30.1 Gears Solutions

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. EN:-::
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l:-- _;
M_ A
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EE ::.:.R.::l.:..:
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tuna = _!:.
➔ where: L= 3Pc = 3( "D)
I. A gear nnd pinion with ratio of 5. The center distance indicated is al I K. T
llle gear has 9<1 teeth and the pinion has 18 teeth.
A. 1.047 C. 0 .074 1
U: 3(n(S))in
•, 25
'= 1.885 in
I ,

B. 1.740 D . 1.470 I

1.885 in ·•
tana = - ( - - = 0.2
" 3 in)
Pc(T +T )
1 2
C= -'--'--~
Ill = Pc(90 + 111)
211 6. A pair of gear/pinion of 42 tooth and 18 tooth with a diametral pitch of
Pc= 1.047 0.7476 teeth/cm and the uddendum is 0 .8/p and dedendum 1/p. The gear
pressure •angle of 20 ° . Compute the center distance of the pair of gean.
!Ans. Al in meters
A. 0.5026m C. 0 .3516 m
2. A gear of 80 teeth and a pinion of20 teeth has a gear and pinion ratio of B. 0.3426 m D. 0 .4013 m
4 . Find the center distance in inches, if the circular pitch is 0.885.
A. .14.1 C. 16.1
B. 15. 1 D. 17.1

C= Tl +T2
C = Pc (T1 + T2)
. 'C= (42+18)(lm/100cm)
0.885 (80 + 20)
C = - - - - - =14.085 in C = 0.4013m

3. spur pinion supported on each side by bill bearings rotates 1750 rpm 7. The minimum clearmce allowed for meshing spur gears with a circular
and transmit 10 a mating gear al 25 Hp . The pressure angle is 20 degrees pitch of0.1571 and diametral pitch of 20. The spur gear has 25 teeth.
and the pitch diameter is 5. DeLermine the Langenlial load in lbs. A. 0.007855 C. 0.007558
A . 420 C. 300 B. 0.008578 D. 0 .00758
B. 300 D. 400

P= ~
whcreT= F1 (~1
Equating and sub~'tituting \'alues ll
C=-(-) = 0.007854 •
5 . 20 20" .
F1 ( :" ) (1750rpm)
25 hp -'---'6'-
- 30-2_5_ _ !Ans.Al
F1 =360.14lb
8. Compute the pitch angle ofa bevel gear given the pinion's number of
!Ans. Cl teeth of 14 and 42 teeth on the gear.
A. 18.4 ° C. 33.4 °
B. 28.4 ° D. 38.4 °
4. A 36 tooth pinion with a turning speed of 300 rpm drives 120 tooth gear
of 14 ½ degrees involute full depth pressure angle . What would be the
spet.>d of the driven gear?
A. 1000 rpm C. 90 rpm
B. 100 rpm D. 140 rpm
1 1
ap=~- (~) =~- (:: ) =18.4°

!Ans. A!
9. Compute for the tooth thickness of 14 1/2 spur gear with diameter pitch
{36}(300rpm) =(120)( N ) = 5.
N =90rpm A. 0.3979 C.0.Q3141
8.3 .1831 D. 0.31416
!Ans. cl
5. A triple thread wom1 has a pitch diameter of 3 inches. The wheel has 25
teeth and a pitch diameter of 5 inches. Material for boch the worm and 11 Jr
the wheel is of phosphor bronze . Compute the helix angle (Tan a ) I= - = - =0.3 1416
2PD 2(5)
Anw c. o~
B. 0.30 D. 14 !Ans.ol




'.II I 11,·
, ,
' I I ,. I : I I, I I ' ,,

' I ,' i: 1, _ : ', ''1 11 ·, 1'1_1 I'' ' ''' ' 1'
JO. A spur pinion rotules al 1800 rpm und lrunsmil s 10 a mul ing gea r 30 HP. 14. Tw0 1pnrullel sh11f( 1co~,ieot,~d lby :pure ,·oiling in ,he same direction tUIJJ
,,11, ,, 1 1 111 1
1 I .,
I. 1 ' I ' I I I I I • I I
The pitch diameter is 4•· and the pressure angl es pressure 1111gle is 14 1/2. '1111d huv:mg II speed rallo o f 2.1'7•!1., whnt 1s Jhe di.stance o f the two shali if
1 1
Dc1enninc 1hc 1angcn1ial load in lbs . the smullci·,cy,lindcr is :!21~rn. inldilimclc~. ' 1

