Jurnal Layboy 2 en
Jurnal Layboy 2 en
Jurnal Layboy 2 en
The achievement of organizational goals also depends not only on technology, but
even more on the people who carry out their work. The ability to provide good work
results to meet the needs of the organization as a whole is a contribution to employee
performance. This research uses a quantitative approach. This research was conducted
on Alfamart employees in Bandar Lampung city totaling 150 respondents. Sample
withdrawal in this study using nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive
sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to Alfamart
employees in Bandar Lampung City online via google form. The analysis method used
in this research is simple regression analysis and path analysis. Data processing was
carried out using the SPSS (Social Product of Social Science) program. The results of
this study indicate that first, there is a significant positive influence between incentives
(X1) and performance (Y) of Alfamart employees in Bandar Lampung City. Second,
there is a significant positive influence between career development (X2) and
performance (Y) of Alfamart employees in Bandar Lampung City. Third, there is a
significant positive influence between job satisfaction (M) and performance (Y) of
Alfamart employees in Bandar Lampung City. The fourth shows that the incentive
variable (X1) has a significant effect on the job satisfaction variable (M) and the job
satisfaction variable has a significant effect on the performance variable (Y) in this
case job satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between incentives and
employee performance partially (partial mediation). The fifth shows that the career
development variable (X2) has no effect on the job satisfaction variable (M) and the
job satisfaction variable has a significant effect on performance (Y), in this case job
satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between career development and
employee performance perfectly (full mediation). Sixth, employee performance in an
Islamic business perspective is an employee who is honest and trustworthy in all his
duties and obligations, so he will reap the results of his honesty and trustworthy
attitude, namely not only in the form of rewards in the world but also in the hereafter.
Keywords: Incentives, Career Development, Job Satisfaction, Performance
Human resources are the main asset for organizations that are
active planners and actors of various activities in the organization.
Human resources have thoughts, feelings, desires, status and
educational backgrounds whose mindset can be brought into an
organizational environment. Human resources are not like money,
machines, and materials that are positive and can be fully regulated in
supporting the achievement of company goals. So the success of an
organization is supported by the incentives and career development
opportunities provided to members of the organization. The
achievement of organizational goals also depends not only on
technology, but even more on the people who carry out their work.
The ability to provide good work results to meet the needs of the
organization as a whole is a contribution to employee performance.
Performance is a very important and interesting part because it
proves very important benefits, a company wants employees to work
seriously according to their abilities to achieve good work results,
without good performance from all employees, success in achieving
goals will be difficult to achieve. According to Nurlaila, performance
is basically an individual thing, because each employee has a different
level of ability in doing their job. Performance depends on a
combination of ability, effort, and opportunity obtained, performance
is the result or output of a process. Human resources (HR) is one of
the key determinants of organizational success. Good, quality, and
potential Human Resources are the needs of a company or
organization. Every company seeks and recruits employees with good
HR to be able to increase organizational effectiveness and obtain work
results to achieve organizational or company goals.
Theory of Organizational Behavior
According to Robbins and Judge, organizational behavior is a
field of study that investigates the behavioral impact of individuals,
groups and structures in organizations with the intention of applying
knowledge to improve organizational effectiveness. According to
Wijaya, organizational behavior is a discipline that studies the
behavior of individuals in organizations and their impact on
performance, whether individual, group or organizational
According to Hanggreni, revealing that organizational behavior
is a special field that has a common science that includes three
determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups, and
structures and their application to make organizations work more
effectively. Meanwhile, according to Mulyadi, revealing that
Volume, No ( )
obtained when working is not sincere, can bring anger. People who
complete work with sincerity, patience and gratitude have a joyful
body aura. A bright and cheerful smile. Conversely, people who work
without sincerity, patience and gratitude will still feel depressed and
dissatisfied, even though the targets and output of their activities are
This research approach is a quantitative descriptive research
approach. With the object of research, namely Alfamart outlets in
Bandar Lampung City, while the subject is Alfamart outlet employees
who work in Bandar Lampung City. The research time conducted by
the author took place from the beginning of July 2023 and when the
research permit was issued until the guidance process ended. It is
estimated that this time is sufficient in conducting literature studies,
distributing questionnaires to obtain samples and data and processing
the data to obtain research results and conclusions. For the place of
this research, it is aimed at the Bandar Lampung City area, this is
considered by the researcher that urban areas are more in line with the
title of the research being carried out. While the main focus is
employees who work and live in Bandar Lampung City. The nature of
this research is explanatory research, namely research that intends to
explain the position of the variables studied and the relationship
between one variable and another. The research data sources are
primary Primary data is data obtained from respondents through
questionnaires distributed online via Goggle Form then the data
obtained from this data is then processed again using the application.
