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The ubiquity of Facebook usage compels us to study its effects on well-being. We identified a unique
sample of Facebook users and non-users who are employed at a security-related organization, where
Facebook usage was differentially restricted (even at home) creating a quasi-natural experiment.
Performing between-subject analysis, we found significant differences between Facebook users and
non-users with regard to levels of social comparison and happiness. Given the exogenous nature of the
assignment into groups (i.e. users and non-users), we attribute these differences to the accumulated
effect of Facebook usage. Specifically, we infer that Facebook usage increases engagement in social
comparison which is liable to reduce user happiness. Social comparison fully mediates the effect of
Facebook on happiness, but only among young employees and only among those who believe that
others have many more positive experiences than they do. The findings hint at a new and somewhat
more subtle mechanism than suggested by previous studies, in which even if Facebook users understand
that their friend's posts are positively biased, the increased engagement in social comparison may
adversely affect those who believe that their friends’ lives are better than their own.
1. Introduction
Facebook is currently the largest online social network with over two billion users worldwide. Over the
past decade, social media has become an integral part of everyday life. In the US, 90% of the 18–29
age group use social media, with older age groups catching up rapidly.1 It is estimated that users spend
an average of 38 minutes each day interacting on Facebook.2 The analysis presented here is intended to
understand the effect of Facebook usage on users’ subjective well-being and contribute to the literature
on the effect of information and communication technologies (ICT) on social welfare and subjective
well-being (see, for example, Ganju et al., 2016; Greenstein and McDevitt, 2011).
The Internet, and online social networks in particular, now largely mediate communication and
social interactions (Kim and Lee, 2011; Preece and Shneiderman, 2009; Walther, 2011). Online social
networks are used for relaxation, entertainment and socializing (Ku et al., 2013; Park et al., 2009). Like
their offline counterparts, they have been found to fortify one’s self-esteem (Gentile et al., 2012;
Gonzales and Hancock, 2011; Toma and Hancock, 2013), reinforce group identity (Fox and Warber,
2015; Zhao et al., 2008) and increase trust and cooperation (Bapna et al., 2017). Additional benefits
include increased social capital, social support and relationship maintenance (Ellison et al.,
2007; McEwan, 2013; Nabi et al., 2013). Since these benefits and the subjective well-being of users are
strongly associated (e.g. Bjørnskov, 2003; Helliwell, 2001; Leung et al., 2013), it is reasonable to
assume that participating in online social networks has a positive effect on well-being.
However, there is increasing evidence to the contrary, leading to what is referred to as the
“Internet paradox”. It suggests that Internet technology in fact reduces psychological well-being, as
manifested in increased depression and loneliness (Kraut et al., 1998). The design of Internet-based
platforms affects behavior on the platform, as demonstrated in a broad variety of contexts (see, for
example, Dellarocas, 2005; Overby et al., 2010; Tiwana et al., 2010). It is possible that Internet
About 82% of the individuals aged 30 to 49 and 69% of those aged 50 to 64 use some social media. See:
technology, and in particular online social networks, which are designed to streamline the flow of
information among users, constitutes a two-edged sword when it comes to user well-being. In the case
of Facebook, the design of the news feed creates an overwhelming emphasis on the positive experiences
of others (Chou and Edge, 2012), which may give rise to envy, rumination and jealousy (Feinstein et
al., 2013; Fox and Moreland, 2015; Tandoc et al., 2015), as well as depression, anxiety and stress
(Farahani et al., 2011; Labrague, 2014). Social media may also lead to diminished enjoyment of one’s
own experiences (Rifkin et al., 2015) due to the fear of missing out (FOMO) (Przybylski et al., 2013).
The broad spectrum of positive and negative effects on well-being that are attributed to
Facebook and other online social networks needs to be understood (Verduyn et al., 2017; Appel et al.,
2016). This study exploits a quasi-natural experimental situation that makes it possible to compare users
and non-users of Facebook in order to understand its effect on social comparison and happiness, as well
Facebook’s architecture leads users to compare themselves to one another, which may play a key role
in determining subjective well-being, a view supported by findings that (offline) upward social
comparison reduces happiness (Argyle, 2013). Non-users of Facebook are not bombarded by constant
reminders of how much better the lives of others are relative to their own and can live in comfortable
denial. In contrast, Facebook users observe the positive experiences of others more vividly and more
frequently, thus triggering upward social comparisons (see Bamberger and Belogolovsky (2017) for a
similar argument in a different context). We note that the proposed mechanism is independent of the
one proposed in the literature, according to which Facebook biases one's perception of others’ positive
experiences. This perception bias may affect happiness even if one’s social comparison level (the
tendency to compare) has not increased, while increased engagement in upward social comparison due
to Facebook use may affect happiness even if one's perceptions haven’t been altered by Facebook use.