I' I' ' I ,11 , ' ' ,,C,i·, i2~.;is

' ', ,
,,, I ' '' I
A . 4Q5 C. 5J5 A. I 6,60 •cm 1 , , 1 1 1 '
c ,n ' I

B. 525 D. 475 B.'30'. 2.5 cn1 ,, 1 1 , I, , 'I

19.25 :c m
I I i : ' Ii I 'l l 11
n.. I '1

I I f I 1':.: I 1' · Ii I I ' I

~ " l ii :1 1 ' ,,
, ><><•( ~t I\ 'i'I\ :

i11 ' ' ,, , 11

' 1 ' 11, \ \·
' I : I : I ' I I I~ I I
TN i 1 ,, I I : i

P=-- ').i) -D I' ' I ;_ I _, Ii' 1 i 1

\ ·
1 I
Fac1or C=~ 1 11 111, , 1, 1,

where T = F1 un S '1· -

, 1_ •o' I ':1
o v~?g I~ ' ~' i I I I
·1·_' '1
2 I'• ,

'I I ' 11 1
' II

Subs. values and L'llUaling. ,. o N ,,,! D.' N· I ',I ,

I I ,,2, I zI I
1, ,

'11 I

F1 ( ~ ) (tl!OOrpm)
' ' ' ' ) ' ~ 1 11' 11 I
P1(sij. w 2:' :

1 1

'! I:'··

I I I I i I! I 11 I 1
,22 (2.75)'j' P21II I I

30 hp = - 63025 1 1 ' 1

' I 'I I ,, I' ' I,

F1 = 525.21 lb D2 1=: 6<J. ~:rn :! -·I I ,
I I I i ' I l I 11


I I : I' , I\ I I'
! i

jAn~. Bl 1TI1i1s, I ! i ! ,

----------- -·-- --- - - - - - - - I i' I

€= · ''
' : 1•9.25 cm
H. I
t:l.5 L22 1,1111 \ =

I11 ' 1

, ' I
'I I I I I .! I l1 I I I I I ' I I I
11. Two idlers of 28 T and 26 T arc introduced between the 24 T pinion '1 111 I ,, , , , 1
\ ,

wi1h a turning speed of 400 rpm driving a final 96 T gear. What would !Ans.DI ,1 I1 11' I I l1 I ':1 1
,, 1 1 , f1, '_1 1 , : 1 I; 1 rl l
be the fi nal speed of lhe driven gear and its direction relative to the 1 1

:, . I II I I . , , I I 5- - - d- .- - -, .- . - -d ---d.- -
dri ving gear rotation?
i i 1 -. . - ,. .
- ,

. . ,A II mtema geuf ,IS SCI up Wlhi II, ·Ill 1ametcr p1111on an cenlcr 1st11ncc I

A. 120 rp m and opposite direction 1

of 18 inches. Fin d 'the dimn'etcr of the internal gear. 1

B. l 00 rpm and opposite direct ion A: 36'1 I I ' ,1'' I1 i ' I '
"I ' '
' 11 I : i ' C. 26"'
C. 80 rpm and sa me direction , 0 . 2:1:5" I 1

1· 1 , '', D. '11'" ·
'j ,, i"~ 11 , I: , ,,11

D. 100 rpm and same direction •

I' I.,,. 1
· I I I '
'~ ,1'fl i >11-•~ ~:• ~,t~:, , I\: 1' ~ ' 1, ,I
,,1;,·/.1•11''11: ',1' j I I', 1 I
1' II,
I· '1 \,i •~ 1·,,l1j j I I
' D ,~ ,
. 51:=;~~-:~r.,r11,i .
1l_r,,,, ,1
I, ' 1'•,,,2,,1,,,, :,1•' .,.1 '
TpNp = T11 N 1 I ;1 ! '1 /1/1 t.1·[ ) I.,. 5in:,t1:,'1r J
I '~ 8'i j~I~ , ~ ?'I~~ ' '

(24}(400rpm) = (28)( N 1 1)
II 1'',1~l_}
' I
i) 2
, II,
1,:ir~~\,1 ,· lh
o·21=,1 in

1 ) ~
= 342.86 rpm 1: ..· · -', · .1:'H· '
!Ans. D! , :: 11 _, , 1

TIINII = T2NI 2 - - •~ 1,1' ·: /:, t ,,• •~ '1ll, ~ 7"C ' , . I - - -- - - - -- - - •-

28 (342.86 rpm) = 26( N ) Tb~1irii ni, ~tp i-h~le )depl~ 61 ' spur g~i•r of 14- 1/2 deg. involute type
with di1nn111etc ,p )lc h of,24 and,circ,lula1: pitch of 0.1309:
N1 = 369.23 rpm
A. 0i09000, , C. 0.089875 ,;h , , ,~'. ' ,
T N = Tg Ng ' 8; C
J.09~ ' ,,.) ' D. 0.089758
2 12 t I '
26(369.23 rpm)=(96){Ng)
Ng = IOOrpm
!Ans. B!

1.2. A pai r of gear with gear ratio of 3 and 60 gear teeth of 14 ½ degree full
depth tooth. The diametral pitch is IO. Compute the tooth thickness on
the pitch circle ' '
A. 0.570 inch C. 0.157 inch I 7. A helical ge;... . u 1'4 ½ :n' nonnal pressure angle and transverse diameter
B. 0 .352 inch D. 0.142 inch pitch olr •2'. 362'2 pJr cm. 1he helix angle is at 45 ° and has 8 tee1h.
Comput~ lh() transv~se, 1,ressurc angle in degrees.
A. 22 .2 ° ' C. 18.9°
8. 19.3° D. 20. I 0

I=~ : _1£_ = 0. 1571 in

2Pd 2(1 0) I

tan0r = tan0 cos W,

1an 14.5 = tan0cos (45)

