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Pale Knight

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Pale Knight

hen Kalitas Pureblood, and the Ghet The Creating a Pale Knight
Devourer threatened to turn all of the
kingdom's people into thralls, Drana, Seeker As you create your Pale Knight consider your character's
of light struck back, retaking control of the backstory to how he gained their powers. As a starter
once shadowed land and driving Kalitas and character you will want to know what your character did
his traitors away from the city. But Drana's before they gained these powers and where they got them.
victory was short-lived, and she and her What your character plans to do with his power be it good or
remaining people were driven from the city by ever-growing evil, and if you’re willing to make the sacrifice of possible
hordes of Orc. Their numbers have swelled with thousands of death for the reward of high damage.
mortals who have no choice but to join them or perish in the How is your character viewed among people who know
face of the Orcin assault. They are the last remaining bastion you. Are you feared, untrustworthy, or just misunderstood. Do
of civilization on Lands, and they wander the face of the you as a character hate gaining these powers? Do they feel
ravaged continent in search of hope or succor in a world that aloof to your new found abilities? Or do you praise the powers
has vanishingly little of either. The threat of these demons and use them to their full potential. All this must go into
remains but only legends of this assault remain. creating your character with an excellent back story and
allowing your character to be true in the world.
Power of the Blood
Pale Knights understand that life in itself is power and that
power manifests itself through the blood that courses The Pale Knight
through all living things. A Pale Knight may or may not Proficiency
respect the life of the creature from which the blood they use Level Bonus Features
is drawn but they do respect the power that they wield. Pale
Knights abilities mostly deal with manipulation of blood, their 1st +2 Unnatural Weapon (d8), Hemostasis
own or others, for the purposes of domination, protection, or 2nd +2 Crimson Agony, Transfusion (1d6)
offense. As part of their connection to the power of life they 3rd +2 Blood Luster's Path
are also naturally attuned with the power of their own bodily
health able to change it as they please. They can choose to 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
feed off the blood of anything but can eat regular food. 5th +3 Extra Attack, Transfusion (2d6)

Power and Sacrifice 6th +3 Unnatural Weapon (d10), Blood

Luster Features
A Pale Knight recognizes that manipulating the essence of 7th +3 Forced Transfusion
life can be a dangerous and auspicious endeavor. If they
abuse their power and ignore the limitations of their own 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
bodies, they could easily destroy themselves. This risk, 9th +4 ─
however, is not without its own rewards. They can reach this
power by releasing their blood through or phases and pores 10th +4 Blood Luster Features
in their body causing self-harm or Sacrifices. Pale Knights 11th +4 Blood Surge, Transfusion (3d6)
that wish to further their own power undergo unnatural acts 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
known as sacrifices. A sacrifice is an ability that signifies the
Pale Knights commitment to the powers of blood 13th +5 ─
manipulation as well as their own affirmation to their desires 14th +5 Blood Luster Features
and goals.
15th +5 Bloody Hell
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 ─
18th +6 Aneurysm, Unatural Weapon (d12),
Transfusion (4d6)
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Crimson Blood Pact

