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The Paradigm of the Inflammatory Radicular Cyst: Biological Aspects

to be Considered
Department of endodontics, Research Department COC- CICO, University Colleges of Colombia UNICOC,
Bogota, Colombia
Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogota, Colombia

Inflammatory radicular cysts (IRCs) are chronic lesions that follow the development of periapical granulo-
mas (PGs). IRCs result from multiple inflammatory reactions led initially by several pro-inflammatory inter-
leukins and growth factors that provoke the proliferation of epithelial cells derived from epithelial cell rests
of Malassez present in the granulomatous tissue, followed by cyst formation and growth processes. Multiple
theories have been proposed to help explain the molecular process involved in the development of the IRC
from a PG. However, although multiple studies have demonstrated the presence of epithelial cells in most
PGs, it is still not fully understood why not all PGs turn into IRCs, even though both are stages of the same
inflammatory phenomenon and receive the same antigenic stimulus. Histopathological examination is cur-
rently the diagnostic gold standard for differentiating IRCs from PGs. Although multiple studies have evalu-
ated the accuracy of non-invasive or minimally invasive methods in assessing the histopathological nature
of the AP before the intervention, these studies' results are still controversial. This narrative review addresses
the biological insights into the complex molecular mechanisms of IRC formation and its histopathological
features. In addition, the relevant inflammatory molecular mediators for IRC development and the accuracy
of non-invasive or minimally invasive diagnostic approaches are summarised.
Please cite this article as: Rios Keywords: Apical periodontitis, histopathology, odontogenic cysts, periapical diseases, radicular cyst
Osorio N, Caviedes-Bucheli
J, Mosquera-Guevara L,
Adames-Martinez JS, Gomez-Pinto
D, Jimenez-Jimenez K, Avendano HIGHLIGHTS
Maz H, Bornacelly-Mendoza S. The
Paradigm of the Inflammatory • Inflammatory radicular cysts are chronic nature lesions that occur after the development
Radicular Cyst: Biological Aspects
to be Considered. Eur Endod J
of periapical granulomas and are the result of multiple inflammatory reactions.
• Not all periapical granulomas turn into inflammatory radicular cysts, even though
Address for correspondence: both are stages of the same inflammatory phenomenon and receive the same anti-
Nestor Rios Osorio
Research Department COC- CICO,
genic stimulus.
Institución Universitaria Colegios • The knowledge of the different histologic presentations of apical periodontitis could pro-
de Colombia UNICOC, Bogotá, vide relevant information for clinical decision-making, timely treatment planning, progno-
E-mail: [email protected]
sis, and the development of new diagnostic tools.

Received March 29, 2022,

Revised June 03, 2022,
Accepted June 28, 2022 INTRODUCTION nosed as apical periodontitis (AP), they differ sig-
Inflammatory radicular cysts (IRCs) are chronic nificantly from a histopathologic perspective.
Published online: December 22, 2022
lesions that occur after the development of peri-
DOI 10.14744/eej.2022.26918
apical granulomas (PGs). PGs and IRCs are consid- AP is the result of multiple inflammatory reac-
This work is licensed under ered to follow pulpal infections as an inflamma- tions. However, the exact pathogenesis of its
a Creative Commons different histologic variants is not entirely un-
tory process at the periapical level (1–4). Although
4.0 International License. both conditions, PG and IRC, are clinically diag- derstood (4,5).
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst EUR Endod J

Radiographically, PGs and IRCs present as periapical radiolu- matory phenomenon and receive the same antigenic stimu-
cencies. The formation and sustenance of such chronic peri- lus. This literature review provides updated biological insights
apical lesions depend on the continual presence of an anti- into the complex and controversial molecular mechanisms of
genic factor, which includes toxins and bacterial by-products formation and histopathological features of the IRC.
stemming from necrotic pulp tissue (4). The dynamic interac-
tion between bacterial by-products emerging from the root ETIOPATHOGENESIS OF THE INFLAMMATORY RADICU-
canals and the immune system suggests that such chronic LAR CYST
inflammatory lesions have an immune-pathological basis (6). IRCs are stemmed from epithelial cell rests of Malassez (ERM)
Therefore, AP can be considered an extension of the pulpal in- that remain in the periodontal ligament after the radicular
flammatory process. formation with a dormant proliferation capacity (10,14,18,19).
The IRC can be considered a defensive, hyperplastic, and re-
Yamasaki et al. (1994) (7) histologically and histometrically de- active lesion stimulated by bacterial antigens spreading from
scribed the evolution of the pulpal and periapical pathology necrotic pulp tissue (5,15,20). Even though approximately 45%
after pulpal exposure in an animal model (7). The results of this of all PGs contain epithelial cells, not all turn into IRCs. It has
study demonstrated that pulpal necrosis gradually spreads in been reported that approximately 20% of all chronic periapical
a corono-apical direction. Inflammatory cell infiltration was lesions containing epithelial cells develop into IRCs (19,21,22).
present in the periapical tissues before pulpal necrosis, and
Notably, although pulpal necrosis has traditionally been consid-
as the AP advanced, periapical bone and radicular cementum
ered the primary aetiological factor for AP, scientific evidence
resorption were also observed. The osteolytic lesion first ex-
supports that teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis can be
tended in a mesiodistal direction, followed by a vertical expan-
accompanied by AP (23). Cone-beam computed tomography
sion (7).
studies have reported the presence of preoperative hypodense
The study of the IRC is particularly relevant due to its high lesions compatible with AP in 13.7% of teeth diagnosed with
prevalence. Alotaibi et al. (2020) (8) evaluated biopsies of 317 symptomatic irreversible pulpitis (24). Therefore, the detection
apical lesions and reported that 54% of the samples were of radiographic AP must not necessarily be correlated with
diagnosed as IRCs, mainly distributed in the maxilla, with a pulp necrosis but also with pulpal inflammation (25–32).
higher prevalence in the anterior teeth (22%) and in the molar
IRCs are thought of as a direct sequel of PGs (33,34), where in
teeth (21.7%), particularly associated with the central incisor
addition to the characteristic inflammatory infiltrate associated
and the first molars. In addition, it has been reported that be-
with PGs, the presence of stratified squamous epithelium out-
tween 46.6% and 68% of all cystic lesions of the maxilla are
breaks (originating from ERM), forming a network in the den-
diagnosed as IRCs (1,3,5,9,10).
tal root surroundings can also be evidenced (34). The ERM are
It has been traditionally suggested that a preoperative differ- linked with multiple functions that vary from the prevention of
ential diagnosis of an IRC can be made based on the following root resorption to the maintenance of the thickness of the peri-
radiographic criteria: (i) well-defined periapical radiolucency, odontal ligament (17). In physiological conditions, the ERM re-
(ii) sclerotic borders, and (iii) diameter greater than 1.6 cm mains dormant without developing mitotic activity. However,
(11). Recently, White and Pharoah (2014) proposed six specific during a chronic inflammatory course, bacterial or endogenous
cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) diagnostic criteria factors may activate epithelial proliferation (35). It is known
for IRC: (i) location: apex of the involved tooth, (ii) well-defined that the proliferative stimulus for ERM is the chronic inflamma-
tion of the quoted PG. Nevertheless, the reason why not all PGs
corticated limits, (iii) shape of lesion: curved or circular, (iv) in-
turn into IRCs despite the presence of epithelial cells in most
ternal structure: radiolucent, (v) effect on surrounding struc-
of the reactive granulomatous lesions is still unknown (15–17).
tures: displacement and resorption of the roots of adjacent
teeth and (vi) cortical plate perforation (12). However, when Under the influence of different active biological factors, ep-
compared with histopathological findings, clinical diagnosis ithelial cells associated with PGs may experience degenera-
based on radiographic techniques (periapical radiography tion and proliferation, thus turning into IRCs. This process can
and CBCT) and adhering to the criteria mentioned above have be divided into three stages: (i) Proliferation of the ERM, stim-
proven to have limited accuracy (between 54.29% and 71.43%) ulated by the influence of specific pro-inflammatory cytokines
in assessing the histopathological nature of the AP before in- and growth factors. (ii) Afterwards, the epithelium surround-
tervention (13). Currently, histopathologic examinations are ing the pathological cavity emerges (it has been accepted that
regarded as the gold standard for diagnosing IRCs (6,10). the lining epithelium acquires antigenicity properties). (iii) Fi-
nally, the cyst grows and expands (14,15).
The IRC features a pathological cavity coated with a stratified
squamous epithelium with pro-inflammatory cell infiltration Epithelial proliferation stage
(14). The presence of epithelial cells with high proliferation ca- Several pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors re-
pacity in the PGs is one of the multiple requirements to stim- leased during the periapical inflammatory phenomenon play
ulate the process of IRC formation (14,15). Although multiple an important role in the complex molecular formation and de-
studies have demonstrated the presence of epithelial cells in velopment of the IRC (Tables 1, 2) (18, 21, 36–100). Interactions
most PGs (15–17), it is still not fully understood why not all PGs between epithelial cells and their stroma directly control their
turn into IRCs even though both are stages of the same inflam- growth and differentiation mechanisms in normal and patho-
TABLE 1. Growth factors participating in the IRC etiopathogenesis
Growth factor Target Biological effects
EUR Endod J