13 . Find the too th thickness on the tooth circle of a 20 degree full depth in
0 c: 20.1°
I '
volu1e tooth having a diamctraJ pitch of 3. circular pitch of 1.0472 and !Ans. DI
whole depth of toolh al 0 .60.
A. 10.7 mm C. IQ. I mm
------ ------
18. Compute t'le circular pitch (in inch) of u pair of gears having a ratio of
8 . 13.2 mm D. 7.9 mm
4 and a center di stance of I 0.23, Euch gear bus 72 1eeth and pinion has
JS teeth. 1

A . 0.8()95 C. 0.8035
B. 0.7825 D. 0 .8085
ll 11( 254mmlm)
t = - = ~ -- ----'-= l 3.3nun
2Pd 2(3 Leeth/in)
jAns. Bi
. ,- -
. -(c-=--H-A-:-:
l -::
l(:::W-:---- - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - =, -=-
, -=-

Pc(T2 +Ti)
C= --''-"--'""""
(S2 ..'ins.4) (N)
10.23- Pc(72 + 111) ~ 250 hp= ~---'--''----'-
21f 110
Pc =0.7142 ➔ 0 .782.'i (use the higher value) N = 2265 rpm

IAns.B! IAns. B\
19. The tooth lhick:ness of a gear is 0 .5 inch and its circular pilch is 1.0 inch.
Cakulah! the dedendum of lhe gear. 23. If the circular pilch of the spur gear is 0.75 in per tooth, !hen the
clearance is :
A. 0 .3183 C. 0 .3979
B. 1.250 D . 0.1114
A . 0 .0375 C. 0 .0735
B. 0 .0654 D. 0 .0564

dedendum = m + c
c= -m
. ll . Pr
Since Pd = - . then. Smee Pc = 11m then, c = -
Pc 20
0.75 in
dedeadum = ~ = 0 .3979 in C = - - = 0 .0375 in
(vi in)

!Ans.cl !Ans.A!
24. ,A 14-tooth, 20-degree pressure angle pinion of 6 diamelral pilch is to be
20. A macbirusl made two 8 DP spur gear lo be mounted on a center distance enlqed. What will be the outside diameter of the pinion?
of 16 inches with speed ratio of 7 to 9. The number of teeth in each gear A. 2. 745 in C. 2 .3828 in
are : B. 3.2342 in D . 1.2431 in
A . JOO teeth and 78 teeth
C. 120 teeth and 93 leeth
B. 144 teeth and I 12 teeth
D. I 50 teeth and I I 7 1eelh 0D = Dp + 2a
Solving for a (Addendum)
I I.
a = m= - =- m
P0 6
Solving for DPI -
T 14
Dp= - =-
P0 6
DP= 2.33in

T2 = T1( ; )
OD= 2 .33 + 2
(6') = 2.667111
. ➔ 2.745m

Subs. T inlo C,
1--- - - - -- -- - - - -- ---
T1 +T1(9!7) 25 . A helical gear with a tangential pitch of I in carries an axial force of
l6m= ~~--
2(8 1eel.Mn) 1200 lbf and tangential force of 1800 lbf. Compute the nonnal circular
pitch .
T = 112 teeth
1 A . 0 .25 in C. 0.75 in

Sol vi ng ror T2 . T2 = T1 (~) =(112)( f) = 144 leeth

B. 0 .31 in D . 0 .83 in

IAns. ej
Fa= F, 1an 'I'
21 . An inlemal gearing requires an id.l er gear if the driving gear of 6 inches 1200 lbf = 1800 lbf Ian ~,
in diameler and the center distance of the idler 10 lhe driver is 20 inches.
'I'"' 33.7°
What is the inside diameter of the driven gear?
A. 62 C. 70 So.
B. 74 D. 81 Pen = Pc cos 1v
Pen = (I in) cos (33 .7)
Pen= 0 .83 in
Dg =2(C)+2(2 x Dp)+ C/2 IAns.D!
Dg =2(20)+2(2x6)+20/2in
Dg = 74in

22. Determine the speed of the gear mounled on a 52 .5 mm diame1cr shaft
receiv ing power from a driving motor with 250 Hp.
A . 2 322 rpm C. 2 051 rpm
B. 2 265 rpm 0 . 2 361 rpm
,A __;_
IM = E.. :R
:.. :.=E.V.
.::.. .I:. .E
:..=___::0:...:.N..:. .l:c.c...
lN ~ E _ _ _ _ _.-----_M
TH ..;_E
_ T....;.l=C S
& _;;B;.:_
A=S --=
N =-: E E:..:..
SC :::.:l...::..
E :N ....:.C

26. For moderate speed of mating gears. the ideal ratio o f contact is _ _ . 38 . Detcnninc the number of teeth in a driver of lwo spur gears mesh which
A. 1.35 -1.55 C. 1.0-1.3 ha.~ a velocity ratio of0.75 . The driven gear has 36 teeth :
B. 1.25 - 1.45 D. 1.25 - 4 .0 A. 50 C. 46
8 . 26 D. 48
Answer: D
An swer: D
'.l9 . The minimum clearance allowed for meshing spur gears with a circular
27. Zero axial thrust is experienced in _ _ _ _ _ __ pi1ch of 0.1571 and diametral pi1.ch of 20. The spur gc.;u- have 25 teelh.
A. herringbone gears C. helical gears A. 0.007855 C. 0 .007558
B. bevel gears D . wonn gears 8 . 0.008578 D. 0 .007585