A significant challenge to identifying a causal link between Facebook usage and happiness is
built-in selection bias. Individuals who choose not to use Facebook are likely to differ in character from
Facebook users (Ljepava et al., 2013; Nadkarni and Hofmann, 2011) which makes it difficult to devise
a proper control group of Facebook non-users. Moreover, since the vast majority of the population uses
Facebook, it is reasonable to assume that those who avoid it may have unique personality traits.
A similar selection problem exists in studies that compare the subjective well-being of users
who are characterized by different types or intensities of usage (Chou and Edge, 2012; Tandoc et al.,
2015). It is possible that a person’s general disposition will affect how they use Facebook (e.g., passive
use vs. active use, frequency of use, etc.). For example, it might be that people with a high level of well-
being use Facebook in a different manner as opposed to the converse, namely that the manner in which
they use Facebook raises their level of well-being. As a result, one may not be able to identify the impact
of the type or intensity of Facebook usage on happiness in such a comparison. Even longitudinal within-
subject studies that compare subjective well-being across time and types of usage (e.g. Kross et al.,
2013; Verduyn et al., 2015) may be subject to bias since in periods when the participants are happier
Some studies use path analysis (Baron and Kenny, 1986) to explore the mediating effect of
envy, rumination and social comparison on depression (Feinstein et al., 2013; Tandoc et al., 2015) or
life satisfaction (Krasnova et al., 2013; Locatelli et al., 2012). However, this approach does not
The current study investigates the impact of Facebook on social comparison and on happiness,
using a unique sample of users and non-users for whom not using Facebook is mainly due to their
circumstances rather than their personal preferences. This setting reduces the inherent self-selection
associated with not using Facebook. All the participants are employees of a large and well-known
security-related organization in which the use of Facebook was at first entirely forbidden to employees
for security reasons (during the period 2008-2012), and subsequently was allowed for some employees.
We use the policy change as a quasi-natural experiment by dividing the employees into two groups:
users and non-users. In January 2015, 144 randomly selected employees filled out a pencil-and-paper
questionnaire which asked about their demographics, friends’ experiences, personal experiences, social
comparison orientation (using Gibbons and Buunk, 1999), happiness (using The Oxford Happiness
Questionnaire, Hills and Argyle, 2002), and Facebook use (based on Ellison et al., 2007). The results
were analyzed using a moderated mediation model (Hayes, 2013; Preacher and Hayes, 2004) that
In an ideal natural experiment, the organization would have assigned its employees randomly
into users and non-users and would have ensured full compliance (i.e. that all employees who were
assigned to the group allowed to use Facebook would indeed do so, and vice versa). In such
circumstances, we could have surveyed the employees regarding their social comparison orientation
and happiness level and been able to interpret any difference between users and non-users as causal.
However, in our setting, Facebook usage was manipulated by exogenously imposed organizational
restrictions, based on security considerations and according to the projects in which the employee was
involved. We note that the Facebook restrictions were determined by type of project, rather than the
position of the employee in the organization. For example, an administrator and a scientist might have
identical restrictions placed on them while two engineers might have different ones. Nevertheless,
because the exogenous assignment of the employees was not necessarily random, we need to address
the concern that it is correlated with employees’ individual characteristics, which are in turn correlated
with our dependent variables, i.e. social comparison and happiness. Furthermore, we wish to address
the possibility that there are non-compliers who freely decided not to use Facebook although they were
not restricted.
In order to reduce concerns regarding potential selection bias and its effect on our estimates,
the analysis was conducted on a matched sample of employees using propensity score matching on their
observable covariates. We also carried out the following analyses, which are described in detail in the
appendix: (1) Personal interviews – In order to estimate the magnitude of self-selection in our original
sample, post-study interviews were conducted among the organization’s non-user employees in order
to understand their reasons for not using Facebook and how those reasons relate to the restrictions
placed on them. The interviews suggest that the extent of self-selection is very small. (2) Sensitivity
analysis – We simulate the effect of selection bias on our matched sample using a confounding function
and then re-estimate the effect of Facebook usage on a confound-adjusted outcome. We find that as
long as the influence of the unmeasured confound is not much larger than that of the observable
Facebook usage was found to have a positive effect on social comparison only among young
employees (25 years old and younger) and had no significant effect among older employees. In turn,
social comparison had a significant negative effect on happiness. Thus, the moderated mediation model
showed that social comparison fully mediated the impact of Facebook on happiness, although the effect
is significant only for those who believe that their friends have many more positive experiences than
they do. We did not find any indication that Facebook affects the perception of others’ experiences
(compared to one’s own experiences). Thus, the findings provide empirical support for our proposed
mechanism, in which increased levels of upward social comparison may affect happiness even if one's
The research makes a number of contributions to the literature regarding the effect of social
networks on well-being. First, it proposes a revised mediation model for the mechanism by which
Facebook affects user well-being. Previous studies have suggested that Facebook's negative effect is a
direct result of users being envious of their peers. We propose a somewhat subtler model based on two
new questionnaires that ask participants to estimate the frequency of their own positive and negative
experiences and those of their friends. These novel questionnaires allow us to demonstrate that even if
Facebook does not affect a user’s perception of their peers' positive and negative experiences, the
greater frequency of social comparison intensifies the negative feelings resulting from the (independent)
perception of others’ lives as better than one’s own. Put differently, if you believe that your friends are
living a better life than your own, then using Facebook might make you less happy.