Class Features Also starting from 2nd level, you can drain the life force of
As a Pale Knight, you gain the following class features creatures. As a bonus action, target one non-construct, non-
undead creature within 10 feet of you. It makes a
Hit Points Constitution saving throw against your Blood Save DC. On a
Hit Dice: 1d10 per level fail, you deal 1d6 + your constitution modifier necrotic
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier damage to that creature, and gain that many hit points. This
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution damage increases to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier at 5th
modifier per level after 1st level, 3d6 + your Constitution modifier at 11th level, and 4d6
+ your Constitution modifier at 17th level. You regain the use
Proficiencies of this ability after you finish a long rest.
Armor: Light, Medium armor and Shields
Weapons: All simple melee weapons, battle axe, flail, Extra Attack
longsword, morningstar, rapier, scimitar, short sword Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
trident, warpick, warhammer. whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Forced Transfusion
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Starting at 7th level, when a creature succeeds on its saving
Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Survival. throw against your Transfusion ability, it takes half the
Equipment damage it would on a fail, and you gain that many hit points.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: Blood Surge
Small Book with your vampiric history and traditions Starting from 11th level, when you fail a Strength or
(a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Dungeoneer's Pack Constitution saving throw, you may expend 10 hit points to
Sheild and your vampiric Symbol gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You may use this ability a
number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and
Blood save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Constitution regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Bloody Hell
Unnatural Weapon At 15th level, when a creature hits you with a melee weapon
Starting from 1st level, you have the ability to produce a attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to
weapon from your own body. As a bonus action, you can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, that creature takes
extend a huge shard of bone and gore from your dominant 3d6 necrotic damage, or half as much on a success. You may
arm. You are considered proficient in using this weapon, and use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution
you cannot be disarmed of it. The weapon deals 1d8 modifier, and regain all expended uses whenever you finish a
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you must choose long rest.
your damage type at the end of every long rest. It has a reach
of 5 feet, and uses your Strength modifier on the attack and Aneurysm
damage rolls. The damage die for the weapon increases to a
d10 at 10th level, then a d12 at 18th level. You can use a Starting at 18th level, you can use your blood to bind foes in
bonus action to retract the weapon back into your body. place. When you hit a creature with your Crimson Agony,
until your next turn, whenever that creature moves, it must
Homeostasis make a Constitution saving throw against your Blood Save
DC. On a fail, it takes 2d6 necrotic damage for every 5 feet it
At 1st level, your blood magic grants you an armour of moves.
hardened blood. While not wearing armour, your Armour
Class = 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution Crimson Blood Pact
modifier. You can wear a shield and still gain this benefit.
At 20th level, you may as an action adopt a demonic form that
Crimson Agony grants you unnatural strength even as it threatens to tear
your body apart. For as long you maintain your form, you gain
Starting from 2nd level, you can use the power of your blood advantage on Intimidation checks and your natural weapon
to infuse your strikes. As an action, when you make an attack attacks deal an additional 3d10 damage. While in this form,
roll with your Unnatural Weapon, you may use your bonus at the start of each of your turns, reduce your current
action to expend a multiple of 3 hit points. If you do, deal an hitpoints by 20. You may end this form at any time during
extra 1d6 necrotic damage for each 3 hit points spent on the your turn, no action required by you.
next Unnatural Weapon attack you hit with this turn. You
cannot expend more than half your hit points in this way. If
you reduce a non-construct, non-undead creature to 0 hit
points with an attack in this way, regain hit points equal to the
necrotic damage dealt.

2 Transfusion
Blood Lusters Path Path of the Immortal
Different pale knights have a different approach on how they Immortals exercise discipline, and restrain their bloodlust,
use their abilities to perfect their art of blood control. emphasing control over their own bodies and minds. They
specialise in using their blood magic to bind, restrain and
Path of the Bloodletter
Bloodletters give in to their bloodlust, letting their hunger Uncanny Resistance
drive them, and emphasising the brutality of their kind. They Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your AC
specialise their blood magic towards tracking and draining increases by 1 while you are not wearing armor.
their foes.
Crimson Entanglement
Bloodsight Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature with your
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you Crimson Agony, you can choose to have that creature make a
become attuned to the blood coursing through the veins of grapple check against your Blood Save DC. On a fail, it is
others. As an action, you can identify the size and position of restrained, bound to the ground by a leash of blood and gore.
every creature within a 60 foot radius. Undead, Constructs At the start of each of its turns, it takes 1d8 bludgeoning
and Plants are unaffected by this. damage. It can take an action on its turn to repeat the saving
throw, ending the effect on a success. You may use this ability
once, and regain the ability to use it when you finish a long
Leeching Strike rest. Starting from 11th level, you may use this ability twice
Starting at 6th level, whenever you hit a non-construct, non- per long rest, and from 17th level you may use it three times.
undead creature with your Crimson Agony ability, you deal an
extra 1d6 necrotic damage, and regain that many hit points.
This damage increases to 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 17th
Crimson Mist
At 10th level, you gain the ability to become a bloody mist. As
an action you can change into a red misty form of yourself.
While in mist form, you can't take any actions, speak, or
manipulate objects. You are weightless having a flying speed
of 30 feet, can hover, and enter hostile creature’s space and
stop there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, you
can do so without squeezing, and you can't pass through
water. You have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution saving throws, and you are immune to all non
magical damage. You can end this effect as a bonus action
and return to your normal form.
Mass Siphon
Starting at 14th level, you can leech the life from everything
around you. As an action, every other creature within 20 feet Iron Flesh
must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 3d6 Starting at 10th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you
necrotic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success. You may choose one of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage.
regain hit points equal to the total amount of necrotic damage You gain resistance to damage of that type until your next
dealt. You can use this ability once, and regain the ability to long rest.
use it after you finish a long rest.
Beginning at 14th level, when you reach 0 hp and are not
killed outright you instead enter a petrified state encased in a
shell of hardened blood where you can slowly regain hit
points. While encased, you are immune to all damage types
except psychic. The shell has an AC of 20, has 75 hit points,
and is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
from non-magical weapons. At the start of your turn you
regain 2d12 + your constitution modifier hit points. Once you
are within 10 points of half your maximum hit points
(rounded down), or if the shell is destroyed, you are no longer
petrified by this feature and emerge from the shell. You must
finish a long rest before using this ability again.


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