Analysis of Islamic Work Ethics On Employee Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Indonesian Banks
Analysis of Islamic Work Ethics On Employee Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Indonesian Banks
Analysis of Islamic Work Ethics On Employee Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Indonesian Banks
Abdi Setiawan, 2 Emi Wakhyuni, 3 Nashrudin Setiawan, 4 Kiki Farida Ferine
Faculty Social Sains
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia
Email – [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of the analysis of the
influence of Islamic work ethics on job satisfaction and employee performance at the Medan
Branch Office of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah. The population of this study was all
employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Medan branch office. The number of
samples of employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Branch Office Medan as many
as 83 people. Data analysis method used in this study using structural equation modeling.
The results of this study indicate that Islamic work ethics have a positive effect on job
satisfaction of employees of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah is accepted. The test results show
that the value of C.R is 2.769> 1.96 with a probability of 0.006 <0.05. Then it can be
concluded that Islamic work ethics have a positive effect on employee job satisfaction in
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, then Islamic work ethics have a positive effect on employee
performance Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah is accepted. The test results show that the value
of C.R is 3.436> 1.96 with a probability of 0.001 <0.05. Then it can be concluded that
Islamic work ethics have a positive effect on employee job satisfaction at Bank Rakyat
Indonesia Syariah. And it can be shown that Islamic work ethics has an effect of 33.2% on
job satisfaction and Islamic work ethics has an effect of 40.7% on employee performance.
According Sedarmayanti (2011: 260) revealed that "Performance is a translation of
performance which means the work of a worker, a management process or an organization as
a whole, where the results of the work must be demonstrated concretely and measurable
(compared to standards that have been determined). "
Meanwhile, according to Mathis and Jackson (2012: 378) explains that performance is
what is done or not done by employees. Based on the definition of the opinions of the experts
above it can be concluded that the notion of performance in this study is what is done or not
Job Satisfaction
According to Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnely (in Priansa, 2016: 291) suggested that
job satisfaction is a person's attitude towards their service, that attitude comes from their
perceptions about their work. Meanwhile, George Dan Jones (in Priansa, 2016: 291) job
satisfaction is a collection of feelings, beliefs, and thoughts about how to respond to his work.
Based on the opinions of the experts it can be concluded that job satisfaction is the
worker's confidence about the job and the work situation. Job satisfaction shows a person's
feelings towards his job. This can be seen from the positive attitude of employees towards
work and everything that is encountered in the work environment. Job satisfaction is a
positive feeling about one's work that is the result of an evaluation of its characteristics.
Employees with high levels of job satisfaction have positive feelings about their work, while
employees who are dissatisfied have feelings about their work Robbins and Judge in
Lailatirrohmah (2014: 46).
Job satisfaction according to Dadang (2013: 15) is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional
state towards work, job satisfaction reflects a person's feelings towards his work.
According to Gilmer in Edy Sutrisno (2014: 77), the factors that influence job
satisfaction are:
1. Opportunity to advance. In this case, there are opportunities to gain experience
and increase ability during work.
2. Willingness to work. This factor is referred to as supporting job satisfaction for
employees. Safe circumstances greatly affect employee feelings during work.
3. Salary. Salary causes more dissatisfaction and rarely people express work
satisfaction with the amount of money they earn.
Ethics is a set of moral principles that distinguish what is right from what is wrong
Beekun in Lailatirrohmah (2014: 45). Ethics is a profession because it determines what must
be done or not done. Ethics includes moral issues and choices related to right and wrong
behavior. Ethics can also be considered as basic principles through which employees and
companies interact. These principles must be considered in business decision making and
dealing with customers and customers (Noe et al, 2010: 5).
The great prophet Muhammad PBUH is an example in all aspects of life as explained
in the Qur'an as follows.
"Indeed, the Prophet (s) is a good role model for you (that is) for those who hope for (the
mercy) of Allah and (the coming of) the Day of Resurrection and He often mentions
Allah. (Surat al-Ahzab: 21) ".
In the verse it is explained that in the Messenger of Allah there is a good role model,
Akhlaq Rasulullah is not the result of human mind engineering, but is really a picture of the
Qur'an in daily practice, as explained by a hadith "From Sa'id ibn Hisham ibn Ghomir once
asked Ayesha RA about the morals of Rasulullah SAW. Ayesha answered,
"The morals of the Prophet SAW are the Koran." (Musnad Imam Ahmad, No. 23460)
From the above hadith it can be said that the person or the morals of the Messenger of
Allah is a description of the implementation of the Qur'an in daily life at various stages of life
including in it regarding work ethics, so that Islamic work ethics is ethics regulated in the
Qur'an whose practice exemplified by the Messenger of Allah. Allah gave praise to His
Prophet, in His word
"And indeed you are truly noble character." (Qur'an, 4: 4).
The closest term to ethics in Islam is Akhlaq. The term in the Quran that is directly
related to ethics is alkhuluq. Al-khuluq is derived from the basic words khaluqa-khuluqan,
which means, tabi'at, character, knighthood, hopelessness. Islam provides guidance on the
belief in monotheism, the basis of monotheism is combined with the example given by the
Prophet, which is expected to produce humans who have good morals or ethics.