The study is also innovative in its experimental setting, which facilitates a quasi-natural experiment
• Exogenous assignment. The partially exogenous nature of the assignment into two groups, i.e.
users and non-users, reduces the inherent selection bias which has been evident in previous
studies. Although it is not a random assignment, the results allow for causal interpretation to
some extent.
• Age. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine how the effect of Facebook
usage on well-being varies with age. Contrary to previous studies, which used more
homogenous subject groups, usually consisting of students (Wenninger et al., 2014), we
analyze a sample of employees of varying ages (ranging from 18 to 44, with an average of
26.7). We find that the older members of the sample were somewhat less vulnerable to
• Passive usage. A unique feature of the study’s setting is the relatively passive usage of
Facebook by employees in the sample. Due to the need for security in their work, even
employees who were allowed to use Facebook were asked to be cautious about the information
they share online. For example, many of them were asked not to upload photos and not to share
information about their work. Although one might think that this type of usage is not typical of
the population, it is in fact fairly common, according to a recent official Facebook blogpost,3
articles in the popular media,4 and academic studies conducted on students (e.g., Verduyn et al.
2015), as well as a parallel survey of students we carried out (see the appendix). Thus, the
findings contribute to the growing literature that points to the negative implications of passive
• Cumulative effect. The setting allows us to account for the cumulative effect of Facebook
usage “in the wild”, in contrast to lab experiments and brief-duration field studies (Kross et al.,
2013; Lin and Utz, 2015; Verduyn et al., 2015; Vogel et al., 2015).
2. Theory building
We seek to investigate Facebook’s effect on social comparison and happiness, while considering users’
perceptions of the positive/negative experiences of their friends, and to study the interplay between
these factors. Specifically, the proposed theoretical framework distinguishes between two constructs:
(a) the degree to which one considers one’s own actions in light of what others do, i.e. social comparison
orientation; and (b) the perceived difference between one’s own positive experiences and those of one’s
People have an innate drive to evaluate their own opinions and abilities (Festinger, 1954), with
the goal of reducing uncertainty (Gibbons and Buunk, 1999) and establishing their standing relative to
others (Brown et al., 2007). Since humans are social creatures, self-evaluation often depends upon
comparing oneself with other people, a process called “social comparison” (Festinger, 1954). Formally,
social comparisons are defined as “comparative judgments of social stimuli on particular content
dimensions” (Kruglanski and Mayseless, 1990). People vary considerably from one another in the
extent to which they engage in social comparison, which can be measured by a widely used index called
The Facebook platform, like other social media, is… well, social. Many online user interactions
on Facebook correspond to offline social interactions and have social effects, such as enforcing group
identity (Fox and Warber, 2015; Zhao et al., 2008), and increasing social capital, social support and
relationship maintenance (Ellison et al., 2007; McEwan, 2013; Nabi et al., 2013). Facebook’s design,
and in particular the news feed, intensifies the social experience. The news feed stacks the experiences
of multiple people, laying them out one on top of the other, and making the comparison to one’s own
experiences unavoidable. Furthermore, the ubiquity of Facebook may make the increased social
comparison a habit that manifests outside of Facebook. Facebook friends are often also real-world
We hypothesize that the effect of using Facebook on social comparison is moderated by age. Social
comparison is a part of human development that supports self-evaluation and changes with age (Ruble
et al., 1980). Consistent with Suls and Mullen's (1982) life-span model of comparison processes, it was
found that older adults report less of a tendency to socially compare than younger adults (Callan et al.,
2015). Hence, it is important to control for age when estimating the effect of Facebook usage on social
comparison. Furthermore, since Facebook provides an additional channel for social comparison, it may
intensify already existing differences in social comparison between age groups.5 Recent evidence
suggests that the type and intensity of Facebook usage varies according to age (Pettijohn et al., 2012)
It is also likely that younger users rely on Facebook as a source of social information to a greater extent than
older users, who are “used to” collecting social information from offline sources.
and that passive Facebook usage (e.g., examining others’ profiles rather than sharing experiences and
engaging with other users) is very common among young users (Pempek et al., 2009; Verduyn et al.,
2015). The passive form of usage intensifies social comparison using Facebook and it becomes the core
experience (Rousseau et al., 2017). Combined with evidence that young adults are more easily
influenced by external factors and their character is more malleable than that of older adults (Finn,
1986; Gardner and Steinberg, 2005; Helson and Moane, 1987; Siegler et al., 1990), it is likely that the
effect of Facebook on social comparison orientation is larger for young adults than for older ones.