and secondary data from this research from books, journals, articles
and documents and from other sources.
The participation of this study or Respondents in this study
were 150 Alfamart employees in Bandar Lampung City, the
population taken was 163 Alfamart outlets in Bandar Lampung City.
Using Nonprobability Sampling is a sampling technique that does not
provide opportunities for each element of the population member to be
selected as a sample member. This technique uses purposive
sampling, which is a sampling technique with certain considerations.
For example, it will conduct research on food quality, or research on
political conditions in an area.
The data collection technique used was a questionnaire through
the distribution of google forms, the instrument in this study used a
Likert scale. The data analysis techniques used are: 1) Instrument Test
which includes Validity and Reliability Test using the SPSS (Social
Product of Social Science) Program first. 2) Classical Assumption
Test, namely Normality, Heteroscedasticity, Linearity. 3) Hypothesis
testing, namely Simple Regression Analysis and Mediation
Regression Analysis.
Description of Research Objects
Alfamart is a minimarket brand that provides daily necessities
owned by PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. In 1989 was the beginning
of the establishment of Alfamart, with the start of the cigarette and
consumer goods trading business by Djoko Susanto and his family,
the majority of which was sold to PT HM Sampoerna in December
1989. In 1994 the ownership structure changed to 70% owned by PT
HM Sampoerna Tbk and 30% owned by PT Sigmantara Alfindo
(Djoko Susanto's family).
PT Alfa Minimart Utama (AMU) was established on July 27,
1999, with shareholders PT Alfa Retailindo, Tbk by 51% and PT
Lancar Distrindo by 49%. PT Alfa Minimart Utama (AMU) then
opened Alfa Minimart on October 18, 1999 located on Beringin Raya
street, Karawaci Tangerang. On June 27, 2002, PT.HM Sampoerna
Tbk officially restructured its share ownership in PT.Alfa Retailindo
Tbk. HM Sampoerna's stake in Alfa Retailindo which was originally
54.4% was reduced to 23.4%. On the other hand, the second largest
cigarette company in Indonesia will begin to seriously work on the
minimarket market which has not been worked on through Alfamart.
On August 1, 2002, ownership was transferred to PT Sumber
Alfaria Trijaya with shareholders PT HM. Sampoerna Tbk by 70%
and PT.Sigmantara Alfalindo by 30%. Then the name Alfa Minimart
was changed to Alfamart on January 1, 2003. In 2005 the number of
Alfamart stores grew rapidly to 1,293 stores in just six years. All
stores were located on the island of Java. In early 2006 PT HM
Sampoerna Tbk sold its shares, so the ownership structure became PT
Sigmantara Alfindo (60%) and PT Cakrawala Mulia Prima (40%).
Received ISO 9001:2000 Certificate for Quality Management
Mid 2007 Alfamart as the First Minimarket Network in
Indonesia to obtain ISO 9001:2000 Certificate for Quality
Management System. The number of outlets reached 2000 stores and
has entered the Lampung market. Early 2009 became a public
company on January 15, 2009 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Volume, No ( )
In order to find out whether the items are valid or not, what
needs to be done is to compare the results of r count with r table. If r
count> r table so the item is declared valid. The significant level of the
one-way test in the validity test of this review is 5% so it is found that
r table = 0.3063. From the results of this calculation, it can be
analyzed if all questionnaire items are called valid because r count is
greater than r table.