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Epithelial cells (36). Mitogenic action on epithelial cells (36,38,39).
Endothelial cells (36,37). Tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity (36,39).
Fibroblasts (37). Production and regulation of mitogenic signals in fibroblast cells (36).
Inflammatory cells within the Production and regulation of mitogenic signals in endothelial cells (36).
cyst capsule (37). Cell survival (36,38).
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) Monocytes (40,41). Chemotaxis and monocyte proliferation (40).
Osteoclasts (40). Chemotaxis and fibroblastic proliferation (40).
Mesenchymal cells (40,42). Proliferation, differentiation and cell development (40,41,43).
Chemoattractant and mitogen for mesenchymal cells (40).
Cell proliferation (41,42).
Regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (42).
Mitogenic action on osteoclasts (41,42).
Osteogenic effects (40).
Angiogenic effects (40).
Transforming growth factor-alpha Epithelial cells (36). Neovascularisation (44).
(TGFα) Endothelial cells (36,37). Endothelial proliferation (37,44).
Fibroblasts (37,44). Fibroblastic proliferation (44).
Inflammatory cells within the Collagen production (44).
cyst capsule (37). Favours periapical healing (44).
Mitogenic action in cells provided with EGF receptors (37,44).
Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) Fibroblasts (37,45). Chemoattractant for monocytes, fibroblasts, and lymphocytes (45,47,48).
Endothelial cells (37). Suppressive effects on T and B lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation (47).
Inflammatory cells within the Regulatory effect on epithelial cell differentiation (49).
cyst capsule (37,46). Regulates epithelium-mesenchyme interactions (45,49).
Mastocytes (46). Inhibition of mast cell activity through autocrine and paracrine pathways (45,46).
Inhibits the production and antagonizes the biological function of IL-1, IL2, TNF-α, and IFN-y (46,47).
Macrophages inactivation (45,46).
Fibroblast proliferation (44,50).
Fibroblastic differentiation induction of periodontal ligament stem cells (45).
Inflammation stabilization and healing of damaged tissues (46).
Fibronectin and collagen production, thus, increasing the incorporation of these proteins into the bone
matrix (44,45,47,49).
Neovascularisation (44,50).
Biofunctional growth regulation (46).
Inhibits bone resorption and promotes bone tissue remodelling and repair (44,50–52).
Chemotactic effect on osteoblasts (45).
Osteoblast differentiation during lesion regression (47,48,51,53).
Inflammation regulation through immunosuppressant effects (46,48,50).
Growth and differentiation control on inflammatory cells (46,48).
Influences CD14 cell activities (45).
Proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (45,48).
Reconstruction of the extracellular matrix (45,48).
Keratinocyte growth Epithelial cell rests oft Malassez (54). Mitogenic action on epithelial cells (54,55).
factor (KGF) Sub-epithelial fibroblasts (54). Paracrine mediator of epithelial cell growth and differentiation (54,55).
Keratinocytes (54). Mitogenic action on keratinocytes (52).
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

Proliferation, activation, and maintenance of epithelial rests of Malassez (56).

Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst EUR Endod J

logical conditions (101,102). Cystic lesions have been associ-

Up-regulates expression of RANK and increases angiogenic responses of endothelial cells to RANKL (58).
ated with the increase of floating inflammatory cytokines in
the periapical tissues, and it is considered that bacterial endo-
toxins are precursors of the proliferation stage of the IRC due
to their strong mitogenic action on epithelial cells and the ac-
tivation capacity of cytokine-producing cells, thus facilitating
epithelial proliferation (35,101,103).

The epithelial proliferation stage is elicited by pro-inflamma-

tory cytokines and potentially osteolytic factors such as in-
terleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 released by macrophages, fibroblasts,
endothelial, and epithelial cells (35,64). IL-1 may also partici-
Promotes chemotaxis and migration of osteoclastic cells (57,58). pate in the production of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9),
thus contributing to the enzymatic degradation of the osteoid
extracellular matrix and furthering cyst growth (33). Further-
more, transcriptional factors such as nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB)
regulate the expression of IL-1, IL-6, the tumour necrosis fac-
tor-alpha (TNF-α), and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), thus
Promotes granulation tissue development (60,61).