Interestingly, in the context of Facebook usage it was found that comparison orientation is the
mediating variable between age and the intensity of Facebook activity, suggesting that younger adults
are more inclined to compare themselves with others and therefore use Facebook more than older adults
(Ozimek and Bierhoff, 2016). Here, we reverse the direction of this mediation. Thus, based on the
effect that is moderated by age (such that younger users are more affected than older users).
Social comparison can be in two directions – upward or downward (Gibbons and Buunk, 1999;
Wills, 1981). In an upward comparison, one perceives another to be superior along some dimension
while in a downward comparison, the opposite is the case. A number of previous studies have focused
on the mediating role of envy in reducing subjective well-being (Cohen-Charash, 2009; Smith et al.,
1999; Vecchio, 2000). Envy is a possible outcome of upward social comparison. However, the theory
proposed here is somewhat subtler in that it distinguishes between Facebook’s effect on the intensity of
social comparison and the direction of the comparison (upward or downward). Each of these two effects
may lead to increased envy. In particular, it may be that Facebook increases one's social comparison
level (in line with H1) but does not affect one's perception of others’ experiences relative to one’s own,
which may cause either upward or downward social comparison, depending to the user’s unbiased
Based on the existing literature (off-platform), we expect that Facebook usage will decrease user
happiness in the case of upward social comparison (Argyle, 2013; Wood et al., 1985). Non-users are
not constantly viewing the experiences of others and can ignore them if they wish to, whereas Facebook
users encounter the positive experiences of others more vividly and more frequently, which is liable to
trigger upward social comparison (see Bamberger and Belogolovsky (2017) for a similar argument).
3. Method
The sample consists of employees from a large, well-known security organization. They must go
through a rigorous security clearance process before being hired. The employees consist of knowledge
workers, IT experts, administrators, scientists and managers. The ages in the sample vary from 18 to 58
(mean=26); 40% are females; 26% are married; and 56% have at least a college degree while the rest
have at least a high school education. The average income in the sample is above the average in Israel
In January 2015, 144 randomly selected employees filled out a pencil-and-paper questionnaire
we had formulated. All of those who were asked to take part in the study agreed to, thus mitigating the
risk of happiness-associated volunteer bias (Heffetz and Rabin, 2013). Employees who did not have an
active Facebook account at the time of the study (in 2015) were classified as non-users and those with
The assignment to the groups of users and non-users is described below, followed by a
description of the questionnaire, descriptive statistics and the data analysis method.
Most of the non-users have never opened a Facebook account. Ten out of them had an account in the past but
closed it well before the study (2.34 years before, on average), where the most recent non-users are three
employees who closed their account 6 months before the study.
3.1 Quasi-exogenous assignment of employees
For security reasons, the organization's employees were not allowed to use social networks during the
period from 2008 to 2012 (neither at work nor at home). Employees with an existing Facebook account,
including employees joining the organization during this period, were asked to delete their account. In
2012, the restrictions were relaxed and the policy became dependent on the projects an employee is
involved in (rather than his job in the organization). For example, an administrator and a scientist may
have identical restrictions placed on them while two engineers might have different ones.
The changes in policy serve to create a quasi-natural experiment by assigning employees to one of
two groups: users or non-users. Our main claim is that the restrictions imposed on the employees serve
as an external barrier to using Facebook, which encourages employees to avoid using Facebook entirely
(thus “assigning” them to the non-users group). This “encouragement” operates by means of two
1. Present prohibition. This includes employees who were not allowed to use Facebook at all at
the time of the study (2015). Considering the nature of the organization, the importance of an
employee maintaining his credibility within the organization, the possibility that Facebook
usage is monitored, and the periodic polygraph testing, it is safe to assume that employees who
2. Previous blanket ban. This includes employees who worked in the organization prior to 2012.
They were forbidden to use Facebook during the period 2008-2012; even subsequent to that
period, many of the employees who were allowed to have a Facebook account were still
forbidden to use their full name or to upload photos, restrictions that compromised their
Facebook experience. Post-interviews indicate that these employees were also used to not
having Facebook and therefore decided not to use Facebook even though they were allowed to.
In our random sample of 144 employees, 49 (34%) did not have an active Facebook account,
magnitude suggests that the extent of Facebook abstinence in the sample is related to the organization’s
Nonetheless, there is a concern that non-users and users have different characteristics, which are
associated with the projects they work on. For example, it may be that the projects in which Facebook
use is forbidden are top secret, and working on such projects may be systematically associated with
high job satisfaction, which, in turn, is correlated with the dependent variables, i.e. social comparison
and happiness. Furthermore, it may be that employees in these projects were assigned to them because
they have some specific trait desirable in those projects, which again may bias the estimates.