By practicing work ethics according to the Messenger of Allah, it will automatically
work with a good moral frame, because the best human behavior is the character of the
Prophet, as explained in the hadith, Anas RA said,
"The situation of the Prophet Muhammad is the man with the most noble character".
(Sahih Al-Bukhârî Hadith no. 5735).
Even one's faith is very much determined by the morality concerned, as stated in the
hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
"Perfectly the faith of a believer is the best of morals" (HR. Turmudzi).
There are seven dimensions of Islamic work ethics namely, Work intention,
Trusteeship, Work type, Work for Islamic Ummah, Justice & Fairness, Cooperation &
Collaboration and Work as the only source of ownership.
Sample Size
Sample size has an important role in estimating SEM results. The sample size results
in a basis for estimating sampling errors. Hair et al (2013: 32) state that the representative
sample size is between 100-200, and suggest that the minimum sample size is 5 observations
for each estimated parameter.
Ferdinand mentioned (2014: 40) the model estimation technique available in AMOS
21.0. These include: Maximum likelihood Estimation (ML), Generalized Least Square
Estimation (GLS), Unweight Least Estimation (ULS), Scale Free Least Estimation (SLS),
and Asymptotically Distribution - Free Estimation (ADF).
• Standard Loading is obtained from standard loading for each indicator obtained from
computer calculations.
• Σ јј is the measurement error for each indicator. Measurement error can be obtained from 1
- error
Variance Extracted
In principle, the measurement of variance extract shows the amount of variance of the
indicator extracted by the latent construct developed. The acceptable extracted variance value
is greater or equal to 0.50. Formula used:
1. Effect of Islamic Work Ethics (X) on Job Satisfaction (Y1) of Bank Rakyat
Indonesia Syariah Employees
The results showed that Islamic work ethics at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah had an
effect on job satisfaction. This can be seen from the regression analysis through the
Regression Weight which is positive with a C.R value of 2.769 with a probability of 0.006.
Based on these results, it can be concluded that Hypothesis 1 (one) in this study is proven and
acceptable. The positive direction shows that every time there is an increase in Islamic work
ethics carried out by Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah employees, it will cause an increase in
job satisfaction of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah employees simultaneously by 0.332 units.
In other words when the Islamic work ethics carried out by Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah
employees consisting of generous, motivation to serve, remember God and become the main
priority increases, job satisfaction of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah employees will increase
as well, but there are 66.8% Islamic work ethic variables of other employees as a cause in
increasing job satisfaction.
Ethics is a set of moral principles that distinguish what is right from what is wrong
Beekun in (Lailatirrohmah, 2014: 45). Ethics can also be considered as basic principles
through which employees and companies interact. This means that consideration and
decision-making must be based on moral principles.
Based on the opinion above, the better the Islamic work ethic of employees, the
higher the level of job satisfaction. Likewise, the Islamic work ethic of employees at Bank
Rakyar Indonesia, which consists of being generous, motivating to serve and remember God
and be a priority and which will then be set forth in the basic principles of interacting the
employees and the company. With the existence of these basic principles, all Bank Rakyat
Indonesia Syariah employees are able to do mentally challenging work, create supportive
working conditions, assume the salary or wages provided are appropriate, able to adjust their
personality and work and support their respective duties of every colleague.
Based on the analysis of the results of the research and discussion of the analysis of Islamic
work ethics on job satisfaction and employee performance at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah,
the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The first hypothesis (H1) proposed by the author states that Islamic work ethics have
a positive effect on job satisfaction of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah employees. The
test results revealed that the value of C.R was 2.769> 1.96 with a probability of 0.006
Based on the conclusions of the study results, further both for the benefit of practitioners and
for the benefit of further studies, the following suggestions are submitted:
1. Suggestions to Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, it is hoped to continue to be able to
maintain and encourage good communication and good teamwork so that employees
are able to keep an arrogant attitude towards other colleagues so that the conducive
working environment is maintained. Then Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah is expected
to be able to avoid or prevent its employees from dishonest actions by creating a
harmonious working environment, instilling character values such as honesty values,
activating the rules and regulations of the company and also being able to establish
cooperation between employees in solving problems that happens at work. Therefore,
the implementation of these two suggestions is expected to further enhance the
attitude of Islamic work ethics at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah.
2. Suggestions to Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, in order to be able to continue to
provide training and knowledge to employees regarding the work provided so that
employees are not burdened and able to complete the work provided well. then it is
also expected to encourage employees to pay more attention to other employees so
that each employee feels they have a colleague who works as a team rather than
selfish and there is also a need for encouragement from the company to further
enhance work relations / better communication between employees. Therefore, the
implementation of these two suggestions is expected to further increase the job
satisfaction of each employee at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah.
3. Advice to Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, related to indicators of timeliness, to
continue to maintain in providing trainning and training to employees so that
employees are able to complete work faster than the specified time so as to improve
employee performance. Then it is expected that it must always remind employees of
the importance of the quantity of work, especially accuracy in carrying out the work
and also must always carry out assessments and evaluations so that employee
performance can be improved even better.