly one root in (0, 4) , which is

z̄ = 2 4 + 5ψ + ψ 2 − 2 1 + 5ψ + 8ψ 2 + 4ψ 3 .

Furthermore, Xψ (0) = 0, Xψ0 (0) = 0, Xψ00 (0) < 0, and Xψ (4) > 0, so Xψ (z) > 0 ⇐⇒ z > z̄.
5 3

Because z̄ > 16 + 16 17, we have U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ z > z̄. Therefore, for any δ ∈ (0, γ], U ico >
U vc ⇐⇒ σ > z̄/γ.

Proof of Lemma 4: Using the mean-variance form of the entrepreneur’s expected utility, problem

(11) can be written as

h γ i
xvc , Qvc , αvc = arg max E ((1 − α) Π + rm x) − Var ((1 − α) Π + rm x) , (30)
x,α,Q 2

It is straightforward to show that xvc (Q, α) = γσm2 − (1 − α) Qρσ/σm . Substituting xvc (Q, α) into

(30) and applying some algebra, the entrepreneur’s choice of the optimal VC contract becomes

γ 1 r̄m
Q ,α vc
= arg max (1 − α) Qµ̂ − σ̂ 2 (1 − α)2 Q2 + 2
α,Q 2 2 γσm
such that Q2 ≤ αQµ̂ − α2 Q2 σ̂ 2 . (31)

The problem (31) is the same as (25) except that µ and σ 2 are replaced by µ̂ and σ̂ 2 , respectively,
1 r̄m
and the entrepreneur’s objective function is increased by the additive constant 2 γσm2 .

Proof of Lemma 5: Using the mean-variance form of the entrepreneur’s expected utility, problem

(13) can be written as

h  γ i
xico (α) , Qico (α) = arg max E (1 − α) Π + xrm + αp − Q2 − Var ((1 − α) Π + xrm ) , (32)
x,Q 2

such that Q2 ≤ αp. It is straightforward to show that xico (Q, α) = γσm2 − Q (1 − α) ρσ/σm .

Substituting xico (Q, α) back into (32) and applying some algebra, the entrepreneur’s choice of the

optimal production investment becomes

ico γ 2 2 2 2 1 r̄m
Q (α) = arg max µ̂Q (1 − α) − Q − Q (1 − α) σ̂ + αp + 2
, (33)
Q 2 2 γσm

such that Q2 ≤ αp. The optimal α maximizes the same objective function, except that p is now

given by (12) and Q is given by (33), i.e.,

ico 2 γ 2 2 2 1 r̄m
α = arg max µ̂Q − Q − Q (1 − α) σ̂ + 2
, (34)
α 2 2 γσm

where Q = Qico (α) given by (33). The problem formulation in (33)–(34) is the same as the one in

(21) and (22), except that µ and σ 2 are replaced by µ̂ and σ̂ 2 , respectively, and the entrepreneur’s
1 r̄m
objective function is increased by the additive constant 2 γσm2 .

Proof of Proposition 3: It follows from Lemmata 4 and 5, and the proof of Proposition 2 that

for any δ ∈ (0, γ],

U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ σ̂ > z̄/γ,

where z̄ = 2 4 + 5ψ + ψ 2 − 2 1 + 5ψ + 8ψ 2 + 4ψ 3 and ψ ≡ δ/γ. Using σ̂ 2 = 1 − ρ2 σ 2 , we

can write

U ico > U vc ⇐⇒ ρ2 < 1 − ,

which completes the proof.