Although this is a valid concern, we believe that it does not create a systematic bias in the estimates,
given the nature of the organization and the administration of the questionnaires. Specifically, the
questionnaires were administered over a three-week period on the organization’s campus. The
participants, both users and non-users, were physically dispersed in different buildings and in different
offices and were employed in nine different departments (in various divisions) and 18 different teams.
engineers, managers, etc.). Thus, the diversity in the sample mitigates some of the risk of systematic in-
group bias. Moreover, many of the non-users were in fact allowed to have a Facebook account at the
time of the survey, but chose not to because of the previous blanket ban and the current restrictions (see
the second channel above).7 In addition, we found that the frequencies of the various everyday
experiences of users and non-users in the sample were not significantly different.
There is also a concern regarding non-compliance, as in any field experiment. In our context, this
involves employees who were allowed to use Facebook without restriction, but refrained from doing so
nevertheless. Thus, the 2015 snapshot distinguishes between treated subjects (non-users) and non-
treated subjects (users), although this is not necessarily in perfect alignment with the restrictions
imposed on the subjects. This potential non-compliance is a manifestation of self-selection and may
bias the estimated effect. We assessed the magnitude of this selection bias by means of post-interviews
and found it to be of a small magnitude. We also reduced the effect of potential selection bias on the
We find that the users group consists of relatively young employees, which is consistent with the above
assignment description. Thus, young employees are more likely to be new to the organization and hence did
not experience the previous ban and are more likely to be involved in less sensitive projects. Furthermore, they
are probably more accustomed to using Facebook. We perform a matching procedure in order to balance the
ages (as well as other observables) between the two groups and further control for age in our estimation.
estimation by using a matching procedure, which creates two balanced groups based on their
demographic features, and estimating our model on the matched sample (the post-interviews and a
The questionnaire (which appears in the appendix) included six sections, which were presented to the
A. Demographics: age, gender, family status, a choice between three levels of education and five
levels of income.
lives as compared to their own, but did not wish to reveal our intention in the questionnaire.
Thus, in this section, the participants were asked to estimate the frequency of various positive
and negative experiences in their friends’ lives, while in section E, which appeared a few pages
later, the same questions were asked with respect to the participant’s own experiences. There
were ten questions regarding the positive experiences in their friends’ lives (such as how often
during the week they go out, read a book, watch a movie, etc.) and five questions regarding the
negative experiences (such as how often during the week they are upset, sick, etc.).
C. Social comparison: This section was based on the Scale for Social Comparison Orientation
(Gibbons and Buunk, 1999). Participants were presented with eight statements and asked to
indicate the degree to which they agree with each of them on a 6-point scale, from “strongly
disagree” to “strongly agree”. A high score indicates a high level of social comparison. The
reliability of the scale was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha measure (alpha=0.803).
D. Happiness: This section is based on The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (Hills and Argyle,
2002). Respondents were presented with eight statements and were asked to what extent they
agree with each of them on a 6-point scale, as described above. A high score reflects a high
level of satisfaction with one’s own life. The reliability of the scale was evaluated using
E. Personal experiences: Participants were asked about the frequency of ten positive experiences
and five negative experiences in their own lives, which correspond to the experiences they were
asked about in Section B. Based on the answers to sections B and E, we measured the difference
between the frequency of others’ positive and negative experiences and one’s own. Because
the differences in frequencies for the various experiences (questions) use different scales, the
difference for each experience was translated into a relative score, i.e. a percentile for that
experience. We then averaged across the 10 positive experiences to obtain the variable ∆(pos)
and averaged across the 5 negative experiences to obtain the variable ∆(neg). Thus, a high value
of ∆(pos) (∆(neg)) indicates that, relative to the sample, an individual tends to believe that
F. Facebook usage: This section is based on Ellison et al. (2007). The questions concerned the
frequency of Facebook usage and the type of activities that users engage in. For example,
participants were asked how often they check their Facebook account, how often they upload
Since the original assignment to the groups (users and non-users) was not random, we employ the
propensity score matching method (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983; Dehejia and Wahba, 1999), using
Matchit (Ho et al., 2007) in order to balance the two groups based on their demographic features and
then perform the analysis on the balanced groups. The matching procedure uses the nearest neighbour
method and probit as the distance function and discards observations with low quality matches that lie
outside the common support of the distance measure (without replacement). The process resulted in
two balanced groups: 41 non-users (out of the original 49 non-users) and 41 users. The demographics
and main characteristics of users and non-users in the matched sample are shown in Table 1. The users
spend an average of 48 minutes on Facebook each day (the median is about 30 minutes) and 78% of
them check their account at least once a day (34% check it more frequently).