Mitogenic action on endothelial cells (58,60–62).

playing an important role in the osteolytic process of the sur-

Angiogenic effects in the cystic capsule (58,61).
Facilitates inflammatory cell migration (57,61).

Promotes survival of mature osteoclasts (58).

rounding bone tissue and promoting epithelial proliferation

Increases cyst liquid accrual (57,58,60,61).

(33,103,104). Likewise, the keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), a

Increases vascular permeability (58–61).

Promotes osteoclasts recruitment (58).

cytokine with mitogenic activity on epithelial cells and released

during the adaptative immune response that takes place in the
PG, also promotes the proliferation of epithelial cells (43,102).
KGF is spurred by the actions of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, and the
platelet-derived growth factor (33,43). In line, active IL-6 syn-
thesis affects the activity of Th-1 lymphocytes, which are widely
Biological effects

distributed in IRCs with proliferative epithelium (21,77).

Pringle et al. (1992) (54) confirmed the presence of Langer-

hans cells (potent initiators of primary T-cell dependent im-
munologic responses) in cyst epithelium close to T-lympho-
cytes, which start immunological reactions linked to cystic
development. The presence of lymphocytes attached to
Langerhans cells suggests that T-lymphocytes work as trig-
gering cells in the pathologic process of IRCs since activation
of T-lymphocytes provokes the release of a great variety of
pro-inflammatory interleukins, thus leading to immune re-
sponses that favour mitogenic actions associated with the
proliferation of the IRC epithelium (54). Likewise, Lin et al.
Epithelial cells (58).
Keratinocytes (57).

(2007) (102) reported that ERM are provided with surface

Osteoclast (56).

receptors for the epidermal growth factor (EGF), which pro-

vides a strong mitogenic action on epithelial cells, fibroblasts,
RANKL: The activator of the nuclear-kB receptor factor ligand

and endothelial cells. EGF's mitogenic activity is enhanced


by the indirect action of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) . Notably,

the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis is im-

plied in the setting up, growing, and sustenance of the IRC

(101,103,105). Caspase activity is required for apoptosis. In
addition, caspases are responsible for regulating cell renewal
mechanisms (101,106). It has been reported that caspase 3
Vascular endothelial growth

plays an important role in both apoptosis and proliferation

of epithelial cells, which also contributes to the maintenance
of the epithelial thickness of the IRC (101,106).
TABLE 1. Cont.
Growth factor

Formation stage – the epithelial lining of the Cyst

factor (VEGF)

Even though the above mechanisms may explain the prolif-

eration of ERM, this process by itself does not bring about the
formation of the IRC. Several theories have tried to explain the
mechanism of lining the cavity of the IRC (Fig. 1) (6,102,107).
TABLE 2. Interleukins participating in the IRC etiopathogenesis
Interleukin Features Expressed by Biological effects
EUR Endod J

IL-1 Pro-inflammatory Macrophages, monocytes, Fibroblasts proliferation (35,47,65).

fibroblasts, epithelial cells (63,64). Keratinocytes proliferation (63,65).
Bone resorption (35,47,65,66).
Bone remodelling (47,65).
Prostaglandins production (64,67).
Epithelial cell proliferation (47,65).
Strengthen leukocyte adhesion (66).
IL-1α Pro-inflammatory Macrophages, fibroblasts, Stimulates expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (68,69).
osteoblasts, neutrophils (68,69). NF-kB activation (69).
Promotes bone resorption (66,70).
Prostaglandins and collagenase production (69,71,72).
IL-1β Pro-inflammatory Macrophages (66). Promotes IL-6 / IL-8 / TNF-A synthesis (65,66).
E2 Prostaglandin synthesis (66).
Promotes bone resorption (66,72).
IL-2 Pro-inflammatory Th-1 cells (73). Immunity cell activator (73).
IL-3 Pro-inflammatory T- lymphocytes (64). Elicit expression of Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor human (64).
Promotes osteoclast differentiation (64).
Promotes bone resorption due to synergistic interaction with GM-CSF (Granulocyte-Macrophage
Colony-Stimulating Factor) (64).
Synergistic interaction with IL-1 (64).
IL-4 Anti-inflammatory Th-2 cells (73). Reduces osteoclastic function (47).
Stimulates bone matrix synthesis and mineralisation (47).
Modulates bone renewal processes (47,73).
Inhibits IFN-γ (18).
IL-5 Pro-inflammatory Th-2 cells (74). Stimulates humoral immunity response (74).
IL-6 Pro-inflammatory Macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, Promotes osteoclastic differentiation and activation (64,69,72).
Th-2 cells, epithelial cells (64,75,76). Bone resorption (47,64,65,69,72,74).
Synergistic interaction with IL-1 (64,76).
Stimulates epithelial cells proliferation (64,72,75,77).
Magnifies the inflammatory response (65,69,74,77).
Take part in the differentiation of B cells from plasmatic cells (65).
IL-8 Pro-inflammatory T-cells, fibroblasts, macrophages (65). Neutrophils transmigration (65).
Chemoattracting functions (65).
IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Macrophages, Th-2 cells, dendritic cells, Inhibits IL-1 / IL-12 (69).
B cells (69,74). Inhibits IFN-γ and TNF-α (69,74).
Potentialises inhibitors on NF-kB (69).
Modulates T-cells (47,69,73).
Modulates inflammatory responses (69,74).
Stimulates production of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (69).
IL-11 Pro-inflammatory Osteoblasts (78). Promotes osteoclastogenesis and is associated with osteolysis by mediating
Bone marrow stromal cells (79,80). the osteoclastogenic effects of PTH, IL-1β, and TNF-α (79).
IL-12 Pro-inflammatory Macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells, Regulates immune responses through the differentiation of T and B cells for the production
Anti-inflammatory B - lymphocytes. (81,82). Th-1 cells (83). of IFN- γ and TNF– α (21,81,82).
Inhibits IL-4 and 10 (21).
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

Participates actively during the acute inflammatory phase (81).