Answer: A Answer: A
40 . Which of the following materials 10 be utilized 10 reduce cost in the
manufuCluring of large wonn gellf!I?
28. Spiral gears arc suitable for transmitting _ _ _ __ A. alloyed aluminum
A. any power C. smn.11 power B. bronze rim wi1h ca.~I iron spider
B. huge power D. pulsating power C. cast iron rim with bronze spider
D . all of these
Answer: C
Answer: B
29 . The type of cam used for low and moderate spct.-d engines is generally
41. The angle. at the base cylinder of an involute gear. that the tooch ma.Ices
A. fiat C. involu1e • with the gear axis _ _ _ _ _ __
B. tangent D. harmonic A. base helix angle C. pressure angle
Ans wer: D B. arc of recess D. arc of approach
Answer: A
30. Gears for wris1 watches are generally manufactured by _ _ _ _ __
A. mo lding C. stamping 42. The path of contact involut.e gears where the force/power is actuall y
8 . gal vanizing D. honing lrlnsmitted. It is a straight imaginary line passing through the pitch point
Answer: C and ta111eot to the base circle .
A . principal reference plane C. pitch point
3 1. An imaginary circle passing through the points at which the teeth of 1he
B. front angle D. line of action
meshing gears con!Xt each other.
A. pitch circle C. addenduim circle Answer: D
B. dedendum circle D. base circle
Answer: A 43 . The hardness o f helical and herringbone gear teeth after heat treatmenl
is 210 to 300 Brinell Hardness. for gear and pinion is at :
32 . A kind of gears used for heavy duty works where a lase ratio ohpeed ii A . 360 Brinell min. C. 400 Brinell max .
required and are extensivel y used in speed reducers. B. 340-350 nonnaJ D. all of these
A. bevel gears C. W'OrlTI gears Answer: B
B. helical gears D. !piral gears
44. A type of ,ear comlllODly used in parallel-shaft transmission especiall y
Answer: C when a smooth, continuous action is essential as in high speed dnve s up 10
12.000 fpm _ _ _ __
33 . A I.ind of gears used to transmit motion fro m one shaft to another shaft A. bevel gear C. herringbone gca,
al an angle to the first . 8 . spur gear D. helical gear
A. bevel gears C. worm gears
Answer: D
B. helical gears D . spiral gars
Answer: A 45. Whal type of gear whidl can transmit power m a certain angle.
A. heliatl gear C. wonn gear
34. Hearingbone gears are gears which _ __
B . be vel gear D. herringbone gear
A. do not operate on parallel shaft
B. have a line of contact between the teeth Answer: B
C. consist of lwo left handed helical gears 46. The arbitral)' modification by removing a small portion of a looth material
D . tend to produce thrust on the shafts at the tip of the gear tooth is called:
A . tip removal C. tip undercul
Answer: B B. tip relief D. pressure angle c ul

35 . Gears used to transmit power be tween shafts axis of which it Answer: B

intersect _ __
A. spur gears C. bevel gears 47 . In a pair of gears, _ _ __ is the plane perpendicular 10 I.he ll.l.ial
B. helical gears D . straight bevel gears plane and tangent to the pitch surface.
A . pitch C. pitch plane
Answer: C B. pitc h circle D. pitch point

36. Gearing in which motion or power that is tra nsmitted depends upon the Answer: C
friction between the surfaces in contact : 48 . What type of gear is used for high speed operation '?
A. bevel gears C. spur fric tion wheel s A . helical C. spur
B. cvans fri ction cones D . friction gearing B. bevel D . worm
Answer: D
An swer: A
37 . A bevel gears of the same s ize mounted on a shaft at 90 degrees: 49 . One of the causes of spur gear IOoth breakage is the unbalanced load on
A. crown gears C. spur gears one end of the tooth that results in higher stresses than when the load is
B. angular gears D . miter gears evenl y distributed. To minimize this problem . the face width " b~ should
not be great.e r than the thickness (or pitch) of the tooth . In the a~nce
Answer: D
of te st values. the following can be a guide :
A. 2.5 PC < b < 4 Pc C. 2.0 Pd < b < 4 Pd
8 . 2.5 Pd < b < 4 Pd D . 2.0 Pd < b < 4 Pc

Answer: A
I I '



50. Hypoid gear is a special type of gear like _ _ _ _ __ 62. !:ind the r1inimml1 clearance allowed for meshing spur gears wil.h
A. Worm gear C. Spur gear circular pitch of,0 .3:14 al)d dia'm ctra'I pitch of 10. The spur gears have
B. Herringbone gear D . Bevel gear geru- tooU1 prpponions of 14 ½ degree full•depth involute.

