Hematology - KitProtocol - List of TIC Kits

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® ®

Single Test System for Microscopic Cell Counting

Save time ... work safely ... ... with the "TIC" of Bioanalytic!
© Copyright by Bioanalytic GmbH

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1. Fill end-to-end capillary with blood. 4. Mix before loading counting chamber.
2. Place capillary into TIC tube. 5. Fill chamber filling capillary by capillary action.
3. Close tube and mix by shaking for suspending cells. 6. Load counting chamber and count cells.

Safe Notes
Complete single-use tests for easy, quick, safe, and highly precise micro-
scopic counting of erythrocyte, leukocyte, thrombocyte and reticulocytes. WHO
Tests are packed in useful rack-boxes made from CFC-free polystyrene. Already in 1988, the WHO (World Health Organisation) declared the use of
Thoma pipettes as obsolete [1], i.e. no longer state-of-the-art and outdated,
because Thoma pipettes are inaccurate *1) and break easily (risk of infection).
Simple Instead, use of separate pipettes for mixing blood into pre-filled reaction
tubes was recommended.
Bioanalytic manufactures ready-to-use, high-quality reagent kits that allow
The single-use "TIC" systems of Bioanalytic are completely in line with these
TIC overview information + WHO

simple and safe handling.

recommendations. Ery-TIC®, Leuko-TIC® and Thrombo-TIC® had already
No cumbersome handling of expensive equipment (graduated pipettes, been introduced into the market 10 years earlier (in 1978).
shakers) necessary. Also, neither laborious, expensive cleaning and drying
of blood mixing pipettes nor siliconization of pipettes to prevent platelet- Ordering Information
glass-aggregation (falsely low values!) are required. The capillary holder (re-usable) is not included in the "TIC" system. We
Microscopic cell counting is performed as usual. recommend ordering the capillary holder together with your first order of
Product information

any "TIC" system. The capillary holder prevents risk of specimen contact if
used correctly, and simplifies handling as well.
Save high costs of pipettes, cleaning agents, working time as well as
contaminated reagents. Contacts
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail
(German, English):
Accurate Sale: [email protected]
The dilutions correspond to the recommendations of the German Industry Support: [email protected]

Norm 58932 (DIN 58932) and the WHO (World Health Organization), and
can be accurately reproduced.
Freshly prepared samples can be counted up to 48 hours (RBC, WBC) and
12 hours (PLT) respectively. Do not hesitate to contact us with your questions by phone (German), e-mail
or fax (German, English).

Hygienic Literature & Footnotes

"TIC" systems of Bioanalytic are conform to the regulations issued by the [1] Recommended methods for the visual determination of white cell and
Employers' Liability Insurance Association not to pipet by mouth. No contact platelet counts, WHO-report WHO/LAB/88.3, WHO, CH-1211 Genf 27.
with blood or blood-reagent mixture if used as recommended. Publication (Germany): Laboratoriumsmedizin 13, Nr. 2: BDL 17 (1989).
*1) As the inaccuracy not only relates to the volume of the Thoma pipettes
but also to the procedure involved, the inaccuracy also applies to official

calibrated or CE marked pipettes.

Bioanalytic GmbH Phone: +49 7665 5951

 biomedical & analytical chemical reagents • medical laboratory diagnostics Fax: +49 7665 5683
 in vitro diagnostics (IVD) • biomedical science & analysis technology E-Mail: [email protected]
 Waldmatten 10-13 • 79224 Umkirch/Freiburg i. Br. • Germany Internet: www.bioanalytic.de
Overview of the intended use
General Information Leuko-TIC SF (plus)
For hygienic use of all "TIC" systems, we recommend our useful capillary Dilution 1 : 100 and 1 : 21 possible.
and labelled products are medicine products and only those may Human medicine
be used for human diagnostics in the EU. Conversely, they may also be Counting of leukocytes from synovial fluid.
used for veterinary in vitro diagnostics .
Veterinary medicine
From many of our packs there are also very small packs available for 10 tests.
These are particularly suitable for testing purposes in veterinary medicine. As human medicine, but only verified for mammals.

Eos-TIC 1 : 32 (plus) Leukocytes of

Dilution 1 : 32. Sample volume 20 µL. Pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid
It depends on the sample and therefore has to be tested whether
Human medicine
(A) Leuko-TIC 1 : 20 blue or
Counting of eosinophilic leukocytes (eosinophilic granulocytes).
(B) Leuko-TIC SF is the better choice.
Veterinary medicine If no precipitates occur, (A) is our recommendation. If precipitation occurs,
Mammals use (B). Samples with a lot of erythocytes can be counted better under
(A). However, the acetic acid contained can form precipitates with sample
Like human medicine. components.
Birds, reptiles and fishes
Counting of erythrocytes (RBC) and leukocytes (WBC).
Leuko-TIC VT
VT = Viability Test.
Ery-TIC 1 : 200 (plus) Dilution 1 : 20. Sample volume 20 µL.
Dilution 1 : 200. Sample volume 5 µL.
Human medicine
Human medicine Viability counting of leukocytes (WBC) based on trypan blue staining in a
Counting of erythrocytes. specific dilution solution.

