Internship Guidelines SoM 2022-24

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School of Management


MBA - Batch 2022 - 24

Internship for MBA students Batch 2022 – 2024 is scheduled between 01.09.2023 and
30.09.23 (4 weeks). As a part of the course, to acquire good practical learning, the following
points are to be adhered and followed strictly.

Points to adhere:

 Students are permitted to do the internship on-site only.

 Only one student should undergo internship in a company. More than one student
per company is permitted only through placements or under special cases with
acceptance of the college guide and HoD.
 It is recommended to select company with repute and brand value. In case of small
units or start-ups, the company should be known for its good practice or innovative
business model.
 Students must get the approval and seek advice from the guide in selecting the
 Students should communicate and update on the progress of their internship from
time to time to their respective guides or at-least once in a week.
 Change of organisation is not permitted once the acceptance letter is sought from
 Students can do an internship or an industry case-study.
 Students must follow the rules and regulation, adhere to the code of conduct of the
company through-out the internship period.
 Students should appear for reviews without fail for assessment. However, for
outstation interns’ reviews can be conducted online mode.

 Provides a platform for obtaining practical knowledge and expose to a company
working environment.
 The student gains hands–on experience in the functional area of management in a
corporate environment
 Undertake assignments and tasks in specialization area that benefits the company
and the intern.
Internship Outcomes

CO1: To understand the operational and strategic decisions taken by the company in
various departments of the company
CO2: To identify operational problems faced by the functional department and
suggest suitable solutions.
CO3: To acquire practical knowledge by studying departmental practices and analyse
the scope for improvements.

Duration of the project: (4 weeks),

Internship Dates: 1st September to 30th September 2023

Project Supervision: The student will work under the guidance,

1. Faculty Guide
2. Organization Guide

5. Procedure of completing the Internship:

i. Request a Bonafide letter to the faculty guide to apply to the company for
undergoing internship.
ii. Students should seek permission from the company.
iii. Students must submit a copy of the permission or acceptance letter by uploading
it in GCR portal.
iv. Students must submit weekly log sheets signed by the company guide (Given in
Annexure 1) during the end and upload the same along with GeoTag photos in GCR
v. Once the internship is completer a completion letter has to be uploaded in GSR
vi. Students should submit a report as per the given format.
vii. In case of Industry Case study, students should prepare a case study and publish
it in a peer-reviewed / UGC Care / Scopus journal

Company Visit
 A faculty member or staff may visit the organization during the period of their
internship/ or may interact with the organizational supervisor.

Interaction with Faculty Guide

 Students should update the progress of their internship and interact frequently
and maintain frequent faculty guide and the company guide either in person or
through e-mail. Failure to contact the guides will detain the eligibility of the
student in attending the Viva Voce examination.
Code of conduct

 Students must strictly adhere to the Rules and Regulations and maintain code of
conduct of the organisation throughout the internship period.
 Observe and adopt to the corporate culture of the company and present yourself
as a respectable employee of the company. Undertake and perform all the tasks
assigned efficiently.
 Inform the company and the faculty guide well in advance about your absence or
leave during the internship period.
 Maintain a daily logbook with the tasks performed and obtain company guide’s
 During the last week of the intern send a ‘Company Evaluation Feedback’ form
link to your organization guide get it duly filled.
 It is mandatory that you should report to work on all company working days.

Internship Schedule

S. No. Detail Date

1 Submission of permission letter to the faculty guide 31.08.23
2 Commencement of Internship (Joining Date) 01.09.23
3 Review I 15.09.23
4 Review II & Draft Report Submission (GSR Portal) 04.10.23
5 Submission of Completion letter and Monthly log sheet 05.10.23
6 Final Report Submission 09.10.23
7 Internship viva voce 11.10.23

Internship Process Flow Chart

Report Preparation (Internship)

The major chapters in the report should include the topics listed below:

1. Introduction
2. Abstract
3. Industry profile
4. Company profile
5. Finance Functions
6. Marketing Functions
7. Human Resource Functions
8. Operations Functions
9. System Functions
10. Challenges and Problems
11. Suggestions and solutions
12. Tasks Completed
13. Lessons Leant
14. Conclusion
15. References

Industry Profile
a) Background of the Industry – contribution to economy
b) Market size
c) Major players (Competitors)
d) Government policies and regulations
e) Recent trends and developments
f) Challenges for the industry
Company Profile
a) History
b) Founders, vision, mission and values
c) Products and services
d) Organisation’s Structure
d) Market and market share
e) Financial Performance
f) Challenges for the company
g) Competitors
g) Best practices adopted
h) Competitive advantages