Answer: D A . 0.0587 ,i~-i i ' C. 0.05 .17 in.

B. 0,0785 in ..' D.0.0157 in.
SJ . The distoncc n helical gear or worm would threud along its axis in one I

revolution if it were free to move axially is call1.'<I :_ _ __ ~ , ·,

A. length of action C. length of contacl
B. land D . lead 0.157
Answer: D 10
52 . For modcrntc speed of mntjng gears. the ideal rntio contacl is : c,= 0 .0,151 in~
A. 1.25 - 4 .00 C. 1.20 - 1.45 !Ans,D! ·
B. 1.00 - 130 D . 0 .35 - 1.45 ,I - , .
Answer: A

63. Cak~lat~Ithe 'mi~imum whole deplh of spur gear of 20 degree involu1e

, 53. IL is used to change rotary motion to rec.iprocating molion : type with diarnetral pitch of 25 and circular pitch of 0.1257 .
A. Helical gear C. Rack gear A. 2.345 11~111 , C. 2.286 mm
B. Worm gear D. Spur gear B. 3.571 m,m D.0.09 mm
Answer: C ~ ,'
54 . In gear design, the ratio of the pitch diameter in inche$ to the number of
WD =2 _25/P = 2.25 jn; x

teeth~ - - - -- ,i 25.4 mm
A . module C. diameual pi I.c h ' , I • 25 1;,(
B. englis~ module D. circ ular pitch
W,D =2 .286 mm
I Ans.cl
55. Gear used to transmit power at high velocity r.itios between non-
inte.rsccting shafts that are usually but not necessarily at right angle.
A. helical gear C. bevel gear
r :l§ll:!I
' H,,i· ' ' ,..._,_ I h d d d f th
,r· t e e en um o . .

, ,iibe tootl1 thiqlncss of a gear is 12.7 mm and its circular pitch is 25 .4

B. worm gear D . spiral gear ·· , mm.11'!'- -.u. ate e gear m mches.
, 1! ,
:A. 11o:6~:is,.
•, lij,.r
·. c. o.4554
, :~)~.36~~ t\,s
: ., 1

Answer: B
__.,___---- - . - --- --- --------1' 1

D. 0 .105()
, 1,.~•
56. For evenly di strib uted and unifom1 wear on each meshing gear tooth, ~tI" ' :~ ' ,

~ ji ' i 11 i:~:
the ideal design praclicc is to consider a _ _. . J, ~ j

A. wear resis~ance alloy nddition to ·1001h gear

I I I IP .
I f I!Ill~' q f',,' ,, ·:: '
B. heat treatment of the gears

~ , , , 1

C. hardening of each tooth ,P!i+ 25.4:gun

•. 1
if;(,, ,'
'i 1

D. hunting tooth addition · P,P. 7' '1l ;.:f·: I, , }'.;,

Answer: D
,, ,

P• , iw.,,'·I·.,,,,''

., ir/1 .0
n.: ~ •,d''
; .-:,,, j'r"'
57. What will be the effect in bushing gear!! without backlash ?
~ (I t

A. jamming C. qverheatiug : i( .:1;r:' _1..,_157 ,,,,,".1_.'157

Dedendurn:;: I

B. overload D. all of these ' /P. ' ,n ,
Aru;wcr: D :Dede~duril ;ii::'0. 3683 in.
, , r_ .=-:::-;;J I.
58. Rl!J1ge of helix angl!! on helical gear .
A. less than 18 C. 15-25
B. 20-35 D, 35-40 65. C0Qipu1e 1he 'addendum of a 20° full-depth involute spur gear with
diamelral pitch of,6.
Answer: C A.O.~ ·,· C. 0.30
B. 0 . 10 D. 0.40
59. For economical co st in the mw1Ufacturing large worm
following materials arc usually applied .
A. bronze rim with cast steel spider
B. cast iron rim with bronze spider
C. casl steel rim with brass spider Addendum = 1/P• = 1/5
D. alloyed aluminum rim with cast iron spider Addendum = 0.20 in.
Answer: A IAn,;.AJ
60. Which of the following is an example of rectilinear tran sla1ion ?
A . locomotive wheels C. rack gear 66. A 14~ 0 spur gear has a circular pilch of 0.6283. Find the length of i1s
B. pisto n of an engine D. jack working depth.
Answe r: B A . 0.20 in . C. 0 .30 in .
B . 0 . I0in . D . 0 .40 in.
61 ,\ p •.t1rnf J! e;1rhJ~ a ~- ,ar 1.11io 1,1 ~ J llJ '-II ~c.111ce1h , 1 I~ 1: J e l! 1,·e lull-
c.J c plh in v.,]U tL 1, nl h Th, d1c1 J1 ic l1 .1 l p11~h " 10 ( 0 11 1pute 1·1,i: 1, , 11h
tbid.. 11,·" rm !he Inch cr rd e ~
,\ .t II Ill '.'i 111 111
W,D = 2/P.
H -' nun IJ f, lll 'll
P,P.= ll
P. = Ill~ • 1t/0.6283
P•= 5
= 1.5708 = 1.5708 j,c{ ; x 25 .4 mm W,D = 21'5 = 0 .40 in.
P4 10 1;,(
I = 3.99 mm~ 4 mm