Volume, No ( )
Reliability Test
Table 2
Reliability Test Results
Variables Standard Decision
Alpha Value
Incentives 0.772 >0.6 Reliable
Career Development 0.741 >0.6 Reliable
Job Satisfaction 0.808 >0.6 Reliable
Employee 0.805 >0.6 Reliable
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20
In conducting accuracy tests on each variable, you must
understand the basis for decision making. According to Wiratna
Sujarweni, the questionnaire is said to be reliable if the Cronbach
alpha value is> 0.6. It can be concluded that the results of the accuracy
test on each variable, it can be said that the variables are all declared
reliable because Cronbach alpha> 0.6,
Table 3
Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residual
N 100
Normal Parameters Mean 0E-7
Deviatio 5,19061182
Absolute ,051
Most Extreme Differences Positive ,040
Negative -,051
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,514
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,954
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20
The results of the data normality test above are based on
residuals, namely the information normality test using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test) by
checking the meaning of the next residual. Assuming Asymp.sig. If
2-tailed 0.954 is greater than 0.05, then the data is normally
Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 4
Heteroscedasticity Test Results (Glejser)
Linearity Test
The linearity test is used to determine whether the relationship of the
Incentives and Career Development variables with Job Satisfaction and
the Job Satisfaction variable with Employee Performance is linear or not.
If there is a linear relationship, it can be used for linear regression
Table 5
Linearity Test Results
Incentive Variables on Job Satisfaction
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Job SatisfactionBetween (Combined 290,337 1 24,195 1,830 ,055
* Incentives Groups ) 2
Linearity 92,128 1 92,128 6,967 ,010
Deviation 198,209 1 18,019 1,363 ,205
from 1
Within Groups 1150,413 8 13,223
Total 1440,750 9
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20
Considering the output of the linearity test in the table above, the
sig. diviation from linearity score is 0.205> 0.05, which means that in this
test there is a linear or straight-line relationship from the Incentive
variable to Job Satisfaction. By considering the comparison of the
significance value of 0.05, this choice was made. When the sig. deviation
from linearity is greater than 0.05, it indicates that the relationship
between the independent and dependent factors is linear.
Table 6
Linearity Test Results
Career Development Variables with Job Satisfaction
..........ANOVA Table
Sum of Mean Sig
Squares df Square F .
Job Between(Combine 389,225 1 35,384 2,961 ,00
Satisfaction Groups d) 1 2
* Career Linearity 137,808 1 137,80 11,53 ,00
Developmen 8 3 1
t Deviation 251,417 1 25,142 2,104 ,05
from 0 2
Within Groups 1051,525 8 11,949
Total 1440,750 9
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20
Given the output of the linearity test in the table above the sig.
diviation from linearity score is 0.052 <0.05, which means that in this test
there is a linear or straight line relationship from the Career Development
variable to Job Satisfaction.
Table 7
Linearity Test Results
Job Satisfaction Variables on Employee Performance
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Employee Between (Combine 598,265 1 33,237 1,14 ,331
Performance Groups d) 8 0
* Job Linearity 172,827 1 172,82 5,92 ,017
Satisfaction 7 7
Deviation 425,437 1 25,026 ,858 ,623
from 7
Volume, No ( )
Given the output of the linearity test in the table above the sig
score. diviation from linearity, namely 0.623> 0.05, which means that in
this test there is a linear or straight-line relationship from the Job
Satisfaction variable to Employee Performance.
Hypothesis Test
In this case, hypothesis testing is carried out using simple regression
analysis and mediation regression analysis using the causal step method.
Table 8
Recapitulation of Hypothesis Testing Results
Influence B T-Statistic Sig Value.
X1 X1 => Y 0,389 13,418 0,029
X2 X2 => Y 0,523 12,667 0,010
Volume, No ( )
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