Transfusion medicine Veterinary medicine

Counting the remaining cells from platelet concentrates and plasmas. Special As human medicine, but only verified for mammals.
instructions (dilutions 1 : 51, 1 : 21, 1 : 11) available.
Veterinary medicine Thrombo-TIC 1 : 100 (plus)
Mammals Dilution 1 : 100. Sample volume 10 µl.
Counting of erythrocytes (RBC).
Human medicine
Counting of thrombocytes (PLT).
EryFragility-TIC Transfusion medicine
Sample volume 20 µl per dilution step. Special instructions for counting in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) available.
Human medicine Veterinary medicine
Determination of osmotic erythrocyte resistance. Mammals
As human medicine.
Leuko-TIC 1 : 20 blue (plus) • Elephants and other mammals with high platelet count:
Follow the instructions for transfusion medicine (higher dilution).
Dilution 1 : 20. Sample volume 20 µl.
Human medicine
Dilution 1 : 2 (1 + 1). Sample volume 100 µl.
Counting of leukocytes without disturbing background shading by erythrocyte
Supravital staining of reticulocytes.
membranes. Clear image, blue-colored leukocyte cell nuclei.
The method is prescribed in Germany by the provincial chamber for the Human medicine
training of medical professionals. Relative counting of reticulocytes.
Liquor cerebrospinalis (CSF)
Veterinary medicine
Counting of leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. For this purpose, use the As human medicine, but only usable for mammals.
special information for counting low leukocyte values.
Transfusion medicine
Special instructions for counting low leukocyte values available. Sperm-TIC 1 : 20 (plus)
Dilution 1 : 20. Sample volume 20 µl.
Veterinary medicine
Mammals Human medicine
Counting of sperms.
Like human medicine.
Birds and Reptiles Veterinary medicine
We recommend to use Eos-TIC or Natt-Herricks-TIC. As human medicine, but only verified for mammals.
Ejaculate-TIC 1 : 20 (plus) Symbols
Dilution 1 : 20. Sample volume 20 µl. CE Conformity Mark
Reagent based according to the recommendation of the WHO. Confirms the conformity of the product with a European directive.
Human medicine Required for the authorisation / use in human in vitro diagnostics.
Counting of leukocytes in the ejaculate and spermatozoa according to the In vitro diagnostic
regulation of the WHO.
The product is approved for human in vitro diagnostics. The notes in the
Veterinary medicine operating instructions must be observed.
As human medicine, but only verified for mammals. Veterinary medical in vitro diagnostic.
The product is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in veterinary medicine.
Please note the instructions in the manual and if necessary the special
Samson's Concentrate (CSF) instructions in the manual for veterinary medicine.
Dilution 9 : 10 / 10 : 11; see working instructions.
No TIC system available; dilution by pipetting required. Ideal for counting Biology, Life Science
very small cell counts with high accuracy. The product is intended for use in the field of biology, life science, research, etc.
Human medicine SDS-ID International
Counting of leukocytes (WBC) in cerebrospibal fluid (CSF). The usage information is available at www.bioanalytic.de without registration
for free download on the product page on documents tab.
Veterinary medicine
Counting of leukocytes (WBC) in cerebrospibal fluid (CSF). SDS-ID International
For safety data sheets, enter the unique SDS-ID stated on the label on the
website www.sds-id.com.
Natt-Herricks-TIC 1 : 200 (plus) Alternatively, you can obtain safety data sheets as described above on the
Dilution 1 : 200. Sample volume only 5 µL. website on safety data sheets tab.

Human medicine Certificate of Conformity

Not applicable/approved in the EU for human medicine! Certificate of Conformity are available at www.bioanalytic.de on the product
Other countries not tested.! page on the documents tab.

Veterinary medicine
Birds, Reptiles, Fish Feedbacks
Counting of erythrocytes (RBC) and leukocytes (WBC) . Especially in the field of veterinary medicine the results are very different
due to the different species.
LIT.: We are therefore looking forward to your feedback and would be happy
White Blood Cell Count in Birds: Evaluation of Commercially Available Method. • B. Riond1, to share your experiences with you. Feedback to: [email protected]
L. Carisch1, M. Stirn1, J.M. Hatt2, K. Federer3, R. Hofmann-Lehmann1. • 1 Clinical Laboratory, (German, English).
Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 2 Clinic for Zoo Animals, Exotic Pets, and
Wildlife, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3 Walter Zoo AG Gossau, Gossau,
Switzerland. • 2015-11.
Conclusion: Natt-Herricks-TIC® was highly precise and showed good agreement with the refer-
ence method. It can be recommended as a reliable method for determination of white blood cell
counts in avian ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid blood and allows easy in–house analysis by
clinicians or technicians.

Marcano-TIC 1 : 200 (plus)

Dilution 1 : 200. Sample volume only 5 µL.
Human medicine
Not applicable/approved in the EU for human medicine!
Other countries not tested.!
Veterinary medicine
Counting of erythrocytes from blood of lizards, especially iguanas.

Dilution 1 : 20. Sample volume only 20 µL.
Microbiology, Life Science, Research
Viability cell counting based on trypan blue staining in a specific dilution
Counting of viable cells (aCells) and dead cells (dCells) from cell suspen-
sions. The calculation gives the total number (tCells), aCells, dCells and
the percentage distribution.

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