I Am. A!
~H_,iE~M~A~T~iQ,,s~'1&~,,~,sA=s~1=t =·~=N=G=1N~'E=E~R1~.N~G~s~c~1E~N~c:.:::::Es
1 1 1
_E_ _- - - r - - - - - r :1~·· - M
.' ,' , ,' ' 'i, 1;,
i 1i ·' ''i' 1 ,', ,1 1' ' . 1PR1 ME s sµPP lEMENJARY ENHANCERS (GEARSJ

I ~ I I' : 1

j I I I I ' I ' I ' 'I I I I ' I' I' I ' ' I

i ~I
I I' ,1

I I I I I II I I I I: I I I ' I i' II I I• I ) II : I 1I 'I I I :I I

72. I T1':'fO paral,~I 1~hafts llll,'t11ng, 1by 1p,urc , rolling contact tum in oppofiile
I ' !

67. A machine shop fabrica1ed a spur gear 2.5 module with a pitch dia111e1~,·, 1 d Ii. ' ·'

- ofi 50 mm. Delcnninc 1he Oulside Diameter (OD). , \ , 1, I,

. II ,· ,J I , I I OO •. , •••
.1, .'' ~i,~llf>~ I~ ,'1•~~·~•,8181~pc ,' ~oq ,or 4.., ~hat
IS the cenl~r-to~ enter

A. 44 111111 C. 55 mm 11w ancc,of 1t!•,e,1,w10, sh,~rt~ ff9~ each ~1lhet 1f lhe Sinaller cylinder IS 200
' ' 'I

I I I ' mn\ in dionklclt? I I I I 1' ,, I I ' !' .I

B . 33 nun D. 77 mm 1 1 1 i , ~i · i 1 1. ! , , r

·.1,, ·,Al ~)mm l. 1., 11 11 '1,. 'I· ,, C. 700mm

1 1 .i , 1
1 , 1 • 1 , 1 ••1
1 1
1 1 11
• , , .,
1 1
I I ,,I 1\li,,,I ·'.,
, 1 1 , 1 1 B.800 1nwn1i'; 1111 1 , 1 I' D.500,nm
; ; 1_1 If 1

s:.t..t.-, I 1J1 1
1111 I 111111 J I 111 I 11 1')

OD= D• +la I ,'1 1' 1:1 I ti I ',1,1:1,1,'1/f,1,11 1,i, 111 Ii, I

11111 11~ : 11 I 11 I 11:
( a )addendum = module
II I t
II ~1.1 1, I
II 11 1)
I N 11 0
I }1 f

ibo o ⇒ N i-n
'1 0 N 1

1' 7 1 2 11 2 1 1

OD= 50 + 2(2.5) = 55 mm
, ... '
I I II I 1'11 111 II
I I' ' 1' I II :1 Ii,' 1I ': ,i 1'' I 1' II I


' I llf I
I '1 I '1 4 = _, _2 ,..
I '1' I I ,' , 1:1 I I

, I 1,'', 1' I 11'1 ::1:1 ,', 2(10

68. A machine shop fabricated a spur gear 2.5 module with a pitch diameter
I• .','Ii 1111 1b ,,,,,,! 800 r'mn 1

o' , D , > , 1·200

I II 1 1 I ~ I ;

of 50 mm. Dctenninc the Root Diameter (RD). ' I , i

. , .' G~ 'c;:b :,:I", ·, .+,


I I (
8, 0

A . 44 mm C. 55 mm I 'i' . ' i' I 21 ,. ,:}, ~'

1,I 111,'
8.. 33 mm
I '

D . 77 mm

C '= '500mm /,
1,,, '.: Iii
• ,

:I ! ,I i)jl
'!' .

!Ans.DI ,',', .. ,
s:.t..t.-, 1
1:1'' 1'i' 11
1,1.1. ','.
1 1

t----.---~ ----- ~ -- - - - - -
, ,

RD=D -2b

(b) dedendum = 1.25/Pd
73. t btn~ut~:',fo~11
c'irctihrr pitch of u spur gear with 15 lceth and pitch 'th~
' diu1heter,of,5 inchc.s. ·
1••' '. ,.,, ' '
⇒ 1.25 Module A . l'.05 in. , C. 1.25 in.
h = 1.25 (2.5) e.. Lso '1n. D. 1.75 in.
b= J.125 mm
RD= 50 - 2(3 .125)= 43.75 nun
)!. =; 1:OS foches
69. An inlernal gear set•up has 7 inches diameter pin.ion'and center distance {; • ,
of 15 inches. Find lhe diameter of the internal gar. '1 ' ' ll\ns.' AI
A . 42 inches C. 25 in~~s
B . 37 inches D. 54 inohis 14 ½ degree fuU '. deplb involute spur gear rotales at 1500 rpm and
transmits to a matinj{gear 20 HP. Determine the lungential load in N if
pilch diameter is JOO mm.
A. 1,9001N ~ '. C. 1.750 N
B. 2,,100 N·
C= D1·D,
15 = n,-2 7