3.4 Empirical model
We carried out a linear regression analysis using the matched sample. In the basic analysis, we measure
the differences between users and non-users but do not take into consideration the manner and scope of
Facebook usage, which may be endogenously determined by the users. We later extend the basic
analysis to include usage patterns and how these patterns relate to social comparison and happiness.
We start with the analysis of a simple model to capture the overall effect of Facebook on social
comparison (H1). We then estimate a moderated mediation model (using PROCESS; Hayes, 2013),
which examines the main hypothesis of the research (H2). According to the model (Figure 1), the effect
of Facebook usage on happiness is mediated by social comparison. Age serves as a moderator for the
effect of Facebook on social comparison and therefore it influences the indirect effect of Facebook
usage on happiness. Furthermore, the effect of social comparison on happiness is moderated by the
perceptions of others' positive experiences relative to the perceptions of one’s own (∆(pos)). Thus, we
investigate the variable effect of Facebook usage according to age and according to the level of ∆(pos).
The indirect effects are estimated using nonparametric bootstrapping procedure (Preacher and Hayes,
We control for ∆(neg) for the sake of symmetry (the main effect of ∆(pos) is included in the
model). As a test of robustness, we ran a number of variations of the model and found that using
additional demographic covariates does not alter the qualitative results. In addition, all the estimates of
the Facebook effect are robust to the inclusion of the propensity score measure (obtained in the matching
procedure) as a covariate.
4. Results and Analysis
The findings show that Facebook usage increases social comparison (thus supporting H1), which in
turn reduces happiness conditional on the perception of friends' positive experiences relative to the
Table 2 presents the OLS estimations for six different models in which social comparison level is the
dependent variable and Facebook usage is one of the explanatory variables. In Model 4, for example,
social comparison was found to be positively affected by Facebook usage (B=2.455 (0.812), p=0.003).
We did not find a direct effect of age on social comparison (B=0.022 (0.021), p=0.3); however, age’s
interaction with Facebook usage was negative and significant (B=-0.08 (0.03), p=0.009), suggesting
that the effect of Facebook usage decreases with age, thus supporting H1. The results are robust to
various specifications, as long as the interaction of age with Facebook usage is included in the model.
In view of the moderating role of age, we calculated the effect of Facebook usage for five ages:
19, 22, 25, 30 and 35, which correspond to the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles in our sample.
It was found that Facebook usage increases social comparison among the mid and lower age groups,
i.e. for the 50th percentiles and the lower percentiles. For the 19-, 22- and 25-year-olds, the effects are:
0.942 (p=0.002), 0.703 (p=0.004) and 0.465 (p=0.023), respectively and there is no significant effect
for, 30- and 35-year-olds (p=0.759 and p=0.289, respectively). In fact, there is a significant positive
effect only for employees who are under the age of 26, who account for 52% of the sample. Figure 2
illustrates the magnitude of these effects. Note that the sample size provides us with 80% power for
We estimated the mediated moderation model outlined in Figure 1 and found a significant effect of
Facebook on social comparison and significant interactions (Facebook X age and Social comparison X
Δ(pos)), which confirms H2 and provides empirical evidence for the moderating effect of age and
Δ(pos), respectively. Facebook usage has no direct effect on happiness (B=-0.139 (0.129), p=0.286). In
other words, social comparison fully mediates the effect of Facebook on happiness. The full regression
results appear in Table 3. A Bootstrap estimation of confidence intervals for the regression’s
coefficients and of the indirect effect of Facebook on happiness appear in the appendix.
As in the previous estimations, we found that Facebook usage increases social comparison only
among the mid and lower age groups (up to the age of 25). Social comparison, in turn, has a significant
negative effect on happiness among the upper 44 percentiles of ∆(pos), and no effect among the lower
56 percentiles (averaging across age). In particular, for the 75th and 90th percentiles of ∆(pos) (0.49 and
0.57, respectively), the average effects across age are -0.238 (p=0.003) and -0.349 (p<0.001),
respectively. This finding suggests that increased social comparison per se does not necessarily reduce
happiness and that the magnitude of ∆(pos) determines whether and to what extent social comparison
decreases happiness.8
Age plays an important role in our setting. We found a significant negative indirect effect on
happiness for the mid and lower age groups, conditional on a high value of ∆(pos) (above the 50th
percentiles), and no effect for the older groups (Figure 3). Furthermore, fixing the value of ∆(pos), the
estimated effect generally decreases with age. For example, for 19-year-olds in the 90th percentile of
∆(pos), the estimated effect is -0.329 (0.158), whereas for 22-year-olds with similar levels of ∆(pos) the
One possible explanation for the age-related differences is that younger participants are more
susceptible to Facebook’s influence because they rely on Facebook as a source of social information to
a greater extent than older adults, who are “used to” collecting social information from offline sources.