Proof of Lemma 6: Let pj be the token price during the ICO if investors believe the entrepreneur

is of type j. We first consider the second-stage problem of choosing the optimal output contingent

on the optinal investment in the market portfolio. Let Qij be the optimal output of type i that is

perceived as type j by investors. Similarly to (33), we have

γ 2 2 2
2 1 r̄m
Qij (α) = arg max (1 − α) µ̂i Q − Q − (1 − α) Q σ̂ + αpj + 2
, (35)
Q 2 2 γσm

µ̂i (1−α)
such that Q2 ≤ αpj . Focusing on the interior solution, we have Qij = 2+γ(1−α)2 σ̂ 2
. Because the

optimal output depends only on the firm’s true type i, we can simplify notation by dropping the
µ̂i (1−α)
j-subscript from Qij , i.e., we let Qi = 2+γ(1−α)2 σ̂ 2
be the optimal output of type i.

The expected utility of type i that is perceived as type j is

γ 2
1 r̄m
Uij (α) = (1 − α) µ̂i Qi − Q2i − (1 − α)2 Q2i σ̂ 2 + αpj + 2
. (36)
2 2 γσm

Using the fact that in equilibrium pj = µ̂j Qj , and applying some algebra, this can be written as

1 (1 − α) 2
 1 r̄m
2 2
Uij (α) = µ̂ (1 − α) + 2µ̂ α + . (37)
2 2 + γ σ̂ 2 (1 − α)2 i j 2
2 γσm

Next, we show that ULH (α) is unimodal in α, i.e., dα ULH (α) changes the sign from plus to minus

exactly once in (0, 1). Because

= sign (1 − α) γ σ̂ 2 µ̂2H + 2µ̂2H − 2µ̂2L − γ σ̂ 2 αµ̂2H − 2αµ̂2H ,
sign ULH (α) (38)

it is enough to show that the RHS of (38) is positive at α = 0, negative at α = 1, and decreasing

in α, which is all clearly true. It can be similarly shown that UHH (α) is unimodal.

Next, we prove that αL = αico and αH = t, where t is given by (17), is a SE, i.e., we show that

t satisfies conditions (15)-(16), and αL = αico and αH = t are the optimal actions given t. Let t be

the smallest α that satisfies

ULH (t) = ULL αico

1 (1 − t) 2
 1 r̄m
2 2 ico

⇔ µ̂ (1 − t) + 2µ̂ t = ULL α − . (40)
2 2 + γ (1 − t)2 σ̂ 2 L H 2
2 γσm

It is straightforward to verify that t given in (17) is the smaller of the two roots of (40), and that

0 < t < αico . Because the unimodal function ULH (α) is increasing in α for α ≤ t, we have

max ULH (α) = ULH (t) = ULL αico = max ULL (α) .

α≤t α>t

Thus, condition (16) is satisfied as equality, and αL = αico is an optimal action for the low type.

To show that condition (15) holds, we show that for any α > t, we have

UHH (t) > UHL (α) . (42)

Eq. (39) together with the fact that for any α, ULL αico ≥ ULL (α) , implies that for any α,

ULH (t) ≥ ULL (α) , i.e.,

1 (1 − t)  1 (1 − α)
µ̂2L (1 − t) + 2µ̂2H t ≥ µ̂2L (1 − α) + 2µ̂2L α .

2 2 2 2
2 2 + γ (1 − t) σ̂ 2 2 + γ (1 − α) σ̂

To prove (42), we need to show that for any α > t, we have

1 (1 − t) 2 2
 1 (1 − α) 2 2

µ̂ H (1 − t) + 2µ̂ H t > µ̂ H (1 − α) + 2µ̂ L α (44)
2 2 + γ (1 − t)2 σ̂ 2 2 2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2
1 (1 − t) 2 2
 1 (1 − α) 2 2

⇔ 2 µ̂ L (1 − t) + 2µ̂ H t > 2 µ̂ H (1 − α) + 2µ̂ L α
2 2 + γ (1 − t) σ̂ 2 2 2 + γ (1 − α) σ̂ 2
1 (1 − t)
µ̂2H (1 − t) − µ̂2L (1 − t) (45)