TABLE 2. Cont.
Interleukin Features Expressed by Biological effects

Regulates the expression in T-CD4 lymphocytes of the osteoblasts inhibiting gene (OIP-1) (21,83).
Participates in RANKL expression in periodontal ligament cells by regulating the mRNA and the
expression of MMP-1, 3, 13 (82).
Regulates the production of IL-1a by macrophages (83).
IL-13 Anti-inflammatory Th-2 cells (21,81). Modulates chronic lesions' immune response (21,81).
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

Inhibit bone resorption through the reduction of Th-1 cytokines production (21,81).
IL-15 Pro-inflammatory Leucocytes (84). Stimulates the expression of RANKL and MMP-9 (84).
IL-17 Pro-inflammatory Th17 cells, neutrophils, Regulates the production of matrix metalloproteinases by stimulating the
macrophages (85–88). expression of IL-8, IL-6, IL-1 (87,89,90), and PGE2 (87).
Regulates the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor expression (90).
Favors the expression of RANKL by osteoblast (87,88,91).
IL-17α Pro-inflammatory CD4 and CD8 (92). Participates in the proliferation, migration, and maturity of neutrophils (86,91,92).
Participates in osteoclast differentiation and proliferation (86).
IL–18 Anti-inflammatory Th-1 cells (83). Reduces osteoclastic differentiation and bone resorption in conjunction with IL-12 (21,83).
Modulates IL-1α production, released by macrophages (83).
IL-21 Pro-inflammatory Th-17 cells (86). Positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation (93).
T-CD4 (93). Stimulates RANKL expression and bone resorption promotion (86,93).
IL-22 Anti-inflammatory Activated T-cells, natural killer cells (86). Leads to acute phase immune responses (86,94).
Promotes the release of chemokines (86).
Promotes osteoclastogenesis (94).
IL-23 Pro-inflammatory Periodontal ligament cells (95). Promotes osteoclastogenesis (86).
Osteoclasts activation and proliferation (95).
Affects T memory cells and inflammatory macrophages. When expressed, IL-23 binds to its specific
receptor (IL‑23R), eliciting phosphorylation and activation of STAT3 (signal transducer and
activator of transcription), thus evoking cell activation (86,95,96).
IL-27 Anti-inflammatory Mononuclear phagocytes, dendritic cells (96). Leads to immunomodulation in apical lesions (96).
Inhibits Th-1,Th-2,Th-17 (96).
Regulates the expression of IFN-γ, IL-5, and IL-1b in asymptomatic lesions (96).
Promotes monocyte actions (96).
IL-33 Pro-inflammatory Fibroblasts, endothelial and epithelial Leads to periapical inflammation and tissue fibrosis (97).
cells. (97,98). Immunology alerts system (100).
Inflammatory cells (99). Promotes osteoclastogenesis (86,99).
Promotes periapical lesion growing (86,99).
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a b c
Figure 1. Formation Stage – Epithelial lining of the Inflammatory radicular Cyst. (a) Theory of nutrient deficiency; (b) Theory of abscess cavity; (c)
Merging of epithelial strands theory

Nutritional deficiency theory ucts emerging from the root canal system (102,107,110), thus
This theory proposes that epithelial cells proliferate, creating preventing the spread of the infection to surrounding tissues.
a three-dimensional mass (14). In this mass, the epithelial
cells from the ERM that are pulled away from their nutritional Cyst growing and expansion mechanisms
source undergo necrosis to later attract granulocytes to the Among the multiple immune reactions and suggested mech-
necrotic area, where microcavities are formed and joined to anisms for the growth and expansion of the IRC, it has been
create a cyst cavity coated by epithelium (14,54,102). However, proposed that the osteolytic activity proper of bone resorp-
Huang (2010) and Nakauchi et al. (2019) stated that it is un- tion (107), the degradation of the extracellular matrix (105),
likely that proliferating epithelial cells may form an epithelium the accumulation of intra-cyst fluids (57), and the presence
mass where internal cells cannot obtain a source of nutrition of viral microorganisms can extend the active stage of the
since epithelial cells in the external layer rely on the diffusion inflammatory process and cyst growth (33,102). Likewise, Lin
of nutrients from the basal membrane, and as ERM from the et al. (2007) (102) reported that IRC growth and proliferation
periodontal ligament starts proliferating in an environment of epithelial cell rests may be stimulated by the intracellular
full of nutrients in all directions, these cells likely move to- rise of cyclic adenosine monophosphate elicited by PGE2
wards the nutritional source while continuing to proliferate during the inflammatory process. It has also been observed
instead of remaining in the core of the cell mass (107,108). that the proliferative epithelium promotes the migration of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) from the connective
Abscess theory tissue capillaries towards the surface of the cyst, which may
When an abscess cavity is formed within a connecting tissue, promote its enlargement (33,108,111). Moreover, the synthe-
epithelial cells proliferate, thus surrounding the cavity, since sis of adhesion molecules, such as intracellular adhesion mol-
connaturally epithelial cells tend to protect tissue-exposed ecules (ICAMs) and the endothelial leukocyte adhesion mol-
surfaces (8,109). Nevertheless, in their abscess theory study, ecule-1 (ELAM-1), occurs at the blood vessel walls contained
Nair et al. (2008) (14) found that although 50% of the studied in the IRC, which, when stimulated by IL-1, TNF, and bacte-
periapical lesions were covered with epithelium, only 20% rial lipopolysaccharides, allows the creation of a continuous
were diagnosed as cysts, according to histopathological find- leukocyte concentration gradient, thus favouring cyst growth
ings. Therefore, even though an abscess might represent an (35). On the other hand, galectins (SiaLac-Lectin), a class of
eliciting factor for cyst formation, there is insufficient evidence proteins secreted by immune response cells that bind specifi-
that epithelial cells proliferating in the inflamed periapical tis- cally to β-galactoside sugars and support homeostasis during
sues always form a cyst (55,68,109). the inflammatory response by regulating survival, signalling,
Merging of epithelial strands theory chemotaxis, and cell growth, have been linked to modulation
This theory suggests that proliferating ERM continue to grow of cytokine secretion, epithelial proliferation, and IRC growth
to form a circumferential mass by fusion, where the connect- (112). Galectin-7 is usually found in the non-keratinised squa-
ing tissue trapped inside gradually degenerates due to the mous epithelium of IRCs and plays an important role in apop-
decreased vascular supply, thus generating a cyst cavity (107). tosis, cell renewal, wound repair, and growth of the epithelial
However, this theory has also been refuted by some authors surface. High immune-expression levels of galectin-7 in the
who propose that there is no reduction in vascular contribu- hyperplastic epithelium have been highly associated with cell
tion at epithelium levels in IRCs since this area is usually invagi- adhesion and proliferation of the epithelial lining. Conversely,
nated by connective tissue (108,110). galectin-1 expressed by macrophages, antigen-stimulated T
cells, and activated B cells in the surrounding connective tis-
Yet, no matter the influence on the formation of the cyst cavity, sue of IRCs seems to act as a negative regulator of the inflam-
it is believed that the proliferation of epithelial cells in the AP matory response by eliminating effector T-cells to maintain
works as a defence mechanism in response to bacterial by-prod- the integrity and function of tissues (112).
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst EUR Endod J