This may be reflected in differences between younger and older adults in the use of Facebook's various
features. We explore the age-related usage patterns among the employees in the organization and find
that younger users tend to use Facebook more passively (i.e., they concentrate on obtaining information)
and focus more on others than on themselves (i.e., they tag and comment more than uploading photos
We estimated a variation of the model which does not include the interaction of social comparison and ∆(pos).
Although social comparison significantly reduces happiness, we feel that this variation of the model misses
an important element and, accordingly, the estimation’s adjusted R2 is lower than that of the original model’s
estimation (see the appendix for more details).
or posting statuses), which may trigger social comparison. Note that we found no age-related differences
in the overall intensity of usage, although the frequency of checking the account was significantly larger
We complement the analysis in this section by examining the effect of Facebook usage intensity
(which combines time spent on Facebook, frequency of use and feeling of association) on social
comparison and happiness using a variation of the model presented in Figure 1, in which Facebook
usage is replaced by Facebook intensity. The intensity of non-users is defined as being 0. We find that
usage intensity is associated with a higher level of social comparison and a lower level of happiness for
employees aged 25 and younger and for high levels of ∆(pos) (see the appendix for more details).
An alternative or complementary mechanism to explain the findings might be that Facebook usage
affects an individual’s actual perceptions of others’ lives relative to those of his own life. In our setting,
we measured the estimated frequency of others’ positive and negative experiences relative to one’s
own, i.e. ∆(pos) or ∆(neg).9 If Facebook increases ∆(pos) (or analogously ∆(neg)), then even if
Facebook usage had no effect on social comparison, the fact that others’ lives now seem more attractive
will make comparison to others more frustrating and reduce the user’s happiness. However, we do not
find any support for this mechanism in the data. Thus, we performed a number of statistical tests
suggesting that there are no significant differences in ∆(pos) or in ∆(neg) between users and non-users.
While this null result may be an outcome of a power limitation or that the participants referred to the
experiences of their close friends (social media are likely to be used more to gain information on friends
we are less close to), other studies have found that the perception of others’ lives relative to our own is
not affected by usage, even though affective well-being is (Verduyn et al. 2015). Furthermore, the
measured effects are extremely small, and the absence of such effects in our setting allows us to attribute
Our measures differ from the comparative perception measures in Chou and Edge (2012), which are elicited
directly and are meant to capture general perceptions rather than the perception of individual experiences.
the observed effect of Facebook usage on happiness to the increase in social comparison (see the
5. Discussion
The findings indicate that using Facebook increases engagement in social comparison. The
questionnaire was not restricted to on-platform comparison, but rather measured overall comparison
orientation. We suggest that the Facebook user experience promotes social comparison (particularly via
the news feed), and may establish a tendency to compare oneself to others both on- and off-platform.
We did not find any indication that Facebook usage affects the belief that others’ lives are richer in
positive experiences than one’s own. However, we did find indications that increased engagement in
social comparison combined with a belief that others’ lives are richer in positive experiences than one’s
This finding is a refinement of previous ones that Facebook usage leads to increased envy and
that Facebook usage influences subjective well-being (Verduyn et al., 2017). Our proposed model
suggests that a user’s decline in happiness is due to an increase in social comparison, even if neither
∆(pos) nor ∆(neg) are affected by Facebook usage. This has the important implication that designers of
the Facebook platform should invest more effort in reducing Facebook’s encouragement to compare,
Another contribution of the study relates to the moderating effect of age. Most of the studies
on the effect of Facebook usage have been conducted among relatively young participants, most of
them students (Wenninger et al., 2014). Our setting made it possible to examine a wide range of ages
(18-44 years old) and to isolate the effect of its interaction with Facebook use on social comparison and
happiness. We found that only young participants (aged 18-25) were susceptible to the Facebook effect
on social comparison and consequently on happiness. Young users in our sample (and in general) tend
to use Facebook more passively and to focus more on others than older users and we are unable to
perfectly disentangle the effect of age and this pattern of Facebook usage.10 One caveat to consider is
It is important to note that in our setting, this pattern of usage was found to be unrelated to social comparison.
the possibility that young employees have a greater tendency to use other social media (e.g. Twitter) as
well and that their levels of social comparison and happiness are not affected solely by Facebook usage.