− 2 2
2 2 + γ (1 − t) σ̂

Using (43), to show (45), it is enough to show that for any α > t, we have

1 (1 − α) 2 2
 1 (1 − α) 2 2

µ̂ L (1 − α) + 2µ̂ L α ≥ µ̂ H (1 − α) + 2µ̂ L α
2 2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2 2 2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2
1 (1 − t) 2 2

− 2 µ̂ H (1 − t) − µ̂ L (1 − t) (46)
2 2 + γ (1 − t) σ̂ 2
(1 − α)2 (1 − t)2
⇔ ≤ . (47)
2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2 2 + γ (1 − t)2 σ̂ 2

Inequality (47) follows from the fact that 2+γ(1−α)2 σ̂ 2
is decreasing in α for any γ σ̂ 2 . Thus,

condition (15) holds as a strict inequality, i.e., the high type strictly prefers to choose α ≤ t.

The facts that UHH (α) is unimodal and t < αico imply that the high type’s optimal action is

αH = arg max UHH (α) = t.


Next, we prove that this SE is the unique LCSE. First, any belief threshold t̄ > t cannot be a

SE. This is because ULH (α) increases at t and thus max ULH (α) > max ULH (α) = ULL αico , i.e.,

α≤t̄ α≤t

the low type would choose α ≤ t̄, and the belief threshold t̄ would not be self-consistent. Second,

because UHH (α) is increasing for α ≤ t, with any belief threshold t̄ < t, the high type would be

worse off, i.e., max UHH (α) < UHH (t) . Thus, t is the unique least-cost SE belief threshold.

Proof of Proposition 4: Given that U vc of the high type is independent of θ, it is enough to

prove that U ico of the high type, which in the LCSE equals UHH (t), monotonically decreases in θ.

Because d 0 ∂t ∂t 0
≤ 0 and (ii) UHH (t) ≥ 0. We
dθ UHH (t) = UHH (t) ∂θ , it is enough to prove that (i) ∂θ

prove (i) next. We know from the proof of Lemma 6 that t is the smaller of the two roots of

1 (1 − α)  1 r̄m 2
2 2 ico

µ̂ L (1 − α) + 2µ̂ H α = U LL α − ⇔
2 2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2 2 γσm2
1 (1 − α) 2 2
 2 2σ̂ 2 γ + 1 − 1
µ̂ (1 − α) + 2µ̂ α = µ̂ ⇔
2 2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2 L H L
4σ̂ 2 γ
(1 − α) (1 − α + 2θα) 2σ̂ 2 γ + 1 − 1
= . (48)
2 + γ (1 − α)2 σ̂ 2 2σ̂ 2 γ

Recall from the proof of Lemma 6 that ULH (α) = µ̂2L 21 (1−α)(1−α+2θα)
2+γ σ̂ 2 (1−α)2
+ 1 r̄m
2 γσm2 is unimodal in α,

namely, it first increases and then decreases in (0, 1). Thus, the LHS of (48) must be similarly

unimodal in α and, hence, it must be increasing in α at α = t. Because the LHS of (48) is clearly

increasing in θ, it follows that ∂θ ≤ 0.
µ̂2H 1−α2 2
1 r̄m 0
Next, we prove (ii). Because UHH (α) = 2 2+γ σ̂ 2 (1−α)2 + 2 γσm2 , we have UHH (α) ≥ 0 iff

γα2 σ̂ 2 − 2γασ̂ 2 − 2α + γ σ̂ 2 ≥ 0.

σ̂ 2 γ+1− 2σ̂ 2 γ+1
Since αico = σ̂ 2 γ
is the smaller root of γα2 σ̂ 2 − 2γασ̂ 2 − 2α + γ σ̂ 2 = 0, we have

γα2 σ̂ 2 − 2γασ̂ 2 − 2α + γ σ̂ 2 ≥ 0 for α < αico . Thus, UHH

0 (α) ≥ 0 for α < αico . Because t < αico , we
have UHH (t) ≥ 0.


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