D 1 : 37in. I'• TN , & T• F .~

9·.549 KIO' . \ 2
~= (F:¥)N •
70. Find .the center distance between gears with 60 t.eeth and 20 teel11 if the 9.549 x10•
diametral pitch is 5. '
A r
B 8"
C. S"
0 . 6"
20~,~ o.746kW _ (F,•T)(lsoo)
1 HP 9.549 "10•
F, = 1.899.~l N
!Ans. Al

C= D,+D, 75. Delcrmine the number of teeth in a pinion of two spur geafli mesh with
2 speed ratio of 4 :3. 1l1e driven gear ha~ 36 teeth .
A. 18 C. 27
P:.!.:::,D: .!_
• D P, B. 36 D. 45

C = T, +T, = 60 + 20 = 8 inches
2P, 2(5)
!Ans. Bl 4 36
71. A 30 tooth pi-nion with a turning speed ·of 360 rpm driv~ s a 120 tooth ⇒ -=-
3 T,
gear of 14 1/2 degrees involute full depth pressure angle . What would be
the speed of the driven gear? T,= 27
A. 90 rpm C. 70 rpm
B. 80 rpm D. H.lO rpm 76. Two idlers of JOT and 15T are introduced between the 25T gear turning
al 600 rpm driving a final 75T gear. What would be the final speed of
the driven gear and its direction relmive to pinion rotation?
T,N ,=Tl Nl A. I 00 rpm & opposite C. 225 rpm & sooie
B. 200 rpm & opposite D. 175 rpm & opposite
30(360) = 120 Nl
N1 = 90 rpm
- - :-:
( :::
W:--- - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - -----=,-:R::-:
IM ::-E
s -=-
EM ::-l:-:N--:T-A.,...
RY- --
--=(:..:A=Rs J

f I

25(600)=75N 1 TN :::> T(1soo)

P = -- 18
⇒ opposi te
fac1or 9.549xl0'
N1 = 200 rpm T =I 14.588N-mm

T= ~(¥]
77 . A pair of gear/pinion of 40 teeth and 20 teeth , respectively, with a center 114 , 588 = F, (l~lOJ
di stance of 15.6 inches. addendum at 0 .8/p and dedendum nt 1/p. The
gear pressure angle is 20•. Compute for the dinmctraJ pitch in teeth per F, = 2.291.76 N
cm. !Ans. Al
A . 0.757 C. 0 .674
B. 0 .877 D . 0 .503
82. A pinion transmitting 18 kW to a mating spur gear is turning at 1500
rpm and is supported on each side by a baJI bearing . If the pressure angle
is 25° and the pitch diameter is 100 mm, determine the separating load.
A . 2.292 N C. 2,530 N
C = T, + T 2 B. 1.069 N D. 1.763 N
2 P4
15 _6 in. x 2.54 cm= 20 + 40
I in. 2P4 F; = F, tan O • 2,291 76 tan(25°)
P, = 0.757 teeth/cm F, = 1068.67N
!Ans. Al !Ans. Bl
83. A pinion transmitting 18 kW to n mating spur gear is turnin g at 1500
78 . Find lhc center distance in inches. of an 80T gear meshing with 20T rpm and is SUP,IJOr1ed on each side by a baJI bearing . If the pre ssure an gle
pinio n having a circular pitch of 0.78 5 . is 25°' and the pitch diameter is 100 mm. determine the total load .
A . 12.5 C. 7.75 A. 2,292 N C. 2.530 N
B. 15.0 D . 10.25 B. t,069 N D. 1.763 N

or FTCJrAJ. = F, /cos8
P, P.= ,r => P, = n/P, • ...U .785
FMAL = 2.291.76/oos (25°)
P, =4
F,arAL = 2.528.68N
C = T, +T, = 20 + 80 = 12.5 ioche!
2P. 2(4 )
!Ans. Ai 84. A (i()j gear is being driven by a I0T pinion running at 1,800 rpm CW.
Dete rmine the speed and direc tion of the driven gear.
79 . A gear set havi ng a gear ratio of 4 is to be used at a center distance of A. 200 rpm C W C. 300 rpm CW
25 .4 cm. If the gear bas 64 teeth , what IIJUIII be the circular pitch'! B. 200 rpm CCW D. 300 rpm CCW
A. 0 .6283 in C. 0 .71f54 iu
B. 1.0472 in D. l.57llin