However, other social media platforms were not widely in use in Israel at the time of the study and we
believe that communication channels (such as Facetime) that augment off-platform social relationships
Overall, the magnitude of the effects reported in the study is comparable to findings in previous
studies that measured the effect of Facebook usage on well-being using different methodologies. For
example, Verduyn et al. (2015) found that intensive passive Facebook usage, relative to non-passive
usage, is related to a decrease of 5% in affective well-being. In our comparable age group (18-22-year-
olds), the effects given mid and high levels of ∆(pos) are of similar magnitude and represent a decrease
This study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to use a quasi-natural experiment in order
to measure the cumulative effect of prolonged Facebook usage in a real-world setting. Although the
assignment to groups (users and non-users) as a result of the organization’s Facebook policy is not
random as it would be in a lab experiment, we argue that it significantly reduces selection bias, which
is an inherent problem in studies that examine the effects of social network platforms. The problem is
further mitigated by using a matched sample. Although we were also limited to a relatively small
sample, our natural setting has some advantages over lab experiments, in which there may be a need to
simulate Facebook usage; participants may be influenced by an awareness of the research questions;
and the effects measured in a lab may only be momentary. More generally, the research demonstrates
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Table 1. Descriptive statistics of our matched sample. Gender: 1 is male, 2 is female. Education: 3
is high-school education, 5 is more than 15 years of education and 4 is in between. Income: 3 is the
average income in the country, 1 is much lower and 5 is much higher than the average income. Family
status: 1 is married, 2 is single. Social comparison and happiness are both between 1 and 6. ∆(pos) is
the extent (potentially between 0 and 1) to which one finds others’ lives richer in positive experiences
compared to one’s own; ∆(neg) is the analogous extent for negative experiences. The column titled p
presents the p-value of a t-test comparing the two groups’ means. The are no significant differences
between Facebook users and non-users in the below variables’ means, with the exception of the social
comparison’s means, which are significantly different at the 10% level.
Age 0.654 18.00 42.00 27.07 6.65 18.00 44.00 26.41 6.61
Gender 0.640 1.00 2.00 1.29 0.46 1.00 2.00 1.34 0.48
Education 0.453 3.00 5.00 4.51 0.84 3.00 5.00 4.37 0.92
Income 0.662 1.00 5.00 2.90 1.76 1.00 5.00 2.73 1.76
Family 0.646 1.00 2.00 1.63 0.49 1.00 2.00 1.68 0.47
Social 0.097 1.00 5.38 3.35 0.84 2.00 5.50 3.69 0.98
Happiness 0.113 2.88 6.00 4.60 0.66 3.25 5.75 4.37 0.62
∆(pos) 0.852 0.20 0.66 0.42 0.11 0.15 0.71 0.42 0.13
∆(neg) 0.802 0.06 0.73 0.40 0.17 0.11 0.76 0.41 0.18
Own(pos) 0.407 0.08 0.61 0.36 0.13 0.19 0.70 0.38 0.12
Table 2. The effect of Facebook on social comparison. The effect of using Facebook on the social
comparison orientation is examined in six specifications, using an ordinary least square regression. The
explanatory variables appear in the leftmost column of the table.
-0.202 -0.145
(0.251) (0.244)
0.134 0.151
(0.146) (0.142)
-0.001 -0.007
(0.096) (0.093)
-0.946 -0.592
(0.785) (0.777)
0.715 0.663
(0.474) (0.46)
N 82 82 82 82 82 82
Table 3. The results of the mediated moderation model outlined in Figure 1. We find a significant
effect of Facebook on social comparison and significant interactions – Facebook X age and Social
comparison X Δ(pos) – which provide empirical evidence for the moderating effect of age and Δ(pos),
2.455*** -0.139
(0.812) (0.129)
Facebook X age
Social comparison
Social comparison X Δ(pos)
R2 0.132 0.267
N 82 82
Figure 1: Outline of the theory on the effect of Facebook on one's happiness via the
mediating effect of social comparison. Age serves as a moderator for the effect of Facebook
on social comparison. The effect of social comparison on happiness is moderated by ∆(pos).
Effect on Social Comparison
18.0 20.6 23.2 25.8 27.1 29.7 32.3 34.9 37.5 40.1 42.7
Figure 2: The effect of Facebook on social comparison by age. The estimated effect of
Facebook usage on Social comparison; The dashed lines represent the upper and lower
bounds of the 95% confidence interval. The estimates are based on the estimation results that
appears in Table 3. The effect is significant for 18-25 years old employees.
Significant effect for younger employees Non-Significant effect for older employees
0.4 0.4
Happiness Effect
Happiness Effect
-0.2 0.0
-0.8 -0.4
0.29 0.32 0.41 0.49 0.57 0.29 0.32 0.41 0.49 0.57
Δ(pos) Δ(pos)
(A) (B)
Figure 3: Indirect effect of Facebook on happiness moderated by Δ(pos) for different age groups.
The solid lines represent the indirect effect of Facebook on happiness (mediated by social comparison)
and the dashed lines show the 95% confidence intervals by the level of Δ(pos). Figure 3(A) shows the
significant effect corresponding to the 10th, 25th and 50th age percentiles (age 19, 22 and 25, respectively).
Figure 3(B) shows no significant effect for the 75th and 90th age percentiles (age 30 and 35, respectively).
The effect is significant for the 50th percentile of ∆(pos) and for higher levels.
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