One of the most well-described mechanisms linked to the (57,109). VEGF also leads to increased vascular permeability,
expansion of the IRCs is the degradation of the extracellu- allowing a magnification in cellular chemotaxis and extrava-
lar matrix (ECM). MMPs are a family of proteolytic enzymes sation of plasma proteins, which results in increased intra-cyst
responsible for degrading ECM macromolecules such as fluids and hydrostatic pressure, thus contributing to the IRC
fibronectin, proteoglycans, and collagen (33,105,113). expansion (57,109,121). Likewise, a high osmotic gradient is
Degradation of the ECM favours bone resorption through created inside the IRC due to the accumulation of metabolic
migration and recruitment of pro-inflammatory cells and by-products. An increase in the osmotic gradient promotes
pre-osteoclasts (105,113,114). MMPs are divided into fami- fluid passages from the surrounding tissues into the cystic
lies depending on their internal structure and substrate. In cavity, increasing the internal hydrostatic pressure and pro-
periapical lesions, it is common to find the subfamily of colla- moting cyst wall expansion (122).
genases (MMP-1, 8, 13) (113–115) and gelatinases (MMP-2, 9)
(63,114,116), which, in combination with pro-inflammatory Finally, the presence of some kinds of herpes viruses in IRC
cytokines such as IL-1α, are involved in bone resorption dur- epithelial cells, such as cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr type
ing IRC growth (63,105). Special attention has been paid to 1 (confirmed by immunofluorescence and immunochemistry
MMP-13, which seems to have a greater implication in IRC tests), could facilitate the activation of the inflammatory phe-
expansion (33,63,113). Leonardi et al. (2005) (113), in a com- nomena that precede cyst formation and promote the exacer-
parative study of MMP-13 in periapical lesions with and with- bation and widening of the lesion size (123). Viruses may infect
out the presence of epithelial cells, concluded that MMP-13, periodontal macrophages and T-cells, leading to the release of
due to its high capacity to trigger proliferation and migration some pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and TNF-α,
of epithelial cells and bone resorption, may have a high influ- which are highly related to local apical bone resorption (124).
ence on the transformation of PG into IRC. Furthermore, infected gingival fibroblasts down-regulate col-
lagen production, thus releasing a higher proportion of matrix
Concerning the role of bone resorption in IRC expansion, metalloproteinases, consequently enabling the enlargement
some molecules directly linked to bone metabolism, such as of cyst cavities (124) (Fig. 2) (21, 27, 37, 51, 81, 97-99, 101)
the receptor of the parathyroid hormone 1 (PTHR1), the activa-
tor of the nuclear-kB receptor factor (RANK), the RANK-ligand CLASSIFICATION OF THE IRCS
(RANKL), the osteoprotegerin (OPG), and the expression of the Simon (1980) classified the IRC into two types of epithelial-
Runx2 gene play key roles in increasing the osteolytic activity lined cavities, true cysts and bay cysts, according to the exist-
at the periapical tissues during the evolution of chronic peri- ing connection between the apical foramen and the radicular
apical lesions, and may promote the cyst expansion into the root canal (Fig. 3) (125).
surrounding bone tissue (33,117,118). The presence of PTHR1 True cysts
in the epithelial lining of the IRC may induce the expression The true cyst consists of an encapsulated lesion with a central
of RANKL at epithelial cell levels and in the surrounding os- lumen without communication or connection to the apical
teoblasts, thus triggering osteoclastic activity by activating the foramen. Therefore, true cysts are considered self-sufficient
RANKL/RANK complex (117,119). PTHR1 and the RANK-RANKL entities (125,126). However, it is believed that the lumen may
complex are involved in the osteoclastic activation process. be joined to the root apex through an epithelial chord (102).
RANKL may be inhibited by OPG, thus preventing bone re- Furthermore, Ricucci et al. (2020) (127) suggested that this
sorption (118). de Moraes et al. (2011) (119) reported that the kind of cyst, regardless of not having a direct connection with
lining epithelium of IRCs contains a greater number of positive the root apex, cannot be considered a separate entity since
OPG cells in comparison with positive RANKL cells. Those find- the aetiologic factor that causes its emergence is the same as
ings could be explained by a theory in which inflammatory the one causing the occurrence of the bay cyst.
cells within the granulomatous tissue release RANKL and the
surrounding epithelial cells release OPG to restrict cystic ex- Bay cyst
pansion (119). Protein Runx2 is a transcriptional molecule ex- Bay cysts are epithelium-coated inflammatory lesions in which
pressed in osteoprogenitor cells. It is suggested that Runx2 is the central lumen surface is directly connected with the apical
an important factor in bone formation since it can lead to the foramen that sources the main pro-inflammatory agents (5). The
differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into an osteoblastic formation of this kind of cyst starts as a bubble shape, followed
lineage (117,118). Notably, it is believed that the expression of by the formation of a capsule collar around the root (5,126).
Runx2 by the cyst's outermost cells (fusiform cells) may play an
essential role in forming fibrous bone tissue in the periphery, This classification may help to explain why, in contrast to
favouring cyst expansion (120). true cysts, bay cysts may heal after non-surgical endodontic
therapy because of their tight connection to the apical fora-
It has also been suggested that the accumulation of intra-cyst men (125,125). It has been suggested that true cystic lesions
fluids is facilitated by the action of the vascular endothelial can only be effectively treated with surgical intervention
growth factor (VEGF), a powerful pro-angiogenic cytokine ex- (6,125,126). In a histopathological study of 256 extracted teeth
pressed by multiple cells such as keratinocytes, macrophages, with periapical pathologies, Ramachandran Nair et al. (1996)
fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and lymphocytes (57,109). VEGF (126) reported that 35% were periapical abscesses, 50% were
regulates the angiogenesis process inside the IRC through dif- PGs, and 15% of the lesions were IRCs, 9% were true cysts, and
ferentiation, proliferation, and migration of endothelial cells the remaining 6% were bay cysts.
EUR Endod J Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

a b c
Figure 2. Etiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Radicular Cyst. (a) Initial inflammatory response provoked by bacterial endotoxins triggers the ar-
rival of immune cells and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, and growth factors such as EGF, KGF, TGF-α, and
TGF-β thus facilitating the proliferation of ERM (33,43,103,104). (b) Production of multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-8, IL-12,
and IL-17 may favour lymphocytes and PMN chemotaxis, causing a dynamic encounter between immune cells and bacterial by-products, resulting
in the formation of a pathologic cavity (21,33,87). (c) Cyst enlargement and growth are controlled by several mechanisms, such as the complex
RANKL/RANK, the expression of MMPs, the endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1), and intracellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs)
and Galectins among others (57,105,107)
EGF: Epidermal growth factor, KGF: Keratinocyte growth factor, TGF-α: Transforming growth factor-alpha, TGF-β: Transforming growth factor β, PGE2: Prostaglandin E2, GAL-7: Galectin-7,
MMP-13: Matrix metalloproteinases-13, ERM: Epithelial cell rests of Malassez, PMN: Phonuclear leukocytes, RANKL: The activator of the nuclear-kB receptor factor ligand


