Vehicle Crash Analysis of Race Car Using LS-DYNA: J Rajesh, Metla Suresh

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Intern at ional Journal of Applied Research 20 15; 1(12): 809-813

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869 Vehicle Crash analysis of race car using LS-DYNA
Impact Factor: 5.2
IJAR 2015; 1(12): 809-813
Received: 10-09-2015 J Rajesh, Metla Suresh
Accepted: 12-10-2015
J Rajesh Safety, for both occupants and pedestrians, has become a very crucial aspect for automobile
M.Tech Student, manufacturers around the world, and none can deny it, when it comes to safety. But when it comes to
Department of Mechanical ensure the driver’s safety in case of high speed crashes, special impact structures are designed to absorb
Engineering Chirala the race car’s kinetic energy and limit the decelerations acting on the human body. This study covers
Engineering College, Chirala the static analysis of an F1 race car chassis with three different materials at different velocities using
Ansys. From the results of static analysis the best material is chosen out of three materials and the crash
Metla Suresh
behaviour of the front nose cone of the F1 racing car has been done with frontal impact analysis. Finite
Assistant Professor
element models for dynamic simulations with the explicit solver LS-DYNA are developed. The main
Department of Mechanical
Engineering Chirala
objective of the work is to simulate the race car to find the stresses and deformation of front nose.
Engineering College, Chirala The aim of the following study is to apply the FE code LS-DYNA for the crushing simulation of an F1
racing car front impact structure against a rigid wall, side impact in a crash against another car and also
for the roll over test.

Keywords: Crash Analysis, Static Analysis, race car, LS-DYNA

1. Introduction
1.1 Frontal Impact Test
The greatest was considered to be achievable through a new frontal impact test, more
representative of the impact conditions of car-to-car frontal impact and car-to-rigid wall
frontal impact. The accident studies indicated the importance of intrusion in the production
of fatal and serious injuries and demonstrated the importance of replicating, in the dynamic
test, the dynamics of structural deformations occurring in accidents. It quickly became
apparent that an offset impact into a deformable barren greatly improved the replication of
deformations in these accidents. A test program designed to enable the development of a test
procedure that would achieve the objectives.
The test program selected car-to-car impacts between three different vehicle models as the
baseline and compared car to barrier impacts against these baseline results. The initial
deformable barrier face was based on the mobile deformable barrier face. Previous research
had indicated that this was a reasonable representation of car-to-car impacts and that the
principal effects were not too sensitive to the actual stiffness of the deformable element.
Deformable barrier tests were performed at appreciable overlap, with both the initial barrier
face design and an alternative design with a second stiffer element behind the element used
in the initial design. Additional tests with a further revised barrier face design, incorporating
a wide bumper element ahead of the element used in the initial design, and tests at
appreciable speed were added following analysis of the results of the first phases of testing.

J Rajesh
M.Tech Student,
Department of Mechanical
Engineering Chirala,
Engineering College, Chirala Fig 1: Frontal impact crash test setup
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International Journal of Applied Research

1.2 Side Impact Test Crash energy is removed more slowly in a rollover crash -
Based on the most harmful event, side impact accounts for and the crash motion occurs over a much longer period of
25 percent of fatalities for passenger car and light truck time. A major difference between rollovers and planar
crashes. For passenger cars, side impact accounts for crashes is that rollovers generally occur at higher speeds. The
approximately 30 percent of the fatalities in passenger car complexity of rollover events make the characterization of
crashes. Likewise, side impact accounts for roughly 15 these accidents much more difficult than for planar crashes.
percent of light truck fatalities. Since the use of dynamic For planar crashes, delta-V has been widely accepted as a
Federal safety standards in side protection began, in recent measure of the crash severity. Techniques and computer
years occupant protection in side impact crashes has received analysis are available for estimating planar crash severity,
increasing interest. This interest comes from both the based on energy dissipation from the observed vehicle
consumers and the automotive industry. In comparison with damage or post-crash trajectory. There is no similar accepted
frontal collisions, the space between the occupants and the estimate for rollovers accident severity. Past studies of
intruding element in side crashes is extremely small. In rollover crashes suggest that the initial speed, number of
addition, the side impact crash occurs much more rapidly. quarter turns, extent of damage, and characteristics of the
Consequently, occupant protection in side crashes presents a tripping mechanism are significant accident parameters
challenge to engineers designing a vehicle for safety. which influence the severity of the occupant/vehicle
Significant research work, both theoretical and experimental interactions and the resulting outcome.
in nature, has been performed to characterize the safety The rollover stability factor is one half the vehicle’s track
performance of vehicles in side crashes. They found that width divided by the vehicle’s center of gravity height. The
these vehicles varied dramatically in their ability to protect rollover stability factor is now required on the window
the occupant in the struck car. They were able to identity a sticker of new vehicles to provide consumer information on
design parameter - the door effective padding thickness the relative risks of rollovers. This simple geometric static
(DEPTH) -that strongly correlated with occupant thoracic stability metric which does not consider the dynamics of the
injury potential. steering and suspension systems. The critical sliding velocity
is a measure of the minimum lateral velocity required to
initiate rollover, when the vehicle is in a tripping orientation.
It is determined by equating the vehicle kinetic energy prior
to a tripped impact to the potential energy required to raise
the vehicle cg above a critical pivot point.