Assessments: Total: 100 marks

1. Continuous assessment: 60 marks (Review I - 30 marks & Review II – 30 marks)
(Based on rubrics given)
2. End Semester Examination: 40 marks
Internship : Report – 20 marks & Viva – 20 marks
Industry Case Study :Case Publication – 20 marks & Viva – 20 marks
Functional Departments

Marketing Finance
 Marketing manager’s roles and  Role of Finance manager
responsibilities  Cost of capital
 Product Portfolio  Sources of capital
 Ner Product Development  Allocation of funds to various
 Pricing policies departments
 Distribution Channel  Credit policy
 Advertising policies & procedures  Payment & collection procedure
 Sales promotion activities  Budgeting
 Marketing research activities  Cash management
 Balance Sheet
 Annual Report
Human Resource Production
 Role of HR Manager  Operations Strategies
 Human Resource planning  Production model
 Recruitment & selection  Production process
 Training & development  Production planning
 Performance appraisal  Inventory management
 Career planning & development  Quality management
 Compensation plan  Quality Measures
 Financial/ Non-financial incentives  Tools & techniques
 Pay Structure  Product Design and R & D
 Welfare benefits  Safety & Maintenance

• IT policy
 IT security
 Data Analytics
• Websites

Pl note: Topics given are indicative only. You can include any other practices and processes
observed that are relevant to the study.
Case Study Development

 The case studies should be on real situations and should lead to a debate on
issues/dilemmas facing organizations, managers and executives, and should be
suitable for classroom discussion.
 Case can be on HR, Marketing, Production, Finance or any other management concept
 Case should not be more than 5,000 words (excluding exhibits) and should be based
on either field research or secondary research.
 Enclose a Letter or Authorization from the company for Field Research Case study
 Proper citations are necessary in case of secondary research.
 Copying or plagiarism will disqualify the case study.

Case Study can address,

 Business Challenges
 Initiatives implemented.
 Business Model
 Best Practices
 Business Impact
 Key Strategies implemented.
 Solution Delivered
 Competitive advantage

In addition, the case can discuss specific areas as given below based on your specialization,

 Supply Chain Management practices

 Sales Distribution methods
 Industry 4.0
 HR policies
 Performance Appraisal
Rubrics for Internship
Criteria Excellent Good Marginal Unsatisfactory
Mark Range 10 -8 marks 7 – 5 marks 5-3 marks <3 marks
(50 marks)
Scope of The topic or area of the internship The topic or area of the The topic or area of the The topic or area of the
Internship chosen provides opportunity to internship chosen internship chosen internship choses has little
(10 marks) apply theoretical knowledge and provides an opportunity provides less opportunity application of theory. The job
gain practical insight from the to link theoretical to link theoretical roles and task performed are
organisation. The task/role knowledge. Most of the knowledge. Few job roles not relevant and not useful in
performed aids in sharpening the job roles and task / task performed are improving the managerial
skill and knowledge and provides performed are relevant relevant and useful in skills
an edge in the job market and helpful in improving the managerial
improving the skills.
managerial skills
Knowledge The candidate has demonstrated The candidate has The candidate has The candidate has exhibited
regarding complete knowledge about the demonstrated good demonstrated fair little knowledge about the
Industry/ industry and the organisation knowledge about the knowledge about the industry and the
Organisation industry and the industry and the organisation.
10 marks organisation. organisation.
Quality of the The task executed meets the The task executed The task executed meets The task executed failed to
work productivity standards, the work meets the productivity the productivity meet the productivity
(10 marks) has been completed in time. the standards, most of the standards, a large standards, only very few
student has demonstrated work has been amount of the work has tasks were completed in
accuracy and thoroughness completed in time. the been completed in time. time. the student has failed
throughout and achieved the given student has committed errors in a few to execute the work
target demonstrated accuracy tasks. Though not accurately and was unable to
and thoroughness all achieved all most nearing achieve the target
through the work and to achieve the given
all most achieved the target
given target
Knowledge It is evident that the student had a The student had The student seemed to The student has not fully
gained complete understanding of the mastered much of the have a pretty good grasped the topic, and not
through topic, subject, task, and the relevant aspects of knowledge of the topic, familiar with the process
internship process involved in executing the their topic, task and the task and process
(10 marks) task. process and are able to However the description
give coherent was found to be difficult
description to follow at times
Effectiveness The students has used a variety of Supporting materials Supporting materials Insufficient supporting
of types of supporting materials (explanations, (explanations, examples, materials (explanations,
presentation (explanations, examples, examples, illustrations, illustrations, statistics, examples, illustrations,
(10 marks) illustrations, statistics, analogies, statistics, analogies, analogies, quotations statistics, analogies,
quotations from relevant quotations from from relevant authorities) quotations from relevant
authorities) make appropriate relevant authorities) make appropriate authorities) make reference
reference to information or make appropriate reference to information to information or analysis
analysis that significantly supports reference to or analysis that partially that minimally supports the
the presentation or establishes the information or analysis supports the presentation presentation or establishes
presenter’s credibility/authority on that generally supports or establishes the the presenter's
the topic. the presentation or presenter's credibility/authority on the
establishes the credibility/authority on topic.
presenter's the topic.
credibility/authority on
the topic.
Rubrics for Industry Case study
Case Study: Development - Rubric (200 marks)
Criteria Meets with Excellence (ME) Meets with Proficiency (MP) Developing Proficiency (DP) Below Proficiency (B) Score
“A” “B” “C” “D or F”