Diagnosis of the IRC is a relevant topic since the histopatho- a b
logical nature of the AP may directly affect the outcome of the
endodontic therapy (6,125,126,128). Therefore, an accurate
preoperative diagnosis could enable correct therapeutic deci-
sions towards executing surgical procedures. Multiple studies
have evaluated the accuracy of non-invasive or minimally in-
vasive methods such as CBCT, ultrasound, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and fluid aspiration, compared with histological
examinations, in assessing the histopathological nature of the
AP before intervention (13,109,128–143). Although promising,
these studies' results are still controversial (Table 3). In clini-
cal terms, the growth rate of the IRC is slow but invasive to
the surrounding tissues (144). Symptoms associated with this
process are usually not perceived, except when exacerbation
processes involving pain, inflammation and tooth mobility are
present (129). Sensibility tests on teeth associated with IRCs
deliver negative results (128,144).
Figure 3. Classification of Inflammatory radicular Cysts. (a) True cyst.
Histological examination of biopsy tissue is currently the refer- (b) Bay cyst
ence for differential histopathological diagnosis of periapical
lesions. (145-147). However, the histological differential diagno- to predictably identify IRCs (126,147,148). PGs can exhibit ar-
sis between IRC and PG is not always accurate (148). Therefore, eas of epithelial lining with proliferating epithelial cells similar
to avoid misdiagnosis, serial sectioning of excisional biopsies to the IRCs (148). Thus, the appearance of epithelial-lined cav-
should be the preferred approach over randomised sectioning ities that may not exist can be seen in some specimens when
of incisional biopsies, from intralesional excisions or curettage, evaluating a random or small number of serial sections from
TABLE 3. Accuracy of non-invasive and minimally invasive methods vs. histological examinations
Author (Year) Diagnostic tools evaluated Main results (Accuracy) Conclusion

Simon et al. CBCT vs. histopathology report The CBCT-scan data and the biopsy report identified 13 of the 17 CBCT scan may be clinically more accurate and
(2006) (129) analysed lesions (76.4% accuracy) as having the same diagnosis (PG/IRC). more useful than a biopsy, providing a diagnosis
without surgical intervention.
Rosenberg et al. CBCT vs. histopathology report 14 of the 45 (31.1% accuracy) lesions resulted in a coincident diagnosis CBCT imaging is not a reliable diagnostic tool for
(2010) (130) (PG/IRC). Notably, there was a high inconsistency between radiologists' the differential diagnosis of IRC and PG. The
reports, evidenced by statistical analyses. histopathological report should be considered the
standard procedure.
Guo et al. CBCT vs. histopathology report 36 CBCT scans of periapical lesions were compared with the CBCT imaging can provide a moderately accurate
(2013) (131) histopathologic reports for the differential diagnosis of IRC/PG. Diagnostic differential diagnosis between IRC and PG.
accuracy ranged between 72% and 83% (AUC: 0.69 to 0.76)
Chanani and CBCT vs. histopathology report 45 periapical lesions were analysed using CBCT scans and compared CBCT diagnosis is moderately accurate for
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

Adhikari (2017) with histopathological diagnoses. Results from this study showed differential diagnosis of IRC and PG.
(128) moderate accuracy (AUC: 0.62 to 0.66)
Pitcher et al. CBCT vs. histopathology report 118 presurgical CBCT scans of periapical lesions from cases that CBCT may be a useful preoperative cyst screening
(2017) (143) underwent apical surgery and had a histopathological diagnosis of IRC/PG tool, but not a substitute for the histopathological
were analysed in terms of lesion volume, density, and specific radiologic report.
characteristics. Diagnostic accuracy ranged between 76.4% and 80%. Notably,
when cyst volume was >247 mm3, there was 80% probability of a IRC.
AlMadi et al. CBCT (adjusted grey density 57 periapical lesions were analysed by CBCT images and biopsy. The AUC CBCT (adjusted grey density values) could not
(2021) (132) values) vs. histopathology report was 0.44 (P=0.45). The adjusted grey density value with the highest distinguish between IRC and PG.
accuracy for identifying IRC/PG had an accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
of 0.54, 1.00 and 0.075, respectively
Etöz et al. CBCT (GSV) vs. histopathology 21 periapical lesions were retrospectively analysed by CBCT and compared CBCT (GSV) is not useful for the differential
(2021) (133) report with the histopathologic reports. There was no statistically significant diagnosis of IRC and PG. A well-defined cortical
relationship between the histopathological diagnosis and the CBCT (GSV) border and a circular shape are distinctive criteria
of the lesions: minimum GSV (P=0.972), maximum GSV (P=0.547). for differential diagnosis of IRC and PG.
Gundappa et al. Ultrasound vs. histopathology 15 periapical lesions were analysed. All the ultrasound diagnoses agreed Ultrasound provides accurate information on the
(2006) (134) report with the histopathological reports (100% accuracy). pathological nature of the AP (IRC/PG). However,
the size of the lesions is understated.
Raghav et al. Ultrasound vs. histopathology The ultrasound examination and the biopsy report identified 20 of the 21 Ultrasonography offers precise information on the
(2010) (135) report lesions (95.2% accuracy) as having the same diagnosis (PG/IRC). pathologic nature of the AP (IRC/PG), which is
crucial for forecasting the course of treatment.
Goel et al. Ultrasound with colour doppler Ultrasound diagnosed IRC with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of Ultrasound has great potential to identify the
(2011) (136) and power doppler applications 90.91% and PG with a sensitivity of 90.91% and specificity of 100% histopathological nature (IRC/PG) of AP.
vs. histopathology report
Prince et al. Ultrasound with colour doppler The differential diagnosis between PG and IRC, based on the ultrasound Ultrasound imaging is a useful technique to make
(2012) (137) vs. histopathology report examination and confirmed by histopathologic analysis, resulted in a a differential diagnosis between IRC and PG by
coincident diagnosis in 13 (86.7% accuracy) of 15 cases. identifying the histopathological nature of the AP.
Parvathy et al. Ultrasound with colour doppler 20 periapical lesions were examined. Ultrasonography identified the IRCs Ultrasound imaging had the potential to be used
(2014) (138) vs. histopathology report in all 11 cases and the PGs in all 9 cases (100% accuracy). for the differential diagnosis of IRC and PG.
However, its diagnostic validity may be diminished
in areas where thick overlying bone is present.
Tikku et al. Ultrasound with colour doppler Out of 27 cases of PGs that were histopathologically confirmed, ultrasound Ultrasound can be used routinely as a
(2016) (139) vs. histopathology report accurately identified 20 (74.1%), whereas it accurately identified all 3 of the complementary method for the differential
IRC cases (100%). Consequently, the technique's sensitivity and specificity diagnosis of AP (IRC/PG). However, its ability to
were 74.1% and 100%, respectively. detect periapical lesions in areas with dense
EUR Endod J