Fig 2: Side impact on a crash with another vehicle

1.3 Roll over Impact Test

Rollover continues to be a serious highway threat. Rollover
crashes involve the most complex vehicle and occupant
motion among the four major crash modes: front, side, rear,
and rollover. The forces involved prior to and during a Fig 3: Roll over protection system
rollover crash are complicated and dynamic. These crash
forces are applied to the vehicle structure in a variety of 2. Modeling
locations, and at a variety of magnitudes and directions.

Fig 4: Assembly of race car chassis

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International Journal of Applied Research

3. Static Analysis 3.2 Aluminium 6061

To do the crash analysis of race car, first the static analysis of
chassis has been analyzed using different materials, after
finding the best material among the three materials, from
steel IS3074, aluminium 6061 and Carbon fibre reinforced
plastic (CFRP). In this static analysis the deformation and
stresses areobtained by applying the force on the chassis to
calculate forces the following formula is used
F= 0.5 * P * V2 * A * Cd
where F is force,
P is the density of air,
V is the velocity of race car,
A is the area of the front cone of race car,
Cd is the drag coefficient.

3.1 Steel
Fig 8: shows Von mises stressat 14946N

Fig 5: shows Von mises stress at14946N

Fig 9: shows Von mises stress at 17438N

Fig 6: shows Von mises stress at 19928N

Fig 10:shows Von mises stress at 19928N

Fig 7: shows Von mises stress at 22420N

Fig 11: shows Von mises stress at 22420N
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International Journal of Applied Research

3.3 CFRP (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic)

Fig 14: shows Von misses stress at 19928N

Fig 12: shows Von mises stress of chassis at 14946N

Fig 15: shows Von mises stress at 22420N

Fig 13: shows Von mises stress at 17438N

Table 1: Von Misses Stresses for Different Materials at Various Forces.

Forces (N)
14946N 17438N 19928N 22420N 24911N
Steel(Pa) 2.3031E10 2.6871E10 3.0708E10 3.4548E10 3.8387E10
Aluminium 6061(Pa) 2.3274E10 2.7155E10 3.1032E10 3.4912E10 3.8791E10
CFRP(Pa) 2.3009E10 2.6846E10 3.0679E10 3.4515E10 3.835E10

Fig 16: comparison of stresses for different materials at various forces

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International Journal of Applied Research

Fig 17: von mises stress of arash analysis

From the above figure when the car is hitting the barrier, the 4. Sapuan S, Ham M, Ng KW, Woo KM, Ariffin CK, M.K.
stresses are to be analyzed i.e. the A, Baharudin BTHT, Faieza, AA, Supeni EE, Jalil
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 Minimum stress is 4.615 e-16 N/mm2 at element Student Based Competition, Scientific Research and
282297. Essay. 2009; 4(11):1151-1162.
 Generally von mises applies best to the ductile materials. 5. Siegler BP. The application of Finite Element Analysis
 Here the car is hitting the barrier with a speed of 60 mile to Composite Racing Car Chassis Design. Sports
per hour i.e. 96 kmph. Engineering. 1999; 2(4):245-252.
6. Evin E, Tomas M. Comparison of Deformation
4. Conclusion Properties of Steel Sheets for Car Body Parts. Procedia
In this work two different types of analysis was done. Engineering, 2012; 48:115-122.
1. Static analysis
2. Frontal crash analysis

The conclusions obtained from above two analyses are given

1. From the static analysis it is observed that the chassis
material steel IS3074 is having good ability to with
stand more force when compared to aluminium 6061(at
2. The finite element simulation of frontal crash analysis at
96kmph was done which shows the failure of front nose
of race car, the stresses and deformations are analyzed.

In future the static analysis can be done for some other

materials at different velocities, and crash test also can be
done for side impact and roll over of race car at different

5. References
1. Eddington B, Gardner S, Heimbs S, Key J, Middendorf
P, Strobl F. Crash Simulation of an F1 Racing Car
Front Impact Structure, 7th European LS-DYNA
Conference, 2009.
2. Obradovic J, Boria S, Belingardi G. Lightweight design
and crash analysis of composite frontal impact energy
absorbing structures, Italy: University of Camerino,
3. LS-DYNA, Keyword User’s Manual, Version 970,
LSTC, 2003.
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