( 1o)(tm) = ( 60) N,
N, = 300 rpm : CCW
C = T, + T, ⇒ 25.4 cm x ~ = (
64 4
! )+
2 P4 2.54 cm 2P4 !Ans.DI
P, = 4
P, P• = x 85. A 60T gear is being driven by n IOT pinion running at 1,800 rpm CW.
If a 20T idler is placed between the dri~·ing and driven gears. determine
P, = x/4 = 0.78 54 m.
the speed and direction of the driven gear.
!Ans.cl A . 200 rpm CW C. 300 rpm CW
B. 200 rpm CCW D. 300 rpm CCW
80. Fi nd the tooth thickne ss of a gear with diametraJ pitc h of 5.
A. 0 .52360 in C. 0 .31416 in
B. 0 .26 180 in D . 0 .39270 in
T,N,=T,N,=T, N ,
~ (10}(1800)=( 60) N ,
t = I .5708/P =1.5708/5
4 N , =300rpm : CW
t=0.3 14 16io
86. A 60T gear is being driven by a I0T pin.ion running al 1.800 rpm CW.
81 . A pinio n transminjng 18 kW to a mating spur gear is tuming at 1500 If two 20T idlers are placed between the dri ving and dri ven gears.
rpm and is supported on each side by a ball bearing. If the pressure angle determine the speed and direction of the driven gear.
is 25° and the pitch diameter is 100 mm. determine the tangent ial load. A. 200 rpm C W C. 300 rpm C W
A. 2.292 N C. 2.5 30 N B. 200 rpm C CW D . 300 rpm CCW
B. 1.069 N D . 1.763 N
- -__;_P=R=IM
EV ...:..:l;;.;:; 0 _N _LI_N_E_ _ _ _ _~ _M
E_W___..;.,.. _ A_
_M_ A
_S_ &
_ B_
_ I_N_G_S-=

T,N, = TllN,, = ~ , N., =T, N, 93 . The surface of the gear between the fillels of adjaccnl teeth is called:
(10}(1800)=( 60)N , A . bottom land C. 11:mk
B. top land D. flank of tooth
N, = 300 rpm : CCW
Answer: A
!Ans. DI
87 . A machine shop fobric11ted a pair of 20° full-<lcplh involulc spur gears 94 . In designing gears for power transmission consider an efficiency of
module 3 to b<.- 111oun1ed on shnfl.~ with n cen1er line dislance of 80 111m. as recommended.
Dc1ennine 1he addendum. A. 96 'l\ or more C. 89% or more
A . 9.425 mm C. 3 mm B. 85 % or more D. 98% or more
B. 0.105 mm D. 3.75 mm Answer: D

95. Which of lhe following gears has the simplest type of teelh ?
A.~ suming rull-deplh involu1e :
addendum= IIP, ~ module (mm) A. Helical gears C. Spur gears
B. Bevel gears D . Worm gears
a= module
a= 3 nun Answer: C

96. h is the circle tangent to the addendum of the meshing gears.

88. A machine shop fabricated a pair of 20° full-<lepth involute spur gears A. clearance circle C. base circle
module 3 10 be mounted on shafls with a center line distance of 80 mm . B. addendum circle D . pi1.c b circle
Dc1em1inc the circular pitch.
Answer: A
A. 9 .425 mm C. 3 mm
B. 0.105 mm D. 3.75 mm
s.t..w.., 97 . The distance form a poinl on one gear 10 the corresponding point
measured along the base circle.
P,P. = 1t and P, = 1/M A. nonnal pitch C. circular pitch
P. (IIM)=11 8. axial pitcb D. diametrnl pilch
P, (1 13 ) = ll
Answer: A
P, = 9.425 nun
!Ans. Al
98. A line passing throuaJi the pitch. point tha1 is tangent 10 both base circles
of a gear is:
89. A machine shop fabricated a pair of 20° full-<lepth involute spu.r gears A. pressure line C. perpendicular line
module 3 10 be n10un1ed on shafts with a cenler line distance of 80 mm . 8 . tangent line D . center line
Dc1ermine lhe dedendum.
A. 9 .425 mm C. 3mm Answer: A
B. 0.105 mm D. 3.75 mm
99. Which a:f the followlne is d1e con111c1 nitio for a good geur design ~
dedendum = l.2!VP, = l .25(module) A. 1.5 : I C. I : 1.3
d =1.25(3) =3. 75 mm 8. I : 3 D. 1.2 : 2
!Ans. oj Answer: A

90. A machine shop fabricated a pair of 20° full-<l epth Involute spur gears I 00. Bevel ecan of sizes 5 in. 10 15 in. should nol be lift or depress more
module 3 10 be mounted on shafts with a cenler line distance of 80 mm. than _ _ . as Gleason statement.
Dc1em1ine the backlash . A. 0 .004 C. 0.003
A . 9 .425 mm C. 3 mm 8. 0 .002 D. 0.(>01
B. 0. 105 mm D. 3.75 mm
Answer: C

O.Q3 0 .04
backlash= - 1 0 - ~ 0 .035/P,
P, P, Please log-on 10 www.primcrcv icwcc111 cr.1:om for the cnham:emenl of
b=0.035 (Module) =0.035 (3) Elements(Terms) in Mathematics & Basic Engineering Sciences. Power
b = 0.105 mm & Industrial Plan! Engineering and Machine Design.
!Ans. Bl
91 . If a sel of spur gears are made. installed and lubricaled properly. they
normall y may be subjected lo failures like :
A . 100th spalling C. tooth peening
8 . pitting D. shearing
Answer: 8

92 . The amciunl by which the dedcn<lum in a given gear/pinion exceeds the.

addendum of ils mating pinion/gear. Also the radial dj stance between
the top of a 1001h and lhc bottom of lhe mating tooth space.
A. tip relief C. lop land
B. clearance D. space
Answer: B

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