overlaying cortical bone is limited.

EUR Endod J Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

an incisional biopsy or fragmented lesions (148).

Therefore, a definitive histopathological diagno-

differential diagnosis and assessment of IRC and PG.

tool for differential diagnosis between IRC and PG.

Ultrasound provided accurate information for the

enables an accurate differentiation between IRCs

Fluid aspiration may be an alternative diagnostic

sis of the IRC can be achieved only by using se-

MRI is an accurate and non-invasive diagnostic

MRI is a radiation-free diagnostic method that

Ultrasound is a useful tool for identifying the
rial or step-serial sectioning of the entire lesion

and PGs in vivo. Thus, MRI may help to avoid

method to identify inflammatory cytokines

histopathological nature of the underlying
with a root end attached to it, aiming to obtain
the three-dimensional information necessary for

The accuracy of MRI is comparable to

making a differential diagnosis between IRC and

unnecessary periapical surgeries.

AP (IRC/PG) with good accuracy.
PG (126,147). Furthermore, some have suggested

involved in the IRC expansion.

that maxillofacial pathologists should ideally per-

histopathological reports.
form the histopathology to prevent diagnostic
errors and misinterpretation (149). Mullin et al.
(2015) (149), in a retrospective study of diagnos-
tic comparison, reported that IRCs were misdiag-

nosed as ameloblastoma, inflamed odontogenic

keratocyst and odontogenic cyst.

Usually, specimens are stained with hematoxylin

and eosin (H&E stain) before a histopathological
examination, which allows morphological identifi-
20 periapical lesions were evaluated. Histopathological diagnosis confirmed

ultrasound and histological diagnosis of periapical lesions (P=0.25), and a κ

CBCT diagnosed IRCs with 68.57% accuracy and PGs with 71.43% accuracy.

histopathologic examination. IRC fluids contained IL-1 α, TNF- α, monocyte

characteristics allowed for an accurate diagnosis between IRCs and PGs in

cation under microscopy (150). H&E stain is based

12 IRCs and 8 PGs. Ultrasound examination identified all the IRCs and 5/8

on the affinity of the dyes for different cellular struc-

Ultrasound diagnosed IRCs with 82.85% accuracy and PGs with 88.57
respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between

In accordance with histopathological reports, a total of six MRI lesion

Cyst fluids were aspirated from 11 patients. Following aspiration, the

of the PGs. Showing a sensitivity and specificity of 62.5% and 100%,

accuracy. Ultrasound examination showed good concordance with

tures. Hematoxylin is a basic dye with a deep blue-

coefficient (0.667; P=0.002) suggested strong agreement between

pathological periapical tissues were enucleated and submitted for

Before apicoectomy, 11 patients with AP underwent dental MRI.
A total of 24 of the 34 (70.5% accuracy) evaluated cases showed

chemotactic protein-1, and RANTES in high concentrations. The

purple colour that reacts with acidic structures,
such as chromatin in the nucleus. Eosin is a pink
histopathological reports (contingency coefficient: 0.664)

acid dye that non-specifically stains basic struc-

tures, such as connective tissue fibres and proteins.
Therefore, nuclei are stained blue in an IRC biopsy,
whereas the cytoplasm and extracellular matrix
display varying degrees of pink staining (151,152).
ultrasound and histopathological reports.

However, additional stains are frequently used.

concentration of IL-1 α was the highest.

For example, Masson's trichrome stain identifies

the collagen content of the lesion, and the Brown-
Brenn stain modified by Taylor allows the identifi-
AUC: area under the curve, GSV: grey-scale values, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging

cation of the presence of bacteria (153). Moreover,

Main results (Accuracy)

all cases (100% accuracy).

staining the IRC samples enables the identification

consistent diagnosis.

of their different histological layers (Fig. 4).

IRC cavity encloses a liquid, semi-liquid, or

gaseous content with cholesterol crystals derived
from the disintegration of erythrocytes, lympho-
cytes, plasmatic cells, and macrophages (154).
Histological characteristics of an IRC confirm the

presence of a cyst cavity, partially or completely

covered by a non-keratinised squamous stratified
Ultrasound with colour doppler

Ultrasound with colour doppler

MRI vs. histopathology report

MRI vs. histopathology report

Diagnostic tools evaluated

cystic epithelium of variable thickness, where

vs. CBCT vs. histopathology
vs. histopathology report

Cytokine and chemokine

papillomatosis, acanthosis, spongiosis, and even

histopathology report

the presence of fragmented atrophic eroded ar-

levels in IRC fluids vs.

eas can be observed concomitant to the inflam-

matory process (Fig. 5) (104,125,147,155,156).

The basement membrane that provides struc-


tural support to the cystic epithelium is a vari-

able-thickness extracellular matrix layer, which,

(2018) (141)

(2018) (142)

in addition to its biomechanical function, acts as

TABLE 3. Cont.

a regulator of the cell signal of growth, differenti-

Author (Year)

Juerchott et al.
Sönmez et al.