SECTION #1: Your description for each Your description for each Your description for each Your description for each
domain of “Expected” domain of “Expected” domain of “Expected” domain of “Expected”
Expected development… development… development… development…
(100 pts)  has accurate  has mostly accurate  has some accurate  has little/no accurate
information supported information supported information supported information and supported
Describe the with viable with mostly viable with some viable with few/no viable
“expected” citations/resources citations/resources citations/resources citations/ resources
development for a
person around your  incorporates  incorporates mostly  incorporates some  incorporates no
Case Study’s age. appropriate concepts/ appropriate concepts/ appropriate concepts/ appropriate concepts/
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary

 is in-depth (4 sentences/  is mostly in-depth (3  is somewhat in-depth (2  is not in-depth (1-0

bullets or more) sentences/ bullets) sentences/ bullets) sentence/ bullet)

SECTION #2: Your description for each Your description for each Your description for each Your description for each
domain of Case Study’s domain of Case Study’s domain of Case Study’s domain of Case Study’s
Case Study development… development… development… development…
(50 pts)  has accurate  has mostly accurate  has some accurate  has little/no accurate
information supported information supported information supported information and not
Describe your Case with interviews and with interviews and tests with some interviews supported with interviews
Study’s tests conducted conducted and tests conducted and tests conducted
development via
interviews and tests  has an overall  has mostly an overall  has some overall  has little/no overall
(if appropriate) and description of description of description of description of
state if your Case background/interests background/interests background/interests background/interests
Study is within the
“expected”  includes a statement if  includes a statement if  includes a statement if  does not includes a
development. Case Study is within Case Study is within Case Study is within statement if Case Study is
“expected” “expected” development “expected” development within “expected”
development development
 is mostly in-depth (3  is somewhat in-depth (2
 is in-depth (4 sentences/ sentences/ bullets) sentences/ bullets)  is not in-depth (1-0
bullets or more) sentence/ bullet)

Criteria Meets with Excellence (ME) Meets with Proficiency (MP) Developing Proficiency (DP) Below Proficiency (B) Score
“A” “B” “C” “D or F”
The students has used a variety Supporting materials Supporting materials Insufficient supporting materials
SECTION #3: of types of supporting materials

Effectiveness of (explanations, examples, (explanations, examples, (explanations, examples, (explanations, examples,

presentation illustrations, statistics, illustrations, statistics, analogies, illustrations, statistics, analogies, illustrations, statistics, analogies,
(10 marks) analogies, quotations from quotations from relevant quotations from relevant quotations from relevant
relevant authorities) authorities) authorities) authorities)

make appropriate reference to make appropriate reference to make appropriate reference to make reference to information or
information or analysis that information or analysis that information or analysis that analysis that minimally supports
significantly supports the generally supports the partially supports the the presentation or establishes the
presentation or establishes the presentation or establishes the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on
presenter’s credibility/authority presenter's credibility/authority on presenter's credibility/authority the topic.
on the topic. the topic. on the topic.

Total Score (200 marks)

Internship Weekly Log Sheet - II MBA Batch 2022-2024
Week No. Date: From To

Name of the Student

Register Number

Organization Name

Organization Guide’s
name with Contact No.

Observations / Task / Job completed during the week *







* Add pages as required. Mention any support required from the department for your internship:

Signature of the Student Signature of the Company Guide

(Company Seal)

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