Muglali et al.
(2019) (140)

(2008) (109)

ation, polarity, and gene expression (157). At the

(2021) (13)

Lizio et al.
Das et al.

basal layer level, the presence of the Ki-67 nuclear

antigen and Bcl-2 antiapoptotic protein has been
reported. Ki-67 is a cell proliferation biomarker
Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst EUR Endod J

c b

b d

Figure 5. Histology of the IRC. (a) Cystic cavity (b) Cavity covered by
a hyperplastic stratified squamous non-keratinised cystic epithelium of
variable thickness (c) Irregular dense connective tissue (H&E stain, ×10)
Figure 4. Histological layers of the Inflammatory radicular Cyst. (a) Non-
keratinised stratified squamous epithelium (b) Basement membrane (c) IRC: Inflammatory radicular cyst, H&E: Hematoxylin and eosin
Cyst cavity encloses a liquid, semi-liquid or gaseous content (d) Connec-
tive tissue containing multiple degrees of chronic inflammatory infiltrate,
composed mainly of macrophages, lymphocytes, cholesterol crystals,
Langerhans cells surrounded by multiple collagen fibres and blood vessels

observed in active cell cycle phases (G1, S, G2, and M), associ-
ated with the hyperplastic epithelium of the cyst capsule, and
c a
its expression is higher when intense inflammatory infiltrate
is present. Bcl-2 is a cell death suppressor, significantly asso-
ciated with atrophic epithelium, and its expression is lower
or absent in the presence of intense inflammatory infiltrate
(106,158,159). Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the rate of
epithelial cell proliferation in the IRC is balanced by apoptosis
to maintain the thickness of the epithelial lining (106).

The cystic epithelium is supported by an underlying irregular

dense collagenous connective tissue containing different de- Figure 6. Histology of the IRC. (a) Blood vessels (b) Non-keratinised
grees of acute and chronic inflammatory infiltrate, composed stratified squamous epithelium (c) Collagenous connective tissue con-
primarily of macrophages, foam cells, plasma cells, lympho- taining a large number of inflammatory cells (H&E stain, ×40)
cytes, Rushton hyaline bodies, Langerhans cells, and choles-
terol crystals, which can also be observed in the cyst wall (154– foreign bodies (Fig. 8) (15,126,163–166). In both PG and IRC,
156,160). Numerous fibroblasts and fibrocytes surrounded by foreign bodies are defined as granules and fragments com-
mature collagen fibres are also seen near blood vessels (Fig. 6, patible with extruded remains of amalgam and endodontic
7) (126,161). This connective tissue provides structural support sealant, gutta-percha, cellulose fibres from paper points, and
and plays a functional role (158,162) by releasing cytokines basophilic fragments (calcium salts) derived from calcium hy-
and growth factors, resulting in fibroblast proliferation, in- droxide, among others, that could promote the initiation and
creased extracellular matrix production and eliciting inflam- persistence of periapical lesions (167).
matory cell aggregation (158). Furthermore, the lining epithe-
Differentiating the histopathologic diagnosis of PG versus IRC
lial cells form channels between them, by which the migration
can be difficult since PGs can exhibit areas of epithelial lining
of polymorphonuclear cells from the connective tissue to the
with proliferating epithelial cells similar to the IRCs (167).
luminal surface of the cyst occurs (54). Therefore, molecular in-
Moreover, the PG and IRC comprise two stages of the same
teractions between the epithelium and the connective tissue
maintain homeostasis and expansion of the IRC (162). inflammatory process. Therefore, it can be difficult to iden-
tify differences in the types of cells that belong to each stage
PGs are characterised by the presence of a chronic inflamma- (163,168). The main difference between these two entities
tory infiltrate of T- and B-lymphocytes, plasmatic cells, histio- is that PGs may contain epithelialised areas organised as is-
cytes, and multinucleated giant cells surrounded by a capsule lands or buds existing randomly throughout the lesion (102).
of granulomatous tissue defined by a high content of disor- In contrast, IRCs expose a complete cavity lined by non-kera-
ganised collagen fibres (irregular dense connective tissue) in tinised stratified squamous epithelium where epithelial cells
which fibroblasts are present as well as vascular elements and are connected by desmosomes. The epithelial wall is highly
EUR Endod J Rios Osorio et al. The inflammatory radicular cyst

The development of IRCs stems from a chronic inflamma-

tory process that provokes the proliferation of epithelial cells
present in the PG. Although different theories have tried to
explain this phenomenon, there are still many questions re-
garding the molecular biology of the IRC. Recent research
in the area has demystified different paradigms traditionally
expressed in the scientific literature and has improved our
knowledge regarding the IRC's formation, evolution, and clin-
ical implications. However, based on the current state of the
accumulated knowledge, it can be concluded that the phe-
nomena associated with the molecular biology of the IRC are
still unclear, and further investigation is needed. Efforts should
be focused on elucidating the key biological factors involved
in the epithelial proliferation that turns a PG into an IRC.

Figure 7. Clefts after the dissolution of cholesterol crystals in the IRC Furthermore, histopathological differential diagnosis of the IRC is
wall (H&E stain, ×10) a fairly sensitive technique. Even though from a histological per-
spective, IRCs consist of an inner epithelial lining, a fibrous wall,
and a cyst cavity, IRC diagnosis must be based on a biopsy sample
a with specific and ideal characteristics, which are not always easy
to obtain in the clinical setting. Moreover, the PG and the IRC com-
prise two stages belonging to the same inflammatory process.
Therefore, finding the difference regarding the type of cells that
c belong to each stage tends to be challenging. Consequently, the
need to develop non-or minimally invasive diagnostic methods
with predictable outcomes that allow the identification of the dif-
ferent histological presentations of AP is highlighted.
Conflict of interest: The authors deny any conflict of interest.
Ethics Committee Approval: Not applicable.
Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
Financial Disclosure: This study did not receive any financial support.
Figure 8. Histology of the PG. (a) Irregular dense connective tissue (b)
Angiogenesis (c) The mixed inflammatory infiltrate (H&E stain, ×40) Authorship contributions: Concept – N.R.O., J.C.B.; Design – N.R.O., J.C.B.,
PG: Periapical granuloma H.A.M.; Supervision – N.R.O., J.C.B., H.A.M.; Funding - None; Materials - None;
Data collection and/or processing – L.M.G., J.S.A.M., D.G.P., K.J.J., S.B.M.; Analy-
infiltrated by PMN, unlike PGs, whereas the epithelial strands sis and/or interpretation – L.M.G., J.S.A.M., D.G.P., K.J.J., S.B.M.; Literature search
are infrequently infiltrated by PMN (102,165,169). – J.S.A.M., D.G.P., K.J.J., S.B.M.; Writing – N.R.O.; Critical Review – N.R.O., J.C.B.,
L.M.G., J.S.A.M., D.G.P., K.J.J., H.A.M., S.B.M.
Other differential diagnoses to be considered when IRC is
suspected, in addition to PG, are some entities such as the REFERENCES
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